Obert's get a room in library after years of community service (WD) October 28-November 3, 1987Obert's get a room
in library after years
of community
Thelma Obert isy nrau pees
The "Obert Room" was officialy
dedicated in the North Palm Beach
Library Oct. 19 in honor of Thelma
Obert and her late husband, Dr. J. Edwin
Many North • Palm Beach Village
officials were on hand including Mayor
Tom Valente, Village Manager Ray
Howland and several councilmembers to
dedicate the room in Obert's name.
The Oberts were commended for their
extensive work in the North Palm Beach
community. The Oberts helped establish
the North Palm Beach Library and have
served the area since they arrived in
1956, said Judy Pierman, Mayor Pro-Tem
of the North Palm Beach Village Council
and presentation chairman. Obert still
serves on the Library Advisory Board.