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03-25-2021 VC REG-A with attachments
VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH REGULAR SESSION AGENDA VILLAGE HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS THURSDAY, MARCH 25, 2021 501 U.S. HIGHWAY 1 7:30 PM Susan Bickel Mark Mullinix David B. Norris Darryl C. Aubrey Deborah Searcy Mayor Vice Mayor President Pro Tem Councilmember Councilmember Andrew D. Lukasik Leonard G. Rubin Jessica Green Village Manager Village Attorney Village Clerk In accordance with Palm Beach County Emergency Order Number 28, to the extent not in conflict with applicable laws, all individuals, businesses and establishments are required to adhere to all applicable social distancing guidelines issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ("CDC"). In order to reduce the spread of COVID-19, the CDC recommends that all persons continue to social distance by staying at least six feet away from other people who are not a part of their household in both indoor and outdoor spaces. Consequently, given the limited space within the Village Council Chambers, the Village of North Palm Beach shall utilize communications media technology to facilitate and encourage public participation in this meeting electronically, via internet access or telephone. The Village is physically reintroducing the public to its meetings while adhering to CDC guidelines. A limited number of members of the public – approximately 25 people -- will be able to participate in the Library’s Obert Room. Access to the Obert Room during the Council meeting will be on a first come, first served basis. INSTRUCTIONS TO JOIN MEETING ELECTRONICALLY To join meeting by computer (video & audio) click or type the following link in address bar: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82107884471?pwd=eUM0SDA2dk1mMS9zZG0vdWdzYzJ5QT09 Meeting ID: 821 0788 4471 Passcode: 350127 To join meeting by phone (voice only): 877 853 5257 US Toll-free 888 475 4499 US Toll-free Meeting ID: 821 0788 4471 Passcode: 350127 Public Comments: Public comments can be submitted by filling out the public comment form that can be accessed by clicking the following link Public Comment Form. Public comments can also be made by leaving a voice message at 561-904-2126. All public comments will be read into the record at the Public Comment portion of the meeting. Regular Session Agenda, March 25, 2021 Page 2 of 3 ROLL CALL INVOCATION - VICE MAYOR PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - MAYOR AWARDS AND RECOGNITION APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Minutes of the Regular Session held March 11, 2021 COUNCIL BUSINESS MATTERS 2. RESOLUTION ACCEPTING ELECTION RESULTS 3. ADMINISTRATION OF COUNCILMEMBER OATHS 4. NOMINATION OF OFFICERS - MAYOR, VICE MAYOR, PRESIDENT PRO TEM 5. RESOLUTION APPOINTING COUNCIL OFFICERS 6. ADMINISTRATION OF OFFICER OATHS - MAYOR, VICE MAYOR, PRESIDENT PRO TEM STATEMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC, PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS Members of the public may address the Council concerning items on the Consent Agenda or any non agenda item under Statements from the Public. Time Limit: 3 minutes Members of the public who wish to speak on any item listed on the Regular Session or Workshop Session Agenda will be called on when the issue comes up for discussion. Time Limit: 3 minutes Anyone wishing to speak should complete a Public Comment Card and submit it to the Village Clerk prior to the beginning of the meeting. DECLARATION OF EX PARTE COMMUNICATIONS PUBLIC HEARINGS AND QUASI-JUDICIAL MATTERS 7. MOTION – DIMENSIONAL EXCEPTION APPLICATION FOR 909 EUCALYPTUS ROAD Consider a motion to approve or deny the Dimensional Exception Application for a Recreational Vehicle located at 909 Eucalyptus Road. 8. MOTION – DIMENSIONAL EXCEPTION APPLICATION FOR 2526 HONEY ROAD Consider a motion to approve or deny the Dimensional Exception Application for a Recreational Vehicle located at 2526 Honey Road. 9. PUBLIC HEARING ON FILL PERMIT APPLICATION TO INSTALL FILL AND CREATE SEAWALL Public Hearing on the request of Joshua Marino for the issuance of a fill permit to extend the bank approximately 9.5 feet for the construction of a new seawall at 598 Anchorage Drive. 10. PUBLIC HEARING AND 2ND READING OF ORDINANCE 2021-05 – CODE AMENDMENT – CANDIDATE QUALIFYING PERIOD Consider a motion to adopt and enact on second reading Ordinance 2021-05 amending Chapter 10 "Elections," Article I, "In General" of the Village Code of Ordinances by amending Section 10-5 "Candidate for Office; Qualifying," to amend the qualifying dates for the Village's General Election. Regular Session Agenda, March 25, 2021 Page 3 of 3 CONSENT AGENDA The Consent Agenda is for the purpose of expediting issues of a routine or pro -forma nature. Councilmembers may remove any item from the Consent Agenda, which would automatically convey that item to the Regular Agenda for separate discussion and vote. 11. RESOLUTION – Approving a blanket purchase order in an amount not to exceed $11,000 with Flying Scot, Inc. for sidewalk removal and replacement and rehabilitation work on Lighthouse Drive. 12. Receive for file Minutes of the Golf Advisory Board meeting held 1/18/21. 13. Receive for file Minutes of the Environmental Committee meeting held 2/8/21. OTHER VILLAGE BUSINESS MATTERS 14. RESOLUTION – FISCAL YEAR 2020 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT Consider a motion to adopt a resolution accepting the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report prepared by the Village Auditor for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2020. 15. RESOLUTION – POLICE MOTORCYCLE PURCHASE Consider a motion to adopt a resolution approving the purchase of two BMW police motorcycles from BMW Motorcycles of Fort Lauderdale at a total cost of $51,199.36; waiving the Village's purchasing policies and procedures; and declaring two 2017 Victory police motorcycles as surplus and authorizing their disposal. 16. RESOLUTION – PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT LOADER BACKHOE PURCHASE Consider a motion to adopt a resolution approving the purchase of a John Deere 310SL Loader Backhoe from Dobbs Equipment, LLC at a cost not to exceed $115,279.75; declaring one 1999 John Deere Backhoe as surplus property and authorizing its disposal. 17. RESOLUTION – AGREEMENT WITH TREASURE COAST REGIONAL PLANNING COUNCIL FOR ADDITIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR U.S. HIGHWAY 1 CORRIDOR PROJECT Consider a motion to adopt a resolution approving an Agreement with Treasure Coast Regional Planning Services for additional services related to FDOT review of the U.S. Highway 1 lane repurposing feasibility analysis in an amount not to exceed $9,500; and authorizing execution of the Agreement. COUNCIL AND ADMINISTRATION MATTERS MAYOR AND COUNCIL MATTERS/REPORTS VILLAGE MANAGER MATTERS/REPORTS 18. DISCUSSION – Anchorage Park Dry Storage Update REPORTS (SPECIAL COMMITTEES AND ADVISORY BOARDS) ADJOURNMENT If a person decides to appeal any decision by the Village Council with respect to any mat ter considered at the Village Council meeting, he will need a record of the proceedings, and for such purpose he may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based (F.S. 286.0105). In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, any person who may require special accommodation to participate in this meeting should contact the Village Clerk’s office at 841-3355 at least 72 hours prior to the meeting date. This agenda represents the tentative agenda for the scheduled meeting of the Village Council. Due to the nature of governmental duties and responsibilities, the Village Council reserves the right to make additions to, or deletions from, the items contained in this agenda. DRAFT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA MARCH 11, 2021 Present: Susan Bickel., Mayor Mark Mullinix, Vice Mayor David B. Norris, President Pro Tem Darryl C. Aubrey, Sc.D., Councilmember Deborah Searcy, Councilmember Andrew D. Lukasik, Village Manager Len Rubin, Village Attorney Jessica Green, Village Clerk ROLL CALL Mayor Bickel called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. All members of Council were present. All members of staff were present. INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Vice Mayor Mullinix gave the invocation and Mayor Bickel led the public in the Pledge. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The Minutes of the Regular Session held February 25, 2021 were approved as written. STATEMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC Mayor Bickel read into the record a public comment received from Rita Budnyk, 804 Shore Drive. In her comment, Ms. Budnyk expressed concerns regarding over-sized “box” homes being built on residential properties. Ms. Budnyk recommended that the Village draft a code that places limits on the height of residential structures, limits on the width of second story homes and side-front and backyard setback requirements for a home and other structures built on a property. Mayor Bickel read into the record a public comment received from Patricia Williamson, 849 Fathom Road West. In her comment, Ms. Williamson expressed her concerns regarding trucks speeding down the alleyway along U.S. Highway 1 and the impact on the alleyway traffic if U.S. Highway 1 is narrowed. ORDINANCE 2021-05 CODE AMENDMENT – CANDIDATE QUALIFYING PERIOD A motion was made by Vice Mayor Mullinix and seconded by Councilmember Aubrey to adopt on first reading Ordinance 2021-05 entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 10, “ELECTIONS,” ARTICLE I, “IN GENERAL,” OF THE VILLAGE CODE OF ORDINANCES BY AMENDING SECTION 10 -5, “CANDIDATES FOR OFFICE; QUALIFYING,” TO AMEND THE QUALIFYING DATES FOR THE VILLAGE’S GENERAL ELECTION; PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Draft Minutes of Village Council Meeting held March 11, 2021 Page 2 of 5 ORDINANCE 2021-05 CODE AMENDMENT – CANDIDATE QUALIFYING PERIOD continued Village Clerk Jessica Green explained the reason for the ordinance. Mrs. Green stated that in preparation for the 2021 Municipal Election, the Palm Beach County Supervisor of Elections advised that municipalities who had qualifying periods in January to move them to November or December in order for them to prepare, create, print and mail vote-by-mail ballots. The Villages current qualifying period was the first seven business days of January. The proposed ordinance would move the qualifying period to the first seven business days of December. Thereafter, the motion to adopt on first reading Ordinance 2021-05 passed with all present voting aye. There was no ex-parte communication by Council for the following item: PUBLIC HEARING AND SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE 2021-04 CODE AMENDMENT – THE SHOPPES AT CITY CENTRE COMMERCIAL PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT A motion was made by President Pro Tem Norris and seconded by Councilmember Aubrey to adopt and enact on second reading Ordinance 2021-04 entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 2010-22 CREATING THE SHOPPES AT CITY CENTRE COMMERCIAL PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT TO GRANT AN ADDITIONAL WAIVER FOR A MULTI-TENANT MONUMENT SIGN; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Principal Planner Alex Ahrenholz explained that the reason for the ordinance was to provide an additional waiver to allow a multi-tenant monument sign for the Shoppes at City Centre. Mayor Bickel opened the public hearing on the Shoppes at City Centre Commercial Planned Unit Development ordinance. There being no further comments from the public, Mayor Bickel closed the public hearing. Thereafter, the motion to adopt and enact on second reading Ordinance 2021-04 passed with all present voting aye. Mayor Bickel read into the record a public comment received from Kathleen Baummier, 909 Eucalyptus Road. In her comment, Ms. Baummier expressed her concerns regarding the impact of dredge, fill and construction activities in the Lake Worth Lagoon. Ms. Baummier affirmed the Village’s opposition of the activities. CONSENT AGENDA Councilmember Searcy moved to approve the Consent Agenda. Vice Mayor Mullinix seconded the motion which passed unanimously. The following items were approved: Receive for file Minutes of the Planning Commission meeting held 2/2/21. Receive for file Minutes of the Recreation Advisory Board meeting held 2/9/21. Draft Minutes of Village Council Meeting held March 11, 2021 Page 3 of 5 CONSENT AGENDA continued Resolution – Amending Resolution 2020-25 to provide for additional Leave Bank hours for Village Employees due to the Covid-19 Pandemic. Resolution – Opposing proposed dredge, fill and construction activities within the Lake Worth Lagoon. Resolution – Repealing Resolution 2006-97 supporting the Adopt-A-Unit Program created by America Supporting Americans and reaffirming the Village’s Support of military units through Support Our Troops USA, Inc. RESOLUTION 2021-20 – SIDEWALK REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT BLANKET PURCHASE ORDER A motion was made by Vice Mayor Mullinix and seconded by President Pro Tem Norris to adopt Resolution 2021-20 entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA APPROVING A BLANKET PURCHASE ORDER IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $24,563.00 WITH FLYING SCOT, INC. FOR SIDEWALK REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT UTILIZING PRICING ESTABLISHED IN AN EXISTING CITY OF PALM BEACH GARDENS CONTRACT; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Special Projects Director Chuck Huff explained the purpose of the resolution. Mr. Huff explained that the blanket purchase order was for sidewalk removal and replacement at various streets in the Village. Vice Mayor Mullinix stated that damages to sidewalks may be caused by planting the improper types of trees. Vice Mayor Mullinix recommended reviewing and updating the code relating to the types of trees that may be planted within the Village. Thereafter, the motion to adopt Resolution 2021-20 passed with all present voting aye. MAYOR AND COUNCIL MATTERS/REPORTS President Pro Tem Norris thanked residents for re-electing him to Council and stated that it was a privilege to serve the community. Mayor Bickel expressed her appreciation to residents for re-electing her to Council and stated that she was grateful that the residents of the Village believe in the direction that they are headed and in the work that the Council has done. Mayor Bickel mentioned that a letter was received from Mr. and Mrs. Weber regarding complaints of noise at the Country Club. Mayor Bickel asked Mr. Lukasik to discuss the actions the Village has taken to rectify the situation. Mr. Lukasik discussed and explained what the Village has done so far to address and resolve the issues of noise coming from the Country Club. Mr. Lukasik stated that staff had been working closely with the Webers to solve the problem. Mr. Lukasik stated that they were currently working on installing Plexiglas barriers around the speakers, amplifiers and percussion instruments. Mr. Lukasik stated that he has asked the Webers to contact the Police Department whenever they are having any issues with noise coming from the Country Club. Draft Minutes of Village Council Meeting held March 11, 2021 Page 4 of 5 MAYOR AND COUNCIL MATTERS/REPORTS continued Mayor Bickel asked if more trees could be planted along the barrier of the Country Club to mitigate noise. Mr. Lukasik stated that more trees have been planted as a barrier. Mayor Bickel distributed copies of a resident survey that she had done during her recent campaign. Mayor Bickel stated that the survey went out randomly to approximately 4000 residents and she received 145 responses back. Mayor Bickel discussed and explained the categorization and organization of the responses. Mayor Bickel stated that she was encouraged that most of the responses reflected that the Village was moving in the right direction. Mayor Bickel recommended that resident surveys be done on an annual basis. Information Technology Director Michael Applegate indicated to Mayor Bickel that Mr. Weber wanted to make a public comment. Max Weber, 517 Greenway Drive, gave a history of the issues of noise coming from the Country Club that he had experienced. Mr. Weber expressed his concerns regarding the responses he has received from the Village and Police Chief Jenkins with regards to the issues. Councilmember Searcy thanked Mayor Bickel for conducting the resident survey. Discussion ensued between Councilmembers regarding the usefulness of the resident survey. It was agreed that the resident survey was useful and that more should be done in the future. VILLAGE MANAGER MATTERS/REPORTS Recreation Director Stephen Poh gave an update on the upcoming Heritage Day event in the Village. Mr. Poh stated that staff was proposing the weekend of April 9th to hold the event. There would be a family movie night on Friday night at Anchorage Park and a pool party and family bar b que on Saturday at the Country Club. On Saturday evening there will be food trucks and games at Anchorage Park. Councilmember Searcy requested an update on Easter festivities. Recreation Director Stephen Poh gave an update on the upcoming Easter festivities in the Village. Mr. Poh stated that the weekend of April 3rd there would an Easter bunny at Anchorage Park. Residents can drive up through the rear of Anchorage Park and be able to get a socially distanced picture taken with the Easter bunny and would also receive a goodie bag. Reservations are required and will be open to be received beginning next week. Mr. Poh stated that a fire truck would begin riding around the Village with the Easter bunny the weekend of March 27th. Country Club General Manager Beth Davis stated that on Passover, Farmer’s Table would be offering a traditional Seder dinner on March 27th and an Easter brunch on April 4th. Mr. Poh thanked Mayor Bickel and Councilmember Searcy for coming out and presenting the winning Recreation Youth Soccer League team with their championship trophy. Mayor Bickel stated that she received emails thanking her and Councilmember Searcy for presenting the trophy. Mayor Bickel recommended that Council should continue to present awards and trophies to the Village’s Youth Leagues in the future. Draft Minutes of Village Council Meeting held March 11, 2021 Page 5 of 5 VILLAGE MANAGER MATTERS/REPORTS continued Mr. Lukasik stated that the Jewish Community Synagogue has coordinated a vaccine distribution event on Monday, March 15th. Mr. Lukasik stated that there were possible traffic and coordination issues and that staff has reached out to help. Mr. Lukasik gave an update regarding the funding that the Village would receive through the American Rescue Plan. Mr. Lukasik stated that the Village may receive approximately 5.5 million dollars and asked Council to begin thinking about a future discussion and or workshop to discuss how to distribute and prioritize the funds. Mr. Lukasik gave an update on the various Public Works’ projects currently taking place throughout the Village. Mayor Bickel congratulated and thanked Chief Jenkins and the Village’s Police Department for the Village receiving another Safest City Award. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 8:18 p.m. VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH OFFICE OF THE VILLAGE CLERK TO: Honorable Mayor and Council THRU: Andrew D. Lukasik, Village Manager FROM: Jessica Green, Village Clerk DATE: March 25, 2021 SUBJECT: RESOLUTION – Accepting and declaring the results of the March 9, 2021 general election Article III (“Legislative), Section 2 (“Election and terms”) of the Village Charter provides that “[o]n the second Tuesday in March of each year, a general election shall be held to elect members of the village council.” Furthermore, Article V (“Qualifications and Elections”) of the Village Charter provides as follows: Section 4. General and runoff election. “Whenever a general or special election is held to fill any elective office in the Village of North Palm Beach, the candidate receiving a majority of the votes cast at such election to fill such office shall be declared to be duly elected …” Section 5. Unopposed candidates. “In the event not more than one (1) person qualified as a candidate for a designated seat on the village council to be filled at an election, that seat shall not be listed on the regular village election ballot. Each unopposed candidate shall be deemed to have voted for himself.” The official results of the general election held March 9, 2021 are attached. The attached resolution has been prepared and/or reviewed for legal sufficiency by the Village Attorney. Recommendation: Village Staff recommends Council consideration and approval of the attached Resolution officially accepting and declaring the results of the March 9, 2021 general election. Page 1 of 2 RESOLUTION 2021-____ A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, ACCEPTING AND DECLARING THE RESULTS OF THE MARCH 9, 2021 GENERAL ELECTION; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, on March 9, 2021, the Village of North Palm Beach held a general election in accordance with all applicable Village and state law requirements for the purpose of electing Councilmembers to the Village Council for Groups 2 and 4; and WHEREAS, two candidates qualified for Group 2 and two candidates qualified for Group 4 during the time required for the filing of a Notice of Candidacy, and the names of these candidates were placed on the ballot and submitted to the electorate; and WHEREAS, the Village Council wishes to officially accept and declare the results of the March 9, 2021 general election. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, as follows: Section 1. The foregoing “whereas” clauses are hereby ratified and incorporated herein. Section 2. The Village Council accepts that the following are the results of the general election held on March 9, 2021: For Village Councilmember, Group 2: Susan Tiedemann Bickel 2059 Colby Briggs 826 For Village Councilmember, Group 4: John Frerking 1106 David Norris 1773 Section 3. Based on the foregoing results, the Village Council hereby declares that the following candidates are elected as Councilmembers for Groups 2 and 4: For Village Councilmember, Group 2: Susan Tiedemann Bickel Page 2 of 2 For Village Councilmember, Group 4: David Norris Section 4. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS ______ DAY OF _______, 2021. (Village Seal) MAYOR ATTEST: VILLAGE CLERK RESOLUTION 2021-___ A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, APPOINTING THE MAYOR, VICE MAYOR AND PRESIDENT PRO TEM FOR THE UPCOMING YEAR; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, Article III, Section 3 of the Village Charter provides that the Council shall elect from among its members a Mayor, a Vice Mayor, and a President Pro Tem to serve at the pleasure of the Council; and WHEREAS, the election of the Mayor, Vice Mayor and President Pro Tem shall be conducted annually at the first regular Council meeting after the Village election. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, as follows: Section 1. The Village Council hereby elects from among its membership the following persons to serve as Mayor, Vice Mayor, and President Pro Tem of the Village Council of the Village of North Palm Beach: _____________________ Mayor ____________________ Vice Mayor _____________________ President Pro Tem Section 2. The above-named Mayor, Vice Mayor, and President Pro Tem shall hold office until their respective successors shall be elected in accordance with the provisions of the Village Charter. Section 3. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS _____ DAY OF ________, 2021. (Village Seal) MAYOR ATTEST: VILLAGE CLERK VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ______________________________________________________________________ TO: Honorable Mayor and Council THRU: Andrew D. Lukasik, Village Manager FROM: Jeremy Hubsch, Community Development Director; Alex Ahrenholz, Principal Planner DATE: March 25, 2021 SUBJECT: MOTION – Dimensional Exception Application for RV located at 909 Eucalyptus Road ______________________________________________________________________ Edward Lewis, the owner of property located at 909 Eucalyptus Road, filed an application that his existing recreational vehicle (RV) be granted a “dimensional exception” from the size criteria specified in Section 18-35.1(6) of the Village Code of Ordinances. Background: The Winnebago MH Vista RV was purchased by the property owner in 2017 and is located on the west side of the home. It is visible from the street, but is partially screened by a six (6) foot high, white PVC gate. This lot is a typical size, with the RV located directly adjacent to the property line. There is a concrete pad, approved through the issuance of Permit No. 2015-0372, on which the RV is stored. Analysis: The RV exceeds the size limitations established in Section 18-35.1(6), which limits the maximum height to ten (10) feet. The RV is 12 feet 2 inches tall and 27 feet 4 inches in length. The owner has provided documentation that the RV was owned prior to November 2020, and is therefore eligible for the dimensional exception. The abutting property owners have a substantial amount of trees and shrubs to provide screening. The subject property owner is also providing vegetation to screen the RV at 90 percent opacity, as required by 18-35-1(8) of the Village Code. The Applicant has provided the notice to adjacent property owners required by Section 18-35.1(12)(d) of the Village Code. There is no fiscal impact Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the dimensional exception request, subject to the following condition: If any of the trees or shrubs on adjacent properties that are currently providing screening are removed, they shall be replaced on the applicant’s property or neighboring property within six months of their removal Attachments: 1. Supporting Materials VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ______________________________________________________________________ TO: Honorable Mayor and Council THRU: Andrew D. Lukasik, Village Manager FROM: Jeremy Hubsch, Community Development Director; Alex Ahrenholz, Principal Planner DATE: March 25, 2021 SUBJECT: MOTION – Dimensional Exception Application for RV located at 2526 Honey Road ______________________________________________________________________ Paul Oenbrink, the owner of property located at 2526 Honey Road, filed an application requesting that his existing recreational vehicle (RV) be granted a “dimensional exception” from the size criteria specified in section 18-35.1(6) of the Village Code of Ordinances. Background: The Laredo 240mx RV was purchased by the property owner in 2015 and is located on the west side of the home. It is visible from the street, but is partially screened by a six (6) foot tall, white PVC gate. The subject property is larger than most single-family lots within the Village at 100 feet wide and 191 feet deep. Analysis: The RV exceeds the size limitations established in Section 18-35.1(6), which limits the maximum height to ten (10) feet. The RV is approximately eleven (11) feet tall and twenty-four (24) feet in length. The owner has provided documentation that the RV was owned prior to November 2020, and is therefore eligible for the dimensional exception. The abutting property owners have a substantial amount of trees and shrubs to provide screening. The subject property owner is also providing vegetation to screen the RV, but there are a few small gaps that need to be filled in to achieve screening at 90 percent opacity from the abutting property to the west, as required by 18- 35-1(8) of the Village Code. The Applicant has provided the notice to adjacent property owners required by Section 18-35.1(12)(d) of the Village Code. There is no fiscal impact Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the dimensional exception request subject to the following condition: The applicant shall provide additional shrubs or trees along the west property line at a minimum of 4 feet and they must grow to screen the RV at 90 percent opacity within 2 years. If any of the trees or shrubs on adjacent properties that are currently providing screening are removed, they shall be replaced on the applicant’s property or the neighboring property within six months of their removal. Attachments: 1. Supporting Materials VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT TO: Honorable Mayor and Council THRU: Andrew D. Lukasik, Village Manager FROM: Jeremy Hubsch, Community Development Director; Alex Ahrenholz, Principal Planner DATE: March 25, 2021 SUBJECT: PUBLIC HEARING-Application by Joshua Marino for fill permit to extend the bank approximately 9.5 feet for the construction of a new seawall at 598 Anchorage Drive The applicant, Joshua Marino, has filed a request for a fill permit to add approximately 130 cubic feet of fill to extend the bank waterward approximately 9.5 feet for the construction of a new seawall. Per Section 7-16 of the Village Council of Ordinances, adding fill to the tidal waters within the limits of the Village requires approval by Village Council. Staff would like to request that this item be continued to the April 8, 2021 Village Council meeting , in order to take the application to the April 5th Environmental Committee meeting for a recommendation. The application has already been publically noticed, including mailers to approximately 100 neighboring properties. The application will not need to be re-advertised if continued to the April 8th meeting. There is no fiscal impact Recommendation: Staff recommends continuing the application to the April 8, 2021 Village Council meeting. Attachments: None VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH OFFICE OF THE VILLAGE CLERK TO: Honorable Mayor and Council THRU: Andrew D. Lukasik, Village Manager FROM: Jessica Green, Village Clerk DATE: March 25, 2021 SUBJECT: ORDINANCE 2nd Reading – Amending the Qualifying Period for Village Elections Prior to 2017, the qualifying period for the Village’s General Election was from noon on the last Tuesday in January to noon on the second Tuesday in February. At the request of the prior Palm Beach County Supervisor of Elections, the Village Council, through the adoption of Or dinance No. 2017-18, changed the qualifying period to the first seven (7) business days in January to allow sufficient time for the SOE to send vote-by-mail ballots to overseas citizens. In preparation for the 2021 Municipal Election, the current Supervisor of Elections indicated that the Village’s qualifying period still did not allow sufficient time to prepare the required vote-by-mail ballots which take at least three weeks to create, proofread and finalize. Pursuant to Section 101.62, Florida Statutes, the vote-by-mail ballots must be mailed forty-five (45) days prior to the election. Consequently, the Supervisor of Elections has requested that the names of the candidates and any referendum questions for the March election be submitted by the middle of December. In light of the foregoing, Village Staff recommends the adoption of the attached Ordinance moving the qualifying period for the Village’s General Election (held on the second Tuesday in March) to the first seven (7) business days in December and requiring that all qualifying paperwork be complete and submitted to the Village Clerk by 5:00 p.m. on the last day of the qualifying period. At its March 11, 2021 meeting, the Village Council approved the Ordinance on first reading without modification. The attached Ordinance has been prepared and reviewed for legal sufficiency by the Village Attorney There is no fiscal impact. Recommendation: Village Staff requests Council consideration and approval on second reading of the attached Ordinance amending Section 10-5 of the Village Code of Ordinances to designate the first seven business days in December as the qualifying period for the Village’s General Election held the second Tuesday in March. Page 1 of 2 ORDINANCE NO. 2021-05 1 2 AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH 3 PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 10, “ELECTIONS,” 4 ARTICLE I, “IN GENERAL,” OF THE VILLAGE CODE OF ORDINANCES BY 5 AMENDING SECTION 10-5, “CANDIDATES FOR OFFICE; QUALIFYING,” TO 6 AMEND THE QUALIFYING DATES FOR THE VILLAGE’S GENERAL 7 ELECTION; PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION; PROVIDING FOR 8 SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; AND PROVIDING FOR AN 9 EFFECTIVE DATE. 10 11 WHEREAS, Section 10-5 of the Village Code currently establishes a candidate qualifying period for 12 the Village’s general election during regular hours on the first seven business days in January 13 immediately preceding the election; and 14 15 WHEREAS, the Palm Beach County Supervisor of Elections has requested that all municipalities 16 within the County move up their qualifying period to provide sufficient time for the Supervisor to 17 prepare the ballots for voting by mail; and 18 19 WHEREAS, the Village Council wishes to amend the Village’s qualifying period at the request of 20 the Supervisor of Elections and determines that the adoption of this Ordinance is in the best interests 21 of the health, safety and welfare of the Village and its residents. 22 23 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF 24 NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA as follows: 25 26 Section 1. The foregoing recitals are ratified as true and correct and are incorporated herein. 27 28 Section 2. The Village Council hereby amends Chapter 10, “Elections,” Article I, “In General,” 29 of the Village Code of Ordinances as follows (additional language is underlined and deleted language 30 is stricken through): 31 32 ARTICLE I. IN GENERAL 33 34 * * * 35 36 Sec. 10-5. Candidates for office; qualifying. 37 38 (a) Any qualified elector within the village may become a candidate for 39 any office to be filled at any general election by paying to the village clerk a qualifying 40 fee in the sum of ten dollars ($10.00) and by filing with the village clerk during regular 41 hours on the first seven (7) business days in January December immediately preceding 42 the general election a written notice that he or she intends to be a candidate at such 43 general election. All paperwork must be complete and submitted to the village clerk 44 by 5:00 p.m. on the last day of the qualifying period. Any qualified elector may 45 become a candidate for any office to be filled at any special election by paying to the 46 village clerk a qualifying fee in the sum of ten dollars ($10.00) and by filing with the 47 village clerk, during the ten (10) days ending three (3) weeks before the special 48 election, a written notice that he or she intends to be a candidate at such election. Such 49 Page 2 of 2 written notice shall state the number of the group in which the candidate seeks to be 1 elected, his place of residence, his age and a description of his residence in the village. 2 Such notice shall also request that the name of the candidate be placed upon the ballot 3 to be prepared for such election, and, in addition, shall be signed by such candidate. 4 The village clerk shall supply the names of all candidates and offices to be filled to the 5 Palm Beach County Supervisor of Elections by delivery to that office prior to 5:00 6 p.m. on the Friday after the close of qualifying. 7 8 (b) If at any time within seventy-two (72) hours prior to the deadline for 9 the qualifying of candidates as set forth in subsection (a) above, all persons who have 10 qualified for any one (1) office in an election have had their names withdrawn from 11 candidacy for any reason, then the deadline for qualification of candidates for that 12 particular office shall be automatically extended by one (1) week. The village clerk 13 shall cause to be published at the earliest possible date, in a newspaper of general 14 circulation in the village, a notice of such extension of time for qualifying for such 15 office. In addition, such notice shall be given by posting a copy thereof in at least three 16 (3) public and conspicuous places in the village, one (1) of which shall be the bulletin 17 board in the village hall. 18 19 Section 3. The provisions of this Ordinance shall become and be made a part of the Code of the 20 Village of North Palm Beach, Florida. 21 22 Section 4. If any section, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase or word of this Ordinance is for any 23 reason held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be unconstitutional, inoperative or void, such 24 holding shall not affect the remainder of this Ordinance. 25 26 Section 5. All ordinances or parts of ordinances and resolutions or parts of resolutions in conflict 27 herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. 28 29 Section 6. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon adoption. 30 31 PLACED ON FIRST READING THIS 11TH DAY OF MARCH, 2021. 32 33 PLACED ON SECOND, FINAL READING AND PASSED THIS _____ DAY OF 34 ______________, 2021. 35 36 37 (Village Seal) 38 MAYOR 39 ATTEST: 40 41 42 VILLAGE CLERK 43 44 APPROVED AS TO FORM AND 45 LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: 46 47 48 VILLAGE ATTORNEY 49 50 VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT TO: Honorable Mayor and Council THRU: Andrew D. Lukasik, Village Manager FROM: Chuck Huff, Interim Director of Public Works DATE: March 25, 2021 SUBJECT: RESOLUTION – Approval of a FY 2021 blanket purchase order to Flying Scot, Inc. for rehabilitation work on Lighthouse Drive for sidewalk removal and replacement in an amount not to exceed $11,000.00. The Village has $147,532 budgeted for sidewalk projects this fiscal year utilizing Infrastructure Surtax dollars from account No. I7321-66210 (Streets & Grounds - Construction & Major Renovation). This project budget includes the sidewalk removal and replacement summarized below. Vender Scope PO Amount Status Flying Scott Remove & Replace 101643 $20,000 PO Closed Flying Scott Remove & Replace 101705 $50,000 Work in Progress Flying Scott Remove & Replace 101732 $24,563 Work in Progress Flying Scott Remove & Replace New Request $11,000 New Request Total $105,563 As part of the Lighthouse Drive and Eastwind drainage project, rehabilitation work is needed to fix the sidewalk and driveway along Lighthouse Drive that was created from the old compromised pipe. Hinterland who has completed the drainage pipe work had given a quote to complete the rehabilitation work in the amount of $19,600. Flying Scott has given us a quote for the same work in the amount of $10,603 to complete this project including the undermined the sidewalk and driveway on the north side of the Suntrust Bank and sidewalk removal and replacement from U.S. One to Eastwind Drive. Village Staff is recommending utilizing the recent City of Palm Beach Gardens Contract Number ITB2020-124PS that was executed on November 25, 2020. This contract received thirteen (13) bidders on miscellaneous Public Works Projects and Flying Scot, Inc. was determined to be the lowest qualified bidder for sidewalk repair. The Village’s purchasing policies and procedures authorize concurrent competitive purchasing on other state and local government contracts. In accordance with the Village’s purchasing policies and procedures for blanket purchase orders, only purchases up to $50,000 can be placed on the consent agenda: “Blanket purchase orders in excess of $25,000 shall be approved by the Village Council, provided, however, that blanket purchase orders in excess of $25,000 and up to $50,000 shall be placed on the Consent Agenda” Although the locations are different for each blanket purchase order, the cumulative amount for the vendor will exceed $50,000 and requires Village Council approval. The attached Resolution has been prepared and/or reviewed for legal sufficiency by the Village Attorney. Account Information: Fund Department / Division Account Number Account Description Amount Infrastructure Surtax Public Works/ Streets & Grounds I7321-66210 Construction & Major Renovation $11,000 Recommendation: Village Staff requests Council consideration and approval of the attached Resolution approving the required blanket purchase order to Flying Scot, Inc. at a total cost not to exceed $11,000 pursuant to pricing established in an existing contract with the City of Palm Beach Gardens, with funds expended from Infrastructure Surtax Fund Account No. I7321-66210 (Construction & Major Renovation) in accordance with Village policies and procedures. RESOLUTION 2021- A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA APPROVING A BLANKET PURCHASE ORDER IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $11,000.00 WITH FLYING SCOT, INC. FOR SIDEWALK REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT AND REHABILITATION WORK ON LIGHTHOUSE DRIVE UTILIZING PRICING ESTABLISHED IN AN EXISTING CITY OF PALM BEACH GARDENS CONTRACT; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Village’s Purchasing Policies and Procedures authorize the use of blanket purchase orders for materials purchased over a certain period of time not to exceed a single fiscal year; and WHEREAS, Village Staff is recommending approval of the issuance of a blanket purchase order for sidewalk removal and replacement and rehabilitation work on Lighthouse Drive to Flying Scot Inc. utilizing pricing established in an existing City of Palm Beach Gardens Agreement for Miscellaneous Public Works Projects (ITB2020-124PS); and WHEREAS, because the cumulative total of blanket purchase orders issued to this single vendor will exceed $50,000 for current fiscal year, Village Council approval is required; and WHEREAS, the Village Council determines that the adoption of this Resolution is in the best interests of the Village and its residents. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA as follows: Section 1. The foregoing recitals are ratified as true and incorporated herein. Section 2. The Village Council hereby approves the issuance of a blanket purchase order to Flying Scot Inc. in an amount not to exceed $11,000.00, with funds expended from Account No. I7321-66210 (Streets & Grounds - Construction & Major Renovation), for sidewalk removal and replacement and rehabilitation work on Lighthouse Drive utilizing pricing established in an existing City of Palm Beach Gardens Agreement for Miscellaneous Public Works Projects (ITB2020-124PS). Section 3. This Resolution shall be effective immediately upon adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS ____DAY OF ____________, 2021. (Village Seal) MAYOR ATTEST: VILLAGE CLERK Flying Scot, Inc. 11924 w forest hill blvd Wellington, FL 33414 US (561) 966-0089 shawn@flyingscotinc.com Estimate ADDRESS VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH 645 PROSPERITY FARMS RD. FLORIDA NORTH PALM BEACH, FL 33408 ESTIMATE #1627 DATE 02/24/2021 ACTIVITY QTY RATE AMOUNT Lighthouse Drive storm water project REMOVE 4" CONCRETE REMOVE 4" CONCRETE CONTRACT #1 965 1.75 1,688.75 FORM AND POUR 4" FORM AND POUR 4" CONCRETE WITH FIBERMESH CONTRACT #5 965 3.00 2,895.00 LABOR MAN HOURS CONTRACT #1 28 200.00 5,600.00 INSTALL NEW ADA RAMP 6" INSTALL NEW ADA HANDICAP RAMP 6" 20 21.00 420.00 Thank you for your business.TOTAL $10,603.75 Accepted By Accepted Date City of Palm Beach Gardens, Florida Bid Tabulation ITB2020-124PS Miscellaneous Public Works Projects Km! Ra NO.UNIT UNIT PRICE UNIT UNIT PRICE UNIT UNIT PRICE UNIT UNIT PRICE UNIT UNIT PRICE UNIT UNIT PRICE UNIT UNIT PRICE UNIT UNIT PRICE UNIT UNIT PRICE UNIT UNIT PRICE UNIT UNIT PRICE UNIT UNIT PRICE UNIT UNIT PRICE 1 SF $3.00 SF NO BID SF $2.20 SF $1.75 SF $3.00 SF $1.95 SF $4.00 SF $3.00 SF $6.50 SF $4.50 SF $3.90 SF $3.00 SF $3.70 2 SF $4.00 SF NO BID SF $2.20 SF $2.25 SF $3.50 SF $2.15 SF $5.00 SF $4.00 SF $7.00 SF $5.00 SF $3.90 SF $3.50 SF $4.50 3 SF $5.75 SF NO BID SF $5.56 SF $3.00 SF $5.00 SF $3.50 SF $6.50 SF $5.00 SF $8.00 SF $7.50 SF NO BID SF $4.75 SF $6.20 4 SF $5.50 SF NO BID SF $5.12 SF $3.00 SF $4.75 SF $3.30 SF $6.00 SF $4.50 SF $7.50 SF $7.00 SF NO BID SF $4.25 SF $5.50 5 SF $5.75 SF NO BID SF $5.61 SF $3.00 SF $5.50 SF $3.50 SF $6.50 SF $5.00 SF $8.50 SF $7.50 SF NO BID SF $5.25 SF $6.15 6 SF $6.75 SF NO BID SF $6.42 SF $4.00 SF $6.50 SF $4.75 SF $7.50 SF $6.00 SF $9.50 SF $8.00 SF NO BID SF $6.00 SF $7.00 7 SF $6.75 SF NO BID SF $5.86 SF $4.00 SF $5.50 SF $4.50 SF 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$12.10 38 LF $12.00 LF NO BID LF $2.45 LF NO BID LF $16.00 LF $17.00 LF $12.00 LF $7.00 LF $11.00 LF $2.70 LF $19.55 LF $5.00 LF $8.05 39 LF $16.50 LF NO BID LF $9.00 LF NO BID LF $18.00 LF $32.00 LF $16.00 LF $12.00 LF $15.00 LF $9.90 LF $38.00 LF $12.00 LF $24.00 40 LF $18.50 LF NO BID LF $9.00 LF NO BID LF $20.00 LF $43.00 LF $18.00 LF $17.00 LF $15.00 LF $9.90 LF $50.00 LF $13.00 LF $35.00 41 EA $1,500.00 EA NO BID EA $2,419.70 EA NO BID EA $850.00 EA $1,650.00 EA $500.00 EA $700.00 EA $600.00 EA $2,662.00 EA $1,890.00 EA $425.00 EA $820.00 42 EA $800.00 EA NO BID EA $1,194.54 EA NO BID EA $500.00 EA $1,350.00 EA $400.00 EA $550.00 EA $500.00 EA $1,314.00 EA $1,510.00 EA $400.00 EA $525.00 43 LF $4.00 LF NO BID LF $3.06 LF NO BID LF $6.00 LF $6.50 LF $3.00 LF $1.00 LF $10.00 LF $3.40 LF $7.25 LF $1.10 LF $10.50 44 LF $4.00 LF NO BID LF $2.02 LF NO BID LF $4.00 LF $2.00 LF $2.00 LF $1.50 LF $5.00 LF $2.25 LF $2.20 LF $1.55 LF $8.00 45 CY $11.00 CY NO BID CY $24.90 CY $30.00 CY $14.00 CY $13.40 CY $20.00 CY $20.00 CY $16.00 CY $16.00 CY $20.85 CY $17.00 CY $28.00 46 TN $120.00 TN NO BID TN $114.33 TN NO BID TN $175.00 TN $110.00 TN $120.00 TN $110.00 TN $100.00 TN $110.00 TN $180.00 TN $75.00 TN $215.00 47 TN $100.00 TN NO BID TN NO BID TN NO BID TN $150.00 TN $100.00 TN $85.00 TN $100.00 TN $100.00 TN $100.00 TN $110.00 TN $55.00 TN $145.00 48 CY $800.00 CY NO BID CY $728.17 CY NO BID CY $600.00 CY $560.00 CY $600.00 CY $660.00 CY $1,000.00 CY $660.00 CY $690.00 CY $425.00 CY $750.00 49 LF $2.00 LF NO BID LF $2.67 LF $5.00 LF $3.00 LF $2.00 LF $2.00 LF $10.00 LF $8.00 LF $5.00 LF $3.15 LF $2.00 LF $3.00 50 LF $10.00 LF NO BID LF $83.00 LF NO BID LF $25.00 LF $10.00 LF $15.00 LF $50.00 LF $40.00 LF $140.00 LF $130.00 LF $10.00 LF $57.00 51 SF $1.50 SF NO BID SF $0.98 SF $1.15 SF $1.00 SF $0.35 SF $1.00 SF $0.50 SF $0.75 SF $0.75 SF NO BID SF $0.38 SF $0.52 52 SF $1.00 SF NO BID SF $0.46 SF $1.00 SF $0.75 SF $0.25 SF $0.50 SF $0.40 SF $0.70 SF $0.50 SF NO BID 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CY $19.00 CY $25.00 CY $6.25 CY $6.50 CY $26.00 61 CY $75.00 CY NO BID CY $180.36 CY NO BID CY $150.00 CY $110.00 CY $100.00 CY $75.00 CY $40.00 CY $175.00 CY $220.00 CY $80.00 CY $250.00 62 CY $20.00 CY NO BID CY $23.50 CY NO BID CY $20.00 CY $10.75 CY $15.00 CY $10.00 CY $9.00 CY NO BID CY $27.00 CY $12.00 CY $35.00 63 CY $20.00 CY NO BID CY $23.50 CY NO BID CY $20.00 CY $10.75 CY $20.00 CY $10.00 CY $10.00 CY NO BID CY $27.00 CY $12.00 CY $38.00 64 CY $15.00 CY NO BID CY $28.69 CY NO BID CY $20.00 CY $9.90 CY $12.00 CY $10.00 CY $9.00 CY NO BID CY $27.00 CY $12.00 CY $38.00 65 CY $15.00 CY NO BID CY $15.27 CY NO BID CY $20.00 CY $10.75 CY $15.00 CY $10.00 CY $10.00 CY NO BID CY $27.00 CY $12.00 CY $40.00 66 CY $75.00 CY NO BID CY $180.36 CY NO BID CY $150.00 CY $75.00 CY $100.00 CY $75.00 CY $25.00 CY NO BID CY $200.00 CY $80.00 CY $175.00 67 TN $140.00 TN NO BID TN $169.07 TN NO BID TN $160.00 TN $125.00 TN $165.00 TN $120.00 TN NO BID TN $145.00 TN $280.00 TN $185.00 TN $295.00 68 SY $4.50 SY NO BID SY $2.74 SY NO BID SY $6.00 SY $2.05 SY $10.00 SY $4.00 SY NO BID SY $3.50 SY $120.00 SY $5.50 SY $12.50 69 SY $34.50 SY NO BID SY $2.41 SY NO BID SY $40.00 SY $15.00 SY $35.00 SY $31.00 SY NO BID SY $27.00 SY $26.00 SY $25.00 SY $18.00 70 EA $900.00 EA NO BID EA $268.58 EA NO BID EA $750.00 EA $350.00 EA $350.00 EA $500.00 EA NO BID EA $375.00 EA $680.00 EA $325.00 EA $575.00 71 LF $50.00 LF NO BID LF NO BID LF NO BID LF $60.00 LF $95.00 LF $65.00 LF $35.00 LF $65.00 LF $77.00 LF $110.00 LF $48.00 LF $185.00 72 LF $50.00 LF NO BID LF $26.93 LF NO BID LF $60.00 LF $63.00 LF $35.00 LF $35.00 LF $65.00 LF $30.00 LF $73.00 LF $38.00 LF $85.00 73 LF $75.00 LF NO BID LF NO BID LF NO BID LF $70.00 LF $140.00 LF $75.00 LF $45.00 LF $75.00 LF $82.50 LF $160.00 LF $62.00 LF $225.00 74 LF $75.00 LF NO BID LF $32.04 LF NO BID LF $70.00 LF $84.00 LF $50.00 LF $45.00 LF $75.00 LF $35.25 LF $97.00 LF $58.00 LF $100.00 75 a LF $1.25 LF NO BID LF $1.10 LF $1.10 LF $1.10 LF $1.00 LF $1.25 LF $0.90 LF NO BID LF $1.15 LF $1.05 LF $0.98 LF $1.05 b LF $1.25 LF NO BID LF $1.10 LF $1.10 LF $1.10 LF $1.00 LF $1.25 LF $0.90 LF NO BID LF $1.15 LF $1.05 LF $0.98 LF $1.05 c LF $1.75 LF NO BID LF $1.35 LF $1.30 LF $1.65 LF $1.05 LF $2.00 LF $1.00 LF NO BID LF $1.75 LF $1.20 LF $1.30 LF $1.75 d LF $2.00 LF NO BID LF $2.57 LF $2.50 LF $2.20 LF $1.62 LF $2.50 LF $1.60 LF NO BID LF $2.30 LF $1.90 LF $2.00 LF $1.85 e LF $2.50 LF NO BID LF $3.31 LF $3.25 LF $3.30 LF $2.70 LF $3.50 LF $2.70 LF NO BID LF $3.45 LF $3.15 LF $4.00 LF $3.05 f LF $3.50 LF NO BID LF $3.31 LF $3.25 LF $3.30 LF $2.70 LF $3.50 LF $2.70 LF NO BID LF $3.45 LF $3.15 LF $4.00 LF $3.05 g LF $3.50 LF NO BID LF $6.43 LF $6.30 LF $7.25 LF $3.80 LF $8.00 LF $3.80 LF NO BID LF $7.70 LF $4.40 LF $4.50 LF $5.00 76 a EA $85.00 EA NO BID EA $91.89 EA $90.00 EA $80.00 EA $91.00 EA $100.00 EA $92.00 EA NO BID EA $80.85 EA $110.00 EA $75.00 EA $80.00 b EA $85.00 EA NO BID EA $104.14 EA $100.00 EA $80.00 EA $91.00 EA $100.00 EA $92.00 EA NO BID EA $80.85 EA $110.00 EA $75.00 EA $80.00 c EA $150.00 EA NO BID EA $208.28 EA $200.00 EA $145.00 EA $95.00 EA $180.00 EA $97.00 EA NO BID EA $150.15 EA $110.00 EA $110.00 EA $135.00 d EA $190.00 EA NO BID EA $349.17 EA $340.00 EA $180.00 EA $135.00 EA $200.00 EA $135.00 EA NO BID EA $190.30 EA $160.00 EA $150.00 EA $175.00 e EA $370.00 EA NO BID EA $520.70 EA $500.00 EA $350.00 EA $135.00 EA $400.00 EA $135.00 EA NO BID EA $369.60 EA $160.00 EA $250.00 EA $240.00 f EA $250.00 EA NO BID EA $520.70 EA $500.00 EA $195.00 EA $135.00 EA $250.00 EA $135.00 EA NO BID EA $202.40 EA $160.00 EA $175.00 EA $200.00 g EA $200.00 EA NO BID EA $275.66 EA $270.00 EA $160.00 EA $135.00 EA $200.00 EA $135.00 EA NO BID EA $167.20 EA $160.00 EA $180.00 EA $150.00 h EA $250.00 EA NO BID EA $275.66 EA $270.00 EA $210.00 EA $130.00 EA $300.00 EA $130.00 EA NO BID EA $218.90 EA $150.00 EA $130.00 EA $175.00 i EA $450.00 EA NO BID EA $428.81 EA $420.00 EA $410.00 EA $378.00 EA $500.00 EA 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$1.60 LF $1.25 LF $1.50 LF $1.50 j LF $4.00 LF NO BID LF $1.72 LF $1.70 LF $3.30 LF $1.95 LF $4.00 LF $1.95 LF NO BID LF $3.45 LF $2.25 LF $2.00 LF $1.85 80 a EA $175.00 EA NO BID EA $61.26 EA $60.00 EA $145.00 EA $48.60 EA $200.00 EA $49.00 EA NO BID EA $154.00 EA $57.00 EA $55.00 EA $65.00 b EA $85.00 EA NO BID EA $36.76 EA $35.00 EA $80.00 EA $43.00 EA $150.00 EA $43.00 EA NO BID EA $81.40 EA $50.00 EA $23.00 EA $45.00 c EA $200.00 EA NO BID EA $153.15 EA $150.00 EA $175.00 EA $76.00 EA $200.00 EA $76.00 EA NO BID EA $178.20 EA $88.00 EA $44.00 EA $70.00 d EA $30.00 EA NO BID EA $1.23 EA $1.20 EA $30.00 EA $5.40 EA $40.00 EA $5.50 EA NO BID EA $29.15 EA $6.30 EA $2.00 EA $2.50 e EA $35.00 EA NO BID EA $1.53 EA $1.50 EA $35.00 EA $5.40 EA $50.00 EA $5.50 EA NO BID EA $33.55 EA $6.30 EA $2.00 EA $3.00 f EA $40.00 EA NO BID EA $1.84 EA $1.80 EA $40.00 EA $5.40 EA $55.00 EA $5.50 EA NO BID EA $37.40 EA $6.30 EA $2.00 EA $5.00 g EA $45.00 EA NO BID EA $2.21 EA $2.15 EA $40.00 EA $5.40 EA 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BID LF $16.85 LF $12.00 LF $12.25 LF $8.65 LF $16.00 LF $8.70 LF NO BID LF $12.95 LF $10.10 LF $10.00 LF $12.85 c LF $21.50 LF NO BID LF $9.80 LF $16.50 LF $21.00 LF $16.20 LF $25.00 LF $16.00 LF NO BID LF $22.00 LF $18.90 LF $17.00 LF $17.45 d LF $28.50 LF NO BID LF $12.25 LF $18.00 LF $27.00 LF $21.60 LF $30.00 LF $22.00 LF NO BID LF $28.60 LF $25.00 LF $25.00 LF $25.25 e LF $35.00 LF NO BID LF $16.85 LF $22.25 LF $33.00 LF $34.55 LF $35.00 LF $35.00 LF NO BID LF $34.65 LF $40.00 LF $28.00 LF $28.05 f LF $850.00 LF NO BID LF $91.89 LF $600.00 LF $800.00 LF $405.00 LF $800.00 LF $4.05 LF NO BID LF $792.00 LF $470.00 LF $5.10 LF $750.00 g LF $350.00 LF NO BID LF $45.33 LF $280.00 LF $335.00 LF $205.00 LF $350.00 LF $205.00 LF NO BID LF $346.50 LF $240.00 LF $2.10 LF $315.00 85 a EA $250.00 EA NO BID EA $289.14 EA $690.00 EA $250.00 EA $405.00 EA $250.00 EA $405.00 EA NO BID EA $231.00 EA $470.00 EA $525.00 EA $675.00 b LF $15.00 LF NO BID LF $704.47 LF $18.00 LF $14.00 LF $6.50 LF $20.00 LF $6.50 LF NO BID LF $16.50 LF $7.55 LF $14.00 LF $15.85 c EA $110.00 EA NO BID EA $18.38 EA $225.00 EA $100.00 EA $52.90 EA $125.00 EA $53.00 EA NO BID EA $103.40 EA $62.00 EA $75.00 EA $105.00 d LF $1.75 LF NO BID LF $226.66 LF $3.25 LF $1.60 LF $0.80 LF $2.00 LF $0.80 LF NO BID LF $1.75 LF $0.95 LF $2.50 LF $3.05 86 a LF $1.00 LF NO BID LF $3.31 LF $0.45 LF $0.85 LF $0.40 LF $1.20 LF $0.40 LF NO BID LF $0.90 LF $0.45 LF $0.38 LF $0.50 b LF $1.50 LF NO BID LF $0.47 LF $1.40 LF $1.25 LF $1.15 LF $1.50 LF $1.15 LF NO BID LF $1.35 LF $1.30 LF $1.08 LF $1.30 c LF $1.75 LF NO BID LF $1.41 LF $0.55 LF $1.55 LF $0.55 LF $2.00 LF $0.55 LF NO BID LF $1.60 LF $0.65 LF $0.45 LF $0.68 d LF $2.00 LF NO BID LF $0.55 LF $1.70 LF $1.85 LF $1.35 LF $2.00 LF $1.35 LF NO BID LF $1.90 LF $1.60 LF $1.35 LF $1.75 e LF $2.00 LF NO BID LF $1.72 LF $1.70 LF $1.85 LF $1.35 LF $2.00 LF $1.35 LF NO BID LF $1.90 LF $1.60 LF $1.35 LF $1.75 f LF $1.75 LF NO BID LF $0.80 LF $0.80 LF $1.65 LF $0.65 LF $2.00 LF $0.65 LF NO BID LF $1.75 LF $0.75 LF $0.86 LF $1.00 g LF $2.75 LF NO BID LF $2.57 LF $2.50 LF $2.55 LF $1.90 LF $3.00 LF $1.90 LF NO BID LF $2.65 LF $2.20 LF $2.18 LF $2.55 h LF $2.75 LF NO BID LF $1.47 LF $1.45 LF $2.50 LF $1.10 LF $3.00 LF $1.10 LF NO BID LF $2.65 LF $1.25 LF $1.42 LF $2.30 i LF $4.00 LF NO BID LF $3.49 LF $3.45 LF $3.80 LF $2.70 LF $4.00 LF $2.70 LF NO BID LF $4.00 LF $3.15 LF $3.25 LF $3.50 j LF $4.00 LF NO BID LF $1.72 LF $1.70 LF $3.65 LF $2.15 LF $5.00 LF $2.15 LF NO BID LF $3.80 LF $2.50 LF $1.79 LF $2.15 k LF $8.50 LF NO BID LF $6.43 LF $6.30 LF $7.70 LF $4.32 LF $8.00 LF $4.30 LF NO BID LF $8.10 LF $5.05 LF $4.60 LF $5.25 l LF $1.00 LF NO BID LF $0.47 LF $0.45 LF $0.85 LF $0.40 LF $1.25 LF $0.40 LF NO BID LF $0.90 LF $0.45 LF $0.41 LF $0.50 m LF $1.50 LF NO BID LF $1.41 LF $1.40 LF $1.25 LF $1.15 LF $1.50 LF $1.15 LF NO BID LF $1.35 LF $1.30 LF $1.12 LF $1.00 n LF $3.00 LF NO BID LF $1.47 LF $1.45 LF $2.50 LF $1.10 LF $3.00 LF $1.10 LF NO BID LF $2.70 LF $1.25 LF $0.80 LF $2.00 o LF $4.50 LF NO BID LF $3.49 LF $3.40 LF $3.80 LF $2.70 LF $4.00 LF $2.70 LF NO BID LF $4.00 LF $3.15 LF $3.10 LF $3.50 p LF $1.00 LF NO BID LF $0.59 LF $0.60 LF $1.00 LF $0.40 LF $1.50 LF $0.40 LF NO BID LF $1.00 LF $0.45 LF $0.50 LF $0.50 q LF $1.50 LF NO BID LF $1.10 LF $1.10 LF $1.35 LF $1.15 LF $2.00 LF $1.15 LF NO BID LF $1.40 LF $1.30 LF $1.10 LF $1.05 r LF $1.00 LF NO BID LF $0.59 LF $0.60 LF $1.00 LF $0.40 LF $1.50 LF $0.40 LF NO BID LF $1.00 LF $0.45 LF $0.43 LF $0.55 s LF $1.50 LF NO BID LF $1.10 LF $1.10 LF $1.35 LF $1.15 LF $2.00 LF $1.15 LF NO BID LF $1.40 LF $1.30 LF $1.25 LF $1.05 t LF $1.00 LF NO BID LF $0.59 LF $0.60 LF $1.00 LF $0.40 LF $1.50 LF $0.40 LF NO BID LF $1.00 LF $0.45 LF $0.52 LF $0.58 u LF $1.50 LF NO BID LF $1.10 LF $1.10 LF $3.35 LF $1.15 LF $2.00 LF $1.15 LF NO BID LF $1.40 LF $1.30 LF $1.10 LF $1.30 v LF $1.00 LF NO BID LF $0.59 LF $0.60 LF $1.00 LF $0.40 LF $1.50 LF $0.40 LF NO BID LF $1.00 LF $0.45 LF $1.25 LF $0.55 w LF $1.50 LF NO BID LF $1.10 LF $1.10 LF $1.35 LF $1.15 LF $2.00 LF $1.15 LF NO BID LF $1.40 LF $1.30 LF $0.50 LF $1.30 x LF $1.00 LF NO BID LF $0.59 LF $0.60 LF $1.00 LF $0.40 LF $1.50 LF $0.40 LF NO BID LF $1.00 LF $0.45 LF $1.25 LF $0.65 y LF $1.50 LF NO BID LF $1.10 LF $1.10 LF $1.35 LF $1.15 LF $2.00 LF $1.15 LF NO BID LF $1.40 LF $1.30 LF $5.50 LF $1.25 z EA $6.50 EA NO BID EA $5.21 EA $5.10 EA $5.80 EA $5.40 EA $7.50 EA $5.50 EA NO BID EA $5.75 EA $6.30 EA $38.50 EA $5.75 aa EA $90.00 EA NO BID EA $36.76 EA $36.00 EA $85.00 EA $59.40 EA $100.00 EA $60.00 EA NO BID EA $85.80 EA $69.00 EA $75.00 EA $47.00 ab EA $90.00 EA NO BID EA $91.89 EA $90.00 EA $85.00 EA $102.00 EA $100.00 EA $103.00 EA NO BID EA $85.80 EA $120.00 EA $450.00 EA $85.00 ac SETS $450.00 SETS NO BID SETS $483.94 SETS $470.00 SETS $425.00 SETS $380.00 SETS $500.00 SETS $378.00 SETS NO BID SETS $426.80 SETS $440.00 SETS $77.00 SETS $500.00 ad EA $200.00 EA NO BID EA $226.66 EA $220.00 EA $165.00 EA $54.00 EA $250.00 EA $54.00 EA NO BID EA $178.20 EA $63.00 EA $23.50 EA $82.00 ae SY $25.00 SY NO BID SY $24.50 SY $25.00 SY $22.00 SY $5.40 SY $35.00 SY $5.50 SY NO BID SY $23.10 SY $6.30 SY $23.70 SY $27.50 87 HR $325.00 HR $280.00 HR $556.46 HR NO BID HR $350.00 HR $340.00 HR $290.00 HR $425.00 HR $350.00 HR $450.00 HR $470.00 HR $370.00 HR $575.00 88 HR $350.00 HR $300.00 HR $573.58 HR NO BID HR $400.00 HR $340.00 HR $290.00 HR $425.00 HR $350.00 HR $450.00 HR $470.00 HR $370.00 HR $595.00 89 HR $400.00 HR NO BID HR $586.22 HR NO BID HR $450.00 HR $385.00 HR $350.00 HR $445.00 HR $375.00 HR $500.00 HR $680.00 HR $410.00 HR $885.00 kgonzalez@waypointci.com 561.510.3800 stevejr@bdimarineandsite.com WAYPOINT CONTRACTING 81-4602789 Doral, FL Yes Yes Katrina Gonzalez 786.608.1406 SOUTH FLORIDA BUILDING 47-3298344 Hobe Sound, FL Yes Yes Stephen Zippi 561.588.6681 45-4469049 West Palm Beach, FL Yes Yes nancy@randdpaving.com RANGER CONSTRUCTION 59-2098662 West Palm Beach, FL Yes Yes F. Scott Fowler 561.793.9400 estimating@rangerconstruction.com R& D PAVING, LLC Nancy G. Rosso 561.686.3948 edo@murraylogan.com Yes Chase Rogers 561.640.3503 SCHEDULE OF VALUES howard@foster-marine.net Van C. Williams YesYes Yes Traffic Paint Lines Black, 6" Arrows and Messages - White (Furnish and Install) White or Yellow, 12" MURRAY LOGAN CONST 59-1208353 West Palm Beach, FL Yes Handicap message Straight arrow Straight/Turn arrows; combination Merge message RXR message Yes Raised Reflective Pavement Markers - Thermoplastic White, 4" Red and amber; bi-directional Amber; bi-directional White and red; bi-directional Yellow, 4" White, 6" Raised Reflective Pavement Markers - Epoxy White and red; bi-directional School message Only message U-Turn message Bike lane symbol (diamond, arrow) Blue, 6" Adjust manhole to grade Jack and bore - 4" Directional bore - 4" Jack and bore - 6" Directional bore - 6" White, 24" Arrows and Messages - White Only, Furnish & Install PAVEMENT MARKING Thermoplastic Pavement Marking, Compound Lines White, 6" Yellow, 6" Lake canal bank restoration (wash out repair) F&I, Type SIII asphalt overlay - 1" White, 8" White, 12" White, 18" Yellow, 18" Mill existing pavement (3/4" - 1" avg) Pavement replacement w/2" Type S FDOT guard rail with no end treatment FDOT guard rail with end treatment Re-grade swales - up to 1,000 CY Re-grade swales - over 1,000 CY Canal wash out repair (sand and silt) Turn arrow Canal excavation (60' ROW) - up to 1,000 CY Canal excavation (100' ROW) - up to 1,000 CY Canal excavation (0' ROW) - over 1,000 CY Canal excavation (100' ROW) - over 1,000 CY F&I, Bahia sod - up to 1,000 SF F&I, Bahia sod - over 1,000 SF F&I, Floratam sod - up to 1,000 SF F&I, Floratam sod - over 1,000 SF F&I, FDOT seed and mulch mix Furnish operator, water truck and irrigate sod or seed mix Special saw cuts for pavement and concrete Removal and disposal of existing driveway culvert pipe F&I, pull wire within conduit Installation only of conduit - 2" (18" - 24" depth) F&I, conduit - 4" (18" - 24" depth) Installation 2' x 2' pull boxes F&I, tracing wire within conduit (#12 Cu) Supply, place and compact clean fill F&I, conduit - 2" (18" - 24" depth) F&I, natural stone riprap w/filter fabric F&I, broken concrete riprap w/filter fabric Supply and install sand-cement riprap w/filter fabric F&I, conduit - 6" (18" - 24" depth) F&I, conduit - 2" (24" - 36" depth) Installation only of conduit - 2" (24" - 36" depth) F&I, conduit - 4" (24" - 36" depth) F&I, conduit - 6" (24" - 36" depth) F&I, 2' x 2' pull boxes (includes weeps and ground rods) F&I, FDOT Type "F" curb - by hand F&I, FDOT Type "F" curb - by machine F&I, ADA-compliant welded aluminum handrail F&I, FDOT Type "A" curb - by hand F&I, FDOT Type "A" curb - by machine F&I, FDOT Type "B" curb - by hand F&I, FDOT Type "D" curb - by hand F&I, FDOT Type "B" curb - by machine F&I, 6" stamped concrete with wire F&I, 8" pervious concrete F&I, FDOT concrete bumper guard F&I, ADA-compliant detectable surface F&I, FDOT Type "E" curb - by hand F&I, FDOT Type "E" curb - by machine F&I, FDOT Shoulder Gutter - by machine F&I, FDOT asphaltic concrete curb F&I, 4" stamped concrete with wire Yes Shawn Cunningham jciabattari@ferreiraconstruction.com F&I, 4" stamped concrete without wire shawn@flyingscotinc.com F&I, FDOT Valley Gutter - by hand F&I, 6" stamped concrete with wire Thomas Uhrig 561.471.4100 Vendor Contact Addenda Acknowledged (Yes/No): Vendor Contact Phone Number F&I, FDOT valley Gutter - by machine F&I, FDOT Shoulder Gutter - by hand Red and amber; bi-directional Amber; bi-directional Edward OLeary jwctom@jwcheatham.comrudy@heavycivilinc.com White or Yellow, 18" F&I, 6" concrete with polypropylene fiber mix reinforce F&I, 6" concrete without wire Removal, saw cut, and disposal of 6" thick concrete F&I, 6" concrete with wire White, 24" HINTERLAND GROUP 20-5156844 Riviera Beach, FL Yes HEAVY CIVIL, INC.JW CHEATHAM, LLC 20-1928479 West Palm Beach, FL Yes FLYING SCOT 65-1070173 Wellington, FL Yes info@hinterlandgroup.com F&I, 6" pervious concrete Yes Todd Kneisel 954.597.6443 FERREIRA CONSTRUCTION 22-333495 Branchburg, NJ Yes 46-5439171 Pompano Beach, FL Yes F&I, 4" concrete with wire Vendor Contact Email DESCRIPTION F&I, 4" concrete without wire jackie@deevaninc.comsteve@dseakins.com FOSTER MARINE CONT 59-1054370 Wellington, FL 561.683.0034 Yes Yes R. Howard Wight Lake Park, FL 59-1691997 Lake Park, FL Removal, saw cut, and disposal of 4" thick concrete Vendor FEIN Yes Corporation Address (State): Are Submittal Forms Complete?Yes 65-0101816 ITB No.: Bid Title: Prepared by: VENDOR NAME D.S. EAKINS CONST CORPNote: When all prices are entered, highlight low priced vendor in yellow (and if applicable, green for secondary, blue for tertiary). Bid Opening Date: August 28, 2020 @ 3:00 P.M. DEEVAN, INC. F&I, 4" concrete with polypropylene fiber mix reinforce Straight/Combo Arrow Turn arrow Message (Only; School; Merge and Straight Arrow) 6" Numbers (Per Digit) 8" Numbers (Per Digit) F&I, FDOT Type "D" curb - by machine Yellow, 6" White, 18" D. Steven Eakins, Jr. 561.842.0001 John Ciabattari 772.286.5123 Yes 561.966.0089561.844.5518 White, 12" 10" Numbers (Per Digit) 12" Numbers (Per Digit) 24" Numbers (Per Digit) Yellow, 18" White , 24" Fire Lane and No Parking Messages - Yellow 4" Letters (Per Letter) 6" Letters (Per Letter) 8" Letters (Per Letter) Pavement marking removal Preformed (Cold) Plastic (Furnish and Install) White, 24" Message (Only; School; Merge; U-Turn; Bike Lane; etc.) Turn arrow White or Yellow, 6" White, 8" 12" Letters (Per Letter) 4' Letters (Per Letter) Traffic Paint Thermoplastic Cold (Preformed) Plastic Construction Tape Pavement markers Preformed (Cold) Plastic (Install Only) Message (Only; School; Merge; Ramp; U-Turn; etc.) Turn arrow Miscellaneous (Furnish and Install) Thermoplastic Rumble Strips (Index 518) 9" Contrast tape Flexible Delineators (All Types) Foil Back Tape Items for FDOT Projects Only 6" Solid White Paint 6" Solid White Thermoplastic 8" Solid Yellow Paint 8" Solid White Thermoplastic 8" Solid Yellow Thermoplastic 12" Solid White Paint 12" Solid White Thermoplastic 18" Solid White Paint 18" Solid White Thermoplastic 24" Solid White Paint 18" Solid Yellow Paint 18" Solid Yellow Thermoplastic 6x10 Skips Yellow Thermoplastic Reflective pavement Markers Directional Arrows Paint Directional Arrows Thermo Construction Crew "B" 2x4 Skips White Paint 2x4 Skips White Thermoplastic 6x10 Skips White Paint 6x10 Skips White Thermoplastic 10x30 Skips White Paint 10x30 Skips White Thermoplastic 2x4 Skips Yellow Paint 2x4 Skips Yellow Thermoplastic Construction Crew "C" AREAS OF SPECIFIC WORK Bike lane Symbol w/Arrows Cold Plastic Pavement Messages Paint Reflective Paint - Island Nose - White CREWS AND EQUIPMENT Construction Crew "A" 6x10 Skips Yellow Paint 24" Solid White Thermoplastic 6" Solid Yellow Paint 6" Solid Yellow Thermoplastic ITB2020-124PS Miscellaneous Public Works Projects Km! Ra WAYPOINT CONTRACTING 81-4602789 SOUTH FLORIDA BUILDING 47-329834445-4469049 RANGER CONSTRUCTION 59-2098662 R& D PAVING, LLCMURRAY LOGAN CONST 59-1208353 HINTERLAND GROUP 20-5156844 HEAVY CIVIL, INC.JW CHEATHAM, LLC 20-1928479 FLYING SCOT 65-1070173 FERREIRA CONSTRUCTION 22-333495 46-5439171 FOSTER MARINE CONT 59-105437059-1691997Vendor FEIN 65-0101816 ITB No.: Bid Title: Prepared by: VENDOR NAME D.S. EAKINS CONST CORPNote: When all prices are entered, highlight low priced vendor in yellow (and if applicable, green for secondary, blue for tertiary). Bid Opening Date: August 28, 2020 @ 3:00 P.M. DEEVAN, INC. 90 HR $450.00 HR NO BID HR $586.22 HR NO BID HR $450.00 HR $385.00 HR $350.00 HR $445.00 HR $375.00 HR $500.00 HR $680.00 HR $470.00 HR $975.00 91 HR $299.00 HR NO BID HR $573.58 HR NO BID HR $350.00 HR $340.00 HR $290.00 HR $425.00 HR $350.00 HR $450.00 HR $470.00 HR $365.00 HR $550.00 92 HR $50.00 HR $60.00 HR $134.03 HR NO BID HR $50.00 HR $250.00 HR $45.00 HR $40.00 HR $55.00 HR $50.00 HR $220.00 HR $62.00 HR $175.00 93 SF $6.50 SF NO BID SF $4.33 SF NO BID SF $9.00 SF $4.00 SF $8.00 SF $6.00 SF $12.00 SF $20.00 SF $7.80 SF $2.10 SF $12.75 94 HR $80.00 HR NO BID HR $123.44 HR NO BID HR $75.00 HR $61.00 HR $58.00 HR $78.00 HR $65.00 HR $85.00 HR $76.00 HR $72.00 HR $85.00 95 TN $140.00 TN NO BID TN 169..07 TN NO BID TN $140.00 TN $125.00 TN $225.00 TN $120.00 TN NO BID TN $122.00 TN $120.00 TN $135.00 TN $295.00 96 SY $4.50 SY NO BID SY $2.74 SY NO BID SY $3.00 SY $2.05 SY $8.00 SY $4.00 SY NO BID SY $2.50 SY $8.40 SY $2.00 SY $12.50 97 PER DAY $20.00 PER DAY NO BID PER DAY $24.74 PER DAY NO BID PER DAY $15.00 PER DAY $11.00 PER DAY $65.00 PER DAY $14.00 PER DAY $175.00 PER DAY $15.00 PER DAY $100.00 PER DAY $95.00 PER DAY $45.00 98 PER DAY $30.00 PER DAY NO BID PER DAY $24.51 PER DAY NO BID PER DAY $30.00 PER DAY $22.00 PER DAY $85.00 PER DAY $23.00 PER DAY $250.00 PER DAY $27.00 PER DAY $100.00 PER DAY $100.00 PER DAY $55.00 99 PER DAY $75.00 PER DAY NO BID PER DAY $0.66 PER DAY NO BID PER DAY $0.30 PER DAY $25.00 PER DAY $1.00 PER DAY $50.00 PER DAY $100.00 PER DAY $0.25 PER DAY $130.00 PER DAY $100.00 PER DAY $20.00 100 PER DAY $0.75 PER DAY NO BID PER DAY $1.97 PER DAY NO BID PER DAY $0.50 PER DAY $1.10 PER DAY $5.00 PER DAY $0.60 PER DAY $2.00 PER DAY $0.30 PER DAY $1.00 PER DAY $15.00 PER DAY $345.00 101 PER DAY $1.00 PER DAY NO BID PER DAY $1.97 PER DAY NO BID PER DAY $0.60 PER DAY $1.65 PER DAY $5.00 PER DAY $0.90 PER DAY $6.00 PER DAY $0.55 PER DAY $5.00 PER DAY $175.00 PER DAY $52.00 102 PER DAY $75.00 PER DAY NO BID PER DAY $566.32 PER DAY NO BID PER DAY $5.00 PER DAY $33.00 PER DAY $200.00 PER DAY $60.00 PER DAY $50.00 PER DAY $75.00 PER DAY $500.00 PER DAY $225.00 PER DAY $65.00 103 PER CENT 10%PER CENT NO BID PER CENT $6,000.00 PER CENT 18%PER CENT 15%PER CENT 10%PER CENT 10%PER CENT 10%PER CENT $10 PER CENT 15%PER CENT 11%PER CENT $10 PER CENT 15.70% 1 HR $250.00 HR NO BID HR $166.73 HR $200.00 HR $250.00 HR $200.00 HR $150.00 HR $200.00 HR $180.00 HR $150.00 HR $240.00 HR $180.00 HR $285.00 2 HR $350.00 HR NO BID HR $261.49 HR $260.00 HR $350.00 HR $300.00 HR $220.00 HR $300.00 HR $220.00 HR $200.00 HR $320.00 HR $220.00 HR $428.00 3 HR $80.00 HR $90.00 HR $126.42 HR $80.00 HR $80.00 HR $81.00 HR $95.00 HR $90.00 HR $70.00 HR $65.00 HR $96.00 HR $72.00 HR $87.50 4 HR $75.00 HR $80.00 HR $93.87 HR $60.00 HR $75.00 HR $72.00 HR $75.00 HR $80.00 HR $55.00 HR $50.00 HR $85.00 HR $65.00 HR $72.50 5 HR $65.00 HR NO BID HR $87.07 HR NO BID HR $60.00 HR $60.00 HR $75.00 HR $75.00 HR $65.00 HR $100.00 HR $50.00 HR $48.00 HR $70.00 6 HR $65.00 HR $45.00 HR $44.03 HR $40.00 HR $40.00 HR $30.00 HR $35.00 HR $32.00 HR $36.00 HR $35.00 HR $40.00 HR $40.00 HR $47.50 7 HR $35.00 HR $35.00 HR $40.65 HR $30.00 HR $35.00 HR $26.00 HR $30.00 HR $25.00 HR $26.00 HR $28.00 HR $35.00 HR $30.00 HR $38.95 8 HR $150.00 HR NO BID HR NO BID HR NO BID HR $175.00 HR $85.00 HR $100.00 HR $120.00 HR $125.00 HR $100.00 HR $140.00 HR $80.00 HR $175.00 9 HR $80.00 HR $60.00 HR $85.07 HR $60.00 HR $85.00 HR $30.00 HR $65.00 HR $80.00 HR $75.00 HR $75.00 HR $95.00 HR $65.00 HR $95.00 10 HR $80.00 HR NO BID HR $88.40 HR NO BID HR $85.00 HR $35.00 HR $65.00 HR $115.00 HR $85.00 HR $100.00 HR $90.00 HR $65.00 HR $95.00 11 HR $140.00 HR $130.00 HR $127.62 HR NO BID HR $140.00 HR $100.00 HR $125.00 HR $145.00 HR $130.00 HR $175.00 HR $170.00 HR $60.00 HR $165.00 12 HR $80.00 HR NO BID HR $123.46 HR $80.00 HR $75.00 HR $65.00 HR $75.00 HR $78.00 HR $65.00 HR $85.00 HR $76.00 HR $70.00 HR $80.00 13 HR $100.00 HR NO BID HR $139.86 HR NO BID HR $150.00 HR $110.00 HR $85.00 HR $115.00 HR $90.00 HR $120.00 HR $110.00 HR $100.00 HR $115.00 14 HR $80.00 HR NO BID HR $13.56 HR NO BID HR $25.00 HR $60.00 HR $45.00 HR $60.00 HR $50.00 HR $100.00 HR $72.00 HR $65.00 HR $65.00 15 HR $50.00 HR $60.00 HR $50.85 HR NO BID HR $50.00 HR $100.00 HR $45.00 HR $40.00 HR $60.00 HR $50.00 HR $190.00 HR $55.00 HR $75.00 16 HR $50.00 HR $30.00 HR $35.53 HR NO BID HR $30.00 HR $80.00 HR $45.00 HR $58.00 HR $45.00 HR $75.00 HR $63.00 HR $15.00 HR $75.00 17 HR $50.00 HR NO BID HR $38.62 HR NO BID HR $30.00 HR $150.00 HR $50.00 HR $50.00 HR $50.00 HR $50.00 HR $100.00 HR $25.00 HR $95.00 18 HR $50.00 HR NO BID HR $13.26 HR NO BID HR $25.00 HR $50.00 HR $30.00 HR $50.00 HR $50.00 HR $75.00 HR $50.00 HR $20.00 HR $78.00 19 HR $50.00 HR NO BID HR $16.15 HR $35.00 HR $15.00 HR $20.00 HR $40.00 HR $50.00 HR $35.00 HR $50.00 HR $25.00 HR $20.00 HR $70.00 20 HR $30.00 HR NO BID HR $6.19 HR $35.00 HR $10.00 HR $6.00 HR $10.00 HR $30.00 HR $25.00 HR $25.00 HR $25.00 HR $10.00 HR $32.50 21 HR $40.00 HR NO BID HR $11.15 HR $35.00 HR $20.00 HR $25.00 HR $20.00 HR $30.00 HR $35.00 HR $25.00 HR $25.00 HR $5.00 HR $45.00 22 HR $70.00 HR NO BID HR $40.65 HR $100.00 HR $90.00 HR $45.00 HR $60.00 HR $85.00 HR $80.00 HR $75.00 HR $90.00 HR $50.00 HR $90.25 23 HR $25.00 HR NO BID HR $14.59 HR $25.00 HR $20.00 HR $10.00 HR $25.00 HR $30.00 HR $35.00 HR $25.00 HR $25.00 HR $9.00 HR $45.00 24 HR $30.00 HR NO BID HR $4.99 HR $30.00 HR $20.00 HR $10.00 HR $30.00 HR $30.00 HR $30.00 HR $25.00 HR $25.00 HR $12.00 HR $40.00 a b c Stephen Zippi 561.510.3800 stevejrbdimarineandsite.com Katrina Gonzalez 786.608.1406 kgonzalez@waypointci.com Nancy G. Rosso 561.588.6681 nancy@randdpaving.com Jason Daley 561.793.9400 jason.daley@rangerconstruction.cominfo@hinterlandgroup.com Howard Wight Rudy Polselli edo@murraylogan.com 561.471.4100 561.718.9443 jwctom@jwcheatham.com Tom Uhrig shawn@flyingscotinc.com howard@foster-marine.net John Ciabattari Shawn Cunningham 561.722.1486 rudy@heavycivilinc.com 561.373.2995 D. Steven Eakins, Jr.Van C. Williams steve@dseakins.com van@deevaninc.com jciabattari@ferreiraconstruction.com Chase Rogers SCHEDULE OF EQUIPMENT AND OPERATOR RATES Edward OLeary 561.842.0001 561.844.5518 772.286.5123 561.723.5812 Email Address Asphalt Removal and Restoration Dump Truck (15 - 20 CY) Construction Crew "D" Infiltration Drainage Crew Wellpoint System ANNUAL ASPHALT MILLING AND PAVING 3-Man Crew w/Pickup Truck 5-Man Crew w/Pickup Truck Supervisor Foreman Welder Skilled L:aborer 561.640.3503 Day Laborer (Unskilled) Gradall Skid Loader Rubber Tire backhoe/Loader Plate Tamper Track backhoe Dump Truck Flatbed w/Tractor Flatbed Wellpoint System Jet Pump Chain Saw/Debris Clearing Hand Equipment Hydraulic Submersible Pump Welding machine Contractor's Representative Telephone Number Portable Generator Quick Cut Saw Asphalt/Concrete Saw Steel Wheel Roller MOT, Rental of Barricades, Type III MOT, Rental of Jersey Barrier Materials Mark-Up (for items not in contract up to $50K) Asphalt Paving, per 1-inch paving/overlay Asphalt Milling, per1-inch mill MOT, Rental of Arrow Board, Electric MOT, Rental of Message Board, Electric MOT, Rental of Traffic Cones, 36-inch high (per 50 cones) MOT, Rental of Barricades, Type II PALM BEACH 6vatwWf1d, CITY OF PALM BEACH GARDENS PURCHASE AWARD TRANSMITTAL It is the policy of the City of Palm Beach Gardens to consistently purchase goods and services using full and open competition. Solicitations are advertised in a newspaper of general circulation, and copies are made available through DemandStar, Public Purchase, the City's Purchasing webpage, Vendors List; and the Office of the City Clerk. Copies of all solicitations, addenda, and award documentation are provided to the Office of the Inspector General. The following summary provides project Information on the procurement action identified below. SOLICITATION TYPE: Invitation to Bid TITLE: Miscellaneous Public Works Projects DATE ADVERTISED: 8/2/2020 WAS SOLICITATION OPENLY COMPETED? Yes CONTRACT NO.: ITB2020-124PS DEPARTMENT: Parks and Public Facilities BIDS/PROPOSALS DUE DATE: 8/28/2020 RESPONSES RECEIVED: 13 FUNDING ACCOUNT INFORMATION: PROJECT COST: $10,000,000 (for 5 years) Funded from various account allocations in Budget. TOTAL CONTRACT VALUE: $10,000,000 CONTRACTTERM: 15 Years Ten Million Dollars OPTIONS TO RENEW: I None VENDOR(S): D.S. EAKINS CONSTR. CORP.; DEEVAN; FERREIRA CONSTRUCTION; FLYING SCOT; HEAVY CIVIL; HINTERLAND GROUP; 1W CHEATHAM; MURRAY LOGAN CONST; R& D PAVING; RANGER CONSTRUCTION; SOUTH FLORIDA BUILDING; AND WAYPOINT CONTRACTING. BACKGROUND: Each year the City has several construction projects that must be performed to repair and/or maintain infrastructure in addition to its ongoing Capital Improvement Program. This Agreement allows the City to contract at established rates for these miscellaneous public works construction projects. The prices and rates are fixed for the five-year term of the Agreement. Examples of the types of work contemplated include sidewalk repairs, stormwater pipe installation and repairs, road construction, striping of roadways, and Capital Improvement Projects as needed. COMMENTS: Awards are being made to primary and secondary vendors, based on the lowest price offered per item. All thirteen vendors were deemed responsive and responsible, and were assigned primary or secondary vendor status for one or more items. The vendors are well-known in the construction and infrastructure repair business, and the City has worked with them in the past on various projects. Community Services Administrator NAME David Reyes SIGNATURE DATE i City Engineer Todd Engle l ff Purchasing & Contracts Director Kml Ra Z. Finance Administrator Allan Owens Deputy City Manager Stephen Stepp D 'Z z —ZOO City Attorney LASERFICHE DATA: R. Max Lohman 0 Z Effective Date: 10/1/2020 TExpiration Date: 9/30/2025 Append to Existing: Not applicable U '0' • • 1 11/5/2020 APPROVED EE NOT APPROVED DEFERRED 16ei DATE PALM BEACH ' 9 I City of Palm Beach Gardens Office of the City Clerk 10500 North Military Trail Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410 561) 799-4122 psnider(a pbp-fl.com Letter of Transmittal DATE: November 6, 2020 TO: Flying Scot Inc. 11924 W. Forest Hill Boulevard, Suite 10A-386 Wellington, FL 33414 Attn: Shawn Cunningham, President Re: Agreement for Miscellaneous Public Works Proiects or Your Records 0 As Requested 0 For Review and Signature Signed Patricia Snider, CMC, City Clerk 0 For Recording O Returned for Corrections 0 Other: DocuSign Envelope ID: 8A35D3C4-5B5F-4BB6-8D91-68CB71422BD4 PALM BEACH City of Palm Beach Gardens 10500 North Military Trail Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 33410 AGREEMENT FOR MISCELLANEOUS PUBLIC WORKS PROJECTS AGREEMENT NO. ITB2020-124PS (D) THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this J`:7V day of AY yV cok, 2020 (the "effective date") by and between the City of Palm Beach Gardens, a Florida municipal corporation (the "City"), located at 10500 North Military Trail, Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 33410, and Flying Scot Inc, a Florida corporation the "Contractor"), located at 11924 W. Forest Hill Boulevard, Suite 10A-386, Wellington, Florida 33414. WHEREAS, the City desires to retain the services of the Contractor to perform Miscellaneous Public Works Projects in accordance with the City's Invitation to Bid No. ITB2020-124PS, and the Contractor's response thereto, all of which are incorporated herein by reference. