Rotary Club Installs New Officers For 1966 6-30-66Rotary Club Installs � New Officers or 1966 The Rotary Club of the North Palm Beaches installed their new offi- cers f or the coming year. Carl I. Cassell, first president of the club when it was char- tered in January of 1960 and at present a newly elected director, gave a brief history of the ac- complishments of the newest of the Rotary Clubs in the Palm Beaches. Mr. Cassell presided as the new of- ficers were given their official duties for the coming year. Ole B. N i s s e n accepted the gavel and forthcoming duties as the newly elected President of the club. Other officers pic- tured lef t to right are: Thomas F. Roberts, Di- rector; Vernon Kem- p e r, Treasurer; Ru- dolph M. Arsemicos, Secretary; Carl I. Cas- sell, Director; Ole B. Nissen, President; and Henry D. James, Vice - President. The installa- tion was held Friday, June 24th at the North Palm iseacn uoun ry Club and a lovely buf- fet proceeded the occa- sion. Afterwards, the Sheppard Quartet Or- chestra provided enter- tainment. The club has their regular meetings each Monday evening at the North Palm Beach Country Club at 6 : 30 P.M. and visiting Rotary members and their guests are always welcome. PHOTO BY CLARK'S PHOTOGRAPHY