North Palm Beach Country Club folder (undated)T
F i
Ire North Palm Beach Country Club is a village -owned and operated recreational facil iy
consisting ofan 18-6oleyackNck1aus `Signature "Course. Ire 9lrort6 Balm Beach Country Club
is the second municipalgo f course designed dy NcFlaus, a renovation which was undertaken
andcompletedin 2006 Ire Ncklaus Design team redesignedthego f course which now includes
a new irrigation system, total -re -grassing of adthe playing surfaces, newgreens construction, and
improvedfairway surface drainage. Ire facil ty includes a Lighted dn"ng range, putting green,
go f shop, anda well appointed%cker room facil ty.
Ire Country Clu,6 also boasts ten lig6ted.9far--7ru tennis courts as well as an Oympic-sized
swimming pool and wing platform. Y*merous activities are offered through our Recreation
Department at t6esefacifities
-7n equmte dining room and lounge overlooking 6ot6 the pool andgof course is open for
6realfast, lunch and dinner provufing montdiy specials and five entertainment on designated
.Forth Palm Oeach Country Cud
951 VS. JYl r,hway one
.North Palm Oeani Ef 33408
qo fShop 561-6913433
&staurant -f61-691-9430
?enn&Sfwp S61-691-3425
fool 561-6913427
G shape; 6lanes, 50 meterpool
Diving Wedwitla divingplatforms
10 m, 7m, Sm, 3m, andIm
3 7(i�id e pools
Snac! 6ar
GocFer rooms
Dro shop
l9icnic area
Competitive Swim team
,4nnualpoofMemders* Rates
The North Palm Beach country club was originally housed in a Mediterranean -style building that
was constructed by Harry Kelsey in 1925. Designed by the French architect, Louis De Puyseger, it
was known as the Palm Beach Winter Club. The area that would one day become the Village of
North Palm Beach was originally in Harry Kelsey's land holdings.
Kelsey then sold the Winter Club to Sir Harry Oakes, who added a south wing onto his new
home. Beginning in the 1950s, the building changed hands numerous times (at one time it
was owned by John D. MacArthur) until the Village purchased it in 1962. The mansion was
approved as a historical site, but it was torn down in the 1980s. The opening ceremony for
the new country club was held in 1963; the old Winter Club stood nearby for some time until
it was finally tucked away into the pages of history.
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Ihe.Ao&6 Balm Beach Country Club is a Village -owned and operated recreationalfacifity
consisting of an 184,ole yackNcFlaus `Signature "Course. Ilie 9lrorth Balm Beach Country Clu,6
is the second municipalgo f course designed dy Ncklaus; a renovation wkt?k was undertaken
andcompletedin 2006 Ilse Ncklaus Design team redesignedthego f course which now includes
a new irrigation system, totalre grassing ofallthe playing surfaces, newgreens construction, and
improvedfairway surface drainagehefaciiity includes a Caghteddz'ving range, puttinggreen,
go f shop, anda well appointed locker room facil ty.
Ilse Country Club ahso boasts ten 1aghtedYfar--7ru tennis courts as well as an Olympic -sized
swimming pool -and riving platform. ,Numerous activities are offered through our Recreation
Department at these facilties
,4n exquisite dning room and lounge overlooking both the pool andgof course is open for
6realfast, lunch and dnner providng monthly specials and l ve entertainment on designated
o 70
® x
I>ie .worth Palm Beach Tennis Center has ten 9farTru courts that have been recently
rfr6zs6ed ,4ll courts have Cig6ts for evening play. There are two rebound nets for
practicing alone and also a ball machine for rent. 17ie tennis center has retail space,
showers, restrooms, a multi purpose room, and da large patio forpiayers to socialze after
Our Xort6 Pafm Beach pool has new tile, new lane lines and aggregate finish! Ilie
water is heated to 80 degrees, has 6 , 50 meter lanes and a Diving Well with
platforms Ilie complex also includes 3 kid -die pools, a snack Aar locker rooms, pros6op,
andpicnic area.