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and promises hereafter set forth, the Contractor and the City agree as follows: ARTICLE 1. INCORPORATION OF INVITATION TO BID The terms and conditions of this Agreement shall include and incorporate the terms, conditions, and specifications set forth in the City's Invitation to Bid No. ITB2020-124PS and the Contractor's response to the Invitation to Bid, including all documentation required thereunder. ARTICLE 2. SCOPE OF WORK The Contractor shall perform miscellaneous public works projects, on an as -needed basis as identified in the specifications accompanying the City's Invitation to Bid, and such work projects shall be under the category and items awarded to the Contractor, as detailed in the Award Summary, attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "A." Page 11 of 8 DocuSign Envelope ID: 8A35D3C4-5B5F-4BB6-8D91-68CB71422BD4 City of Palm Beach Gardens Agreement No. ITB2020-124PS (D) Miscellaneous Public Works Projects Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as the City's guarantee of work to the Contractor during the term of this Agreement. The City shall assign work based on its needs and priorities. The City shall first solicit price quotations from the designated Primary Vendor based on the awarded rates as shown in attached Exhibit "A." Where more than one bidder is designated as Primary or Secondary Vendors, the City shall request best and final offers from both vendors at the time price quotations are solicited for a specific project. ARTICLE 3. PAYMENTS AND CONTRACT VALUE The City shall pay the Contractor for work that has been completed and has been reviewed, inspected, and accepted by the City, according to the terms and conditions of the Invitation to Bid. The City shall pay the Contractor based on the rates established in this Agreement and as described on the subsequent City Purchase Order. The Contractor shall not commence any work under this Agreement until a City Purchase Order has been issued for the specific work project, and the Contractor has received written notice from the City to proceed with the work. The estimated value of this Agreement for all work projects during the five- (5) year term shall be Ten Million Dollars ($10,000,000) and as may be amended and increased by the City at its sole discretion. Progress payments shall be made for work completed by the Contractor, and reviewed, inspected, and accepted by the City. All payments shall be made in accordance with the Florida Prompt Payment Act, Section 218.74, Florida Statutes, on the presentation of a proper invoice by the Contractor. ARTICLE 4. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS a. Notice Format. All notices or other written communications required, contemplated, or permitted under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be hand delivered, telecommunicated, or sent by overnight delivery service to the following addresses: As to the City: City of Palm Beach Gardens 10500 North Military Trail Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 33410 Attn: City Manager Email: rferris(.pbgfl.com Page 12 of 8 DocuSign Envelope ID: 8A35D3C4-5B5F-4BB6-8D91-68CB71422BD4 City of Palm Beach Gardens Agreement No. ITB2020-124PS (D) Miscellaneous Public Works Projects With a copy to: City of Palm Beach Gardens 10500 North Military Trail Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 33410 Attn: City Attorney Email: mlohman(a).pbgfl.com As to the Contractor: Flying Scot Inc 11924 W. Forest Hill Boulevard, Suite 10A-386 Wellington, Florida 33414 Attn: Shawn Cunningham, President Email: shawn(a-)-flyingscotinc.com b. Entire Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding and agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof. C. Binding Effect. All of the terms and provisions of this Agreement, whether so expressed or not, shall be binding upon, inure to the benefit of, and be enforceable by the parties and their respective legal representatives, successors, and permitted assigns. d. Assignability. This Agreement may not be assigned without the prior written consent of all parties to this Agreement. e. Severability. If any part of this Agreement is contrary to, prohibited by, or deemed invalid under applicable law or regulation, such provision shall be inapplicable and deemed omitted to the extent so contrary, prohibited, or invalid, but the remainder hereof shall not be invalidated thereby and shall be given full force and effect so far as possible. f. Governing Law and Venue. This Agreement and all transactions contemplated by this Agreement shall be governed by and construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida without regard to any contrary conflicts of law principle. Venue for all proceedings in connection herewith shall lie exclusively in Palm Beach County, Florida, and each party hereby waives whatever its respective rights may have been in the selection of venue. This Agreement shall not be construed against the party who drafted the same as all parties to this Agreement have had legal and business experts review the adequacy of the same. g. Headings. The headings contained in this Agreement are for convenience of reference only and shall not limit or otherwise affect in any way the meaning or interpretation of this Agreement. Page 13 of 8 DocuSign Envelope ID: 8A35D3C4-5B5F-4BB6-8D91-68CB71422BD4 City of Palm Beach Gardens Agreement No. ITB2020-124PS (D) Miscellaneous Public Works Projects h. Construction. The parties acknowledge that each has shared equally in the drafting and preparation of this Agreement, and accordingly, no Court or Administrative Hearing Officer construing this Agreement shall construe it more strictly against one party than the other, and every covenant, term, and provision of this Agreement shall be construed simply according to its fair meaning. i. Attorney's Fees and Costs. It is hereby understood and agreed that in the event any lawsuit in the judicial system, federal or state, is brought to enforce the terms, conditions, and/or obligations set forth in this Agreement or interpret same, or if any administrative proceeding is brought for the same purposes, each party shall be responsible for its own attorney's fees and costs, including fees and costs on appeal. j. Equal Opportunity. The City and the Contractor agree that no person shall be discriminated against in the performance of this Agreement on the grounds of race, color, gender, national origin, ancestry, marital status, disability, religion, creed, or age. ARTICLE 5. TERM The term of this Agreement shall be from January 1, 2021, through December 31, 2025, until the Contractor has completed all elements of work, and the work has been reviewed, inspected, and accepted by the City, inclusive of all warranty periods, unless terminated beforehand as provided for in Article 6. ARTICLE 6. TERMINATION This Agreement may be terminated by the City, with or without cause, upon providing thirty (30) days' prior written notice to the Contractor. This Agreement may be terminated by the Contractor upon thirty (30) days' prior written notice to the City. Upon any such termination, the Contractor waives any claims for damages from such termination, including, but not limited to, loss of anticipated profits. Unless the Contractor is in breach of this Agreement, the City shall pay the Contractor for work performed and accepted through the date of termination in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. Page 14 of 8 DocuSign Envelope ID: 8A35D3C4-5B5F-4BB6-8D91-68CB71422BD4 City of Palm Beach Gardens Agreement No. ITB2020-124PS (D) Miscellaneous Public Works Projects ARTICLE 7. ACCESS AND AUDIT OF RECORDS The City reserves the right to require the Contractor to submit to an audit by an auditor of. the City's choosing. Subject to reasonable advance notice, the Contractor shall provide, at its place of business during regular business hours, access to all of its records that relate directly or indirectly to this Agreement. The Contractor shall retain all records pertaining to this Agreement, and upon request make them available to the City for five 5) years following expiration of this Agreement. The Contractor agrees to provide such assistance as may be necessary to facilitate the review or audit by the City to ensure compliance with applicable accounting and financial standards. ARTICLE 8. OFFICE OF THE INSPECTOR GENERAL Palm Beach County has established the Office of the Inspector General that is authorized and empowered to review past, present, and proposed City programs, contracts, transactions, accounts, and records. The Inspector General (IG) has the power to subpoena witnesses, administer oaths, require the production of records, and monitor existing projects and programs. The IG may, on a random basis, perform audits on all City agreements. ARTICLE 9. PUBLIC RECORDS Pursuant to Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, the Contractor shall comply with the public records law by keeping and maintaining public records required by the City of Palm Beach Gardens in order to perform the service. Upon request from the City's custodian of public records, the Contractor shall provide the City with a copy of the requested records or allow the records to be inspected or copied within a reasonable time at a cost that does not exceed the cost provided in Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, or as otherwise provided by law. The Contractor shall ensure that public records that are exempt or confidential and exempt from public records disclosure requirements are not disclosed except as authorized by law for the duration of this Agreement term and following completion of this Agreement. Upon completion of this Agreement, the Contractor shall transfer to the City, at no cost, all public records in possession of the Contractor or keep and maintain public records required by the City of Palm Beach Gardens in order to perform the service. If the Contractor transfers all public records to the City upon completion of this Agreement, the Contractor shall destroy any duplicate public records that are exempt or confidential and exempt from public records disclosure requirements. If the Contractor keeps and maintains public records upon completion of this Agreement, the Contractor shall meet all applicable requirements for retaining public records. All records stored electronically must be provided to the City of Palm Beach Gardens, upon request from the City's custodian of public records, in a format that is compatible with the information technology systems of the City of Palm Beach Gardens. Page 15 of 8 DocuSign Envelope ID: 8A35D3C4-5B5F-4BB6-8D91-68CB71422BD4 City of Palm Beach Gardens Agreement No. ITB2020-124PS (D) Miscellaneous Public Works Projects IF THE CONTRACTOR HAS QUESTIONS REGARDING THE APPLICATION OF CHAPTER 119, FLORIDA STATUTES, TO THE CONTRACTOR'S DUTY TO PROVIDE PUBLIC RECORDS RELATING TO THIS AGREEMENT, CONTACT THE CUSTODIAN OF PUBLIC RECORDS AT THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LOCATED AT 10500 NORTH MILITARY TRAIL, PALM BEACH GARDENS, FLORIDA 33410, PHONE NUMBER (561) 799-4122, EMAIL ADDRESS: PSNIDER(a-PBGFL.COM. ARTICLE 10. SUPERIORITY OF OTHER FORMS OR DOCUMENTS If the City is required by the Contractor to complete and execute any other forms or documents in relation to this Agreement, the terms, conditions, and requirements in this Agreement shall take precedence to any and all conflicting or modifying terms, conditions, or requirements of the Contractor's forms or documents. Additionally, in the event of a conflict between the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement and any attachments or exhibits hereto, the terms and conditions set forth herein shall prevail. ARTICLE 11. LICENSES, PERMITS, AND FEES The Contractor shall hold all licenses and/or certifications, obtain and pay for all permits and/or inspections, and comply with all laws, ordinances, regulations, and building code requirements applicable to the work to be performed. Damages, penalties, and/or fines imposed on the City or the Contractor for failure to obtain and maintain required licenses, certifications, permits, and/or inspections shall be borne by the Contractor. ARTICLE 12. FORCE MAJEURE The City and the Contractor are excused from the performance of their respective obligations under this Agreement when and to the extent that their performance is delayed or prevented by any circumstances beyond their control, including fire, flood, explosion, strikes or other labor disputes, pandemics, natural disasters, public emergency, war, riot, civil commotion, malicious damage, act or omission of any governmental authority, delay or failure or shortage of any type of transportation, equipment, or service from a public utility needed for their performance, provided that: The non -performing party gives the other party prompt written notice describing the particulars of the force majeure, including, but not limited to, the nature of the occurrence and its expected duration, and continues to furnish timely reports with respect thereto during the period of the force majeure. The excuse of performance is of no greater scope and of no longer duration than is required by the force majeure. Page 16 of 8 DocuSign Envelope ID: 8A35D3C4-5B5F-4BB6-8D91-68CB71422BD4 City of Palm Beach Gardens Agreement No. ITB2020-124PS (D) Miscellaneous Public Works Projects No obligations of either party that arose before the force majeure causing the excuse of performance are excused as a result of the force majeure. The non -performing party uses its best efforts to remedy its inability to perform. Notwithstanding the above, performance shall not be excused for a period in excess of two (2) months, provided that in extenuating circumstances the City may excuse performance for a longer term. Economic hardship of the Contractor shall not constitute a force majeure. The term of the Agreement shall be extended by a period equal to that during which either party's performance is suspended under this section. The remainder of this page is intentionally left blank.) Page 17 of 8 DocuSign Envelope ID: 8A35D3C4-5B5F-4BB6-8D91-68CB71422BD4 City of Palm Beach Gardens Agreement No. ITB2020-124PS (D) Miscellaneous Public Works Projects IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement on the date hereinabove first written. ATTP&T: ey: Patricia Snider, CMC, ity Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM A LEGAL SUFFICIENCY / 0 R. Max VofyfiKan, City Attorney CITY OF PAL ACH GARDENS, FLORIDA By: Carl W. Woods, Mayor FLYING SCOT INC By:. , Shawn Cunningham, President Shared Documents/AGREEMENTS/Misc PW Proj ITB/2020/Flying Scot Inc-Misc PW Projects-ITB2020-124PS(D) Agmt.docx Page 18 of 8 City of Palm Beach Gardens Agreement No. ITB2020-124PS (D) Miscellaneous Public Works Projects EXHIBIT "A" City of Palm Beach Gardens, Florida L Bid Tabulation ITB No.: ITB2020-124PS A Bid Title: Miscellaneous Public Works Projects BEACH ,rALM eid Opening Date: August 28, 2020 @ 3:00 P.M. AC Prepared by: k_I R,c VENDOR NAME D.S. EAKINS CONST CORP DEEVAN, INC. FERREIRA CONSTRUCTION FLYING SCOT FOSTER MARINE CONT HEAVY CIVIL, INC. HINTERLAND GROUP JW CHEATHAM, LLC MURRAY LOGAN CONST R& D PAVING, LLC RANGER CONSTRUCTION SOUTH FLORIDA BUILDING WAYPOINT CONTRACTING Vendor FEIN 59-1691997 65-0101816 22-333495 65-1070173 59-1054370 46-5439171 20-5156844 20-1928479 59-1208353 45-4469049 59-2098662 47-3298344 81-4602789 Corporation Address (State): Lake Park, FL Lake Park, FL Branchburg, NJ Wellington, FL Wellington, FL Pompano Beach, FL Riviera Beach, FL West Palm Beach, FL West Palm Beach, FL West Palm Beach, FL West Palm Beach, FL Hobe Sound, FL Donal, FL Are Submittal Forms Complete? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Addenda Acknowledged (Yes/No): Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Vendor Contact D. Steven Eakins, Jr. Van C.Williams John Ciabattari Shawn Cunningham R. Howard Wight Todd Kneisel Chase Rogers Thomas Uhrig Edward OLeary Nancy G. Rosso F. Scott Fowler Stephen Zippi Katrina Gonzalez Vendor Contact Phone Number 561. 842.0001 561.844.5518 772.286.5123 561. 966.0089 561.683.0034 954.597.6443 561.640.3503 561. 471.4100 561.686.3948 561.588.6681 561. 793.9400 561. 510.3800 786. 608.1406 Vendor Contact Email steve@dseakins.com lackie(@deevaninc.com ciabattari@ferreiraconstruction.com shawn@flvingscotinc.com howard(@foster-marine.net ruciv@heawcivilinc.com info@hinterlanderoun.com iwctom@Iwcheatham.com edo@murravlogan.com ancv@randdoaving.com estimating@ rangerconstructicm. steveir@bdimarineandsite.com kgonzalez@wavpointci.com N0. DESCRIPTION UNIT UNIT PRICE UNIT UNIT PRICE UNIT UNIT PRICE UNIT UNIT PRICE UNIT UNIT PRICE UNIT UNIT PRICE UNIT UNIT PRICE UNIT UNIT PRICE UNIT UNIT PRICE UNIT UNITPRICE UNIT UNITPRICE UNIT U.-PRICE UNIT UNIT PRICE SCHEDULE OF VALUES JML AREAS OF SPECIFIC WORK 1 Removal, saw cut, and disposal of 4"thick concrete SF 3.00 SF NO BID SF 2.20 SF 1.75 SF 3.00 SF 1.95 SF 4.00 SF 3.00 SF 6.50 SF 4.50 SF 3.90 SF 3.00 SF 3.70 2 Removal, saw cut, and disposal of 6" thick concrete SF 4.00 SF NO BID SF 2.20 SF 225 SF 3.50 SF 2.15 SF 5.00 SF 4.00 SF 7.00 SF 5.00 SF 3.90 SF 3.50 SF 4.50 3 F&1,4" concrete with wire SF 5.75 SF NO BID SF 5.56 SF 3.00 SF 5.00 SF 3.50 SF 6.50 SF 5.00 SF 8.00 SF 7.50 SF NO BID SF 4.75 SF 6.20 4 F&1,4" concrete without wire SF 5.50 SF NO BID SF 5.12 SF 3.00 SF 4.75 SF 3.30 SF 6.00 SF 4.50 SF 7.50 SF 7.00 SF NO BID SF 4.25 SF 5. 50 5 F&1,4" concrete with polypropylene fiber mix reinforce SF 5.75 SF NO BID SF 5.61 SF 3.00 SF 5.50 SF 3.50 SF 6.50 SF 5.00 SF 8.50 SF 7.50 SF NO BID SF 5.25 SF 6.15 6 F&1,6" concrete with polypropylene fiber mix reinforce SF 6.75 SF NOBID SF 6.42 SF 4.00 SF 6.50 SF 4.75 SF 7.50 SF 6.00 SF 9.50 SF 8.00 SF NO BID 5F 6.00 SF 7.00 7 F&1,6" concrete with wire SF 6.75 SF NO BID SF 5.86 SF 4.00 SF 5.50 SF 4.50 SF 7.50 SF 6.00 SF 9.00 SF 9.00 SF NO BID SF 6.25 SF 7.25 8 F&1,6" concrete without wire SF 6.50 SF NO BID SF 5.61 SF 4.00 SF 5.25 SF 4.20 SF 7.00 SF 5.50 SF 8.50 SF 8.50 SF NO BID SF 6.00 SF 6.55 9 F&I, 6" pervious concrete SF 12.00 SF NO BID SF 10.51 SF NO BID SF 9.00 SF 7.00 SF 20.00 SF 9.00 SF 13.00 SF 30. 00 SF NO BID SF 7.50 SF 10.50 10 F&1,4" stamped concrete with wire SF 11.50 SF NOBID SF 8.01 SF 5.00 SF 12.50 SF 5.15 SF 12.00 SF 11.00 SF 16.00 SF 13.00 SF NO BID SF 8.00 SF 13.75 11 F&1,4" stamped concrete without wire SF 11.00 SF NOBID SF 8.73 SF 5.00 SF 12.75 SF 4.70 SF 11.50 SF 10.00 SF 14.50 SF 12.00 SF NO BID SF 8.25 SF 14.25 12 F&1,6" stamped concrete with wire SF 13.50 SF NOBID SF 9.24 SF 6.00 SF 14.00 SF 6.00 SF 12.00 SF 12.00 SF 17.50 SF 15.00 SF NO BID SF 9.25 SF 16.00 13 F&1,6" stamped concrete with wire SF 13.00 SF NOBID SF 8.97 SF 6.00 SF 13.75 SF 5.50 SF 11.50 SF 11.00 SF 17.00 SF 14.00 SF NO BID SF 9.00 SF 1.75 14 F&I,8" pervious concrete SF 12.00 SF NO BID SF 12.35 SF NO BID SF 12.00 SF 11.20 SF 25.00 SF 12.00 SF 20.00 SF 35. 00 SF NO BID SF 11.00 SF 16.00 15 F&I, FOOT concrete bumperguard EA 60.00 EA NO BID EA 77.70 EA NO BID EA 60.00 EA 40.00 EA 65.00 EA 35.00 EA 45,00 EA 60.00 EA NO BID EA 39.00 EA 75.00 16 F&I, ADA-compliant detectable surface SF 45.00 SF NO BID SF 48.51 SF SF 50.00 SF 25. 00 SF 45.00 SF 35.00 SF 18.00 SF 40.00 SF NO BID SF 24.00 SF 45.00 17 F&I,ADA-compliant welded aluminum handrail LF 125.00 LF NOBID LF NO BID LF 100,00 LF 150.00 LF 80.00 LF 125.00 LF 250.00 LF 90.00 LF 200.00 LF NO BID LF 40.00 LF 105.00 18 F&I, FOOT Type"A"curb - by hand LF 30.00 LF NOBID LF 24.73 LF 14.00 LF 30.00 LF 22.00 LF 35.00 LF 25.00 LF 38.00 LF 40.00 LF NOBID LF 23,00 LF 34.00 19 F&I, FOOT Type"A"curb - by machine LF 30.00 LF NOBID LF 17.38 LF NO BID LF 25.00 LF 22.00 LF 35. 00 LF 22.00 LF 38.00 LF 40. 00 LF NO BID LF 26. 00 LF 32. 00 20 F&I, FDOTType"B"curb - by hand LF 30.00 LF NOBID LF 25.34 LF 14.00 LF 30.00 LF 22.00 LF 35.00 LF 25.00 LF 38.00 LF 40.00 LF NO BID LF 25.00 LF 32.00 21 F&I, FDOTType"B"curb - by machine LF 30.00 LF NOBID LF 17. 38 LF NO BID LF 25.00 LF 22.00 LF 35.00 LF 22.00 LF 38.00 LF 40.00 LF NO BID LF 26.00 LF 31.00 22 F&I, FDOTType"D"curb - by hand LF 25.00 LF NO BID LF 24.73 LF 16.00 LF 25.00 LF 20.00 LF 35.00 LF 25.00 LF 38.00 LF 30.00 LF NO BID LF 24.00 LF 34.00 23 F&I, FDOTType"D"curb - by machine LF 22.50 LF NO BID LF 17. 38 LF NO BID LF 22.00 LF 20.00 LF 35.00 LF 22.00 LF 38.00 LF 22.00 LF NO BID LF 27.00 LF 33.00 24 F&I, FDOTType"E"curb - by hand LF 30.00 LF NO BID LF 17. 38 LF 16.00 LF 30.00 LF 22. 00 LF 35.00 LF 26.00 LF 38.00 LF 40. 00 LF NO BID LF 25.00 LF 34. 50 25 F&I, FDOTType"E"curb - by machine LF 30.00 LF NO BID LF 17. 38 LF NO BID LF 25.00 LF 22.00 LF 35.00 LF 24.00 LF 38.00 LF 40.00 LF NO BID LF 28.00 LF 34.30 26 F&I, FDOTType"F"curb - by hand LF 25.00 LF NO BID LF 28,40 LF 18.00 LF 30.00 LF 22.00 LF 35.00 LF 26.00 LF 38.00 LF 35.00 LF NO BID LF 25.00 LF 37.50 27 F&I, FDOTType"F"curb - by machine LF 25.00 LF NO BID LF 17.99 LF NO BID LF 25.00 LF 22.00 LF 35.00 LF 24.00 LF 38.00 LF 35.00 LF NO BID LF 28.00 LF 35.00 28 F&I, FOOT Valley Gutter - by hand LF 25.00 LF NO BID LF 25, 34 LF 18.00 LF 30.00 LF 20.00 LF 30.00 LF 22.00 LF 38.00 LF 32.00 LF NO BID LF 24.00 LF 38.00 29 F&I, FOOT valley Gutter - by machine LF 25.00 LF NO BID LF 17. 38 LF NO BID LF 25.00 LF 18.00 LF 30.00 LF 20.00 LF 38.00 LF 32.00 LF NO BID LF 26. 00 LF 37.25 30 F&I, FOOT Shoulder Gutter - by hand LF 35.00 LF NO BID LF 30.85 LF 18.00 LF 30.00 LF 28.00 LF 30.00 LF 32.00 LF 38.00 LF 40.00 LF NO BID LF 32.00 LF 40.00 31 F&I, FOOT Shoulder Gutter - by machine LF 30.00 LF NO BID LF 22.89 LF NO BID LF 25.00 LF 28.00 LF 30.00 LF 30.00 LF 38.00 LF 40.00 LF NO BID LF LF 39.00 32 F&I, FOOT asphaltic concrete curb LF 30.00 LF NO BID LF 24.73 LF NO BID LF 25.00 LF 22.00 LF 30.00 LF 25.00 LF 40.00 LF 22.00 LF 25.00 LF 22.00 LF 30.00 33 F&I, conduit - 2" (18" - 24" depth) LF 11.50 LF NO BID LF 7.98 LF NO BID LF 11.00 LF 17.00 LF 12.00 LF 6.00 LF 11.00 LF 8,80 LF 19.55 LF 9.00 LF 12.00 34 Installation only of conduit - 2" (18" - 24" depth) LF 10.00 LF NO BID LF 3.39 LF NO BID LF 10.00 LF 15.00 LF 10.00 LF 5.00 LF 10.00 LF 3.75 LF 17. 05 LF 5.00 LF 18.00 35 F&I, conduit - 4" (18" - 24" depth) LF 14.50 LF NOBID LF 9.00 LF NO BID LF 14.00 LF 31.00 LF 15.00 LF 10.00 LF 14.00 LF 9.90 LF 37.00 LF LF 18.00 36 F&I, conduit - 6" (18" - 24" depth) LF 16.50 LF NOBID LF 9.00 LF NO BID LF 16.00 LF 42.00 LF 18.00 LF 16.00 LF 17.00 LF 9.90 LF 48.00 LF 11.50 LF 24.00 37 F&I, conduit - 2" (24" - 36" depth) LF 13.50 LF NO BID LF 7.03 LF NO BID LF 20.00 LF 19.00 LF 14.00 LF 8.00 LF 12.00 LF 7.75 LF 21.45 LF 9.50 LF 12. 10 38 Installation only of conduit - 2" (24" - 36" depth) LF 12.00 LF NO BID LF 2.45 LF NO BID LF 16.00 LF 17.00 LF 12.00 LF 7.00 LF 11.00 LF 2.70 LF 19.55 LF 5.00 LF 8.05 39 F&I, conduit - 4" (24" - 36" depth) LF 16.50 LF NO BID LF 9.00 LF NO BID LF 18.00 LF 32.00 LF 16.00 LF 12.00 LF 15.00 LF 9.90 LF 38.00 LF 12.00 LF 24. 00 40 F&I, conduit - 6" (24" - 36" depth) LF 18.50 LF NOBID LF 9.00 LF NO BID LF 20.00 LF 43.00 LF 18.00 LF 17.00 LF 15.00 LF 9.90 LF 50.00 LF 13.00 LF 35.00 41 F&I, 2' x 2' pull boxes (includes weeps and ground rods) EA 1,500.00 EA NOBID EA 2,419.70 EA NO BID EA 850.00 EA 1,650.00 EA EA 700.00 EA 600.00 EA 2,662.00 EA 1,890.00 EA 425.00 EA 820.00 42 Installation 2'x 2' pull boxes EA 800.00 EA NOBID EA 1,194.54 EA NO BID EA 500.00 EA 1,350.00 EA 400.00 EA 550.00 EA 500.00 EA 1,314.00 EA 1,510.00 EA 400.00 EA 525.00 43 F&I, pull wire within conduit LF 4.00 LF NO BID LF 3.06 LF NO BID LF 6.00 LF 6.50 LF 3.00 LF 1.00 LF 10.00 LF 3.40 LF 7.25 LF 1.30 LF 10.50 44 F&I, tracing wire within conduit(#12 Cu) LF 4.00 LF NO BID LF 2. 02 LF NO BID LF 4.00 LF 2.00 LF 2.00 LF 1.50 LF 5.00 LF 2.25 LF 2.20 LF 1.55 LF 8.00 45 Supply, place and compact clean fill CY 11.00 CV NOBID CY 24.90 CY 30.00 CY 14.00 CY 13.40 CY 20.00 CY 20.00 BY 16,00 CY 16.00 CY 20.85 CV 17,00 CV 28.00 46 F&I, natural stone riprap w/filter fabric TN 120.00 TN NOBID TN 114.33 TN NO BID TN 175.00 TN 110.00 TN 120.00 TN 110.00 TN 100.00 TN 110.00 TN 180.00 TN 75.00 TN 215.00 47 F&I, broken concrete riprap w/filter fabric TN 100.00 TN NOBID TN NO BID TN NO BID TN 150.00 TN 100.00 TN 85.00 TN 100.00 TN 100.00 TN 100.00 TN 110.00 TN 55.00 TN 145.00 48 Supply and install sand -cement riprap w/filter fabric CY 800.00 CV NOBID By 728.17 CY NO BID CV 600.00 CY 560.00 CV 600.00 CY 660.00 BY 1,000.00 CV 660.00 CY 690.00 CV 425.00 CY 750.00 49 Special saw cuts for pavement and concrete LF 2.00 LF NO BID LF 2. 67 LF 5.00 LF 3.00 LF 2.00 LF 2.00 LF 10.00 LF 8.00 LF 5.00 LF 3.15 LF 2.00 LF 3.00 50 Removal and disposal of existing driveway culvert pipe LF 10.00 LF NOBID LF 83.00 LF NO BID LF 25.00 LF 10.00 LF 15,00 LF 50.00 LF 40.00 LF 140.00 LF 130.00 LF 10.00 LF 57.00 51 F&I, Bahia sod - up to 1,000 SF SF 1.50 SF NOBID SF 0.98 SF 1.15 SF 1.00 SF 0.35 SF 1.00 SF 0.50 SF 0.75 SF 0.75 SF NO BID SF 0.38 SF 0.52 52 F&I, Bahia sod - over 1,000 SF SF 1.00 SF NOBID SF 0.46 SF 1.00 SF 0.75 SF 0.25 SF 0.50 SF 0.40 SF 0.70 SF 0.50 SF NO BID SF 0.33 SF 0.45 53 F&I, Floratam sod - up to 1,000 SF SF 2.00 SF NOBID SF 0.60 SF 0.90 SF 1.25 SF 0.40 SF 1.25 SF 0.75 SF 1.00 SF 1.35 SF NO BID SF 0.48 SF 0.72 54 F&I, Floratam sod - over 1,000 SF SF 1.50 SF NOBID SF 1.28 SF 0.85 SF 1.00 SF 0.38 SF 0.75 SF 0.65 SF 0.90 SF 0.95 SF NO BID SF 0.47 SF 0.58 55 F&I, FOOT seed and mulch mix SF 0.25 SF NOBID SF 0.29 SF NO BID SF 0.20 SF 0.12 SF 0.25 SF 0.30 SF 0.18 SF 0.10 SF NO BID SF 0.13 SF 0.35 56 Furnish operator, water truck and irrigate sod or seed mix HR 100.00 HR NOBID HR 85.01 HR NO BID HR 100.00 HR 65.00 HR 90.00 HR 93.00 HR 120.00 HR 130.00 HR 130.00 HR 85.00 HR 100.00 57 FOOT guard rail with no end treatment LF 30.00 LF NO BID LF 30. 01 LF NO BID LF 50.00 LF 40. 00 LF 35.00 LF 30.00 LF 60.00 LF NO BID LF NO BID LF 29.00 LF 75.00 58 FOOT guard rail with end treatment LF 80,00 LF NO BID LF 60.64 LF NO BID LF 60.00 LF 65. 00 LF 80.00 LF 55.00 LF 70.00 LF NO BID LF NO BID LF 65.00 LF 125.00 59 Re -grade swales - up to 1,000 CV CY 20.00 CV NO BID By 3.11 BY 40.00 CV 15.00 CY 7.45 CY 10.00 BY 14.00 CY 20.00 CY 25. 00 CY 12.50 CV 9.50 CY 30. 00 60 Re -grade swales- over 1,000 CV CY 15.00 CY NO BID CY 3.11 CY 35.00 CY 10.00 CY 6.00 CY 6.00 CV 14. 00 CY 19.00 CV 25.00 CY 6.25 CV 6.50 CY 26.00 61 Canal wash out repair (sand and silt) CY 75.00 CV NO BID CY 180.36 BY NO BID CV 150.00 CY 110.00 CY 100.00 CV 75.00 BY 40.00 CV 175.00 CY 220.00 CV 80.00 CY 250.00 62 Canal excavation (60' ROW)- upto 1,000 CV CY 20.00 CV NO BID CY 23.50 BY NO BID CV 20.00 CY 10.75 CY 15.00 CV 10.00 BY 9.00 CV NO BID CY 27.00 CV 12.00 CV 35.00 63 Canalexcavation(100'ROW)-upto1,000CY CY 20.00 CV NO BID Cy 23.50 BY NO BID CV 20.00 CY 10,75 CY 20.00 BY 10.00 BY 10.00 CV NO BID CY 27.00 CV 12.00 BY 38.00 64 Canalexcavation(0'ROW)-over 1,000 CY CY 15.00 CV NO BID By 28.69 BY NO BID CV 20.00 CY 9.90 CY 12.00 CY 10.00 CY 9.00 CY NO BID CY 27.00 CV 12.00 CY 38. 00 65 Canalexcavation(100'ROW)-over 1,000 CY CY 15.00 CV NO BID CY 15.27 CY NO BID CV 20.00 CY 10. 75 CY 15.00 CY 10.00 CY 10.00 CV NO BID CY 27.00 CV 12.00 CY 40.00 66 Lake canal bank restoration (wash out repair) CY CV NO BID CY 180.36 CY NO BID CV 150.00 CY 75.00 CY 100.00 BY 7 t CY 25.00 CY NO BID CY 200.00 CV 80.00 CY 175.00 ITB No.: 1TB2020-124PS - W - BidTitle: Miscellaneous Public Works Projects eAUA aF.tcx Bid Opening Date: August 28, 2020 @ 3:00 P.M. aiidPsad Prepared by: V- RA VENDOR NAME D.S. EAKINS CONST CORP DEEVAN, INC. FERREIRA CONSTRUCTION FLYING SCOT FOSTER MARINE CONT HEAVY CIVIL, INC. HINTERLAND GROUP 1W CHEATHAM, LLC MURRAY LOGAN CONST R& D PAVING, LLC RANGER CONSTRUCTION SOUTH FLORIDA BUILDING WAYPOINT CONTRACTING Vendor FEIN 59-1691997 65-0101816 22-333495 65-1070173 59-1054370 46-5439171 20-5156844 20-1928479 59-1208353 45-4469049 59-2098662 47-3298344 81-4602789 67 FBI, Type Sill asphalt overlay -1" TN 140.00 TN NO BID TN 169.07 TN NO BID TN 160.00 TN 125.00 TN 165.00 TN 120.00 TN NO BID TN 145.00 TN 280.00 TN 185.00 TN 295.00 68 Mill existing pavement (3/4" -1" avg) SY 4.50 SY NOBID SY 2.74 SY NO BID SY 6.00 SY 2.05 SY 10.00 SY 4.00 SY NO BID SY 3.50 SY 120.010 SY 5.50 SY 12.50 69 Pavement replacement w/2" Type 5 SY 34.50 SY NOBID SY 2.41 SY NO BID SY 40.00 SY 15.00 SY 35.00 SY 31.00 SY NO BID SY 27.00 SY 26.00 SY 25.00 SY 18.00 70 Adjust manhole to grade EA 900.00 EA NOBID EA 268.58 EA NO BID EA 750.00 EA 350.00 EA 350.00 EA 500.00 EA NO BID EA 375.00 EA 680.00 EA 325.00 EA 575.00 71 Jack and bore-4" LF 50.00 LF NOBID LF NO BID LF NO BID LF 60.00 LF 95.00 LF 65.00 LF 35.00 LF 65.00 LF 77.00 LF 110.00 LF 48.00 LF 185.00 72 Directional bore-4" LF 50.00 LF NOBID LF 26.93 LF NO BID LF 60.00 LF 63.00 LF 35.00 LF 35.00 LF 65.00 LF 30.00 LF 73.00 LF 38.00 LF 85.00 73 Jack and bore-6" LF 75.00 LF NOBID LF NO BID LF NO BID LF 70.00 LF 140.00 LF 75.00 LF 45. 00 LF 75.00 LF 82.50 LF 160.00 LF 62.00 LF 225.00 74 Directional bore-6" LF 75.00 LF NOBID LF 32.04 LF NO BID LF 70.00 LF 84.0D LF 50.00 LF 45.00 LF 75.00 LF 35.25 LF 97.0D LF 58.00 LF 100.00 PAVEMENT MARKING 75 Thermoplastic Pavement Marking, Compound Lines a White, 6" LF 1.25 LF NO BID LF 1.10 LF 1.10 LF 1.10 LF 1.00 LF 1.25 LF 0.90 LF NO BID LF 1.15 LF 1.05 LF 0.98 LF 1.05 b Yellow, 6" LF 1.25 LF NO BID LF 1.10 LF 1.10 LF 1.10 LF 1.00 LF 1.25 LF 0.90 LF NO BID LF 1.15 LF 1.05 LF 0.98 LF 1.05 c White, 8" LF 1.75 LF NO BID LF 1.35 LF 1.30 LF 1.65 LF 1.05 LF 2.00 LF 1.00 LF NO BID LF 1.75 LF 1.20 LF 1.30 LF 1.75 d White, 12" LF 2.00 LF NOBID LF 2.57 LF 2.50 LF 2.20 LF 1.62 LF 2.50 LF 1.60 LF NO BID LF 2.30 LF 1.90 LF 2.00 LF 1.85 e White, 18" LF 2.50 LF NO BID LF 3.31 LF 3.25 LF 3.30 LF 2.70 LF 3.50 j LF 2.70 LF NO BID LF 3.45 LF 3.15 LF 4.00 LF 3.05 f Yellow, 18" LF 3.50 LF NO BID LF 3.31 LF 3.25 LF 3.30 LF 2.70 LF 3.50 LF 2.70 LF NO BID LF 3.45 LF 3.15 LF 4.00 LF 3.05 g White, 24" LF 3.50 LF NO BID LF 6.43 LF 6.30 LF 7.25 LF 3.80 LF 8.00 LF 3.80 LF NO BID LF 7.70 LF 4.40 LF 4.50 LF 5.00 76 Arrows and Messages- White Only, Furnish & Install a Tarn arrow EA 85.00 EA NO BID EA 91.89 EA 90.00 EA 80.00 EA 91. 00 EA 100.00 EA 92. 00 EA NO BID EA 80.85 EA 110.00 EA 75.00 EA V $80.00 b Straight arrow EA 85.00 EA NO BID EA 104.14 EA 100.00 EA 80.00 EA 91.00 EA 100.00 EA 92.00 EA NO BID EA 80.85 EA 110.00 EA 75.00 EA 80.00 c Straight/Fum arrows, combination EA 150.00 EA NO BID EA 208.28 EA 200.00 EA 145.00 EA 95.00 EA 180.00 EA 97.00 EA NO BID EA 150.15 EA 110.00 EA 110.00 EA 135.00 d Merge message EA 190.Do EA NO BID EA 349.17 EA 340.00 EA 180.00 EA 135.00 EA 200.00 EA 135.00 EA NO BID EA 190.30 EA 160.00 EA 150.00 EA 175.00 e RXR message EA 370.00 EA NO BID EA 520.70 EA 500.00 EA 350.00 EA 135.00 EA 400.00 EA 135.00 EA NO BID EA 369.60 EA 160.00 EA 250.00 EA 240.00 f School message EA 250.00 EA NO BID EA 520.70 EA 500.00 EA 195.0D EA 135.00 EA 250.00 EA 135.00 EA NO BID EA 202.40 EA 160.00 EA 175.00 EA 200.00 g Only message EA 200.00 EA NO BID EA 275.66 EA 270.00 EA 160.00 EA 135.00 EA 200.00 EA 135.00 EA NO BID EA 167.20 EA 160.00 EA 180.00 EA 150.00 h U-Turn message EA 250.00 EA NO BID EA 275.66 EA 270.00 EA 210.00 EA 130.00 EA 300.00 EA 130.00 EA NO BID EA 218.90 EA 150.00 EA 130.00 EA 175.00 i Bike lane symbol (diamond, arrow) EA 450.00 EA NO BID EA 428. 81 EA 420.00 EA 410.00 EA 378.00 EA 500.00 EA 378.00 EA NO BID EA 440.00 EA 440.00 EA 150.00 EA 275.00 j Handicap message EA 250.00 EA NO BID EA 238.91 EA 235.00 EA 195.00 EA 189.00 EA 250.00 EA 189.00 EA NO BID EA 202.40 EA 220.00 EA 130.00 EA 77 Raised Reflective Pavement Markers -Thermoplastic a Red and amber; bi-directional EA 6.25 EA NO BID EA 5.51 EA EA 5.80 EA 5.40 EA 6.00 EA 5.50 EA NO BID EA 5.75 EA 6.30 EA 5.50 EA 7.25 b Amber; bi-directional EA 6.25 EA NO BID EA 5.51 EA 5.50 EA 5.80 EA 5.40 EA 6.00 EA 5.50 EA NO BID EA 5.75 EA 6.30 EA 5.25 EA 7.00 c White and red; bi-directional EA 6.25 EA NO BID EA 5. 51 EA 5.50 EA 5.80 EA 5.40 EA 6.00 EA 5.50 EA NO BID EA 5.75 EA 6.30 EA 5.30 EA 6.00 78 Raised Reflective Pavement Markers- Epoxy a Red and amber; bi-directional EA 6.25 EA NO BID EA 6.74 EA 6.50 EA 5.80 EA 6.20 EA 6.- EA 6.20 EA NO BID EA 5.75 EA 7.25 EA 6.30 EA 7.25 b Amber;bi-directional EA 6.25 EA NO BID EA 6.74 EA 6.50 EA 5.80 EA 6.20 EA 6.00 EA 6.20 EA NO BID EA 5.75 EA 7.25 EA 5.50 EA 6.50 c White and red; bi-directional EA 6.25 EA NOBID EA 6.74 EA 6.50 EA 5.80 EA 6.20 EA 6.00 EA 6.20 EA NO BID EA 5.75 EA 7.25 EA EA 6.50 79 Traffic Paint Lines a White, 4" LF 0.50 LF NOBID LF 0.34 LF 0.35 LF 0.40 LF 0.32 LF 1.00 LF 0.35 LF NO BID LF 0.40 LF 0.40 LF 0.40 LF 0.65 b Yellow, 4" LF 0.50 LF NOBID LF 0.34 LF 0.35 LF 0.40 LF 0.32 LF 1.00 LF 0.35 LF NO BID LF 0.40 LF 0.40 LF 0.40 LF 0.65 c White, 6" LF 0.75 LF NOBID LF 0.47 LF 0.45 LF 0.45 LF 0.40 LF 1.00 LF 0.40 LF NO BID LF 0.45 LF 0.45 LF 0.40 LF 0.85 d Black, 6" LF 0.75 LF NO BID LF 0.55 LF 0.55 LF 0.55 LF 0.40 LF 1.00 LF 0.40 LF NO BID LF 0.60 LF 0.45 LF 0.80 LF 0.90 e Blue, 6" LF 1.00 LF NOBID LF 0. 67 LF 0.65 LF 0.90 LF 0.40 LF 1.00 LF 0.40 LF NO BID LF 0.95 LF 0.45 LF 0.80 LF 0.90 f Yellow, 6" LF 0.50 LF NO BID LF 0.47 LF 0.45 LF 0.45 LF 0.40 LF 1.00 LF 0.40 LF NO BID LF 0.45 LF 0.45 LF 0.45 LF 0.90 g White, 18" LF 2.00 LF NOBID LF 1.41 LF 1.40 LF 1.55 LF 1.10 LF 2.00 LF 1.10 LF NO BID LF 1.65 LF 1.25 LF 1.50 LF 1.50 h White, 12" LF 1.50 LF NO BID LF 0.92 LF 0.90 LF 1.10 LF 0.80 LF 1.50 LF 0.80 LF NO BID LF 1.15 LF 0.95 LF 1.00 LF 1.25 Yellow, 18" LF 2.00 LF NO BID LF 1.41 LF 1.40 LF 1.55 LF 1.10 LF 2.00 LF 1.10 LF NO BID LF 1.60 LF 1.25 LF 1.50 LF 1.50 j White, 24" LF 4.00 LF NOBID LF LF 1.70 LF 3.30 LF 1.95 LF 4.00 LF 1.95 LF NO BID LF 3.45 LF 2.25 LF 2.00 LF 1.85 80 Arrows and Messages- White (Furnish and Install) a Straight/Combo Arrow EA 175.00 EA NO BID EA 61.26 EA 60.00 EA 145.0D EA 48. 60 EA 200.00 EA 49.00 EA NO BID EA 154.00 EA 57.00 EA 55.00 EA 65.00 b Tarn arrow EA 85.00 EA NO BID EA 36.76 EA 35. 00 EA 80.00 EA 43.00 EA 150.00 EA 43.00 EA NO BID EA 81.40 EA 50.00 EA 23.00 EA 45.00 c Message (Only; School,' Merge and5traight Arrow) EA 200.00 EA NO BID EA 153.15 EA 150.00 EA 175.00 EA 76.00 EA 200.0D EA 76.00 EA NO BID EA 178.20 EA 88.00 EA 44.00 EA 70.00 d 6" Numbers (Per Digit) EA 30.00 EA NO BID EA 1.23 EA 1.20 EA 30.00 EA 5.40 EA 40. 00 EA 5.50 EA NO BID EA 29.15 EA 6.30 EA 2.00 EA 2.50 e 8" Numbers (Per Digit) EA 35.00 EA NO BID EA 1.53 EA 1.50 EA 35.00 EA 5.40 EA 50.00 EA 5.50 EA NO BID EA 33. 55 EA 6.30 EA 2.00 EA 3.00 f 10" Numbers (Per Digit) EA 40.00 EA NO BID EA 1.84 EA 1.80 EA 40.00 EA 5.40 EA 55.00 EA 5.50 EA NO BID EA 37.40 EA 6.30 EA 2.00 EA 5.00 g 12" Numbers (Per Digit) EA 45.00 EA NO BID EA 2. 21 EA 2.15 EA 40.00 EA 5.40 EA 65.00 EA 5.50 EA NO BID EA 41.80 EA 6.30 EA 2.20 EA 6.75 h 24" Numbers (Per Digit) EA 90.00 EA NO BID EA 3.49 EA 10. 25 EA 80.00 EA 7.55 EA 90.00 EA 7.50 EA NO BID EA 81.40 EA 8.85 EA 3.5 EA 7.20 81 Fire Lane and No Parking Messages -Yellow a 4" Letters (Per Letter) EA 30.00 EA NO BID EA 53.04 EA 1.00 EA 25.00 EA 3.30 EA 35.00 EA 3.25 EA NO BID EA 25.30 EA 3.80 EA 2.10 EA 2.50 b 6" Letters (Per Letter) EA 30.00 EA NO BID EA 1.23 EA 1.20 EA 27.50 EA 3.30 EA 40.00 EA 3.25 EA NO BID EA 28.90 EA 3.80 EA 2.60 EA 3.00 c 8" Letters (Per Letter) EA 35.00 EA NO BID EA 1.53 EA 1.50 EA 32.00 EA 3.80 EA 45.00 EA 3.75 EA NO BID EA 33. 55 EA 4.40 EA 4.00 EA 4.75 d 12" Letters (Per Letter) EA 45.00 EA NO BID EA 2.21 EA 2.15 EA 39.00 EA 6.60 EA 50.00 EA 6.50 EA NO BID EA 40.70 EA 7.55 EA 6.00 EA 5.75 e 4'Letters(Per Letter) EA 140.00 EA NO BID EA 10.41 EA 10.25 EA 135.00 EA 11.00 EA 150.00 EA 11.00 EA NO BID EA 138.60 EA 12.60 EA 12.50 EA 12.00 82 Pavement marking rem oval a Traffic Paint SF 2.50 SF NO BID SF 11. 33 SF 11.00 SF 2.20 SF 3.25 SF 3.00 SF 3.25 SF NO BID SF 2.30 SF 3.80 SF 2.50 5F 2. 25 b Thermoplastic SF 2.50 SF NO BID SF 4.53 SF 4.50 SF 2.20 SF 3.25 SF 3.00 SF 3.25 SF NO BID SF 2.30 SF 3.80 SF 3.00 5F 2.45 c Cold (Preformed) Plastic SF 3.00 SF NO BID SF 226.66 SF 200.00 SF 2.75 SF 3.25 SF 3.25 5F 3.25 5F NO BID 5F 2.75 SF 3.80 SF 3.50 SF 3. 15 d Construction Tape LF 1.50 LF NO BID LF 3.49 LF 3.50 LF 1.40 LF 1.10 LF 2.00 LF 1.10 LF NO BID LF 1.40 LF 1.25 LF 2.00 LF 2.55 e Pavement markers EA 1.00 EA NO BID EA 2.21 EA 2.15 EA 0.85 EA 0.55 EA 1.50 EA 0.55 EA NO BID EA 0.85 EA 0.65 EA 1.50 EA 3.50 83 Preformed (Cold) Plastic (Install Only) a White, 24" LF 10.00 LF NO BID LF 6.74 LF 6.50 LF 8.80 LF 2.15 LF 20.00 LF 2.25 LF NO BID LF 9.90 LF 2.50 LF 25.00 LF 8.75 b Message (Only; School,' Merge; U-Tam; Bike Lane; etc.) EA 250.00 EA NO BID EA 594.21 EA 580.00 EA 225.0D EA 86.40 EA 250.010 EA 87.00 EA NO BID EA 236.50 EA 100.00 EA 600.00 EA 460.00 c Tam arrow EA 150.00 EA NO BID EA 91. 89 EA 90.00 EA 120.0D EA 43.20 EA 150.00 EA 43. 00 EA NO BID EA 127.60 EA 50.0) EA 220.00 EA 220.00 84 Preformed (Cold) Plastic (Furnish and Install) a White of Yellow, 6" LF 11.00 LF NO BID LF 12. 25 LF 9.50 LF 10.50 LF 8.65 LF 15.00 LF 8.70 LF NO BID LF 11.00 LF 10.10 LF 8.50 LF 9.15 b White, 8" LF 13.00 LF NO BID LF 16. 85 LF 12.00 LF 12.25 LF 8.65 LF 16.00 LF 8. LF NO BID LF 12.95 LF 10.10 LF 10.00 LF 12. 85 c White or Yellow, 12" LF 21.50 LF NO BID LF 9.80 LF 16.50 LF 21.00 LF 16.20 LF 25.00 LF 16.00 LF NO BID LF 22.00 LF 18.90 LF 17.00 LF 17. 45 d White or Yellow, 18" LF 28.50 LF NO BID LF 12.25 LF 18.00 LF 27.00 LF 21.60 LF 30. 00 LF 22.00 1 LF NO BID LF 28. 60 LF 25.00 LF 25. 00 LF 25.25 ITB No.: 1TB2020-124PS -- Bid Title: Miscellaneous Public Works Projects PALM BFACH Bid O enin teDa: Au ust 28 2020 @ 3:00 P.M. Prepared by: 1 RA VENDOR NAME D.S. EAKINS CONST CORP DEEVAN, INC. FERREIRA CONSTRUCTION FLYING SCOT FOSTER MARINE CONT HEAVY CIVIL, INC. HINTERLAND GROUP JW CHEATHAM, LLC MURRAY LOGAN CONST R& D PAVING, LLC RANGER CONSTRUCTION SOUTH FLORIDA BUILDING WAYPOINT CONTRACTING Vendor FEIN 59-1691997 65-0101816 22-333495 65-1070173 59-1054370 46-5439171 20-5156844 20-1928479 59-1208353 45-4469049 59-2098662 47-3298344 81-4602789 e White, 24" LF 35.00 LF NO BID LF 16.85 LF 22.25 LF 33.00 LF 34.55 LF 35.00 LF 35.00 LF NO BID LF 34.65 LF 40.00 LF 28.00 LF 28.05 f Message (Only; School,' Merge; Ramp; U-Tam; etc.) LF 850.00 LF NO BID LF 91.89 LF 600.00 LF 800.00 LF 405.00 LF 800.00 LF 4.05 LF NO BID LF 792.00 LF 470.00 LF LF 750.00 g Tarn arrow LF 350.00 LF NO BID LF 45.33 LF 280.00 LF 335.00 LF 205.00 LF 350.00 LF 205.00 LF NO BID LF 346.50 LF 240.00 LF 2.10 LF 315.00 85 Miscellaneous (Furnish and Install) a Thermoplastic Ramble Strips (index 518) EA 250.00 EA NOBID EA 299.14 EA 690.00 EA 250.00 EA 405.00 EA 250.00 EA 405.00 EA NO BID EA 231.00 EA 470.00 EA 525.00 EA 675.00 b 9"Contra5ttape LF 15.00 LF NOBID LF 704.47 LF 18.00 LF 14.00 LF 6.50 LF 20. 00 LF 6.50 LF NO BID LF 16.50 LF 7.55 LF 14.00 LF 15. 85 c Flexible Dellneators(All Types) EA 110.00 EA NOBID EA 18.38 EA 225.00 EA 100.00 EA 52.90 EA 125.00 EA 53.00 EA NO BID EA 103.40 EA 62.00 EA 75.00 EA 105.00 d Foil Back Tape LF 1.75 LF NO BID LF 226.66 LF 3.25 LF 1.60 LF 0.80 LF 2.00 LF 0.80 LF NO BID LF 1.75 LF 0.95 LF 2.50 LF 3.05 86 Items for FDOT Projects Only a 6"Solid White Paint LF 1.00 LF NO BID LF 3.31 LF 0.45 LF 0.85 LF 0.40 LF 1.20 LF 0.40 LF NO BID LF 0.90 LF 0.45 LF 0.38 LF 0.50 b 6"Solid White Thermoplastic LF 1.50 LF NO BID LF 0.47 LF 1.40 LF 1.25 LF 1.15 LF 1.50 LF 1.15 LF NO BID LF 1.35 LF 1.30 LF 1.08 LF 1.30 c 8"Solid Yellow Paint LF 1.75 LF NO BID LF 1.41 LF 0.55 LF 1.55 LF 0.55 LF 2.00 LF 0.55 LF NO BID LF 1.60 LF 0.65 LF 0.45 LF 0.68 d 8"Solid White Thermoplastic LF 2.00 LF NO BID LF 0.55 LF 1.70 LF 1.85 LF 1.35 LF 2.00 LF 1.35 LF NO BID LF 1.90 LF 1.60 LF 1.35 LF 1.75 e 8"Solid Yellow Thermoplastic LF 2.00 LF NO BID LF 1.72 LF 1.70 LF 1.85 LF 1.35 LF 2.00 LF 1.35 LF NO BID LF 1.90 LF 1.60 LF 1.35 LF 1.75 f 12- Solid White Paint LF 1.75 LF NO BID LF 0.80 LF 0.80 LF 1.65 LF 0.65 LF 2.00 LF 0.65 LF NO BID LF 1.75 LF 0.75 LF 0.86 LF 1.00 g 12" Solid White Thermoplastic LF 2.75 LF NO BID LF 2.57 LF 2.50 LF 2.55 LF 1.90 LF 3.00 LF 1.90 LF NO BID LF 2.65 LF 2.20 LF 2.18 LF 2.55 h 18" Solid White Point LF 2.75 LF NO BID LF 1.47 LF 1.45 LF 2.50 LF 1.10 LF 3.00 LF 1.10 LF NO BID LF 2.65 LF 1.25 LF 1.42 LF 2.30 i 18" Solid White Thermoplastic LF 4.00 LF NO BID LF 3.49 LF 3.45 LF 3.80 LF 2.70 LF 4.00 LF 2.70 LF NO BID LF 4.00 LF 3.15 LF 3.25 LF 3.50 j 24"Solid White Point LF 4.00 LF NO BID LF 1.72 LF 1.70 LF 3.65 LF 2.15 LF 5.00 LF 2.15 LF NO BID LF 3.80 LF 2.50 LF 1.79 LF 2.15 k 24" Solid White Thermoplastic LF 8.50 LF NO BID LF 6.43 LF 6.30 LF 7.70 LF 4.32 LF 8.00 LF 4.30 LF NO BID LF 8.10 LF 5.05 LF 4.60 LF 5.25 I 6"Solid Yellow Point LF 1.00 LF NO BID LF 0.47 LF 0.45 LF 0.85 LF 0.40 LF 1.25 LF 0.40 LF NO BID LF 0.90 LF 0.45 LF 0.41 LF 0. 50 in 6"Solid Yellow Thermoplastic LF 1.50 LF NO BID LF 1.41 LF 1.40 LF 1.25 LF 1.15 LF 1.50 LF 1.15 LF NO BID LF 1.35 LF 1.30 LF 1.12 LF 1.00 n 18" Solid Yellow Paint LF 3.00 LF NO BID LF 1.47 LF 1.45 LF 2.50 LF 1.10 LF 3.00 LF 1.10 LF NO BID LF 2.70 LF 1.25 LF 0.80 LF 2.00 a 18" Solid Yellow Thermoplastic LF 4.50 LF NOBID LF 3.49 LF 3.40 LF 3.80 LF 2.70 LF 4.00 LF 2.70 LF NO BID LF 4.00 LF 3.15 LF 3.10 LF 3.50 p 2x45kips White Paint LF 1.00 LF NOBID LF 0. 59 LF 0.60 LF 1.00 LF 0.40 LF 1.50 LF 0.40 LF NO BID LF 1.00 LF 0.45 LF 0.50 LF 0.50 q 2x45kips White Thermoplastic LF 1.50 LF NO BID LF 1.10 LF 1.10 LF 1.35 LF 1.15 LF 2.00 LF 1.15 LF NO BID LF 1.40 LF 1.30 LF 1.10 LF 1.05 r 6x10Skip5White Point LF 1.00 LF NO BID LF 0.59 LF 0.60 LF 1.00 LF 0.40 LF 1.50 LF 0.40 LF NO BID LF 1.00 LF 0.45 LF 0.43 LF 0.55 s 6x10 Skips White Thermoplastic LF 1.50 LF NO BID LF 1.10 LF 1.10 LF 1.35 LF 1.15 LF 2.00 LF 1.15 LF NO BID LF 1.40 LF 1.30 LF 1.25 LF 1.05 t 10x305kips White Paint LF 1.00 LF NO BID LF 0. 59 LF 0.60 LF 1.00 LF 0.40 LF 1.50 LF 0.40 LF NO BID LF 1.00 LF 0.45 LF 0.52 LF 0. 58 a I0x30 Skips White Thermoplastic LF 1.50 LF NO BID LF 1.10 LF 1.10 LF 3.35 LF 1.15 LF 2.00 LF 1.15 LF NO BID LF 1.40 LF 1.30 LF 1.10 LF 1.30 v 2x45kips Yellow Point LF 1.00 LF NO BID LF 0. 59 LF 0.60 LF 1.00 LF 0.40 LF 1.50 LF 0.40 LF NO BID LF 1.00 LF 0.45 LF 1.25 LF 0.55 w 2x45kips Yellow Thermoplastic LF 1.50 LF NO BID LF 1.10 LF 1.10 LF 1.35 LF 1.15 LF 2.00 LF 1.15 LF NO BID LF 1.40 LF 1.30 LF 0.50 LF 1.30 x 6x10 Skips Yellow Paint LF 1.00 LF NO BID LF 0.59 LF 0.60 LF 1.00 LF 0.40 LF 1.50 LF 0.40 LF NO BID LF 1.00 LF 0.45 LF 1.25 LF 0.65 y 6xI0 Skips Yellow Thermoplastic LF 1.50 LF NO BID LF 1.10 LF 1.10 LF 1.35 LF 1.15 LF 2.00 LF 1.15 LF NO BID LF 1.40 LF 1.30 LF 5.50 LF 1.25 z Reflective pavement Markers EA 6.50 EA NOBID EA 5.21 EA 5.10 EA 5.80 EA 5.40 EA 7.50 EA 5.50 EA NO BID EA 5.75 EA 6.30 EA 38.50 EA 5.75 as Directional Arrows Paint EA 90.00 EA NOBID EA 36.76 EA 36.00 EA 85.00 EA 59.40 EA 100.00 EA 60.00 EA NO BID EA 85.80 EA 69.00 EA 75.00 EA 47. 00 ab Directional Arrows Thermo EA 90.00 EA NOBID EA 91.89 EA 90.00 EA 85.00 EA 102.00 EA 100.00 EA 103.00 EA NO BID EA 85.80 EA 120.00 EA 450.00 EA 85. 00 ac Bike lane Symbol W/Arrows Cold Plastic SETS 450.00 SETS NOBID SETS 483.94 SETS 470.00 SETS 425.00 SETS 380.00 SETS 500.00 SETS 378.00 SETS NO BID SETS 426.80 SETS 440.00 SETS 77.00 SETS 500.00 ad Pavement Messages Paint EA 2010.00 EA NOBID EA 226.66 EA 220.010 EA 165.00 EA 54.00 EA 250.00 EA 54. 00 EA NO BID EA 178.20 EA 63.00 EA 23.50 EA 82.00 ae Reflective Paint -Island Nose - White SY 25.00 SY NOBID SY 24.50 SY 25.00 SY 22.00 SY 5.40 SY 35.00 SY 5.50 SY NO BID SY 23. 10 SY 6.30 SY 23.70 SY 27.50 CREWS AND EQUIPMENT 87 Construction Crew 'A" HR 325.00 HR 280.00 HR 556.46 HR NO BID HR 350.00 HR 340.00 HR 290.00 HR 425.00 HR 350.00 HR 450.00 HR 470.00 HR 370.00 HR 575.00 88 Construction Crew"B" HR 350.00 HR HR 573.58 HR NO BID HR 400.00 HR 340.00 HR 290.00 HR 425.00 HR 350.00 HR 450.00 HR 470.00 HR 370.00 HR 595.00 89 Construction Crew "C" HR 400.00 HR NO BID HR 586.22 HR NO BID HR 450.00 HR 385.00 HR 350.00 HR 445.00 HR 375.00 HR 500.00 HR 680.00 HR 410.00 HR 885.00 90 Construction Crew"D" HR 450.00 HR NO BID HR 586.22 HR NO BID HR 450.00 HR 385.010 HR 350.00 HR 445.00 HR 375.00 HR 500.00 HR 680.00 HR 470.00 HR 975.00 91 Infiltration Drainage Crew HR 299.00 HR NO BID HR 573.58 HR NO BID HR 350.00 HR 340.00 HR 290.00 HR 425.00 HR 350.00 HR 450.00 HR 470.00 HR 365.00 HR 550.00 92 Wellpoint System HR 50.00 HR 60.00 HR 134.03 HR NO BID HR 50.00 HR 250.00 HR 45 HR 40.00 HR 55.00 HR 50. 00 HR 220.00 HR 62.00 HR 175.00 93 Asphalt Removal and Restoration SF 6.50 SF NO BID SF 4.33 SF NO BID SF 9.00 SF 4.00 SF 8.00 SF 6.00 SF 12.00 SF 20.00 SF 7.80 SF 2.10 SF 12.75 94 Dump Truck (15- 20 CY) HR 80.00 HR NO BID HR 123.44 HR NO BID HR 75.00 SCHEDULE HR OF EQUIPMENT 61.00 AND OPERA HR TOIWS 58.00 HR 78.00 HR 65.00 HR 85.00 HR 76.00 HR 72.00 HR 85.00 ANNUAL ASPHALT MILLING AND PAVING 95 Asphalt Paving, per 1-inch pavingloverlay TN 140.00 TN NO BID TN 169-07 TN NO BID TN 140.00 TN 125.00 TN 225.00 TN TN NO BID TN 122.00 TN 120.00 TN 3.50 TN 295.00 96 Asphalt Milling, perl-inch mill BY 4.50 BY NO BID BY 2.74 BY NO BID BY 3.00 BY 2.05 BY 8.00 BY 4.00 BY NO BID SY 2.50 SY 8.40 SY 2.00 SY 12.50 97 MOT, Rental of Arrow Board, Electric PER DAY 20.00 PER DAY NO BID PER DAY 24.74 PER DAY NO BID PER DAY 15.00 PER DAY 11.00 PER DAY 65.00 PER DAY PER DAY 175.00 PER DAY 15.00 PER DAY 100.00 PER DAY 95.00 PER DAY 45.00 98 MOT, Rental of Message Board, Electric PER DAY 30.00 PER DAY NO BID PER DAY 24.51 PER DAY NO BID PER DAY 30.00 PER DAY 22.00 PER DAY 85.00 PER DAY PER DAY 250.00 PER DAY 27. 00 PER DAY 100.00 PER DAY 100.00 PER DAY 55.00 99 MOT, Rental of Traffic Cones, 36-inch high (per 50 cones) PER DAY 75.00 PER DAY NO BID PER DAY PER DAY NO BID PER DAY 0.30 PER DAY 25.00 PER DAY 1.00 PER DAY 50.00 PER DAY 100.00 PER DAY 0.25 PER DAY 130.00 PER DAY 100.00 PER DAY 20.00 100 MOT, Rental of Barricades, Type II PER DAY 0.75 PER DAY NO BID PER DAY 1.97 PER DAY NO BID PER DAY 0.50 PER DAY 1.10 PER DAY 5.00 PER DAY 0.60 PER DAY 2.00 PER DAY 0.30 PER DAY 1.00 PER DAY 15.00 PER DAY 345.00 101 MOT, Rental of Barricades, Type III PER DAY 1.00 PER DAY NO BID PER DAY 1.97 PER DAY NO BID PER DAY 0.60 PER DAY 1.65 PER DAY 5.00 PER DAY 0.90 PER DAY 6.00 PER DAY G.SS PER DAY 5.00 PER DAY 175.00 PER DAY 52.00 102 MOT, Rental of Jersey Barrier PER DAY 75.00 PER DAY NO BID PER DAY 566.32 PER DAY NO BID PER DAY 5.00 PER DAY 33.00 PER DAY 200.00 PER DAY 60.0o PER DAY 50.00 PER DAY 75.00 PER DAY 500.00 PER DAY 225.00 PER DAY 65.00 103 Materials Mark -Up (for items not in contract up to $50K) PER CENT 10% PER CENT NO BID PER CENT 6,000.00 PER CENT 18% PER CENT 15% PER CENT 10% PER CENT 10% PER CENT 10% PER CENT 10 PER CENT 15% PER CENT 11% PER CENT 10 PER CENT 15.70% 1 3-Man Crew w/Pickup Truck HR 250.00 HR NO BID HR 166.73 HR 200.00 HR 250.00 HR 200.00 HR 150.00 HR 200.00 HR 180.00 HR 150.00 HR 240.00 HR 180.00 HR 285.00 2 5-Man Crew w/Pickup Truck HR 350.00 HR NOBID HR 261.49 HR 260.00 HR 350.00 HR 300.00 HR 220.00 HR 300.00 HR 220.00 HR 200.00 HR 320.00 HR 220.00 HR 428.00 3 Supervisor HR 80.00 HR 90.00 HR 126.42 HR 80.00 HR 80.00 HR 81.00 HR 95.00 HR 90.00 HR 70.00 HR 65.00 HR 96.00 HR 72.00 HR 87.50 4 Foreman HR 75.00 HR 80.00 HR 93.87 HR 60.00 HR 75.00 HR 72.00 HR 75.00 HR 80.00 HR 55.00 HR 50.00 HR 85.00 HR 65.00 HR 72.50 5 Welder HR 65.00 HR NO BID HR 87. 07 HR NO BID HR 60.00 HR 60.00 HR 75. 00 HR 75.00 HR 65.00 HR 100.00 HR HR 48.00 HR 70. 00 6 Skilled Laborer HR 65.00 HR 45.00 HR 44.03 HR 40.00 HR 40.00 HR 30.00 HR 35.00 HR 32.00 HR 36.00 HR 35.00 HR 40.00 HR 40.00 HR 47.50 7 Day Laborer (Unskilled) HR 35.00 HR 35.00 HR 40.65 HR 30.00 HR 35.00 HR 26.00 HR 30.00 HR 25.00 HR 26.00 HR 28.00 HR 35.00 HR 30.00 HR 38.95 8 Gradall HR 150.00 HR NO BID HR NO BID HR NO BID HR 175.00 HR 85.00 HR 100.00 HR 120.00 HR 125.00 HR 100.00 HR 140.00 HR 80.00 HR 175.00 9 Skid Loader HR 80.00 HR 60.00 HR 85.07 HR 60.00 HR 85.00 HR 30.00 HR 65.00 HR 80.00 HR 75.00 HR 75.00 HR 95.00 HR 65.00 HR 95.00 10 Rubber Tire backhoe/Loader HR 80.00 HR NO BID HR 88. 40 HR NO BID HR 85.00 HR 35.00 HR HR 115.00 HR 85.00 HR 100.00 HR 90.00 HR 65.00 HR 95. 00 11 Track backhoe HR 140.00 HR 130.00 HR 127.62 HR NO BID HR 140.00 HR 100.00 HR 125.00 HR 145.00 HR 130.00 HR 175.00 HR 170.00 HR 60.00 HR 165.00 12 Dump Truck HR 80.00 HR NO BID HR 123.46 HR 80.00 HR 75.00 HR 65.00 HR 75.00 HR 78.00 HR 65.00 HR 85.00 HR 76.00 HR 70.00 HR 80.00 13 Flatbed w/Tractor HR 100.00 HR NO BID HR 139.86 HR NO BID HR 150.00 HR 110.00 HR 85.00 HR 115.00 HR 90.00 HR 120.00 HR 110.00 HR 100.00 HR 115.00 14 Flatbed HR 80.00 HR NO BID HR 13.56 HR NO BID HR 25.00 HR 60.00 HR 45.00 HR 60.00 HR 50.00 HR 100.00 HR 172A0 HR 65.00 HR 65.00 IS Wellpoint System HR 50.00 HR 60.00 HR 50. 85 HR NO BID HR 50.00 HR 100.00 HR 45.00 HR 40.00 HR 60.00 HR 50. 00 HR 190.00 HR 55. 00 HR 75. 00 ITB No.: 1TB2020-124PS - W - BidTitle: Miscellaneous Public Works Projects PAUA BUCH Bid Opening Date: August 28, 2020 @ 3:00 P.M. aiidPsad Prepared by: V- RA VENDOR NAME D.S. EAKINS CONST CORP DEEVAN, INC. FERREIRA CONSTRUCTION FLYING SCOT FOSTER MARINE CONT HEAVY CIVIL, INC. HINTERLAND GROUP JW CHEATHAM, LLC MURRAY LOGAN CONST R& D PAVING, LLC RANGER CONSTRUCTION SOUTH FLORIDA BUILDING WAYPOINT CONTRACTING Vendor FEIN 59-1691997 65-0101816 22-333495 65-1070173 59-1054370 46-5439171 20-5156844 20-1928479 59-1208353 45-4469049 59-2098662 47-3298344 81-4602789 16 Jet Pump HR 50.00 HR 30.00 HR 35.53 HR NO BID HR 30.00 HR 80.00 HR 45.00 HR 58.00 HR 45.00 HR 75.00 HR 63.00 HR 15.00 HR 75.00 17 Hydraulic Submersible Pump HR 50.00 HR NOBID HR 38. 62 HR NO BID HR 30.00 HR 150.00 HR 50. 00 HR 50. 00 HR 50.00 HR 50. 00 HR 100.00 HR 25.00 HR 95. 00 18 Welding machine HR 50.00 HR NO BID HR 13. 26 HR NO BID HR 25.00 HR 50.00 HR 30.00 HR 50.00 HR 50.00 HR 75.00 HR 50.00 HR 20.00 HR 78.00 19 Portable Generator HR 50.00 HR NO BID HR 16. 15 HR 35.00 HR 15.00 HR 20. 00 HR 40.00 HR 50.00 HR 35.00 HR 50.00 HR 25.00 HR 20. 00 HR 70.00 20 Quick Cut Saw HR 30.00 HR NO BID HR 6.19 HR 35.00 HR 10.00 HR 6.00 HR 10.00 HR 30.00 HR 25.00 HR 25.00 HR 25.00 HR 10.00 HR 32.50 21 Asphalt/Concrete Saw HR 40.00 HR NO BID HR 11. 15 HR 35.00 HR 20.00 HR 25. 00 HR 20.00 HR 30.00 HR 35.00 HR 25.00 HR 25.00 HR 5.00 HR 45.00 22 Steel Wheel Roller HR 70.00 HR NOBID HR 40.65 HR 100.00 HR 90.00 HR 45.00 HR 60. 00 HR 85. 00 HR 80.00 HR 75. 00 HR 90.00 HR 50. 00 HR 90. 25 23 Plate Tamper HR 25.00 HR NOBID HR 14.59 HR 25.00 HR 20.00 HR 10.00 HR 25.00 HR 30.00 HR 35.00 HR 25.00 HR 25.00 HR 9.00 HR 45.00 24 Chain Saw/Debris Clearing Hand Equipment HR 30.00 HR NO BID HR 4.99 HR 30.00 HR 20.00 HR 10.00 HR 30.00 HR 30.00 HR 30.00 HR 25.00 HR 25.00 HR HR 40.00 a Contractor's Representative D. Steven Eakins, Jr. Van C. Williams John Ciabattari Shawn Cunningham Howard Wight Rudy Polselli Chase Rogers Tom Uhrig Edward OLeary Nancy G. Rosso Jason Daley Stephen Zippi Katrina Gonzalez b Telephone Number 561, 842.0001 561,844.5518 172,216.5123 561, 723.5812 561,722.1416 561,313.2995 561,640.3103 561, 411.4100 561,718.9413 561.588.6681 561. 793.9400 561. 510.3800 786. 608.1406 c Email Address steveOdseakins.com van0deevanine.com iciabattari0ferreiraconstruction.com shawn0flvingscotinc.com howard(Mfoster-marine.net rudly0heawciviline.com info0hinterlandgroup.com iwctomO wcheatham.com edo0murravloean.com nancvCdranddpaving.com iason.dalevOrangerconstruction.com steveirbdimarineandsite.com kgonzalezCawavpointci.com Certificate Of Completion Envelope Id: 8A35D3C45B5F4BB68D9168CB71422BD4 Subject: Please DocuSign: Flying Scot Inc-Misc PW Projects-1TB2020-124PS(D) Agmt.pdf Source Envelope: Document Pages: 9 Signatures: 1 Certificate Pages: 4 Initials: 0 AutoNav: Enabled Envelopeld Stamping: Enabled Time Zone: (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada) Record Tracking Status: Original 10/23/2020 3:24: 30 PM Signer Events SHAWN CUNNINGHAM shawn@flyingscotinc.com Security Level: Email, Account Authentication None) Holder: Barbara Chabre bchabre@pbgfl.com Signature RON (,UmMNaAlk Signature Adoption: Pre -selected Style Using IP Address: Signed using mobile Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Accepted: 10/23/2020 3:30: 33 PM ID:d37d8lad-78b9-4e70-a2b3-fd6c4f4ea9a8 Company Name: Carahsoft OBO City of Palm Beach Gardens Docu, is ticuRto Status: Completed Envelope Originator: Barbara Chabre 10500 N Military Trail Purchasing Department Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410 bchabre@pbgfl.com IP Address: Location: DocuSign Timestamp Sent: 10/23/2020 3:25:15 PM Viewed: 10/23/2020 3: 30:33 PM Signed: 10/23/2020 3:31:08 PM In Person Signer Events Signature Timestamp Editor Delivery Events Status Timestamp Agent Delivery Events Status Timestamp Intermediary Delivery Events Status Timestamp Certified Delivery Events Status Timestamp Carbon Copy Events Status Timestamp Witness Events Signature Timestamp Notary Events Signature Timestamp Envelope Summary Events Status Timestamps Envelope Sent Hashed/Encrypted 10/23/2020 3:25:15 PM Certified Delivered Security Checked 10/23/2020 3:30:33 PM Signing Complete Security Checked 10/23/2020 3:31:08 PM Completed Security Checked 10/23/2020 3:31:08 PM Payment Events Status Timestamps Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH GOLF ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES of January 18, 2021 I. CALL TO ORDER A. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Steve Mathison at 6:00 p.m. II. ROLL CALL A. Present: Absent: Stephen Mathison — Chairman Rich Pizzolato — Vice Chairman Curtis Witters —Secretary David Talley — Member Jeff Irish — Member x Jeff Egizio — Member Landon Wells -Member B. Staff Members Present: Allan Bowman, Director of Golf Beth Davis, General Manager x Lenore Dingle, Membership Coordinator x C. Council Members Present: Darryl Aubrey x Susan Bickel x Mark Mullinix x David Norris x Deborah Searcy x NPB Golf Advisory Board Minutes of January 18, 2021 D. Public Present: III. APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES A. Minutes of the December 21, 2020 GAB Meeting were approved 6-0. IV. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS Golf Report. Allan Bowman, Director of Golf, delivered his report. New mats were delivered for the driving range and will be installed by the end of the week Allan was asked if the driving range should be overseeded with rye grass and his response was that it would be considered for next year. We plan to install a set of mats at the south end of the driving range as well. The revenue of the range is up over 20%for the fiscal year to date. We have asked the Village Council to approve a foliar nutrition program for the course, with a cost of $48,000. The Council approved the request. Allan is requesting an amendment of our contract with Brightview. A divot filling party was held this afternoon; 10 members and 6 staff participated covering the front nine of the course. Rich Pizzolato said the party was beneficial to the participants to learn more about the management of the course from Allan. A summary of the financials for the Country Club for the 15` quarter of the fiscal year ending 12/31/20) was presented to the Board. A copy of the document is att ached. A question was posed by the Board; should the budget be presented in a different format, to separate the income and expenses of golf operations from the remaining items? NPB Golf Advisory Board Minutes of January 18, 2021 Golf play was up for December; member play is up 20% and non-member play is up 10%. The course receives $62 per round for member play and $85 per round for non- member play. Allan explained that he is continuing to work to find the proper balance between memberships for village residents and nonresidents. Allan would like to see the number of residents on the membership waiting list reduced. The course is reducing the nurnber• of rounds played on Mondays and holding more tee times on those days for members, and allowing for maintenance work to be performed. The course will close for four days per month for maintenance, during June, July, and August. The course will hold several tournaments in the next few months. A discussion was had about the growth of golf in Florida related to COVID or other factors and the impact of the increased demand for play at North Palm Beach Country Club. The Board also discussed the online booking of golf; should the time for making a reservation be midnight on the allowed day, as itis now, or be moved to 7:00 a.m.? It was reported to the Board that the rules of the course and club regarding COVID will be strictly enforced and violation of the rules will be grounds for suspension of a member. V. DISCUSSION TOPICS VI. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 7:00 p.m. The next meeting will be March 15, 2020. Minutes by Curtis L. Witt ers, Secretary. A H y C j uw 3. fF RO Q O FRO p• pp O R EES'° G J A0 w N 0 5i e A dC t A e d r a t y y osodHB 0 9 N Ro Ct W vt n' i a N ln V e w w„ wee rn aeG eor rr w uSo}, Wo N eIQ g o HSwS O w N THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH Village Manager’s Office THE BEST PLACE TO LIVE UNDER THE SUN” Environmental Committee MINUTES Anchorage Park Recreation Building Monday, February 8, 2021 6:00 pm 1. Call to Order: Chairperson Marcus called the meeting to order at 6:05 pm. 2. Roll Call: Present: Karen Marcus, Camille Carroll, Lisa Interlandi, Mary Phillips, Shawn Woods Absent: Ellen Allen, Kendra Zellner Also Present: Susan Bickel, Mayor; Chuck Huff, Special Projects Director; Russ Ruskay, Functional Manager 3. The Minutes of the January 11, 2021 regular meeting were approved. 4. Public Comments: no public comments. 5. Anchorage Park Dry Storage: a. Russ Ruskay presented a conceptual site plan for discussion. b. There are currently twenty (20) dry storage parking spaces. c. We currently have 136 dry storage leases with 300 residents on the waiting list. d. The challenge is to renovate the existing dry storage area to accommodate 136 boat and RV parking spaces without removing any existing trees. e. Some exotic vegetation will be removed. f. The canal bank and walking trail will remain as is. g. Russ Ruskay will present the plan to Village Council at the March 25 council meeting and, at that time, Council will choose either a perimeter pre-cast wall or decorative fencing to be installed around the entire storage compound. h. The Recreation Advisory Board would prefer to install an eight-foot-high decorative fence with landscaping rather than a wall. i. Chairperson Marcus called a motion to recommend that Village Council approve installation of decorative fencing with landscaping rather than a wall. 1st and 2nd motions passed unanimously. j. Chuck Huff mentioned that once Council determines the type of screening, 2GHO will provide a landscape plan for discussion. k. Russ Ruskay stated that we currently only have funding to renovate the north side of the dry storage area. 6. Lakeside Park Berm: a. Russ Ruskay discussed the short-term and long-term plans for the berm improvements. b. Council approved a three-year maintenance contract. 2 c. The contractor recommended replacing higher vegetation with lower berm stabilizing vegetation to improve water views. d. Vegetation replacement work will start on February 12 and continue on February 19 as needed. e. Vegetation replacement work notification: i. Signs were posted in the park. ii. The “Friends of Lakeside Park” were notified. iii. Parks & Recreation posted on social media. (Russ will confirm with Stephen) f. The Sea Oats on the south end of the berm will be replaced with lower vegetation. g. The committee expressed concern over removal of the Sea Oats which provide excellent berm stabilization. 7. Balloons and Sky Lanterns: a. Tequesta passed an ordinance that prohibits the release of balloons and sky lanterns into the atmosphere village-wide. b. Jupiter Inlet Colony passed an ordinance that prohibits the release of balloons and sky lanterns in their parks and public facilities. c. Chairperson Marcus called a motion to recommend that Village Council adopt an ordinance to prohibit the release of balloons and sky lanterns into the atmosphere village-wide and/or within parks and public spaces. 1st and 2nd motions passed unanimously. d. Chairperson Marcus mentioned that Loggerhead Marinelife Center offers demonstrations on the environmental effects of such items being released into the atmosphere. 8. Osborne Park Bottle and Can Recycling Containers: a. Ellen Allen previously mentioned in an email that there aren’t any bottle and can recycling containers in Osborne Park. b. Chairperson Marcus offered to contact Loggerhead Marinelife Center to find out where they purchase their recycling containers which clearly state the specific items to be discarded. c. Russ Ruskay offered to purchase the recycling container with an anonymous $300.00 donation to Osborne Park. d. Chairperson Marcus noted that the Community Center needs a recycling container as well. 9. Discussion items: a. Prioritization of Initiatives: i. Resident Programs: Ban on Plastics a) Chairperson Marcus mentioned that the Mayor of Jupiter received a letter from a Jupiter High School science teacher encouraging local governments to ban plastics. b) Mayor Bickel will notify the Mayor of Jupiter that the letter was discussed at tonight’s meeting. Also, that we are prohibited from banning plastics but, continue providing recycling containers and offer educational programs. c) Chairperson Marcus stated that current legislation prohibits local municipalities from banning plastics. d) Several attempts to overturn that ruling have failed. e) One committee member offered to research the current legislation and failed attempts to overturn it and will provide an update at the March meeting. f) Chairperson Marcus mentioned that the Village adopted a resolution in support of local municipalities having the ability to ban plastics. 3 ii. Village projects Residential Code of Ordinances: a) Mayor Bickel recommended formulating policy on pervious vs impervious surfaces on residential properties for addition to the Code of Ordinances. b) The committee agreed that it should be addressed. c) Chuck Huff mentioned that the proposed amendments to the Code of Ordinances will be presented to Council in March or April. b. Existing Projects/Programs Updates: i. Urban Garden: Chairperson Marcus mentioned that many residents have expressed interest. Osborne Park and the Community Center are being considered. Chairperson Marcus requested that staff provide a list of the approved locations for discussion at the March 8 meeting. After which, a tour of each facility for evaluation. ii. Speaker Series: Chairperson Marcus suggested having it quarterly to determine the level of interest. If the interest level is high, it could be held monthly. Chuck Huff will contact Farmer’s Table for availability in the banquet room or, outside by the herb garden, on April 10 at 10:00 am. Chairperson Marcus will contact Mike Stahl from Environmental Resource Management ERM) and request he speak on planting Oyster beds in Anchorage Park and on private docks. iii. Business Promotion: Elimination of Single Use Plastics: a) The committee will reach out and encourage Village businesses to eliminate single use plastics. b) The committee agreed that businesses who implement the program will be highlighted in the Village newsletter. c) Chairperson Marcus mentioned that Farmer’s Table utilizes paper straws and will be highlighted in the March newsletter. d) Additional means of communicating this information to the residents will be required (email blasts, texts). iv. Clean-Up Events: National Keep America Beautiful Month - April a) Chairperson Marcus noted that an article will need to be included in the March and April newsletters. b) The committee will focus clean-up of Village Parks. c) The committee will reach out to SWA for assistance/coordination. d) Mayor Bickel commented that Village children could volunteer to earn community service hours. National Arbor Day – Friday, April 30 a) One committee member will research the tree planting application process. b) The committee will consider combining this event with the clean-up. 4 c. Iguanas: i. The Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission’s website offers a variety of options and techniques residents can use to help reduce or eliminate nuisance Iguana issues. ii. Chuck Huff will ask Public Works to contact Shawn Woods to discuss how they can assist with removal. iii. Mayor Bickel mentioned that the Iguanas might be able to be donated to businesses who sell the meat. 10. Next meeting: the next meeting will be held on March 8, 2021 at 6:00 pm in the Anchorage Park Building. 