North Palm Beach Country Club spiral booklet (undated)7W7
0430 0340
0327 ,290
jji2 4
T e Xorth Balm Beach Country Club & a village- ownedandoperatedrecreationalfacility con-
sisting of an 18 hole, YackXiicklaus `Signature "Course. 9lroi th Palm Beach Country Club repre-
sents the secondmunicTalgo f course designed6y Ncklaus a renovation wFiicli was undertaken
andcompletedin 2006 9 e Y&klaus Desyn team red synedtliego f course which' now includes
a new irrigation system, totalre grassing of allthe playing surfaces, newgreens construction and
improvedfairway surface drainage. I%iefacilty includes a lW.6teddriving range, puttinggreen,
gofshop, anda well-appointedlocferroomfacilty.
I%ie Country Club'also boasts ten f q,6tedYYar--Iru tennis courts as wellas an o ympic-sizedswim-
ming poolanddving platform. ,numerous activities are of redthrough our Recreation Depart-
ment at thesefacilties
-,4n arqui site dining room and lounge overlooking both the pool andgo f course is openedfor
6reaof st, lunch andd nnerprovufi'ng montAfy specials andCve entertainment on designatedeve-
f � Y
The Xorth Palm Beach Tennis Centerhas 10,71ar Tru courts that have Been recent y re-
fur6ished,?llcourtsFiave lzghtsforeveningplay. There are two redoundnetsforpiac-
ticing alone andalso a Aallmachineforrent. Ilse tennis centerhas retail pace, showers,
restrooms, a mul i purpose room, anda large patio forplayers to socialize afterplay
Our North Palm Beach pool has new tile, new lane fines and aggregate fini ski! Ire
water is heatedto 80 degrees ,q 6lane 50 meterpoo� Diving Wedu,*,6platforms Ilse
complex also includes 3 kiddie pools, a snack gar, locker rooms, prosliop andpicnic area
v /
the 2006 red synedNorth Palm Beach Country Club is the on y year-roundmunicTal
"Nicklaus Signature Course' in the VnitedStates Its award -winning design (Ranked
#27 on jCo�fiveek'' Top 30 WunicTalCourses aZ #1 MunicipalCourse in Flonda)fea-
tunes rolfng terrain along the Seminole PIdge. From the back tees the course plays to a
par 71 at 7071 yards Vndulatinggreens with deep bunkers await approach shotsfrom
thegenerous roll ng fairways Five sets of tees willaccommodatego fers of allages and
a6il ty levels ,I grass, lghteddriving range is open 7 days a week until 9pm.
Tie Village Tavern restaurant is- locatedon property andfeatures afullsemice Aar,
lunch anddnner menus, a pool zde snack6ar, banquets, catering andprovides five enter-
tainment severalnights a wee!
October 1, 2010 - Septem6er 30, 2011
IRysident Xonreside-nt
junior $ 94.79 $110.76
Single $392.99 $SO4 81
rFamiy $50481 $67Y21
• Country chid arperience at value pricing.
• .14menities andprograms of nationalrecognitiM
• Service %vets of a private clu6,• open to the pu6iic.
!Facilities.- IO JYar--2'ru courts that have been recent y r f r6zded,4ffcourts have ly. ftsforevening play. There are two rebound
netsforpractk7i iq alone andalso a 6aldmachineforrent. Tne tennis center has retail -space, showers, restrooms, a multi purpose
roomy anda fargepatioforpfayers to socialize afterplay.
PPu6l c !Facil ty.• T e 9lrorth Pabn Beach Timis Centerhas a very active mem6ersFiip andis a pudlcfaciiity that is open to every-
one. Daiy wad! in courtfees are availa6le.
Professionals. The profesmonaftennis staff is YJ,�,4 or VSPrR certfimdandaffare available for lessons We currenty have
several professionals to meet your tennis needs
Um !Franklin.- Kim, Director of Innis ftogramming, furs drected tennis programs at exclusive country cfu6 communities for
overfifteen years In 1990 aftergraduatingfrom rFlonda-,*fantic Vniversity with a Bachelors Degree in Busznessf7dninistia-
tion -kim started her career at (Frenchman s Creek C C. Over the years Kim has Been Director of Tennis at severaffacilnties
Aashawtuc C. C, (Frenchman s Reserve, and -Parkland qo f aZ C C.