Ilse 2006 redesignedXort6 Balm Beach Country Club is the only- yearroundmunicipa7
`Ncklaus Signature Course " in the VnitedStates Its award -winning design �1&nked
#27 on goffweek's Top 30 Municipal Courses eZ #1 Municipal Course in Florida)
features ro7ing terrain along the Seminole Ridge. From the 6acktees the courseplays to
a par 71 at 7071 yards Vndulating greens with deep bunkers await approach shots
from t6egenerous rollingfairways Five sets of tees wil7accommodatego fers of allages
anda6ilty levels jgrass fWAteddiving range is open 7days a -week until9pm.
Ilse Village Tavern restaurant is located on property andfeatures a full service Aar
lunch and dinner menus, a pools7de snack6ar, Banquets, and catering. Live
entertainment is providedseveralnig6ts a week
G shape; 6lanes, 50 meterpool
Diving Wed with diving platforms
10 m, 7m, Sm, 3m, andlm
3 7(iddie pools
Snack 6ar
locker rooms
1r'ro shop
T nic area
Competitive Swim Team
-,qnnua1poofMem6ers6T Rates
Way 1st, 2010-.,gpi130, 2011
Resident Xon-Resident
Family is d fi nedas• Nusdandandwafe andallcdildren 18years of age oryounger(ifin kyksch000,, or matriculating
undergraduate (college) student, with a maximum age not exceedng 23 years
&sidency fquirements• 1&sidency status apples to the homeowners (non-commewizo residing within the limits of the
Village ofYortlz Palm Beach, Florida, or to those who are year-roundrenters in Me vlage. ,q vaCufdnver's lcense is
requiredfor identfcation .
October 1, 2010 — September 30, 2011
Resident Nonresident
$ 94.79
$110. 76
$504.81 '
• Country clud experience at value pricing.
• 4menities and programs of nationalrecognition.
• Service levels of a private clu6,• open to the pudic.
!Facilities.- Ioj ar-7ru courts that lave been recentAy r f r6zsded-NI-courts lave Crg6tsforevening play. There are two redound
netsforpracticing alone andalso a 6allmachineforrent. Ilie tennis centerdas retailspace, showers, restrooms, a multi purpose
room, anda largepatioforplayers to socialize afterplay.
ft6lie Facility.• Tie Nortd Talm Beach Tennis Center has a very active memoersfiT andis a public facility that is open to
everyone. Daily walk-in court fees are available.
Professionals• Ilse professional tennis staff is 7JS1TV or VSrT9 R cert f edandallare available for lessons We currently' lave
several professionals to meet your tennis needs
10m Frankfin: Director of 2ennzs ftogramming, has directed tennis programs at e.;cdumve country club communities for over
fifteen years In 1990, of ergraduating from Flonda,Vfantic Vniversity with a Bachelors Degree in Businessgdminzstration,
Kim started her career at (Frenchman s Creek C C Over the years Kim has been Director of Iennzs at several facilities
Xashawtuc C. C, Frenchman s Wfserre, andParkland qo f & C C
Programs.- Ilse tennis program includes private lessons, group cl"nics for adults andck ldren, special events, clildren's camps
summer, spring, andwinter) team tennzsforeveryone, montlyjuniortournaments, monthyadult and
juniorsocuzls, andmucl
9lrortFa Paim Beach 12esidents
$2, 205.00
$2, 348.33
$3, 360.00
$3, 578.40
$3, 200.00
$3, 408.00
Fami y
$4, 300. 00
$279. 50
$4 579. 00
'9#'Pfus - .Forth Pa!m Beach Residents
(CJb�f, 2enni5. & Pboo
Dues at Total
Sing% $2, 477.00 $161.01 $2, 638.01
famiy $3, 770.00 $245.05 $4, 015.05
b,lCr1'lus - .won -Residents
(CCo f T nniv aZ P000
Dues lax Total
Single- $3, 567.00 $231.86 $3, 798.86
Famiy $3, 770.00 $245.05 $4, 015.05
Memberships are available to both residents and non-residents ,17t the time an applcation for membership is
submitted, one mustfurnis6 proof/documentation of residncy within the Village of MNortlz r1'aln Beach in order to
receive a 'resident "rate.-/lllmemoersfzips are subject to the 12ules andRegulations ofthe.Vbrth Palm Beach Country
Clu6 andthe village of North Pain Beacl as applca6le.
