Hepatitis Disease Awareness MonthPROCLAMATION VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH OFFICE OF THE MAYOR HEPATITIS DISEASE AWARENESS MONTH WHEREAS, Palm Beach County recognizes Hepatitis C as a major public health issue, with many who become infected are unaware of their diagnosis unless accurately diagnosed through testing. Hepatitis C is a liver disease caused by the Hepatitis .0 virus (HCV) that typically produces no symptoms. Over decades, it can lead to severe liver disease, including cirrhosis and liver cancer. Most of those infected are unaware that they have the disease. HCV is the most common chronic blood- borne infection in the United States, with an estimated 4.1 million Americans (1.8 percent of the population) being infected; and WHEREAS, Palm Beach County ranked 3 d for Hepatitis C for the state of Florida in 2017, posing increased public health challenges to our community; and WHEREAS, in 2016, Florida reported 29,757 cases of Hepatitis C. Forty-seven percent of chronic Hepatitis C cases are in individuals aged over 50 years, whereas 19 percent of chronic Hepatitis C cases are in individuals aged under 30 years. However, 37 percent of acute, or newly infected Hepatitis C cases are in individuals under 30 years of age; this is due in part to increasing rates of injection drug use related to the opioid epidemic; and WHEREAS, Palm Beach County recognizes Hepatitis C is transmitted via blood, most commonly by injection drug use, and before 1992, by blood transfusion. No vaccine is available, and no medications have proven effective in preventing infection after exposure however, it can be preventable through prevention education, risk -reduction education, and community outreach; and WHEREAS, Hepatitis Awareness Month provides an opportunity for Monarch Health Services, in partnership with the Florida Department of Health in Palm Beach county and the Village of North Palm Beach to raise awareness about the impact of Hepatitis C in our communities and to promote the importance of prevention, risk -reduction education, testing for, and treating Hepatitis C; and NOW, THEREFORE, I, Darryl Aubrey, by virtue of the authority vested in me as Mayor of the Village of North Palm Beach, do hereby proclaim May 2021 as: HEPATITIS DISEASE AWARENESS MONTH in the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Seal of the Village of North Palm Beach toybV affixed this 19th day of April, 2021. Mayor