Programs., the tennis program includes private lessons, group clinics for adults and children, speciafevents, children's camps
(summer, spring, andwinte), team tennisforeveryone, monthyjuniortournaments, monthyaduftand
juniorsocials, andmuch
L shape; 6lanes 50 meterpool
6) 50 meter lanes or
(6)25yards lanes
Diving Well wit,6 wing platforms
10 m, 7m, Sm, 3m andlm
3 Ktdde pools
Snack bar
Locker rooms
1r'ro shop
O?nic area
Competitive Swim Team
,4nnualpoolAlem6erslr y Rates
Alay 1st, 2010-,4pril30, 2011
kesident .9Nbn-12esident
Family is definedas• Famiy mem6eiship has been definedas husdandanda7fe andafdchildren
M years of age or younger(f in high sch000,, or matnzcudating undergraduate �codlege) student,
witfi a maximum age not exceedng twenty-three�23)years
Wfsidency Tfquirements• cvfsidency status apples to the homeowners non-commercial) resid-
ing within the limits of the village of 9lrorth Padm Beach, Flonzda, or to those who are year-round
renters in the
�irl��titta Je
Xortlz (Pafm Beach 1&sidents
Dues Tax Total
Single $2,205.00 $143.33 $2,348.33
Famiy $3,360.00 X218.40 $3,578.40
Single $3,200.00
Family $4, 300.00
$3, 408.00
of Pfus - Xorth Pafm Beach Residents
(Cjolf, Tennis ePboo
Dues Tax Total
Single $2, 477.00 $161.01 $2, 638.01
Famiy $3,770.00 $24505 $4, 015 05
off P&s - Non-&sidents
(y'o f 7ennzs a� Pool0
1D s Tax Total
Single $3,S67.00 $231.86 $3,798.86
Family $3, 770.00 $245.05 $4, 015.05
Memberships are available to both residents and non-residents ,4t the time an appCcation for membership is sud-
mittedone must furnishproof/documentation of residency within the vffage ofNorth Falm Beach in order to re-
ceive a "resident"rate. /gfinem6ersft ps are subject to the Q�wfes andRsgulations of the North Palm Beach Country
Cfu6 andthe village ofNortli Palm Bach as appCzcadle
,/? resident &.-
1. ,q person who resides andpays taxes in the village of North Pafm Beach, eitherfuflor
part-time resident.
<Proofofownerslzip is a deedor tax bill.-
2. /q person who rents residentialproperty within the corporate Omits of the village of oafs
Palm Beach on
a futT time basis and w!o is a6fe to produce proof of suchfull=time residency. �? twelve-
month lease
11 m_ , _.
J brth Pafm Beach Business Alemdershivs
(g7or.9VM Business Owners Rfsding Outside the Vil&ye)
Dues Tax total
Single $2,205.00 $143.33 $2,348.33
Family $3,360.00 $218.40 $3,578.40
Corporate Afem6eg6
(ForEmpfoyees of the same company wishing to join togetlwer)
Dues Tax Total
Silver (Par) $10, 000.00 $650.00 $10, 650. 00
Cjoid(Birde) $14,000.00 $210.00 $14,910.00
Flatinum(Eagk)$17,500.00 $1,137.50 $18, 637.50
II -Inc& ve Cart Program
ddFees to,7nnua1Mem6ersh47s Pnz e)
Dues lax total
Single $3, 000.00 $195.00 $3,195. 00
Eack-Additional $2,750.00 X187.75 $2,928.75
,junior goff Pass
(Ofredto ?Youths Bewteen the.Ages of8-18)
Dues lax Total
1&sident $300.00 $19.50 $319.50
Non-1&sident $300.00 $19.50 $319.50
(VaAdMay 1st Septem6er30th�
Dues lax Total
Cart Fees Ony $495.00 $32.18 $527.18
.,1lllnchimve $995.00 $64. 68 $1, 059. 68
We offer the fol%wing siC (6) mem6ers,46Y c;&K4fizcations•
Consz.'sting of6usdandandwife andallc6ildren, 18years ofage oryounger, or matriculating
undergraduate (college) student, with a maximum age not exceeding 23 years
,Idult male orfemale, over the age of I8.
