NPB Rotary Inducts 3 New Members 11-3-66CLUDS AND ASSOCIATIONS
N-,-.,PB Rotary Inducts, 3 New Members
The Rotary. Club of the Pictured above stand -
North Palm Beaches ing from left to right
inducted three new Ro- are: Ole Nissen, Pres-
tarians into their mem- ident of the Rotary
bership on their Mon- Club, new member
*"W day evening meeting, Lloyd Prouty, Security
October 31, at the Col- Broker, new member
onnades Beach Hotel. Dr. John Riggs, Veteri-
narian, new member
Dr. Robert Laurence,
Pedodontist. Seated
are: Ferman Henn,
Charter Club member
and Past - President
and Hank James, Vice