AAUW asks funds for a library 1962-1963P AUW Asps E Funds For j A Library 'NORTH PALM BEACH — The new village country club clubhouse virtually is completed, the Village i Council learned Tuesday night. Contractor Thomas L. Hodges said his work is done "except for a few odds and ends." Some kitchen equipment re- mains to be installed, but it won't be delivered until Oct. 23, Hodges said. "I am very proud of that swim- ming pool," Bodges said. "It is the biggest one south of Atlan- ta." Councilmen t`k under consid- erzLion azequest from dele ation of women from the North Palm Beach Branch of the American Assn. of University Women. Mrs. Thomas H. Hart Jr. sai the communi —a need for a 1_ i'Urary, and thaw' counoi men hit aid itsrW' owt b m g available funds _ readin ing room in the 01d country club btulding. Other members of M's Harts group cited a need for library fa cilities to serve children, senior citiz nse and the ublic at awe. IS_uring the past summer, the worn- en reporte c dren used the school` lib " —® �`-- Without discussion, councilmen awarded a $2,165.08 contract to Roger Dean Chevrolet Co, for a new four -door police car.