Open to North T'alm Beach Business Owners who reside outside of the village. ,4vaifa61e as Single or
rFami y Memberships (as df'nedadove)
Silver (Par Gever.• Entitles to up tofour(4) indi viduals that meet tde requirements ofa `Single
Mem6ership"that are employedwithin the same business organization which care 6e venfzeddy either
tax returns, pay -studs or other means determinedsufficient 6y the pillage. T e individuals namedon
the Corporate Memdersdip may act as `Single Members "as dfineda6ove except that the Business will
receive one (1) monthly dillforadc6arges incurreddy any andallof the individuals
Cjold(Birdte Lever.• Same as Silver gut this mem6ers6ip comes witifzfty (w)prepaidrounds ofgoif
(Cart, greens Fee et tar) w6ic6 can 6e usedat anytime throughout the Fiscal Year These rounds are
YVoq'redeemadleforcaK,, merchandise orany otderproduct orservice other than the roundofgof
Their willde a pnntedcert feat%oupon for each of these rounds w6ic6 must dot6 & mentionedat
time of tee -time reservation andpresentedat time ofplayy pa cert fcat%oupon is not presentedat
time ofplay, t6egoferwillde requiredto pay the appropriate Walk in Rate appdca6lefort6at time
andday. No exceptions
zPlatinum (Eagle Lever- Same as ybld6ut this mem6ers60 comes with one hundred(100)prepaid
rounds ofgoif (Cart, greens Fee et tar) w6ic6 can 6e usedat anytime throughout the Fucal7ar.
q&se rounds are N07red emadle for cash merchandise or any otherproduct or setfirice other than the
tvundofgof Their will6e a pnntedcert fcat%oupon foreac6 of these rounds w6ic6 must 6ot6 6e
mentionedat time of tee -time reservation andpresentedat time ofplay. If a cent fcat%oupon is not
presentedat time ofplay, tfzego f r willde requiredto pay the appropriate Walk In Pate appltcadlefor
that time andday. Xo exceptions
9V012TYf1PIMM DE gcyfC07 ATRI2'CLVs AfEWOEM917PS(Con tin
,7VdW012 g0Kg71r'�ZSS.
Tize yunior qofftss is offeredto youth between the ages of8 and18. yuniors Between the ages of 8
and12 years ofage must de accompanied6y an adult Myears ofage or older.
Summer goifWem&rships run from May 1, 2011 throughSeptem6er30, 2011. SummerMem6ers do
NOT'fwve charging pHmfeges at the Country Clu6 (adcharges must 6e made with cash or credit card).
Summer0ption,4 Includes allgreensfeesformemderatanytime. Mem6erresponsi6lefor,9LL
other charges andfees
Summer Option 0 Includes 6otdgreensfees andcartfeesformemders when playing anytime on
Monday -Thursday andafter 11.•00am on g7nday-Sunday and7foAdays If the member chooses to play
Before 1100am on Friday Sunday oraYfoCufay, tfzzey wilyde responsible for the appCtca,% member
cartfee charge.
Tfxfoz2owing items are availadle ONL Yto-%WCCMemders andafffees are in addttzon to the annual
7JNLIMIIzED o70,CT C qRq T ,0gR9A1
.?ny mem6er who Gas purcfzasedan annualmem6ers6ip is also entitledto purchase the VniimitedCarts
Option which willalfow the mem6er to use a cart whenever they playfor no additionalc&rge. Tfw
7JrzlmitedCarts Option ftogram Fee is 19 gDDi -fV0Xto andAfV5T'6e purchasedwith an,qAWV 4L
MEMBERS9fIP This program entitles the purchasing mem6er to one (I) seat in a cart per roundand
does not permit them to take are h0v4fivalcart or exchide their cart -riding partner orguest from paying
Me appropriate Cart Fee and!Vreens Fee.
Members may rent the use ofa lockerfor the Fiscaf ear (Octo6erl, 2010 thru Septem&r30, 2011) in
either the Men's Locker 1Wpom orLadzes'Locker IWpom.
