NPB Plans Dedication of Community Center (PBP) 3-13-85Pam 5-EACH Posr MARCH 13) I R VS 148�778� NP.B Pla s, Dedicatio O.f Commu it. Ce te,.,, By John Koopman '.:;)— .,, Staff Writer NORTH PALM BEACH After more than two years of building, con- tracting, problems, delays and arbi- tration, the village Community Cen- ter was completed last week. - "For two years I've been listening to people ask me when the building is going to 'be done,"' Village Manager Ray Howland said. ' "It's a relief." The hours of the new center are fluctuating, pending the hiring of a staff by the Recreation Department. There will be a formal dedication ceremony March 31 at 2 p.m. at the Community Center, 1200 Prosperity Farms Road. The center was scheduled to open in December 1982 but the opening was delayed due to construction, de- fects. The village fired the original con- tractor, Cox and Palmer Construc- tion of Fort Lauderdale, and hired the La Croix Construction Co. of Lake Worth to finish the job. Howland said the project's final cost will be about $900,000. He said $600,000 was donated by village resi- dent George Dela:corte. The building consists of a gymnasi- um, a stage, two dressing rooms, a lobby and an office. Village Recreation Director Jac- queline Wheeler said the center will be used for athletic events, cultural events and will provide a meeting place for community functions. Mark Hodgkins, village athletic su- pervisor, will have an office at the center and will, do most of the pro gramming. Howland said the village will hire., parttime custodian to care for thi center and a fulltime Recreation De partment employee who will work there and at other f acilities. Manager Ray Howland Iffls a relief'