New library site okayed in North Palm 1962-1963'New .library
Site Okayed
In North Palm
33-hiember committee for a pro-
Posed library in the Village of
North Palm Beach has been grant-
ed permission to set up the new
library in the former country club
building on U. S. 1.
Next step is to begin acquir•
ing books, and this trill be the
subject of discussion at the next
committee meeting Tuesday at
( the North Palm Beach Ele•
mentary School, according to j
Mrs. Ralph Hids. Mrs. Huls and j
Dr. Don Bicknell are co-chair-
men of the group.
Several organizations are al
ready cooperating on the library
project. Their representatives will
report on expected funds for thel
purchase of books. Other books .
tiliiions.11 be given as individual dona-
The library itself will culminate
more than a year of planning and
ultimately may become part of a
county library system.
During last year the Ameri.
can Assn. of University Women
studied library possibilities in
the area and presented the prof -
(let before the village council. '
The Rotary Club has also done
Ia study in behalf of the pro-
posed library.
Anyone interested in helping i
promote the library is invited to
attend the group's third meetingli
Tuesday. Eventually supporters of
the project will become an organ-1
ization, probably called "Friends
of the Library."