Live in a Sportsman's paradise ad (Field and Stream magazine) 19570 village of I Ao� All - Kof \ ONLY MINUTES AWAY from deep no or fresh water fishing, hunting, golf, or sailing. Na idle p,omilM thew... For Me village IF Noob Polm Enron ie lbomlly Me anler of a rpomman's I ... dim. HIM 6, f9mmen, hunter gaHup or Iwafmg mlM1miort will !red endleu oppmlunity to indulge in is b, ire such. Not Mon antl a Img dose awes, free home.., but M mere minube ... Bo^t red, boll, or will be In lotion... for this "is the life" in the Alm, of North Palm B... h. Narvonolly zud a If Me switch, firms Mournful m the lung' If burnt palm Bead aH"111 own Country Club ., mmplele nioipal w"ion... were, and whose discount plants... it, own Mission Hall... posed Iwi and ndewalks... Box obscure ,it nlepMne service k, assay IM... a ought and shopping hoses mw aMe• mewniao... and sl regulations He perpetual p of your vn m dri B at," you towelling you would aspect of a finm oommunhy plus a life for sportsmen unequalled anywMrel MAIL TODAY! .aea PA•I'"Cer WRITE NOW For FREE Pholh-illud,ared .> win. ul, urge..e 1, nee bum ewe n.na. Bomwe Her bulb the complete story of IM1e a e. o I. "I', If North Pole Bind .1 1. for, bil this lownws,y III.... village of diots, iORTH'ALMSE.4CH1 I"""""""" U.S. HIGHWAY No. 1—ORTH PABEACH, FLORIDA I m NLM same. PHONE Vichur 4.3417... A0 Cammunily with IM1e Forward wokl 0xs.m 0wu.w""Nishm,