.,4 resident zs-
1. I person who resides and -pays taxes in the --lJillage of Nord 1'aln Beacl eitlerfullorpart-time resident. Roof
of ownerskip is a deedor tax bill
2. 4 person wlzo rents residentialproperty within the corporate limits of the -Pillage ofVVottk Baln Beach on a
full time basis and who is able to produce proof of suchfull time residency. ,,7 twelve-month lease agreement may
6e usedas proof of residency.
9lrorth Palm Beach Business Alemderships
for91W Business Owners &sudng Outside the Village)
Dues tax 2otaf
Single $2, 205. 00 $143.33 $2, 348.33
family $3, 360.00 $218.40 $3, 578.40
Corporate Memderships
For Employees of the same company wishing to join togethe
Silver (Par) $10, 000. 00
$650. 00
$10, 650. 00
q,old(Birde) $14,000.00
Blatinum(E•ag%) $17, 500. 00
$1,137. SO
$18, 637. 50
,Vf-Inclusive Cart Dropram
dd!Fees to.,4nnuafWem6erships Bizce)
Dues Tax 2'otal
Sing% $3, 000. 00 X195. 00 $3,195. 00
i'ach/Iddztional $2, 750. 00 $187. 75 $2, 928. 75
,junior C,olf Pass
(Offeredto Youths (Bewteen the -Ages ofxm)
Dues Tax Total
&sident $300.00 $19.50 $319.50
.won-&sident 000.00 $19.50 $319.50
(ValudAtay 1st September30tfi)
Dues Tax Total
Cart (Fees Onfy $495. 00 $32.18 $527.18
,4ffInclusive $995. 00 $64. 68 $1, 059. 68
itdxdi% ,
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We offer t/ie following sLr (6) membership classifications
Consisting of Fius6andandmfe andallckiddren, 18years ofage oryounger, ora matriculating undergraduate (college
student, with a maximum age not exceeding 23 years
.?dul male orfemale, over t6e age of 18.
Open to Yortli Talm Beach' Business Owners who reside outside of the villagefftaifagle as Single or Family
_fem6ersdips (as dfi"nedadove)
Sliver (Par Lever.• Entitles up to four (4) individuals that meet the requirements of a `Single rYfemdersdip " that are
employed within the same business organization which can de venfied 6y either tax returns, pay -studs or other means
determinedsufficient 6y the village. The individuals namedon the Corporate Afem6ers6ip may act as `SingleMemders"
as d fineda6ove except that the business willreceive one (1) monthly dillforallc6arges incuned6y any andallof the
gofd(Birdie Lever. Same as Silver out this membership comes withfifty (SO)prepaulrounds ofgo f(Cart, Greens Fee
of ta) which can 6e usedat any time throughout the Fiscal�Year. These rounds are Y07redeemadleforcash, merclian-
diseorany ot6erproductorservice ot6ert6ant6eioundofgof Ilierewilldeapnittedcertf'cat%ouponforeach of
these rounds which must both de mentioned at tee -time reservation and presented at time of play. If a
cert f cat%oupon is not presentedat time ofplay, the gofer wt1f de requiredto pay the appropriate Wall In Pgte
applcadle for that time andday..Vo exceptions
iPlatinum (Eagle Lever.• Same as gold 6ut this mem6ersdip comes with one hundred (100) prepaid rounds ofgof
(Cart, !,Teens Fee & tar) which can de usedat anytime throughout the 97iscal2ear These rounds are NO2"redeema6le
for cash, mere6andiise or any other product or service other than the round of gof There will 6e a printed
cent f "cat%oupon for each of these rounds w6ic6 must de mentionedat tee -time reservation andpiesentedat time of
play. If a cent f'cat%oupon is not presented at time of play, the gofer will de required to pay the appropriate
Wall In %ate applcadle for that time andday. Xo exceptions
9V0122-fr1',q.CMOEgC7fCOVYV7RYCLyBWE OE12,MIPS(Continuf
77JN70R C,OLFrI,g SS.'