Members may rent space in the Bag Roomfor the Fiscal Near (October 1, 2010 t6ru Septem6er30,
2011) On ygoif dogs anddu& may 6e storedin the Bag IWpom as there is not adequate room for the
storageofpullcarts, travel6ags/covers or other items
~Crispy Calamaii $7
Rpmaine, gratedPaimesag, Drizzled
21/ztnijalapeno ragasco
Asian Chicken Wings $7
Sweet etSpkysauce
~vegetable Spring 91�017'$7
4bai Dtppingsauce
Sesame seared Luna $9
,4sian Slaw, Creamy Ponzu Sauce
Shrimp Coc)F�ail$9
Micro !Teens, Mango Drizzle Cockjatlsauce
Short ggsluder$9
Bratsedshort rigs, caramel'wedonions, harse=64 cream sauce
~VS1 Cheese Burger$7
Oafpoundburger, lettuce, tomato, onion,
7urchoice ofclteese--,?mencaq, swiss, cheddar, hue cheese
,/?dddacon $1.00
~Cheddar Bacon Bar6eque Chicken Sandwich $7
grtlledc6tcken breast on a Rauerrog lettuce, tomato, onion
~village Lobster Club $11
Lo6stersalad, toasted6rioche dread bacon avocado,
lettuce, tomato, mayo
~Crag Cake Sandwich $9
Oven 6akedcrag cake on a Kazserrolx creole remoulade sauce,
caramelrzedonions, lettuce, tomato
~Spicy Buffalo Chicken Wrap $6
Cnspy c6tcke,4 flourtortileq hot sauce, ranch dressing,
c&ddarc6eese, lettuce, tomato
~ Chicken Ceasar Wrap $6
CjmTedchtcker,Aurtorttlla, romatne lettuce, tomato, ceasardreming
~ Delt'Board$7
'Your choice of — Egg salad, tuna salad, chicken salad
Onyourchoice of6read- w66te, wheat, rye, brioche, Kaiser rod
Lettuce, tomato, onion, mayo, must
9*&k Palm BeachSalads
~ Ceasarsalad$8
Crisp Rpmaine Asuago Cheese, Croutons, Ceasar Dressing
,4ddy'nlled06tcken $2, Shnm $3, steak$3
~ Co66Saladp$9
lee6urgLettuce, Bacon, Blue Cheese, Egg, /ftocado, Tomato,
Cucumber, C7n&dChicken
~ CoastalSalad$9
Miredgrw4 Port Wne PoachedPear, Blue Cheese DnedCrandemes,
Tomato, Cucum6er, SpicedCandtedPecans, 4arr on Vinaigrette
~Bar-B-QShrimp Salado
MixedCreens, gnffdBar-B-QShrimp, Bacon, RpastedPeppers,
CarameCzzedonions, Tomato ClzipotleOoneyLime Vinaigrette
Dressings Blue Cheese, Ranh, T ousandlsland, Ceasar,
Balsamic Zfnaigrette, Chipotle.7foneyLime ?vinaigrette,
Tarragon Vinaigrette
8oz jCnZledfilet $22
Melted(Blue Cheese, Caramerwedonioty Port TO)ie Rfduction
~12oz X IYStrip Steak$20
Cabernet Demi daze, 7a6acco Onions
~Cedar Planksalmon $19
RpastedPsdPepperCoulu Mango Salsa
v76ove EntreesServed4?/rth 4/egeta,% of the Day
.,ndPotato oft6e Day
Smokey Shrimp etjea Scallop Linguine $18
2'omato, Basil Manchego Cream Sauce
Logster 12aviol' $16
Fresh Baste Porta6efla Mushrooms, AtannaraSauce,
Parmesan Cheese
l6& menu & on y a smallportion ofallthe available options
we offer We create andcustomwe a menu cateredto your
needs Get us male your next event a memorable one.
U _ t
Begins with our unique location. Nestled on a 1temier ",�ackNickhm" signature goCf
course, our elegant banquet room offers e4raordinary views of the magnificent greens
and fairways of the crown jewel in North Balm Beach. Only your imagination can
limit the menu, no event is too 6ig or too smaCffor the North Talm Beach Country CCuk
Our full -service gourmet kitchen is completely staffed with the finest cuCnary profes-
sionals. (From the most elaborate dishes to those of eregant simplicity, you wilCsavor
the best in International andAmerzcan cuisine. We also carry the top 146ers in liquors,
champagnes andwines available.
14mem6er the days when specialevents hada sense of taste and tradition? Ourwhite-
grove service brings 6ackthe pleasure andsophistication of daysgone by. We specialize
in all types of events including but not limited to 'Wedding q;�fceptions, Ceremonies,
Bar/Bat Mitzvahs, Anniversaries, Sweet SiVeens, Quinceaneras, Corporate Events,
1f hearsals, Birthdays, Reunions as wellasWeetings andMolufay parties. Ourdirector
of catering wiClsee that alCaspects of planning your event will6e effortless and enjoy-
abCe. Our Catering professionals can workwith any budget to make sure your event is
one to remember.
.Mors d "oeuvres
.Mini Crab Cakes
Goliipop Lamb Chops
.Mini Beef Welington
Spring &llr
SmokedSalmon EnSve
Stuff dMuslirooms
Conch Fritters
(Prime J6
Chicken .Marsala
Chicken 0?ata
Village Chicken
TannedJearedSea Bass
Oven &asted7urkey
Filet .Mignon
Shrimp Scampi
Fenne a la vodka
YVew 2'orkCfxesecake
Chocolate Mousse
Chocolate Lava Cake
Bananas Foster
7Cey Gime Oe
Creme Brulee