Library Friends help out (Helen Purcel, Mrs. Helen Gilden)PEEKMG FRODI THE
SHELVES of North Pahn
Beach Village Library is Mrs.
Herbert Gilden, chairman of
the library board. She was
caught by photographer Mark
Foley as she participates in
a special work session held'.
by the American Association ;
of University Women this
week. Their mission? To im-
prove library conditions by
sorting magazines, moving
stelves, and making curtains
for the magazine room.
Library Friends Help Out
AAUW Will Meet Mon.
The North Palm
books, make new cur -
Beach Village Library
tains for the small rea-
will be the scene of the
ding room and offer
May 16 meeting of the
their services for any -
North Palm Beach
':hing that needs doing.
Branch of AAUW. The
Mrs. Eugene Leh -
members, who were in-
mann, Mrs. William Ab-
strumental in the for-
bott, Mrs. Robert White,
mation of the library,
and Mrs. Joseph Heath,
will make this a working
will report to the busy
workers the proceedings
In the past, it has
of the AAUW Florida
.been customary to hold
Division Workshop in
a Spring Benefit for lib-
Daytona which they at-
rary funds, but this year
tended April 30 and May
AAUW'ers will move
1. The meeting will be
shelves and books, as-
at 8 p.m.
sist in processing new
BUSY TYPISTS — Mrs. Helen Purcel, librarian, From left, members are; mrs. xsenlamm west, ivnrs.
(standing) directs AAUW members in processing Leslie Churchill, Mrs. Eugene Lehman, and Mrs.
new books at the library session held by the group. William Abbott.