North Palm Beach honors Thelma Obert 1985North Palm Beach honors Thelma Obert C? In honor of Thelma Obert the North Palm Beach Branch has established the' Thelma Obert Research and Projects Endowment. One of the Branch founders and the second president, 'Thelma Obert has served the Branch in many capacities during its twenty-six years. Of outstanding value were her efforts and relentless work in the organization of the North Palm Beach Library Association which evolved into the North Palm Beach Public Library. She has conti_..3ed to serve the community as a member of the Library Board Commission. Thelma Obert is currently historian and parliamentarian of the North Palm Beach Branch. Named honorees to the Thelma Obert R & P Endowment are Judy Pierman, Jane Havill and Betty Moore: Judy Pierman just retired as a two -term (four years).)resident of the NPB Branch and is presently Division Liaison and a mem-. ber of theDivision Task,.:Wce dealing with leadership and the succession of of- ficers. '.::Jane Havill, also .a former Branch president, is chairman of the study group Women in Literature. Betty Moore is editor of the Branch bulletin. Branches which have not as yet established their own EFP funds are invited to channel such monies to the Thelma Obert Research & Projects Endowment. Betty Moore, P.I. Chair 1037 Marina Dr. North Palm Beach, FL 3340S