11. Adjournment: the meeting was adjourned at 7:15 pm. VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH FINANCE DEPARTMENT TO: Honorable Mayor and Council THRU: Andrew D. Lukasik, Village Manager FROM: Samia Janjua, Finance Director DATE: March 25, 2021 SUBJECT: RESOLUTION – Acceptance of Fiscal Year 2020 Audit Report The September 30, 2020 year-end comprehensive annual financial report will be distributed by our auditors at this coming week’s Council meeting. This report is published to provide the Village Council, Village staff, our citizens, our lenders, and other interested parties with detailed information concerning the financial condition and activities of the Village government. This annual financial report reflects continuing improvement in our Village’s financial operations and overall financial condition. On March 8th, the Independent Auditors from Nowlen, Holt & Miner P.A. presented the FY2020 “Comprehensive Annual Financial Report” to the Village’s Audit Committee. The attached resolution has been prepared and/or reviewed for legal sufficiency by the Village Attorney. Recommendation: Village Staff recommends Council consideration and approval of the attached Resolution authorizing the Mayor and Village Clerk to accept the comprehensive annual financial report prepared by the Auditor for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2020 and to file the report with the state as required by law. RESOLUTION 2021- A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, ACCEPTING THE COMPREHENSIVE ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT PREPARED BY THE VILLAGE AUDITOR FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2020 AND AUTHORIZING ITS FILING WITH THE STATE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, as required by Chapter 218, Florida Statutes, the Village Council selected the firm of Nowlen, Holt & Miner, P.A. (“Auditor”) to prepare a Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, including an audit report, for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2020; and WHEREAS, the Village Council wishes to accept the annual financial report and authorize its filing with the State as required by law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA as follows: Section 1. The foregoing recitals are ratified as true and correct and are incorporated herein. Section 2. The Village Council hereby authorizes the Mayor and Village Clerk to accept the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report prepared by the Auditor for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2020 and to file said report with the state as required by law. Section 3. This Resolution shall be effective immediately upon adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS ______ DAY OF , 2021. (Village Seal) MAYOR ATTEST: VILLAGE CLERK Village of North Palm Beach, FL Comprehensive Annual Financial Report Fiscal year ended September 30, 2020 The Village of North Palm Beach, Florida COMPREHENSIVE ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT Fiscal Year Ended September 30, 2020 Prepared by: Finance Department Samia Janjua Director of Finance THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA FINANCIAL STATEMENTS SEPTEMBER 30, 2020 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTORY SECTION Letter of Transmittal ..................................................................................................................................... i Principal Village Officials ....................................................................................................................... viii Organizational Structure .............................................................................................................................. ix GFOA Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting .................................................. x FINANCIAL SECTION Independent Auditor’s Report ...................................................................................................................... 1 Management's Discussion and Analysis ....................................................................................................... 4 BASIC FINANCIAL STATEMENTS: Government-wide Financial Statements: Statement of Net Position ..................................................................................................................... 14 Statement of Activities ......................................................................................................................... 15 Fund Financial Statements: Balance Sheet - Governmental Funds .................................................................................................. 17 Reconciliation of the Balance Sheet – Governmental Funds to the Statement of Net Position ..................................................................................................... 18 Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances - Governmental Funds ........................................................................................... 19 Reconciliation of the Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances of the Governmental Funds to the Statement of Activities .................................... 20 Statement of Net Position - Proprietary Fund ...................................................................................... 21 Statement of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Net Position - Proprietary Fund ............................................................................................................ 22 Statement of Cash Flows - Proprietary Fund ....................................................................................... 23 Statement of Fiduciary Net Position - Fiduciary Funds ....................................................................... 24 Statement of Changes in Fiduciary Net Position – Fiduciary Funds .................................................... 25 Notes to the Basic Financial Statements ..................................................................................................... 26 REQUIRED SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Schedule of Changes in Total OPEB liability ....................................................................................... 79 Schedule of Changes in Net Pension Liability – General Employees Retirement Fund ....................... 80 Schedule of Changes in Net Pension Liability – Fire and Police Retirement Fund .............................. 82 Schedules Contributions and Investment Returns – Retirement Funds ............................................... 84 Notes to the Schedule of Contributions ................................................................................................ 85 Schedule of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance - Budget and Actual - General Fund ................................................................................................. 86 Notes to the Budgetary Required Supplementary Information ............................................................ 87 THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA FINANCIAL STATEMENTS SEPTEMBER 30, 2020 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) OTHER SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Schedule of Departmental Expenditures– Budget and Actual – General Fund .................................... 88 Combining Balance Sheet – Nonmajor Governmental Funds .............................................................. 91 Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances - Nonmajor Governmental Funds ........................................................................................................ 92 Combining Statement of Net Position – Pension Trust Funds .............................................................. 93 Combining Statement of Changes in Fiduciary Net Position – Pension Trust Funds ........................... 94 Combining Statement of Agency Net Position .................................................................................... 95 Combining Schedule of Changes in Agency Net Position .................................................................... 96 Schedule of Revenues and Departmental Expenses – Budget and Actual – Country Club Fund – Budgetary Basis ............................................................ 97 STATISTICAL SECTION Net Position by Component ................................................................................................................. 98 Changes in Net Position ....................................................................................................................... 99 Fund Balances, Governmental Funds ................................................................................................. 101 Changes in Fund Balances, Governmental Funds .............................................................................. 102 Net Assessed Value and Estimated Actual Value of Taxable Property ............................................. 104 Property Tax Rates - Direct and Overlapping Governments............................................................... 105 Principal Property Taxpayers ............................................................................................................. 106 Property Tax Levies and Collections ................................................................................................. 107 Ratios of Outstanding Debt by Type ................................................................................................... 108 Direct and Overlapping Governmental Activities Debt ...................................................................... 109 Pledged-Revenue Coverage ................................................................................................................ 110 Demographic and Economic Statistics ................................................................................................ 111 Principal Employers ........................................................................................................................... 112 Full-Time Equivalent Village Government Employees by Function .................................................. 113 Operating Indicators by Function/Program ........................................................................................ 114 Capital Asset Statistics by Function/Program ..................................................................................... 115 OTHER REPORTS Report on Internal Control Over Financial Reporting and on Compliance and Other Matters Based on an Audit of Financial Statements Performed in Accordance with Government Auditing Standards ................................ 116 Management Letter in Accordance with the Rules of the Auditor General of the State of Florida ............................................................................................................................... 118 Independent Accountant’s Report on Compliance with Section 218.415, Florida Statutes .................................................................................................... 121 INTRODUCTORY SECTION THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH “THE BEST PLACE TO LIVE UNDER THE SUN” 501 U.S. Highway 1, North Palm Beach, FL 33408-4902 * (561) 841-3380 * Fax (561) 848-3344 March 25, 2021 The Honorable Mayor, Members of the Village Council and Residents Village of North Palm Beach, Florida The Finance Department and Village Manager's Office are pleased to submit the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (Annual Report) for the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2020. This report is published to provide the Village Council, Village staff, our citizens, our lenders, and other interested parties with detailed information concerning the financial condition and activities of the Village government. Responsibility for both the accuracy of the presented data and the completeness and fairness of the presentation, including all disclosures, rests with the Village. To the best of our knowledge and belief, the enclosed data are accurate in all material respects and are organized in a manner designed to fairly present the financial position and results of operations of the Village as measured by the financial activity of its various funds. We also believe that all disclosures necessary to enable the reader to gain the maximum understanding of the Village's financial affairs have been included. THE REPORT Nowlen, Holt & Miner, P.A., Certified Public Accountants, have issued an unmodified (“clean”) opinion on the Village of North Palm Beach’s financial statements for the year ended September 30, 2020. The independent auditor’s report is located at the front of the financial section of this report. Management’s Discussion and Analysis (MD&A) immediately follows the independent auditor’s report and provides a narrative, overview, and analysis of the basic financial statements. The MD&A complements this letter of transmittal and should be read in conjunction with it. The Annual Report’s role is to assist in making economic, social, and political decisions and in assessing accountability to the citizenry by: comparing actual financial results with the legally adopted budget, where appropriate; assessing financial condition and results of operations; determining compliance with finance-related laws, rules and regulations; and evaluating the efficiency and effectiveness of Village operations. ii VILLAGE PROFILE The Village The Village of North Palm Beach is primarily a residential community, having been incorporated as a political subdivision of the State of Florida in 1956. The registered population of the Village is approximately 12,177, which increases to approximately 18,000 during the winter months by residents who list their northern homes as their official place of residence. Residents are generally in the middle to upper income brackets. Located in northeastern Palm Beach County, Florida, the Village is known for its abundance of waterfront property (lakes, canals, and the Atlantic Ocean) as well as other assets: Country Club with a golf course, driving range, pool, tennis courts and restaurant; four parks; marina; library; police and fire rescue stations; and a public elementary school. The governing body of the Village consists of a five-member Village Council, each of whom is elected to two-year overlapping terms. The Mayor is selected by majority vote of the Council and serves for a term of one year. Day-to-day affairs of the Village are under the leadership of the Village Manager who is appointed by the Council. FINANCIAL DATA Financial Reporting System and Budgetary Controls The Village's financial records for its general governmental operations are maintained on the modified accrual basis, which means that revenues are recorded when available and measurable and expenditures are reported when goods and services are received and the related liabilities are incurred. Financial reporting for its Enterprise Fund (i.e., the Country Club operation) is presented using the full accrual basis of accounting required by Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) for its annual financial report. The Country Club annual budget is adopted using a modified accrual basis of accounting (identical to the general government operations mentioned above) which is consistent with how general ledger financial records are maintained throughout the year by the Village administration. In developing and evaluating the Village's financial and accounting system, consideration is given to the adequacy of internal accounting controls which are designed to provide reasonable, but not absolute, assurance regarding: (a) the safeguarding of assets against loss from unauthorized use or disposition and (b) the reliability of financial records for preparing financial statements and maintaining accountability for assets. The concept of reasonable assurance recognizes that: (a) the cost of a control should not exceed the benefits likely to be derived and (b) the evaluation of costs and benefits requires estimates and judgments by management. All internal control evaluations occur within the above framework. We believe that the Village's internal accounting controls adequately safeguard assets and provide reasonable assurance of proper recording of financial transactions. The Village of North Palm Beach maintains budgetary controls through the annual budget public hearing and approval process for GAAP-based budgets. The formal budget approval for each fiscal year is accomplished in a manner compliant with Florida State Statute 200.065, commonly referred to as Truth- in-Millage (TRIM). iii The level of budgetary control (that is, the level at which expenditures cannot legally exceed the appropriated amount) is established at the fund level. The Village maintains an encumbrance accounting system as one technique of accomplishing budgetary control. All expenditures, other than personal services, are controlled by a procurement system which encumbers purchase orders against the budget prior to issuance to vendors. All appropriations lapse at year end; however, encumbrances specifically designated to be carried over to the subsequent year are re-appropriated in the following year. ECONOMIC OUTLOOK Property Values The Village obtains a major portion of its annual General Fund financial resources (63%) from ad valorem property taxes. Gross assessed property values increased substantially between the years 2002 through 2006, but slowed significantly in 2007. In years 2008 through 2012, area property values declined in value, in many instances significantly, as a result of the economic downturn. This unprecedented decline in property values was exacerbated by the number of properties in various stages of foreclosure. Both of these real-estate issues have had an adverse impact upon the financial resources of the Village. However, there has been significant residential property investment in the community over the past few years. Both the State and South Florida, in particular, are enjoying resurgence in real estate activity, which has translated into annual gains in market prices for area homes. In 2016, following the completion of a design charrette process in which North Palm Beach residents described their vision for the community’s future, the Village adopted the Citizens’ Master Plan. It is anticipated that a viable Master Plan that identifies the highest and best use of properties on U.S. 1 and Northlake Boulevard will encourage investment in the community that will create an enhanced sense of place, active uses and an increase in Village revenues. Significant initiatives include the creation of a form-based code to encourage redevelopment in the Village’s commercial corridors, which was completed in 2020 and has resulted in the submittal of applications and concept plans for the redevelopment of a number of underutilized commercial properties, the study of the US1 Corridor to determine if two of the roadway’s six lanes should be repurposed for landscaping and bicycle/pedestrian traffic and the redesign of the US1 and Prosperity Farms Road Bridges to serve as architectural features signaling the entry into the community. Investment Revenues The economic downturn and softening of the money market have had a significant impact on Village investment revenues over the past few years. In the short-term, the Village made a conscious decision to modify its investment strategies towards the Treasury market to better protect and ensure the availability of the Village’s investment balances. This move proved successful in safeguarding Village investments during this market free fall but impacted the interest/dividend revenues to the Village. The Village, with the assistance of the Village’s Audit Committee, adopted a “revised” Investment Policy designed to provide safety and liquidity while maximizing investment return(s). The newly adopted policy provided numerous investment strategies, parameters, and safeguards. The policy additionally provided for 1/12 of the annual operating budget to be deposited in a liquid interest-bearing account so as not to impede operations should other funds be temporarily unavailable. The Audit Committee and staff, along with the Village’s Investment Advisor, continue to explore other investment opportunities that will improve yields in future years while still ensuring the safety of our investments. Personnel Costs The Village will continue to face increased financial challenges in the areas of personnel costs for both salaries and benefits. In past years, several retirement plan amendments were implemented by the Village and then followed by significant salary adjustments that magnified the impact and cost of the iv retirement changes. The impact of these changes as well as the continuous improvement in the financial markets have had a very positive financial impact on both plans. Due to legislative changes and catastrophic claims losses, the Village has encountered significant increases in annual health insurance costs during the past few years. In 2018, the Village introduced a high deductible insurance plan along with funding health saving accounts to manage growing expenses. The Village is currently exploring the use of contractual health clinic services for its employees and will continue its focus on Employee Wellness as a means to help control health care costs and improve our opportunity for additional savings from our providers. The impact of personnel salaries and benefits in the coming years will have a broad and continuing effect on future Village financing and service priorities in the areas of staffing, public services, and public projects. Approximately 64% of the annual budget is allotted for wages and fringe benefits. INITIATIVES AND FUTURE PROJECTS The FY 2020 budget reflected a commitment to maintained predictable funding for community infrastructure in areas such as roadways, neighborhood sidewalks, lighting, public buildings, and park facilities. Following a period of deferred maintenance activities during the recession, the use of revenue from a County-wide sales surtax is facilitating the Village’s ability to develop a financially feasible capital program. The Community Development Department provides Planning and Zoning, Code Compliance and Building services. The Department continues to strive to improve its level of services for plan reviews, building inspections, code enforcement and zoning compliance. The Department will move ahead with the conversion of paper records to electronic records storage, resulting in a significant savings of staff’s time and effort in records retrieval. The Parks and Recreation Department continues to offer programs for all age groups at each of its six (6) facilities. Although impacted by the global pandemic, Anchorage Park has been able to host diverse events including: movies in the park, food truck nights, and organized volleyball leagues. In addition, the Department provided youth sports training and leagues in baseball, soccer, and flag football. The Department began reviewing all of its programming and facilities as part of a Parks and Recreation Needs Assessment, which is scheduled to be completed in FY2022. The Public Works Department is tasked with the oversight and management of Village sanitation services and maintenance of the Village’s infrastructure, parks, buildings, equipment, and the roadways. The Department’s focus was on enhancing infrastructure maintenance standards and meeting the community’s expectation regarding the appearance of public spaces The Police Department focused on improvements in community policing/neighborhood outreach by conducting community meetings and high visibility directed patrols that incorporate a high rate of officer interaction with Village residents. The Department continued to emphasize the importance of reducing crime in the Village through the use of advanced technology to analyze crime trends and deter future crime using predictive policing concepts. Additional crime suppression and community engagement efforts were conducted through the use of Transitional Neighborhood Teams and the interdepartmental Neighborhood Enhancement Team (NET). Two full-time officers were funded in the FY 2018 budget in order to create this program, which allows officers and other members of the NET team to concentrate their efforts in neighborhoods requiring assistance in achieving their quality of life goals. The Department continued to benchmark itself against the best policing practices by participating in the CALEA (Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies) accreditation process. The Department was re-accredited in July, 2017. v Fire Rescue has experienced an annual increase in calls for service since 2011 with the majority (77%) being medical in nature. The Department continued to support the annual Hands-Only CPR initiative as a charter provider. The fire inspector provided existing business inspections, fire code enforcement, and plans review and site inspections of new projects. This proactive approach to fire prevention has resulted in decreased incidents of commercial responses. Through the CIP, the Department anticipates replacing older apparatus on a rolling schedule that will allow it to maintain high quality service to the Village’s residents and guests. The Human Resources Department is committed to fostering a work environment that attracts quality applicants and encourages employees to perform at the highest level in support of the Village's goals and objectives. In accordance with the Council's direction to "continuously improve the way the Village operates", the Department establishes policies and procedures that are consistent across all administrative functions while remaining current, relevant and compliant with local, state and federal labor and personnel laws. Having implemented a new performance evaluation system for personnel in the Fire Rescue Department in 2016, Human Resources expanded the pay for performance initiative to encompass other employee groups in 2017, specifically to include Police Department personnel. The Department will enhance the initiative’s effectiveness by focusing evaluation criteria on those that best measure employees’ adherence to the organization’s values, their ability to perform their key functions and, in some cases, their display of extraordinary effort or innovation to achieve the Village Council’s goals for the organization or the community. In addition, Human Resources will focus on offering diverse training programs and related opportunities to staff members in the areas of Business Etiquette and Professionalism, Cultural Diversity, Conflict Resolution, Office Safety, Progressive Discipline, Drug- Free/Alcohol-Free Workplace, and Leadership skills. Lastly, the Department, in its role of managing Workers' Compensation (W/C) cases in conjunction with the W/C insurance carrier, is working with the Gehring Group's risk management team, as well as the newly established Employee Safety Committee, to seek solutions to reduce instances of injury, lower W/C costs and provide a more positive claims experience for all stakeholders. The Library has been streamlining processes and procedures, upgrading outdated equipment, and reorganizing various departments. Additionally, renovations within the Library to create a better experience for children and teens were recently completed. The Information Technology Department has been involved in numerous projects over the last year: preparing the Village for Phase Two of the LPR (License Plate Recognition) systems, Police laptop encryption, Country Club renovation and installations for temporary facilities, Library computer lab automation, and upgrading the Village’s phone system. The IT Department also implemented ArchiveSocial to retrieve and archive all of the Village’s social media outlets. The North Palm Beach Country Club recently completed a $19-million-dollar reconstruction that includes a new clubhouse and ancillary facilities for members, residents, guests and the general public. The new facility introduced a successful independent restaurant, Farmer’s Table, as its new caterer and food & beverage provider, a splash park for juniors, updated administrative offices, a new pool deck with updated shade structures, multipurpose rooms, locker rooms and an updated golf shop sizable to the demand of a golf course that supports approximately 42,000+ annual rounds. The goal of the Golf Operations Department is to provide first class service at the Jack Nicklaus Signature municipal facility and expand upon its broad range of programming to juniors, women, seniors, beginners, families as well as avid golfers. The Clubhouse opened in December, 2019. vi The Golf Operations Department also worked with Nicklaus Design Group to implement a project to renovate the golf course and upgrade the driving range turf and lighting at a cost of $1.7 million. The driving range opened in February, 2019. The course opened to members and guests in mid-March and opened to the public in April, 2019. For Fiscal Year 2019-2020, the Village Council reiterated its primary objective to sustain the Village as the “Best Place to Live Under the Sun.” As part of that objective, the Council developed the following goals to guide the budget process: 1. Financial Sustainability 2. Beautification and Quality of Life 3. All Neighborhoods as Desirable Places to Live 4. Waterways and Recreation 5. Strong Local Economy 6. Improve Mobility 7. Organizational Excellence OTHER INFORMATION Independent Audit Article 11, Section 2.18 of the Village Charter requires an annual audit of the books of account, financial records and transactions of all administrative departments of the Village by independent, certified public accountants selected by the Village Council. To substantiate that this requirement has been met, the independent auditor's report is included in this report. Awards The Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada (GFOA) awarded a Certificate of Achievement of Excellence in Financial Reporting to the Village of North Palm Beach for its Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2019, the 32nd consecutive year the Village has received this award. The Certificate of Achievement is a prestigious national award, recognizing conformance with the highest standards for preparation of state and local government financial reports. In order to be awarded a Certificate of Achievement, the governmental unit must publish an easily readable and efficiently organized Annual Report. This report satisfied both GAAP and applicable legal requirements. A Certificate of Achievement is valid for a period of one year only. We expect our current Annual Report will meet the Certificate of Achievement Program’s requirements and we are submitting it to the GFOA to determine its eligibility for another certificate. The GFOA also presented a Distinguished Budget Presentation Award to the Village for its annual budget for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2019, the 11th consecutive year the Village has received this award (previously this award had not been received since 1995). The Distinguished Budget Presentation Award is a prestigious national award that recognizes conformance with the highest principles of governmental budgeting. In order to qualify for the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award, a governmental unit must publish a budget document that meets program criteria as a policy document, as an operations guide, as a financial plan, and as a communication device. vii Acknowledgements The preparation of this report would not have been possible without the efficient and dedicated services from the entire staff of the Finance Department. We would like to thank the Mayor and Council for their unfailing support for maintaining the highest standards of professionalism in the management of the Village of North Palm Beach’s finances. Respectfully submitted, Andrew D. Lukasik Village Manager viii THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA PRINCIPAL VILLAGE OFFICIALS SEPTEMBER 30, 2020 Title Name Mayor Susan Bickel Vice Mayor Mark Mullinix President Pro Tem David B. Norris Council Member Darryl C. Aubrey Council Member Deborah Searcy Village Manager Andrew D. Lukasik Director of Finance Samia Janjua Village Clerk Jessica Green Village Attorney Village Boards Adjustment The Residents Village Council Village Clerk Operating Departments Community Development Finance Human Resources Information Technology Library Police Fire Rescue Public Works Parks & Recreation Country Club Village Manager Village of North Palm Beach OrganizationalStructure ix x Government Finance Officers Association Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting Presented to Village of North Palm Beach Florida For its Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the Fiscal Year Ended September 30, 2019 Executive Director/CEO FINANCIAL SECTION 1 INDEPENDENT AUDITOR'S REPORT The Honorable Mayor and Members of the Village Council The Village of North Palm Beach, Florida Report on the Financial Statements We have audited the accompanying financial statements of the governmental activities, the business-type activities, each major fund, and the aggregate remaining fund information of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida as of and for the year ended September 30, 2020, and the related notes to the financial statements, which collectively comprise the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida’s basic financial statements as listed in the table of contents. Management’s Responsibility for the Financial Statements Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America; this includes the design, implementation, and maintenance of internal control relevant to the preparation and fair presentation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. Auditor’s Responsibility Our responsibility is to express opinions on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America and the standards applicable to financial audits contained in Government Auditing Standards, issued by the Comptroller General of the United States. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the entity’s preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity’s internal control. 2 Accordingly, we express no such opinion. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of significant accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinions. Opinions In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the respective financial position of the governmental activities, the business-type activities, each major fund, and the aggregate remaining fund information of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida as of September 30, 2020, and the respective changes in financial position and, where applicable, cash flows thereof for the year then ended in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. Other Matters Required Supplementary Information Accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America require that the Management’s Discussion and Analysis on pages 4 through 13, Pension and Other Postemployment Benefit trend information on pages 79 through 85, and budgetary comparison information on pages 86 through 87 be presented to supplement the basic financial statements. Such information, although not a part of the basic financial statements, is required by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board, who considers it to be an essential part of financial reporting for placing the basic financial statements in an appropriate operational, economic, or historical context. We have applied certain limited procedures to the required supplementary information in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America, which consisted of inquiries of management about the methods of preparing the information and comparing the information for consistency with management’s responses to our inquiries, the basic financial statements, and other knowledge we obtained during our audit of the basic financial statements. We do not express an opinion or provide any assurance on the information because the limited procedures do not provide us with sufficient evidence to express an opinion or provide any assurance. Other Information Our audit was conducted for the purpose of forming opinions on the financial statements that collectively comprise the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida’s basic financial statements. The introductory section, other supplementary information, and statistical section are presented for purposes of additional analysis and are not a required part of the basic financial statements. 3 The other supplementary information is the responsibility of management and was derived from and relate directly to the underlying accounting and other records used to prepare the basic financial statements. Such information has been subjected to the auditing procedures applied in the audit of the basic financial statements and certain additional procedures, including comparing and reconciling such information directly to the underlying accounting and other records used to prepare the basic financial statements or to the basic financial statements themselves, and other additional procedures in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America. In our opinion, the other supplemental information is fairly stated in all material respects in relation to the basic financial statements as a whole. The Introductory Section and Statistical Section have not been subjected to the auditing procedures applied in the audit of the basic financial statements and, accordingly, we do not express an opinion or provide any assurance on them. Other Reporting Required by Government Auditing Standards In accordance with Government Auditing Standards, we have also issued our report dated March 5, 2021, on our consideration of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida’s internal control over financial reporting and on our tests of its compliance with certain provisions of laws, regulations, contracts, grant agreements and other matters. The purpose of that report is solely to describe the scope of our testing of internal control over financial reporting and compliance and the results of that testing and not to provide an opinion on the effectiveness of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida’s internal control over financial reporting or on compliance. That report is an integral part of an audit performed in accordance with Government Auditing Standards in considering the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida’s internal control over financial reporting and compliance. West Palm Beach, Florida March 5, 2021 4 MANAGEMENT'S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS The Village of North Palm Beach, Florida’s (Village) Administration offers readers of the Village's financial statements this narrative overview and analysis of the financial activities of the Village for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2020. Please read it in conjunction with the accompanying transmittal letter beginning on page i, and the accompanying basic financial statements. TABLE 1 FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS (in millions) September 30,Increase/Statement 2020 2019 (Decrease)Page # Total net position $29.88 $27.10 $2.78 14 Unrestricted net position available for future use $3.53 $4.61 ($1.08)14 Governmental net position $30.09 $26.84 $3.25 14 Total revenues from all sources $33.02 $30.31 $2.71 15 Governmental revenues $29.15 $28.90 $0.25 15 Total cost of all Village programs $30.24 $27.51 $2.73 15 Governmental revenues over (under) expenses $3.26 $4.27 ($1.01)16 General fund revenues over (under) expenditures $2.23 $2.43 ($0.20)19 General fund unassigned fund balance $11.62 $8.18 $3.44 17 As a percent of general fund expenditures 45.95%33.21%12.74% Country Club revenues over (under) expenses ($0.47)($1.47)$1.00 22 Change in total long-term debt for the Village ($0.26)($0.86)$0.60 USING THIS ANNUAL REPORT This annual report consists of a series of financial statements. The three components of the financial statements are: (1) Government-wide financial statements that include the Statement of Net Position and the Statement of Activities. These statements provide information about the activities of the Village as a whole. (2) Fund financial statements tell how these services were financed in the short term, as well as what remains for future spending. Fund financial statements also report the Village's operations in more detail than the government-wide statements by providing information about the Village's most significant funds. (3) Notes to the basic financial statements expand upon information reported in the government- wide and governmental fund statements. REPORTING ON THE VILLAGE AS A WHOLE Statement of Net Position and the Statement of Activities (Government-wide) A frequently asked question regarding the Village's financial health is whether the year's activities contributed positively to the overall financial well being. The Statement of Net Position and the Statement of Activities report information about the Village as a whole and about its activities in a way that helps answer this question. These statements include all assets, deferred outflows of resources, liabilities and deferred inflows of resources using the accrual basis of accounting, which is similar to the accounting used by most private-sector companies. All of the current year's revenues and expenses are taken into account, regardless of when cash is received or paid. 5 These two statements report the Village's net position and changes therein. Net position, the difference between assets plus deferred outflows of resources and liabilities plus deferred inflows of resources, is one way to measure the Village's financial health, or financial position. Over time, increases or decreases in net position are an indicator of whether the financial health is improving or deteriorating. The Statement of Net Position and the Statement of Activities present information about the following: • Governmental activities - All of the Village's basic services are considered to be governmental activities, including general government, community development, public safety, public services, library, and recreation. Property taxes, sales taxes, utility taxes, and franchise fees finance most of these activities. • Proprietary activities/Business-type activities - The Village charges a fee to customers to cover all or most of the cost of the services provided. The Village's Country Club is reported in this category. REPORTING THE VILLAGE'S MOST SIGNIFICANT FUNDS Fund Financial Statements The fund financial statements provide detailed information about the most significant funds - not the Village as a whole. Some funds are required to be established by State law. However, management establishes other funds, which aid in the management of money for particular purposes or meet legal responsibilities associated with the usage of certain taxes, grants, and other money. The Village's three types of funds - governmental, proprietary, and fiduciary - use different accounting approaches as explained below. • Governmental Funds Most of the Village's basic services are reported in governmental funds. Governmental funds focus on how resources flow in and out, with balances available for spending remaining at year- end. These funds are reported using an accounting method called the modified accrual accounting method, which measures cash and all other financial assets that can be converted to cash readily. The governmental fund statements provide a detailed short-term view of the Village's general government operations and the basic services it provides. Governmental fund information shows whether there are more or fewer financial resources that can be spent in the near future to finance the Village's programs. The Village maintains seven individual governmental funds: the General Fund, one Capital Projects Fund, and five Special Revenue Funds. Information is presented separately in the governmental fund balance sheet and in the governmental fund statement of revenues, expenditures, and changes in fund balance for the General Fund, the Infrastructure Surtax Fund, and the Capital Projects Fund all of which are considered major funds (generally accepted accounting principles define a fund as major based on that fund’s size relative to the other funds of the government; a fund may also be reported as major if the government's officials believe that fund is particularly important to financial statement users). The remaining funds are considered non-major funds, and data from these governmental funds is combined into a single column for an aggregated presentation. The basic governmental fund financial statements can be found on pages 17-20 of this report. 6 • Proprietary Funds The Village's only proprietary fund is the Country Club Fund, which charges customers for the services it provides. These services are generally reported in proprietary funds. Proprietary funds are reported in the same way that all activities are reported in the Statement of Net Position and the Statement of Activities. The basic proprietary fund financial statements can be found on pages 21-23 of this report. • Fiduciary Funds Fiduciary funds are used to account for resources held for the benefit of parties outside the government. The funds in this category are the Village’s Pension Trust Funds and Agency Funds. Fiduciary funds are not reflected in the government-wide financial statement because the resources of those funds are not available to support the Village's own programs. The accounting used for fiduciary funds is much like that used for proprietary funds. The basic fiduciary fund financial statements can be found on pages 24-25 of this report. GOVERNMENT-WIDE FINANCIAL ANALYSIS As noted earlier, net positon may serve over time as a useful indicator of a government's financial position. In the case of the Village, the net position was $29.88 million at the close of the most recent fiscal year. A significant portion of the Village's net position (84.89%) reflects its investment in capital assets (e.g., land, buildings, machinery, and equipment), less any related debt still outstanding, which was used to acquire those assets. The Village uses these capital assets to provide services to citizens; consequently, these assets are not available for future spending. 7 Table 2 Village of North Palm Beach Net Position (In Thousands) Governmental Business-type Activities Activities Total 2020 2019 2020 2019 2020 2019 Assets: Current and other assets 17,755$ 21,156$ (2,177)$ (2,661)$ 15,578$ 18,495$ Capital assets 36,278 32,329 4,232 5,040 40,510 37,369 Total assets 54,033 53,485 2,055 2,379 56,088 55,864 Deferred outflows of resources:2,968 2,572 7 2 2,975 2,574 Liabilities: Current liabilities 1,634 5,415 873 415 2,507 5,830 Long-term liabilities 21,660 20,306 1,353 1,672 23,013 21,978 Total liabilities 23,294 25,721 2,226 2,087 25,520 27,808 Deferred inflows of resources:3,608 3,492 50 34 3,658 3,526 Net positon: Net investement in capital assets 22,423 18,548 2,947 3,422 25,370 21,970 Restricted 986 526 986 526 Unrestricted 6,690 7,770 (3,161) (3,162) 3,529 4,608 Total net position 30,099$ 26,844$ (214)$ 260$ 29,885$ 27,104$ Governmental Activities The cost of all governmental activities this year was $25.99 million. As shown on Table 3, Changes in Net Position, those who directly benefited from the programs paid for $3.73 million of this cost and $25.52 million was financed through general revenues. Governmental activities increased the Village's net position by $3.26 million, thereby accounting for 100% of the total increase in the net position of the Village. Additional detail is shown in Table 3, which follows on the subsequent page. 8 Table 3 Village of North Palm Beach Changes in Net Position (In Thousands) Activities Total 2020 2019 2020 2019 2020 2019 Revenues: Program revenues: Charges for services 3,731$ 4,073$ 3,768$ 1,407$ 7,499$ 5,480$ Operating grants and contributions 718 395 718 395 Capital grants and contributions 850 808 850 808 General revenues: Property taxes 16,991 16,185 16,991 16,185 Local option gas taxes 273 307 273 307 Local option infrastructure surtax 870 923 870 923 Utility service taxes 2,558 2,522 2,558 2,522 Sales and use taxes 1,346 1,449 1,346 1,449 Franchise taxes 1,305 1,353 1,305 1,353 Investment earnings 502 812 502 812 Miscellaneous 105 80 105 80 Gain on asset disposals - Total revenues 29,249 28,907 3,768 1,407 33,017 30,314 Expenses: Program expenses: General Government 3,541 3,313 3,541 3,313 Public Safety 12,103 10,505 12,103 10,505 Public Works 5,633 5,604 5,633 5,604 Community Development 1,399 1,686 1,399 1,686 Leisure Services 2,796 3,038 2,796 3,038 Interest on long-term debt 521 490 521 490 Country Club 4,243 2,879 4,243 2,879 Total expenses 25,993 24,636 4,243 2,879 30,236 27,515 Increase (decrease) in net position 3,256 4,271 (475) (1,472) 2,781 2,799 Net position - beginning of year 26,844 22,573 260 1,732 27,104 24,305 Net position - end of year 30,100$ 26,844$ (215)$ 260$ 29,885$ 27,104$ Governmental Business-type Activities 9 The Village's programs include General Government, Public Safety, Public Works, Community Development & Planning, and Leisure Services. Each program's net cost (total cost, less revenues generated by the activities) is presented below. The net cost shows the extent to which the Village's general taxes support each of the Village's programs. Table 4 Village of North Palm Beach Cost of services (In Thousands) Total Cost Net Cost Total Cost Net Cost of Services of Services of Services of Services General government 3,541$ (3,044)$ 3,313$ (3,129)$ Public safety 12,103 (11,248) 10,505 (9,133) Public works 5,633 (5,112) 5,604 (5,053) Community development 1,399 325 1,686 114 Leisure services 2,796 (1,094) 3,038 (1,668) Interest on long-term debt 521 (521) 490 (490) 25,993$ (20,694)$ 24,636$ (19,359)$ 2020 2019 At the end of the current year, as compared to the prior year, the total cost of services increased by $1.36 million. This increase is primarily due to increased police and fire pension costs. Business-Type Activities At the end of the current year, as compared to the prior year, Charges for Services (revenues) for the Business-type activities increased by $2.36 million and expenses increased by $1.36 million. Net positon of the Proprietary Fund (Country Club) at September 30, 2020, were ($0.21) million. Net position decreased by $0.47 million. The negative impact in the Village’s Business-type activities was largely due to the mandated closure of the Country Club Restaurant and cancellation of several events due to the COVID-19 pandemic. 10 FINANCIAL ANALYSIS OF THE VILLAGE'S FUNDS As noted earlier, the Village uses fund accounting to ensure and demonstrate compliance with finance- related legal requirements. Governmental Funds The focus of the Village's governmental funds is to provide information on near-term inflows, outflows, and balances of spendable resources. Such information is useful in assessing the Village's financing requirements. In particular, unrestricted (unassigned/assigned) fund balance may serve as a useful measure of a government's net resources available for spending at the end of the fiscal year. At the end of the current fiscal year, the combined fund balance for all Governmental Funds was $16.53 million, a $1.15 million increase from the 2019 fund balance of $15.38 million. Approximately 80% of the combined ending fund balance ($13.21 million) constitutes unrestricted (unassigned/assigned) fund balance, which is available for spending at the government's discretion. The remainder of fund balance ($3.31 million) is restricted (non-spendable/restricted) to indicate that it is not available for new spending because it has already been committed for a variety of other restricted purposes. General Fund The General Fund is the chief operating fund of the Village. At the end of the current fiscal year, unassigned fund balance of the General Fund was $11.62 million while the General Fund total fund balance was $14.20 million. As a measure of the General Fund's liquidity, it may be useful to compare both unassigned fund balance and total fund balance to total fund expenditures. Unassigned fund balance is 46% of total general fund expenditures, while total fund balance represents 56% of that same amount. The general fund unassigned fund balance ($11.62 million) represents an increase of $3.44 million from the 2019 unassigned general fund balance of $8.18 million. Key elements of this increase are listed below: • Revenues for Utility Service Taxes were budgeted on prior year trends ($2.42 million). For the current year, the Village received $2.56 million; • Due to discounts from prompt payments, State law requires that only 95% of the gross ad- valorem taxes be budgeted as revenue ($16.74 million). For the current year, the Village received $16.99 million); • Revenues for Licenses and Permits were budgeted on prior year trends ($1.11) million. For the current year, the Village received $1.32 million. This is primarily a result of an increase in Building Permits; and • The Village received a total of $0.65 million from FEMA as a reimbursement for hurricane- related expenses. The increase in the above-mentioned revenues, savings in personnel costs (as referenced on next page) and containment of operating costs were key factors that contributed to the positive impact in the Village’s General Fund. 11 General Fund Budgetary Highlights Differences between the original budget and the final amended budget were $1,904,604 and can be briefly summarized as follows: • Vehicle Leases ($1,339,026) • Prior Year Open Purchase Order Carryover ($565,578) General Fund Budget Analysis As shown on pages 88-90 of this report, in the Schedule of Departmental Expenditures – Budget and Actual, there was an overall favorable budget to actual cost variance of $2.09 million in General Fund Departmental Expenditures. This is primarily a result of: • several unfinished projects at fiscal year-end that were carried over into the following fiscal year ($0.16 million); • savings in personnel costs ($1.16 million) o some of the by-products of the COVID-19 pandemic were mandatory facility closures within the Village as well as cancellations of special events, sports programs and other recreational activities. In addition, there were fewer vacant positions being filled while implementing furloughs of part-time employees on a temporary basis. To that end, a savings in overall personnel costs was realized; and • savings in operating costs ($0.78 million) as a result of departments holding the line on operating costs. Capital Projects Fund The Village’s Capital Projects Fund is project specific and involves multi-year projects. Appropriations in this fund remain open and carry over to succeeding years until planned expenditures are made, or until they are amended or cancelled. At the end of the current fiscal year, the total fund balance was $1.15 million, a $2.58 million decrease over the 2019 fund balance of $3.73 million. This is primarily due to the Country Club Clubhouse project activity. Infrastructure Surtax Fund The Village’s Infrastructure Surtax Fund is used to account for surtax proceeds. On November 8, 2016 PBC voters approved a one-cent sales surtax, raising the sales tax from 6% to 7% effective January 1, 2017. The surtax will sunset on December 31, 2026. The use of surtax proceeds is restricted to, among other things, the financing, planning and construction of infrastructure. Appropriations in this fund remain open and carry over to succeeding years until planned expenditures are made, or until they are amended or cancelled. At the end of the current fiscal year, the total fund balance was $0.92 million. CAPITAL ASSET AND DEBT ADMINISTRATION Capital Assets The capital assets of the Village are those assets that are used in the performance of Village functions. Capital assets include equipment, buildings, land, and park facilities etc. The Village has elected to retroactively apply the capitalization requirements of GASB Statement No 34 to major general infrastructure assets acquired in fiscal years ending after June 30, 1980, or that were significantly reconstructed or improved during that multiyear period. The Village's investment in capital assets for its governmental and business-type activities as of September 30, 2020 and 2019 amounts to $40.51 million and $37.37 million, respectively (net of accumulated depreciation). 12 Table 5 Village of North Palm Beach Capital Assets (In Thousands) Governmental Business-type Activities Activities Total 2020 2019 2020 2019 2020 2019 Land 2,056$ 2,056$ 1,051$ 1,051$ 3,107$ 3,107$ Construction in progress 664 17,716 228 664 17,944 Buildings and improvements 45,848 26,045 7,751 8,072 53,599 34,117 Furniture, fixtures and equipment 9,826 7,520 100 49 9,926 7,569 Total assets 58,394 53,337 8,902 9,400 67,296 62,737 Less accumulated depreciation (22,115) (21,008) (4,670)(4,359)(26,785) (25,367) Net position 36,279$ 32,329$ 4,232$ 5,041$ 40,511$ 37,370$ Additional information on the Village's capital assets can be found in Note 5 on pages 46 through 47 of this report. Debt Currently, the Village uses debt financing on an as-needed basis each year. At the end of the current fiscal year, the Village had total long-term debt of $15.14 million; $13.86 million in the governmental activities and $1.28 million in business-type activities. None of the Village’s long-term debt comprises debt backed by the full faith and credit of the government. Table 6 Village of North Palm Beach Outstanding Debt (In Thousands) Governmental Business-type Activities Activities Total 2020 2019 2020 2019 2020 2019 Loans payable 12,680$ 13,515$ 1,285$ 1,619$ 13,965$ 15,134$ Capital leases 1,176 266 1,176 266 Total 13,856$ 13,781$ 1,285$ 1,619$ 15,141$ 15,400$ Additional information on the Village's debt can be found in Note 6 on pages 48 through 51 of this report. 13 NEXT YEAR'S BUDGET AND ECONOMIC FACTORS The Village’s Unassigned Fund Balance is viewed by the Administration as a measurement of Village financial stability. Unassigned general fund balance increased to $11.62 million during the current 2020 fiscal year. The increase is primarily due to the increase in several revenue categories and savings in personnel costs. The FY 2020/21 Budget reflects continued improvement to citizen services, public safety, and public facility maintenance while emphasizing improved community appearance and financial stability. Most importantly, the budget provides necessary resources for the Village of North Palm Beach to maintain and further improve services to our residents without increasing the millage rate and without having to use the General Fund Unassigned Fund Balance. The Village’s operating millage rate was not increased; it remained flat at 7.5000 mils. The Village’s financial plan represents an aggressive approach to adequately maintain infrastructure and address gaps in the organization in order to deliver services to the community. While the budget allocates resources to improve the Village’s ability to address service and maintenance demands annually, there are also significant capital investments to be made that will be unique to the upcoming fiscal year. Improvement of the dry storage area in Anchorage Park and providing funding to Palm Beach County to incorporate aesthetic features and pedestrian amenities into their design of the Prosperity Farms Road Bridge Replacement Project (which will begin in 2022) are unique investments for the upcoming year. These upcoming investments will result in increased expenditures; however, increasing property valuations and continued state and national economic growth will blunt the impact of these projects to the annual financial plan. CONTACTING THE VILLAGE'S FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT This financial report is designed to provide our citizens, taxpayers, customers, investors, and creditors with a general overview of the Village's finances and to show the Village's accountability for the money it receives. If you have questions about this report or need additional financial information, contact the Village's Finance Department, at the Village of North Palm Beach, 501 U.S. Highway 1, North Palm Beach, Florida 33408. BASIC FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Statement of Net Position September 30, 2020 Governmental Business-type Activities Activities Total Assets Cash and cash equivalents 4,653,495$ 1,505$ 4,655,000$ Investments 9,950,555 9,950,555 Accounts receivable 339,975 32,348 372,323 Accrued interest 28,859 28,859 Inventories 111,860 68,462 180,322 Prepaids 6,668 49 6,717 Due from other governments 384,291 384,291 Internal balances 2,279,341 (2,279,341) Capital assets: Nondepreciable 2,719,379 1,051,311 3,770,690 Depreciable (net of depreciation)33,559,296 3,180,598 36,739,894 Total assets 54,033,719 2,054,932 56,088,651 Deferred outflows of resources Other postemployement benefits related items 56,633 1,872 58,505 Pension related items 2,911,353 5,580 2,916,933 Total deferred outflows of resources 2,967,986 7,452 2,975,438 Liabilities Accounts payable 566,140 179,707 745,847 Retainage payable 458,042 458,042 Accrued liabilities 214,281 214,281 Unearned revenue 222,749 693,576 916,325 Accrued interest payable 173,484 173,484 Noncurrent liabilities: Due within one year 2,259,719 377,231 2,636,950 Due in more than one year 19,400,240 975,791 20,376,031 Total liabilities 23,294,655 2,226,305 25,520,960 Deferred inflows of resources Deferred revenue 225,648 225,648 Other postemployement benefits related items 2,070,847 50,576 2,121,423 Pension related items 1,311,253 1,311,253 Total deferred inflows of resources 3,607,748 50,576 3,658,324 Net position Net investment in capital assets 22,423,120 2,947,241 25,370,361 Restricted for: Recreation 195 195 Infrastructure 906,759 906,759 Library 23,976 23,976 Other purposes 55,559 55,559 Unrestricted 6,689,693 (3,161,738) 3,527,955 Total net position 30,099,302$ (214,497)$ 29,884,805$ THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA See notes to the financial statements. 14 THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA Statement of Activities For the Year Ended September 30, 2020 Charges for Functions/Programs Expenses Services Government: Governmental activities General government 3,541,302$ 152,779$ Public safety 12,103,224 488,393 Public works 5,633,427 511,916 Community development and planning 1,398,876 1,723,949 Leisure services 2,795,698 853,581 Interest expense 520,755 Total governmental activities 25,993,282 3,730,618 Business-type activities - country club 4,242,674 3,768,449 Total business-type activities 4,242,674 3,768,449 Total government 30,235,956$ 7,499,067$ 15 Program Revenues Net (Expense) Revenue and Operating Capital Changes in Net Position Grants and Grants and Governmental Business-type Contributions Contributions Activities Activities Total 344,753$ $ (3,043,770)$ $ (3,043,770)$ 344,726 21,605 (11,248,500) (11,248,500) 9,324 (5,112,187) (5,112,187) 325,073 325,073 19,179 828,582 (1,094,356) (1,094,356) (520,755) (520,755) 717,982 850,187 (20,694,495) (20,694,495) (474,225)(474,225) (474,225)(474,225) 717,982$ 850,187$ (20,694,495) (474,225) (21,168,720) General Revenues: Taxes: Property taxes 16,991,314 16,991,314 Local option gas taxes 273,428 273,428 Local option infrastruture surtax 869,852 869,852 Utility service taxes 2,558,092 2,558,092 Franchise taxes 1,304,936 1,304,936 Sales and use taxes 1,345,508 1,345,508 Investment income - unrestricted 502,335 502,335 Miscellaneous 104,618 104,618 Total general revenues 23,950,083 23,950,083 Change in net position 3,255,588 (474,225) 2,781,363 Net position, beginning of year 26,843,714 259,728 27,103,442 Net position, end of year 30,099,302$ (214,497)$ 29,884,805$ See notes to the financial statements. 16 THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA Balance Sheet Governmental Funds September 30, 2020 Infrastructure Capital Nonmajor Total Surtax Projects Governmental Governmental General Fund Fund Funds Funds Assets Cash and cash equivalents 2,398,565$ 836,411$ 1,156,241$ 262,278$ 4,653,495$ Investments 9,950,555 9,950,555 Accounts receivable 339,975 339,975 Accrued interest 28,859 28,859 Inventories 111,860 111,860 Prepaids 6,668 6,668 Due from other funds 20,085 72,091 92,176 Advances to other funds 2,207,250 2,207,250 Due from other governments 281,487 81,199 21,605 384,291 Total assets 15,345,304$ 917,610$ 1,228,332$ 283,883$ 17,775,129$ Liabilities, deferred inflows of resources, and fund balances Liabilities Accounts payable 477,968$ 10,851$ 77,321$ $ 566,140$ Accrued liabilities 214,281 214,281 Due to other funds 20,085 20,085 Unearned revenue 222,749 222,749 Total liabilities 914,998 10,851 77,321 20,085 1,023,255 Deferred inflows of resources Deferred revenue 225,648 225,648 Unavailable revenue Total deferred inflows of resources 225,648 225,648 Fund balances Nonspendable: Inventories and prepaids 118,528 118,528 Advances to other funds 2,207,250 2,207,250 Restricted for: Country club project Recreation 195 195 Infrastructure 906,759 906,759 Streets and roads 47,226 47,226 Police 5,560 5,560 Library 23,976 23,976 Other purposes 2,773 2,773 Assigned for: Small business grants 16,435 16,435 Subsequent year's expenditures 160,430 160,430 Special revenue funds 263,798 263,798 Capital project funds 1,151,011 1,151,011 Unassigned 11,622,285 11,622,285 Total fund balances 14,204,658 906,759 1,151,011 263,798 16,526,226 Total liabilities, deferred inflows of resources, and fund balances 15,345,304$ 917,610$ 1,228,332$ 283,883$ 17,775,129$ See notes to the financial statements. 17 THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA Reconciliation of the Balance Sheet – Governmental Funds to the Statement of Net Position September 30, 2020 Fund balances - total governmental funds 16,526,226$ Amounts reported for governmental activities in the statement of net position are different because: Capital assets used in governmental activities are not financial resources and therefore are not reported in the governmental funds: Governmental capital assets 58,393,694$ Less: accumulated depreciation (22,115,019) 36,278,675 Accrued interest payable (173,484) Retainage payable (458,042) Revenue notes (12,680,000) Capital leases (1,175,555) Net pension liability (5,460,976) Other postemployement benefits (778,074) Accrued compensated absences (1,565,354) (22,291,485) Other postemployement benefits deferred outflows 56,633 Other postemployement benefits deferred inflows (2,070,847) Pension related deferred outflows 2,911,353 Pension related deferred inflows (1,311,253) (414,114) Net position of governmental activities 30,099,302$ Long-term liabilities, including notes and bonds payable, are not due and payable in the current period and therefore are not reported in the governmental funds. Long term liabilities at year-end consist of: Deferred outflows and inflows of resources related to pensions are applicable to future periods and, therefore, are not reported in the govenmental funds: See notes to the financial statements. 18 THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances Governmental Funds For the Year Ended September 30, 2020 Infrastructure Capital Nonmajor Total Surtax Projects Governmental Governmental General Fund Fund Funds Funds Revenues Taxes 21,127,770$ $ $ $ 21,127,770$ Licenses and permits 1,320,361 1,320,361 Intergovernmental 2,057,272 869,852 50,000 880,106 3,857,230 Charges for services 2,169,814 2,169,814 Fines and forfeitures 197,343 197,343 Investment 490,498 11,625 212 502,335 Miscellaneous 160,147 160,147 Total revenues 27,523,205 881,477 50,212 880,106 29,335,000 Expenditures Current General government 3,265,210 3,265,210 Public safety 10,079,474 339,482 10,418,956 Public works 5,300,077 5,300,077 Community development and planning 1,382,443 1,382,443 Leisure services 2,305,309 2,305,309 Capital outlay 1,525,216 409,948 3,100,237 58,734 5,094,135 Debt service Principal 934,496 934,496 Interest 502,193 502,193 Total expenditures 25,294,418 409,948 3,100,237 398,216 29,202,819 Excess (deficiency) of revenues over (under) expenditures 2,228,787 471,529 (3,050,025) 481,890 132,181 Other financing sources (uses) Capital lease proceeds 1,009,529 1,009,529 Transfers in 644,475 200,000 844,475 Transfers out (644,475) (25,000) (175,000) (844,475) Total other financing sources (uses)365,054 (25,000) 469,475 200,000 1,009,529 Net change in fund balances 2,593,841 446,529 (2,580,550) 681,890 1,141,710 Fund balances Beginning of year 11,610,817 460,230 3,731,561 (418,092) 15,384,516 End of year 14,204,658$ 906,759$ 1,151,011$ 263,798$ 16,526,226$ See notes to the financial statements. 19 THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA Reconciliation of the Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances of the Governmental Funds to the Statement of Activities September 30, 2020 Net change in fund balances - total governmental funds 1,141,710$ Amounts reported for governmental activities in the statement of activities are different because: Governmental funds report capital outlays as expenditures. However, in the statement of activities, the cost of capital assets is allocated over their estimated useful lives and reported as depreciation expense: Expenditures for capital assets 4,841,699$ Donated assets and proceeds from trade in 684,552 Less: current year depreciation (1,538,290) Net book value for retired assets (42,771) 3,945,190 The issuance of long-term debt provides current financial resources to governmental funds, while the repayment of long-term debt consumes the current financial resources of governmental funds. Neither transaction, however, has any affect on net assets of governmental activities: Capital lease proceeds (1,009,529) Principal payments on debt 934,496 (75,033) Governmental funds report revenues when earned and available. However, in the Statement of Activities, revenues are recognized when earned, regardless of availability: Prior year unavailable grant revenue (733,738) Expenses that do not use current financial resources are not reported on the governmental funds but are included in the statement of activities: Change in accrued interest payable (18,562) Change in long-term compensated absences (213,909) Change in net pension liability and related deferred amounts (1,026,986) Change in other postemployment benefits and deferred amounts 236,916 (1,022,541) Change in net position 3,255,588$ See notes to the financial statements. 20 THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA Statement of Net Position Proprietary Fund September 30, 2020 Enterprise Assets Current assets Cash and cash equivalents 1,505$ Accounts receivable 32,348 Inventories 68,462 Prepaids 49 Total current assets 102,364 Non-current assets Capital assets, net 4,231,909 Total non-current assets 4,231,909 Total assets 4,334,273 Deferred outflows of resources Other postemployement benefits related items 1,872 Pension related items 5,580 7,452 Liabilities Current liabilities Accounts payable 179,707 Unearned revenue 693,576 Due to other funds 72,091 Compensated absences - current portion 28,990 Loans payable - current portion 348,241 Total current liabilities 1,322,605 Non-current liabilities Other postemployement benefits 25,721 Compensated absences 13,643 Advances from other funds 2,207,250 Loans payable 936,427 Total non-current liabilities 3,183,041 Total liabilities 4,505,646 Deferred inflows of resources Deferred revenueOther postemployement benefits related items 50,576 Net position Net investment in capital assets 2,947,241 Unrestricted (3,161,738) Total net position (214,497)$ See notes to the financial statements. 21 THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA Statement of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Net Position Proprietary Fund For the Year Ended September 30, 2020 Enterprise Operating revenue Greens fee/cart rentals/membership fees 3,014,821$ Golf shop revenues 325,038 Driving range revenues 314,177 Restaurant revenues 79,638 Miscellaneous 34,775 Total operating revenues 3,768,449 Operating expenses Golf course maintenance expenses 1,485,867 Clubhouse grounds expenses 380,925 Golf shop expenses 1,330,828 Food and beverage expenses 31,318 Administrative and general 243,760 Insurance 28,139 Miscellanaous 4,044 Depreciation and amortization 639,527 Total operating expenses 4,144,408 Operating income (loss)(375,959) Nonoperating revenues (expenses) Gain on disposal of equipment 1,458 Interest expense (99,724) Total nonoperating revenues (expenses)(98,266) Change in net position (474,225) Net position - beginning 259,728 Net position - ending (214,497)$ See notes to the financial statements. 22 THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA Statement of Cash Flows Proprietary Fund For the Year Ended For the Year Ended For the Year Ended September 30, 2020 Cash flows from operating activities: Receipts from customers 4,396,802$ Payments to suppliers for goods or services (2,843,206) Payments to employees for services (860,131) Net cash used by operating activities 693,465 Cash flows from non-capital financing activities: Payments to other funds (430,394) Net cash provided by non-capital financing activities: (430,394) Cash flows from capital and related financing activities: Proceeds from the sale of capital assets 229,276 Principal paid on long term debt (333,965) Interest paid on debt (99,724) Acquisition of capital assets (58,479) Net cash provided (used) by capital and related financing activities (262,892) Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents 179 Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year 1,326 Cash and cash equivalents at end of year 1,505$ Reconciliation of operating income to net cash provided by operating activities: Operating income (loss) (375,959)$ Adjustments to reconcile operating income to net cash provided by operating activities: Depreciation and amortization 639,527 Change in OPEB liability and related deferred amounts 6,284 Change in pension deferred amounts (5,580) Change in assets and liabilities Increase in accounts receivable (16,528) Increase in inventory (37,593) Increase in prepaids (49) Decreaase in accounts payable (186,334) Increase in compensated absences payable 24,816 Increase in deferred revenue 644,881 Total adjustments 1,069,424 Net cash provided by operating activities 693,465$ See notes to the financial statements. 23 THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA Statement of Fiduciary Net Position Fiduciary Funds September 30, 2020 Employee Retirement Agency Funds Funds Assets Cash and cash equivalents 700,851$ 389,310$ Investments: Domestic common equity securities 14,391,953 International common equity securities 2,890,510 U.S. Government and agencies 3,060,403 Municipal bonds 446,727 Domestic corporate bonds 2,888,137 International corporate bonds 752,209 Fixed income exchange traded funds 3,898,565 Equity exchange traded funds 1,273,443 Fixed income mutual funds 2,470,142 Domestic equity mutual funds 8,404,532 International equity mutual funds 1,631,353 Real estate investment fund 2,718,753 Money market mutual funds 551,108 Accrued interest and dividends 43,616 Accounts receivable, broker-dealers 1,101,383 Prepaids 6,062 Total assets 47,229,747 389,310 Liabilities Accounts payable 51,385 Accounts payable, broker-dealers 879,979 Due to others 389,310 Total liabilities 931,364 389,310 Net position restricted for pensions 46,298,383$ $ See notes to the financial statements. 24 THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA Statement of Changes in Fiduciary Net Position Fiduciary Funds For the Year Ended September 30, 2020 Employee Retirement Funds Additions Contributions Employer 1,096,500$ Plan members 404,290 DROP contributions 14,491 State on-behalf payments 339,482 Total contributions 1,854,763 Investment earnings Dividends and interest 1,060,248 Net increase in fair value of investments 1,879,638 Total investment earnings 2,939,886 Less: investment expenses 213,799 Total net investment earnings 2,726,087 Total additions 4,580,850 Deductions Administrative expense 145,197 Refund of member contributions 21,359 Benefits 1,514,551 Total deductions 1,681,107 Change in net position 2,899,743 Net position - beginning 43,398,640 Net position - ending 46,298,383$ See notes to the financial statements. 25 THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA Notes to the Basic Financial Statements September 30, 2020 26 NOTE 1 – SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES A. Reporting Entity The Village of North Palm Beach, Florida (“the Village”) was incorporated in 1956 pursuant to Chapter 31481, Laws of Florida, Extraordinary Session 1956. The Village is located in the northeast portion of Palm Beach County, Florida. Its municipal area comprises approximately 1,900 acres of land and 1,200 acres of lakes, canals and lagoons. The Village’s nonseasonal population consists of approximately 13,000 residents, which increases during the winter months to approximately 18,000 people. The Village operates under the Council-Manager form of government and provides the following services to its residents: public safety, planning and zoning, sanitation, library, parks, marinas, and a country club. The Village Council (the “Council”) is responsible for legislative and fiscal control of the Village. As required by generally accepted accounting principles, these financial statements include the Village (the primary government) and its component units. Component units are legally separate entities for which the Village is financially accountable. The Village is financially accountable if: • it appoints a voting majority of the organization’s governing board and (1) it is able to impose its will on the organization, or (2) there is a potential for the organization to provide specific financial benefits to or impose specific financial burdens on the Village, or • the organization is fiscally dependent on the Village and (1) there is a potential for the organization to provide specific financial benefits to the Village or (2) impose specific financial burdens on the Village. Organizations for which the Village is not financially accountable are also included when doing so is necessary in order to prevent the Village’s financial statements from being misleading. Based upon application of the above criteria, the Village of North Palm Beach has determined that there are two legally separate entities to consider as potential component units. The Village of North Palm Beach General Employees’ Retirement Fund and the Village of North Palm Beach Fire and Police Retirement Fund are component units as they are fiscally dependent on and impose a specific financial burden on the Village. They are reported in the Village’s financial statements as pension trust funds in the fiduciary funds financial statements. B. Government-wide and Fund Financial Statements The government-wide financial statements (i.e., the statement of net position and the statement of activities) report information on all non-fiduciary activities of the Village. For the most part, the effect of interfund activities has been removed from these statements. Governmental activities, which are normally supported by taxes and intergovernmental revenues, are reported separately from business-type activities, which rely, to a significant extent, on fees and charges for support. THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA Notes to the Basic Financial Statements September 30, 2020 27 NOTE 1 – SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (Continued) B. Government-wide and Fund Financial Statements (Continued) The statement of activities demonstrates the degree to which the direct expenses of a given function or segment are offset by program revenues. Direct expenses are those that are clearly identifiable with a specific function or segment. Program revenues include 1) charges to customers or applicants who purchase, use, or directly benefit from goods, services, or privileges provided by a given function or segment, and 2) grants and contributions that are restricted to meeting the operational or capital requirements of a particular function or segment. Taxes and other items not properly included among program revenues are reported instead as general revenues. Separate financial statements are provided for governmental funds, proprietary funds, and fiduciary funds, even though the latter are excluded from the government-wide financial statements. Major individual governmental funds and the major individual enterprise fund are reported as separate columns in the fund financial statements. C. Measurement Focus, Basis of Accounting and Financial Statement Presentation The government-wide financial statements and proprietary fund financial statements are reported using the accrual basis of accounting and the economic resources measurement focus. Fiduciary funds use the accrual basis of accounting and, except for agency funds, the economic resources measurement focus. Agency funds do not have a measurement focus. Revenues are recorded when earned and expenses are recorded when a liability is incurred, regardless of the timing of related cash flows. Property taxes are recognized as revenues in the year for which they are levied. Grants and similar items are recognized as revenue as soon as all eligibility requirements imposed by the provider have been met. Governmental fund financial statements are reported using the current financial resources measurement focus and the modified accrual basis of accounting. Revenues are recognized as soon as they are both measurable and available. Revenues are considered to be available when they are collectible within the current period or soon enough thereafter to pay liabilities of the current period. For this purpose, the Village considers revenues to be available if they are collected within 90 days of the end of the current fiscal period. Expenditures generally are recorded when a liability is incurred, as under accrual accounting. However, debt service expenditures, as well as expenditures related to compensated absences and claims and judgments, are recorded only when payment is due. Sales taxes, franchise taxes, licenses, intergovernmental revenue, investment income, and charges for services are all considered to be susceptible to accrual and so have been recognized as revenue of the current fiscal period. All other revenues are considered to be measurable and available only when received in cash by the Village. THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA Notes to the Basic Financial Statements September 30, 2020 28 NOTE 1 – SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (Continued) C. Measurement Focus, Basis of Accounting and Financial Statement Presentation (Continued) The Village reports the following major governmental funds: General Fund The general fund is the primary operating fund and is used to account for all financial resources applicable to the general operations of the Village except those required to be accounted for in another fund. Infrastructure Surtax Fund The Infrastructure Surtax Fund is special revenue fund used to account for the surtax proceeds which are restricted to, among other things, the financing, planning and construction of infrastructure. Capital Projects Fund The capital projects fund is used to account for the cost of acquiring, constructing, and placing into service those capital improvements, which are associated with activities in the General Fund. The Village reports the following major (and only) proprietary fund: Country Club Enterprise Fund The fund accounts for the activities related to the Country Club. Additionally, the Village reports the following fund types: Special Revenue Funds The Village has four special revenue funds to account for the proceeds of specific revenue sources that are legally restricted to expenditures for specific sources. The funds are the Public Safety Fund, Northlake Boulevard Fund, Recreation, and On-Behalf Pension Contributions. Employee Retirement Funds The pension trust funds account for the activities of the General Employees Retirement Fund and the Fire and Police Officers Retirement Fund, which accumulate resources for pension benefits to qualified employees. THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA Notes to the Basic Financial Statements September 30, 2020 29 NOTE 1 – SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (Continued) C. Measurement Focus, Basis of Accounting and Financial Statement Presentation (Continued) Agency Funds The Agency Funds account for assets that are held for other parties and cannot be used to finance the Village’s own programs. The two agency funds are the Northlake Boulevard Task Force, which is for the streetscape improvement of Northlake Boulevard, and the Manatee Protection Fund, in which the assets are held in trust for the protection of manatees through the enforcement of boat speed zones on the intracoastal and inland waterways. As a general rule, the effect of interfund activity has been eliminated from the government-wide financial statements. Exceptions to this general rule are charges between the government’s country club and various other functions of the Village. Elimination of these charges would distort the direct costs and program revenues reported for the various functions concerned. Proprietary funds distinguish operating revenues and expenses from non-operating items. Operating revenues and expenses generally result from providing services and producing and delivering goods in connection with a proprietary fund’s principal ongoing operations. The principal operating revenues of the Village’s Country Club Enterprise Fund are charges to customers for sales and services. Operating expenses for the Enterprise Fund include the cost of sales and services, administrative expenses, and depreciation on capital assets. All revenues and expenses not meeting this definition are reported as non-operating revenues and expenses. When both restricted and unrestricted resources are available for use, it is the Village’s policy to use restricted resources first, then unrestricted resources as needed. D. Assets, Liabilities, and Net Position or Equity Cash and Cash Equivalents Cash and cash equivalents consist of petty cash, deposits in checking accounts, money market mutual funds, investments with Florida Prime managed by the State of Florida, State Board of Administration and Florida Education Trust Fund (FEITF) sponsored by Florida School Boards Association and the Florida Association of District School Superintendents For purposes of determining cash equivalents, the Village has defined its policy concerning the treatment of short-term investments to include investments with a maturity of three months or less when purchased, as cash equivalents if management does not plan to reinvest the proceeds. Short-term investments that management intends to rollover into similar investments are considered part of the investment portfolio and are classified as investments. THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA Notes to the Basic Financial Statements September 30, 2020 30 NOTE 1 – SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (Continued) D. Assets, Liabilities, and Net Position or Equity (Continued) Accounts Receivable Accounts receivable of the General Fund consists of billed and unbilled receivables. Concentration of Credit Risk The Village performs ongoing credit evaluations of its customers and does not require collateral. The Village maintains an allowance for uncollectible accounts at a level which management believes is sufficient to cover potential credit losses. Investments Investments are reported at fair value as required by generally accepted accounting principles. The fair value of an investment is the amount that the Village could reasonably expect to receive for it in a current sale between a willing buyer and a willing seller, other than in a forced or liquidation sale. Purchases and sales of investments are recorded on a trade date basis. Interfund Transactions Activity between funds that is representative of lending/borrowing arrangements outstanding at the end of the fiscal year are referred to as either “due to” or “due from other funds”. Any residual balance outstanding between the governmental activities and business-type activities are reported in the government-wide financial statements as internal balances. Transfers and interfund balances totally within governmental activities and those that are totally within business-type activities are eliminated and not presented in the government-wide financial statements. Transfers and balances between governmental and business-type activities are presented in the government-wide financial statements. Inventories and Prepaid Items Inventories are valued at cost determined on a first-in, first-out basis (FIFO). The costs of governmental fund type inventory are recorded as expenditures when consumed rather than when purchased. Inventories in the Enterprise Fund consist of goods for sale to the public. The initial cost is recorded as an asset at the time the individual inventory items are purchased and are charged against operations in the period when used. Payments made to vendors for services that will benefit future periods are reported as prepaid items using the consumption method by recording an asset for the prepaid amount and reflecting an expenditure in the year in which the services are consumed. THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA Notes to the Basic Financial Statements September 30, 2020 31 NOTE 1 – SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (Continued) D. Assets, Liabilities, and Net Position or Equity (Continued) Capital Assets and Depreciation Capital assets, which include property, plant, infrastructure, and equipment, are reported in the applicable governmental or business-type activities column in the government-wide financial statements. The Village capitalizes all land purchases. The capitalization policy for other assets are items with an estimated life in excess of one year and an initial individual cost of $250,000 for infrastructure, $25,000 for land improvements, $50,000 for buildings and building improvements, and $5,000 for equipment and vehicles. The Village has elected to retroactively apply the capitalization requirements of GASB Statement No. 34 to major general infrastructure assets acquired in fiscal years ending after June 30, 1980, or that were significantly reconstructed or improved during that multi-year period. Infrastructure is reported in buildings and improvements. The accounting and reporting treatment applied to the capital assets associated with a fund is determined by the fund’s measurement focus. General capital assets are assets of the Village as a whole. When purchased, such assets are recorded as expenditures in the governmental funds and capitalized as assets in the government-wide statement of net position. General capital assets are carried at historical cost. Where cost cannot be determined from the available records, estimated historical cost has been used to record the estimated value of the assets. Donated capital assets, donated works of art and similar items, and capital assets received in a service concession arrangement are recorded at acquisition value. Capital assets of the Enterprise Fund are capitalized in the fund. The valuation basis for Enterprise Fund capital assets is the same as those used for General capital assets. Additions, improvements, and other capital outlay that significantly extend the useful life of an asset are capitalized. Other costs incurred for repairs and maintenance are expensed as incurred. Depreciation has been provided over the estimated useful lives using the straight-line method of depreciation. The estimated lives for each major class of depreciable capital assets are as follows: Buildings, improvements and infrastructure 5-30 years Golf course improvements 5-30 years Machinery and Equipment 3-15 years Vehicles 3-20 years THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA Notes to the Basic Financial Statements September 30, 2020 32 NOTE 1 – SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (Continued) D. Assets, Liabilities, and Net Position or Equity (Continued) Deferred Outflows and Inflows of Resources The statement of net position includes a separate section for deferred outflows of resources. This represents the usage of net position applicable to future periods and will not be recognized as expenditures until the future period to which it applies. The Village reports deferred pension items in connection with its two Retirement Systems. These deferred pension charges are either (a) recognized in the subsequent period as a reduction of the net pension liability (which includes pension contributions made after the measurement date) or (b) amortized in a systematic and rational method as pension expense in future periods. The statement of net position also includes a separate section, listed below total liabilities, for deferred inflows of resources. This represents the acquisition of net position applicable to future periods and will not be recognized as revenue until the future period to which it applies. The Village currently has three types of deferred inflows. The first is local business tax revenues received prior to the period for which the taxes are levied, these are recognized as income in the period for which they are levied. The second is deferred pension items in connection with its two Retirement Systems. The third is deferred OPEB items in connection to Other Post- Employment Benefits. These items are amortized in a systemic and rational method and recognized as a reduction of expense in future periods. Unearned Revenue The Village reports unearned revenue on its statements of net position and governmental funds balance sheet. Unearned revenue arises when resources are obtained prior to revenue recognition. In subsequent periods, when revenue recognition criteria are met the unearned revenue is removed and revenue is recognized. Compensated Absences The Village’s employees are granted compensated absence pay for vacation and sick leave in varying amounts based on length of service. Unused compensated absences are payable upon separation from service. Vacation is accrued as a liability when the employee earns benefits. This means that the employee has rendered services that give rise to a vacation liability and it is probable that the Village will compensate the employee in some manner, e.g., in cash or paid time-off, now or upon termination or retirement. The Village uses the vesting method in accruing sick leave liability. Under the vesting method, the liability for sick leave is accrued for employees who are eligible to receive termination payments upon separation. Compensated absences are accrued when incurred in the government-wide and proprietary financial statements. A liability for these amounts is reported in the governmental funds only if the amounts have matured, for example, as a result of employee resignations or retirements. For the governmental funds, compensated absences are liquidated by the General Fund. THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA Notes to the Basic Financial Statements September 30, 2020 33 NOTE 1 – SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (Continued) D. Assets, Liabilities, and Net Position or Equity (Continued) Long-Term Obligations In the government-wide financial statements, and proprietary fund types in the fund financial statements, long-term debt and other long-term obligations are reported as liabilities in the applicable governmental activities, business-type activities, or proprietary fund type statement of net position. Bond premiums and discounts are deferred and amortized over the life of the bonds using the effective interest method. In the fund financial statements, governmental fund types recognize bond premiums and discounts, as well as bond issuance costs, during the current period. The face amount of debt issued is reported as other financing sources. Premiums received on debt issuances are reported as other financing sources, while discounts on debt issuances are reported as other financing uses. Issuance costs, whether or not withheld from the actual debt proceeds received, are reported as debt service expenditures. Net Position Equity in the government-wide statement of net position and the proprietary fund is displayed in three categories: 1) net investment in capital assets, 2) restricted, and 3) unrestricted. Invested in capital assets, net of related debt consists of capital assets reduced by accumulated depreciation and by any outstanding debt incurred to acquire, construct, or improve those assets. Restricted net position is reported when there are legal limitations imposed on their use by Village legislation or external restrictions by other governments, creditors, or grantors. Unrestricted net position consists of all net position that does not meet the definition of either of the other two components. Fund Equity In the fund financial statements, governmental funds report fund balance classifications that comprise a hierarchy based primarily on the extent to which the Village is bound to honor constraints on the specific purposes for which amounts in those funds can be spent. Fund balance is reported under the following categories: • Nonspendable fund balance represents amounts that are not in spendable form or are legally or contractually required to be maintained intact. • Restricted fund balance represents amounts that can be spent only for specific purposes stipulated by external providers (e.g. creditors, grantors, contributor, or laws or regulations of other governments) or imposed by law through constitutional provisions or enabling legislation. THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA Notes to the Basic Financial Statements September 30, 2020 34 NOTE 1 – SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (Continued) D. Assets, Liabilities, and Net Position or Equity (Continued) Fund Equity (Continued) • Committed fund balance represents amounts that can be used only for the specific purposes pursuant to constraints imposed by Village Commission by the adoption of an ordinance, the Village’s highest level of decision making authority. Those committed amounts cannot be used for any other purpose unless the Village removes or changes the specified use by the adoption of an ordinance. • Assigned fund balance includes spendable fund balance amounts that are intended to be used for specific purposes, as expressed by the Village Commission or Village Manager, in accordance with the Villages fund balance policy, that are neither considered restricted nor committed. The Small Business Grants is a program the Village Council approved in the prior fiscal year to provide matching grants of up to $7,500 for improvements to small business properties. • Unassigned fund balance is the residual fund balance classification for the general fund. It is also used to report negative fund balances in other governmental funds. When both restricted and unrestricted resources are available for use, it is the Village’s policy to use restricted resources first, then unrestricted resources as they are needed. The Village will first use committed fund balance, then assigned fund balance, and then unassigned fund balance when expenditures are incurred for purposes for which any of the unrestricted fund balance classifications could be used. Use of Estimates The financial statements and related disclosures are prepared in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States. Management is required to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets, deferred inflows and outflows, and liabilities, the disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements, and revenue and expenses during the period reported. These estimates include the collectability of accounts receivable, the use and recoverability of inventory, the useful lives and impairment of tangible assets, and the realization of net pension assets, among others. Estimates and assumptions are reviewed periodically and the effects of revisions are reflected in the financial statements in the period they are determined to be necessary. Actual results could differ from those estimates. A. Budgetary Data Formal budgetary integration is employed as a management control device during the year for the General Fund and the Enterprise Fund. The only governmental fund with a legally adopted annual budget is the General Fund. This budget is adopted on a basis consistent with generally accepted accounting principles. THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA Notes to the Basic Financial Statements September 30, 2020 35 NOTE 2 – STEWARDSHIP, COMPLIANCE, AND ACCOUNTABILITY A. Budgetary Data Except for budgeting capital expenditures and not budgeting for depreciation, the annual appropriated budgets for the Enterprise Funds are adopted on a basis consistent with generally accepted accounting principles. For budgeting purposes, current year encumbrances are not treated as expenditures. The procedures for establishing budgetary data are as follows: • In July of each year, the Village Manager submits a proposed operating budget to the Council for the next fiscal year commencing the following October 1st. The proposed budget includes expenditures and the means of financing them. • During the months of July, August and September, the Council holds public meetings to obtain taxpayer comments. • Upon completion of the public hearings and prior to October 1st, a final operating budget is legally enacted through the passage of an ordinance. Estimated beginning fund balances are considered in the budgetary process. • Any change to the total fund expenses must be approved by the Village Council. • Appropriations along with encumbrances lapse on September 30th. Budgeted amounts are as originally adopted, or as amended by appropriate action. During the year, several supplementary appropriations were necessary. Encumbrance accounting is employed in governmental funds. Encumbrances (e.g. purchase orders or contracts) outstanding at year end are reported assigned fund balance and do not constitute expenditures or liabilities because the commitments will be reappropriated and honored during the subsequent year. The General Fund had $160,430, the Infrastructure Surtax fund had $145,55 and the Capital Projects Fund had $480,082 in outstanding encumbrances at year-end. B. Property Taxes Under Florida law, the assessment of all properties and the collection of all county, municipal, and school board property taxes are consolidated in the offices of the County Property Appraiser and the County Tax Collector. All property is reassessed according to its fair market value on January 1 of each year and each assessment roll is submitted to the State Department of Revenue for review to determine if the assessment rolls meet all of the appropriate requirements of State law. The laws of the State regulating tax assessment are also designed to assure a consistent property valuation method statewide. State Statutes permit municipalities to levy property taxes at a rate of up to 10 mills. The tax levy of the Village is established by the Council prior to October 1st of each year during the budget process. THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA Notes to the Basic Financial Statements September 30, 2020 36 NOTE 2 – STEWARDSHIP, COMPLIANCE, AND ACCOUNTABILITY (Continued) B. Property Taxes (Continued) The Palm Beach County Property Appraiser incorporates the Village’s millage into the total tax levy, which includes the County, County School Board, and special district tax requirements. The millage rate assessed by the Village for the year ended September 30, 2020, was 7.5000 ($7.5000 for each $1,000 of assessed valuation). Taxes may be paid less a 4% discount in November or at declining discounts each month through the month of February. All unpaid taxes become delinquent on April 1 following the year in which they are assessed. Delinquent taxes on real property bear interest at 18% per year. On or prior to June 1st following the tax year, certificates are offered for sale for all delinquent taxes on real property. After sale, tax certificates bear interest at 18% per year or at any lower rate bid by the buyer. The certificate holder may make application for a tax deed on any unredeemed tax certificate after a period of two years. The County holds unsold certificates. Delinquent taxes on personal property bear interest at 18% per year until the tax is satisfied either by seizure and sale of the property or by the five-year statute of limitations. At September 30, 2020, unpaid delinquent taxes are not material and have not been recorded by the Village. NOTE 3 – DEPOSITS AND INVESTMENTS Deposits As of September 30, 2020, the carrying amount of the Village’s deposits (including fiduciary funds) was $3,079,965 and the bank balances totaled $3,290,855. In addition to insurance provided by the Federal Depository Insurance Corporation, deposits are held in banking institutions approved by the State Treasurer of the State of Florida to hold public funds. Under Florida Statutes Chapter 280, Florida Security for Public Deposits Act, the State Treasurer requires all Florida qualified public depositories to deposit with the Treasurer or other banking institution eligible collateral. In the event of failure of a qualified public depository, the remaining public depositories would be responsible for covering any resulting losses. The Village’s deposits at year end are considered insured for custodial credit risk purposes. THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA Notes to the Basic Financial Statements September 30, 2020 37 NOTE 3 – DEPOSITS AND INVESTMENTS (Continued) A reconciliation of deposit and investments as shown on the statement of net position and statement of fiduciary net position for the Village is as follows: By Category: Deposits $ 3,079,965 Petty cash 3,856 Investments 57,989,730 Total deposits and investments $61,073,551 Presented in the statement of net position Governmental activities Cash and cash equivalents $ 4,653,495 Investments 9,950,555 Business-type activities Cash and cash equivalents 1,505 Total statements of net position 14,605,555 Presented in the statement of fiduciary net position Pension trust funds Cash and cash equivalents 700,851 Investments 45,377,835 Agency funds Cash and cash equivalents 389,310 Total fiduciary funds 46,467,996 Total deposits and investments $61,073,551 THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA Notes to the Basic Financial Statements September 30, 2020 38 NOTE 3 – DEPOSITS AND INVESTMENTS (Continued) Investments The Village categorizes its investments according to the fair value hierarchy established GASB Statement No. 72, Fair Value Measurement and Application. The hierarchy is based on valuation inputs used to measure the fair value of the asset as follows: Level 1 inputs are quoted prices in active markets for identical assets; Level 2 inputs are significant other observable inputs to include quoted prices for similar assets in active and non-active markets; Level 3 inputs are significant unobservable inputs. The money market mutual funds consist of investments with financial institutions in open end, institutional, money market funds complying with Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Rule 2a7. Rule 2a7 allows SEC registered mutual funds to use amortized cost rather than fair value to report net assets used to compute share prices if certain conditions are met. Those conditions include restrictions on the types of investments held, restrictions on the term-to- maturity of individual investments and the dollar-weighted average of the portfolio, requirements for portfolio diversification, and requirements for divestiture considerations in the event of security downgrades and defaults, and required actions if the fair value of the portfolio deviates from amortized cost by a specified amount. The Florida Public Assets for Liquidity Management (FL Palm) and Florida PRIME are external investment pools which meet the requirements with GASB Statement No. 79, Certain External Investment Pools and Pool Participants, which allows reporting the investments at amortized cost. For both funds as of September 30, 2020, there were no redemption fees or maximum transaction amounts, or any other requirements that serve to limit a participant’s daily access to 100 percent of their account value. However, the Trustees of the funds can suspend the right of withdrawal or postpone the date of payment if the Trustees determine that there is an emergency that makes the sale of a Portfolio’s securities or determination of its net asset value not reasonably practical. Money market mutual funds, FL Palm and Florida Prime are exempt from the GASB 72 fair value hierarchy disclosures. Equity securities, exchange traded funds, and mutual funds classified in Level 1 of the fair value hierarchy are valued based on prices quoted in active markets for those securities. Debt securities classified in level 2 of the fair value hierarchy are valued using a matrix pricing technique. Matrix pricing values securities based on the securities relationship to benchmark quoted prices. THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA Notes to the Basic Financial Statements September 30, 2020 39 NOTE 3 – DEPOSITS AND INVESTMENTS (Continued) Investments (Continued) The American Core Realty Fund, LLC is a diversified open-end commingled fund that invests primarily in high quality core income-producing office, industrial, retail, and multi-family properties. This fund is an alternative investment vehicle valued using the net asset value (NAV) provided by the investment manager of this fund. The NAV is based on the value of the underlying assets owned by the fund minus its liabilities and then divided by the number of shares or percentage of ownership outstanding. The NAV’s unit price is quoted on a private market that is not active. Investments valued at NAV are excluded from the fair value hierarchy because the valuation is not based on actual market inputs but rather is quantified using the fund’s reported NAV. Redemptions from the fund may be made quarterly upon ten days’ notice. The units that are subject to a redemption notice may be redeemed in full or in installments on a pro-rata basis as funds become available for such redemptions and are subject to the availability of cash flow arising from investment transactions, sales and other fund operations occurring in the normal course of business. The fund is not required to liquidate or encumber assets or defer investments in order to satisfy redemption requests. The value of this alternative investment is not necessarily indicative of the amount that could be realized in a current transaction. The fair value may differ significantly from the value that would have been used had a ready market for the underlying fund existed, and the differences could be material. Future confirming events will also affect the estimates of fair value and the effect of such events on the estimated fair value could be material. THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA Notes to the Basic Financial Statements September 30, 2020 40 NOTE 3 – DEPOSITS AND INVESTMENTS (Continued) Investments (Continued) As of September 30, 2020, the Village held the following investments: Weighted Fair Value Measurement Average Maturity Fair Value Level 1 Level 2 Governmental Funds U.S. Government and Agency 2.19 Years $ 4,470,173 $ $ 4,470,173 Asset Backed Securities 4.14 Years 2,198,803 2,198,803 Municipal Bonds 3.34 Years 86,496 86,496 Domestic Corporate Bonds 1.77 Years 2,083,220 2,083,220 International Corporate Bonds 1.80 Years 1,106,649 1,106,649 Fiduciary Funds U.S. Government and Agency 22.67 Years 47,142 47,142 Asset Backed Securities 17.98 Years 3,013,261 3,013,261 Municipal Bonds 17.38 Years 446,727 446,727 Domestic Corporate Bonds 9.99 Years 2,888,137 2,888,137 International Corporate Bonds 0.26 Years 752,209 752,209 Domestic Common Equity Securities N/A 14,391,953 14,391,953 International Common Equity Securities N/A 2,890,510 2,890,510 Fixed Income ETF N/A 3,898,565 3,898,565 Equity ETF N/A 1,273,443 1,273,443 Fixed Income Mutual Funds N/A 2,470,142 2,470,142 Domestic Equity Mutual Funds N/A 8,404,532 8,404,532 International Equity Mutual Funds N/A 1,631,353 1,631,353 52,053,315 $ 34,960,498 $ 17,092,817 Investments Reported at NAV Fiduciary Funds American Core Realty Fund N/A 2,718,753 Investments Reported at Amortized Cost: Governmental Funds Money Market Mutual Funds N/A 5,214 Florida Prime 48 Days 1,099,153 FL Palm 46 Days 1,194,550 Fiduciary Funds Money Market Mutual Funds N/A 918,745 Total Investments $ 57,989,730 THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA Notes to the Basic Financial Statements September 30, 2020 41 NOTE 3 – DEPOSITS AND INVESTMENTS (Continued) Investments (Continued) Credit risk – Credit risk is the risk that an issuer or other counter party to an investment will not fulfill its obligations. The Village’s investment policies limit its investments to high quality investments to control credit risk. The table below outlines the Village’s credit ratings for investments with certain investments not specifically rated by both S&P and Moody’s. S&P Moody’s Fair Investments: Rating Rating Value Governmental Funds U.S. Government and Agency AA+ & NR Aaa $ 4,470,173 Asset Backed Securities AAA & NR Aaa & NR 2,198,803 Municipal Bonds AA, A+ & A- Aa3 & A1 86,496 Domestic Corporate Bonds AAA to BBB+ Aaa to Baa1 2,083,220 International Corporate Bonds AAA to A- Aaa to A2 1,106,649 Money Market Mutual Funds NR NR 5,214 Florida Prime AAAm NR 1,099,153 FL Palm AAAm NR 1,194,550 Fiduciary Funds U.S. Government and Agency AA+ Aaa 47,142 Asset Backed Securities AAA, NR Aaa, NR 3,013,261 Municipal Bonds AAA to AA- Aaa to Aa2 446,727 Domestic Corporate Bonds AAA to BBB- Aaa to Baa3 2,888,137 International Corporate Bonds AAA to BBB- Aaa to Baa2 752,209 Common Equity Securities NR NR 17,282,463 Exchange Traded Funds NR NR 5,172,008 Mutual Funds NR NR 12,506,027 American Core Realty Fund NR NR 2,718,753 Money Market Mutual Funds NR NR 918,745 Total Investments $ 57,989,730 Interest rate risk – Interest rate risk is the risk that changes in interest rates will adversely affect the fair value of an investment. Generally, the longer the time to maturity, the greater the exposure to interest rate risks. The Village limits its exposure to fair value losses resulting from rising interest rates by structuring the investment portfolio so that the securities mature to meet cash requirements for ongoing operations, thereby avoiding the need to sell securities on the open market prior to maturity; and investing operating funds primarily in short-term securities, money market mutual funds, or similar investment pools unless it is anticipated that long-term securities can be held to maturity without jeopardizing the liquidity requirements. THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA Notes to the Basic Financial Statements September 30, 2020 42 NOTE 3 – DEPOSITS AND INVESTMENTS (Continued) Investments (Continued) The Retirement Funds do not have a formal investment policy that limits investment maturities as a means of managing exposure to fair value losses arising from increasing interest rates. Custodial credit risk – Custodial credit risk is the risk that, in the event of the failure of the counterparty, the Village will not be able to recover the value of its investments or collateral securities that are in the possession of an outside party. The Village’s investments are held by a third-party custodian, not in the name of the Village. Investments are held in book entry form at the Federal Reserve by Depository Trust Company (DTC) via the custodian. The custodian further segregates the Village’s investments in their trust accounting system. The investments in mutual funds and investment partnerships are considered unclassified pursuant to the custodial credit risk categories of GASB Statement No. 3, because they are not evidenced by securities that exist in physical or book-entry form. Concentrations of credit risk – Concentration of credit risk is defined as the risk of loss attributed to the magnitude of an investment in a single user. The Village places no limit on the amount it may invest in any one issuer, except those in the Fire and Police Retirement Fund. Not more than five (5) percent of the Fund’s assets shall be invested in the common stock or capital stock of any one issuing company. Investing in Foreign Markets – Investing in foreign markets may involve special risks and considerations not typically associated with investing in companies in the United States of America. These risks include revaluation of currencies, high rates of inflation, repatriation restrictions on income and capital, and future adverse political, social, and economic developments. Moreover, securities of foreign governments may be less liquid, subject to delayed settlements, taxation on realized or unrealized gains, and their prices are more volatile than those of comparable securities in U.S. companies. Investing in Real Estate. – The Village is subject to the risks inherent in the ownership and operation of real estate. These risks include, among others, those normally associated with changes in the general economic climate, trends in the industry including creditworthiness of tenants, competition for tenants, changes in tax laws, interest rate levels, the availability of financing and potential liability under environmental and other laws. Authorized Investments –The Village has adopted an investment policy that applies to all the investment activity except the Employees’ Pension Funds, which are organized and administered separately, as listed below, or for funds related to the issuance of debt where there are other existing policies or indentures in effect for such funds. THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA Notes to the Basic Financial Statements September 30, 2020 43 NOTE 3 – DEPOSITS AND INVESTMENTS (Continued) Investments (Continued) Authorized Investments (Continued) The Village is authorized to invest its funds as follows: 1. Banks, Qualified Public Depositories with a collateral pledge level of twenty-five percent or fifty percent; 2. U.S Treasury obligations and obligations the principal and interest of which are backed or guaranteed by the full faith and credit of the U.S Government; 3. Debt obligations, participations or other instruments issued or fully guaranteed by any U.S. Federal agency, instrumentality or government sponsored enterprise, 4. Supra-Nationals, U.S. dollar denominated debt obligations of a multilateral organization of governments where the U.S. is a shareholder and voting member with a minimum credit quality rating of A-1/P-1, AA-/Aa3 or equivalent, 5. U.S. dollar denominated corporate notes, bonds or other debt obligations issued or guaranteed by a domestic or foreign corporation, financial institution, non-profit or other entity with a minimum credit quality rating of A-1/P-1, A-/A3 or equivalent, 6. Obligations, including both taxable and tax-exempt, issued or guaranteed by any State, territory or possession of the United States, political subdivision, public corporation, authority, agency board, instrumentality or other unit of local government of any State or territory with a minimum credit quality rating of SP-1/MIG 1, A-/A3 or equivalent, 7. Mortgage-backed securities (MBS), backed by residential, multi-family or commercial mortgages, that are issued or fully guaranteed as to principal and interest by a U.S. Federal agency or government sponsored enterprise, including but not limited to pass- throughs, collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs) and REMICs, 8. Asset-backed securities (ABS) whose underlying collateral consists of loans, leases or receivables, including but not limited to auto loans /leases, credit card receivables, student loans, equipment loans /leases, or home-equity loans with a minimum credit quality rating of A-1/P-1, AAA/Aaa or equivalent, 9. U.S. dollar denominated commercial paper issued or guaranteed by a domestic or foreign corporation, company, financial institution, trust or other entity, including both unsecured debt and asset-backed programs with a minimum credit quality rating of A-1/P-1 or equivalent, 10. Shares in open-end and no-load money market mutual funds, provided such funds are registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940 and operate in accordance with Rule 2a-7 with a minimum credit quality rating of AAAm/Aaa-mf or equivalent, 11. State, local government or privately-sponsored investment pools that are authorized pursuant to state law with a minimum credit quality rating of AAAm/Aaa-mf or equivalent. THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA Notes to the Basic Financial Statements September 30, 2020 44 NOTE 3 – DEPOSITS AND INVESTMENTS (Continued) Investments (Continued) Authorized Investments (Continued) The Village General Employees’ Retirement Fund is authorized to invest its funds as follows: 1. Interest-bearing time deposits in qualified public depositories, as defined in Chapter 280, Florida Statutes; 2. The Local Government Surplus Funds Trust Fund or any intergovernmental investment pool authorized pursuant to the Florida Interlocal Cooperation Act, as provided in Chapter 163, Florida Statutes; 3. Securities and Exchange Commission registered money market funds with the highest credit quality rating from a nationally recognized rating agency minimum credit quality rating of A-1 from S&P or P-1 from Moody’s; 4. Obligations issued by the U.S. Government or obligations guaranteed by agencies or instrumentalities of the U.S. Government; 5. Foreign Securities, including convertible bonds, convertible preferred issues and preferred stock; 6. Equities, including publicly traded REITS, commodities, convertible bonds, convertible preferred issues and preferred stock. Foreign security convertibles are limited to those that settle in U.S. dollars and are traded on one or more of the nationally recognized national exchanges; 7. Bonds or any other evidence of indebtedness issued or guaranteed by a corporation organized under the laws of the United States, any state or organized territory of the United States, or the District of Columbia, provided the issues are traded on any one (1) or more of the recognized national stock exchanges or over the counter and holds a minimum credit rating of BBB from S&P or Baa from Moody’s, except that up to 20% of the fixed income portfolio may be held in securities that do not meet this criteria. The weighted average quality rating of the portfolio will be A or better and the effective duration of the portfolio shall be kept within 20% of Barclays Aggregate Index; 8. Comingled stock, bond or money market funds; 9. Securities of, or interest in, any open-end or closed-end management-type investment company or investment trust registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940, 15 U.S.C. sections 80a-1 et seq., as amended from time to time, provided that the portfolio of such investment company or investment trust is limited to obligations of the United States Government or any agency or instrumentality thereof and to repurchase agreements fully collateralized by such United States Government obligations, and provided that such investment company or investment trust takes delivery of such collateral either directly or through an authorized custodian; 10. Other investments authorized by law or by ordinance by the Village. THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA Notes to the Basic Financial Statements September 30, 2020 45 NOTE 3 – DEPOSITS AND INVESTMENTS (Continued) Investments (Continued) Authorized Investments (Continued) Investments of the Fire and Police Retirement Fund can consist of the following: 1. Time or savings accounts of a national bank, a state bank insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, or a savings, building and loan association insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation; 2. Obligations issued by the U.S. Government, or an agency or instrumentality of the U.S. Government, as well as obligations guaranteed by agencies or instrumentalities of the U.S. Government, including mortgage-related or asset-backed securities; 3. Bonds, stocks, or any other evidence of indebtedness issued or guaranteed by a corporation organized under the laws of the United States, any state or organized territory of the United States, or the District of Columbia, provided: a. The corporation is listed on any one (1) or more of the recognized national stock exchanges and holds a rating in one of the three (3) highest classifications by a major rating service; and b. The Board shall not invest more than five (5) percent of its assets in the common stock, capital stock, bonds or indebtedness of any one (1) issuing company, nor shall the aggregate investment of in any one (1) issuing company exceed five (5) percent of the outstanding capital stock of that company, nor shall the aggregate of its investments in equities at cost exceed sixty (60) percent of the pension funds’ assets; 4. Notwithstanding any provision of this section to the contrary, the Board is specifically authorized to invest in foreign securities to the extent authorized by Sections 175.071(1) and 185.06(1)(b), Florida Statutes; 5. Fixed income investments defined as preferred issues and fixed income securities provided all issues shall meet or exceed S&P’s A or Moody’s A credit rating; 6. Money market funds, defined as fixed income securities having a maturity of less than one year provided all issues shall meet or exceed S&P’s A1 or Moody’s P1 credit rating; 7. Bonds issued by the State of Israel; 8. Purchases in commingled real estate funds. THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA Notes to the Basic Financial Statements September 30, 2020 46 NOTE 4 – RECEIVABLES Receivables at September 30, 2020, were as follows: General Fund Country Club Utility franchise fees & taxes $ 322,033 $ Conroy Drive assessment 870 Other accounts receivable 17,072 32,348 Total accounts receivable $ 339,975 $ 32,348 NOTE 5 – CAPITAL ASSETS Capital Assets activity for the year ended September 30, 2020, was as follows: Primary Government Governmental Activities: Beginning Balance Additions Deletions Ending Balance Capital assets not being depreciated: Land $ 2,055,889 $ $ $ 2,055,889 Construction in progress 17,716,557 291,805 (17,344,872) 663,490 Capital assets being depreciated: Buildings 9,930,922 16,389,710 (9,195) 26,311,437 Improvements 16,113,635 3,423,525 19,537,160 Machinery and equipment 2,419,159 1,612,801 (51,794) 3,980,166 Vehicles 5,100,584 1,157,651 (412,683) 5,845,552 Total at historical cost: 53,336,746 22,875,492 (17,818,544) 58,393,694 Less accumulated depreciation: Buildings (6,389,095) (330,322) 9,195 (6,710,222) Improvements (9,790,751) (553,155) (10,343,906) Machinery and equipment (1,665,282) (213,573) 51,794 (1,827,061) Vehicles (3,162,502) (441,240) 369,912 (3,233,830) Total accumulated depreciation (21,007,630) (1,538,290) 430,901 (22,115,019) Governmental activities capital assets, net $ 32,329,116 $ 21,337,202 $(17,387,643) $ 36,278,675 THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA Notes to the Basic Financial Statements September 30, 2020 47 NOTE 5 – CAPITAL ASSETS (Continued) Depreciation expense was charged to functions/programs of the primary government as follows: Governmental activities: General government $ 90,125 Public safety 489,243 Public works 389,786 Community development 34,852 Leisure services 534,284 Total depreciation expense, governmental activities $ 1,538,290 Business-type activities: Beginning Balance Additions Deletions Ending Balance Capital assets not being depreciated: Land $ 1,051,311 $ $ $ 1,051,311 Construction in progress 227,818 (227,818) Capital assets being depreciated: Buildings 465,122 (328,260) 136,862 Improvements 7,606,684 16,489 (8,990) 7,614,183 Machinery and equipment 48,800 41,991 (15,000) 75,791 Vehicles 23,619 23,619 Total at historical cost: 9,399,735 82,099 (580,068) 8,901,766 Less accumulated depreciation: Buildings (465,122) 328,260 (136,862) Improvements (3,862,128) (632,132) 8,990 (4,485,270) Machinery and equipment (31,710) (7,396) 15,000 (24,106) Vehicles (23,619) (23,619) Total accumulated depreciation (4,358,960) (663,147) 352,250 (4,669,857) Business-type activities capital assets, net $ 5,040,775 $ (581,048) $ (227,818) $ 4,231,909 Included in Governmental deletions and Business-type additions was a fully depreciated vehicle with an original cost of $23,619. The General Fund is currently maintaining the Country Club building which is also capitalized in the Governmental Activities. The Village believes this building serves the community as a whole in addition to supporting the golf course activities. Once the 2006 promissory note of the country club enterprise fund is paid, rental payments for the use of the building will be started. THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA Notes to the Basic Financial Statements September 30, 2020 48 NOTE 6 – LONG TERM LIABILITIES Change in Long-Term Liabilities Long-term liability activity for the year ended September 30, 2020, was as follows: Beginning Balance Additions Reductions Ending Balance Amount Due Within One Year Governmental activities: Direct borrowings and direct placements Loans payable $ 13,515,000 $ $ (835,000) $ 12,680,000 $ 865,000 Capital leases 265,522 1,009,529 (99,496) 1,175,555 189,397 Total 13,780,522 1,009,529 (934,496) 13,855,555 1,054,397 OPEB (see Note 13) 1,605,572 (827,498) 778,074 Net pension liability (see Note 8) 3,568,305 1,892,671 5,460,976 Compensated absences payable 1,351,445 1,195,182 (981,273) 1,565,354 1,205,322 Total $ 20,305,844 $ 4,097,382 $(2,743,267) $ 21,659,959 $ 2,259,719 Business-type activities: Direct borrowings and direct placements Loans payable $ 1,618,633 $ $ (333,965) $ 1,284,668 $ 348,241 OPEB (see Note 13) 36,117 (10,396) 25,721 Compensated absences payable 17,817 27,195 (2,379) 42,633 28,990 Total $ 1,672,567 $ 27,195 $ (346,740) $ 1,353,022 $ 377,231 Governmental activities other postemployment benefit obligations, compensated absences and net pension liabilities are expected to be paid out of the general fund. Loans Payable from Direct Borrowings and Direct Placements $4,893,673 Promissory Note The Village Council adopted Resolution No. 23-2006 authorizing the issuance of a note in the amount of $4,893,673 to finance certain capital expenditures relating to the municipal golf course and country club. The revenues of the Country Club are pledged to secure the loan. Principal and interest payments are due semi-annually in the amount of $199,079, with a final maturity date of April 1, 2024. THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA Notes to the Basic Financial Statements September 30, 2020 49 NOTE 6 – LONG TERM LIABILITIES (Continued) $4,893,673 Promissory Notes (Continued) The interest rate on the loan is 4.11% and is subject to adjustment in the event of taxability of the interest on this note. As of September 30, 2020, the principal amount outstanding was $1,284,668 and was for the purpose of business-type activities. Annual debt service requirements to maturity are as follows: Business-type activities: Year Ending Principal Interest Total 2021 $ 348,241 $ 49,918 $ 398,159 2022 362,904 35,255 398,159 2023 378,185 19,974 398,159 2024 195,338 4,074 199,412 $ 1,284,668 $ 109,221 $ 1,393,889 The loan agreement requires that pledged revenues cover 100% of the debt service due plus the expenses, other than non-cash expenses, of owning and operating the Country Club. Due to the Golf Course and Country Club reopening after being closed for renovations and then being shut down due to the pandemic this requirement was not met. The loan agreement includes a provision that upon the occurrence of any event of default, the bank may declare all obligations of the Village under the Loan Agreement and the Note to be immediately due and payable without further action of any kind and upon such declaration the Note and the interest accrued thereon shall become immediately due and payable. The Bank has not made any such claim. Non-Ad Valorem Revenue Notes, Series 2017 The Village Council adopted Resolution No. 2017-22 authorizing the issuance of Non-Ad Valorem Revenue Notes, Series 2017, in one or more Series in the aggregate Principal amount not to exceed $15,000,000 to finance the cost of constructing and equipping a new country club clubhouse. The Notes are secured by a covenant to budget and appropriate legally available non- ad valorem revenues of the Village. Series 2017A The Series 2017A is a tax-exempt issuance for $8,900,000 with an interest rate of 3.19%, which is subject to adjustment in the event of taxability of the interest on this note. Interest is payable on June 1 and December 1 of each year beginning December 1, 2017. Principal payments start June 1, 2025 with the final payment on June 1, 2032. THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA Notes to the Basic Financial Statements September 30, 2020 50 NOTE 6 – LONG TERM LIABILITIES (Continued) Non-Ad Valorem Revenue Note, Series 2017 (Continued) This note may be prepaid in whole but not in part at any time after June 1, 2025, at a redemption price equal to 100% of the principal amount outstanding plus accrued interest through the redemption date. As of September 30, 2020, the principal amount outstanding was $8,900,000 and was for the purpose of governmental-type activities. Series 2017B The Series 2017B is a taxable issuance for $6,100,000 with an interest rate of 3.78%. Interest is payable on June 1 and December 1 of each year beginning December 1, 2017. Principal payments start June 1, 2018 with the final payment on June 1, 2025. This note may not be prepaid. As of September 30, 2020, the principal amount outstanding was $3,780,000 and was for the purpose of governmental-type activities. Annual debt service requirements to maturity for the Series 2017A and 2017B are as follows: Year Ending Principal Interest Total 2021 $ 865,000 $ 426,794 $ 1,291,794 2022 900,000 394,097 1,294,097 2023 935,000 359,981 1,294,981 2024 970,000 324,734 1,294,734 2025 1,005,000 288,068 1,293,068 2026 - 2030 5,535,000 934,831 6,469,831 2031 - 2032 2,470,000 118,828 2,588,828 $ 12,680,000 $ 2,847,333 $ 15,527,333 The loan agreements include a provision that upon the occurrence of any event of default, the notes shall bear interest at the Default Rate so long as the event of default shall be continuing. The Default rate for the Series 2017A is 6% and the rate for the Series 2017B is 7%. Governmental Activities Capital Leases The Village entered into capital lease agreements for the purpose of financing the purchase of vehicles. Principal and interest payments are due annually. As of September 30, 2020, the principal amounts outstanding were $1,175,555 and the net book value of the equipment was $1,289,056. Amortization of leased equipment under capital assets is included with depreciation expense. The interest rates on the leases range from 2.38% to 7.25% The lease agreements include a provision that upon the occurrence of any event of default, the lessor may retake possession of the equipment under lease. THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA Notes to the Basic Financial Statements September 30, 2020 51 NOTE 6 – LONG TERM LIABILITIES (Continued) Governmental Activities Capital Leases (Continued) Annual debt service requirements to maturity are as follows: Year Ending Principal Interest Total 2021 $ 189,397 $ 42,650 $ 232,047 2022 194,272 37,775 232,047 2023 202,849 29,198 232,047 2024 133,673 20,164 153,837 2025 137,713 16,125 153,838 2026 81,379 11,955 93,334 2027 236,272 9,090 245,362 $ 1,175,555 $ 166,957 $ 1,342,512 NOTE 7 – RISK MANAGEMENT The Village is exposed to various risks of loss related to torts: theft of, damage to, and destruction of assets; errors and omissions; and natural disasters. The Village currently reports all of its risk management activities in the General Fund. Claims expenditures and liabilities are reported when it is probable that a loss has occurred and the amount of the loss can be reasonably estimated. These losses include an estimate of claims that have been incurred but not reported. The Village is covered by Florida Statutes under the Doctrine of Sovereign Immunity which effectively limits the amount of liability of municipalities to individual claims of $200,000/$300,000 for all claims relating to the same incident. However, under certain circumstances, a plaintiff can seek to recover damages in excess of statutory limits by introducing a claims bill to the Florida Legislature. The limits addressed in Florida Statutes do not apply to claims filed in federal courts. There have been no significant reductions in insurance coverage in the prior year. No settlements exceeded insurance coverage for the past three years. THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA Notes to the Basic Financial Statements September 30, 2020 52 NOTE 8 – EMPLOYEE RETIREMENT PLANS The Village maintains the following two separate single employer defined benefit plans: Village of North Palm Beach Fire and Police Retirement Fund (F&P), covering firefighters and police officers, and Village of North Palm Beach General Employees Retirement Fund (GERF), covering substantially all other full-time Village employees. Both plans are reported as pension trust funds and included as part of the Village’s reporting entity. The Police and Fire Fund issued separate stand-alone financial statements for the year ended September 30, 2020, the report may be obtained from the Village Clerk, at the Village of North Palm Beach, 501 U.S. Highway 1, North Palm Beach, Florida 33408. The General Employees Plan does not issue separate financial statements. Each plan has its own board that acts as plan administrator and trustee: The Fire and Police Retirement Fund Board of Trustees consists of five members (5); four (4) of whom were elected by a majority of the members of the plan. Two (2) of the elected members are certified firefighters of the Village and two (2) are certified police officers of the Village. The fifth member of the board is a legal resident of the Village and is appointed by the Village council. The General Employees Retirement Board consists of five members (5); two (2) of whom were employees elected by a majority of the members of the plan, two (2) of the members are a legal resident of the Village and appointed by the Village council, the two (2) council appointed members of the Board shall appoint a member of the general public who has never been employed by the Village to serve as the fifth member of the Board. Each plan’s assets may only be used for the payment of benefits to the members and beneficiaries of the plan in accordance with the terms of each plan document. The costs of administering each plan are financed in the appropriate pension trust fund. SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES All Retirement Plans Basis of Accounting. The retirement plans are reported on the accrual basis of accounting. The plans’ fiduciary net position have been determined on the same basis used by the pension plans. Plan member and state contributions are recognized as revenues in the period that the contributions are due. Employer contributions to each plan are recognized when due and the employer has made a formal commitment to provide the contributions. Benefits and refunds are recognized when due and payable in accordance with the terms of each plan. Method Used to Value Investments. Investments are reported at fair value and are managed by third party money managers. Investments Concentrations. There were no investments representing concentrations of 5% or more of net plan assets in investments that are not issued or guaranteed by the U.S. government. THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA Notes to the Basic Financial Statements September 30, 2020 53 NOTE 8 – EMPLOYEE RETIREMENT PLANS (Continued) PLAN DESCRIPTION, INVESTMENT AND CONTRIBUTION INFORMATION The following schedule is provided for general information purposes only and is derived from the respective actuarial reports and Village information for the two retirement plans. Plan participants should refer to the appropriate source documents for more complete information on the plans. General Employees’ Fire and Police Plan Description: Authority Village Ordinance Village Ordinance/State Asset Valuation: Reporting Fair Value Fair Value Legal Reserves None None Long-Term Receivable None None Internal/Participant Loans None None Membership of each plan consisted of the following at October 1, 2019: GERF F&P Inactive Plan Members or Beneficiaries currently receiving benefits 37 28 Inactive Plan Members entitled to but not yet receiving benefits 37 13 Active Plan Members 27 56 Total 101 97 General Employees' Retirement System Plan Description. The plan is established under Code of Ordinances for the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, Part II, Chapter 2, and was most recently amended under Ordinance No. 2010-07. The Plan is also governed by certain provisions of Part VII, Chapter 112, Florida Statutes and the Internal Revenue Code. The Plan provides retirement benefits as well as death benefits. All full time general employees who are not sworn police officers or firefighters shall become members of the system on October 1st following completion of 12 months of employment as a condition of employment. For those employees retired before February 1, 1982, those employees hired after September 30, 2000, or those employees hired before October 1, 2000, who elect to contribute an extra 2%, a 3% Cost of Living increase is paid annually from the Plan. Authority to establish and amend the benefit provisions of the plan rests with the Village Council. THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA Notes to the Basic Financial Statements September 30, 2020 54 NOTE 8 – EMPLOYEE RETIREMENT PLANS (Continued) General Employees' Retirement System (Continued) All benefits vest based on the following years of credited service: Years of Credited Service Vested % Under 5 0% 5 or 6 50% 7 or 8 75% 9 or more 100% Employees become eligible for normal retirement benefits after attaining the age of 60 and completing nine years of credited service, or attaining the age of 65 (depending on employee contribution rate). The normal retirement benefit consists of a life annuity, options available, (subject to cost of living increases not to exceed 3% a year), of either 2%, 2.25%, or 2.5% (depending on employee contribution rate) of Average Monthly Earnings (AME) times credited service up to 20 years plus 1% of AME times credited service over 20 years. Early retirement benefits can be received at age 55. The benefit is determined as for normal retirement and payable at normal retirement date or payable immediately after reduction by 5% for each year by which the benefit commencement date precedes the normal retirement date. If an active member dies, his beneficiary receives a refund of member contributions without interest. For a member who is age 55 and has at least five years of service but who dies before commencement of retirement benefits, a monthly benefit is payable to the designated beneficiary; the benefit is calculated as though the member had retired on his date of death and payable according to the option elected by the employee. For an active member who has at least five years of credited service and dies prior to reaching normal retirement date, a benefit equal to his vested accrued benefit will be paid to his beneficiary for ten years. If an employee terminates his employment, he is entitled to the following: - With less than five years of credited service, a refund of member contributions without interest and no other benefit. - With five or more years of credited service, a refund of member contributions, the vested accrued benefit payable at normal retirement date or at any time after age 55 is attained, with the benefit being subject to the same reduction as for early retirement benefits. The vesting schedule is listed above. "Average Monthly Earnings" is the average during the 5 years within the last 10 years of employment which produces the highest average. THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA Notes to the Basic Financial Statements September 30, 2020 55 NOTE 8 – EMPLOYEE RETIREMENT PLANS (Continued) General Employees' Retirement System (Continued) "Credited Service" consists of the total number of years and fractional parts of years of actual service with the Village and shall apply to an employee whose employment is terminated with the Village and who recommences fulltime employment within two years from the date of termination. Asset Allocation. The plan’s adopted asset allocation policy as of September 30, 2020, is as follows: Asset Class Target Allocation Domestic equity 45% International equity 15 Domestic bonds 40 Total 100% Rate of Return. For the year ended September 30, 2020, the annual money-weighted rate of return on Pension Plan investments, net of pension plan investment expense, was 9.28 percent. The money-weighted rate of return expresses investment performance, net of investment expense, adjusted for the changing amounts actually invested. Contributions. General employees may contribute 6%, 4%, 2% or 0% of earnings as elected by the employee, with the retirement benefit received being based on the amount contributed. The Village is required to contribute the amount necessary to fund the Plan properly according to the Plan’s actuary. Contribution requirements of plan members and the Village are established and may be amended by the Village Council. Fire and Police Retirement System Plan Description. The plan is established under Code of Ordinances for the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, Part II, Chapter 2, and was most recently amended under Ordinance No. 2019-11. The Plan is also governed by certain provisions of Part VII, Chapter 112, Florida Statutes and the Internal Revenue Code. The plan provides retirement benefits as well as death and disability benefits. All benefits vest after ten years of credited service. All fulltime police officers or firefighters are eligible for membership immediately upon hire. Previously, members were not eligible until October 1st following completion of 12 months of employment. Cost of living adjustments (COLA) are provided annually each October 1, to reflect changes in CPI (subject to maximum increases or decreases of 3% per year). Authority to establish and amend the benefit provisions of the plan rests with the Village Council. Employees become eligible for normal retirement benefits after attaining the age of 55, or the date on which the member attains age 52 and 25 credited years of service. THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA Notes to the Basic Financial Statements September 30, 2020 56 NOTE 8 – EMPLOYEE RETIREMENT PLANS (Continued) Fire and Police Retirement System (Continued) The normal retirement benefit consists of ten years certain and life thereafter, with other options available, (subject to cost of living adjustments not to exceed 3% a year), of 2.75% of AME times the years of credited services starting 10/1/18; for years prior to 10/1/18 the percentage is 2.5%; with a maximum benefit of 75% of AME. Members are eligible for non-service connected disability, after ten years of credited service and a total and permanent disability. For service connected disability, a total and permanent disability with no service requirement, the disability benefit consists of a ten-year certain and life annuity that can be provided by the single-sum value of the member’s accrued pension benefit, but is at least 42% of AME for service connected disability and at least 25% of AME for non-service connected disability. See the description of the General Employees’ Retirement System for the remainder of the benefits, except that early retirement and termination benefits for vested members can be received at age 50 and the Deferred Retirement Option Plan (DROP) as describe below. The Plan contains a DROP whereupon the member could retire from the pension plan but continue employment with the Village for an additional maximum period of up to five years. The retirement benefit is immediately calculated and the monthly benefit is allocated to the DROP account. The actual rate of investment return is credited to the account, but no less than 0.00% or more than 6.4%. Once a participant elects this option, he is no longer eligible for disability or pre-retirement benefits. The Plan’s guidelines for the DROP are designed to adhere to IRS regulations. At September 30, 2020, there was $190,575 in the DROP, this amount is included in both the Total Pension Liability and the Plan Fiduciary Net Position. Additional information about the DROP can be obtained from the ordinance. Asset Allocation. The plan’s adopted asset allocation policy as of September 30, 2020, is as follows: Asset Class Target Allocation Domestic equity 50% International equity 10 Domestic bonds 30 Real estate 10 Total 100% Rate of Return. For the year ended September 30, 2020, the annual money-weighted rate of return on Pension Plan investments, net of pension plan investment expense, was 4.62 percent. The money-weighted rate of return expresses investment performance, net of investment expense, adjusted for the changing amounts actually invested. THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA Notes to the Basic Financial Statements September 30, 2020 57 NOTE 8 – EMPLOYEE RETIREMENT PLANS (Continued) Fire and Police Retirement System (Continued) Contributions. Firefighter members are required to contribute 7.00% of their basic compensation to the plan. Police Officer members are required to contribute 6.00% of their basic compensation to the plan, effective the first payroll period after October 1, 2020 they shall be required to contribute 7.00%. Members enrolled in the DROP shall contribute 4% of earnings (3% allocated to the DROP account and 1% remaining in Plan assets). The Village is required to contribute the remaining amount to fund the plan using the Entry Age Actuarial Cost Method. Contribution requirements of plan members and the Village are established and may be amended by the Village Council. The Florida Constitution requires local governments to make the actuarially determined contribution. The Florida Division of Retirement reviews and approves each local government’s actuarial report prior to its being approved for use for funding purposes. Additionally, the State collects locally authorized insurance premium surcharges which can only be distributed after the State has ascertained that the local government has met its actuarial funding requirement for the then most recently completed fiscal year. Contributions to the Plan from the State of Florida totaled $339,509 during the fiscal year ended September 30, 2020. All Retirement Plans Net Pension Liability. The components of net pension liability of the Village on September 30, 2020 were as follows: General Employees Fire and Police Total pension liability $ 18,440,365 $ 32,833,494 Plan fiduciary net position (17,990,079) (28,308,304) Village's net pension liability $ 450,286 $ 4,526,190 Plan fiduciary net position as a percentage of total pension liability 97.56% 86.22% The mortality assumption rates were changed which decreased the pension liability of the Fire and Police plan by $981,457. THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA Notes to the Basic Financial Statements September 30, 2020 58 NOTE 8 – EMPLOYEE RETIREMENT PLANS (Continued) All Retirement Plans (Continued) Actuarial Assumptions. The total pension liability was determined by an actuarial valuation as of October 1, 2019 updated to September 30, 2020 using the following actuarial assumptions applied to the September 30, 2020 measurement period. General Employees Fire and Police Inflation 2.50% 2.50% Salary increases Service based Service based Investment rate of return 6.75% 7.70% Mortality RP2000 Combined Healthy Participant, Scale BB. Female: 100% Annuitant White Collar, Male Annuitant White Collar/50% Annuitant Blue Collar PubS.H-2010 for Employees, set forward one year The long-term expected rate of return on pension plan investments was determined using a building-block method in which best-estimate ranges of expected future real rates of return (expected returns, net of pension plan investment expenses and inflation) are developed for each major asset class. These ranges are combined to produce the long-term expected rate of return by weighting the expected future real rates of return by the target asset allocation percentage and by adding expected inflation. Best estimates of arithmetic real rates of return for each major asset class included the pension plan’s target asset allocation as of September 30, 2020, are summarized in the following table: Asset Class Long-Term Expected Real Rate of Return General Employees Fire and Police Domestic equity 6.75% 7.50% International equity 6.50% 8.50% Domestic bonds 2.50% 2.50% Real estate N/A 4.50% THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA Notes to the Basic Financial Statements September 30, 2020 59 NOTE 8 – EMPLOYEE RETIREMENT PLANS (Continued) All Retirement Plans (Continued) Discount Rate. The discount rate used to measure the total pension liability was 6.75 percent for the General Employees Retirement Fund and 7.70 percent for the Fire and Police Retirement Fund. The projection of cash flows used to determine the discount rates assumed that plan member contributions will be made at the current contribution rate and that sponsor contributions will be made at rates equal to the difference between actuarially determined contribution rates and the member rate. Based on those assumptions, the pension plans’ fiduciary net position was projected to be available to make all projected future benefit payments of current plan members. Therefore, the long-term expected rate of return on pension plan investments was applied to all periods of projected benefit payments to determine the total pension liability. Sensitivity of the Net Pension Liability to Changes in the Discount Rate. The following presents the net pension liabilities of the Village, calculated using the discount rates above, as well as what the Village’s net pension liabilities would be if it were calculated using a discount rate that is one percentage-point lower or one percentage-point higher than the current rate. General Employees' Retirement System Current Discount 1% Decrease Rate 1% Increase 5.75% 6.75% 7.75% Village's net pension liability $ 2,915,900 $ 450,286 $ (1,586,353) Fire and Police Retirement System Current Discount 1% Decrease Rate 1% Increase 6.70% 7.70% 8.70% Village's net pension liability $ 9,225,434 $ 4,525,190 $ 637,598 All Retirement Plans The Village’s total pension liability, plan fiduciary net position, net pension liability, pension related deferred outflows and inflows, and pension expense for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2020, are reported using a measurement date of September 30, 2019. THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA Notes to the Basic Financial Statements September 30, 2020 60 NOTE 8 – EMPLOYEE RETIREMENT PLANS (Continued) All Retirement Plans (Continued) Actuarial Assumptions. The total pension liability was determined by an actuarial valuation as of October 1, 2018 updated to September 30, 2019 using the following actuarial assumptions applied to the September 30, 2019, measurement period. General Employees Fire and Police Inflation 2.75% 2.50% Salary increases Service based Service based Investment rate of return 6.75% 7.70% Mortality Female: RP2000, 100%Annuitant White Collar, Scale BB Male: RP2000, 50%Annuitant White Collar/50% Annuitant Blue Collar, Scale BB Female: RP2000 Generational, 100%Annuitant White Collar, Scale BB Male: RP2000 Generational, 10%Annuitant White Collar/90% Annuitant Blue Collar, Scale BB The long-term expected rate of return on pension plan investments was determined using a building-block method in which best-estimate ranges of expected future real rates of return (expected returns, net of pension plan investment expenses and inflation) are developed for each major asset class. These ranges are combined to produce the long-term expected rate of return by weighting the expected future real rates of return by the target asset allocation percentage and by adding expected inflation. Best estimates of arithmetic real rates of return for each major asset class included the pension plan’s target asset allocation as of September 30, 2019, are summarized in the following table: Asset Class Target Allocation Long-Term Expected Real Rate of Return General Employees Fire and Police General Employees Fire and Police Domestic equity 45% 50% 6.75% 7.50% International equity 15 10 6.50% 8.50% Domestic bonds 40 30 2.50% 2.50% Real estate N/A 10 N/A 4.50% Total 100% 100% THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA Notes to the Basic Financial Statements September 30, 2020 61 NOTE 8 – EMPLOYEE RETIREMENT PLANS (Continued) All Retirement Plans (Continued) Discount Rate. The discount rate used to measure the total pension liability was 6.75 percent for the General Employees Retirement Fund and 7.70 percent for the Fire and Police Retirement Fund. The projection of cash flows used to determine the discount rates assumed that plan member contributions will be made at the current contribution rate and that sponsor contributions will be made at rates equal to the difference between actuarially determined contribution rates and the member rate. Based on those assumptions, the pension plans’ fiduciary net position was projected to be available to make all projected future benefit payments of current plan members. Therefore, the long-term expected rate of return on pension plan investments was applied to all periods of projected benefit payments to determine the total pension liability. General Employees' Retirement System Changes in Net Pension Liability Using a measurement date of September 30, 2019, the components of the net pension liability reported by the Village at September 30, 2020, were as follows: Total Fiduciary Net Pension Net Pension Description Liability (a) Position (b) Liability (a)-(b) Balances at September 30, 2018 $ 17,833,215 $ 16,399,189 $ 1,434,026 Changes due to: Service cost 251,678 251,678 Interest 1,201,578 1,201,578 Difference between expected and actual experience (625,948) (625,948) Changes of Assumptions Employer contributions 358,152 (358,152) Employee contributions 97,522 (97,522) Benefit payments and refunds (567,472) (567,472) Net investment income 721,786 (721,786) Administrative expenses (38,690) 38,690 Total changes 259,836 571,298 (311,462) Balances at September 30, 2019 $ 18,093,051 $ 16,970,487 $ 1,122,564 THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA Notes to the Basic Financial Statements September 30, 2020 62 NOTE 8 – EMPLOYEE RETIREMENT PLANS (Continued) General Employees' Retirement System (Continued) Sensitivity of the Net Pension Liability to Changes in the Discount Rate Current Discount 1% Decrease Rate 1% Increase 5.75% 6.75% 7.75% Village's net pension liability $ 3,636,396 $ 1,122,564 $ (949,841) Pension expense and deferred outflows and inflows of resources For the fiscal year ended September 30, 2020, the Village recognized pension expense of $(167,879). In addition, the Village reported deferred outflows of resources and deferred inflows of resources related to the Plan from the following sources: Deferred Deferred Outflows Inflows Description of Resources of Resources Net difference between projected and actual earnings on plan investments $ $ 91,038 Differences between expected and actual experience 278,199 Village plan contributions subsequent to the measurement date 232,738 Total $ 232,738 $ 369,237 THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA Notes to the Basic Financial Statements September 30, 2020 63 NOTE 8 – EMPLOYEE RETIREMENT PLANS (Continued) General Employees' Retirement System (Continued) Pension expense and deferred outflows and inflows of resources (Continued) The deferred outflows of resources totaling $232,738 resulting from Village contributions to the plan subsequent to the measurement date, will be recognized as a reduction of the net pension liability in the fiscal year ended September 30, 2020. Other amounts reported as deferred outflows of resources and deferred inflows of resources related to the plan will be recognized in pension expense as follows: Year ended September 30: Amount 2021 $ (416,784) 2022 (71,301) 2023 42,819 2024 76,029 2025 Thereafter $ (369,237) Fire and Police Retirement System Sensitivity of the Net Pension Liability to Changes in the Discount Rate Current Discount 1% Decrease Rate 1% Increase 6.70% 7.70% 8.70% Village's net pension liability $ 8,931,297 $ 4,338,412 $ 577,783 THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA Notes to the Basic Financial Statements September 30, 2020 64 NOTE 8 – EMPLOYEE RETIREMENT PLANS (Continued) Fire and Police Retirement System (Continued) Changes in Net Pension Liability Using a measurement date of September 30, 2019, the components of the net pension liability reported by the Village at September 30, 2020, were as follows: Total Fiduciary Net Pension Net Pension Description Liability (a) Position (b) Liability (a)-(b) Balances at September 30, 2018 $ 27,159,019 $ 25,024,740 $ 2,134,279 Changes due to: Service cost 1,031,048 1,031,048 Interest 2,236,125 2,236,125 Change in excess state money (600,965) (600,965) Differences between expected and actual experience (138,741) (138,741) Change of benefit terms 205,896 205,896 Change of assumptions 1,660,762 1,660,762 Employer contributions 918,263 (918,263) Employer contributions-state 328,826 (328,826) Employee contributions 239,271 (239,271) Employee contributions buy back 6,698 6,698 Benefit payments and refunds (793,277) (793,277) Net investment income 787,045 (787,045) Administrative expenses (83,413) 83,413 Total changes 3,607,546 1,403,413 2,204,133 Balances at September 30, 2019 $ 30,766,565 $ 26,428,153 $ 4,338,412 The pension liability of the Fire and Police plan increased by $205,896 due to the discount rate going from 7.75% to 7.70% and $1,660,762 due to changes in the benefit terms, the most significant of which was a prospective increase of the benefit accrual rate to 2.75% from 2.50% for Credited Service earned after September 30, 2018 and an increase in the maximum accrued benefit to 75% AME from 60%. THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA Notes to the Basic Financial Statements September 30, 2020 65 NOTE 8 – EMPLOYEE RETIREMENT PLANS (Continued) Fire and Police Retirement System (Continued) Pension expense and deferred outflows and inflows of resources For the fiscal year ended September 30, 2020, the Village recognized pension expense of $2,625,446. In addition, the Village reported deferred outflows of resources and deferred inflows of resources related to the Plan from the following sources: Deferred Deferred Outflows Inflows Description of Resources of Resources Net difference between projected and actual earnings on plan investments $ 789,688 $ Differences between expected and actual experience 220,812 262,136 Change of assumptions 470,424 679,880 Village plan contributions subsequent to the measurement date 1,203,271 Total $ 2,684,195 $ 942,016 The deferred outflows of resources totaling $1,203,271 resulting from Village contributions to the plan subsequent to the measurement date, will be recognized as a reduction of the net pension liability in the fiscal year ended September 30, 2020. Other amounts reported as deferred outflows of resources and deferred inflows of resources related to the plan will be recognized in pension expense as follows: Year ended September 30: Amount 2020 $ 168,281 2021 61,902 2022 182,871 2023 149,558 2024 (85,693) Thereafter 61,989 $ 538,908 THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA Notes to the Basic Financial Statements September 30, 2020 66 NOTE 8 – EMPLOYEE RETIREMENT PLANS (Continued) All Retirement Plans Summarized information The Village’s total pension liability, plan fiduciary net position, net pension liability, pension related deferred outflows and inflows, and pension expense for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2020, using a measurement date of September 30, 2019, are as follows: General Employees Fire and Police Total Total pension liability $ 18,093,051 30,766,565 $ 48,859,616 Plan fiduciary net position 16,970,487 26,428,153 43,398,640 Net pension liability 1,122,564 4,338,412 5,460,976 Deferred outflows of resources 232,738 2,684,195 2,916,933 Deferred inflows of resources 369,237 942,016 1,311,253 Pension expense (167,879) 2,625,446 2,457,567 Accounts Payable - - - NOTE 9 – ON-BEHALF PAYMENTS The state makes a contribution to the Fire and Police Officers’ Retirement System from the firefighters’ and police officers’ Insurance Premium Tax. For the fiscal year ended September 30, 2020, $339,482 was recorded as revenues and expenditures in the On-Behalf Pension Contribution Special Revenue Fund relating to on-behalf payments received from the state. THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA Notes to the Basic Financial Statements September 30, 2020 67 NOTE 10 – PENSION PLAN FINANCIAL INFORMATION Generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) requires that financial statements for individual pension plans be presented in the notes to the financial statements of the primary government if separate GAAP financial reports have not been issued. The General Employees’ pension fund does not have a separate GAAP report issued, and the financial information as of September 30, 2020, is presented below. STATEMENT OF FIDUCIARY NET POSITION General Employees’ Pension Assets Cash and cash equivalents $ 367,637 Investments: Fixed income exchange traded funds 3,898,565 Equity exchange traded funds 1,273,443 Fixed income mutual funds 2,470,142 Domestic equity mutual funds 8,404,532 International equity mutual funds 1,631,353 Accrued dividends and interest 7 Prepaids 4,282 Total assets 18,049,961 Liabilities Accounts payable 16,576 Accounts payable, broker-dealers 43,306 Total liabilities 59,882 Net position Held in trust for pension benefits and other purposes $ 17,990,079 THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA Notes to the Basic Financial Statements September 30, 2020 68 NOTE 10 – PENSION PLAN FINANCIAL INFORMATION (Continued) STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FIDUCIARY NET POSITION General Employees’ Pension Additions Contributions Employer $ 232,738 Plan members 85,829 Total contributions 318,567 Investment earnings Dividends and interest 364,982 Net (decrease) in the fair value of investments 1,183,315 Less investment expense (51,075) Total investment earnings 1,497,222 Total additions 1,815,789 Deductions Administration 60,096 Refund of member contributions 13,312 Benefits 722,789 Total deductions 796,197 Change in net position 1,019,592 Net position - beginning 16,970,487 Net position - ending $ 17,990,079 NOTE 11 – DEFINED CONTRIBUTION PLAN Effective October 1, 2006, all employees of the Village may participate in one of four Money Purchase Plans that are qualified Defined Contribution Plans adopted under the provisions of Internal Revenue Code Section 401(a). The four pension plans include Village Manger, Directors, General Employees, and Municipal Employees. The defined contribution plans are administered by International City/County Management Association and Retirement Corporation (ICMA-RC). The ICMA-RC is a nonprofit corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Delaware. Contribution requirements of employees’ and the Village are established and may be amended by the Village Council. The vesting period for each defined contribution plan is five years, with a vesting of zero percent in the first year, and a vesting of twenty-five percent for each year thereafter. While the plans will not provide for retroactive funding, the vesting period shall run from each employee’s original date of hire. If an employee terminates before becoming fully vested, forfeited amounts will be used to reduce future Village contributions. No loans are permitted by the plan. THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA Notes to the Basic Financial Statements September 30, 2020 69 NOTE 11 – DEFINED CONTRIBUTION PLAN (Continued) The normal retirement age for the plan shall be age sixty. There is no waiting period for participation in the plan. The minimum age for participation is eighteen. The Village contributes 15% of participant earnings for the plan year. Earnings include regular and bonus compensation, but do not include overtime or commissions. Employee contributions are voluntary, after-tax contributions that are not matched by the Village. Employees may contribute 3%, 5%, 10%, or 15% of earnings to the plan. Contributions are remitted to the trusts every payroll period. Because the Village has little administrative involvement and does not perform the investing function for funds in the plans, the Village’s activities do not meet the criteria for inclusion in the fiduciary funds of a government. Consequently, the plans are not included in the Village’s financial statements. Plan detail for participating employees at September 30, 2020, is listed below: Village Manager Directors General Employees Municipal Employees Employee contributions $ 5,826 $ 84,543 $ 57,562 $ 89,115 Village pension expense 29,130 152,093 172,903 192,191 Forfeitures - 10,141 172,903 27,377 Payable as of fiscal year end - - - - NOTE 12 – DEFERRED COMPENSATION PLAN ASSETS Employees of the Village may participate in a deferred compensation plan adopted under the provisions of Internal Revenue Code Section 457 (Deferred Compensation Plans with Respect to Service for State and Local Governments). The deferred compensation plan is available to all employees of the Village. Under the plan, employees may elect to defer a portion of their salaries and avoid paying taxes on the deferred portion until the withdrawal date. The deferred compensation amount is not available for withdrawal by employees until termination, retirement, death, or unforeseeable emergency. A third party administers the deferred compensation plan. In 1998, the Village Adopted GASB-32, Accounting and Financial Reporting for Internal Revenue Code Section 457 Deferred Compensation Plans. The Village modified its Deferred Compensation Plan to conform with the changes in the Internal Revenue Code brought about by the Small Business Job Protection Act of 1996 (the “Act”). The Act requires that eligible deferred compensation plans established and maintained by governmental employers be amended to provide that all assets of the plan be held in trust, or under one or more appropriate annuity contracts or custodial accounts, for the exclusive benefit of plan participants and their beneficiaries. As a result of this change, these plan assets are not property of the Village and are not subject to the claims of the Village’s general creditors. THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA Notes to the Basic Financial Statements September 30, 2020 70 NOTE 12 – DEFERRED COMPENSATION PLAN ASSETS (Continued) Because the Village has little administrative involvement and does not perform the investing function for funds in the Plan, the Village’s activities do not meet the criteria for inclusion in the fiduciary funds of a government. NOTE 13 – OTHER POSTEMPLOYMENT BENEFITS General Information about the OPEB Plan Effective October 1, 2016, the Village implemented Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement 75 (GASB 75), Accounting and Financial Reporting for Postemployment Benefits Other Than Pensions, see Note 19. Retirees of the Village pay an amount equal to the actual premium for health insurance charged by the carrier. The premium charged includes an implied subsidy, as the amount charged for all participants (active employee or retiree) is the same, regardless of age. Under GASB 75, an implied subsidy is considered other post-employment benefits (OPEB). The following describes the Village’s OPEB Provisions: Plan Description The Village provides a single employer defined benefit health care plan to all of its employees and the plan is administered by the Village. The plan has no assets and does not issue a separate financial report. Benefits Provided The plan allows its employees and their beneficiaries, to continue to obtain health and dental benefits upon retirement. The normal retirement age for police and firefighters is 55 or 52; , depending on the option selected by the employee and the normal retirement age for all other Village employees is either age 60 or 65, depending on the option selected by the employee. The benefits of the plan are in accordance with Florida Statutes, which are the legal authority for the plan. The plan has no assets and does not issue a separate financial report. Employees Covered by Benefit Terms At September 30, 2020, the following employees were covered by benefit terms: Participants Active employees 138 Inactive employees currently receiving benefits 4 Inactive employees entitled to but not receiving benefits - Total 142 THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA Notes to the Basic Financial Statements September 30, 2020 71 NOTE 13 – OTHER POSTEMPLOYMENT BENEFITS (Continued) Contribution Requirements: The Village does not make direct contributions to the plan on behalf of retirees. Retirees and their beneficiaries pay the same group health rates as active employees. However, the Village’s actuaries, in their actuarial valuation, calculate an offset to the cost of these benefits as an employer contribution, based upon an implicit rate subsidy. This offset equals the total annual age-adjusted costs paid by the Village, or its active employees, for coverage of the retirees and their dependents net of the retiree’s own payments for the year. Total OPEB Liability The Village’s total OPEB liability of $803,795 was measured as of September 30, 2020 and was determined by the actuarial valuation as September 30, 2020. Actuarial Assumptions and Methods The total OPEB liability was determined using the following actuarial assumptions and other methods: Valuation Date: September 30, 2020 Measurement Date: September 30, 2020 Discount Rate: 2.41% per annum Source Bond Buyer GO 20-Bond Municipal Index Salary Increase Rate: Service based between 4% to 10% per annum Health Care Trend Rate: An initial rate of 6.25% decreasing by 0.25% annually to an ultimate rate of 3.99%. Inflation Rate: 2.25% Marriage Rate/Participation: The assumed number of eligible dependents is based on the current portions of single and family contracts in the census provided. The spousal participation assumed at retirement is 75%. Actuarial Cost Method: Entry Age Normal based on level percentage of projected salary. Amortization Method: Experience/Assumptions gains and losses are amortized over the closed period of 9 years starting on October 1, 2017, equal to the average remaining service of active and inactive plan members (who have no future service). THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA Notes to the Basic Financial Statements September 30, 2020 72 NOTE 13 – OTHER POSTEMPLOYMENT BENEFITS (Continued) Actuarial Assumptions and Methods (Continued) Plan Participation Percentage: The participation percentage is the assumed rate of future eligible retirees who elect to continue health coverage at retirement. It is assumed that 25% of employees elect coverage. This assumes that a one-time irrevocable election to participate is made at retirement. Mortality Rates: The PUB‐2010 Generational tables used are projected by Scale MP‐2018 from 2010. Discount Rate The Village does not have a dedicated Trust to pay retiree healthcare benefits. Per GASB 75, the discount rate is a yield or index rate for 20-year, tax-exempt municipal bonds. As a result, the calculation used a rate of 2.41%. Changes in the Total OPEB Liability Total OPEB Liability Balance at September 30, 2019 $ 1,641,689 Changes for the Year: Service Cost 119,601 Interest Cost 61,990 Changes in benefit terms 655 Changes of Assumptions and Other Inputs (960,663) Benefit Payments (59,477) Net Change in Total OPEB Liability (837,894) Balance at September 30, 2020 $ 803,795 THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA Notes to the Basic Financial Statements September 30, 2020 73 NOTE 13 – OTHER POSTEMPLOYMENT BENEFITS (Continued) Changes in Assumptions The discount rate was 3.58% at 10/1/19 and 2.41% at 9/30/20, the mortality table was updated, the coverage acceptance rate was changed from 40% 25%, and the retirement, withdrawal, disability, and salary increase assumptions were updated to reflect those used in the most recent pension actuarial valuations. Sensitivity of the Total OPEB Liability to Changes in the Discount Rate The following presents the total OPEB liability of the Village, as well as what the Village’s total OPEB liability would be if it were calculated using a discount rate that is 1-percentage-point lower or 1-percentage-point higher then the current discount rate: 1.0% Decrease Discount Rate 1.0% Increase (1.41%) (2.41%) (3.41%) Total OPEB Liability $ 867,562 $ 803,795 $ 744,255 Sensitivity of the Total OPEB Liability to Changes in the Healthcare Trend Rates The following presents the total OPEB liability of the Village, as well as what the Village’s total OPEB liability would be if it were calculated using healthcare cost trends that are 1-percentage- point lower or 1-percentage-point higher (then the current healthcare cost trend rates: Healthcare cost 1.0% Decrease Trend Rates 1.0% Increase Total OPEB Liability $ 715,621 $ 803,795 $ 907,757 OPEB Expense and Deferred Outflows and Inflows of Resources Related to OPEB For the year ended September 30, 2020, the Village recognized OPEB expense of $(171,155). At September 30, 2020, the Village reported deferred outflows of resources and deferred inflows of resources related to OPEB from the following sources: Deferred Outflows Deferred Inflows of Resources of Resources Changes of Assumptions/Inputs $ 58,505 $ 1,274,930 Differences Between Expected and Actual Experience 846,493 Total $ 58,505 $ 2,121,423 THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA Notes to the Basic Financial Statements September 30, 2020 74 NOTE 13 – OTHER POSTEMPLOYMENT BENEFITS (Continued) OPEB Expense and Deferred Outflows and Inflows of Resources Related to OPEB (Continued) Amounts reported as deferred outflows of resources and deferred inflows of resources will be recognized in OPEB expense as follows: Fiscal Year Ending: September 30, 2021 $ (353,401) September 30, 2022 (353,401) September 30, 2023 (353,401) September 30, 2024 (353,401) September 30, 2025 (353,399) Thereafter (295,915) $ (2,062,918) NOTE 14 – JOINTLY GOVERNED ORGANIZATION The Village, through an interlocal agreement with certain other municipalities and Palm Beach County, created the Seacoast Utility Authority (“Seacoast”) which provides water and sewer service to the citizens of each of the participating municipalities and a portion of Palm Beach County. Seacoast’s governing board consists of one member from each participating entity. Seacoast is an Independent Authority organized under the laws of the State of Florida, and the Village has no participating equity ownership in Seacoast. The Village paid $182,100 to Seacoast during the fiscal year for water and sewer service. NOTE 15 –INTERFUND ACTIVITY Due from/to other funds The $20,085 due from the Public Safety fund (a Non-Major Fund) to the General Fund are from grant funds that have been spent but are not yet reimbursed. The due to Capital Projects Fund of $72,091 from the Country Club Fund are for capital projects that have not been fully expended. Advances to/from other funds The $2,207,250 advanced from the General Fund to the Country Club Fund was to provide $1,700,000 for the renovation of the Golf Course and an additional $507,250 for cash flow purposes. The Country Club Fund will start paying back the advance $1,700,000 in the fiscal year ending September 30, 2025, which is after the Bank of America loan is paid off. THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA Notes to the Basic Financial Statements September 30, 2020 75 NOTE 15 –INTERFUND ACTIVITY (Continued) Transfers Interfund transfers during the year ended September 30, 2020, are as follows: The $644,475 from the General Fund to the Capital Projects Fund and the $175,000 from the Capital Projects Fund and the Infrastructure Surtax Fund to the Recreation Special Revenue Fund (a Non-Major Fund) were to fund capital projects according to the original budget and subsequent budget amendments. NOTE 16 – CONTRACTS, COMMITMENTS AND CONTINGENCIES Restaurant Operating Leases The Village is committed under a lease agreement as lessor of the food and beverage operations at the North Palm Beach Country Club. The Village is leasing the restaurant including indoor/outdoor bar, kitchen, snack bar, beverage and server station and designated storage areas as exclusive use premises together with non-exclusive rights to the use of the covered pavilion, covered front entry, pool deck, banquet room, event lawn, restrooms and other public areas in and around the Country Club to Farmer’s Table LLC (Lessee). The initial term of the lease is five years and the lease shall automatically renew for additional five year terms unless either party gives the other party written notice of its intent not to renew at least one hundred and eighty days prior to the end of the term. The lease is considered for accounting purposes to be an operating lease. During the initial term the base rent shall be $8,333 per month. Beginning on the first date of any renewal term, the rent shall increase by 3% over the base rent payable for the immediately preceding twelve-month period. In addition to the base rent, the Lessee shall pay to the Village an amount equal to five percent of lessee’s annual gross sales for Restaurant and Catering Services over Two Million Dollars. The lessee shall also pay 50% of the electric, water/ sewer, burglar alarm and natural gas of the premises and $12,000 toward the ad valorem property taxes assessed by the Palm Beach County Property Appraiser and Tax Collector as a result of its operations during the first year and in subsequent years to pay an equivalent percentage of the total amount due. The Village received $41,667 in rents and $27,435 in utility reimbursements for the year ended September 30, 2020 under the terms of this lease agreement. THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA Notes to the Basic Financial Statements September 30, 2020 76 NOTE 16 – CONTRACTS, COMMITMENTS AND CONTINGENCIES (Continued) Restaurant Operating Leases (Continued) Minimum-guaranteed income rental income on the lease is as follows: Year ended September 30: Amount 2021 $ 100,000 2023 100,000 2024 100,000 2025 100,000 2026 58,333 $ 458,333 At September 30, 2020, the estimated cost of the exclusive use leased assets was $7,051,900, net book value was $7,037,209 and depreciation expense was $14,691. Golf Carts Operating Lease The Village entered into a three-year operating agreement for 80 golf carts, including GPS systems and software, for the Country Club in December 2019, at a monthly cost of $13,391. For the fiscal year ended September 30, 2020 expenses under the lease were $160,692. Future minimum rental commitments are as follows: Year ended September 30: Amount 2021 $ 160,692 2022 26,782 $ 187,474 Contract Commitments On September 17, 2014, the Village entered into an agreement with the City of Palm Beach Gardens whereby the City of Palm Beach Gardens will provide the Village public safety dispatch services. The term of the agreement was for two years beginning on October 1, 2014, and extending through September 30, 2016. In 2016 the agreement was renewed for an additional five years extending through September 30, 2021. The fee for each year under the contract will be based upon the budget of the North County Dispatch (NCDC) center prorated to each contracting municipality based on that municipalities cost share. If at the end any contract year a budget shortfall exists, each contracting municipality shall pay its share of the shortfall. Conversely, if at the end of any contract year a budget surplus exists, such surplus shall represent a committed fund balance to be utilized specifically for NCDC budgetary purposes. The Village’s estimated cost for fiscal year ending September 30, 2021 is $448,244. THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA Notes to the Basic Financial Statements September 30, 2020 77 NOTE 16 – CONTRACTS, COMMITMENTS AND CONTINGENCIES (Continued) Contract Commitments (Continued) Commitments outstanding on September 30, 2020 are $312,203 for the capital lease of a new fire rescue vehicle over seven years. Subsequent to September 30, 2020, the Village approved $321,857 for the West Alleyway Pavement Rehabilitation Project, a seven year lease of $248,140 for a new sanitation truck and a five year lease of $136,184 for three new police cars. Contingencies The Village is involved in various litigations and claims arising in the course of operations. It is the opinion of legal counsel that the likelihood of unfavorable outcome and the amounts of potential losses cannot be reasonably determined for all claims at this time. NOTE 17 – COVID-19 On January 30, 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) announced a global health emergency because of a new strain of coronavirus originating in Wuhan, China (the COVID-19 outbreak) and the risks to the international community as the virus spreads globally beyond its point of origin. In March 2020, the WHO classified the COVID-19 outbreak as a pandemic, based on the rapid increase in exposure globally. As a result of worldwide reporting of COVID- 19 infections, certain national, state, and local governmental authorities have issued stay-at-home orders, proclamations and/or directives aimed at minimizing the spread of COVID-19. Additionally, more restrictive proclamations and/or directives may be issued in the future. As a result, certain internal operations, communications and administrative operations of the Village have been disrupted. In addition to implementing protective guidelines and protocols, the Village considered and implemented preventative and protection measures recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) aimed at providing a safe environment for Village personnel during the course of the COVID-19 pandemic. The ultimate impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Village’s operations is unknown and will depend on future developments, which are highly uncertain and cannot be predicted with confidence, including the duration of the COVID-19 outbreak, new information which may emerge concerning the severity of the COVID-19 pandemic, and any additional preventative and protective actions that other governments or agencies may direct, which may result in an extended period of operational disruption. Any resulting financial impact cannot be reasonably estimated at this time but could be anticipated to have a material adverse impact on the Village’s operations, financial position, and results of operations for fiscal year 2021. THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA Notes to the Basic Financial Statements September 30, 2020 78 NOTE 18 – NEW ACCOUNTING STANDARDS Below is a brief description and effective date of new accounting standards that could have a significant impact on the Village. • GASB Statement No. 87, Leases. This Statement will increase the usefulness of governments’ financial statements by requiring recognition of certain lease assets and liabilities for leases that previously were classified as operating leases and recognized as inflows of resources or outflows of resources based on the payment provisions of the contract. It establishes a single model for lease accounting that is based on the foundational principle that leases are financings of the right to use an underlying asset. This Statement is effective for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2022. • GASB Statement No. 84, Fiduciary Activities. This Statement will improve guidance regarding the identification of fiduciary activities for accounting and financial reporting purposes and how those activities should be reported. This Statement is effective for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2021. • GASB Statement No. 97, Certain Component Unit Criteria, and Accounting and Financial Reporting for Internal Revenue Code Section 457 Deferred Compensation Plans—an amendment of GASB Statements No. 14 and No. 84, and a supersession of GASB Statement No. 32. The requirements of this Statement will result in more consistent financial reporting of defined contribution pension plans, defined contribution OPEB plans, and other employee benefit plans, while mitigating the costs associated with reporting those plans. This Statement is effective for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2022. Management is currently evaluating the impact of the adoption of these statements on the Village’s financial statements. REQUIRED SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION OTHER THAN MD&A PENSION AND OTHER POSTEMPLOYMENT BENEFIT TREND INFORMATION THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 2018 2019 2020 Total OPEB liability Service cost 274,702$ 113,906$ 119,601$ Interest cost 124,097 63,447 61,990 Change in benefit terms 655 Difference between expected and actual experience (1,354,390) Changes of assuptions and other imputs (677,494)78,007 (960,663) Benefit payments (134,593)(56,645)(59,477) Net change in total OPEB liability (1,767,678) 198,715 (837,894) Total OPEB liability, beginning of year 3,210,652 1,442,974 1,641,689 Total OPEB liability, end of year 1,442,974$ 1,641,689$ 803,795$ Covered employee payroll 10,148,392$ 10,566,520$ 9,347,911$ Net OBEB liability as a percentage of covered employee payroll 14.22%15.54%8.60% Changes of Assumptions Discount rate (3.36% at 10/1/17)4.15%3.58%2.41% Coverage acceptance rate 40.00%40.00%25.00% NOTE: The Village implemented GASB Statement 75 in 2018; information is presented for those years in which information is available. THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA Required Supplemental Information September 30, 2020 Schedule of Changes in Total OPEB Liability Last Ten Fiscal Years 79 Reporting Year 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Measurement Year 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Total pension liability: Service cost 374,926$ 317,676$ 357,344$ 275,504$ 250,072$ Interest 972,865 1,048,746 1,106,085 1,116,142 1,162,025 Differences between Expected and Actual Experience (329,040) (129,381) (246,222) (307,977) Assumption changes 928,295 23,053 Benefit payments, including refunds of employee contributions (263,674) (293,890) (331,174) (454,571) (472,027) Net change in total pension liability 1,084,117 743,492 1,931,169 713,906 632,093 Total pension liability - beginning 12,728,438 13,812,555 14,556,047 16,487,216 17,201,122 Total pension liability - ending (a)13,812,555$ 14,556,047$ 16,487,216$ 17,201,122$ 17,833,215$ Plan fiduciary net position Contributions - employer 562,953$ 464,189$ 458,615$ 527,617$ 451,560$ Contributions - Employees 142,609 125,738 126,947 110,417 101,858 Net investment income 1,072,009 (96,116) 1,161,530 1,487,313 1,190,603 Benefit payments, including refunds of employee contributions (263,674) (293,890) (331,174) (454,571) (472,027) Administrative expenses (17,171) (20,655) (24,794) (22,361) (21,489) Net change in plan fiduciary net position 1,496,726 179,266 1,391,124 1,648,415 1,250,505 Plan fiduciary net position - beginning 10,433,153 11,929,879 12,109,145 13,500,269 15,148,684 Plan fiduciary net position - ending (b)11,929,879$ 12,109,145$ 13,500,269$ 15,148,684$ 16,399,189$ Net pension liability (a) - (b)1,882,676$ 2,446,902$ 2,986,947$ 2,052,438$ 1,434,026$ Plan fiduciary net position as a percentage of the total pension liability 86.37%83.19%81.88%88.07%91.96% Covered payroll 2,701,771$ 2,375,585$ 2,376,069$ 2,072,121$ 1,966,566$ Net pension liability as a percentage of covered payroll 69.68%103.00%125.71%99.05%72.92% Changes of Assumptions For the 2016 fiscal year the discount rate, investment rate of return, inflation rate, salary scale, and the withdrawal and mortality rates changed. For the 2017 fiscal year the mortality rate changed. NOTE: The Village implemented GASB Statement 67 in 2014; information is presented for those years in which information is available. Schedule of Changes in Net Pension Liability and Related Ratios Last Ten Fiscal Years THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA Required Supplemental Information September 30, 2020 General Employees Retirement Fund 80 2019 2020 2020 2021 251,678$ 216,125$ 1,201,578 1,211,026 (625,948) (343,736) (567,472) (736,101) 259,836 347,314 17,833,215 18,093,051 18,093,051$ 18,440,365$ 358,152$ 232,738$ 97,522 85,829 721,786 1,497,222 (567,472) (736,101) (38,690) (60,096) 571,298 1,019,592 16,399,189 16,970,487 16,970,487$ 17,990,079$ 1,122,564$ 450,286$ 93.80%97.56% 1,834,767$ 1,612,777$ 61.18%27.92% 81 Reporting Year 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Measurement Year 2015 2016 2017 2017 2019 Total pension liability: Service cost 699,244$ 810,654$ 833,909$ 851,932$ 897,280$ Interest 1,419,425 1,555,518 1,738,069 1,779,947 1,922,314 Changes in excess state money 90,535 67,645 79,505 83,231 77,905 Changes of benefit terms 1,682 Differences between Expected and Actual Experience 483,189 (31,422) (197,249) 187,041 Changes of assumptions 246,146 (1,223,780) 198,680 174,565 Contributions - Buy Back 65,446 7,609 7,902 4,746 Benefit payments, including refunds of employee contributions (451,574) (611,678) (653,993) (680,673) (751,317) Net change in total pension liability 2,003,776 2,372,456 749,897 2,043,770 2,512,534 Total pension liability - beginning 17,476,586 19,480,362 21,852,818 22,602,715 24,646,485 Total pension liability - ending (a)19,480,362$ 21,852,818$ 22,602,715$ 24,646,485$ 27,159,019$ Plan fiduciary net position Contributions - employer 943,634$ 975,733$ 969,836$ 945,880$ 822,951$ Contributions - State 321,230 298,340 310,200 309,138 308,600 Contributions - Employees 87,010 151,450 190,989 211,474 224,469 Contributions - Buy Back 65,446 7,609 7,902 4,746 Net investment income 1,468,473 111,884 1,475,735 2,198,298 1,637,891 Benefit payments, including refunds of employee contributions (451,574) (611,678) (653,993) (680,673) (751,317) Administrative expenses (66,748) (76,457) (76,967) (76,293) (78,399) Net change in plan fiduciary net position 2,302,025 914,718 2,223,409 2,915,726 2,168,941 Plan fiduciary net position - beginning 14,499,921 16,801,946 17,716,664 19,940,073 22,855,799 Plan fiduciary net position - ending (b)16,801,946$ 17,716,664$ 19,940,073$ 22,855,799$ 25,024,740$ Net pension liability (a) - (b)2,678,416$ 4,136,154$ 2,662,642$ 1,790,686$ 2,134,279$ Plan fiduciary net position as a percentage of the total pension liability 86.25%81.07%88.22%92.73%92.14% Covered employee payroll 4,312,746$ 4,518,020$ 4,601,075$ 4,772,092$ 5,088,564$ Net pension liability as a percentage of covered payroll 62.10%91.55%57.87%37.52%41.94% Changes of Assumptions/Benefits For the 2014 fiscal year the investment rate of return changed. For the 2016 fiscal year the salary scale, normal retirement rates, the investment rate of return, discount rate, withdrawal and mortality rates, and the actuarial cost method all changed. For the 2017 fiscal year the mortality rates and the investment rate of return changed. For the 2018 fiscal year the the investment rate of return changed. NOTE: The Village implemented GASB Statement 67 in 2014; information is presented for those years in which information is available. Schedule of Changes in Net Pension Liability and Related Ratios Last Ten Fiscal Years THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA Required Supplemental Information September 30, 2020 Fire and Police Retirement Fund 82 2019 2020 2020 2021 1,031,048$ 1,102,333$ 2,236,125 2,423,113 (600,965) 1,660,762 (138,741) 319,250 205,896 (981,457) 6,698 3,498 (793,277) (799,808) 3,607,546 2,066,929 27,159,019 30,766,565 30,766,565$ 32,833,494$ 918,263$ 863,762$ 328,826 339,482 239,271 329,454 6,698 3,498 787,045 1,228,865 (793,277) (799,809) (83,413) (85,101) 1,403,413 1,880,151 25,024,740 26,428,153 26,428,153$ 28,308,304$ 4,338,412$ 4,525,190$ 85.90%86.22% 5,451,987$ 5,134,942$ 79.57%88.13% Changes of Assumptions/Benefits For the 2019 fiscal year the benefit accrual rated changed prospectively from 2.5% to 2.75%. For the 2019 fiscal year the investment rate of return changed from 7.75% to 7.70%. For the 2020 fiscal year the mortality rates changed. 83 Schedule of Contributions Fiscal Year Actuarially Contribution Actual Contribution Ending Determined Actual Deficiency Covered as a Percentage of September 30 Contribution Contribution (Excess)Payroll Covered Payroll General Employees Retirement Fund 2014 562,509$ 562,953$ (444)$ 2,701,771$ 20.84% 2015 464,189 464,189 2,375,585 19.54% 2016 449,552 458,615 (9,063) 2,376,069 19.30% 2017 519,821 527,617 (7,796) 2,072,121 25.46% 2018 449,477 451,560 (2,083) 1,966,566 22.96% 2019 355,507 358,152 (2,645) 1,834,767 19.52% 2020 231,604 232,738 (1,134) 1,612,777 14.43% Fire and Police Retirement Fund 2014 1,173,930$ 1,174,329$ (399)$ 4,312,746$ 27.23% 2015 1,205,408 1,206,428 (1,020) 4,518,020 26.70% 2016 1,193,059 1,200,531 (7,472) 4,601,075 26.09% 2017 1,175,844 1,171,787 4,057 4,772,092 24.55% 2018 1,038,576 1,053,646 (15,070) 5,088,564 20.71% 2019 1,135,649 1,247,089 (111,440) 5,451,987 22.87% 2020 1,190,793 1,203,271 (12,478) 5,134,942 23.43% Schedule of Investment Returns Fiscal Year Ending General Fire and Police September 30 Employees Employees 2014 10.50%10.00% 2015 -0.39%0.66% 2016 9.72%8.25% 2017 11.32%10.92% 2018 8.26%7.14% 2019 4.63%3.13% 2020 9.28%4.62% NOTE: The Village implemented GASB Statement 67 in 2014; information is presented for those years in which information is available. Annual money weighted rate of return net of investment expense THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA Required Supplemental Information September 30, 2020 Last Ten Fiscal Years 84 Methods and assumptions used in calculations of determined contributions. The actuarially determined contribution rates are calculated as of October 1, two years prior to the end of the fiscal year in which contributions are reported. General Employees Police and Fire Retirement Fund Retirement Fund Valuation Date October 1, 2018 October 1, 2018 Actuarial Cost Method Frozen Entry-Age Entry Age Normal Amortization Method Level Dollar, closed Level Percentage of Compensation Remaining Amortization Period 28 years 20 years Asset Valuation Method Five year smoothed market Five year smoothed market Inflation 2.75%2.50% Salary increases Service based Service based Between 4% and 10%Between 4.5% and 10% Cost of living adjustments 2.5% for those retired before 2.50% 2/1/82 or who contribute an extra 2%. Investment Rate of Return 6.75%7.70% Mortality Female: RP2000, 100% Annuitant White Collar, Scale BB Male: RP2000, 50% Annuitant White Collar/50% Annuitant Blue Collar, Scale BB Female: RP2000, 100% Annuitant White Collar, Scale BB Male: RP2000, 10% Annuitant White Collar/90% Annuitant Blue Collar, Scale BB THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA Notes to the Schedule of Contributions September 30, 2020 85 GENERAL FUND THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA Schedule of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance - Budget and Actual General Fund For the Year Ended September 30, 2020 Variance with Final Budget Budgeted Amounts Actual Positive Original Final Amounts (Negative) Revenues Taxes 20,784,521$ 20,784,521$ 21,127,770$ 343,249$ Licenses and permits 1,110,200 1,110,200 1,320,361 210,161 Intergovernmental 1,507,239 1,507,239 2,057,272 550,033 Charges for services 2,510,312 2,510,312 2,169,814 (340,498) Fines and forfeitures 89,675 89,675 197,343 107,668 Investment 95,530 95,530 490,498 394,968 Miscellaneous 26,500 26,500 160,147 133,647 Total revenues 26,123,977 26,123,977 27,523,205 1,399,228 Expenditures Current General government 3,262,117 3,272,106 3,265,210 6,896 Public safety 10,290,842 10,298,842 10,079,474 219,368 Public works 5,540,658 5,671,713 5,300,077 371,636 Community development and planning 1,769,446 1,945,751 1,382,443 563,308 Leisure services 3,058,612 3,081,878 2,305,309 776,569 Other government 231,795 4,470 4,470 Capital outlay 1,555,989 1,525,216 30,773 Debt service Principal payments 934,496 934,496 934,496 Interest paid on debt 618,861 618,861 502,193 116,668 Total expenditures 25,706,827 27,384,106 25,294,418 2,089,688 Excess of revenues over expenditures 417,150 (1,260,129) 2,228,787 3,488,916 Other financing sources (uses) Appropriated fund balance 565,578 (565,578) Capital lease proceeds 1,339,026 1,009,529 (329,497) Transfer out (417,150) (644,475) (644,475) Total other financing uses (417,150) 1,260,129 365,054 (895,075) Net change in fund balances $ $ 2,593,841 2,593,841$ Fund Balances Beginning of year 11,610,817 End of year 14,204,658$ 86 THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA Notes to the Budgetary Required Supplementary Information (RSI) General Fund Note 1 - Basis of Accounting Generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) serve as the budgetary basis of accounting. Note 2 - Legal Level of Control The legel level of budgetary control is at the fund level. September 30, 2020 87 OTHER SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION GENERAL FUND THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA Schedule of Departmental Expenditures - Budget and Actual General Fund For the Year Ended September 30, 2020 Variance with Final Budget Original Final Positive Percent Budget Budget Actual (Negative)Variance Village Council Personnel services 50,448$ 50,448$ 50,434$ 14$ 0.03 Operating expenses 81,150 83,400 65,300 18,100 21.70 Total Village Council 131,598 133,848 115,734 18,114 13.53 Village Manager Personnel services 613,808 613,808 644,802 (30,994) -5.05 Operating expenses 54,400 54,400 50,218 4,182 7.69 Total Village Manager 668,208 668,208 695,020 (26,812) -4.01 Procurement and Purchasing Personnel services 10,392 10,392 17,589 (7,197) -69.26 Total Procurement and Purchasing 10,392 10,392 17,589 (7,197) -69.26 Village Finance Personnel services 622,266 622,266 641,608 (19,342) -3.11 Operating expenses 52,720 52,720 53,060 (340) -0.64 Total Village Finance 674,986 674,986 694,668 (19,682) -2.92 Village Attorney Operating expenses 160,000 160,000 197,516 (37,516) -23.45 Village Clerk Personnel services 281,673 281,673 261,031 20,642 7.33 Operating expenses 37,902 37,902 15,083 22,819 60.21 Total Village Clerk 319,575 319,575 276,114 43,461 13.60 Information Technology Personnel services 372,728 372,728 371,582 1,146 0.31 Operating expenses 107,225 110,296 106,789 3,507 3.18 Total Information Technology 479,953 483,024 478,371 4,653 0.96 Human Resources Personnel services 333,400 333,400 311,325 22,075 6.62 Operating expenses 100,225 104,893 78,902 25,991 24.78 Total Human Resources 433,625 438,293 390,227 48,066 10.97 Police Personnel services 5,389,019 5,389,019 5,548,936 (159,917) -2.97 Operating expenses 1,067,612 1,067,612 960,962 106,650 9.99 Total Police 6,456,631 6,456,631 6,509,898 (53,267) -0.82 Fire Rescue Personnel services 3,440,839 3,440,839 3,200,004 240,835 7.00 Operating expenses 312,105 320,105 275,231 44,874 14.02 Total Fire Rescue 3,752,944 3,760,944 3,475,235 285,709 7.60 (Continued) 88 THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA Schedule of Departmental Expenditures - Budget and Actual General Fund For the Year Ended September 30, 2020 Variance with Final Budget Original Final Positive Percent Budget Budget Actual (Negative)Variance (Continued) Public Works Administration Personnel services 350,219$ 350,219$ 350,071$ 148$ 0.04 Operating expenses 89,850 119,490 112,989 6,501 5.44 Total Public Works 440,069 469,709 463,060 6,649 1.42 Sanitation Personnel services 1,534,546 1,534,546 1,316,590 217,956 14.20 Operating expenses 244,150 244,150 253,709 (9,559) -3.92 Total Sanitation 1,778,696 1,778,696 1,570,299 208,397 11.72 Facility Services Personnel services 362,577 362,577 340,272 22,305 6.15 Operating expenses 610,825 618,880 477,266 141,614 22.88 Total Facility Services 973,402 981,457 817,538 163,919 16.70 Street Maintenance Personnel services 571,667 571,667 477,330 94,337 16.50 Operating expenses 1,232,450 1,321,424 1,269,217 52,207 3.95 Total Street Maintenance 1,804,117 1,893,091 1,746,547 146,544 7.74 Vehicle Maintenance Personnel services 300,424 300,424 276,477 23,947 7.97 Operating expenses 243,950 243,950 303,607 (59,657) -24.45 Total Vehicle Maintenance 544,374 544,374 580,084 (35,710) -6.56 Planning and Engineering Personnel services 342,532 342,532 295,211 47,321 13.82 Operating expenses 156,400 263,613 135,607 128,006 48.56 Total Planning and Engineering 498,932 606,145 430,818 175,327 28.92 Building Personnel services 674,994 674,994 477,670 197,324 29.23 Operating expenses 353,150 422,242 292,387 129,855 30.75 Total Building 1,028,144 1,097,236 770,057 327,179 29.82 Code Enforcement Personnel services 219,270 219,270 167,088 52,182 23.80 Operating expenses 27,600 27,600 17,355 10,245 37.12 Total Code Enforcement 246,870 246,870 184,443 62,427 25.29 Recreation Personnel services 604,062 604,062 472,848 131,214 21.72 Operating expenses 474,000 474,000 300,803 173,197 36.54 Total Leisure Services-Recreation 1,078,062 1,078,062 773,651 304,411 28.24 (Continued) 89 THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA Schedule of Departmental Expenditures - Budget and Actual General Fund For the Year Ended September 30, 2020 Variance with Final Budget Original Final Positive Percent Budget Budget Actual (Negative)Variance (Continued) Library Personnel services 657,657$ 657,657$ 582,977$ 74,680$ 11.36 Operating expenses 179,158 179,158 171,432 7,726 4.31 Total Library 836,815 836,815 754,409 82,406 9.85 Tennis Personnel services 555,834 555,834 381,685 174,149 31.33 Operating expenses 170,700 183,966 129,974 53,992 29.35 Total Tennis 726,534 739,800 511,659 228,141 30.84 Pool Personnel services 189,566 189,566 131,542 58,024 30.61 Operating expenses 134,635 134,635 116,608 18,027 13.39 Total Pool 324,201 324,201 248,150 76,051 23.46 Special Events Operating expenses 93,000 103,000 17,440 85,560 83.07 Total Special Events 93,000 103,000 17,440 85,560 83.07 Debt Service 1,553,357 1,553,357 1,436,689 116,668 7.51 Reserves and contingencies Operating expenses 4,386 122,549 (118,163) -2694.09 Contingencies 231,795 4,470 4,470 100.00 231,795 8,856 122,549 (113,693) (1,283.80) Non-Departmental Operating expenses 460,547 460,547 491,437 (30,890) -6.71 460,547 460,547 491,437 (30,890) -6.71 Capital Outlay Police 22,778 (22,778) Facility Services 39,173 (39,173) Street Maintenance 9,995 (9,995) Sanitation 216,963 216,963 Capital leases 1,339,026 1,236,307 102,719 7.67 Total Capital Outlay 1,555,989 1,525,216 30,773 1.98 Total expenditures 25,706,827$ 27,384,106$ 25,294,418$ 2,089,688$ 7.63% 90 COMBINING FINANCIAL STATEMENTS NONMAJOR GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS Special Revenue Funds Public Safety Fund Northlake Boulevard Fund Recreation Fund On-Behalf Pension Contributions THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA Combining Balance Sheet Nonmajor Governmental Funds Special Revenue Funds Public Northlake On-Behalf Total Nonmajor Safety Boulevard Pension Governmental Fund Fund Recreation Contributions Funds Assets Cash and cash equivalents $ 1,987$ 260,291$ $ 262,278$ Due from other governments 21,605 21,605 Total assets 21,605$ 1,987$ 260,291$ $ 283,883$ Liabilities Due to other funds 20,085$ $ $ $ 20,085$ Total liabilities 20,085 20,085 Fund balances Assigned 1,520 1,987 260,291 263,798 Total fund balances 1,520 1,987 260,291 263,798 Total liabilities, deferred inflows of resources, and fund balances 21,605$ 1,987$ 260,291$ $ 283,883$ September 30, 2020 91 THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances Nonmajor Governmental Funds For the Year Ended September 30, 2020 Special Revenue Funds Public Northlake On-Behalf Total Nonmajor Safety Boulevard Pension Governmental Fund Fund Recreation Contributions Funds Revenues Intergovernmental 21,605$ $ 519,019$ 339,482$ 880,106$ Total revenues 21,605 519,019 339,482 880,106 Expenditures Current Public safety 339,482 339,482 Capital outlay 21,605 37,129 58,734 Total expenditures 21,605 37,129 339,482 398,216 Excess (deficiency) of revenues over (under) expenditures 481,890 481,890 Other financing sources (uses) Transfers in 200,000 200,000 Total other financing sources (uses) 200,000 200,000 Net changes in fund balances 681,890 681,890 Fund balances - Beginning of year 1,520 1,987 (421,599) (418,092) Fund balances - End of year 1,520$ 1,987$ 260,291$ $ 263,798$ 92 FIDUCIARY FUNDS Pension Trust Funds General Employees Pension Trust Fund Fire and Police Officers Pension Trust Fund THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA Combining Statement of Net Position - Pension Trust Funds Fire and Total General Police Employee Employees Officers Retirement Pension Pension Funds Assets Cash and cash equivalents 367,637$ 333,214$ 700,851$ Investments: Domestic common equity securities 14,391,953 14,391,953 International common equity securities 2,890,510 2,890,510 U.S. Government and agencies 3,060,403 3,060,403 Municipal bonds 446,727 446,727 Domestic corporate bonds 2,888,137 2,888,137 International corporate bonds 752,209 752,209 Fixed income exchange traded funds 3,898,565 3,898,565 Equity exchange traded funds 1,273,443 1,273,443 Fixed income mutual funds 2,470,142 2,470,142 Domestic equity mutual funds 8,404,532 8,404,532 International equity mutual funds 1,631,353 1,631,353 Real estate investment fund 2,718,753 2,718,753 Money market mutual funds 551,108 551,108 Accrued interest and dividends 7 43,609 43,616 Accounts receivable, broker-dealers 1,101,383 1,101,383 Prepaids 4,282 1,780 6,062 Total assets 18,049,961 29,179,786 47,229,747 Liabilities Accounts payable 16,576 34,809 51,385 Accounts payable, broker-dealers 43,306 836,673 879,979 Total liabilities 59,882 871,482 931,364 Net Position restricted for pensions 17,990,079$ 28,308,304$ 46,298,383$ September 30, 2020 93 Fire and Total General Police Employee Employees Officers Retirement Pension Pension Funds Additions Contributions Employer 232,738$ 863,762$ 1,096,500$ Plan members 85,829 318,461 404,290 DROP contributions 14,491 14,491 State on-behalf payments 339,482 339,482 Total contributions 318,567 1,536,196 1,854,763 Investment earnings Dividends and interest 364,982 695,266 1,060,248 Net increase in fair value of investments 1,183,315 696,323 1,879,638 Total investment earnings 1,548,297 1,391,589 2,939,886 Less: investment expenses 51,075 162,724 213,799 Total investment earnings 1,497,222 1,228,865 2,726,087 Total additions 1,815,789 2,765,061 4,580,850 Deductions Administration 60,096 85,101 145,197 Refund of member contributions 13,312 8,047 21,359 Benefits 722,789 791,762 1,514,551 Total deductions 796,197 884,910 1,681,107 Change in net position 1,019,592 1,880,151 2,899,743 Net position - beginning 16,970,487 26,428,153 43,398,640 Net position - ending 17,990,079$ 28,308,304$ 46,298,383$ THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA Pension Trust Funds Combining Statement of Changes in Fiduciary Net Position For the Year Ended September 30, 2020 94 AGENCY FUNDS Manatee Protection Agency Northlake Boulevard Task Force THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA Combining Statement of Agency Net Position Manatee Northlake Total Protection Boulevard Agency Agency Task Force Funds Assets Cash and cash equivalents 321,053 68,257 389,310$ Liabilities Due to others 321,053$ 68,257$ 389,310$ September 30, 2020 95 Combining Schedule of Changes in Agency Net Position October 1, 2019 Additions Deductions September 30, 2020 Manatee Protection Agency Assets Cash and cash equivalents 314,619$ 6,434$ $ 321,053$ Liabilities Due to others 314,619$ 6,434$ $ 321,053$ Northlake Boulevard Task Force Assets Cash and cash equivalents 66,889$ 1,368$ $ 68,257$ Liabilities Due to others 66,889$ 1,368$ $ 68,257$ Total All Agency Funds Assets Cash and cash equivalents 381,508$ 7,802$ $ 389,310$ Liabilities Due to others 381,508$ 7,802$ $ 389,310$ THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA For the Year Ended September 30, 2020 96 PROPRIETARY FUND (ENTERPRISE FUND) Country Club Fund THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA Schedule of Revenues and Departmental Expenses - Budget and Actual Country Club Fund - Budgetary Basis For the Year Ended September 30, 2020 Variance with Final Budget Original Final Positive Percent Budget Budget Actual (Negative) Variance Revenue Greens fee/cart rentals/membership fees 2,610,854$ 2,610,854$ 3,014,821$ 403,967$ 15.47 Golf shop revenues 406,000 406,000 325,038 (80,962) -19.94 Driving range revenues 360,000 360,000 314,177 (45,823) -12.73 Restaurant revenues 329,500 329,500 79,638 (249,862) Proceeds from sale of assets 1,458 1,458 Miscellaneous 16,000 16,000 34,775 18,775 117.34 Appropriated net position 261,234 262,834 (262,834) -100.00 Total revenues 3,983,588 3,985,188 3,769,907 (215,281)-5.40 Golf Maintenance Operating expenses 1,430,000 1,431,600 1,485,867 (54,267) -3.79 Capital outlay 21,819 (21,819) Total Golf Maintenance 1,430,000 1,431,600 1,507,686 (76,086) -5.31 Golf Pro Shop and Range Personnel services 715,260 715,260 697,396 17,864 2.50 Operating expenses 600,925 600,925 629,159 (28,234) -4.70 Capital outlay 36,661 (36,661) Total Golf Pro Shop and Range 1,316,185 1,316,185 1,363,216 (47,031) -3.57 Food and Beverage Operating expenses 50,000 50,000 31,318 18,682 37.36 Total Food and Beverage 50,000 50,000 31,318 18,682 37.36 Administration Personnel services 212,601 212,601 226,378 (13,777) -6.48 Operating expenses 13,700 13,700 21,517 (7,817) -57.06 Total Administration 226,301 226,301 247,895 (21,594) -9.54 Clubhouse and Grounds Personnel services 78,358 78,358 54,062 24,296 31.01 Operating expenses 392,500 392,500 326,297 66,203 16.87 Total Clubhouse and Grounds 470,858 470,858 380,359 90,499 19.22 Insurance and General Liability Operating expenses 46,555 46,555 28,139 18,416 39.56 Reserves Operating 10,000 10,000 4,044 5,956 59.56 Total Reserves 10,000 10,000 4,044 5,956 59.56 Debt service Debt service 433,689 433,689 433,689 0.00 Total expenses on the budgetary basis 3,983,588 3,985,188 3,996,346 (11,158) (0.28) Revenues under expenses $ $ (226,439)$ (226,439)$ Adjustments to reconcile to the GAAP Basis Total expenses on the budgetary basis 3,996,346$ Pension and OPEB adjustments 704 Less: capital outlay costs capitalized (58,480) Less: debt service (433,689) Add: depreciation expense 639,527 Total operating expenses 4,144,408$ 97 STATISTICAL SECTION This part of the Village of North Palm Beach's comprehensive annual financial report presents detailed unaudited information as a context for understanding what the information in the financial statement, note disclosures, and required supplementary information says about the Village's overall financial health. Contents Page Financial Trends These schedules contain trend information to help the reader understand how the Village's financial performance and well-being have changed over time. These schedules include: Net Position by Component 98 Changes in Net Position 99 Fund Balances, Governmental Funds 101 Changes in Fund Balances, Governmental Fund 102 Revenue Capacity These schedules contain information to help the reader assess the Village's most significant local revenue source, the property tax. Net Assessed Value and Estimated Actual Value of Taxable Property 104 Property Tax Rates - Direct and Overlapping Governments 105 Principal Property Taxpayers 106 Property Tax Levies and Collections 107 Debt Capacity These schedules present information to help the reader assess the affordability of the Village's current levels of outstanding debt and the Village's ability to issue additional debt in the future. Ratios of Outstanding Debt by Type 108 Direct and Overlapping Governmental Activities Debt 109 Pledged-Revenue Coverage 110 Demographic and Economic Information These schedules offer demographic and economic indicators to help the reader understand the environment within which the Village's financial activities take place. Demographic and Economic Statistics 111 Principal Employers 112 Operating Information These schedules contain service and infrastructure data to help understand how the information in the Village's financial report relates to the services the Village provides and the activities it performs. Full-Time Equivalent Village Government Employees by Function 113 Operating Indicators by Function/Program 114 Capital Asset Statistics by Function/Program 115 Sources: Unless otherwise noted, the information in these schedules is derived from the comprehensive annual financial reports for the relevant year. STATISTICAL SECTION THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 (1) Governmental Activities: Net investment in capital assets 17,237,355$ 16,109,707$ 15,431,966$ 14,966,927$ 14,711,016$ Restricted 548,489 658,194 317,190 180,755 177,431 Unrestricted 11,775,621 11,846,141 11,973,715 11,314,096 6,168,366 Total governmental activities net position 29,561,465 28,614,042 27,722,871 26,461,778 21,056,813 Business-Type Activities: Net investment in capital assets 2,200,927 2,082,668 1,998,974 1,907,746 1,833,975 Unrestricted 385,623 557,954 668,434 514,167 544,523 Total business-type activities net position 2,586,550 2,640,622 2,667,408 2,421,913 2,378,498 Primary government: Net investment in capital assets 19,438,282 18,192,375 17,430,940 16,874,673 16,544,991 Restricted 548,489 658,194 317,190 180,755 177,431 Unrestricted 12,161,244 12,404,095 12,642,149 11,828,263 6,712,889 Total primary government net position 32,148,015$ 31,254,664$ 30,390,279$ 28,883,691$ 23,435,311$ 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Governmental Activities: Net investment in capital assets 14,102,547$ 13,484,731$ 15,429,484$ 18,548,594$ 22,423,120$ Restricted 398,519 992,538 484,568 525,536 986,489 Unrestricted 6,677,850 6,536,225 6,658,744 7,769,584 6,689,693 Total governmental activities net position 21,178,916 21,013,494 22,572,796 26,843,714 30,099,302 Business-Type Activities: Net investment in capital assets 1,880,421 1,991,168 3,056,715 3,422,142 2,947,241 Unrestricted 418,726 361,461 (1,324,978) (3,162,414) (3,161,738) Total business-type activities net position 2,299,147 2,352,629 1,731,737 259,728 (214,497) Primary government: Net investment in capital assets 15,982,968 15,475,899 18,486,199 21,970,736 25,370,361 Restricted 398,519 992,538 484,568 525,536 986,489 Unrestricted 7,096,576 6,897,686 5,333,766 4,607,170 3,527,955 Total primary government net position 23,478,063$ 23,366,123$ 24,304,533$ 27,103,442$ 29,884,805$ (1)The Village implemented GASB 68 in 2015 related to pension accounting which significantly reduced unrestricted net position. Basic Financial Statements and Management's Discussion and Analysis for State and Local Governments. Fiscal Year VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH NET POSITION BY COMPONENT LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS (ACCRUAL BASIS OF ACCOUNTING) Unaudited 98 VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH CHANGES IN NET POSITION LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS (ACCRUAL BASIS OF ACCOUNTING) Unaudited Fiscal Year 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Expenses Governmental activities: General government 2,403,681$ 2,520,815$ 2,489,488$ 2,696,298$ 3,028,716$ Public safety 7,232,748 7,892,561 8,282,062 9,259,442 9,311,441 Public works 4,733,913 4,652,620 4,482,973 4,485,246 4,963,704 Community development and planning 811,177 884,773 966,245 1,046,299 1,308,924 Leisure services 2,749,065 2,873,496 2,974,290 3,114,213 2,973,687 Interest on long-term debt Total governmental activities expenses 17,930,584 18,824,265 19,195,058 20,601,498 21,586,472 Business-type activities: Country club 3,691,528 3,536,139 3,629,120 3,902,131 3,842,660 Total business-type activities 3,691,528 3,536,139 3,629,120 3,902,131 3,842,660 Total primary government expenses 21,622,112$ 22,360,404$ 22,824,178$ 24,503,629$ 25,429,132$ Program Revenues Governmental activities: Charges for services: General government 130,886$ 135,372$ 107,976$ 110,694$ 131,445$ Public safety 420,653 440,568 522,121 592,644 537,064 Public works 400,662 386,974 403,447 402,814 514,354 Community development and planning 861,394 816,673 993,059 1,621,471 1,163,875 Leisure services 1,043,459 1,018,883 1,087,182 1,096,021 1,006,382 Other government Operating grants and contributions 126,568 149,573 91,901 90,520 380,567 Capital grants and contributions 5,169 5,686 233,949 16,098 26,548 Total governmental activities program revenues 2,988,791 2,953,729 3,439,635 3,930,262 3,760,235 Business-type activities: Charges for services: Country club 3,571,199 3,582,760 3,577,446 3,645,706 3,788,852 Operating grants and contributions Capital grants and contributions Total business-type activities program revenues 3,571,199 3,582,760 3,577,446 3,645,706 3,788,852 Total primary government program revenues 6,559,990$ 6,536,489$ 7,017,081$ 7,575,968$ 7,549,087$ Net (Expense)/Revenue Governmental activities (14,941,793)$ (15,870,536)$ (15,755,423)$ (16,671,236)$ (17,826,237)$ Business-type activities (120,329) 46,621 (51,674) (256,425) (53,808) Total primary government net expense (15,062,122)$ (15,823,915)$ (15,807,097)$ (16,927,661)$ (17,880,045)$ General revenues and other changes in net position: Governmental activities: Taxes: Property taxes 10,441,869$ 10,011,748$ 9,981,391$ 10,154,695$ 11,364,888$ Local option gas taxes 259,794 263,369 261,852 266,147 282,549 Local option infrastruture surtax Utility service taxes 2,198,148 2,164,920 2,197,760 2,277,366 2,267,118 Franchise taxes 1,191,155 1,178,598 1,160,780 1,232,669 1,253,139 Sales and use taxes 1,140,744 1,138,097 1,187,221 1,260,617 1,332,209 Unrestricted grants and contributions Investment earnings 97,743 90,968 37,029 16,653 108,794 Miscellaneous 30,622 75,413 38,219 146,360 57,137 Contributions for Support Our Troops Gain on disposl of equipment 55,636 30,457 Transfers Total governmental activities 15,360,075 14,923,113 14,864,252 15,410,143 16,696,291 Business-type activities: Investment income 8,493 7,451 8,555 10,930 10,393 Miscellaneous 69,905 Transfers Total business-type activities 8,493 7,451 78,460 10,930 10,393 Total primary government 15,368,568$ 14,930,564$ 14,942,712$ 15,421,073$ 16,706,684$ Change in net position Governmental activities 418,282$ (947,423)$ (891,171)$ (1,261,093)$ (1,129,946)$ Business-type activities (111,836) 54,072 26,786 (245,495) (43,415) Total primary government 306,446$ (893,351)$ (864,385)$ (1,506,588)$ (1,173,361)$ Basic Financial Statements and Management's Discussion and Analysis for State and Local Governments. 99 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2,985,185$ 3,205,903$ 3,213,886$ 3,312,770$ 3,541,302$ 9,308,778 9,905,815 10,045,757 10,505,278 12,103,224 5,106,651 5,707,570 5,911,225 5,603,991 5,633,427 1,382,121 1,255,115 1,458,523 1,685,525 1,398,876 2,904,715 3,114,720 3,058,410 3,037,981 2,795,698 266,892 499,929 489,988 520,755 21,687,450 23,456,015 24,187,730 24,635,533 25,993,282 3,845,547 2,903,224 2,912,523 2,879,376 4,242,674 3,845,547 2,903,224 2,912,523 2,879,376 4,242,674 25,532,997$ 26,359,239$ 27,100,253$ 27,514,909$ 30,235,956$ 128,459$ 134,249$ 140,998$ 147,104$ 152,779$ 628,529 557,265 548,019 687,905 488,393 565,011 547,596 510,732 538,459 511,916 1,213,032 1,222,464 1,495,298 1,799,878 1,723,949 994,918 1,022,175 876,174 899,164 853,581 365,823 377,339 422,255 395,376 717,982 229,161 102,187 9,591 808,193 850,187 4,124,933 3,963,275 4,003,067 5,276,079 5,298,787 3,720,573 2,946,432 2,946,432 1,406,563 3,768,449 3,720,573 2,946,432 2,254,638 1,406,563 3,768,449 7,845,506$ 6,909,707$ 6,257,705$ 6,682,642$ 9,067,236$ (17,562,517)$ (19,492,740)$ (20,184,663)$ (19,359,454)$ (20,694,495)$ (124,974) 43,208 (657,885) (1,472,813) (474,225) (17,687,491)$ (19,449,532)$ (20,842,548)$ (20,832,267)$ (21,168,720)$ 12,253,917$ 13,091,985$ 15,003,141$ 16,185,283$ 16,991,314$ 288,150 305,700 302,208 307,130 273,428 552,600 879,565 922,937 869,852 2,303,294 2,413,679 2,511,877 2,521,954 2,558,092 1,263,812 1,306,997 1,294,280 1,352,464 1,304,936 1,363,954 1,371,890 1,413,335 1,448,423 1,345,508 103,353 126,926 376,227 811,915 502,335 60,026 150,698 268,471 80,266 104,618 48,114 6,843 74,449 17,684,620 19,327,318 22,123,553 23,630,372 23,950,083 9,230 10,274 13,874 804 36,393 45,623 10,274 13,874 804 17,730,243$ 19,337,592$ 22,137,427$ 23,631,176$ 23,950,083$ 122,103$ (165,422)$ 1,938,890$ 4,270,918$ 3,255,588$ (79,351) 53,482 (644,011) (1,472,009) (474,225) 42,752$ (111,940)$ 1,294,879$ 2,798,909$ 2,781,363$ 100 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 General Fund Nonspendable 276,924$ 166,839$ 293,674$ 244,438$ 155,594$ Restricted 548,489 658,194 317,190 135,255 131,931 Committed 442,833 Assigned 186,594 127,574 200,016 216,808 319,888 Unassigned 10,688,660 11,244,977 11,451,668 12,391,362 10,802,623 Total general fund 11,700,667$ 12,197,584$ 12,705,381$ 12,987,863$ 11,410,036$ All other Governmental Funds Restricted 45,500$ 45,500$ Assigned Special revenue funds 47,107$ 47,652$ 47,652$ 325,152 318,526 Capital projects funds 1,491,574 2,129,831 1,799,617 841,850 1,448,620 Unassigned Total all other governmental funds 1,538,681$ 2,177,483$ 1,847,269$ 1,212,502$ 1,812,646$ 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 General Fund Nonspendable 358,606$ 183,220$ 1,240,793$ 2,789,824$ 2,325,778$ Restricted 353,019 781,756 47,338 61,227 79,730 Committed Assigned 208,204 316,266 407,862 582,008 176,865 Unassigned 10,724,049 11,811,468 7,547,415 8,177,758 11,622,285 Total general fund 11,643,878$ 13,092,710$ 9,243,408$ 11,610,817$ 14,204,658$ All other Governmental Funds Restricted 45,500$ 13,988,744$ 11,826,016$ 464,309$ 906,759$ Assigned Special revenue funds 508,481 388,981 3,506 3,507 263,798 Capital projects funds 1,604,073 1,670,196 5,398,245 3,727,482 1,151,011 Unassigned (114,279) (421,599) - Total all other governmental funds 2,158,054$ 16,047,921$ 17,113,488$ 3,773,699$ 2,321,568$ Basic Financial Statements and Management's Discussion and Analysis for State and Local Governments. VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH FUND BALANCES, GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS (MODIFIED ACCRUAL BASIS OF ACCOUNTING) Unaudited 101 VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES, GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS (MODIFIED ACCRUAL BASIS OF ACCOUNTING) Unaudited Fiscal Year 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Revenues: Taxes 14,090,966$ 13,618,635$ 13,601,783$ 13,930,877$ 15,167,694$ Licenses and Permits 959,098 810,390 803,337 1,344,653 947,158 Intergovernmental 1,557,377 1,591,678 1,817,603 1,688,608 1,758,246 Charges for services 1,934,424 1,966,179 2,141,437 2,320,305 2,231,673 Fines and forfeitures 164,366 140,610 131,524 117,869 128,235 Investment earnings 97,743 90,968 37,029 16,653 108,794 Miscellaneous 59,462 130,293 207,076 258,086 122,107 Total revenues 18,863,436 18,348,753 18,739,789 19,677,051 20,463,907 Expenditures: General government 2,402,241 2,328,568 2,346,281 2,541,546 2,904,553 Public safety 7,053,282 7,583,018 7,947,221 8,947,627 8,966,077 Public works 4,044,642 3,886,698 3,733,977 3,773,689 4,255,636 Community development 790,937 844,748 933,117 1,004,642 1,270,399 Leisure services 2,295,959 2,374,748 2,491,559 2,644,598 2,514,495 Other government Capital outlay 682,057 495,254 1,110,051 1,117,234 1,530,430 Debt service Principal payments Interest paid on debt Total expenditures 17,269,118 17,513,034 18,562,206 20,029,336 21,441,590 Excess of revenues over (under) expenditures 1,594,318 835,719 177,583 (352,285) (977,683) Other financing sources (uses) Transfers in 1,334,934 500,000 265,000 323,000 2,091,246 Transfers out (1,334,934) (500,000) (265,000) (323,000) (2,091,246) Capital lease Proceeds from debt issuance Miscellaneous Total other financing sources (uses) Net change in fund balances 1,594,318$ 835,719$ 177,583$ (352,285)$ (977,683)$ Debt service as a percentage of noncapital expenditures ----- 102 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 16,109,173$ 17,118,361$ 19,111,506$ 20,366,831$ 21,127,770$ 1,235,782 997,656 1,222,594 1,522,913 1,320,361 1,765,836 2,417,809 2,679,389 2,910,395 3,857,230 2,364,013 2,321,298 2,200,860 2,399,174 2,169,814 91,534 124,395 100,140 100,188 197,343 103,353 126,926 376,227 811,915 502,335 191,250 157,063 412,513 510,688 160,147 21,860,941 23,263,508 26,103,229 28,622,104 29,335,000 2,876,521 2,970,223 3,059,623 3,275,570 3,265,210 9,129,947 9,166,060 9,669,361 10,350,598 10,418,956 4,266,749 4,882,159 5,313,834 5,255,606 5,300,077 1,351,061 1,190,759 1,429,764 1,532,428 1,382,443 2,448,164 2,591,866 2,613,664 2,664,689 2,305,309 1,209,249 2,123,742 5,507,617 15,487,329 5,094,135 680,000 882,777 934,496 613,101 488,786 502,193 21,281,691 22,924,809 28,886,964 39,937,783 29,202,819 579,250 338,699 (2,783,735) (11,315,679) 132,181 1,503,750 1,503,750 4,963,307 407,000 844,475 (1,503,750) (1,503,750) (4,963,307) (407,000) (844,475) 15,000,000 343,299 1,009,529 15,000,000 343,299 1,009,529 579,250$ 15,338,699$ (2,783,735)$ (10,972,380)$ 1,141,710$ --5.53%5.70%5.90% 103 Fiscal Year Ended Sept 30, Tax Roll Year Residential Property Commercial Property Personal Property Total Net Market - Assessed Value Total Direct Tax Rate 2011 2010 1,295,097,223$ 210,844,220$ 38,261,607$ 1,544,203,050$ 6.9723 2012 2011 1,265,549,795 189,284,601 33,303,512 1,488,137,908 6.9723 2013 2012 1,254,302,880 195,770,816 30,033,151 1,480,106,847 6.9723 2014 2013 1,287,481,785 203,512,929 33,792,851 1,524,787,565 6.8731 2015 2014 1,355,969,888 214,484,701 34,077,944 1,604,532,533 7.3300 2016 2015 1,453,735,176 232,020,936 36,939,006 1,722,695,118 7.3300 2017 2016 1,545,192,840 259,097,141 40,181,846 1,844,471,827 7.3300 2018 2017 1,804,338,668 279,488,569 35,855,827 2,119,683,064 7.3300 2019 2018 1,897,471,175 297,293,001 38,440,924 2,233,205,100 7.5000 2020 2019 1,991,785,138 315,226,821 37,569,787 2,344,581,746 7.5000 Note: Assessed values are established by the Palm Beach Property Appraiser's office as of January 1, each year. Assessments were increased to 100% of market value as of 1980. Property in the Village is reassessed each year. Property is assessed at actual value, therefore the assessed values are equal to actual value. Tax rates are per $1,000 of assessed value. Source:Palm Beach County Property Appraiser Real Property VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH NET ASSESSED VALUE AND ESTIMATED ACTUAL VALUE OF TAXABLE PROPERTY LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS 104 Palm Beach Total County Palm Direct and Fiscal Tax Roll Village of School Beach Special Overlapping Year Year N. Palm Beach District County Districts Rates 2011 2010 6.9723 8.1540 4.9960 2.5549 22.6772 2012 2011 6.9723 8.1800 4.9925 2.3433 22.4881 2013 2012 6.9723 7.7780 4.9902 2.3154 22.0559 2014 2013 6.8731 7.5860 4.9852 2.2280 21.6723 2015 2014 7.3300 7.5940 4.9729 2.1732 22.0701 2016 2015 7.3300 7.5120 4.9277 2.0974 21.8671 2017 2016 7.3300 7.0700 4.9142 1.9453 21.2595 2018 2017 7.3300 6.7690 4.9023 1.7818 20.7831 2019 2018 7.5000 4.8980 6.5720 1.6920 20.6620 2020 2019 7.5000 7.1640 4.8580 1.6873 21.2093 Note:All millage rates are based on $1 for every $1,000 of assessed value. Source:North Palm Beach: Notice of Ad Valorem Taxes and Non-Ad Valorem Assessments (1)Overlapping rates are those of local and county governments that apply to property owners within the Village of North Palm Beach. Not all overlapping rates apply to all Village of North Palm Beach property owners (i.e. The rates for special districts apply only to the proportion of the government's property owners whose property is located within the geographic boundaries of the special district.) VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH PROPERTY TAX RATES - DIRECT AND OVERLAPPING GOVERNMENTS LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS Overlapping Rates (1) 105 Percentage Percentage of Total of Total Village Net Village Net Taxable Taxable Taxable Taxable Assessed Assessed Assessed Assessed Taxpayers Value Rank Value Value Rank Value Olen Residential Realty 35,129,954$ 1 1.50%18,000,000$ 1 0.97% SHM Old Port Cove LLC 30,686,720 2 1.31% Sanctuary Bay Trust Corporation 27,815,480 3 1.19%14,000,300 3 0.76% Florida Power & Light 21,550,096 4 0.92% JB Shoppes LLLP 17,514,224 5 0.75% Pearland RJR LLC 17,159,771 6 0.73% New Country Motor Cars 15,464,526 7 0.66% SHM North Palm Beach LLC 12,237,864 8 0.52% Palm Beach Autoplex LLC 9,810,679 9 0.42% Bozzuto Michael A.8,710,595 10 0.37% Domani Development 9,213,927 6 0.50% Crystal Tree NPB 17,030,531 2 0.92% Greater Fla Inv Co& 12,911,802 4 0.70% CF02 Palm Beach III LP 11,000,000 5 0.60% Village Shoppers at US 1LLC 7,896,575 7 0.43% Old Port Cove Holding, INC 7,706,522 8 0.42% Riverside National Bank 6,044,474 9 0.33% 701 us One Inc 5,839,803 10 0.32% Total 196,079,909$ 8.37%109,643,934$ 5.95% *2010 information was not available Source: Palm Beach Country Appraiser VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH PRINCIPAL PROPERTY TAXPAYERS 2020 & 2009 Presented 2020 *2009 Note: Assessed values are established by the Palm Beach Property Appraiser's offices as of January 1, each year. 106 Fiscal Year Total Taxes Collections in Ending Tax Roll Levied for Percent Subsequent Percent Sept 30,Year Fiscal Year Amount of Levy Years Amount of Levy 2011 2010 10,793,319$ 10,097,289$ 93.55%298,514$ 10,395,803$ 96.32% 2012 2011 10,424,715 9,992,145 95.85%15,616 10,007,761 96.00% 2013 2012 10,358,172 9,948,550 96.05%36,366 9,984,916 96.40% 2014 2013 10,503,598 10,097,763 96.14%57,493 10,155,256 96.68% 2015 2014 11,761,226 11,350,738 96.51%14,777 11,365,515 96.64% 2016 2015 12,627,355 12,197,736 96.60%57,133 12,254,869 97.05% 2017 2016 13,519,978 13,051,272 96.53%41,267 13,092,539 96.84% 2018 2017 15,537,277 14,999,572 96.54%3,390 15,002,962 96.56% 2019 2018 16,749,038 16,176,654 96.58%6,223 16,182,877 96.62% 2020 2019 17,584,371 16,980,948 96.57%7,965 16,988,913 96.61% Source:Palm Beach Country Property Appraiser of the Levy to Date Total Collections Collected within VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH PROPERTY TAX LEVIES AND COLLECTIONS LAST TEN CALENDAR YEARS the Fiscal Year 107 VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH RATIOS OF OUTSTANDING DEBT BY TYPE Business-type Activities Fiscal Year Percent of Ended Loans Capital Loans Capital Median Personal Per Sept 30,Payable Leases Payable Leases Total Income (1)Capita 2011 -$ -$ 3,844,928$ 173,084$ 4,018,012$ *0.54%*345$ 2012 - - 3,608,294 106,933 3,715,227 0.50%303.51 2013 - - 3,357,875 396,055 3,753,930 0.49%305.37 2014 - - 3,096,925 274,471 3,371,396 0.46%266.62 2015 - - 2,824,987 147,767 2,972,754 0.37%234.94 2016 - - 2,684,913 - 2,684,913 0.35%212.20 2017 15,000,000 - 2,247,088 - 17,247,088 1.85%1,292.69 2018 14,320,000 - 1,939,366 - 16,259,366 1.79%1,229.26 2019 13,515,000 265,522 1,618,633 - 15,399,155 1.74%1,161.32 2020 12,680,000 1,175,555 1,284,668 - 15,140,223 1.70%1,135.63 Note:Details regarding the Village's outstanding debt may be found in the notes to the financial statements. *Information was not available, the prior year info was used. (1)See the Schedule of Demographic and Economic Statistics on page 103 for personal income and population data. Governmental Activities LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS 108 Percentage Amount Net Applicable to Applicable to Debt the Village of the Village of Outstanding North Palm Beach (1) North Palm Beach Debt repaid with property taxes: Palm Beach County 49,498,000$ 1.18%584,076$ Palm Beach County School Board 6,498,000 1.11%72,128 Other debt: Palm Beach County 676,158,000 1.18%7,978,664 Palm Beach County School Board 1,305,860,000 1.11%14,495,046 Subtotal, overlapping debt 23,129,914 Village of North Palm Beach Direct Debt 13,855,555 Total direct and overlapping debt 36,985,469$ Sources:Palm Beach County Tax Appraiser's Office Palm Beach County School Board Palm Beach County Clerk & Comptroller Note: Overlapping governments are those that coincide, at least in part, with the geographic boundaries of the Village. This schedule estimates the portion of the outstanding debt of those overlapping governments that is borne by the residents and businesses of the Village of North Palm Beach. This process recognizes that, when considering the Village's ability to issue and repay long-term debt, the entire debt burden borne by the residents and businesses should be taken into account. However, this does not imply that every taxpayer is a resident, and therefore responsible for repaying the debt, of each overlapping government. (1)For debt repaid with property taxes, the percentage of overlapping debt applicable is estimated using taxable assessed property values. Value that is within the Village's boundaries and dividing it by the County's and School Board's total taxable assessed value. This approach was also used for the other debt. VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH DIRECT AND OVERLAPPING GOVERNMENTAL ACTIVITIES DEBT SEPTEMBER 30, 2019 Unaudited Government Unit 109 VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH Pledged - Revenue Coverage Country Club Bonds Last Ten Fiscal Years Unaudited Required Fiscal Gross Operating Debt Year Revenues (1) Expenses (2)Net Revenue Service Coverage (3) 2011 3,579,692 3,049,301 530,391 394,900 1.34 2012 3,590,211 2,932,743 657,468 394,900 1.66 2013 3,586,001 2,986,080 599,921 394,900 1.52 2014 3,656,636 3,248,284 408,352 394,900 1.03 2015 3,799,245 3,226,907 572,338 394,900 1.45 2016 3,766,196 3,333,395 432,801 394,900 1.10 2017 2,956,706 2,472,812 483,894 394,900 1.23 2018 2,268,512 2,227,913 40,599 394,900 0.10 2019 1,407,367 2,443,701 (1,036,334) 394,900 -2.62 2020 3,769,907 3,504,881 265,026 394,900 0.67 Note:The Non-Ad Valorem Revenue Notes, Series 2017 do not have any pledged revenues. (1)Gross revenue includes all revenues derived by the Village from the ownership and operation of the Country Club. (2)Operating expenses excludes non-cash expenses (3)Coverage should be not less than 1.00. 110 Per Palm Beach Median Capita County Calendar Personal Personal Unemployment Year Population (1) Income (1) Income (1)Rate (2) 2011 (estimate)***10.7 2012 (estimate)12,241 ***62,121 ****49,117 **5.29 2013 (estimate)12,293 ***59,778 ****42,830 **4.66 2014 (estimate)12,645 ***63,349 ****43,120 **3.92 2015 (estimate)12,653 ***61,057 ****43,120 **3.15 2016 (estimate)12,817 ***61,653 ****45,110 **2.10 2017 (estimate)13,342 ***69,718 ****46,160 **2.70 2018 (estimate)13,227 ***68,833 ****46,160 **1.79 2019 (estimate)13,260 ***66,898 ****48,240 **1.24 2020 (estimate)13,332 ***66,898 ****48,240 **1.15 Sources:Business Development Board US Census Bureau *2011 Demographic data is not available due to Agency Software upgrade that is not complete **Village of North Palm Beach Unemployment Rate for 2020 presented ***North Palm Beach Median Personal Income for 2020 presented ****West Palm Beach/Ft Lauderdale/Miami Mean Income data presented Note: (1)All information available at the current time is presented. VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH DEMOGRAPHIC AND ECONOMIC STATISTICS LAST TEN CALENDAR YEARS Unaudited 111 702089 Percentage Percentage of Total of Total Employer Employees Employment Employees Employment Palm Beach Country School Board 22,049 3.14%21,718 3.51% State Government 9,549 1.36%7,554 1.22% Federal Government 7,655 1.09%6,681 1.08% Tenet Health Care Corp 6,505 0.93%5,127 0.83% Palm Beach County Government 5,438 0.77%11,381 1.84% NextEra Energy (Florida Power & Light) 4,807 0.68%3,658 0.59% Hospital Corporation of America (HCA) (1)2,806 0.40%4,150 0.67% Boca Raton Regional Hospital (2)2,800 0.40%2,100 0.34% Florida Alantic University 2,898 0.41%2,776 0.45% Veterans Health Administration 2,700 0.38%2,205 0.36% The Breakers Hotel 2,300 0.33%1,800 0.29% Bethesda Memorial Hospital 2,282 0.33%2,300 0.37% Office Depot 2,000 0.28%2,100 0.34% Florida Crystal Corp.2,000 0.28%1,900 0.31% Jupiter Medical Center 1,780 0.25%1,500 0.24% City of West Palm Beach 1,679 0.24%1,671 0.27% City of Boca Raton 1,513 0.22%1,638 0.26% 80,761 11.49%80,259 12.97% * Employer: Palm Beach County Information is not available for the Village of North Palm Beach. ** Percentage of total employment is calculated using Palm Beach County's available labor force in each of the respective years presented. Notes: (1) Formerly Columbia Palm Beach Health Care Systems, Inc (2) Formerly Boca Raton Community Hospital *** Most current data available in BDP.org Source: Business Development Board of Palm Beach County, floridajobs.org VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH PRINCIPAL EMPLOYERS 2020 2010 112 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Number of Employees: General Government Village Manager Full-Time 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 Part-Time 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 Information Technology Full-Time 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Part-Time 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Human Resources Full-Time 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Part-Time 0 0 0 0 1 2 2 2 2 2 Village Clerk - Full-Time 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Finance Full-time 5 5 5 5 7 7 5 6 6 6 Part-Time 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 Public Works Full-time 37 37 37 37 35 34 36 37 37 37 Part-Time 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 Police & Fire Full-time 67 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Part-Time 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Police Full-time 0 43 43 43 36 36 36 38 38 38 Part-Time 0 12 13 13 13 13 13 15 15 15 Fire Rescue Full-time 0 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 Part-Time 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Community Development and Planning Full-time 9 8 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 15 Part-Time 2 2 2 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 Leisure Services Library Full-time 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 Part-Time 10 10 10 10 9 9 9 7 7 9 Recreation Full-time 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 Part-Time 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 42 42 16 Pool/Tennis Full-time 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 Part-Time 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 Other Government - Country Club Full-time 7 5 6 8 8 8 5 5 6 7 Part-Time 64 56 54 65 65 65 27 27 27 28 279 268 268 282 275 276 241 244 248 249 * Variance exists due to the employment of seasonal and part-time employees. Source:Village of North Palm Beach Budget Report VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS (*) Full-Time Equivalent Village Government Employees by Function Total Number of Employees Budgeted FY Ending 113 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 FUNCTION/PROGRAM PUBLIC WORKS Sanitation (Tons of Refuse Collected)9,962 10,065 10,720 10,720 11,167 12,556 12,980 12,624 12,330 12,059 No. of collection units for solid waste (residential) 7,071 7,076 7,471 7,616 7,618 7,614 7,614 7,632 7,632 7,627 Number of vehicles maintained 98 98 111 98 98 92 85 89 88 89 Number of repair overlays completed (miles)- - - - - - - - - - POLICE Number of arrests by police officers 260 211 216 238 293 247 233 192 134 150 Number of traffic citations issued 2,564 2,566 1,254 2,799 3,407 2,494 1,974 2,014 1,184 853 FIRE RESCUE EMS average response times (minutes)5.19 5.26 5.11 5.10 5.05 5.26 5.21 5.37 4.50 5.42 Number of EMS calls 1,179 1,326 1,296 1,110 1,499 1,601 1,746 1,550 1,577 1,452 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT & PLANNING Bldg Dept - Number of Permits,Subpermits and certificates 1,616 1,835 2,480 2,103 3,920 4,242 4,665 2,173 2,737 4,832 Number of code enforcement violations/cases 575 817 790 887 769 680 **516/357**726/317 885 941 Number of code violations brought to board/magistrate (Calendar Yr End)72 100 62 28 56 42 98 246 263 183*** RECREATION Number of community events presented 38 49 37 53 57 48 40 38 24 8 Number of registrants in athletic programs 1,260 1,311 2,074 1,439 1,389 1,174 1,109 1,174 1,077 120*** LIBRARY Library - Number of Volumes 40,658 43,340 44,966 46,546 47,339 *57,935 41,161 43,992 45,446 39,886 OTHER GOVERNMENT Country Club Number of Golf Members 298 283 262 250 255 265 271 178 198 278 Number of Tennis/Pool Members 173 162 190 194 193 183 183 159 182 241 Source: Village of North Palm Beach *In FY 2016 Number of Volumes included not only printed items, but media items as well. **Includes only the number of violations/cases opened and not a reflection of the total number of open violations as was reported for years prior to 2017 ***Variances due to COVID-19 VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH OPERATING INDICATORS BY FUNCTION/PROGRAM LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS 114 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016*2017 2018 2019 2020 Function/Program: General Government No. of General Government Buildings 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 Public Works Square Miles 5.18 5.18 5.18 5.18 5.18 5.18 5.18 5.18 5.18 5.18 Miles of Streets 36.00 36.00 36.00 36.00 36.00 32.30**32.30 32.30 32.30 32.30 Number of Street Lights (within corp surroundings)513 513 513 513 513 513 628****628 628 628 Public Safety Fire: Number of Stations 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Number of Firemen& Officers 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Number of Firemen/Paramedics/EMTs 23 22 22 22 22 23 24 21 23 18 Number of Fire Captains 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 Police/EMS Protection: Number of Stations 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Number of Policemen & Officers 31 28 28 28 28 28 28 30 28 30 Number of Police Captains 0 2 2 2 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 Leisure Services Recreation/Tennis/Pool Number of Parks 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Public Tennis Courts 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Swimming Pool 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Number of Marinas 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Library Number of Libraries 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Number of Volumes (Printed items only)40,658 43,340 44,966 46,546 47,339 48,913 33,502 36,009 37,429 33672 Other Government Country Club Golf Course 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Driving Range 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Tennis Courts 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Restaurant 1 1 1 1 1 1 1***1***1 1 Snack Bar 1 1 1 1 1 1 1***1***1 1 Source: Village of North Palm Beach *Preliminary 2016 information is presented **A Centerline Miles Study was completed during FY 2016 and the number of NPB Village centerline miles from the report is presented going forward ***Restaurant services closed on 10/01/2016- Reopened in 2019 ****173 Village owned/455 FPL owned VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS CAPITAL ASSET STATISTICS BY FUNCTION/PROGRAM 115 OTHER REPORTS 116 REPORT ON INTERNAL CONTROL OVER FINANCIAL REPORTING AND ON COMPLIANCE AND OTHER MATTERS BASED ON AN AUDIT OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH GOVERNMENT AUDITING STANDARDS The Honorable Mayor and Members of the Village Council The Village of North Palm Beach, Florida We have audited, in accordance with the auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America and the standards applicable to financial audits contained in Government Auditing Standards, issued by the Comptroller General of the United States, the financial statements of the governmental activities, the business-type activities, each major fund, and the aggregate remaining fund information of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, as of and for the year ended September 30, 2020, and the related notes to the financial statements, which collectively comprise the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida’s basic financial statements and have issued our report thereon dated March 5, 2021. Internal Control Over Financial Reporting In planning and performing our audit of the financial statements, we considered the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida’s internal control over financial reporting (internal control) as a basis for designing audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances for the purpose of expressing our opinions on the financial statements, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida’s internal control. Accordingly, we do not express an opinion on the effectiveness of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida’s internal control. A deficiency in internal control exists when the design or operation of a control does not allow management or employees, in the normal course of performing their assigned functions, to prevent, or detect and correct misstatements on a timely basis. A material weakness is a deficiency, or a combination of deficiencies, in internal control, such that there is a reasonable possibility that a material misstatement of the entity’s financial statements will not be prevented, or detected and corrected on a timely basis. A significant deficiency is a deficiency, or a combination of deficiencies, in internal control that is less severe than a material weakness, yet important enough to merit attention by those charged with governance. 117 Our consideration of internal control was for the limited purpose described in the first paragraph of this section and was not designed to identify all deficiencies in internal control that might be material weaknesses or significant deficiencies. Given these limitations, during our audit we did not identify any deficiencies in internal control that we consider to be material weaknesses. However, material weaknesses may exist that have not been identified. Compliance and Other Matters As part of obtaining reasonable assurance about whether the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida’s financial statements are free from material misstatement, we performed tests of its compliance with certain provisions of laws, regulations, contracts, and grant agreements, noncompliance with which could have a direct and material effect on the financial statements. However, providing an opinion on compliance with those provisions was not an objective of our audit, and accordingly, we do not express such an opinion. The results of our tests disclosed no instances of noncompliance or other matters that are required to be reported under Government Auditing Standards. Purpose of this Report The purpose of this report is solely to describe the scope of our testing of internal control and compliance and the results of that testing, and not to provide an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity’s internal control or on compliance. This report is an integral part of an audit performed in accordance with Government Auditing Standards in considering the entity’s internal control and compliance. Accordingly, this communication is not suitable for any other purpose. West Palm Beach, Florida March 5, 2021 118 MANAGEMENT LETTER IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE RULES OF THE AUDITOR GENERAL OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA The Honorable Mayor and Members of the Village Council The Village of North Palm Beach, Florida Report on the Financial Statements We have audited the financial statements of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, as of and for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2020, and have issued our report thereon dated March 5, 2021. Auditor’s Responsibility We conducted our audit in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America; the standards applicable to financial audits contained in Government Auditing Standards, issued by the Comptroller General of the United States, and Chapter 10.550, Rules of the Auditor General. Other Reporting Requirements We have issued our Independent Auditor’s Report on Internal Control over Financial Reporting and on Compliance and Other Matters Based on an Audit of the Financial Statements Performed in Accordance with Government Auditing Standards and Independent Accountant’s Report on an examination conducted in accordance with AICPA Professional Standards, AT-C Section 315, regarding compliance requirements in accordance with Chapter 10.550, Rules of the Auditor General. Disclosures in those reports, which are dated March 5, 2021, should be considered in conjunction with this management letter. Prior Audit Findings Section 10.554(1)(i)1., Rules of the Auditor General, requires that we determine whether or not corrective actions have been taken to address findings and recommendations made in the preceding financial audit report. Finding 2018-1 is a comment from the prior two years that still applies. 119 Official Title and Legal Authority Section 10.554(1)(i)4., Rules of the Auditor General, requires that the name or official title and legal authority for the primary government and each component unit of the reporting entity be disclosed in this Management Letter, unless disclosed in the notes to the financial statements. This information is disclosed in Note 1 to the financial statements. Financial Condition and Management Sections 10.554(1)(i)5.a. and 10.556(7), Rules of the Auditor General, require us to apply appropriate procedures and communicate the results of our determination as to whether or not the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida has met one or more of the conditions described in Section 218.503(1), Florida Statutes, and to identify the specific condition(s) met. In connection with our audit, we determined that the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida did not meet any of the conditions described in Section 218.503(1), Florida Statutes, during the fiscal year ended September 30, 2020. Pursuant to Sections 10.554(1)(i)5.b. and 10.556(8), Rules of the Auditor General, we applied financial condition assessment procedures for the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida. It is management’s responsibility to monitor the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida’s financial condition, and our financial condition assessment was based in part on representations made by management and review of financial information provided by same. Our assessment was done as of the fiscal year end. The results of our procedures did not disclose any matters that are required to be reported. Section 10.554(1)(i)2., Rules of the Auditor General, requires that we communicate any recommendations to improve financial management. In connection with our audit, we did not have any such recommendations. Special District Component Units Section 10.554(1)(i)5.c, Rules of the Auditor General, requires, if appropriate, that we communicate the failure of a special district that is a component unit of a county, municipality, or special district, to provide the financial information necessary for proper reporting of the component unit, within the audited financial statements of the county, municipality, or special district in accordance with Section 218.39(3)(b), Florida Statutes. Based on the application of criteria in publications cited in Section 10.553, Rules of the Auditor General, there are no special district component units of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida. Additional Matters Section 10.554(1)(i)3., Rules of the Auditor General, requires us to communicate noncompliance with provisions of contracts or grant agreements, or abuse, that have occurred, or are likely to have occurred, that have an effect on the financial statements that is less than material but warrants the attention of those charged with governance. In connection with our audit, we had one finding. 120 Finding 2018-1 The 2006 loan agreement with Bank of America requires that pledged revenues cover 100% of the debt service due plus the expenses, other than non-cash expenses, of owning and operating the Country Club. Due to the Golf Course and Country Club being closed for part of the year due to the pandemic this requirement was not met. Management Response The mandated facility closures and cancellation of events due to the COVID-19 pandemic disrupted the Country Club’s ability to deliver services and resulted in significant revenue loss in the Country Club. Even with the closures, the Country Club had a positive cash flow from operating activities and was able to repay some of the advances from the General Fund made in the prior years. All required debt service payments have been paid on time for the loan. Single Audits The Village expended less than $750,000 of federal awards and less than $750,000 of state financial assistance for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2020, and was not required to have a federal single audit or a state single audit. Response to Management Letter The Village of North Palm Beach, Florida’s response to the finding identified in our audit is described above. The Village of North Palm Beach, Florida’s response was not subjected to the auditing procedures applied in the audit of the financial statements and, accordingly, we express no opinion on it. Purpose of this Letter Our management letter is intended solely for the information and use of the Legislative Auditing Committee, members of the Florida Senate and the Florida House of Representatives, the Florida Auditor General, Federal and other granting agencies, the audit committee, the Village Council, and applicable management, and is not intended to be and should not be used by anyone other than these specified parties. March 5, 2021 West Palm Beach, Florida 121 INDEPENDENT ACCOUNTANT’S REPORT ON COMPLIANCE WITH SECTION 218.415, FLORIDA STATUTES The Honorable Mayor and Members of the Village Council The Village of North Palm Beach, Florida We have examined the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida’s compliance with Section 218.415, Florida Statutes during the year ended September 30, 2020. Management of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida is responsible for the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida’s compliance with the specified requirements. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida’s compliance with the specified requirements based on our examination. Our examination was conducted in accordance with attestation standards established by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. Those standards require that we plan and perform the examination to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida complied, in all material respects, with the specified requirements referenced above. An examination involves performing procedures to obtain evidence about whether the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida complied with the specified requirements. The nature, timing, and extent of the procedures selected depend on our judgement, including an assessment of the risk of material noncompliance, whether due to fraud or error. We believe that the evidence we obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a reasonable basis for our opinion. Our examination does not provide a legal determination on the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida’s compliance with the specified requirements. In our opinion, the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida complied, in all material respects, with Section 218.415, Florida Statutes for the year ended September 30, 2020. This report is intended solely for the information and use of the Legislative Auditing Committee, members of the Florida Senate and Florida House of Representatives, the Florida Auditor General, applicable management, and the Village Council, and is not intended to be and should not be used by anyone other than these specified parties. West Palm Beach, Florida March 5, 2021 March 25, 2021 The Honorable Mayor and Members of the Village Council and the Audit Committee Village of North Palm Beach, Florida We have audited the financial statements of the governmental activities, the business-type activities, each major fund, and the aggregate remaining fund information of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida (the “Village”) for the year ended September 30, 2020. Professional standards require that we provide you with information about our responsibilities under generally accepted auditing standards, Government Auditing Standards, and Chapter 10.550, Rules of the Auditor General, as well as certain information related to the planned scope and timing of our audit. We have communicated such information in our letter to you dated February 2, 2021. Professional standards also require that we communicate to you the following information related to our audit. Significant Audit Matters Qualitative Aspects of Accounting Practices Management is responsible for the selection and use of appropriate accounting policies. The significant accounting policies used by the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida are described in Note 1 to the financial statements. No new accounting policies were adopted, and the application of existing policies was not changed during the year. We noted no transactions entered into by the Village during the year for which there is a lack of authoritative guidance or consensus. All significant transactions have been recognized in the financial statements in the proper period. Accounting estimates are an integral part of the financial statements prepared by management and are based on management’s knowledge and experience about past and current events and assumptions about future events. Certain accounting estimates are particularly sensitive because of their significance to the financial statements and because of the possibility that future events affecting them may differ significantly from those expected. The most sensitive estimates affecting the financial statements were as follows: Management’s estimate of the net realizable value of accounts receivable at September 30, 2020. We evaluated the key factors and assumptions used to estimate the net realizable value of receivables and the related allowance for doubtful accounts in determining that the accounts are reasonable in relation to the financial statements taken as a whole. 2 Management’s estimate of the remaining lives of capital assets at September 30, 2020. We evaluated the key factors and assumptions used to estimate the useful service lives and the related depreciation expense in determining that the amounts are reasonable in relation to the financial statements as a whole. Certain financial statement disclosures are particularly sensitive because of their significance to financial statement users. The most sensitive disclosures affecting the financial statements were: The disclosures related to cash and investments in Note 3 to the financial statements. The disclosures related to the Village’s long-term liabilities in Note 6 to the financial statements. The disclosures related to the Village’s Employee Retirement Plans in Note 8 to the financial statements. The financial statement disclosures are neutral, consistent, and clear. Difficulties Encountered in Performing the Audit We encountered no significant difficulties in dealing with management in performing and completing our audit. Management was helpful and cooperative throughout our audit. Corrected Misstatements Professional standards require us to accumulate all known and likely misstatements identified during the audit, other than those that are clearly trivial, and communicate them to the appropriate level of management. The adjusting journal entries presented in Schedule I represent misstatements detected during the audit process and were corrected by management prior to the preparation of the financial statements. Disagreements with Management For purposes of this letter, a disagreement with management is a financial accounting, reporting, or auditing matter, whether or not resolved to our satisfaction, that could be significant to the financial statements or the auditor’s report. We are pleased to report that no such disagreements arose during the course of our audit. Management Representations We have requested certain representations from management that are included in the attached management representation letter dated March 5, 2021, as Schedule II. 3 Management Consultations with Other Independent Accountants In some cases, management may decide to consult with other accountants about auditing and accounting matters, similar to obtaining a “second opinion” on certain situations. If a consultation involves application of an accounting principle to the Village’s financial statements or a determination of the type of auditor’s opinion that may be expressed on those statements, our professional standards require the consulting accountant to check with us to determine that the consultant has all the relevant facts. To our knowledge, there were no such consultations with other accountants. Other Audit Findings or Issues We generally discuss a variety of matters, including the application of accounting principles and auditing standards, with management each year prior to retention as the Village’s auditors. However, these discussions occurred in the normal course of our professional relationship and our responses were not a condition to our retention. In planning and performing our audit, we considered the Vilage’s internal control over financial reporting as a basis for designing our auditing procedures for the purpose of expressing our opinion on the financial statements, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida’s internal control over financial reporting. Accordingly, our audit procedures would not necessarily identify all deficiencies in internal control over financial reporting that might be significant deficiencies or material weaknesses. However, we noted that the loan covenant regarding pledged revenues with the 2006 Bank of America loan was not met, this is described in our Management Letter dated January March 5, 2021. Other Matters We applied certain limited procedures to the Management Discussion and Analysis, Schedule of Funding Progress – Other Postemployment Benefits, Schedule of Funding Progress – Retirement Funds, Schedule of Employer and State Contributions, and the Schedule of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Funds Balance – Budget and Actual, which are required supplementary information (RSI) that supplements the basic financial statements. Our procedures consisted of inquiries of management regarding the methods of preparing the information and comparing the information for consistency with management’s responses to our inquiries, the basic financial statements, and other knowledge we obtained during our audit of the basic financial statements. We did not audit the RSI and do not express an opinion or provide any assurance on the RSI. We were engaged to report on the Other Supplementary Information, which accompany the financial statements but are not RSI. With respect to this supplementary information, we made certain inquiries of management and evaluated the form, content, and methods of preparing the information to determine that the information complies with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America, the method of preparing it has not changed from the prior period, and the information is appropriate and complete in relation to our audit of the financial statements. We compared and reconciled the supplementary information to the 4 underlying accounting records used to prepare the financial statements or to the financial statements themselves. We were not engaged to report on the Introductory Section and Statistical Section, which accompany the financial statements but are not RSI. Such information has not been subjected to the auditing procedures applied in the audit of the basic financial statements and accordingly, we do not express an opinion or provide any assurance on it. Restriction on Use This information is intended solely for the information and use of the Village Council, Audit Committee, and management of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, and is not intended to be and should not be used by anyone other than these specified parties. Very truly yours, Nowlen, Holt & Miner, P.A. SCHEDULE I Client:NORTH PALM BEACH Engagement:2020 North Palm Beach Current Period:09/30/2020 Workpaper:Adjusting Entries 3/2/2021 Account Description Workpaper Reference Debit Credit Net Income Effect AJE01 To reverse p/y pension accurals 061‐P0000‐27100 FUND BALANCE 9,007.17 0.00 061‐P4788‐33153 ACTUARY ‐ GRS 0.00 977.00 061‐P4788‐11511 RETIREMENT BENEFITS 0.00 8,030.17 Total 9,007.17 9,007.17 9,007.17 AJE02 To reverse p/y grant accurals 102‐U0000‐11510 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE 0.00 448,851.00 102‐U0000‐23622 DEFERRED REVENUE ‐ RECREATION 400,000.00 0.00 102‐U2125‐33022 COMM CTR LIGHTING GRANT 48,851.00 0.00 Total 448,851.00 448,851.00 (48,851.00) AJE03 To record General Employee Pension adjustments 041‐L0000‐23613 Def Outflow Pension 5,580.00 0.00 041‐L8056‐12210 PENSION‐GEN'L EMPLOYEES 0.00 5,580.00 Total 5,580.00 5,580.00 5,580.00 AJE04 To record OPEB adjustment 041‐L0000‐23611 Deferred inflows OPEB 0.00 17,050.00 041‐L0000‐23602 DEFERRED OUTFLOW OPEB 370.00 0.00 041‐L0000‐23970 OTHER POSTEMPLOYMENT BENEFITS 10,396.00 0.00 041‐L8046‐12310 HEALTH INSURANCE 4,273.00 0.00 041‐L8056‐12310 HEALTH INSURANCE 1,445.00 0.00 041‐L8059‐12310 HEALTH INSURANCE 566.00 0.00 095‐Y0000‐10190 AMT FOR PMT OF OPEB 0.00 827,498.00 095‐Y0000‐21610 OTHER POST EMPLOYMENT BENEFITS 827,498.00 0.00 Total 844,548.00 844,548.00 (6,284.00) AJE05 To reverse a/p and expesnse 066‐D0000‐20210 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 27.11 0.00 066‐D5689‐49007 P&F PENSION‐STATE CONTRIB.0.00 27.11 Total 27.11 27.11 27.11 AJE06 To record FEMA A/R 010‐A0000‐11513 DUE FROM OTHER GOVERNMENTS 70,579.33 0.00 010‐A1200‐02910 FEMA REIMBURSEMENT 0.00 70,579.33 Total 70,579.33 70,579.33 70,579.33 AJE07 To record capital lease that s/b in CWIP for cars and lease proceeds per agreement 010‐A5540‐66000 CAPITAL LEASE 96,352.57 0.00 010‐A0000‐11510 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE 1,040.00 0.00 010‐A4200‐09901 CAPITAL LEASE 0.00 97,392.57 091‐W0000‐17999 CIP Leased vehicles 96,352.57 0.00 091‐W0000‐27100 FUND BALANCE 0.00 96,352.57 Total 193,745.14 193,745.14 1,040.00 AJE08 To record P&F Adjustments 062‐R0000‐21601 ACCRUED PAYABLES 0.00 6,178.00 062‐R5689‐33153 ACTUARY ‐ GRS 6,178.00 0.00 Total 6,178.00 6,178.00 (6,178.00) AJE09 To adjust Comp Absences 095‐Y0000‐21600 ACCRUED COMP.,SICK & VAC.312,010.11 0.00 095‐Y0000‐10180 AMT.FOR PMT OF ACCRU.BENE 0.00 312,010.11 041‐L0000‐21600 ACCRUED COMP.,SICK & VAC.17,891.19 0.00 041‐L8046‐11210 REGULAR PAY 0.00 2,304.43 041‐L8046‐11110 EXECUTIVE SALARIES 0.00 3,615.38 041‐L8046‐11300 PART‐TIME PAY 0.00 3,544.05 041‐L8056‐11210 REGULAR PAY 0.00 3,807.69 041‐L8056‐11210 REGULAR PAY 0.00 1,110.80 041‐L8056‐11300 PART‐TIME PAY 0.00 1,399.36 041‐L8059‐11210 REGULAR PAY 0.00 838.08 041‐L8046‐12110 F I C A 0.00 723.98 041‐L8056‐12110 F I C A 0.00 483.31 041‐L8059‐12110 F I C A 0.00 64.11 Total 329,901.30 329,901.30 17,891.19 RJE01 To reclassify capitalized assets 041‐L0000‐27200 FUND BALANCE ‐ ASSETS 58,479.84 0.00 041‐L8045‐34620 R & M BLDG & GROUNDS 0.00 16,489.15 041‐L8045‐35222 TREES & SOD 0.00 5,329.42 041‐L8046‐66490 MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT 0.00 36,661.27 Total 58,479.84 58,479.84 58,479.84 RJE02 To reclassify due from other gov't 010‐A0000‐11513 DUE FROM OTHER GOVERNMENTS 210,907.34 0.00 010‐A0000‐11510 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE 0.00 210,907.34 Total 210,907.34 210,907.34 0.00 RJE03 To reclassify transfer 068‐I7321‐66210 CONSTR. & MAJOR RENOVAT'N 0.00 25,000.00 068‐I7321‐49102 Transfer to SR Grant Rec 25,000.00 0.00 Total 25,000.00 25,000.00 0.00 RJE04 To adjust balances 062‐R4300‐00201 DROP ACC CONTRIBUTION 0.00 3,622.77 062‐R4300‐00202 DROP UNFUNDED LIABILITY 3,622.77 0.00 062‐R4300‐00210 BUY BACK CONTRIBUTION 0.00 3,065.00 062‐R3700‐08999 MISC. REVENUES 145.34 0.00 062‐R5689‐33158 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 0.00 53,070.80 062‐R5689‐11511 RETIREMENT BENEFITS 0.00 4,981.72 062‐R5689‐11521 REFUND ‐ TERMINATIONS 8,046.72 0.00 062‐R5689‐33152 MONEY MANAGER 52,925.46 0.00 Total 64,740.29 64,740.29 0.00 GRAND TOTAL 2,267,544.52 2,267,544.52 101,291.64 6 SCHEDULE II VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT TO: Honorable Mayor and Council THRU: Andrew D. Lukasik, Village Manager FROM: Susanne Hachigian, Public Works Manager DATE: March 25, 2021 SUBJECT: RESOLUTION – Approval of the purchase of two Police Department Motorcycles from BMW Motorcycles of Fort Lauderdale at a total cost of $51,199.36. Village Staff is seeking Council consideration and adoption of a Resolution approving the purchase of two (2) 2021 BMW R 1250 RT-P Police Motorcycles from BMW Motorcycles of Fort Lauderdale at a total cost of $51,199.36. Background: The North Palm Beach Police Department Motorcycle Unit focuses on traffic enforcement, crash investigations, DUI, school zone enforcement, vehicle homicide investigations, and traffic violation reduction. It also serves ceremonial events, including VIP motorcades, parades, and traffic escorts at special events. One of the main focuses of the Unit is crash/injury reduction and driver education. The Motorcycle Unit is also critical when a significant event happens within the Village. It allows the officers to respond more efficiently and safely than a patrol officer in a vehicle -- motorcycle officers most often arrive first on scene. To provide equipment for the North Palm Beach Police Department’s motorcycle unit, the Village would historically lease two (2) Harley Davidson Motorcycles for two-year terms. As part of this agreement, the Village would have to pay to transfer equipment and return the motorcycles at the end of each term. The Police Department opted to switch to Victory Police Motorcycles in 2016 to reduce the capital costs associated with operating the motorcycle unit. The use of the Victory Police Motorcycles was intended to allow the Village to begin a lease-to-own process that would extend the use of the cycles and reduce the annualized capital cost. The Village took delivery of two (2) Victory Police Motorcycles in early January 2017. Shortly thereafter, it was announced that Victory Motorcycles would stop production of all motorcycles immediately. Initially, the Victory motorcycles were an excellent addition to the Village. Within a few months of ownership, however, the motorcycles began to have mechanical issues and were under recall for three different items. The Village’s fleet division was unable to obtain the parts necessary to perform some of the repairs and the motorcycle batteries could not adequately maintain a charge. The Village continues to face challenges with the availability of parts and ability to complete needed repairs. Motorcycle Replacement: Due to the amount of time that the Victory Motorcycles have been in the shop, the constant mechanical issues, the continued safety concerns and the lack of local warranty/repair locations, Village Staff is recommending that the Victory Police Motorcycles be surplused immediately. The approximate value of the motorcycles is $7,000 each. They will be listed on Govdeals.com with a starting price of $8,000. If we do not obtain that amount, they will be sold to Indian Motorcycle of Daytona Beach for $7,000. The BMW Police motorcycle is a purpose-built motorcycle designed specifically for law enforcement and has been widely adopted as a standard motorcycle by law enforcement agencies throughout the nation due to its design, safety rating and flexibility for various assignments and purposes. The maneuverability of the motorcycle on crowded streets offer advantages not provided by larger, more traditional police vehicles. The motorcycle's relatively small size allows it to get to accident scenes more quickly when incidents such as traffic collisions slow down access by four-wheel vehicles. Internationally, BMW is the largest seller of motorcycles for law enforcement use. More than 80,000 BMW motorcycles are currently in official use in over 150 countries on five continents. In the United States, more than 550 law enforcement agencies have BMW motorcycles in their vehicle fleets. Purchasing: BMW Motorcycles of Ft. Lauderdale provided the Village with the lowest quote: BMW Motorcycles of Ft. Lauderdale $51,199.36 BMW Motorcycles of Jacksonville $51,395.08 Long Beach BMW Motorcycles $54,832.72 The motorcycles will be under BMW warranty for 36 months / 60,000 miles. Service for each motorcycle is approximately $350 every 6,000 miles. There are multiple service locations within a thirty-mile radius. Because the total cost is slightly above the $50,000 competitive bidding threshold, Village Staff is requesting a waiver of the Village’s purchasing rules and regulations. Funding: This is not a budgeted item; however, the proceeds from the sale of the existing motorcycles and vacancy savings in the Public Works Department will help offset the cost of this purchase. A budget amendment will be prepared at year-end if necessary. Surplus: 2017 Victory Police Motorcycle VIN: 5VPXDAAA8H3058420 2017 Victory Police Motorcycle VIN: 5VPXDAAA3H3058437 The attached Resolution has been prepared/reviewed by your Village Attorney for legal sufficiency. Account Information: Fund Department / Division Account Number Account Description Total Cost General Public Works / Vehicle Maintenance A5522-66410 Automotive $51,199.36 Recommendation: Village Staff requests Council consideration and approval of the attached Resolution approving the capital purchase of two (2) 2021 BMW Motorcycles from BMW Motorcycles of Fort Lauderdale at a cost not to exceed $51,199.36, with funds expended from Account No. A5522-66410 (Vehicle Maintenance – Automotive); waiving the purchasing rules and regulations; and declaring two (2) 2017 Victory Police Motorcycles as surplus and authorizing their disposal in accordance with Village policies and procedures. RESOLUTION 2021- A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA APPROVING THE PURCHASE OF TWO BMW POLICE MOTORCYCLES FROM BMW MOTORCYCLES OF FORT LAUDERDALE; WAIVING THE VILLAGE’S PURCHASING POLICIES AND PROCEDURES; AUTHORIZING THE SURPLUS OF TWO EXISTING POLICE MOTORCYCLES; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Police Department is requesting approval of the purchase of two BMW Motorcycles from BMW of Fort Lauderdale at a total cost of $51,199.36 to replace two existing Victory police motorcycles; and WHEREAS, while Staff did obtain written quotes, because the purchase price slightly exceeds the competitive solicitation threshold, Staff is requesting a waiver from the Village’s purchasing policies and procedures; and WHEREAS, once the new motorcycles are placed into service, the two existing Victory motorcycles will be surplused; and WHEREAS, the Village Council determines that the adoption of this Resolution is in the best interests of the residents and citizens of the Village of North Palm Beach. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VIL LAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA as follows: Section 1. The foregoing recitals are ratified as true and incorporated herein. Section 2. The Village Council hereby approves the purpose of two (2) 2021 BMW R 1250 RT-P Police Motorcycles from BMW Motorcycles of Fort Lauderdale at a total cost of $51,199.36, with funds expended from Account No. A5522-66410 (Vehicle Maintenance – Automotive). The Village Council hereby waives any conflicting purchasing policies and procedures. Section 3. Upon delivery, acceptance and placement into service of the new motorcycles, the Village Council declares the following vehicles as surplus property and authorizes their disposal in accordance with Village policies and procedures: 2017 Victory Police Motorcycle VIN: 5VPXDAAA8H3058420 2017 Victory Police Motorcycle VIN: 5VPXDAAA3H3058437 Section 3. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS ____DAY OF ____________, 2021. (Village Seal) MAYOR ATTEST: VILLAGE CLERK © 2019 BMW Motorrad USA. All Rights Reserved. A division of BMW of North America, LLC January, 2019 The R 1250 RT-P Still Your Best Long-Term Value! UNCOMPROMISING PERFORMANCE The BMW R 1250 RT-P is a true all-round performer which excels in every mission. Whether it's patrolling freeways or city streets, the maneuverability and long-distance comfort make this top-class police motorcycle a workstation for those with high demands. INTELLIGENT DESIGN A relaxed, safe ride with outstanding comfort, powerful potential and flexible handling: the BMW R 1250 RT-P has been a symbol of these virtues for more than three decades. The latest version of the BMW R 1250 RT-P with extensive equipment components and low fuel consumption sets the benchmark even higher when it comes to supremacy, agility, ergonomics, power and dynamics. © 2019 BMW Motorrad USA. All Rights Reserved. A division of BMW of North America, LLC January, 2019 The R 1250 RT-P Your Best Long-Term Value! No police motor sold today has a higher level of standard equipment than the BMW … you have told us what you use and need … and BMW supplies it! BMW Police Motors are being utilized by more than 550 agencies in the US, including the three largest US fleets operated by the California Highway Patrol, Los Angeles Police Department and Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department. BMW R 1250 RT-P Standard Features: Electronic Suspension Adjustment (ESA) with Dynamic Traction Control (DTC) ABS Pro increasing braking effectiveness in corners EU-4 emissions are now certified for use with octane as low as 87 AKI regular fuel. Tire Pressure Monitoring Heated seat and heated handlebar grips (5-level adjustment for heat settings) Electronic Cruise Control (controls down to 8 mph) Weather Protection: provides rain, wind and heat protection / keeps rider and motor clean Rider Information Display including system voltage, ambient temperature, etc. Partial-integral ABS braking system with independent rear wheel brake control Electronic lock-release integrated radio box with wiring ports, ground plate and antenna mount Police-specific top-opening saddlebags with glove-friendly latch and optional work bag liner Linked dual 16 Ah maintenance-free batteries with 10 separately-monitored equipment circuits Wind tunnel optimized full fairing provides superior air management with no engine heat on rider. Four-way emergency flashers as well as two-way rear flashers, blue ID lights. Central stand allowing easier maintenance such as tire changes, cleaning, etc. All lights “off” switch with dimmable dashboard information display. Cruise lights for dimmed front and rear emergency light steady illumination. Wig-wag headlight function (three selectable frequencies or off). Alley light switch enables independent illumination of L or R front side LED alley lights. Integrated fairing-mounted speakers for radio & radar, pre-wired inside radio box w/ mute switch. GMSF managed power connection bus inside radio box for all common equipment connections. Accurate digital police speedometer with pace-lock display. Three-tone BMW 120 dB twin-speaker siren with wail/yelp/hyper-yelp, air horn and public address. Cutting-edge BMW/Code 3 LED emergency lighting system with LIN-bus control. Electrically-adjustable windshield, adjustable seat height, adjustable brake, clutch & shift lever. Full radio interference suppression system with optimized radio antenna and control head mount. Gun lock release handlebar switch and pre-wired harness for lock. Corrosion-resistant stainless steel front and rear protection bar system. Pre-wired moving radar connection (VSS, battery+, switched power +, ground) Pre-wired constant and switched-power circuits for computers, printers or video systems. Side stand holds motorcycle on grades up to 9% without locking mechanism The largest fuel tank (6.6 gal) with dramatically better fuel economy and range ≥300 miles. The longest service intervals (6,000 miles) for oil change / maintenance. The most comprehensive warranty covering all BMW supplied equipment, not just the motorcycle, enables your authorized BMW dealer to keep your motors on the road with less down-time. The high level of standard and available equipment means significantly lower up-fitting costs as well as greater utilization and reliability for your agency. Look carefully at what features you specify in your RFQ’s when comparing price and value. © 2019 BMW Motorrad USA. All Rights Reserved. A division of BMW of North America, LLC January, 2019 The R 1250 RT-P Emergency Lighting The R 1250 RT-P provides the most modern, integrated lighting system available on a police motor. The auxiliary rear emergency light unit provides high-intensity visibility in all situations, plus provides additional benefit if the radio box lid is opened during the violator stop. The BMW emergency lighting system provides: Four times the forward intensity of the prior model Focused lighting to cover primary danger zones where motorists are likely to turn left or pull-out in your path High intensity take-down lights and alley lights Alternating wig-wag functionality to maximize visibility Optimally grounded radio antenna mounting bracket (standard equipment), which is suitable for any radio frequency from 40 MHz to 800+ MHz. Rear Light Module Integration is further enhanced with the rear light module, which combines all of the lighting system components previously mounted on the rear of the police motor together in an easily-accessible controller module. Rear and rear-side facing emergency lights provide greater intensity than the previous double-stacked units. New high-mount rear-facing auxiliary brake & tail lights enhance visibility for approaching vehicles. Side-facing auxiliary turn signals add visibility when changing lanes while passing vehicles. Fully-integrated rear ID lights in blue or red keep license plate area uncluttered. Motion activated saddlebag lights provide visibility in bags at night / low light environments. © 2019 BMW Motorrad USA. All Rights Reserved. A division of BMW of North America, LLC January, 2019 Saddlebag illumination is another feature for the R 1250 RT-P. Two LEDs are precisely focused to illuminate the inside of the police saddlebag. Actuation is simple … wave your hand by the light and a proximity sensor will turn-on both saddlebag lights for 15 seconds, then automatically turn them off! If you need the light for a longer period, wave your hand again and you get another 15 seconds of illumination. A cool yet extremely practical feature when loading / unloading at night, in low light conditions, parking garages, etc. Handlebar Switch Assemblies Emergency light & siren switch has been relocated for optimal access. A touch of the switch activates lighting and siren system. Emergency lights now offer two program pattern switching modes. Siren has been programmed for quick switch response for “chirp” activation as well as wail, yelp, hyper-yelp and air horn. Radio speaker mute switch function now standard. Full Color TFT Dashboard Full-color TFT dashboard provides a wealth of information to rider via the thumb-wheel control. Dashboard angle is adjustable to eliminate glare for officers of any height. Integrated radio head and map light mounting is standard equipment on the new R 1250 RT-P, thereby facilitating quick yet secure installation of the radio control head. Combined with the standard radio antenna mounting at the rear, the RT-P is ready for any police radio installation without purchasing extra mounts. The mounting will also facilitate the tandem mounting of a police video system display / control head while retaining easy access to the ignition switch. Saddlebag Illumination © 2019 BMW Motorrad USA. All Rights Reserved. A division of BMW of North America, LLC January, 2019 Shift Cam Technology The new BMW Shift Cam technology enables variation of the valve timing and valve stroke on the intake side. In addition, the intake camshafts are designed for asynchronous opening of the two intake valves, resulting in enhanced swirling of the fresh incoming air-fuel mixture, and, therefore, more effective combustion. Other technical changes to the engine relate to the camshaft drive – now with a toothed chain (previously a roller chain) – an optimized oil supply, twin-jet injection valves and a new exhaust system. New level of power and torque Improved performance Increased smoothness Reduced emissions Increased fuel economy Robust exhaust note Increased performance in lower power band © 2019 BMW Motorrad USA. All Rights Reserved. A division of BMW of North America, LLC January, 2019 Advanced Electrical System The R 1250 RT-P sets the standard for electrical power management while providing fast and efficient connection of police equipment. The GMSF (Body Controller authority) controls all special authority circuit outputs and charging of the auxiliary battery. There is no need for fuses, the GMSF monitors and protects outputs, controlling circuits for all police accessories: Gun Lock (6A) Radio (15A) Auxiliary LED Emergency Lights LED Flasher Connection (10A + 6A) Helmet Headset Interface (2A) Lighter Socket (6A) Accessory I (2A) Accessory II (2A) Accessory III (2A) Fairing Radio Speakers Radar Connection (6A) The radio box on the R 1250 RT-P features an electronic release, eliminating the need for a key to open the box. The Body Controller authority and auxiliary battery are located under the radio box for optimal protection and interference suppression (average police radio chassis illustrated in radio box). The GMSF controls all accessory outputs and limits the time each output is powered after ignition-off. When each output is switched off, no parasitic loads are possible. The GMSF also monitors battery condition and systematically shuts- down accessory outputs to ensure the auxiliary battery cannot be flattened / damaged. At an average of $1.50 a minute, installation labor for radios and accessories can be greatly reduced which significantly lowers your overall police motor preparation costs. © 2019 BMW Motorrad USA. All Rights Reserved. A division of BMW of North America, LLC January, 2019 Optional Value from BMW R 1250 RT-P Motors: BMW provides the most comprehensive assortment of options specifically designed for BMW motors, from simple map lights to electric locking assault rifle mounts. BMW designs these options to enable agencies to professionally mount the specialized equipment that we know you need and use, enabling everything to work properly. Additionally, these specially designed mounts greatly reduce the installation time over “universal” mounts (universal means it doesn’t fit anything properly), making the final package more affordable. All options are warranted by BMW to fit and function properly! A detailed listing of available options is in this information sheet. Many recent entrants to the police motor arena have made claims of being much less expensive, but when the bidding is over and the dust settles, those motors are usually similar in price or even more expensive than the BMW with far less standard equipment and higher operating costs! Don’t be fooled by the newcomers! Factory and Dealer added options available at additional cost: Gear Shift Assist Pro – enables up and down shifting without clutch once motor is moving in 1st gear GPS Preparation – special dashboard pre-wired for BMW Navigator V GPS Dynamic Package – special price package that contains Headlight Pro and Ride Modes Pro. Headlight Pro provides corona ring lighting, Ride Modes Pro provides “Dynamic” ride mode for maximum vehicle performance and response. Chrome Exhaust – beautify your ride Additional Fog Lights – provides low level lighting for fog / alternatively flashes with headlight flasher during daytime operation of emergency lights Fire Extinguisher – 1 KG dry powder fire extinguisher for emergency use High Seat Heated – no charge high seat option Low Seat Heated – no charge low seat option Longer Seating Surfaces and Narrower Frame © 2019 BMW Motorrad USA. All Rights Reserved. A division of BMW of North America, LLC January, 2019 How Important is Fuel Economy? The long-term operational fuel cost for motors is an item seldom noted in most bids. BMW has recognized that most agencies have 87 AKI fuel in agency pumps at a cost substantially less than fuel motors purchase on the street. BMW has tuned the engine on the MY17→ R 1250 RT -P to operate on fuel with octane rates as low as 87 AKI, which provides tremendous savings to agencies over purchasing premium fuel at local gas stations. The chart on the right illustrates the potential cost savings. Often, motor purchases are decided with minimal differences in price without consideration to the effect of operational cost, yet these costs can dwarf the variance between competing bids. Fuel cost is one more reason why BMW Police Motors are the best long-term value for your agency. * Price of regular fuel, purchased by LAPD in bulk 7/2017 Retail fuel prices based on LA Times published 7/13/2017 ¹ MPG based on 2017 LASD test results for MY17 BMW R 1200 RT-P and H-D FLHTP - your results may vary ² H-D FLHTP only rated for premium fuel based on MY17 H-D Owner's Manual BMW provides service maintenance training classes at our Ontario, CA BMW Training Center free-of-charge to the agency. This class is specifically tailored to agency technicians who wish to fully maintain the motor as well as perform supplementary work such tire changes, clutch replacement, etc. BMW also offers training on the BMW ISPI diagnostic tester system for agencies with larger fleets that can justify the acquisition of a diagnostic tester. The training enrollment form can be found under the training tab on the BMW Police Motors website at www.bmwmc.net . Michigan State Police receiving indoctrination training from Dick Rothermel Fuel Cost Savings - Southern California July, 2017 Lifecycle Mileage 40,000 70,000 100,000 BMW R 1200 RT-P MPG¹ 38.8 Premium - Retail 3.08$ 3,175.26$ 5,556.70$ 7,938.14$ Regular - Retail 2.87$ 2,958.76$ 5,177.84$ 7,396.91$ Regular - Bulk* 2.18$ 2,247.42$ 3,932.99$ 5,618.56$ Savings 216.49$ 378.87$ 541.24$ 927.84$ 1,623.71$ 2,319.59$ H-D FLHTP²MPG¹ 35.7 Premium - Retail 3.08$ 3,450.98$ 6,039.22$ 8,627.45$ Savings 275.72$ 482.51$ 689.31$ 492.22$ 861.38$ 1,230.54$ 1,203.56$ 2,106.23$ 3,008.89$ BMW Regular Bulk vs FLHTP BMW Premium vs FLHTP Total Fuel Lifecycle Cost Total Fuel Lifecycle Cost BMW Regular Retail vs Premium BMW Regular Bulk vs Premium BMW Regular Retail vs FLHTP © 2019 BMW Motorrad USA. All Rights Reserved. A division of BMW of North America, LLC January, 2019 BMW Motors Perform at Michigan State Police Vehicle Test. BMW Motorrad USA supports the Michigan State Police Vehicle Test, participating again in the 2019 vehicle test program, with the R 1250 RT-P, F 850 GS-P and F 750 GS-P performing flawlessly in the testing, registering impressive results in all test categories throughout the testing program. Go to www.bmwmc.net under Products / Agency Reviews to see the complete test report with details on all motors tested. BMW Motorrad USA thanks the Michigan State Police for conducting their annual vehicle testing program, which we feel is a valuable service to law enforcement agencies everywhere. © 2019 BMW Motorrad USA. All Rights Reserved. A division of BMW of North America, LLC January, 2019 2019 Police Motor BMW R 1250 RT-P Harley-Davidson FLHTP Harley-Davidson FLHP Comparison Chart Manufacturer’s Equipment Engine: Displacement: Horsepower: Torque: Transmission: Clutch: Rear Drive: Minimum Octane Rating: Fuel Economy: (from 2017 LASD vehicle test) Electrical Output at Idle: Cooling System: Service Interval (in miles): Engine: 1254 cc 136 bhp @ 7,750 rpm 105 lb/ft @ 6,500 rpm 6-Speed 8-plate wet Shaft w/bevel gears 87 AKI (regular) 49.5 mpg (WMTC) 23-34 Ah (variable) Air / Water w/fan drive 600, then every 6,000 Engine: 1868 Not Listed 123 lb/ft @ 3,000 rpm 6-Speed 9-plate wet Belt 91 AKI (premium) 43 mpg 28 Ah Air / oil (fan optional) 1,000, then every 5,000 Engine: 1868cc Not Listed 123 lb/ft @ 3,000 rpm 6-Speed 9-plate wet Belt 91 AKI (premium) 43 mpg 28 Ah Air / oil (fan optional) 1,000, then every 5,000 Safety Features: Anti-lock Brakes: Cornering ABS: Traction Control: Tire Pressure Monitoring: Ride Modes: Rain & Road Safety Features: Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Safety Features: Standard Not Available Not Available Not Available Not Available Safety Features: Standard Not Available Not Available Not Available Not Available Performance:* Acceleration 0 – 100 mph: Top Speed: Braking 60 – 0: Dynamic Track Avg. Lap Time: Cornering / Lean Angle: Wet Weight: Performance:* 8.77 sec. 137 / 125² mph 130.7 feet 1:36.60 46 degrees 650 lbs. (complete) Performance:* 19.49 sec. 109 mph 137.5 feet 1:49.53 32 degrees 844 lbs. (stripped) Performance:* (stg 1 kit) 16.13sec. 109 mph 138.5 feet 1:50.46 32 degrees 831 lbs. (stripped) Equipment / Features: Full fairing protection: Elect. adjustable windshield: Radio box: Siren system: Full emergency lighting system: Photo-cell wig-wag headlight system: Pre-wired radio box connection strip: Auxiliary battery system: Parasitic load control: Take-down lights: Alley lights: Cruise lights: Pre-wired fairing dual radio speakers: Adjustable hand levers: Radio box lighter socket: Pre-wired gun lock release w/timer: Center stand: Heated seat: Heated grips: Electronic cruise control: Adjustable seat height: Equipment / Features: Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard¹ Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard¹ Standard¹ Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard¹ Standard 6 mph + in any gear 2 positions; Standard, Low or High Seats Available. Equipment / Features: Not Available Not Available Optional Optional Optional Not Available Not Available Optional Not Available Optional Not Available Not Available Optional Not Available Not Available Not Available Not Available Not Available Optional 29-90 mph in 2+ gear Seat strut adjustment based on rider weight. Equipment / Features: Not Available Not Available Optional Optional Optional Not Available Not Available Optional Not Available Optional Not Available Not Available Optional Not Available Not Available Not Available Not Available Not Available Optional 29-90 mph in 2+ gear Seat strut adjustment based on rider weight. Manufacturer’s New Motorcycle Limited Warranty: 36 months/60,000 miles 24 months/unlimited miles 24 months/unlimited miles * Performance results from 2019 Michigan State Police vehicle test preliminary report. Competitor information obtained from manufacturer’s website documentation. ¹ Full or partial feature can be optionally deleted. ² Top speed limit of 125 can be programmed by authorized BMW dealer if desired. © 2019 BMW Motorrad USA. All Rights Reserved. A division of BMW of North America, LLC January, 2019 R 1250 RT-P Options / Equipment Listing Factory Color Choices Other Convenience Options Night Black & Alpine White III (753) Side Stand Foot Extension Alpine White III (751) (Special Order) BMW Navigator VI GPS Night Black (716) GPS Mounting Other Colors Available via Special Order BMW Driving Lights Factory & Dealer Added Options Extra Ignition Key / Keyless Ride Fob Keyless Ride (193) LED Map Light Gear Shift Assist Pro (222) Note Pad Holder GPS Preparation (272) POLICE Decal Set Dynamic Package (204, 219, 224 + 182) Rear Flashlight Holder (LH or RH) Chrome Exhaust (350) Rear Flashlight / PR24 Holder – Left Additional Fog Lights (562) Rear Flashlight / PR24 Holder – Right Fire Extinguisher (666) Rear M4 Combat Assault Rifle Mount – Right High Seat – Heated (610) Rear Shotgun Mount – Right Low Seat – Heated (776) Gun Mount Bracket (required for above) Standard Factory Features Low Seat - Not Heated Heated Single Seat (518)* Std. Seat – Not Heated Heated Handlebar Grips (series std.) High Seat – Not Heated TPM (Tire Pressure Monitoring) (530)* Low Seat - Heated Traction Control System (series std.) High Seat - Heated ABS Pro (series std. from MY2018) Tire Pressure Gauge Electronic Cruise Control (538)* Saddlebag Liners (each) Weather Protection Pkg. (649)* Tank Top Bag w/Map Pocket US Authority Package (113) BMW 2.5Ah Battery Charger Authority Package (369) Motorcycle Deluxe Cover Full Interference Suppression (461) Stainless Steel Valve Cover Guards Electronic Siren (486) Engine Sump Protection Plate Authority Speedometer MPH (504) Video Integration Options Auxiliary Battery (537) L3 Mobile Vision Display Mount Switch-Off Lights (570) Kustom Road Warrior Display Head Mount Single Seat w/Large Radio Box (642) Kustom Road Warrior Processor Mt - Radio Box Painted Special Duty Cases (660) Camera Mount – Kustom or L3 Front Protection Bars (672) Radar Options Rear Protection Bars (674) Front 12v Power Outlet (lighter style) or USB Deviation from Standard (719) Fused Power Socket Power Harness Rear Socket (764) MPH Bee III Display Head Mount Michelin Tires (788) Kustom Eagle Display Head Mount Authority Vehicle (998) Kustom Raptor Display Head Mount Emergency Light Options Kustom Eagle Front & Rear Antenna Mounts Red, Blue, Amber, White LEDX Modules Kustom Raptor Front & Rear Antenna Mounts Duplex LEDX Rear Module Kustom Raptor Radar Counter Mt (in radio box lid) (Blue/Blue, Red/Red, Blue/Red, Blue/Amber) Kustom Remote Controller Mounting Bracket Twin Torus LED Take-Down Lights Stalker Controller Mount (under radio box lid) Single Torus LED Alley Lights Kustom / Stalker / Mic Remote Mt Hardware Auxiliary Brake/Tail LED Lights Stalker DSR 2X or Compact Remote Controller Bracket Auxiliary Side Turn Signal Lights Stalker Dual (not waterproof) Display Head Mount Saddlebag LED Lights Stalker DSR 2X or Compact Display Mount Radio Options Stalker Dual Waterproof Display Head Mt (old) Radio Power Plug Connector Stalker Front & Rear Antenna Mounts Radio “Y” Harness Radar / Lidar Gun Adaptor Plate Accessory Output Plugs (Radar / Lidar Gun Mounts from K26SF Model) Radio Speaker Plug Kustom Talon Radar Gun Mount Radio Quick Mounting Plate LTI 20/20 Lidar Gun Mount Helmet Headset Interface Plug Stalker Lidar Gun Mount Microphone Mount Kustom Pro-Laser 3 Lidar Gun Mount Microphone Mounting Hardware Kustom Pro-Laser 4 Lidar Gun Mount Low Band Antenna Ground Plate Stalker II Radar Gun Holster Mount * denotes can be removed to decontent motor © 2019 BMW Motorrad USA. All Rights Reserved. A division of BMW of North America, LLC January, 2019 Technical Specifications R 1250 RT-P Engine Layout Air/water-cooled flat twin ('Boxer') 4-stroke engine, two camshafts and four radially aligned valves per cylinder, central balancer shaft, BMW ShiftCam VVT. Bore x stroke 102.5 mm x 76 mm Displacement 1,254 cc Rated output 136 hp (100 kW) at 7,750 rpm Max. torque 105 ft-lb (143 Nm) at 6,250 rpm Compression ratio 12.5 : 1 Mixture control / engine management Electronic intake pipe injection / BMS-X+ electronic engine management with E-Gas electronic throttle actuator, ride mode control (rain / road), optional Ride Modes Pro with additional dynamic mode, reduced throttle twist angle to 70° Emission control Closed-loop 3-way catalytic converter, emission standard EU-4 Cooling System Air / water precision cooled, thermostatically-controlled micro-cooled, large radiators with computer-controlled auxiliary fan drive Maximum speed 125+ mph (200 km/h) Fuel consumption 60 mpg at a constant 56 mph Fuel type Premium fuel 91 AKI (pursuit rated minimum octane rating: 87 AKI) Alternator Three-phase alternator 504W w/auxiliary battery / 34Ah output at idle Battery, Main 12 V / 16 Ah, AGM maintenance-free Battery, Auxiliary 12 V / 16 Ah, AGM maintenance-free, with computer controlled charging relay Clutch Self-energizing wet clutch, 8-plates, hydraulic self-adjusting Gearbox Constant mesh 6-speed gearbox with helical gear teeth Drive System Shaft drive with integral torsion damper; standard ABS and traction control Frame Continuous tubular steel bridge-type frame, bolt-on rear frame section Front wheel location / suspension BMW Motorrad Telelever, central spring strut, hydraulic steering damper Rear wheel location / suspension Cast aluminum single-sided swing arm with BMW Motorrad EVO Paralever; WAD strut (travel-related damping), spring preload hydraulically adjustable (continuously variable) at hand wheel, rebound damping adjustable Suspension travel front / rear 4.7/5.4 inches (120 mm / 136 mm) Wheelbase 58.5 inches (1,485 mm) Castor 3.92 inches (99.6 mm) Steering head angle 64.1° Wheels Cast aluminum wheels, MTH2 rim profile Rim, front 3.50 x 17" Rim, rear 5.50 x 17" Tires, front 120/70 ZR 17 Michelin Pilot Road 4 Tires, rear 180/55 ZR 17 Michelin Pilot Road 4 Brake, front Dual disc brake, floating brake discs, diameter 320 mm, four-piston radial calipers Brake, rear Single disc brake, diameter 275 mm, double-piston floating caliper ABS BMW Motorrad Integral ABS (partial-integral) with ABS Pro standard Length 87.5 inches (2,222 mm) Width (incl. mirrors) 38.7 inches (983 mm) Height (excl. mirrors) 55.7 inches (1,416 mm) Seat height, wet weight 31.7/32.5 inches Std (high: 32.7 / 33.5 inches; low seat: 29.9 / 30.7 inches) Weight, wet 650 lbs (295 kg) GVWR 1,091 lbs (495 kg) Payload including rider 441 lbs (200 kg) Usable tank volume 6.6 gallons (25.0 liters) Reserve Approx. 1 gallon (4.0 liters) Saddlebag volume 23 liters each, top-opening Single key locking system Two metal coded keys are standard or two fob transmitters with Keyless Ride option. Additional coded keys or fobs can be ordered with unit or after purchase. Siren system BMW twin speaker electronic siren with wail, yelp, hyper-yelp, air-horn, PA. SAE J1849 and CA Title 13 compliant. 120 dB (A) @ 3 m. Emergency lighting system BMW/Code 3 LED light system (maximum 10 LEDX light heads) with alternating flash sequence, channel segregation for front & rear and duplex LEDX auxiliary rear. Alley lights Integrated alley light function utilizing separate Torus LED, selectable alternating wig -wag with emergency light operation. Cruise lights Integrated cruise light function for front and rear facing LED emergency lights to steady- burn at 10% power output. Take-down lights Integrated twin Torus LED, with selection switch for steady-burn or wig/wag alternating flash with emergency light operation. © 2019 BMW Motorrad USA. All Rights Reserved. A division of BMW of North America, LLC January, 2019 BMW Motorrad USA Contact Information: Keith Wilson, Nat’l Authority & Fleet Sales Manager Keith.Wilson@bmwna.com (248-472-6786 Cell) John Steele, Authority Representative – Central (Retired LASD Motor Sergeant) john.steele@bmwna.com (551-502-7207 Cell) Don Biava, Authority Representative – West (Retired California Highway Patrol) don.biava@bmwna.com (551-502-7203 Cell) Frank Stevens, Authority Technical Advisor frstevens59@gmail.com (201-264-8365 Cell) BMW Police Motors Website www.bmwmc.net Photo Courtesy of Ray Holt-Michigan State Police © 2019 BMW Motorrad USA. All Rights Reserved. A division of BMW of North America, LLC January, 2019 Limited Warranty 2019 Police Motorcycles (Valid only in the U.S.A.) BMW of North America, LLC (“BMW NA”) warrants to the first retail Public Authority (Purchaser) and each subsequent Purchaser of 2018 U.S. specification R 1200 RT-P BMW Police motorcycles, imported by BMW NA, to be free of defects in materials or workmanship for a period of 36 months or 60,000 miles, whichever occurs first, commencing with the date the motorcycle is delivered to its first retail Purchaser, or, if the motorcycle is first placed in service as a BMW Press motorcycle, BMW Employee Lease motorcycle, BMW Motorcycle demonstrator, BMW Display motorcycle, BMW Fleet Motorcycle or BMW Motorcycle retailer demonstrator prior to sale at retail, on the date the motorcycle is first placed in such service. To obtain service under this warranty, the motorcycle must be brought, upon discovery of the defect, to the workshop of any BMW Motorrad USA authorized motorcycle retailer. This motorcycle dealer will, without charge for parts or labor, either repair or replace the defective part(s) using new or authorized remanufactured parts. The decision whether to repair or replace said part(s) is solely the prerogative of BMW NA. Parts for which replacements are made become the property of BMW NA. BMW NA makes no other express warranty on this product except the warranty as to the emission control system. The duration of any implied warranty of merchantability, is limited to the duration of the express warranty herein. BMW NA hereby excludes incidental and consequential damages, including loss of time, inconvenience, or loss of use of the vehicle, for any breach of any express or implied warranty, including any implied warranty of merchantability that may be applicable to this product. Some states do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts, or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitations and exclusions may not apply to you. This warranty is not applicable to Certified Pre-Owned (CPO) Motorcycles offered for sale under the BMW Certified Pre-Owned Motorcycle Program. A separate Certified Pre-Owned protection Plan, described in applicable CPO literature, outlines the coverage provided to BMW CPO Motorcycles under the CPO Protection Plan. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state. Any legal claim or action arising from any express or implied warranty contained herein must be brought within 12 months of the date it arises. Notwithstanding the above, the following items are warranted against defects in material and workmanship for the first 12 months: • Halogen headlight bulbs LED bulbs as original equipment supplied by BMW (not Code 3, see below for Code 3 LED warning light warranty) • Paint, powder coat and chrome finishes Notwithstanding the above, the following items are warranted against defects in material and workmanship for the first 24 months: • Batteries This warranty does not apply to the following, except as noted above: a. Maintenance Services - This includes, but is not limited to, scheduled maintenance, such as oil changes, wheel balancing; mechanical adjustments or repairs which become necessary through normal wear and tear such as throttle body synchronization, steering bearing adjustments; or periodic maintenance such as input and Paralever drive shaft spline lubrications. b. Service & Wear Items - This includes, but is not limited to, the replacement of brake pads, linings and rotor assemblies, clutch plates, rear drive chain / belt and sprockets, spring strut dampers, steering head dampers, steering head, wheel and swing arm bearings and ball joints, incandescent bulbs, fuses, control cables, exhaust pipes and mufflers for discoloration of finish and rubber items such as hand grips, heated hand grips, foot rests, foot shift and control cable shields. c. Batteries - Batteries that exhibit signs of neglect or overcharging. d. Tires - Tires and tubes are warranted by their respective manufacturer for defects in materials and workmanship. e. Code 3 Emergency Products - BMW NA has arranged with Code 3 Public Safety Equipment, Inc. (“Code 3”) to allow authorized BMW motorcycle retailers to process valid Code 3 claims for warranty repair / replacement of Code 3 products; but only for Code 3 products supplied by BMW NA on new BMW police motors or originally distributed by BMW NA through the BMW parts system. Code 3 warranty duration is 3-years for LED’s light heads and LED flasher modules. Please refer to the warranty information provided with these products for further details. f. Other Emergency Lighting and Siren Systems - These components manufactured by Whelen, Federal Signal and Unitrol are warranted by their respective manufacturer for defects in material and workmanship. Please refer to the warranty information provided with these products for further details or consult the BMW police motors website for the respective manufacturer’s warranty / repair information at www.bmwmc.net . g. Improper Fuel Usage - Only use fuels advertised to have adequate detergency and low alcohol (maximum 10% ethanol) content. Please refer to your owner’s manual for important information on the fuel recommended for use in your vehicle. Use of fuels with insufficient detergent and/or excess alcohol can cause drivability problems that necessitate cleaning intake valves and fuel injection valves, and, when applicable, adjusting the engine idle. We suggest having this work performed by your authorized BMW dealer, perhaps while regular maintenance is performed. Your BMW dealer can also recommend a gasoline additive that will provide sufficient detergency. While this recommended unscheduled maintenance is not required in order to maintain the emissions warranty, cleaning of the intake valves or, when applicable, fuel injection valves, or adjustment of engine idle, necessitated by use of inappropriate fuel, it is not covered by warranty because no defect in material or workmanship or component failure is involved. h. Failure to Service - This includes, but is not limited to, damage attributable to failure to perform maintenance services at the specified intervals or in accordance with the instructions in the Rider’s Manual and/or Service & Technical booklet. Proof must be provided either by a paid invoice copy or filling in the appropriate boxes in the Service & Technical booklet. i. Damage - This includes, but is not limited to, damage resulting from negligence, improper treatment, the installation and use of side cars, three wheel conversions, trailer hitches, the towing of trailers of any description, accidents or improper accident damage repairs, corrosion from road salts, battery acid, cleaning agents, environmental influences, or treatment contrary to the Rider’s Manual and/or Service and Technical booklet. j. Non-BMW Parts - Damage to a component or assembly due to the installation of replacement parts with specifications that differ in any materia l respect from Original BMW Parts. k. Towing. Limited towing assistance is available through the BMW Motorcycle Roadside Assistance Plan. The warranty shall be null and void if: 1. The motorcycle is used in any competitive events. 2. The motorcycle has been declared a total loss or sold for salvage purposes. 3. If the Vehicle Identification Number has been altered or cannot be read. 4. Any performance accessories or components attached to the vehicle which alters the original engineering and/or operating specifications which results or may result in damage to other original components. 2021 R 1250 RT-P Motor Pricing Form Color Option Code 0 Night Black & Alpine White III 753 1 Night Black 716 0 Alpine White III (special order)751 0 Black Blue (special order +60 days)754 0 Saphir Blue (special order + 60 days)755 0 Violet Blue (special order +60 days)756 Revised: February 19, 2021 0 Glacier Silver Metallic (special order)N99 Quotation:Motorcycle North Palm Beach PD Option Code Retail Price $21,250.00 Factory Special-Order Options - Plan 90-120 Days for Delivery 0 Adaptive Headlight (includes 219)134 $550.00 $0.00 0 Keyless Ride w/two transmitters 193 $400.00 $0.00 0 Gear Shift Assist Pro 222 $450.00 $0.00 0 Ride Modes Pro (includes 18B)224 $220.00 $0.00 0 Chrome Exhaust 350 $150.00 $0.00 0 Additional LED Headlights (driving lights)562 $450.00 $0.00 0 PA Microphone 599 $565.00 $0.00 0 High Seat Black 610 $0.00 $0.00 0 Low Seat Black 776 $0.00 $0.00 0 Enhanced Smart Phone Connectivity 6NS $250.00 $0.00 The Options Below denote Standard Order Deck - Removal is only by Special Order - Option Delete 1 Heated Seat 518 $200.00 $200.00 1 Tire Pressure Monitoring 530 $200.00 $200.00 1 Cruise Control (standard feature)538 $0.00 $0.00 1 Weather Protection 649 $185.00 $185.00 Additional Labor Operations Provided by Dealer Florida Tire & Battery Tax $10.00 Quote includes list items $0.00 Delivery $250.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Once ordered please allow for 120 days for delivery to dealership,$0.00 time will be needed to outfit after M/C is received $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Units Quotation valid for 60 days Total Price - Page 1 $22,095.00 1 from date noted below.Total Price - Page 2 $2,309.68 Total Price - Page 3 $0.00 Date of Quote: Parts From Other Suppliers - Page 4 $0.00 Dealer Basic Assembly / Preparation $700.00 Motorcycle Freight $495.00 Total Retail Price per Unit with Options $25,599.68 0.00%State Sales Tax (if applicable)$0.00 Total Retail Price per Unit with Options $25,599.68 Note: Prices subject to change without notice. Final price is always determined by the selling authorized BMW Motorcycle dealer. BMW Motorcycles of Fort Lauderdale R 1250 RT-P Motor Pricing Form - Page 2 See Special Notation Comment Quotation for: North Palm Beach PD Blue ID Light Selection (1) 1 Standard Blue Pod-Mounted ID Lights - SID 63 17 2 361 717 $0.00 $0.00 0 Round Blue License Plate ID Lights - RID 71 60 2 452 897 $0.00 $0.00 Per Emergency Warning Lights (10)BMW P/N Order # Retail $0.15 Total Retail 5 Red LED-X Light 63 17 2 361 718 5 $108.36 $541.82 5 Blue LED-X Light 63 17 2 361 719 5 $108.36 $541.82 0 Amber LED-X Light 63 17 2 361 720 0 $108.36 $0.00 0 White LED-X Light 63 17 2 361 721 0 $117.09 $0.00 0 Green LED-X Light 63 17 2 450 782 0 $117.09 $0.00 Rear Duplex Emergency Warning Light (1) 0 Duplex LED-X Red / Red 63 17 2 361 728 0 $345.88 $0.00 0 Duplex LED-X Blue / Blue 63 17 2 361 729 0 $378.25 $0.00 1 Duplex LED-X Red / Blue 63 17 2 361 730 1 $362.07 $362.07 0 Duplex LED-X Blue / Amber 63 17 2 361 731 0 $362.07 $0.00 0 Duplex LED-X Green / Green 63 17 2 450 783 0 $362.07 $0.00 0 Duplex LED-X Amber / Amber 63 17 2 450 784 0 $362.07 $0.00 Take-Down (4) Alley (2) TS (2) BT (2) Saddlebag Light (1) Red ID (1) 6 White Torus LED TDL/Alley 63 17 2 361 722 6 $76.91 $461.44 2 Auxiliary LED Turn Signals 63 17 2 361 725 2 $72.82 $145.65 2 Auxiliary LED Brake/Tail Light 63 17 2 361 726 2 $56.64 $113.27 1 Saddlebag LED Lights w/sensor switch 63 17 2 361 727 1 $143.61 $143.61 0 Red ID Lights (replacing blue ID lights) 63 17 2 361 724 0 $107.33 $0.00 0 Round Blue License Plate ID Light Kit 71 60 2 452 876 0 $130.59 $0.00 Dealer Installed Options / Retrofits 0 Shift Assistant Pro (hardware)23 41 8 536 884 0 $677.22 $0.00 0 Shift Assistant Pro - Enabling Code 77 15 8 395 839 0 $40.54 $0.00 0 Ride Modes Pro - Enabling Code 77 53 8 395 840 0 $202.89 $0.00 0 Also Requires DTC Enabling Code 77 53 8 395 841 0 $52.71 $0.00 0 LED Auxiliary Headlights Nano (order 2)63 17 8 556 937 0 $154.00 $0.00 0 Bolt 6 x 40 (order 2)63 12 7 699 141 0 $5.35 $0.00 0 M6 Hex Nut (order 2)07 12 9 905 826 0 $3.06 $0.00 Requires Activation by Dealer - No Code Needed Convenience Options 0 Extra Ignition Key - No Keyless Ride 51 25 8 540 950 0 $91.60 $0.00 0 Extra Ignition Key - Keyless Fob Transmitter 66 12 8 555 168 0 $320.66 $0.00 0 Heated Seat - Low 52 53 8 544 786 0 $529.58 $0.00 0 Heated Seat - High 52 53 8 544 792 0 $529.58 $0.00 0 Tire Pressure Gauge 82 12 0 140 377 0 $32.12 $0.00 0 BMW Motorrad Battery Charger (2.5 Ah)77 02 2 470 951 0 $161.41 $0.00 0 DVD Repair Manuals R Models K5x 01 59 8 405 651 0 $91.55 $0.00 0 Motorcycle Full Cover 71 60 2 450 408 0 $136.88 $0.00 Note: Prices subject to change without notice. Always verify accuracy of part pricing before submitting quotations. Final price is always determined by the selling authorized BMW Motorcycle dealer. R 1250 RT-P Motor Pricing Form - Page 3 Quotation for: North Palm Beach PD Additional Accessories Qty Item Description Page 3 Per Additional Accessories BMW P/N Order # Retail Total Retail Storage Options 0 Saddlebag Liners (each)71 60 7 704 109 0 $123.46 $0.00 0 Tank Top Bag 77 45 8 543 227 0 $291.18 $0.00 Engine Protection 0 Rocker Cover Protection 77 14 8 406 187 0 $225.18 $0.00 0 Sump / Engine Protection Guard (order 1)11 84 8 532 939 0 $120.22 $0.00 0 Fillister Head Screws M6 x 20 (order 5) 07 12 9 908 076 0 $3.15 $0.00 0 Grommet (order 5)13 53 1 341 283 0 $2.58 $0.00 0 Bushing (order 5)11 84 8 544 832 0 $5.06 $0.00 0 Bracket front (order 1)11 84 8 532 937 0 $53.87 $0.00 0 Bracket Rear (order 1)11 84 8 532 940 0 $67.34 $0.00 0 C-Clip Nut M6 (have been included w/brackets)07 14 7 693 887 0 $2.58 $0.00 0 Fillister Head Screws M8 x 25 (order 5) 07 12 9 907 382 0 $1.58 $0.00 Note: Prices subject to change without notice. Always verify accuracy of part pricing before submitting quotations. Final price is always determined by the selling authorized BMW Motorcycle dealer. Additional Accessories From Other Suppliers - Page 4 Qty Description PN Price Each Total Price R 1250 RT-P Motor Pricing Form Color Option Code 0 Night Black & Alpine White III 753 1 Night Black 716 0 Alpine White III (special order)751 0 Black Blue (special order +60 days)754 0 Saphir Blue (special order + 60 days)755 0 Violet Blue (special order +60 days)756 Revised: March 03, 2021 0 Glacier Silver Metallic (special order)N99 Quotation:Motorcycle North Palm Beach PD Option Code Retail Price $20,811.86 Factory Special-Order Options - Plan 90-120 Days for Delivery 0 Adaptive Headlight (includes 219)134 $550.00 $0.00 0 Keyless Ride w/two transmitters 193 $400.00 $0.00 0 Gear Shift Assist Pro 222 $450.00 $0.00 0 Ride Modes Pro (includes 18B)224 $220.00 $0.00 0 Chrome Exhaust 350 $150.00 $0.00 0 Additional LED Headlights (driving lights)562 $450.00 $0.00 0 PA Microphone 599 $565.00 $0.00 0 High Seat Black 610 $0.00 $0.00 0 Low Seat Black 776 $0.00 $0.00 0 Enhanced Smart Phone Connectivity 6NS $250.00 $0.00 The Options Below denote Standard Order Deck - Removal is only by Special Order - Option Delete 1 Heated Seat 518 $200.00 $200.00 1 Tire Pressure Monitoring 530 $200.00 $200.00 1 Cruise Control (standard feature)538 $0.00 $0.00 1 Weather Protection 649 $185.00 $185.00 $5.00 $0.00 $250.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $25.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Units Quotation valid for 60 days Total Price - Page 1 $21,676.86 1 from date noted below.Total Price - Page 2 $2,309.68 Total Price - Page 3 $0.00 Date of Quote: 03/10/2021 Parts From Other Suppliers - Page 4 $0.00 $1,216.00 $495.00 $25,697.54 0.00%$0.00 $25,697.54 Additional Labor Operations Provided by Dealer If M/C is ordered please allow for 120 days for delivery to Dealership, time will be needed to outfit after M/C is received Quote by Darren Harris w/ BMW Motorcycles of Jacksonville Quotation valid for 1 RTP Shop Supplies Motorcycle Freight Battery and Tire Fee Quote includes listed items. Delivery to North Palm Beach PD per m/c Quote includes install of Police equip (Radio, Radar, Printer, Laptop, Laptop volt. Converter) & listed accessories/lights Total Retail Price per Unit with Options Dealer Basic Assembly / Preparation Total Retail Price per Unit with Options Note: Prices subject to change without notice. Final price is always determined by the selling authorized BMW Motorcycle dealer. State Sales Tax (if applicable) Police equipment will be provided by department, not responsible if computer size specifications are not compatible with top box size specifications This quote does not include pricing for modification to Rifle Mount for fitment of spec. agency SBR config. BMW Motorcycles of Jacksonville R 1250 RT-P Motor Pricing Form - Page 2 See Special Notation Comment Quotation for: North Palm Beach PD Blue ID Light Selection (1) 1 Standard Blue Pod-Mounted ID Lights - SID 63 17 2 361 717 $0.00 $0.00 0 Round Blue License Plate ID Lights - RID 71 60 2 452 897 $0.00 $0.00 Per Emergency Warning Lights (10)BMW P/N Order # Retail $0.15 Total Retail 5 Red LED-X Light 63 17 2 361 718 5 $108.36 $541.82 5 Blue LED-X Light 63 17 2 361 719 5 $108.36 $541.82 0 Amber LED-X Light 63 17 2 361 720 0 $108.36 $0.00 0 White LED-X Light 63 17 2 361 721 0 $117.09 $0.00 0 Green LED-X Light 63 17 2 450 782 0 $117.09 $0.00 Rear Duplex Emergency Warning Light (1) 0 Duplex LED-X Red / Red 63 17 2 361 728 0 $345.88 $0.00 0 Duplex LED-X Blue / Blue 63 17 2 361 729 0 $378.25 $0.00 1 Duplex LED-X Red / Blue 63 17 2 361 730 1 $362.07 $362.07 0 Duplex LED-X Blue / Amber 63 17 2 361 731 0 $362.07 $0.00 0 Duplex LED-X Green / Green 63 17 2 450 783 0 $362.07 $0.00 0 Duplex LED-X Amber / Amber 63 17 2 450 784 0 $362.07 $0.00 Take-Down (4) Alley (2) TS (2) BT (2) Saddlebag Light (1) Red ID (1) 6 White Torus LED TDL/Alley 63 17 2 361 722 6 $76.91 $461.44 2 Auxiliary LED Turn Signals 63 17 2 361 725 2 $72.82 $145.65 2 Auxiliary LED Brake/Tail Light 63 17 2 361 726 2 $56.64 $113.27 1 Saddlebag LED Lights w/sensor switch 63 17 2 361 727 1 $143.61 $143.61 0 Red ID Lights (replacing blue ID lights)63 17 2 361 724 0 $107.33 $0.00 0 Round Blue License Plate ID Light Kit 71 60 2 452 876 0 $130.59 $0.00 Dealer Installed Options / Retrofits 0 Shift Assistant Pro (hardware)23 41 8 536 884 0 $677.22 $0.00 0 Shift Assistant Pro - Enabling Code 77 15 8 395 839 0 $40.54 $0.00 0 Ride Modes Pro - Enabling Code 77 53 8 395 840 0 $202.89 $0.00 0 Also Requires DTC Enabling Code 77 53 8 395 841 0 $52.71 $0.00 0 LED Auxiliary Headlights Nano (order 2)63 17 8 556 937 0 $154.00 $0.00 0 Bolt 6 x 40 (order 2)63 12 7 699 141 0 $5.35 $0.00 0 M6 Hex Nut (order 2)07 12 9 905 826 0 $3.06 $0.00 Requires Activation by Dealer - No Code Needed Convenience Options 0 Extra Ignition Key - No Keyless Ride 51 25 8 540 950 0 $91.60 $0.00 0 Extra Ignition Key - Keyless Fob Transmitter 66 12 8 555 168 0 $320.66 $0.00 0 Heated Seat - Low 52 53 8 544 786 0 $529.58 $0.00 0 Heated Seat - High 52 53 8 544 792 0 $529.58 $0.00 0 Tire Pressure Gauge 82 12 0 140 377 0 $32.12 $0.00 0 BMW Motorrad Battery Charger (2.5 Ah)77 02 2 470 951 1 $161.41 $0.00 0 DVD Repair Manuals R Models K5x 01 59 8 405 651 0 $91.55 $0.00 0 Motorcycle Full Cover 71 60 2 450 408 1 $136.88 $0.00 Note: Prices subject to change without notice. Always verify accuracy of part pricing before submitting quotations. Final price is always determined by the selling authorized BMW Motorcycle dealer. R 1250 RT-P Motor Pricing Form Color Option Code 0 Night Black & Alpine White III 753 1 Night Black 716 0 Alpine White III (special order)751 0 Black Blue (special order +60 days)754 0 Saphir Blue (special order + 60 days)755 0 Violet Blue (special order +60 days)756 Revised: March 10, 2021 0 Glacier Silver Metallic (special order)N99 Quotation: From Long Beach BMW Motorcycle North Palm Beach Police Dept.Option Code Retail Price $22,105.26 Factory Special-Order Options - Plan 90-120 Days for Delivery 0 Adaptive Headlight (includes 219)134 $550.00 $0.00 0 Keyless Ride w/two transmitters 193 $400.00 $0.00 0 Gear Shift Assist Pro 222 $450.00 $0.00 0 Ride Modes Pro (includes 18B)224 $220.00 $0.00 0 Chrome Exhaust 350 $150.00 $0.00 0 Additional LED Headlights (driving lights)562 $450.00 $0.00 0 PA Microphone 599 $565.00 $0.00 0 High Seat Black 610 $0.00 $0.00 0 Low Seat Black 776 $0.00 $0.00 0 Enhanced Smart Phone Connectivity 6NS $250.00 $0.00 The Options Below denote Standard Order Deck - Removal is only by Special Order - Option Delete 1 Heated Seat 518 $200.00 $200.00 1 Tire Pressure Monitoring 530 $200.00 $200.00 1 Cruise Control (standard feature)538 $0.00 $0.00 1 Weather Protection 649 $185.00 $185.00 $750.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $10.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Units Quotation valid for 60 days Total Price - Page 1 $23,450.26 1 from date noted below.Total Price - Page 2 $2,471.09 Total Price - Page 3 $0.00 Date of Quote: 03/10/2021 Parts From Other Suppliers - Page 4 $0.00 $1,000.00 $495.00 $27,416.36 0.00%$0.00 $27,416.36 Delivery Fee Additional Labor Operations Provided by Dealer Motorcycle Freight Total Retail Price per Unit with Options Dealer Basic Assembly / Preparation Total Retail Price per Unit with Options Note: Prices subject to change without notice. Final price is always determined by the selling authorized BMW Motorcycle dealer. State Sales Tax (if applicable) Florida Tire and Battery Tax Long Beach BMW Motorcycles R 1250 RT-P Motor Pricing Form - Page 2 See Special Notation Comment Quotation for: North Palm Beach Police Dept. Blue ID Light Selection (1) 1 Standard Blue Pod-Mounted ID Lights - SID 63 17 2 361 717 $0.00 $0.00 0 Round Blue License Plate ID Lights - RID 71 60 2 452 897 $0.00 $0.00 Per Emergency Warning Lights (10)BMW P/N Order #Retail $0.15 Total Retail 5 Red LED-X Light 63 17 2 361 718 5 $108.36 $541.82 5 Blue LED-X Light 63 17 2 361 719 5 $108.36 $541.82 0 Amber LED-X Light 63 17 2 361 720 0 $108.36 $0.00 0 White LED-X Light 63 17 2 361 721 0 $117.09 $0.00 0 Green LED-X Light 63 17 2 450 782 0 $117.09 $0.00 Rear Duplex Emergency Warning Light (1) 0 Duplex LED-X Red / Red 63 17 2 361 728 0 $345.88 $0.00 0 Duplex LED-X Blue / Blue 63 17 2 361 729 0 $378.25 $0.00 1 Duplex LED-X Red / Blue 63 17 2 361 730 1 $362.07 $362.07 0 Duplex LED-X Blue / Amber 63 17 2 361 731 0 $362.07 $0.00 0 Duplex LED-X Green / Green 63 17 2 450 783 0 $362.07 $0.00 0 Duplex LED-X Amber / Amber 63 17 2 450 784 0 $362.07 $0.00 Take-Down (4) Alley (2) TS (2) BT (2) Saddlebag Light (1) Red ID (1) 6 White Torus LED TDL/Alley 63 17 2 361 722 6 $76.91 $461.44 2 Auxiliary LED Turn Signals 63 17 2 361 725 2 $72.82 $145.65 2 Auxiliary LED Brake/Tail Light 63 17 2 361 726 2 $56.64 $113.27 1 Saddlebag LED Lights w/sensor switch 63 17 2 361 727 1 $143.61 $143.61 0 Red ID Lights (replacing blue ID lights)63 17 2 361 724 0 $107.33 $0.00 0 Round Blue License Plate ID Light Kit 71 60 2 452 876 0 $130.59 $0.00 Dealer Installed Options / Retrofits 0 Shift Assistant Pro (hardware)23 41 8 536 884 0 $677.22 $0.00 0 Shift Assistant Pro - Enabling Code 77 15 8 395 839 0 $40.54 $0.00 0 Ride Modes Pro - Enabling Code 77 53 8 395 840 0 $202.89 $0.00 0 Also Requires DTC Enabling Code 77 53 8 395 841 0 $52.71 $0.00 0 LED Auxiliary Headlights Nano (order 2)63 17 8 556 937 0 $154.00 $0.00 0 Bolt 6 x 40 (order 2)63 12 7 699 141 0 $5.35 $0.00 0 M6 Hex Nut (order 2)07 12 9 905 826 0 $3.06 $0.00 Requires Activation by Dealer - No Code Needed Convenience Options 0 Extra Ignition Key - No Keyless Ride 51 25 8 540 950 0 $91.60 $0.00 0 Extra Ignition Key - Keyless Fob Transmitter 66 12 8 555 168 0 $320.66 $0.00 0 Heated Seat - Low 52 53 8 544 786 0 $529.58 $0.00 0 Heated Seat - High 52 53 8 544 792 0 $529.58 $0.00 0 Tire Pressure Gauge 82 12 0 140 377 0 $32.12 $0.00 1 BMW Motorrad Battery Charger (2.5 Ah)77 02 2 470 951 1 $161.41 $161.41 0 DVD Repair Manuals R Models K5x 01 59 8 405 651 0 $91.55 $0.00 0 Motorcycle Full Cover 71 60 2 450 408 0 $136.88 $0.00 Note: Prices subject to change without notice. Always verify accuracy of part pricing before submitting quotations. Final price is always determined by the selling authorized BMW Motorcycle dealer. R 1250 RT-P Motor Pricing Form - Page 3 Quotation for: North Palm Beach Police Dept. Additional Accessories Qty Item Description Page 3 Per Additional Accessories BMW P/N Order #Retail Total Retail Storage Options 0 Saddlebag Liners (each)71 60 7 704 109 0 $123.46 $0.00 0 Tank Top Bag 77 45 8 543 227 0 $291.18 $0.00 Engine Protection 0 Rocker Cover Protection 77 14 8 406 187 0 $225.18 $0.00 0 Sump / Engine Protection Guard (order 1)11 84 8 532 939 0 $120.22 $0.00 0 Fillister Head Screws M6 x 20 (order 5) 07 12 9 908 076 0 $3.15 $0.00 0 Grommet (order 5)13 53 1 341 283 0 $2.58 $0.00 0 Bushing (order 5)11 84 8 544 832 0 $5.06 $0.00 0 Bracket front (order 1)11 84 8 532 937 0 $53.87 $0.00 0 Bracket Rear (order 1)11 84 8 532 940 0 $67.34 $0.00 0 C-Clip Nut M6 (have been included w/brackets)07 14 7 693 887 0 $2.58 $0.00 0 Fillister Head Screws M8 x 25 (order 5) 07 12 9 907 382 0 $1.58 $0.00 Final price is always determined by the selling authorized BMW Motorcycle dealer. Note: Prices subject to change without notice. Always verify accuracy of part pricing before submitting quotations. Qty Description PN Price Each Total Price Additional Accessories From Other Suppliers - Page 4 VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT TO: Honorable Mayor and Council BY: THRU: Andrew D. Lukasik, Village Manager Chuck Huff, Interim Public Works Director DATE: March 25,2021 SUBJECT: RESOLUTION – Approving the purchase of a new John Deere 310SL Loader Backhoe from Dobbs Equipment at a total cost of $115,279.75 and authorizing the surplus of a 1999 John Deere Loader Backhoe Village Staff is recommending Village Council consideration and adoption of a Resolution approving the purchase of a new John Deere 310Sl Loader Backhoe and the surplus of a 1999 John Deere Loader Backhoe. Background: The Village’s Public Works Street Department utilizes a loader backhoe to perform various jobs throughout the Village including sidewalk repairs, street repairs, irrigation repairs, hurricane/tropical storm debris removal and most importantly stormwater repairs along with many other minor Village projects. The Village purchased a 1999 John Deere loader backhoe to perform these various tasks; however, the Village has recently been unable to use the backhoe because of constant breakdowns. The down time for this piece of equipment becomes lengthy because some of the parts are no longer available, rendering it useless. Staff is in need of a new loader backhoe to become more efficient in completing projects. Currently, staff does not use this piece of equipment in fear of it becoming disabled in the field as it becomes costly to have it towed back to Public Works. Loader Backhoe Replacement: This equipment is scheduled to be replaced, and is included in the 5-Year Capital Improvement Plan, in FY 2022. Although the existing loader backhoe isn’t scheduled for replacement until next fiscal year, staff is recommending immediate replacement due to the Village’s current operational needs. Staff has identified a new John Deere 310SL Loader Backhoe that is available pursuant to pricing establishing in an existing Florida Sheriff’s Association Contract (Contract No. FSA20-EQU 18.0 Heavy Equipment). The Streets Supervisor has indicated that this piece of equipment is vital to his operations within the Village. The Village has received a quote from Dobbs Equipment, LLC, the approved vendor under the Florida Sheriff’s Association Contract, at a cost not to exceed not to exceed $115,279.75. Funding: Because this acquisition isn’t budgeted this fiscal year, Village Staff is recommending using surtax funds to make this purchase now and then replenish the allocated funds in FY2022. On March 16, 2021, Village Staff took this item to the Infrastructure Surtax Committee for discussion and they have agreed to the purchase described above. Surplus: The existing 1999 John Deere 310E loader backhoe (Product Identification Number T0310EX871896) will be surplused and placed on Govdeals.com for sale. The attached Resolution has been prepared and/or reviewed for legal sufficiency by the Village Attorney. Account Information: Fund Department / Division Account Number Account Description Amount Infrastructure Surtax Public Works / Streets & Grounds Maintenance I7321-66490 Machinery & Equipment $115,279.75 Recommendation: Village Staff requests Council consideration and approval of the attached Resolution approving the purchase of a new John Deere 310SL Loader Backhoe from Dobbs Equipment, LLC (a John Deere Dealer) pursuant to pricing established in an existing Florida Sheriff’s Association Contract (Contract No. FSA20-EQU 18.0 Heavy Equipment) at a cost not to exceed $115,279.75, with funds expended from Infrastructure Surtax Fund Account No. I7321-66490 (Machinery & Equipment), and approving the surplus of an existing 1999 John Deere 310 loader backhoe and authorizing its disposal in accordance with Village policies and procedures. RESOLUTION 2021- A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA APPROVING THE PURCHASE OF A JOHN DEERE 310SL LOADER BACKHOE FROM DOBBS EQUIPMENT, LLC PURSUANT TO PRICING ESTABLISHED IN AN EXISTING FLORIDA SHERIFF’S ASSOCIATION CONTRACT FOR HEAVY EQUIPMENT; AUTHORIZING THE SURPLUS OF AN EXISTING BACKHOE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Public Works Department is requesting approval of the purchase of a new John Deere 310SL Loader Backhoe from Dobbs Equipment, LLC pursuant to pricing established in an existing Florida Sheriff’s Association Contract (Contract No. FSA20-EQU 18.0 Heavy Equipment) to replace an existing 1999 John Deere Backhoe; and WHEREAS, the Village’s purchasing policies and procedures authorize competitive concurrent purchasing utilizing existing government contracts; and WHEREAS, the Village Council determines that the adoption of this Resolution is in the best interests of the residents and citizens of the Village of North Palm Beach. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA as follows: Section 1. The foregoing recitals are ratified as true and incorporated herein. Section 2. The Village Council hereby approves the purchase of a new John Deere 310SL Loader Backhoe from Dobbs Equipment, LLC pursuant to pricing established in an existing Florida Sheriff’s Association Contract (Contract No. FSA20-EQU 18.0 Heavy Equipment) at a cost not to exceed $115,279.75, with funds expended from Account No. I7321-66490 (Infrastructure Surtax – Machinery & Equipment. Section 3. The Village Council declares the following item as surplus property and authorizes its disposal in accordance with Village policies and procedures: 1999 John Deere 310E Loader Backhoe PIN: T0310EX871896 Section 3. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS ____DAY OF ____________, 2021. (Village Seal) MAYOR ATTEST: VILLAGE CLERK Greg Dudek, Governmental Sales Manager 3933 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd West Palm Beach, FL 33404 Phone (239) 470-0822 Fax (561) 848-7099 A John Deere Dealer FLORIDA SHERIFFS ASSOCIATION FLORIDA ASSOCIATION OF COUNTIES 2020-2021 Contract for Vehicles and Equipment Contract Number FSA20-EQU18.0 Spec#169 4x4 Loader Backhoe John Deere 310SL Loader Backhoe March 16, 2021 Quote For: Village of North Palm Beach Base Unit: One (1) Deere 310SL Backhoe Loader, 4X4, Canopy $71,750.00 24” Backhoe Bucket, Deere Two Lever Controls, 1.3 Yd Loader Bucket, SMV Emblem Stated Options From Contract: 3095 Auto-Shift Transmission 2,070.00 2035 Enclosed Cab with Air Conditioning 10,189.00 QC125GB 1.25 yard Grapple Bucket 11,229.00 6020-1 Extendible Rear Dipperstick 5,856.00 5285 Pilot Joystick Controls with pattern selector 1,816.00 7085 Front Coupler, third function hydraulics and ride control 6,982.00 9116 Premium LED Light Package 737.00 9505 Add MFWD Driveshaft Guard 299.00 9905 Strobe Light 412.00 9917 AM/FM/WB Radio 611.00 AT308139 60X60 Front Coupler Forks 2,890.00 Non Specified options @ 25% Discount from List: 9060 Front View Mirror 82.00 9965 Cloth Air Suspension Seat 503.00 Total List Price Non-Specified Options: 585.00 Less Contract Discount of 25%: (146.25) Total Non Specified Options 438.75 Total Sheriffs Price FOB Village of North Palm Beach $115,279.75 FSA Price Standard Equipment Included: 12.5/80-18 Tall Front Tires Power shift Transmission/Limited slip front Axle 2 Exterior Rear View Mirrors/Grill Bumper Guards Battery Disconnect and Jumper Lug JD Link GPS system with 60 month monitoring Made in the U.S.A LIFT MORE AND MULTITASK L-SERIESBACKHOES 310L EP / 310L / 310SL / 310SL HL / 315SL / 410L / 710L THE L-SERIES LOOKING FOR MORE RELIABILITY AND PRODUCTIVITY? WE’VE GOT YOUR BACKHOE. AND YOUR B OE. R BACK. RELIABLE PRODUCTIVE + 4 UP TO 25%MORE LIFTING CAPABILITY WE WENT TO YOU, OUR CUSTOMER. TO BUILD A BETTER BACKHOE, Through our Customer Advocate Group (CAG), we collected invaluable input from owners and operators — the ones who know best what customers really need. You spoke. And we listened and responded with our 710L with 13-percent more horsepower and improved rear backhoe controllability. Redesigned pilot controllers that provide a 16-percent hydraulic metering range. The popular, competitively priced 310L EP as well as our heavy-lift and side-shift models, all with a host of proven features to help you boost productivity and maximize uptime, while lowering daily operating costs. When it comes to delivering what you want, nobody responds like John Deere. SIDE-SHIFT FOR TIGHT SPACES WITH THE 315SL Standard-equipped side-shift backhoes can be offset up to 21 in. right or left of center, making them ideal for work in crowded urban areas and around obstacles. Not all features described are available for all models or configurations. Please review the Additional Equipment section and consult with your local dealer for the latest standard and optional offerings. Proven engine technology You can feel confident in the performance, fuel efficiency, and reliability of the Deere 310L EP’s proven Yanmar 3.3L engine. This IT4-equivalent diesel complies with FT4 emissions regulations without the need for aftertreatment components, minimizing machine complexity and the number of parts needed to maintain your fleet. Powerful FT4 engines Rugged FT4/Stage IV PowerTech™ Plus diesel engines* meet rigid emissions regulations, enabling you to work, wherever there’s work — even in nonattainment areas. Our field-proven technology is simple, fluid efficient, fully integrated, and fully supported. It employs cooled exhaust gas recirculation (EGR), easy-to-maintain high-uptime exhaust filter (710L only), and selective catalytic reduction (SCR). True four-wheel drive on command Standard limited-slip mechanical- front-wheel drive (MFWD) (optional on the 310L EP and 310L) delivers surefooted traction in any ground condition. Engage momentary MFWD “on the fly” with the touch of a button on the loader control. Powertrain performance Responsive and productive five- speed transmission on the 310SL, 310SL HL, 315SL, and 410L provides transport speeds up to 25 mph. Add the AutoShift option and increase operator ease of use and comfort in any application. Smooth gear changes PowerShift™ transmission provides on-the-go clutchless gear changes for the operator. Control the ride and the load With optional ride control (standard on the 710L), front loader hydraulic cylinders act as a shock absorber, smoothing travel over rough terrain, helping full loads reach their destination, and reducing operator fatigue. Upgrade to auto ride control to automatically turn ride control on or off based on machine ground speed. Adjust speed activation through the monitor. Better lifting capability The 310SL HL, 410L, and 710L deliver 10- to 25-percent more backhoe lift under normal conditions. Multifunction hydraulics PCLS hydraulics on the heavy-lift 310SL HL, 410L, and 710L ensure superior multifunction capability at all engine rpm speeds. GET MORE DONE WITH ONE MULTIFUNCTION VERSATILITY, UNRIVALED CAPABILITY. Why run two machines when one will do? Whether you’re loading trucks, busting up blacktop, placing pipe, digging trenches, or moving materials, an L-Series Backhoe is more than up to the task. Building upon our highly productive K-Series Backhoes, the L-Series features additional backhoe lift capability and pressure-compensated load-sensing (PCLS) hydraulics (on the 310SL HL, 410L, and 710L), for superb multifunction performance. The result: our most versatile backhoes ever. EPA FINAL TIER 4 (FT4)/EU STAGE IV POWERTECH PLUS DIESEL ENGINES* *EPA Interim Tier 4 (IT4)-equivalent Yanmar on the 310L EP. FT4 BIG LIF T.SMALLFOOTPRINT. 6 STANDOUT FEATURE Thanks to Deere asking for my input, I get a better machine, and these improvements make all the difference in my day’s productivity. More lift capacity at the push of a button Along with the 410L, the 310SL HL can deliver up to 25-percent more backhoe-lift capacity than their comparable K-Series models. Lift mode provides an additional boost of 10 to 15 percent. Simply pushing a button on the sealed-switch module sets engine rpm at 1,400 and maximizes hydraulic pressure for increased lifting capability. PCLS hydraulics for superb multifunction operation The 310SL HL delivers all the advantages of PCLS hydraulics in the 14–15-ft. digging-depth category, enabling operator efficiency and productivity through improved multifunction control. Control in close quarters Standard on the 310SL HL, 410L, and 710L, precision mode reduces the speed of hydraulic backhoe functions, for close work around underground utilities or jobsite obstacles, or when lifting. This control-enhancing feature is especially useful for less experienced operators or new trainees. THE 310SL HL HEAVY-LIFT BACKHOE Managing an expanding workload and multiple tasks doesn’t have to mean moving up to a larger backhoe. Boasting significantly more lifting capability than previous models, along with pressure- compensated load-sensing (PCLS) hydraulics, our 310SL HL is surprisingly adept — and may be the perfect addition to your equipment lineup. — Todd Heiderscheidt, Backhoe CAG Member WHAT THE EXPERTS ARE SAYING: UP TO 15% INCREASE IN LIFTING POWER WITH LIFT MODE MORE CONTROL AT YOUR FINGERTIPS MAXIMUM PRODUCTIVITY IS CLOSE AT HAND. Increased productivity is within easy reach in an L-Series Backhoe. Redesigned loader-control grip and pilot controllers provide effortless, fingertip operation of the backhoe and loader, while other machine functions are conveniently located on the steering column. 8 REDESIGNED PILOT TOWERS GIVE MORE LEGROOM AND SPACE TO ROTATE More legroom and space to rotate Redesigned pilot towers provide more legroom and additional space for transitioning between loader and backhoe operation. Extend your workday LED lighting kit includes choice of LED spot- or floodlights, enhancing visibility when your workday goes long. Easy-to-use loader-control grip Enhanced “palm-on-top” loader-control grip is even more comfortable and easy to use. Control clutch disconnect, transmission quick-shift, auxiliary proportional roller, and momentary mechanical-front-wheel drive. Steering column controls Exterior lights, wipers, and turn signals are conveniently located on the multifunction lever on the steering column — just like the family SUV — helping operators keep their eyes on the job at hand. Excellent view to front loader bucket Clear sightlines to the loader bucket corners have been maintained over the sloped hood, even with the addition of the aftertreatment components needed to meet FT4/Stage IV compliance. Fatigue-beating comfort L-Series Backhoes are loaded with creature comforts, including efficient HVAC system, adjustable mechanical or air-suspension seat, and optional premium radio with Bluetooth® and auxiliary input. Have a seat — your way Two seat options are available from the factory to maximize comfort and productivity. A heated, air-suspension seat helps keep the operator warm and comfortable even on the coldest days. An air-suspension seat smoothes the ride for open-canopy configurations. CLEAR SIGHTLINES TO FRONT LOADER BUCKET 10 UNSURPASSED RELIABILITY WON’T BACK DOWN. OR LET YOU DOWN. Built with state-of-the-art tools and technology by a quality-conscious workforce at our world-class facility in Dubuque, Iowa, U.S.A., L-Series Backhoes deliver unmatched reliability and uptime. When you know how they’re built, you’ll run a Deere. 4WD OPTION AT YOUR COMMAND More durable multipurpose bucket Our rugged multipurpose bucket has been reinforced with thicker plates and stronger cylinder mountings to extend wear life. Bias and radial tire options Choose from a variety of factory- installed tire options, for the traction, performance, and long service life your specific application requires. Diff-lock protection Enabled through the monitor, differential-lock protection prevents engagement at high travel speeds and the resulting wear and tear on axle components. Maintenance-free batteries Standard maintenance-free batteries reduce periodic servicing, improve cold-starting reliability, and lengthen battery life. Quick, clean filter changes Vertical spin-on engine, transmission, and hydraulic filters and quick- release fuel filters allow fast, clean changes. Standard heavy-duty transmission oil filter enhances reliability. Protect your investment Machine-security system with touchpad passcode safeguards against unauthorized operation. Get connected Customer-inspired backhoe hydraulic quick-coupler option helps expand jobsite capabilities. When equipped, both front loader and rear backhoe hydraulic couplers are conveniently controlled, based on seat position, by a single button on the sealed- switch module. Superior hydraulic oil L-Series Backhoes come factory- filled with Hydrau™ premium all-season, anti-wear hydraulic oil specifically designed for construction equipment. For cold weather, opt for Hydrau™ XR, which offers all- season protection from –40 to 40 deg. C (–40 to 104 deg. F). THE 710L UP TO 10% INCREASE IN BACKHOE LIFT CAPACITY (WITH LIFT MODE ACTIVATED) 13% MORE HORSE- POWER THAN PREVIOUS MODEL MAXIMUM DIGGING DEPTH (WITH OPTIONAL EXTENDABLE DIPPERSTICK) 21-ft. 9-in. EASY MAINTENANCE KEEP THE PEACE. AND YOUR PEACE OF MIND. Save fuel with economy mode Standard economy mode can be configured separately between loader and backhoe functions. Activate economy mode for backhoe functions while retaining full power for loader functions. This helps maximize fuel usage in lighter-work applications with minimal effect on machine performance. Improved diagnostics State-of-the-art multi-language monitor clearly displays machine diagnostics. Operators can quickly and easily program a multitude of time-specific functions such as auto shutdown and auto-idle. DEF concentration sensor Diesel exhaust fluid (DEF) concentration sensor measures fluid in the DEF tank and issues an alert of potential engine derate. Minimize downtime and expense Same-side ground-level service points speed daily checks and fills. Other common- sense features such as quick-change filters, extended service intervals, simple-to-read sight gauges, and easy-access grease zerks help increase uptime and lower daily operating costs. Coolers allow easy cleanout Hinged, stacked-assembly coolers tilt away from the radiator for convenient core cleanout. 12 Keep downtime down with JOHN DEERE ULTIMATE UPTIME John Deere Ultimate Uptime, featuring John Deere WorkSight, is a customizable support solution available exclusively from your Deere dealer. This flexible offering maximizes equipment availability with standard John Deere WorkSight capabilities that can help prevent future downtime and speed repairs when needed. In addition to the base John Deere WorkSight features, our dealers work with you to build an uptime package that meets the specific needs of your machine, fleet, project, and business, including customized maintenance and repair agreements, onsite parts availability, extended warranties, fluid sampling, response-time guarantees, and more. Get valuable insight with JOHN DEERE WORKSIGHT™ John Deere WorkSight is an exclusive suite of telematics solutions that increases uptime while lowering operating costs. At its heart, JDLink™ machine monitoring provides real-time utilization data and alerts to help you maximize productivity and efficiency while minimizing downtime. Remote diagnostics enable your dealer to read codes and record performance data without a trip to the jobsite. Save fuel and reduce noise Auto-idledecreases engine speed when hydraulics aren’t in use, to helpmaintain quietworking conditionsand conserve precious fuel. Auto shutdown turns off the engine after an operator-selected period of inactivity, further keeping noise and fuel consumption down. Quiet, fuel-efficient fan Variable-speed electronically controlled fan automatically speeds up or slows down, operating only as needed to keep things cool. Conserves power and fuel, while reducing noise. Reliable engine technology 310L EP IT4-equivalent Yanmar engine requires no aftertreatment. 310SL HL and 410L FT4/Stage IV PowerTech Plus engines feature a diesel oxidation catalyst (DOC) and a selective catalytic reduction (SCR) system. 310L, 310SL, 315SL, and 710L FT4/Stage IV PowerTech Plus diesels include an SCR system. Only the 710L requires a diesel particulate filter (DPF). 14 SPECIFICATIONS/ Engine 310L EP 310L Manufacturer and Model Yanmar 4TNV98CT turbocharged John Deere PowerTech™ Plus 4045HT096 turbocharged Non-Road Emission Standard EPA Interim Tier 4 equivalent, EPA Final Tier 4 compliant EPA Final Tier 4/EU Stage IV Displacement 3.3 L (203 cu. in.)4.5 L (276 cu. in.) Gross Peak Power 54 kW (72 hp) at 2,330 rpm 71 kW (95 hp) at 2,240 rpm Power Ratings Net Peak Power (ISO 9249)51 kW (69 hp) at 2,010 rpm 69 kW (93 hp) at 2,240 rpm Net Peak Torque (ISO 9249)271 Nm (200 lb.-ft.) at 1,800 rpm 383 Nm (282 lb.-ft.) at 1,400 rpm Net Torque Rise 27%28% Lubrication Pressure system with spin-on filter and cooler Pressure system with spin-on filter and cooler Air Cleaner Dual-stage dry type with safety element and evacuator valve Dual-stage dry type with safety element and evacuator valve Cooling Fan Type Viscous variable-rate (temperature controlled) cooling fan standard Electronically controlled, variable rate, suction-type cooling fan Engine Coolant Rating –40 deg. C (–40 deg. F)–40 deg. C (–40 deg. F) Engine Oil Cooler Oil to water Oil to water Powertrain Transmission 4-speed, helical-cut gears, full PowerShift™ transmission with hydraulic reverser standard; electric clutch cutoff on loader lever Torque Converter Single stage, dual phase with 2.63:1 stall ratio, 280 mm (11 in.) Maximum Travel Speeds with Standard Engine, Measured with 19.5L-24 Rear Tires Forward Reverse Forward Reverse Gear 1 5.3 km/h (3.3 mph)6.7 km/h (4.2 mph)5.4 km/h (3.4 mph)6.8 km/h (4.2 mph) Gear 2 9.7 km/h (6.0 mph)12.3 km/h (7.6 mph) 9.9 km/h (6.2 mph)12.6 km/h (7.8 mph) Gear 3 20.1 km/h (12.5 mph)—20.5 km/h (12.7 mph)— Gear 4 36.4 km/h (22.6 mph)—36.9 km/h (22.9 mph)— Axles Axle Oscillation, Stop to Stop, Front Axle 22 deg.22 deg. Axle Ratings Front Rear Front Rear SAE J43 5000 kg (11,000 lb.)6000 kg (13,200 lb.)5000 kg (11,000 lb.)6000 kg (13,200 lb.) Dynamic 9000 kg (19,800 lb.) 10 000 kg (22,000 lb.) 9000 kg (19,800 lb.) 10 000 kg (22,000 lb.) Static 23 500 kg (51,800 lb.) 26 500 kg (58,400 lb.) 24 500 kg (54,000 lb.) 26 500 kg (58,400 lb.) Ultimate 37 000 kg (81,600 lb.) 39 500 kg (87,100 lb.) 41 500 kg (91,500 lb.) 41 500 kg (91,500 lb.) Differentials Mechanical-Front-Wheel-Drive (MFWD) Axle Open – standard; automatic, limited-slip traction control – custom or optional Rear Axle Foot actuated, hydraulically engaged 100% mechanical lock Foot actuated, hydraulically engaged 100% mechanical lock Steering (ISO 5010)Hydrostatic power steering and emergency steering Hydrostatic power steering and emergency steering Axle MFWD Non-Powered Front MFWD Non-Powered Front Curb-Turning Radius With Brakes 3.57 m (11 ft. 9 in.)3.55 m (11 ft. 8 in.)3.57 m (11 ft. 9 in.)3.55 m (11 ft. 8 in.) Without Brakes 4.15 m (13 ft. 7 in.)4.12 m (13 ft. 6 in.)4.15 m (13 ft. 7 in.)4.12 m (13 ft. 6 in.) Bucket-Clearance Circle With Brakes 9.99 m (32 ft. 9 in.) 9.98 m (32 ft. 9 in.) 9.99 m (32 ft. 9 in.) 9.98 m (32 ft. 9 in.) Without Brakes 10.86 m (35 ft. 8 in.) 10.84 m (35 ft. 7 in.) 10.86 m (35 ft. 8 in.) 10.84 m (35 ft. 7 in.) Steering Wheel Turns (lock to lock)2.7 3.2 2.7 3.2 MFWD and Rear Axle Heavy duty, outboard planetary final drives distribute shock loads over 3 gears Brakes (ISO 3450) Service Power assisted, hydraulic wet disc, mounted inboard, self-adjusting and self-equalizing Parking Spring applied, hydraulically released, wet, multi-disc, independent of service brakes with electric switch control Hydraulics Main Pump Open-center system; axial-piston pump Open-center system; single-gear pump Pump Flow at 2,200 rpm Backhoe 128 L/m (33.7 gpm)106 L/m (28 gpm) Loader 104 L/m (27.5 gpm)106 L/m (28 gpm) System Relief Pressure Backhoe 24 993 kPa (3,625 psi)24 993 kPa (3,625 psi) Loader 22 063 kPa (3,200 psi)22 063 kPa (3,200 psi) Controls Backhoe 2-lever mechanical standard; pilot controls with pattern select and manual and/or electric auxiliary functions optional; field kits available for additional mechanical-control options Loader Single-lever control with electric clutch cutoff switch and MFWD (momentary) standard; single-lever control with electric clutch cutoff switch, electrohydraulic (EH) proportional auxiliary roller, MFWD (momentary), and transmission quick-shift optional Single-lever control with electric clutch cutoff switch standard; manual auxiliary function (2nd lever), single-lever control with electric clutch cutoff and EH proportional auxiliary control optional Electrical 310L EP 310L Voltage 12 volt 12 volt Alternator Rating 120 amp with canopy and quarter cab / 130 amp with cab 120 amp with canopy and quarter cab / 160 amp with cab Lights 10 halogen: 4 front, 4 rear, and 2 side docking (32,500 candlepower each); turn signals and flashers: 2 front and 2 rear; stop and taillights; and 2 rear reflectors; factory-installed option for 2 LED spotlights and 8 LED floodlights in lieu of standard halogen light package Operator Station 310L EP / 310L Type (ISO 3471)Canopy, isolation mounted, ROPS/FOPS, left/right access, with molded roof; optional quarter cab (front glass only) and fully enclosed cab Tires/Wheels 310L EP 310L Front Rear Front Rear Non-Powered Front Axle 12.5/80-18 F3 (12)19.5L-24 R4 (12)12.5/80-18 F3 (12)19.5L-24 R4 (12) 14.5/75-16.1 F3 (16)19.5L-24 R4 (12)14.5/75-16.1 F3 (16)19.5L-24 R4 (12) With MFWD 12-16.5 NHS (12)19.5L-24 R4 (12)12-16.5 NHS (12)19.5L-24 R4 (12) ——12.5/80-18 I3 (12)19.5L-24 R4 (10) ——12.5/80-18 R4 (10)19.5L-24 R4 (12) ——12.5/80-18 I3 (12)21L-24 R4 (12) ——12.5/80-18 R4 (10)21L-24 R4 (12) ——340/80R18 XMCL 500/70R24 XMCL ——340/80R18 550 500/70R24 550 ——340/80R18 580 500/70R24 580 Serviceability Refill Capacities Cooling System Cab 19.3 L (20.4 qt.) 30.0 L (31.7 qt.) Canopy 17.4 L (18.4 qt.)28.2 L (29.8 qt.) Rear Axle 18 L (19 qt.)18 L (19 qt.) Engine Oil (including vertical spin-on filter)10.5 L (11.1 qt.)13 L (13.7 qt.) Torque Converter and Transmission 15.1 L (16 qt.)15.1 L (16 qt.) Fuel Tank (with ground-level fueling) 128.7 L (34 gal.)128.7 L (34 gal.) Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) Tank —13.7 L (3.6 gal.) Hydraulic System 126.8 L (33.5 gal.)126.8 L (33.5 gal.) Hydraulic Reservoir 45 L (11.9 gal.)45 L (11.9 gal.) MFWD Housing Axle 6.5 L (6.9 qt.)6.5 L (6.9 qt.) Planetary (each)0.9 L (1 qt.)0.9 L (1 qt.) Operating Weights With Full Fuel Tank, 79-kg (175 lb.) Operator, Standard Equipment, and Bumper 6270 kg (13,822 lb.)6654 kg (14,669 lb.) Typical with Cab, Extendable Dipperstick, MFWD, and 204-kg (450 lb.) Counterweight 7095 kg (15,642 lb.)7311 kg (16,119 lb.) Optional Components (weight difference between base equipment and option) Cab 263 kg (580 lb.)263 kg (580 lb.) MFWD with Tires 168 kg (370 lb.)168 kg (370 lb.) Extendable Dipperstick 191 kg (420 lb.)191 kg (420 lb.) Front Loader Coupler 257 kg (566 lb.)257 kg (566 lb.) Backhoe Bucket Coupler 59 kg (130 lb.)59 kg (130 lb.) SPECIFICATIONS/ Cylinders 310L EP / 310L Heat-treated, chrome-plated, polished rods; hardened steel (replaceable bushings) pivot pins Bore Rod Diameter Stroke Loader Boom (2)80 mm (3.15 in.)50 mm (1.97 in.)790 mm (31.10 in.) Loader Bucket (1)90 mm (3.54 in.)50 mm (1.97 in.)744 mm (29.29 in.) Backhoe Boom (1)110 mm (4.33 in.)56 mm (2.20 in.)821 mm (32.32 in.) Backhoe Crowd (1)110 mm (4.33 in.)63 mm (2.48 in.)553 mm (21.77 in.) Backhoe Bucket (1)80 mm (3.15 in.)50 mm (1.97 in.)892 mm (35.12 in.) Backhoe Swing (2)80 mm (3.15 in.)45 mm (1.77 in.)310 mm (12.20 in.) Backhoe Extendable Dipperstick (1)63 mm (2.48 in.)32 mm (1.26 in.)1062 mm (41.81 in.) Backhoe Stabilizer (2)80 mm (3.15 in.)50 mm (1.97 in.)500 mm (19.69 in.) Non-Powered Axle (1)70 mm (2.76 in.)42 mm (1.65 in.)210 mm (8.27 in.) MFWD (1)65 mm (2.56 in.)40 mm (1.57 in.)210 mm (8.27 in.) 310L EP / 310L 16 Overall Dimensions 310L EP 310L A Ground Clearance, Minimum 318 mm (13 in.)293 mm (12 in.) B Overall Length, Transport 7.24 m (23 ft. 9 in.)7.24 m (23 ft. 9 in.) C Width Over Tires 2.20 m (7 ft. 3 in.)2.20 m (7 ft. 3 in.) D Height to Top of ROPS/Cab 2.81 m (9 ft. 3 in.)2.81 m (9 ft. 3 in.) E Length from Axle to Axle Non-Powered Front Axle 2.16 m (7 ft. 1 in.)2.16 m (7 ft. 1 in.) MFWD Axle 2.19 m (7 ft. 2 in.)2.19 m (7 ft. 2 in.) C M L K H I J A O F N G E D T P B VU Q S R Backhoe Dimensions and Performance 310L EP / 310L Backhoe specifications are with 610-mm x 0.18-m3 (24 in. x 6.5 cu. ft.) bucket; dipper lift specs are with a boom angle of 65 deg. Bucket Range 305–762 mm (12–30 in.) Digging Force Bucket Cylinder 48.2 kN (10,844 lb.) Crowd Cylinder 31.1 kN (6,992 lb.) Swing Arc 180 deg. Operator Control 2 levers With Optional Extendable Dipperstick With Standard Backhoe Retracted Extended F Loading Height, Truck Loading Position 3.38 m (11 ft. 1 in.)3.46 m (11 ft. 4 in.)4.12 m (13 ft. 6 in.) G Reach from Center of Swing Pivot 5.42 m (17 ft. 9 in.)5.49 m (18 ft. 0 in.)6.51 m (21 ft. 4 in.) H Reach from Center of Rear Axle 6.49 m (21 ft. 3 in.)6.55 m (21 ft. 6 in.)7.57 m (24 ft. 10 in.) I Digging Depth (SAE maximum)4.30 m (14 ft. 1 in.)4.38 m (14 ft. 4 in.)5.43 m (17 ft. 10 in.) J Digging Depth (SAE) 610-mm (2 ft.) Flat Bottom 4.27 m (14 ft. 0 in.)4.34 m (14 ft. 3 in.)5.40 m (17 ft. 9 in.) 2440-mm (8 ft.) Flat Bottom 3.93 m (12 ft. 11 in.)4.01 m (13 ft. 2 in.)5.15 m (16 ft. 11 in.) K Stabilizer Width, Transport 2.18 m (7 ft. 2 in.)2.18 m (7 ft. 2 in.)2.18 m (7 ft. 2 in.) L Stabilizer Spread, Operating 3.10 m (10 ft. 2 in.)3.10 m (10 ft. 2 in.)3.10 m (10 ft. 2 in.) M Stabilizer Overall Width, Operating 3.53 m (11 ft. 7 in.)3.53 m (11 ft. 7 in.)3.53 m (11 ft. 7 in.) N Bucket Rotation 190 deg.190 deg.190 deg. O Transport Height 3.39 m (11 ft. 1 in.)3.39 m (11 ft. 1 in.)3.39 m (11 ft. 1 in.) 310L EP / 310L Loader Dimensions and Performance 310L EP / 310L P Bucket Dump Angle, Maximum 45 deg. Q Rollback Angle at Ground Level 40 deg. Heavy-duty Heavy-duty Heavy-duty long lip Multipurpose Bucket Capacity 0.77 m 3 (1.00 cu. yd.)0.86 m 3 (1.12 cu. yd.)0.96 m 3 (1.25 cu. yd.)0.96 m 3 (1.25 cu. yd.) Width 2184 mm (86 in.)2184 mm (86 in.)2184 mm (86 in.)2184 mm (86 in.) Weight 363 kg (800 lb.)390 kg (860 lb.)405 kg (892 lb.)794 kg (1,750 lb.) Breakout Force 41.6 kN (9,361 lb.)42.3 kN (9,512 lb.)40.0 kN (8,983 lb.)37.0 kN (8,321 lb.) Lift Capacity, Full Height 2919 kg (6,435 lb.)2995 kg (6,602 lb.)2760 kg (6,085 lb.)2427 kg (5,352 lb.) R Height to Bucket Hinge Pin, Maximum 3.48 m (11 ft. 5 in.)3.48 m (11 ft. 5 in.)3.48 m (11 ft. 5 in.)3.48 m (11 ft. 5 in.) S Dump Clearance, Bucket at 45 deg.2.74 m (9 ft. 0 in.)2.78 m (9 ft. 1 in.)2.68 m (8 ft. 9 in.)2.68 m (8 ft. 9 in.) T Reach at Full Height, Bucket at 45 deg. 702 mm (27.7 in.)667 mm (26.3 in.)793 mm (31.2 in.)705 mm (27.8 in.) U Digging Depth Below Ground, Bucket Level 70 mm (2.8 in.)71 mm (2.8 in.)51 mm (2.0 in.)111 mm (4.4 in.) V Length from Front Axle Centerline to Bucket Cutting Edge 2.02 m (6 ft. 8 in.)1.97 m (6 ft. 6 in.)2.12 m (6 ft. 11 in.)2.10 m (6 ft. 11 in.) Lift Capacity with Quick-Coupler Forks Hydraulic Capacity 1219-mm (48 in.) Tines 1524-mm (60 in.) Tines A|Maximum Height 1711 kg (3,772 lb.)1592 kg (3,510 lb.) B|Maximum Reach 2690 kg (5,931 lb.)2530 kg (5,578 lb.) C|At Ground Line 3393 kg (7,480 lb.)3203 kg (7,061 lb.) D|Below Ground Line 185 mm (7.3 in.)185 mm (7.3 in.) A| B| C| D| Lift Capacities Lift capacities are over-end values in kg (lb.). Figures listed are 100% of the maximum lift force available. STANDARD LIFT With Standard Dipperstick STANDARD LIFT With 1.06-m (3 ft. 6 in.) Extendable Dipperstick, Retracted STANDARD LIFT With 1.06-m (3 ft. 6 in.) Extendable Dipperstick, Extended 048121620 012 34567 FEET METERS 048121620 012 34567 FEET METERS FEET METERS 048121620 012 34567 SWING PIVOTSWING PIVOT SWING PIVOT 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 16 12 8 4 0 4 8 12 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 16 12 8 4 0 4 8 12 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 16 12 8 4 0 4 8 12 BOOMLIFT 1452 (3,202) 3788(8,350) 2431 (5,360) 2174 (4,793) 2155 (4,752) 2024 (4,462) DIPPERLIFTWITHBOOMAT 65° BOOMLIFT DIPPERLIFTWITHBOOMAT 65° BOOMLIFT DIPPERLIFTWITHBOOMAT 65° 1287 (2,837) 1255 (2,767) 1231 (2,714) 1221 (2,691) 1257 (2,770) 1560 (3,440) 1543 (3,402) 1502 (3,311) 1455 (3,208) 1408 (3,105) 1364 (3,007) 1323 (2,917) 1282 (2,826)1292 (2,849) 1120 (2,470) 1090 (2,403) 1066 (2,350) 1055 (2,325) 1082 (2,385) 1178 (2,598) 901 (1,986) 890 (1,961) 884 (1,948) 887 (1,956) 913 (2,013) 1048 (2,311) 1376 (3,034) 1362 (3,003) 1325 (2,921) 1281 (2,825) 1237 (2,728) 1195 (2,635) 1156 (2,548) 1018 (2,244) 1021 (2,250) 1002 (2,208) 923 (2,036) 1005 (2,217) 988 (2,179) 970 (2,138) 951 (2,096) 932 (2,055) 915 (2,018) 1401 (3,088) 1396 (3,078) 1026 (2,263) 1463 (3,224) 1612 (3,554) 1968 (4,339) 2872 (6,331) 1966 (4,334) 1836 (4,047) 1982 (4,370) 2205 (4,862) 3177(7,003) 1407 (3,101) *Indicates capacity is stability limited. Lift capacities are over end with stabilizers down and tires tangent to ground. 18 Axle Ratings Front Rear SAE J43 5500 kg (12,100 lb.)7000 kg (15,400 lb.) Dynamic 9000 kg (19,800 lb.)10 000 kg (22,000 lb.) Static 24 500 kg (54,000 lb.)26 500 kg (58,400 lb.) Ultimate 39 500 kg (87,100 lb.)41 500 kg (91,500 lb.) Differentials Mechanical-Front-Wheel-Drive (MFWD) Axle Automatic, limited-slip traction control Rear Axle Foot actuated, hydraulically engaged 100% mechanical lock Steering (ISO 5010)Hydrostatic power steering and emergency steering Axle MFWD Non-Powered Front Curb-Turning Radius With Brakes 3.58 m (11 ft. 9 in.)3.56 m (11 ft. 8 in.) Without Brakes 4.20 m (13 ft. 9 in.)4.17 m (13 ft. 8 in.) Bucket-Clearance Circle With Brakes 10.23 m (33 ft. 7 in.)10.22 m (33 ft. 6 in.) Without Brakes 11.15 m (36 ft. 7 in.)11.13 m (36 ft. 6 in.) Steering Wheel Turns (lock to lock)2.7 3.2 MFWD and Rear Axle Heavy duty, outboard planetary final drives distribute shock loads over 3 gears Brakes (ISO 3450) Service Power assisted, hydraulic wet disc, mounted inboard, self-adjusting and self-equalizing Parking Spring applied, hydraulically released, wet, multi-disc, independent of service brakes with electric switch control Hydraulics Main Pump Open-center system; tandem gear pump with unloader Pump Flow at 2,200 rpm Backhoe 136 L/m (36 gpm) Loader 106 L/m (28 gpm) System Relief Pressure Backhoe 24 993 kPa (3,625 psi) Loader 24 993 kPa (3,625 psi) Controls Backhoe 2-lever mechanical standard; pilot controls with pattern select and auxiliary functions optional; field kits available for additional mechanical control options Loader Single-lever control with electric clutch cutoff switch and MFWD (momentary) standard; single-lever control with electric clutch cutoff switch, electrohydraulic (EH) proportional auxiliary roller, MFWD (momentary), and transmission quick-shift optional SPECIFICATIONS Engine 310SL Manufacturer and Model John Deere PowerTech™ Plus 4045HT096 turbocharged Non-Road Emission Standard EPA Final Tier 4/EU Stage IV Displacement 4.5 L (276 cu. in.) Gross Peak Power 75 kW (101 hp) at 2,240 rpm Net Peak Power (ISO 9249)74 kW (99 hp) at 2,240 rpm Net Peak Torque (ISO 9249)417 Nm (307 lb.-ft.) at 1,400 rpm Net Torque Rise 30% Lubrication Pressure system with spin-on filter and cooler Air Cleaner Dual-stage dry type with safety element and evacuator valve Cooling Fan Type Electronically controlled, variable-rate, suction-type cooling fan Engine Coolant Rating –40 deg. C (–40 deg. F) Engine Oil Cooler Oil to water Powertrain Transmission 5-speed, helical-cut gears, full PowerShift™ transmission with hydraulic reverser standard; electric clutch cutoff on loader lever; AutoShift transmission optional Torque Converter Single stage, dual phase with 2.63:1 stall ratio, 280 mm (11 in.) Maximum Travel Speeds with Standard Engine, Measured with 19.5L-24 Rear Tires Forward Reverse Gear 1 5.4 km/h (3.4 mph)6.8 km/h (4.2 mph) Gear 2 9.9 km/h (6.2 mph)12.5 km/h (7.8 mph) Gear 3 20.4 km/h (12.7 mph)20.2 km/h (12.6 mph) Gear 4 37.2 km/h (23.1 mph)— Gear 5 40.0 km/h (24.9 mph)— Axles Axle Oscillation, Stop to Stop, Front Axle 22 deg. SPECIFICATIONS Cylinders 310SL Heat-treated, chrome-plated, polished rods; hardened steel (replaceable bushings) pivot pins Bore Rod Diameter Stroke Loader Boom (2)80 mm (3.15 in.)50 mm (1.97 in.)789 mm (31.08 in.) Loader Bucket (1)90 mm (3.54 in.)50 mm (1.97 in.)744 mm (29.29 in.) Backhoe Boom (1)120 mm (4.72 in.)56 mm (2.20 in.)794 mm (31.26 in.) Backhoe Crowd (1)115 mm (4.53 in.)63 mm (2.48 in.)602.5 mm (23.72 in.) Backhoe Bucket (1)90 mm (3.54 in.)56 mm (2.20 in.)810 mm (31.89 in.) Heavy-Duty Option 100 mm (3.94 in.)63 mm (2.48 in.)810 mm (31.89 in.) Backhoe Swing (2)90 mm (3.54 in.)50 mm (1.97 in.)278 mm (10.94 in.) Backhoe Extendable Dipperstick (1)70 mm (2.76 in.)40 mm (1.57 in.)1062 mm (41.81 in.) Backhoe Stabilizer (2) Standard 90 mm (3.54 in.)50 mm (1.97 in.)500 mm (19.69 in.) Optional Extended Leg 100 mm (3.94 in.)50 mm (1.97 in.)500 mm (19.69 in.) Non-Powered Axle (1)70 mm (2.76 in.)42 mm (1.65 in.)210 mm (8.27 in.) MFWD (1)65 mm (2.56 in.)40 mm (1.57 in.)210 mm (8.27 in.) Electrical Voltage 12 volt Alternator Rating 120 amp with canopy and quarter cab / 160 amp with cab Lights 10 halogen: 4 front, 4 rear, and 2 side docking (32,500 candlepower each); turn signals and flashers: 2 front and 2 rear; stop and taillights; and 2 rear reflectors; factory-installed option for 2 LED spotlights and 8 LED floodlights in lieu of standard halogen light package Operator Station Type (ISO 3471)Canopy, isolation mounted, ROPS/FOPS, left/right access, with molded roof; optional quarter cab (front glass only) and fully enclosed cab Tires/Wheels Front Rear Non-Powered Front Axle 12.5/80-18 F3 (12)19.5L-24 R4 (12) 14.5/75-16.1 F3 (16)19.5L-24 R4 (12) With MFWD 12.5/80-18 I3 (12)19.5L-24 R4 (10) 12.5/80-18 R4 (10)19.5L-24 R4 (12) 12.5/80-18 I3 (12)21L-24 R4 (12) 12.5/80-18 R4 (10)21L-24 R4 (12) 340/80R18 XMCL 500/70R24 XMCL 340/80R18 550 500/70R24 550 340/80R18 580 500/70R24 580 Serviceability Refill Capacities Cooling System Cab 30.0 L (31.7 qt.) Canopy 28.2 L (29.8 qt.) Rear Axle 18 L (19 qt.) Engine Oil (including vertical spin-on filter)13 L (13.7 qt.) Torque Converter and Transmission 15.1 L (16 qt.) Fuel Tank (with ground-level fueling) 128.7 L (34 gal.) Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) Tank 13.7 L (3.6 gal.) Hydraulic System 126.8 L (33.5 gal.) Hydraulic Reservoir 45 L (11.9 gal.) MFWD Housing Axle 6.5 L (6.9 qt.) Planetary (each)0.9 L (1 qt.) Operating Weights With Full Fuel Tank, 79-kg (175 lb.) Operator, Standard Equipment, and Bumper 7199 kg (15,872 lb.) Typical with Cab, Extendable Dipperstick, and 340-kg (750 lb.) Counterweight 8025 kg (17,692 lb.) Optional Components (weight difference between base equipment and option) Cab 263 kg (580 lb.)Front Loader Coupler 257 kg (566 lb.) MFWD with Tires 220 kg (485 lb.)Backhoe Bucket Coupler 63 kg (138 lb.) Extendable Dipperstick 222 kg (490 lb.) 310SL 20 Overall Dimensions 310SL A Ground Clearance, Minimum 330 mm (13 in.) B Overall Length, Transport 7.28 m (23 ft. 11 in.) C Width Over Tires 2.20 m (7 ft. 3 in.) D Height to Top of ROPS/Cab 2.79 m (9 ft. 2 in.) E Length from Axle to Axle Non-Powered Front Axle 2.16 m (7 ft. 1 in.) MFWD Axle 2.19 m (7 ft. 2 in.) Backhoe Dimensions and Performance Backhoe specifications are with 610-mm x 0.21-m3 (24 in. x 7.5 cu. ft.) bucket; dipper lift specs are with a boom angle of 65 deg. Bucket Range 305–762 mm (12–30 in.) Digging Force Bucket Cylinder 55.0 kN (12,356 lb.) With Heavy-Duty Cylinder Option 67.8 kN (15,254 lb.) Crowd Cylinder 36.6 kN (8,229 lb.) Swing Arc 180 deg. Operator Control 2 levers With Optional Extendable Dipperstick With Standard Backhoe Retracted Extended F Loading Height, Truck Loading Position 3.42 m (11 ft. 3 in.)3.54 m (11 ft. 7 in.)4.16 m (13 ft. 8 in.) G Reach from Center of Swing Pivot 5.52 m (18 ft. 1 in.)5.61 m (18 ft. 5 in.)6.62 m (21 ft. 9 in.) H Reach from Center of Rear Axle 6.58 m (21 ft. 7 in.)6.68 m (21 ft. 11 in.)7.68 m (25 ft. 2 in.) I Digging Depth (SAE maximum)4.35 m (14 ft. 3 in.)4.50 m (14 ft. 9 in.)5.55 m (18 ft. 2 in.) J Digging Depth (SAE) 610-mm (2 ft.) Flat Bottom 4.32 m (14 ft. 2 in.)4.45 m (14 ft. 7 in.)5.51 m (18 ft. 1 in.) 2440-mm (8 ft.) Flat Bottom 3.99 m (13 ft. 1 in.)4.13 m (13 ft. 7 in.)5.25 m (17 ft. 3 in.) K Stabilizer Width, Transport 2.18 m (7 ft. 2 in.)2.18 m (7 ft. 2 in.)2.18 m (7 ft. 2 in.) L Stabilizer Spread, Operating Standard Stabilizers 3.10 m (10 ft. 2 in.)3.10 m (10 ft. 2 in.)3.10 m (10 ft. 2 in.) Optional Extended Leg 3.45 m (11 ft. 4 in.)3.45 m (11 ft. 4 in.)3.45 m (11 ft. 4 in.) M Stabilizer Overall Width, Operating Standard Stabilizers 3.53 m (11 ft. 7 in.)3.53 m (11 ft. 7 in.)3.53 m (11 ft. 7 in.) Optional Extended Leg 4.03 m (13 ft. 3 in.)4.03 m (13 ft. 3 in.)4.03 m (13 ft. 3 in.) N Bucket Rotation 190 deg.190 deg.190 deg. O Transport Height 3.49 m (11 ft. 5 in.)3.49 m (11 ft. 5 in.)3.49 m (11 ft. 5 in.) C M L K H I J A O F N G E D T P B VU Q S R 310SL Loader Dimensions and Performance 310SL P Bucket Dump Angle, Maximum 45 deg. Q Rollback Angle at Ground Level 40 deg. Heavy-duty Heavy-duty long lip Heavy-duty Multipurpose Bucket Capacity 0.86 m 3 (1.12 cu. yd.)0.96 m 3 (1.25 cu. yd.)1.00 m 3 (1.31 cu. yd.)1.00 m 3 (1.31 cu. yd.) Width 2184 mm (86 in.)2184 mm (86 in.)2337 mm (92 in.)2337 mm (92 in.) Weight 390 kg (860 lb.)405 kg (892 lb.)521 kg (1,148 lb.)863 kg (1,902 lb.) Breakout Force 49.2 kN (11,052 lb.)46.4 kN (10,442 lb.) 46.9 kN (10,541 lb.)43.2 kN (9,722 lb.) Lift Capacity, Full Height 3492 kg (7,698 lb.)3224 kg (7,108 lb.)3352 kg (7,390 lb.)2862 kg (6,309 lb.) R Height to Bucket Hinge Pin, Maximum 3.47 m (11 ft. 5 in.)3.47 m (11 ft. 5 in.)3.47 m (11 ft. 5 in.)3.47 m (11 ft. 5 in.) S Dump Clearance, Bucket at 45 deg.2.76 m (9 ft. 1 in.)2.66 m (8 ft. 9 in.)2.70 m (8 ft. 10 in.)2.67 m (8 ft. 9 in.) T Reach at Full Height, Bucket at 45 deg. 678 mm (26.7 in.)804 mm (31.7 in.)675 mm (26.6 in.)716 mm (28.2 in.) U Digging Depth Below Ground, Bucket Level 83 mm (3.3 in.)64 mm (2.5 in.)128 mm (5.0 in.)124 mm (4.9 in.) V Length from Front Axle Centerline to Bucket Cutting Edge 1.96 m (6 ft. 5 in.)2.10 m (6 ft. 11 in.)2.03 m (6 ft. 8 in.)2.08 m (6 ft. 10 in.) Lift Capacity with Quick-Coupler Forks Hydraulic Capacity 1219-mm (48 in.) Tines 1524-mm (60 in.) Tines A|Maximum Height 2067 kg (4,558 lb.)1932 kg (4,260 lb.) B|Maximum Reach 3183 kg (7,017 lb.)3001 kg (6,617 lb.) C|At Ground Line 4020 kg (8,863 lb.)3768 kg (8,306 lb.) D|Below Ground Line 198 mm (7.8 in.)198 mm (7.8 in.) Lift Capacities Lift capacities are over-end values in kg (lb.). Figures listed are 100% of the maximum lift force available. STANDARD LIFT With Standard Dipperstick STANDARD LIFT With 1.06-m (3 ft. 6 in.) Extendable Dipperstick, Retracted STANDARD LIFT With 1.06-m (3 ft. 6 in.) Extendable Dipperstick, Extended 048121620 012 34567 FEET METERS 04 8121620 012 34567 FEET METERS FEET METERS 048121620 012 34567 SWING PIVOTSWING PIVOT SWING PIVOT 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 16 12 8 4 0 4 8 12 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 16 12 8 4 0 4 8 12 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 16 12 8 4 0 4 8 12 BOOM LIFT 1839 (4,054) 4782 (10,543) 3673 (8,097) 3236 (7,135) 3168 (6,985) 3038 (6,698) DIPPER LIFT WITH BOOM AT 65° BOOM LIFT DIPPER LIFT WITH BOOM AT 65° BOOM LIFT DIPPER LIFT WITH BOOM AT 65° 1630 (3,594) 1596 (3,518) 1571 (3,463) 1563 (3,447) 1609 (3,547) 1936 (4,269) 1918 (4,228) 1873 (4,128) 1820 (4,013) 1768 (3,897) 1717 (3,786) 1671 (3,685) 1488 (3,281) 1715 (3,782) 1458 (3,214) 1433 (3,160) 1419 (3,128) 1424 (3,140) 1486 (3,276) 1604 (3,537) 1190 (2,622) 1186 (2,614) 1190 (2,623) 1208 (2,664) 1261 (2,780) 1446 (3,188) 1635 (3,604) 1652 (3,643) 1633 (3,599) 1599 (3,526) 1562 (3,443) 1524 (3,360) 1489 (3,283) 1253 (2,763) 1236 (2,726) 1187 (2,616) 1059 (2,334) 1254 (2,765) 1247 (2,749) 1236 (2,724) 1223 (2,696) 1210 (2,667) 1198 (2,642) 1918 (4,228) 1830 (4,034) 1525 (3,362) 2012 (4,436) 2156 (4,753) 2480 (5,468) 3554 (7,834) 2859 (6,302) 2619 (5,775) 2913 (6,423) 3251 (7,166) 4604 (10,151) 1735 (3,824) 1986 (4,377) A| B| C| D| *Indicates capacity is stability limited. Lift capacities are over end with stabilizers down and tires tangent to ground. 22 Axle Ratings Front Rear SAE J43 5500 kg (12,100 lb.)7000 kg (15,400 lb.) Dynamic 9000 kg (19,800 lb.)10 000 kg (22,000 lb.) Static 26 500 kg (58,400 lb.)26 500 kg (58,400 lb.) Ultimate 43 500 kg (95,900 lb.)43 500 kg (95,900 lb.) Differentials Mechanical-Front-Wheel-Drive (MFWD) Axle Automatic, limited-slip traction control Rear Axle Foot actuated, hydraulically engaged 100% mechanical lock Steering (ISO 5010)Hydrostatic power steering and emergency steering Axle MFWD Non-Powered Front Curb-Turning Radius With Brakes 3.60 m (11 ft. 10 in.)3.57 m (11 ft. 9 in.) Without Brakes 4.20 m (13 ft. 9 in.)4.17 m (13 ft. 8 in.) Bucket-Clearance Circle With Brakes 10.27 m (33 ft. 8 in.)10.26 m (33 ft. 8 in.) Without Brakes 11.17 m (36 ft. 8 in.) 11.15 m (36 ft. 7 in.) Steering Wheel Turns (lock to lock) 2.6 to 3.6 3.1 to 4.3 MFWD Axle Heavy duty, outboard planetary final drives distribute shock loads over 3 gears Rear Axle Heavy duty, outboard planetary final drives distribute shock loads over 4 gears Brakes (ISO 3450) Service Power assisted, hydraulic wet disc, mounted inboard, self-adjusting and self-equalizing Parking Spring applied, hydraulically released, wet, multi-disc, independent of service brakes with electric switch control Hydraulics Main Pump Pressure compensated load sensing (PCLS), axial-piston pump Pump Flow at 2,200 rpm Backhoe 159 L/m (42 gpm) Loader 159 L/m (42 gpm) System Relief Pressure Backhoe 24 993 kPa (3,625 psi) Lift Mode 27 579 kPa (4,000 psi) Loader 24 993 kPa (3,625 psi) Controls Backhoe Pilot controls with pattern select standard; electrohydraulic (EH) auxiliary functions optional Loader Single-lever control with electric clutch cutoff switch and MFWD (momentary) standard; single-lever control with electric clutch cutoff switch, EH proportional auxiliary roller, and transmission quick-shift optional SPECIFICATIONS Engine 310SL HL Manufacturer and Model John Deere PowerTech™ Plus 4045HT096 turbocharged Non-Road Emission Standard EPA Final Tier 4/EU Stage IV Displacement 4.5 L (276 cu. in.) Gross Peak Power 83 kW (112 hp) at 2,240 rpm Net Peak Power (ISO 9249)82 kW (110 hp) at 2,240 rpm Net Peak Torque (ISO 9249)428 Nm (315 lb.-ft.) at 1,400 rpm Net Torque Rise 21% Lubrication Pressure system with spin-on filter and cooler Air Cleaner Dual-stage dry type with safety element and evacuator valve Cooling Fan Type Electronically controlled, variable rate, suction-type cooling fan Engine Coolant Rating –40 deg. C (–40 deg. F) Engine Oil Cooler Oil to water Powertrain Transmission 5-speed, helical-cut gears, full PowerShift™ transmission with hydraulic reverser standard; electric clutch cutoff on loader lever; AutoShift transmission optional Torque Converter Single stage, dual phase with 2.63:1 stall ratio, 280 mm (11 in.) Maximum Travel Speeds with Standard Engine, Measured with 21L-24 Rear Tires Forward Reverse Gear 1 5.6 km/h (3.5 mph)7.0 km/h (4.3 mph) Gear 2 10.2 km/h (6.3 mph)12.9 km/h (8.0 mph) Gear 3 21.0 km/h (13.0 mph)20.7 km/h (12.9 mph) Gear 4 38.2 km/h (23.7 mph)— Gear 5 40.0 km/h (24.9 mph)— Axles Axle Oscillation, Stop to Stop, Front Axle 22 deg. Cylinders 310SL HL Heat-treated, chrome-plated, polished rods; hardened steel (replaceable bushings) pivot pins Bore Rod Diameter Stroke Loader Boom (2)80 mm (3.15 in.)50 mm (1.97 in.)790 mm (31.10 in.) Loader Bucket (1)90 mm (3.54 in.)50 mm (1.97 in.)744 mm (29.29 in.) Backhoe Boom (1)125 mm (4.92 in.)63 mm (2.48 in.)887 mm (34.92 in.) Backhoe Crowd (1)120 mm (4.72 in.)63 mm (2.48 in.)591 mm (23.27 in.) Backhoe Bucket (1)90 mm (3.54 in.)56 mm (2.20 in.)810 mm (31.89 in.) Heavy-Duty Option 100 mm (3.94 in.)63 mm (2.48 in.)810 mm (31.89 in.) Backhoe Swing (2)90 mm (3.54 in.)50 mm (1.97 in.)278 mm (10.94 in.) Backhoe Extendable Dipperstick (1)80 mm (3.15 in.)45 mm (1.77 in.)1062 mm (41.81 in.) Backhoe Stabilizer, Extended (2)100 mm (3.94 in.)50 mm (1.97 in.)500 mm (19.69 in.) Non-Powered Axle (1)70 mm (2.76 in.)42 mm (1.65 in.)210 mm (8.27 in.) MFWD (1)65 mm (2.56 in.)40 mm (1.57 in.)210 mm (8.27 in.) Electrical Voltage 12 volt Alternator Rating 120 amp with canopy and quarter cab / 160 amp with cab Lights 10 halogen: 4 front, 4 rear, and 2 side docking (32,500 candlepower each); turn signals and flashers: 2 front and 2 rear; stop and taillights; and 2 rear reflectors; factory-installed option for 2 LED spotlights and 8 LED floodlights in lieu of standard halogen light package Operator Station Type (ISO 3471)Canopy, isolation mounted, ROPS/FOPS, left/right access, with molded roof; optional quarter cab (front glass only) and fully enclosed cab Tires/Wheels Front Rear Non-Powered Front Axle 12.5/80-18 F3 (12)19.5L-24 R4 (12) With MFWD 12.5/80-18 I3 (12)19.5L-24 R4 (10) 12.5/80-18 R4 (10)19.5L-24 R4 (12) 12.5/80-18 I3 (12)21L-24 R4 (12) 12.5/80-18 R4 (10)21L-24 R4 (12) 340/80R18 XMCL 500/70R24 XMCL 340/80R18 550 500/70R24 550 340/80R18 580 500/70R24 580 Serviceability Refill Capacities Cooling System Cab 31.4 L (33.2 qt.) Canopy 29.6 L (31.3 qt.) Rear Axle 18 L (19 qt.) Engine Oil (including vertical spin-on filter)13 L (13.7 qt.) Torque Converter and Transmission 15.1 L (16 qt.) Fuel Tank (with ground-level fueling) 128.7 L (34 gal.) Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) Tank 13.7 L (3.6 gal.) Hydraulic System 126.8 L (33.5 gal.) Hydraulic Reservoir 45 L (11.9 gal.) MFWD Housing Axle 6.5 L (6.9 qt.) Planetary (each)0.9 L (1 qt.) Operating Weights With Full Fuel Tank, 79-kg (175 lb.) Operator, Standard Equipment, and Standard Bumper 7516 kg (16,571 lb.) Typical with Cab, Extendable Dipperstick, and 454-kg (1,000 lb.) Counterweight 8495 kg (18,729 lb.) Optional Components (weight difference between base equipment and option) Cab 263 kg (580 lb.) MFWD with Tires 110 kg (242 lb.) Extendable Dipperstick 271 kg (578 lb.) Front Loader Coupler 257 kg (566 lb.) Backhoe Bucket Coupler 64 kg (141 lb.) SPECIFICATIONS 310SL HL 24 Overall Dimensions 310SL HL A Ground Clearance, Minimum 310 mm (12 in.) B Overall Length, Transport 7.37 m (24 ft. 2 in.) C Width Over Tires 2.34 m (7 ft. 8 in.) D Height to Top of ROPS/Cab 2.81 m (9 ft. 3 in.) E Length from Axle to Axle Non-Powered Front Axle 2.16 m (7 ft. 1 in.) MFWD Axle 2.19 m (7 ft. 2 in.) Backhoe Dimensions and Performance Backhoe specifications are with 610-mm x 0.21-m3 (24 in. x 7.5 cu. ft.) bucket; dipper lift specs are with a boom angle of 65 deg. Bucket Range 305–610 mm (12–24 in.) Digging Force Bucket Cylinder 69.9 kN (15,723 lb.) Lift Mode 77.2 kN (17,349 lb.) Crowd Cylinder 38.2 kN (8,581 lb.) Lift Mode 42.1 kN (9,468 lb.) Swing Arc 180 deg. Operator Control 2 levers With Optional Extendable Dipperstick With Standard Backhoe Retracted Extended F Loading Height, Truck Loading Position 3.63 m (11 ft. 11 in.)3.62 m (11 ft. 10 in.)4.24 m (13 ft. 11 in.) G Reach from Center of Swing Pivot 5.68 m (18 ft. 8 in.)5.62 m (18 ft. 5 in.)6.61 m (21 ft. 8 in.) H Reach from Center of Rear Axle 6.74 m (22 ft. 1 in.)6.68 m (21 ft. 11 in.)7.67 m (25 ft. 2 in.) I Digging Depth (SAE maximum)4.59 m (15 ft. 1 in.)4.53 m (14 ft. 10 in.)5.53 m (18 ft. 2 in.) J Digging Depth (SAE) 610-mm (2 ft.) Flat Bottom 4.55 m (14 ft. 11 in.)4.49 m (14 ft. 9 in.)5.50 m (18 ft. 0 in.) 2440-mm (8 ft.) Flat Bottom 4.25 m (13 ft. 11 in.)4.18 m (13 ft. 8 in.)5.28 m (17 ft. 4 in.) K Stabilizer Width, Transport 2.18 m (7 ft. 2 in.)2.18 m (7 ft. 2 in.)2.18 m (7 ft. 2 in.) L Stabilizer Spread, Operating Extended Stabilizers 3.45 m (11 ft. 4 in.)3.45 m (11 ft. 4 in.)3.45 m (11 ft. 4 in.) M Stabilizer Overall Width, Operating Extended Stabilizers 4.03 m (13 ft. 3 in.)4.03 m (13 ft. 3 in.)4.03 m (13 ft. 3 in.) N Bucket Rotation 190 deg.190 deg.190 deg. O Transport Height 3.56 m (11 ft. 8 in.)3.56 m (11 ft. 8 in.)3.56 m (11 ft. 8 in.) C M L K H I J A O F N G E D T P B VU Q S R Lift Capacities Lift capacities are over-end values in kg (lb.). Figures listed are 100% of the maximum lift force available. With Standard Dipperstick With 1.06-m (3 ft. 6 in.) Extendable Dipperstick, Retracted With 1.06-m (3 ft. 6 in.) Extendable Dipperstick, Extended Standard Lift Lift Mode Standard Lift Lift Mode Standard Lift Lift Mode A 6349 kg (13,997 lb.) 6349 kg (13,997 lb.) 5350 kg (11,795 lb.) 5350 kg (11,795 lb.) 4082 kg (8,999 lb.) 4537 kg (10,003 lb.) B 4935 kg (10,880 lb.) 5029 kg (11,088 lb.) 3613 kg (7,966 lb.) 3613 kg (7,966 lb.) 2709 kg (5,972 lb.) 3018 kg (6,653 lb.) C 3679 kg (8,111 lb.) 3679 kg (8,111 lb.) 3204 kg (7,064 lb.) 3204 kg (7,064 lb.) 2366 kg (5,216 lb.) 2638 kg (5,817 lb.) D 3313 kg (7,304 lb.) 3313 kg (7,304 lb.) 3122 kg (6,883 lb.) 3122 kg (6,883 lb.) 2231 kg (4,918 lb.) 2412 kg (5,317 lb.) E 3239 kg (7,141 lb.) 3239 kg (7,141 lb.) 3117 kg (6,871 lb.) 3282 kg (7,235 lb.) 2153 kg (4,747 lb.) 2295 kg (5,059 lb.) F 3123 kg (6,885 lb.) 3386 kg (7,466 lb.) 1432 kg (3,158 lb.) 1624 kg (3,581 lb.) 2088 kg (4,604 lb.) 2268 kg (5,000 lb.) G 1581 kg (3,486 lb.) 1767 kg (3,896 lb.) 1701 kg (3,751 lb.) 1929 kg (4,252 lb.) 2004 kg (4,418 lb.) 2236 kg (4,931 lb.) H 1853 kg (4,085 lb.) 2074 kg (4,572 lb.) 1773 kg (3,909 lb.) 2012 kg (4,436 lb.) 1851 kg (4,080 lb.) 2067 kg (4,557 lb.) I 1936 kg (4,269 lb.) 2169 kg (4,782 lb.) 1784 kg (3,932 lb.) 2026 kg (4,467 lb.) 982 kg (2,164 lb.) 1118 kg (2,465 lb.) J 1958 kg (4,316 lb.) 2195 kg (4,840 lb.) 1769 kg (3,901 lb.) 2013 kg (4,438 lb.) 1198 kg (2,642 lb.) 1363 kg (3,005 lb.) K 1953 kg (4,305 lb.) 2192 kg (4,832 lb.) 1745 kg (3,847 lb.) 1988 kg (4,383 lb.) 1297 kg (2,860 lb.) 1476 kg (3,254 lb.) L 1936 kg (4,269 lb.) 2176 kg (4,796 lb.) 1717 kg (3,786 lb.) 1959 kg (4,320 lb.) 1346 kg (2,968 lb.) 1532 kg (3,378 lb.) M 1916 kg (4,224 lb.) 2155 kg (4,750 lb.) 1691 kg (3,728 lb.) 1932 kg (4,260 lb.) 1370 kg (3,020 lb.) 1560 kg (3,440 lb.) N 1896 kg (4,180 lb.) 2135 kg (4,706 lb.) 1669 kg (3,680 lb.) 1910 kg (4,211 lb.) 1379 kg (3,040 lb.) 1572 kg (3,466 lb.) O 1881 kg (4,146 lb.) 2119 kg (4,672 lb.) 1656 kg (3,651 lb.) 1898 kg (4,183 lb.) 1380 kg (3,043 lb.) 1575 kg (3,473 lb.) P 1874 kg (4,131 lb.) 2113 kg (4,659 lb.) 1658 kg (3,655 lb.) 1902 kg (4,194 lb.) 1378 kg (3,038 lb.) 1574 kg (3,471 lb.) Q 1882 kg (4,149 lb.) 2125 kg (4,685 lb.) 1692 kg (3,729 lb.) 1944 kg (4,285 lb.) 1375 kg (3,031 lb.) 1572 kg (3,466 lb.) R 1923 kg (4,239 lb.) 2174 kg (4,793 lb.) 1824 kg (4,022 lb.) 2099 kg (4,627 lb.) 1372 kg (3,026 lb.) 1571 kg (3,464 lb.) S 2059 kg (4,540 lb.) 2332 kg (5,141 lb.) 2061 kg (4,543 lb.) 2371 kg (5,227 lb.) 1374 kg (3,028 lb.) 1575 kg (3,471 lb.) T 4153 kg (9,156 lb.) 4718 kg (10,401 lb.) ——1382 kg (3,046 lb.) 1585 kg (3,495 lb.) U ————1401 kg (3,089 lb.) 1610 kg (3,549 lb.) V ————1444 kg (3,183 lb.) 1660 kg (3,661 lb.) W ————1542 kg (3,400 lb.) 1775 kg (3,912 lb.) X ————1884 kg (4,153 lb.) 2168 kg (4,779 lb.) Y ————3529 kg (7,780 lb.) 4052 kg (8,933 lb.) Loader Dimensions and Performance 310SL HL P Bucket Dump Angle, Maximum 45 deg. Q Rollback Angle at Ground Level 40 deg. Heavy-duty Heavy-duty long lip Heavy-duty Multipurpose Bucket Capacity 0.86 m 3 (1.12 cu. yd.)0.96 m 3 (1.25 cu. yd.)1.00 m 3 (1.31 cu. yd.)1.00 m 3 (1.31 cu. yd.) Width 2184 mm (86 in.)2184 mm (86 in.)2346 mm (92 in.)2346 mm (92 in.) Weight 390 kg (860 lb.)405 kg (892 lb.)521 kg (1,148 lb.)863 kg (1,902 lb.) Breakout Force 49.4 kN (11,116 lb.)46.7 kN (10,503 lb.)47.1 kN (10,598 lb.)43.5 kN (9,778 lb.) Lift Capacity, Full Height 3425 kg (7,552 lb.)3166 kg (6,980 lb.)3286 kg (7,244 lb.)2801 kg (6,175 lb.) R Height to Bucket Hinge Pin, Maximum 3.46 m (11 ft. 4 in.)3.46 m (11 ft. 4 in.)3.46 m (11 ft. 4 in.)3.46 m (11 ft. 4 in.) S Dump Clearance, Bucket at 45 deg.2.75 m (9 ft. 0 in.)2.65 m (8 ft. 8 in.)2.69 m (8 ft. 10 in.) 2.66 m (8 ft. 9 in.) T Reach at Full Height, Bucket at 45 deg. 724 mm (28.5 in.)850 mm (33.5 in.)720 mm (28.3 in.)762 mm (30.0 in.) U Digging Depth Below Ground, Bucket Level 101 mm (4.0 in.)81 mm (3.2 in.)145 mm (5.7 in.)141 mm (5.6 in.) V Length from Front Axle Centerline to Bucket Cutting Edge 1.97 m (6 ft. 5 in.)2.11 m (6 ft. 11 in.)2.04 m (6 ft. 8 in.)2.09 m (6 ft. 10 in.) Lift Capacity with Quick-Coupler Forks Hydraulic Capacity 1219-mm (48 in.) Tines 1524-mm (60 in.) Tines A|Maximum Height 2028 kg (4,472 lb.)1896 kg (4,180 lb.) B|Maximum Reach 3163 kg (6,974 lb.)2982 kg (6,575 lb.) C|At Ground Line 3997 kg (8,812 lb.)3781 kg (8,335 lb.) D|Below Ground Line 216 mm (8.5 in.)216 mm (8.5 in.) 048121620 012 34567 FEET METERS SWING PIVOT 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 16 12 8 4 0 4 8 12 BOOM LIFT DIPPER LIFT WITH BOOM AT 65° F N O P Q R S G H I J K L M D E C B A A| B| C| D| 310SL HL SWING PIVOT 048121620 012 34567 FEET METERS 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 16 12 8 4 0 4 8 12 BOOM LIFT DIPPER LIFT WITH BOOM AT 65° F N O P Q R S T G H I J K L M D E C BA With Extendable Dipperstick, Extended With Extendable Dipperstick, Retracted With Standard Dipperstick FEET METERS 048121620 012 34567 SWING PIVOT 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 16 12 8 4 0 4 8 12 BOOM LIFT DIPPER LIFT WITH BOOM AT 65° G S T U V W X L K J I M N O P Q R E F H D C B A Y *Indicates capacity is stability limited. Lift capacities are over end with stabilizers down and tires tangent to ground. 26 SPECIFICATIONS Engine 315SL Manufacturer and Model John Deere PowerTech™ Plus 4045HT096 turbocharged Non-Road Emission Standard EPA Final Tier 4/EU Stage IV Displacement 4.5 L (276 cu. in.) Gross Power at Rated Speed 75 kW (101 hp) at 2,200 rpm Net Peak Power (ISO 9249)74 kW (99 hp) at 2,240 rpm Net Peak Torque (ISO 9249)417 Nm (307 lb.-ft.) at 1,400 rpm Net Torque Rise 30% Lubrication Pressure system with spin-on filter and cooler Air Cleaner Dual-stage dry type with safety element and evacuator valve Cooling Fan Type Electronically controlled, variable-rate, suction-type cooling fan Engine Coolant Rating –40 deg. C (–40 deg. F) Engine Oil Cooler Oil to water Powertrain Transmission 5-speed, helical-cut gears, full PowerShift™ transmission with hydraulic reverser standard; electric clutch cutoff on loader lever; AutoShift transmission optional Torque Converter Single stage, dual phase with 2.63:1 stall ratio, 280 mm (11 in.) Maximum Travel Speeds with Standard Engine, Measured with 16.9-28 Rear Tires Forward Reverse Gear 1 5.8 km/h (3.6 mph)7.3 km/h (4.5 mph) Gear 2 10.6 km/h (6.6 mph)13.4 km/h (8.3 mph) Gear 3 21.8 km/h (13.5 mph)21.5 km/h (13.4 mph) Gear 4 39.8 km/h (24.7 mph)— Gear 5 40.0 km/h (24.9 mph)— Axles Axle Oscillation, Stop to Stop, Front Axle 22 deg. Axle Ratings Front Rear SAE J43 5500 kg (12,100 lb.)7500 kg (16,500 lb.) Dynamic 9000 kg (19,800 lb.)10 000 kg (22,000 lb.) Static 24 500 kg (54,000 lb.)26 500 kg (58,400 lb.) Ultimate 39 500 kg (87,100 lb.)39 500 kg (87,100 lb.) Differentials Mechanical-Front-Wheel-Drive (MFWD) Axle Open – standard; automatic, limited-slip traction control – custom or optional Rear Axle Foot actuated, hydraulically engaged 100% mechanical lock Steering (ISO 5010)Hydrostatic power steering and emergency steering Axle MFWD Non-Powered Front Curb-Turning Radius With Brakes 3.53 m (11 ft. 7 in.)3.45 m (11 ft. 4 in.) Without Brakes 4.02 m (13 ft. 2 in.)3.90 m (12 ft. 10 in.) Bucket-Clearance Circle With Brakes 10.09 m (33 ft. 1 in.)10.02 m (32 ft. 10 in.) Without Brakes 10.82 m (35 ft. 6 in.)10.683 m (35 ft. 0 in.) Steering Wheel Turns (lock to lock)3.6 4.3 MFWD Axle Heavy duty, outboard planetary final drives distribute shock loads over 3 gears Rear Axle Heavy duty, outboard planetary final drives distribute shock loads over 4 gears Brakes (ISO 3450) Service Power assisted, hydraulic wet disc, mounted inboard, self-adjusting and self-equalizing Parking Spring applied, hydraulically released, wet, multi-disc, independent of service brakes with electric switch control Hydraulics Main Pump Open-center system; tandem gear pump with unloader Pump Flow at 2,200 rpm Backhoe 136 L/m (36 gpm) Loader 106 L/m (28 gpm) System Relief Pressure Backhoe 24 993 kPa (3,625 psi) Loader 24 993 kPa (3,625 psi) Controls Backhoe 2-lever mechanical standard, pilot controls with pattern select and manual and/or electric auxiliary functions optional Loader Single-lever control with electric clutch cutoff switch standard; manual auxiliary function (2nd lever), single-lever control with electric clutch cutoff switch, electrohydraulic (EH) proportional auxiliary roller, MWFD (momentary), and transmission quick-shift optional SPECIFICATIONS Cylinders 315SL Heat-treated, chrome-plated, polished rods; hardened steel (replaceable bushings) pivot pins Bore Rod Diameter Stroke Loader Boom (2)80 mm (3.15 in.)50 mm (1.97 in.)790 mm (31.10 in.) Loader Bucket (1)90 mm (3.54 in.)50 mm (1.97 in.)744 mm (29.29 in.) Backhoe Boom (1)120 mm (4.72 in.)56 mm (2.20 in.)795 mm (31.30 in.) Backhoe Crowd (1)115 mm (4.53 in.)63 mm (2.48 in.)622 mm (24.47 in.) Backhoe Bucket (1)90 mm (3.54 in.)56 mm (2.20 in.)810 mm (31.89 in.) Backhoe Swing (2)90 mm (3.54 in.)50 mm (1.97 in.)278 mm (10.94 in.) Backhoe Extendable Dipperstick (1)70 mm (2.76 in.)40 mm (1.57 in.)1062 mm (41.81 in.) Backhoe Stabilizer, Standard (2)70 mm (2.76 in.)45 mm (1.77 in.)716 mm (28.19 in.) Non-Powered Axle (1)70 mm (2.76 in.)42 mm (1.65 in.)210 mm (8.27 in.) MFWD (1)65 mm (2.56 in.)40 mm (1.57 in.)210 mm (8.27 in.) Electrical Voltage 12 volt Alternator Rating 160 amp Lights 10 halogen: 4 front, 4 rear, and 2 side docking (32,500 candlepower each); turn signals and flashers: 2 front and 2 rear; stop and taillights; and 2 rear reflectors; front drive lamps with 55/60-watt halogen, plate lamp, reverse lamp, and front marker lamps; factory-installed option for 2 LED spotlights and 8 LED floodlights in lieu of standard halogen light package Operator Station Type (ISO 3471)Cab, isolation mounted, ROPS/FOPS, left/right access, with molded roof Tires/Wheels Front Rear Non-Powered Front Axle 12.5/80-18 F3 (12)19.5L-24 R4 (12) 14.5/75-16.1 F3 (16)19.5L-24 R4 (12) 12.5/80-18 F3 (12)16.9L-28 R4 (12) With MFWD 12.5/80-18 I3 (12)19.5L-24 R4 (10) 12.5/80-18 R4 (10)19.5L-24 R4 (12) 12.5/80-18 I3 (12)21L-24 R4 (12) 12.5/80-18 R4 (10)21L-24 R4 (12) 12.5/80-18 R4 (10)16.9L-28 R4 (12) 340/80R18 XMCL 500/70R24 XMCL 340/80R18 550 550/70R24 550 340/80R18 580 500/70R24 580 340/80R18 550 440/80R28 550 Serviceability Refill Capacities Cooling System Cab 30 L (31.7 qt.) Canopy 28.2 L (29.8 qt.) Rear Axle 18 L (19 qt.) Engine Oil (including vertical spin-on filter)13 L (13.7 qt.) Torque Converter and Transmission 15.1 L (16 qt.) Fuel Tank (with ground-level fueling) 128.7 L (34 gal.) Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) Tank 13.7 L (3.6 gal.) Hydraulic System 126.8 L (33.5 gal.) Hydraulic Reservoir 45 L (11.9 gal.) MFWD Housing Axle 6.5 L (6.9 qt.) Planetary (each)0.9 L (1 qt.) Operating Weights With Full Fuel Tank, 79-kg (175 lb.) Operator, Standard Equipment, and Bumper 7962 kg (17,554 lb.) Typical with Extendable Dipperstick and 204-kg (450 lb.) Counterweight 8389 kg (18,494 lb.) Optional Components (weight difference between base equipment and option) MFWD with Tires 220 kg (485 lb.) Extendable Dipperstick 222 kg (490 lb.) 315SL 28 Overall Dimensions 315SL A Ground Clearance, Minimum 351 mm (14 in.) B Overall Length, Transport 5.96 m (19 ft. 7 in.) C Stabilizer Spread 2.26 m (7 ft. 5 in.) D Height to Top of ROPS/Cab 2.84 m (9 ft. 4 in.) E Length from Axle to Axle Non-Powered Front Axle 2.16 m (7 ft. 1 in.) MFWD Axle 2.19 m (7 ft. 2 in.) Backhoe Dimensions and Performance Backhoe specifications are with 610-mm x 0.21-m3 (24 in. x 7.5 cu. ft.) bucket; dipper lift specs are with a boom angle of 65 deg. Bucket Range 305–762 mm (12–30 in.) Digging Force Bucket Cylinder 55.0 kN (12,361 lb.) With Heavy-Duty Cylinder Option 67.9 kN (15,260 lb.) Crowd Cylinder 36.6 kN (8,231 lb.) Swing Arc 180 deg. Operator Control 2 levers With Optional Extendable Dipperstick With Standard Backhoe Retracted Extended F Loading Height, Truck Loading Position 3.65 m (12 ft. 0 in.)3.77 m (12 ft. 5 in.)4.39 m (14 ft. 5 in.) G Reach from Center of Swing Pivot 5.44 m (17 ft. 10 in.)5.61 m (18 ft. 5 in.)6.62 m (21 ft. 9 in.) H Reach from Center of Rear Axle 6.80 m (22 ft. 4 in.)6.98 m (22 ft. 11 in.)7.98 m (26 ft. 2 in.) I Digging Depth (SAE maximum)4.08 m (13 ft. 5 in.)4.24 m (13 ft. 11 in.)5.29 m (17 ft. 4 in.) J Digging Depth (SAE) 610-mm (2 ft.) Flat Bottom 4.03 m (13 ft. 3 in.)4.20 m (13 ft. 9 in.)5.26 m (17 ft. 3 in.) 2440-mm (8 ft.) Flat Bottom 3.68 m (12 ft. 1 in.)3.87 m (12 ft. 8 in.)5.00 m (16 ft. 5 in.) K Overall Width (less loader bucket)2.43 m (8 ft. 0 in.)2.41 m (7 ft. 11 in.)— L Side-Shift from Tractor Centerline 537 mm (21 in.)537 mm (21 in.)537 mm (21 in.) M Wall to Swing Centerline 604 mm (24 in.)604 mm (24 in.)604 mm (24 in.) N Bucket Rotation 190 deg.190 deg.190 deg. O Transport Height 3.71 m (12 ft. 2 in.)3.72 m (12 ft. 3 in.)3.72 m (12 ft. 3 in.) C M L K H I J A O F N G E D T P B VU Q S R 315SL Loader Dimensions and Performance 315SL P Bucket Dump Angle, Maximum 45 deg. Q Rollback Angle at Ground Level 40 deg. Heavy-duty Heavy-duty Multipurpose Multipurpose Bucket Capacity 0.77 m 3 (1.00 cu. yd.)1.00 m 3 (1.31 cu. yd.)0.96 m 3 (1.25 cu. yd.)1.00 m 3 (1.31 cu. yd.) Width 2184 mm (86 in.)2337 mm (92 in.)2184 mm (86 in.)2337 mm (92 in.) Weight 363 kg (800 lb.)521 kg (1,148 lb.)794 kg (1,750 lb.)863 kg (1,902 lb.) Breakout Force 49.2 kN (11,060 lb.)47.2 kN (10,608 lb.)43.9 kN (9,863 lb.)43.5 kN (9,788 lb.) Lift Capacity, Full Height 3456 kg (7,619 lb.)3277 kg (7,225 lb.)2833 kg (6,246 lb.)2792 kg (6,156 lb.) R Height to Bucket Hinge Pin, Maximum 3.45 m (11 ft. 4 in.)3.45 m (11 ft. 4 in.)3.45 m (11 ft. 4 in.)3.45 m (11 ft. 4 in.) S Dump Clearance, Bucket at 45 deg.2.75 m (9 ft. 0 in.)2.69 m (8 ft. 10 in.) 2.65 m (8 ft. 8 in.)2.65 m (8 ft. 8 in.) T Reach at Full Height, Bucket at 45 deg. 743 mm (29.2 in.)726 mm (28.6 in.)768 mm (30.2 in.)768 mm (30.2 in.) U Digging Depth Below Ground, Bucket Level 89 mm (3.5 in.)146 mm (5.8 in.)142 mm (5.6 in.)142 mm (5.6 in.) V Length from Front Axle Centerline to Bucket Cutting Edge 1.97 m (6 ft. 6 in.)2.05 m (6 ft. 9 in.)2.10 m (6 ft. 11 in.)2.10 m (6 ft. 11 in.) Lift Capacity with Quick-Coupler Forks Hydraulic Capacity 1219-mm (48 in.) Tines 1524-mm (60 in.) Tines A|Maximum Height 2023 kg (4,459 lb.)1891 kg (4,168 lb.) B|Maximum Reach 3160 kg (6,967 lb.)2979 kg (6,568 lb.) C|At Ground Line 4000 kg (8,818 lb.)3783 kg (8,340 lb.) D|Below Ground Line 216 mm (8.5 in.)216 mm (8.5 in.) Lift Capacities Lift capacities are over-end values in kg (lb.). Figures listed are 100% of the maximum lift force available. STANDARD LIFT With Standard Dipperstick STANDARD LIFT With 1.06-m (3 ft. 6 in.) Extendable Dipperstick, Retracted STANDARD LIFT With 1.06-m (3 ft. 6 in.) Extendable Dipperstick, Extended 048121620 012 34567 FEET METERS 04 8121620 012 34567 FEET METERS FEET METERS 048121620 012 34567 SWING PIVOTSWING PIVOT SWING PIVOT 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 16 12 8 4 0 4 8 12 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 16 12 8 4 0 4 8 12 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 16 12 8 4 0 4 8 12 1828 (4,030) 1944 (4,285) 1665 (3,672) 1637 (3,609) 1622 (3,577) 1639 (3,614) 1929 (4,253) 1888 (4,163) 1840 (4,057) 1791 (3,949) 1744 (3,846) 1702 (3,752) 1706 (3,762)1607 (3,544) 1762 (3,885) 1419 (3,129) 1387 (3,058) 1364 (3,008) 1361 (3,000) 1426 (3,144) 1164 (2,567) 1155 (2,547) 1154 (2,545) 1168 (2,576) 1222 (2,694) 1530 (3,372) 1728 (3,809) 1696 (3,740) 1650 (3,637) 1599 (3,525) 1549 (3,415) 1502 (3,310) 1458 (3,215) 1288 (2,841) 1294 (2,852) 1280 (2,822) 1222 (2,695) 1274 (2,809) 1256 (2,768) 1235 (2,723) 1215 (2,678) 1196 (2,636) 1178 (2,598) 1949 (4,298) 1863 (4,106) 2055 (4,530) 2237 (4,932) 2757 (6,079) 3007 (6,629) 2763 (6,091) 3204 (7,063) 3635 (8,014) 5421 (11,952) 1863 (4,108) 5683 (12,529) 4313 (9,508) 3560 (7,849) 3272 (7,214) 2840 (6,261) BOOM LIFT DIPPER LIFT WITH BOOM AT 65° BOOM LIFT DIPPER LIFT WITH BOOM AT 65° BOOM LIFT DIPPER LIFT WITH BOOM AT 65° 1027 (2,263) 4206 (9,273) *Indicates capacity is stability limited. Lift capacities are over end with stabilizers down and tires tangent to ground. A| B| C| D| 30 Engine 410L Manufacturer and Model John Deere PowerTech™ Plus 4045HT096 turbocharged Non-Road Emission Standard EPA Final Tier 4/EU Stage IV Displacement 4.5 L (276 cu. in.) Gross Power at Rated Speed 85 kW (114 hp) at 2,200 rpm Net Peak Power (ISO 9249)84 kW (113 hp) at 2,240 rpm Net Peak Torque (ISO 9249)448 Nm (330 lb.-ft.) at 1,400 rpm Net Torque Rise 23% Lubrication Pressure system with spin-on filter and cooler Air Cleaner Dual-stage dry type with safety element and evacuator valve Cooling Fan Type Electronically controlled, variable rate, suction-type cooling fan Engine Coolant Rating –40 deg. C (–40 deg. F) Engine Oil Cooler Oil to water Powertrain Transmission 5-speed, helical-cut gears, full PowerShift™ transmission with hydraulic reverser standard; electric clutch cutoff on loader lever; AutoShift transmission optional Torque Converter Single stage, dual phase with 2.63:1 stall ratio, 280 mm (11 in.) Maximum Travel Speeds with Standard Engine, Measured with 21L-24 Rear Tires Forward Reverse Gear 1 5.6 km/h (3.5 mph)7.0 km/h (4.3 mph) Gear 2 10.2 km/h (6.3 mph)12.9 km/h (8.0 mph) Gear 3 21.0 km/h (13.0 mph)20.7 km/h (12.9 mph) Gear 4 38.2 km/h (23.7 mph)— Gear 5 40.0 km/h (24.9 mph)— Axles Axle Oscillation, Stop to Stop, Front Axle 22 deg. Axle Ratings Front Rear SAE J43 6500 kg (14,300 lb.)7500 kg (16,500 lb.) Dynamic 9000 kg (19,800 lb.)10 000 kg (22,000 lb.) Static 26 500 kg (58,400 lb.)26 500 kg (58,400 lb.) Ultimate 43 500 kg (95,900 lb.)43 500 kg (95,900 lb.) Differentials Mechanical-Front-Wheel-Drive (MFWD) Axle Automatic, limited-slip traction control Rear Axle Foot actuated, hydraulically engaged 100% mechanical lock Steering (ISO 5010)Hydrostatic power steering and emergency steering Axle MFWD Non-Powered Front Curb-Turning Radius With Brakes 3.60 m (11 ft. 10 in.)3.57 m (11 ft. 9 in.) Without Brakes 4.20 m (13 ft. 9 in.)4.17 m (13 ft. 8 in.) Bucket-Clearance Circle With Brakes 10.38 m (34 ft. 1 in.)10.37 m (34 ft. 0 in.) Without Brakes 11.28 m (37 ft. 0 in.)11.25 m (36 ft. 11 in.) Steering Wheel Turns (lock to lock, flow amplified) 2.6 to 3.6 3.1 to 4.3 MFWD Axle Heavy duty, outboard planetary final drives distribute shock loads over 3 gears Rear Axle Heavy duty, outboard planetary final drives distribute shock loads over 4 gears Brakes (ISO 3450) Service Power assisted, hydraulic wet disc, mounted inboard, self-adjusting and self-equalizing Parking Spring applied, hydraulically released, wet, multi-disc, independent of service brakes with electric switch control Hydraulics Main Pump Pressure compensated load sensing (PCLS), axial-piston pump Pump Flow at 2,200 rpm Backhoe 159 L/m (42 gpm) Loader 159 L/m (42 gpm) System Relief Pressure Backhoe 24 993 kPa (3,625 psi) Lift Mode 27 579 kPa (4,000 psi) Loader 24 993 kPa (3,625 psi) Controls Backhoe 2-lever mechanical standard; pilot controls with pattern select and auxiliary functions optional; field kits available for additional mechanical-control options SPECIFICATIONS Hydraulics (continued)410L Controls (continued) Loader Single-lever control with electric clutch cutoff, momentary MFWD, transmission quick-shift, and electrohydraulic (EH) auxiliary loader control optional Cylinders Heat-treated, chrome-plated, polished rods; hardened steel (replaceable bushings) pivot pins Bore Rod Diameter Stroke Loader Boom (2)80 mm (3.15 in.)50 mm (1.97 in.)790 mm (31.10 in.) Loader Bucket (1)90 mm (3.54 in.)50 mm (1.97 in.)744 mm (29.29 in.) Backhoe Boom (1)140 mm (5.51 in.)70 mm (2.76 in.)897 mm (35.31 in.) Backhoe Crowd (1)120 mm (4.72 in.)63 mm (2.48 in.)727 mm (28.62 in.) Backhoe Bucket (1)100 mm (3.94 in.)63 mm (2.48 in.)810 mm (31.89 in.) Backhoe Swing (2)90 mm (3.54 in.)50 mm (1.97 in.)278 mm (10.94 in.) Backhoe Extendable Dipperstick (1)80 mm (3.15 in.)45 mm (1.77 in.)1214 mm (47.78 in.) Backhoe Stabilizer, Extended (2)100 mm (3.94 in.)50 mm (1.97 in.)500 mm (19.69 in.) Non-Powered Axle (1)70 mm (2.76 in.)42 mm (1.65 in.)210 mm (8.27 in.) MFWD (1)65 mm (2.56 in.)40 mm (1.57 in.)210 mm (8.27 in.) Electrical Voltage 12 volt Alternator Rating 120 amp with canopy and quarter cab / 160 amp with cab Lights 10 halogen: 4 front, 4 rear, and 2 side docking (32,500 candlepower each); turn signals and flashers: 2 front and 2 rear; stop and taillights; and 2 rear reflectors; factory-installed option for 2 LED spotlights and 8 LED floodlights in lieu of standard halogen light package Operator Station Type (ISO 3471)Canopy, isolation mounted, ROPS/FOPS, left/right access, with molded roof; optional quarter cab (front glass only) and fully enclosed cab Tires/Wheels Front Rear Non-Powered Front Axle 12.5/80-18 F3 (12)21L-24 R4 (12) 14.5/75-16.1 F3 (16)21L-24 R4 (12) With MFWD 12.5/80-18 R4 (10)21L-24 R4 (12) 12.5/80-18 I3 (12)21L-24 R4 (12) 340/80R18 XMCL 500/70R24 XMCL 340/80R18 550 500/70R24 550 340/80R18 580 500/70R24 580 Serviceability Refill Capacities Cooling System Cab 31.4 L (33.2 qt.) Canopy 29.6 L (31.3 qt.) Rear Axle 18 L (19 qt.) Engine Oil (including vertical spin-on filter)13 L (13.7 qt.) Torque Converter and Transmission 15.1 L (16 qt.) Fuel Tank (with ground-level fueling) 128.7 L (34 gal.) Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) Tank 13.7 L (3.6 gal.) Hydraulic System 126.8 L (33.5 gal.) Hydraulic Reservoir 45 L (11.9 gal.) MFWD Housing Axle 6.5 L (6.9 qt.) Planetary (each)0.9 L (1 qt.) Operating Weights With Full Fuel Tank, 79-kg (175 lb.) Operator, Standard Equipment, and 340-kg (750 lb.) Counterweight 8068 kg (17,786 lb.) Typical with Cab, Extendable Dipperstick, and 567-kg (1,250 lb.) Counterweight 8828 kg (19,463 lb.) Optional Components (weight difference between base equipment and option) Cab 263 kg (580 lb.) MFWD with Tires 110 kg (242 lb.) Extendable Dipperstick 271 kg (597 lb.) Front Loader Coupler 257 kg (566 lb.) Backhoe Bucket Coupler 64 kg (141 lb.) SPECIFICATIONS 410L 32 Overall Dimensions 410L A Ground Clearance, Minimum 334 mm (13 in.) B Overall Length, Transport 7.43 m (24 ft. 5 in.) C Width Over Tires 2.34 m (7 ft. 8 in.) D Height to Top of ROPS/Cab 2.87 m (9 ft. 5 in.) E Length from Axle to Axle Non-Powered Front Axle 2.16 m (7 ft. 1 in.) MFWD Axle 2.19 m (7 ft. 2 in.) C M L K H IJ A O F N G E D T P B VU Q S R Backhoe Dimensions and Performance Backhoe specifications are with 610-mm x 0.21-m3 (24 in. x 7.5 cu. ft.) bucket; dipper lift specs are with a boom angle of 60 deg. Bucket Range 305–762 mm (12–30 in.) Digging Force Bucket Cylinder 69.9 kN (15,723 lb.) Lift Mode 77.2 kN (17,350 lb.) Crowd Cylinder 44.1 kN (9,907 lb.) Lift Mode 48.6 kN (10,932 lb.) Swing Arc 180 deg. Operator Control 2 levers With Optional Extendable Dipperstick With Standard Backhoe Retracted Extended F Loading Height, Truck Loading Position 3.97 m (13 ft. 0 in.)4.01 m (13 ft. 2 in.)4.72 m (15 ft. 6 in.) G Reach from Center of Swing Pivot 6.02 m (19 ft. 9 in.)6.02 m (19 ft. 9 in.)7.14 m (23 ft. 5 in.) H Reach from Center of Rear Axle 7.14 m (23 ft. 5 in.)7.14 m (23 ft. 5 in.)8.26 m (27 ft. 1 in.) I Digging Depth (SAE maximum)4.85 m (15 ft. 11 in.)4.85 m (15 ft. 11 in.)6.00 m (19 ft. 8 in.) J Digging Depth (SAE) 610-mm (2 ft.) Flat Bottom 4.80 m (15 ft. 9 in.)4.80 m (15 ft. 9 in.)5.97 m (19 ft. 7 in.) 2440-mm (8 ft.) Flat Bottom 4.49 m (14 ft. 9 in.)4.49 m (14 ft. 9 in.)5.75 m (18 ft. 10 in.) K Stabilizer Width, Transport 2.35 m (7 ft. 9 in.)2.35 m (7 ft. 9 in.)2.35 m (7 ft. 9 in.) L Stabilizer Spread, Operating 3.45 m (11 ft. 4 in.)3.45 m (11 ft. 4 in.)3.45 m (11 ft. 4 in.) M Stabilizer Overall Width, Operating 4.03 m (13 ft. 3 in.)4.03 m (13 ft. 3 in.)4.03 m (13 ft. 3 in.) N Bucket Rotation 190 deg.190 deg.190 deg. O Transport Height 3.91 m (12 ft. 10 in.)3.91 m (12 ft. 10 in.)3.91 m (12 ft. 10 in.) 410L Loader Dimensions and Performance 410L P Bucket Dump Angle, Maximum 45 deg. Q Rollback Angle at Ground Level 40 deg. Heavy-duty Heavy-duty Multipurpose Bucket Capacity 1.00 m 3 (1.31 cu. yd.)1.15 m3 (1.50 cu. yd.)1.00 m 3 (1.31 cu. yd.) Width 2346 mm (92 in.)2394 mm (94 in.)2346 mm (92 in.) Weight 521 kg (1,148 lb.)548 kg (1,208 lb.)863 kg (1,902 lb.) Breakout Force 47.3 kN (10,645 lb.)46.1 kN (10,361 lb.)43.7 kN (9,824 lb.) Lift Capacity, Full Height 3271 kg (7,211 lb.)3160 kg (6,967 lb.)2787 kg (6,144 lb.) R Height to Bucket Hinge Pin, Maximum 3.47 m (11 ft. 4 in.)3.47 m (11 ft. 4 in.)3.47 m (11 ft. 4 in.) S Dump Clearance, Bucket at 45 deg.2.70 m (8 ft. 10 in.)2.66 m (8 ft. 9 in.)2.67 m (8 ft. 9 in.) T Reach at Full Height, Bucket at 45 deg. 730 mm (28.7 in.)772 mm (30.4 in.)772 mm (30.4 in.) U Digging Depth Below Ground, Bucket Level 135 mm (5.3 in.)135 mm (5.3 in.)131 mm (5.1 in.) V Length from Front Axle Centerline to Bucket Cutting Edge 2.03 m (6 ft. 8 in.)2.09 m (6 ft. 10 in.)2.08 m (6 ft. 10 in.) Lift Capacity with Quick-Coupler Forks Hydraulic Capacity 1219-mm (48 in.) Tines 1524-mm (60 in.) Tines A|Maximum Height 2019 kg (4,452 lb.)1887 kg (4,161 lb.) B|Maximum Reach 3158 kg (6,963 lb.)2978 kg (6,565 lb.) C|At Ground Line 4009 kg (8,839 lb.)3792 kg (8,360 lb.) D|Below Ground Line 206 mm (8.1 in.)206 mm (8.1 in.) A| B| C| D| Lift Capacities Lift capacities are over-end values in kg (lb.). Figures listed are 100% of the maximum lift force available. With Standard Dipperstick With 1.21-m (4 ft. 0 in.) Extendable Dipperstick, Retracted With 1.21-m (4 ft. 0 in.) Extendable Dipperstick, Extended Standard Lift Lift Mode Standard Lift Lift Mode Standard Lift Lift Mode A 7747 kg (17,080 lb.) 7747 kg (17,080 lb.) 7508 kg (16,553 lb.) 7508 kg (16,553 lb.) 4957 kg (10,928 lb.) 5327 kg (11,743 lb.) B 6041 kg (13,318 lb.) 6041 kg (13,318 lb.) 5826 kg (12,845 lb.) 5826 kg (12,845 lb.) 3141 kg (6,924 lb.) 3492 kg (7,698 lb.) C 4469 kg (9,852 lb.) 4469 kg (9,852 lb.) 4277 kg (9,429 lb.) 4277 kg (9,429 lb.) 2729 kg (6,015 lb.) 3036 kg (6,693 lb.) D 4024 kg (8,871 lb.) 4024 kg (8,871 lb.) 3838 kg (8,461 lb.) 3838 kg (8,461 lb.) 2513 kg (5,541 lb.) 2798 kg (6,169 lb.) E 3745 kg (8,256 lb.) 3899 kg (8,596 lb.) 3621 kg (7,983 lb.) 3714 kg (8,189 lb.) 2358 kg (5,199 lb.) 2626 kg (5,790 lb.) F 3305 kg (7,285 lb.) 3662 kg (8,074 lb.) 3180 kg (7,010 lb.) 3537 kg (7,798 lb.) 2212 kg (4,876 lb.) 2464 kg (5,433 lb.) G 1641 kg (3,617 lb.) 1828 kg (4,029 lb.) 1481 kg (3,265 lb.) 1668 kg (3,677 lb.) 2037 kg (4,492 lb.) 2271 kg (5,008 lb.) H 2125 kg (4,685 lb.) 2374 kg (5,234 lb.) 1943 kg (4,284 lb.) 2192 kg (4,833 lb.) 1788 kg (3,942 lb.) 1996 kg (4,401 lb.) I 2252 kg (4,965 lb.) 2519 kg (5,554 lb.) 2061 kg (4,544 lb.) 2328 kg (5,133 lb.) 1091 kg (2,406 lb.) 1235 kg (2,722 lb.) J 2287 kg (5,042 lb.) 2561 kg (5,646 lb.) 2090 kg (4,608 lb.) 2364 kg (5,212 lb.) 1355 kg (2,988 lb.) 1533 kg (3,381 lb.) K 2286 kg (5,039 lb.) 2562 kg (5,648 lb.) 2084 kg (4,595 lb.) 2361 kg (5,204 lb.) 1479 kg (3,260 lb.) 1674 kg (3,690 lb.) L 2268 kg (4,999 lb.) 2544 kg (5,609 lb.) 2063 kg (4,547 lb.) 2339 kg (5,157 lb.) 1543 kg (3,402 lb.) 1748 kg (3,854 lb.) M 2243 kg (4,944 lb.) 2518 kg (5,551 lb.) 2034 kg (4,485 lb.) 2310 kg (5,092 lb.) 1577 kg (3,477 lb.) 1788 kg (3,943 lb.) N 2215 kg (4,884 lb.) 2490 kg (5,489 lb.) 2004 kg (4,418 lb.) 2278 kg (5,023 lb.) 1594 kg (3,514 lb.) 1809 kg (3,988 lb.) O 2189 kg (4,827 lb.) 2463 kg (5,429 lb.) 1975 kg (4,354 lb.) 2248 kg (4,956 lb.) 1601 kg (3,529 lb.) 1818 kg (4,009 lb.) P 2167 kg (4,778 lb.) 2440 kg (5,380 lb.) 1949 kg (4,298 lb.) 2222 kg (4,899 lb.) 1602 kg (3,531 lb.) 1821 kg (4,015 lb.) Q 2153 kg (4,746 lb.) 2426 kg (5,349 lb.) 1931 kg (4,257 lb.) 2204 kg (4,860 lb.) 1599 kg (3,526 lb.) 1820 kg (4,013 lb.) R 2150 kg (4,741 lb.) 2426 kg (5,348 lb.) 1924 kg (4,242 lb.) 2200 kg (4,849 lb.) 1596 kg (3,519 lb.) 1818 kg (4,009 lb.) S 2171 kg (4,786 lb.) 2452 kg (5,406 lb.) 1938 kg (4,274 lb.) 2220 kg (4,893 lb.) 1594 kg (3,514 lb.) 1818 kg (4,007 lb.) T 2247 kg (4,953 lb.) 2541 kg (5,603 lb.) 2004 kg (4,418 lb.) 2299 kg (5,068 lb.) 1594 kg (3,515 lb.) 1820 kg (4,013 lb.) U 2578 kg (5,684 lb.) 2923 kg (6,444 lb.) 2306 kg (5,084 lb.) 2651 kg (5,844 lb.) 1600 kg (3,527 lb.) 1828 kg (4,031 lb.) V ————1614 kg (3,558 lb.) 1847 kg (4,071 lb.) W ————1643 kg (3,623 lb.) 1882 kg (4,150 lb.) X ————1703 kg (3,755 lb.) 1953 kg (4,306 lb.) Y ————1843 kg (4,064 lb.) 2116 kg (4,665 lb.) Z ————2465 kg (5,435 lb.) 2832 kg (6,245 lb.) *Indicates capacity is stability limited. Lift capacities are over end with stabilizers down and tires tangent to ground. 048 12 16 20 012 34567 FEET METERS 12 8 4 0 4 8 12 16 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 6 5 SWING PIVOT BOOMLIFT DIPPER LIFT WITHBOOMAT 60° I H F G J K L M N O P Q R S T C* D* B*A* U E 048 12 16 20 01234567 FEET METERS 12 8 4 0 4 8 12 16 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 SWING PIVOT BOOMLIFT DIPPERLIFTWITHBOOMAT 60° H U G I J K L M N O P Q R S E D C BA* T F FEET METERS 048 12 16 20 24 012 3456 7 8 12 8 4 0 4 8 12 16 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 SWING PIVOT BOOM LIFT DIPPERLIFTWITH BOOM AT 60° L K J I M N O P Q S R T U V W X Y Z F G E D C B A H With Extendable Dipperstick, Extended With Extendable Dipperstick, Retracted With Standard Dipperstick 34 Engine 710L Manufacturer and Model John Deere PowerTech™ Plus 4045HT084 series turbocharged Non-Road Emission Standard EPA Final Tier 4/EU Stage IV Displacement 4.5 L (276 cu. in.) Gross Power at Rated Speed 111 kW (149 hp) at 2,200 rpm Net Peak Power (ISO 9249)110 kW (148 hp) at 2,240 rpm Net Peak Torque (ISO 9249)570 Nm (420 lb.-ft.) at 1,400 rpm Net Torque Rise 20% Lubrication Pressure system with spin-on filter and cooler Air Cleaner Dual-stage dry type with safety element and evacuator valve Cooling Fan Type Electronically controlled, variable rate, suction-type cooling fan Engine Coolant Rating –40 deg. C (–40 deg. F) Engine Oil Cooler Oil to water Powertrain Transmission 4-speed, helical-cut gears, full PowerShift™ transmission with hydraulic reverser standard; electric clutch cutoff on loader lever; AutoShift transmission optional Torque Converter Single stage, dual phase with 1.92:1 stall ratio, 280 mm (11 in.) Maximum Travel Speeds with Standard Engine with Mechanical-Front-Wheel Drive (MFWD), Measured with 21L-28 Rear Tires Forward Reverse Gear 1 5.9 km/h (3.7 mph)6.6 km/h (4.1 mph) Gear 2 10.0 km/h (6.2 mph)11.1 km/h (6.9 mph) Gear 3 24.4 km/h (15.2 mph) 27.2 km/h (16.9 mph) Gear 4 36.6 km/h (22.7 mph)— Axles Axle Oscillation, Stop to Stop, Front Axle 18 deg. Axle Ratings Front Rear SAE J43 9000 kg (19,800 lb.)11 500 kg (25,400 lb.) Dynamic 12 500 kg (27,600 lb.)14 000 kg (30,900 lb.) Static 30 500 kg (67,200 lb.)31 000 kg (68,300 lb.) Ultimate 45 000 kg (99,200 lb.)45 000 kg (99,200 lb.) Differentials MFWD Axle Automatic, limited-slip traction control Rear Axle Foot actuated, hydraulically engaged mechanical lock Steering (ISO 5010)Hydrostatic power steering and emergency steering Axle MFWD Non-Powered Front Curb-Turning Radius With Brakes 4.04 m (13 ft. 3 in.)4.07 m (13 ft. 4 in.) Without Brakes 4.71 m (15 ft. 5 in.)4.75 m (15 ft. 7 in.) Bucket-Clearance Circle With Brakes 11.29 m (37 ft. 0 in.)11.30 m (37 ft. 1 in.) Without Brakes 12.32 m (40 ft. 5 in.)12.35 m (40 ft. 6 in.) Steering Wheel Turns (lock to lock, flow amplified) 2.7 to 4.4 2.9 to 4.7 MFWD Axle Heavy duty, outboard planetary final drives distribute shock loads over 3 gears Rear Axle Heavy duty, inboard planetary final drives distribute shock loads over 3 gears Brakes (ISO 3450) Service Full power, hydraulic wet disc, mounted inboard, self-adjusting and self-equalizing Parking Spring applied, hydraulically released, wet, multi-disc, independent of service brakes with electric switch control Hydraulics Main Pump Pressure compensated load sensing (PCLS), axial-piston pump Pump Flow at 2,200 rpm Backhoe 197 L/m (52 gpm) Loader 197 L/m (52 gpm) System Relief Pressure, Backhoe and Loader Backhoe 24 993 kPa (3,625 psi) Lift Mode 26 890 kPa (3,900 psi) Loader 24 993 kPa (3,625 psi) SPECIFICATIONS SPECIFICATIONS Hydraulics (continued)710L Controls Backhoe Pilot controls with pattern select standard; 2-lever mechanical and auxiliary functions optional; field kits available for additional mechanical-control options Loader Single-lever control with electric clutch cutoff, momentary MFWD, transmission quick-shift, and electrohydraulic (EH) auxiliary loader control optional Cylinders Heat-treated, chrome-plated, polished rods; hardened steel (replaceable bushings) pivot pins Bore Rod Diameter Stroke Loader Boom (2)100 mm (3.94 in.)56 mm (2.20 in.)805 mm (31.69 in.) Loader Bucket (1)110 mm (4.33 in.)56 mm (2.20 in.)672 mm (26.44 in.) Backhoe Boom (1)160 mm (6.30 in.)95 mm (3.74 in.)944 mm (37.17 in.) Backhoe Crowd (1)140 mm (5.51 in.)85 mm (3.35 in.)792 mm (31.16 in.) Backhoe Bucket (1)110 mm (4.33 in.)70 mm (2.76 in.)939 mm (36.97 in.) Backhoe Swing (2)110 mm (4.33 in.)56 mm (2.20 in.)308 mm (12.13 in.) Backhoe Extendable Dipperstick (1)80 mm (3.15 in.)45 mm (1.77 in.)1372 mm (54.00 in.) Backhoe Stabilizer, Extended (2)115 mm (4.53 in.)63 mm (2.48 in.)588 mm (23.15 in.) Non-Powered Axle (1)75 mm (2.95 in.)45 mm (1.77 in.)240 mm (9.45 in.) MFWD (1)75 mm (2.95 in.)50 mm (1.97 in.)260 mm (10.24 in.) Electrical Voltage 12 volt Alternator Rating 160 amp with cab Lights 10 halogen: 4 front, 4 rear, and 2 side docking (32,500 candlepower each); turn signals and flashers: 2 front and 2 rear; stop and taillights; and 2 rear reflectors; factory-installed option for 2 LED spotlights and 8 LED floodlights in lieu of standard halogen light package Operator Station Type (ISO 3471)Canopy, isolation mounted, ROPS/FOPS, left/right access, with molded roof; optional fully enclosed cab Tires/Wheels Front Rear Non-Powered Front Axle 12.5/80-18 F3 (16)21L-28 R4 (18) 14.5/75-16.1 F3 (16) 20.5-25 L-3 (20) With MFWD 15-19.5 R4 (12)21L-28 R4 (18) 15-19.5 R4 (12)20.5-25 L-3 (20) Serviceability Refill Capacities Cooling System Cab 27 L (28.5 qt.) Canopy 25 L (26.4 qt.) Rear Axle 25 L (26.4 qt.) Engine Oil (including vertical spin-on filter)13 L (13.7 qt.) Torque Converter and Transmission 15.1 L (16 qt.) Fuel Tank (with ground-level fueling) 174.1 L (46 gal.) Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) Tank 13.7 L (3.6 gal.) Hydraulic System 174.1 L (46 gal.) Hydraulic Reservoir 50.1 L (13.2 gal.) MFWD Housing Axle 15 L (15.9 qt.) Planetary (each)2.2 L (2.3 qt.) Operating Weights With Full Fuel Tank, 79-kg (175 lb.) Operator, and Standard Equipment 11 607 kg (25,588 lb.) Typical with Cab, MFWD, Extendable Dipperstick, and 680-kg (1,500 lb.) Counterweight 12 262 kg (27,033 lb.) Optional Components (weight difference between base equipment and option) Cab 293 kg (645 lb.) MFWD with Tires 373 kg (822 lb.) Extendable Dipperstick 318 kg (700 lb.) Front Loader Coupler 363 kg (800 lb.) 710L 36 Overall Dimensions 710L A Ground Clearance, Minimum 356 mm (14 in.) B Overall Length, Transport 8.23 m (27 ft. 0 in.) C Width Over Tires 2.37 m (7 ft. 9 in.) D Height to Top of ROPS/Cab 2.97 m (9 ft. 9 in.) E Length from Axle to Axle Non-Powered Front Axle 2.58 m (8 ft. 5 in.) MFWD Axle 2.55 m (8 ft. 4 in.) Backhoe Dimensions and Performance Backhoe specifications are with 610-mm x 0.31-m3 (24 in. x 11 cu. ft.) bucket; dipper lift specs are with a boom angle of 65 deg. Bucket Range 610–914 mm (24–36 in.) Digging Force Bucket Cylinder 78.4 kN (17,622 lb.) Lift Mode 84.3 kN (18,959 lb.) Crowd Cylinder 53.4 kN (11,999 lb.) Lift Mode 57.4 kN (12,910 lb.) Swing Arc 180 deg. Operator Control Pilot control With Optional Extendable Dipperstick With Standard Backhoe Retracted Extended F Loading Height, Truck Loading Position 4.45 m (14 ft. 7 in.)4.49 m (14 ft. 9 in.)5.35 m (17 ft. 6 in.) G Reach from Center of Swing Pivot 6.84 m (22 ft. 5 in.)6.84 m (22 ft. 5 in.)8.15 m (26 ft. 9 in.) H Reach from Center of Rear Axle 8.11 m (26 ft. 7 in.)8.11 m (26 ft. 7 in.)9.42 m (30 ft. 11 in.) I Digging Depth (SAE maximum)5.26 m (17 ft. 3 in.)5.26 m (17 ft. 3 in.)6.63 m (21 ft. 9 in.) J Digging Depth (SAE) 610-mm (2 ft.) Flat Bottom 5.25 m (17 ft. 3 in.)5.25 m (17 ft. 2 in.)6.62 m (21 ft. 8 in.) 2440-mm (8 ft.) Flat Bottom 4.96 m (16 ft. 3 in.)4.96 m (16 ft. 3 in.)6.40 m (21 ft. 0 in.) K Stabilizer Width, Transport 2.41 m (7 ft. 11 in.)2.41 m (7 ft. 11 in.)2.41 m (7 ft. 11 in.) L Stabilizer Spread, Operating 3.99 m (13 ft. 1 in.)3.99 m (13 ft. 1 in.)3.99 m (13 ft. 1 in.) M Stabilizer Overall Width, