Jaycees admit women for first time in history (WD) 9-12-84Jaycees admit women for first time in hi By Pat Lobasz The, atmosphere was certainly different at a specially called meeting of the North Palm Beach/Palm Beach Gardens Jay- cee meeting last Tuesday, September 4. About 35 Jaycees attended and over a dozen women, following a Supreme- 17ourt Decisior, requiring Jaycl to admit women. "Girls in th(. guys in the back, " joked one of Lne members. At the Florida Jaycees Conven- History was maile v . Tuesday eening, as twef:� women were sworn In ats, Jaycees at the NPD/1'IG' Jaycees meeting. Lion '--he weekend of August 18,'the we're a community organization state oCoided to merge the Jaycees and we must continue with what and Jayc%_- Women; complying our organization is all about--pro- with the court decision. Now the viding leadership training and NPB/PBG club had to vote in community service." Before the favor of the bylaw change or lose vote he went on to read'fi-om the their charter. Robert Frost poem: "Two roads Jon Flah, NPB/PBG Jaycee diverged in a wood. I took the one President said, "A lot of people less tt-aveled by and that ingoAde alki, feel this was dumped upon, us the dlffert,.nce, suddenly by the national and state The "loard tc-, lated the organization. However, .we must Jaycees' vote's ans.-I, h announc- move on and work with the women. (Please *U: PA GE 3) (Continued from PAGE 1) ed, "We have an overwhelmin majority to swear the women in.' Twelve women rushed up the fror amidst applause, held up the right hands and repeated th Jaycee creed. They filled out thei checks for membership fees an history was made. The new organization ion got dow to discussing old and ne busirielss. Rocco Pellegrino rece'i-v ed ar; twa.-,M -for the best quarte project.-.41 ' fie 5th of July refresh ments and fireworks at the Nort Palm Beach County Club Pellegrino chaired the successfu project after having been a Jayce g member for only a short time. Thanks were also extended to t Jaycees for their fundraising it efforts for MDA at the roadblocks e and the Ark Restaurant. r Individual Development Vice d President, Guy Chaifetz, announc- ed that there were three o'ings A on the board: director, se(- _e�ary, v, and administrative .vice president. - The board will dis.c ' uss job r descriptions with those., interested - and nominations will be acceptedh at the next meeting. Upcoming activities discussed I included a fashion show/brunch at e the North Palm Beach Country Club, September .15 at 11 a.m.' Fashions and models provided by Lilly Pulitzer. A $50 money tree will be given away and a silent auction will be held. For tickets and further information call Betty Queureaux, 848-0100 (day), 626- 1237 (evenings). The Jaycees . passed around sign-up sheets for workers for their annual Halloween flaunted House at the Twin City Mall and their annual Xmas Tre-,, Sale. They also circulated a sign-up sheet for new t-shirts. Other projects are being s considered and information will be forthcoming. Former president of th NPB/PBG Jaycee Women, Tridal Draluck, said, ."Details, on procedure of the merger will be worked out at the fall conference. We're not our chapter or your . chapter, we're us.' Co 0 C1