The junior goif ftss it offeredto youtds Between t,6e ages of 8 and18. ,quniors Between the ages of 8 and12 years
ofage must de accompaniedoy an adult 18years ofage or older.
Summer Co f r femderskips run from May 1, 2011 through Septemder 30, 2011. Summer Alem6ers do ,VOI'dave
charging privileges at tke Country Clud �allcdarges must 6e made witk cask or credit card
Summer Option AIncludesallgreensfeesformemoeratanytime. Memoerresponsi&eforI Lotderchargesand
Summer Option A, Includes dotkgreensfees andcart feesformemders wden playing anytime on Monday-27iursday
andafter 11: 00am on Friday Sunday and9fohdays If the memder ckooses to play before 11: 00am on Friday -
Sunday or a Nolday, tdey widge responsible for the applca6lz memder cart fee charge.
09ME12 ME-WEA SYfIf IIfE.r U
Ihefollowing items are availa,% OXf Yto XMCCAlem6ers andallfees are in addition to tde annualmem6ership
y9VLIWI2tE1D 170EFO121"1�1061 IM
,9ny memder who kas purchasedan annmatmemderskip is also entitledto purc&se the vnfimitedCarts option w&ck
willallow tde memder to use a cartforno additionalcdarge whenevertheyplay. Ilie vnlmitedCarts option ftogram
Fee is IN/41rXi 171OYVto andA17JS76e purchasedwitd an ,I,9V'N'ZJW MEAMERS:MIP 1Tiis program entitles tke
purc& gng memder to one (1) seat in a cart per roundanddoes not permit them to tale an ind viduatcart or exclude
tdeir cart-nding partner orguest from paying the appropriate Cart Fee and Creens Fee.
Wemders may rent the use of a loclerfor the Fiscal- Year (Octo6er 1, 2010 thru Septemder 30, 2011) in eitder tde
Alens'Locler Room orLades'Locler Room.
Members may rent space in the Bag Roomfor tde Fiscal2ear (Octo6er 1, 2010 thru Septemder 30, 2011� On ygotf
bags and clu& may de storedin the Bag 1Wpom as there is not adequate room for the storage ofputtcarts, travel
lags/covers or other items
The village Tavern restaurant is Located on
property and features a full service bar, lunch
and dinner menus, a poo(side snackbar,
6anquets, catering. .Give entertainment is
provided several nights a week.
~Crispy Calamari
Womazne, gatedParmesan, DnL-zled
Witkjalapeno Yadasco
,gsian Chicken wings
Sweet cZSpky Sauce
~vegeta6leSprin9 ROIT
ai 1�ippzngsauce
Sesame Seared Luna
Awn Slaw, Creamy Bonzu Sauce
Shrimp Cocktail
Micro greens, Mango D zzzle Cocktazlsauce
Lunch Specials
;Short Rd Slider
Braisedshon rigs, caramefwedonzons, horseradish cream sauce
~VS1 Cheese Burger
Oafpounddurger, lettuce, tomato, onion,
Your choice ofcheese—,?merzcan, swiss, cheddar, blue cheese
/?dd6acon $1.00
~C6eddar Bacon Barque Chicken Sandwich
grzlledchzcken breast on a rtya&erroff lettuce, tomato, onion
~ylfage Lobster Cfu6
Lo6stersalad, toasted6rioche breadd, bacon, avocado,
lettuce, tomato, mayo
~Crab Cake Sandwich
Oven 6akedcra6 cake on a 2(azser roll creole remoulade sauce,
carame&-edonzons, lettuce, tomato
~Spicy Buffalo Chicken wrap
Crispy chicken, flour tortilldy hot sauce, ranch dressing,
cheddarcheese, lettuce, tomato
~ Chicken Ceasar Mrap
C3'rzlledchzckery flour tortilla, romaine lettuce, tomato, ceasar dressing
~ Deft Board
Your choice of — Egg salad, tuna salad, chicken salad
On your choice of 6readl white, wheat, rye, 6noche, YTazser roll
Lettuce, tomato, onion, mayo, mustard
YVorth Palm 0each,Salads
~ CeasarSalad
Crisp Pgmaine, /7szago Cheese, Croutons, CeasarDiesszng
,7ddC,'rzlledChzcken, Shrim , Steak
~ Co66Salad"
Iceberg Lettuce, Bacon, Blue Cheese, Egg, X vocado, Tomato,
Cucumber, qn&dChzcken
~ CoastalSalad
Mzredgreen, [Fort Wine ToachedPrar, Blue Cheese, DnvdCranbernes,
Tomato, Cucumber, SpzcedCandr-ditcans, Tarr on Vinaigrette
~Bar B-QShrimp Safari
Mgedgreens, grzfledBar-B-QShrzmp, Bacon, Wpasteditppers,
Caramefwedonions, Tomato, ChipotleYfoneyLime Vinazgrette
ftesszngs• Blue Cheese, IPgnch, housandlsland, Ceasar,
Balsamic vinaigrette, Chzpotle Noney Lime Vinaigrette,
Yarragon VIz7azgrette
8oz C,'rilled Filet
AfeltedBlue Cheese, Caramel' edonzon, Port Wzne wfduction
~120z X IY Strip Steak
Cabernet Demz daze, 2a&cco Onions
~Cedar PlankSalmon
WoastedRfdPepperCouCu, Mango salsa
.,16ove EntreesservedWith Vegetadle ofthe Day
,lndPotato ofthe Day
Smokey Shrimp CZ Sea Scallop Linguine
Ymato, BasK Manchego Cream Sauce
Lobster 12aviol'
Fresh Basic Poita6efla Mushrooms, Marmara Sauce,
Pannesan Cheese
1i ieN' i t I r— I TT: i A
lnY: P ?eft
It all6egins with our unique Location. Nestled on a premier '�7ack9VickLaus" signature
golf course, our elegant 6anquet room offers extraordinary views of the magnifi'cent
greens and fairways of the crown jewel of North Palm Beach. Only your imagination
can limit the menu. Xo event is too 6ig or too smallfor the North Palm Beach Country
C146. Our full -service gourmet kitchen is completely staffed with the finest culinary
professionals. Trom the most ela6orate dishes to those of elegant simplicity, you will
savor the best in International andAmerican cuisine. We also carry the top la6els in
liquors, champagnes and wines.
2smem6er the days when special events had a sense of taste and tradition? Our
white glove service 6rings 6ack the pleasure and sophistication of days gone 6y. We
specialize in all types of events including but not limited to: 'Wedding &ceptions,
Ceremonies, (Bar/Bat Witzvahs, Anniversaries, Sweet Sixteens, Quinceaneras,
Corporate Events, W§hearsals, Birthdays and 14unions, as well as 9Keetings and
7foh-day parties. Our director of catering will see that all aspects of planning your
event will6e effortless and enjoya6le. Our Catering professionals can work with any
6udget to make sure your event is one to remem6er.
amt x C-��
hs- , menu iv only a small portion of all the options .moors doeuvres
we offer TO create anf customize a menu catered to your
needs Get us make your neat event a memora6!e one.
Mini Cra6 Cakes
Gollpop Gam6 Chops
Mini Beef Welington
Spring 12olls
SmokedJalmon End ve
ftffed Pnstni s
Conch Fritters
Pt7me 12i6
Chicken Marsala
Chicken Ti ata
Village Chicken
Panned dSearedSea Bass
Oven 12oastedTui rkey
,Toasted zDuck
Filet Mignon
Shrimp Scampi
Tenne a la vodka
Yew York Cheesecake
Chocolate Mousse
Chocolate Cava Cake
Bananas Foster
Key Lime Or
Creme Brulee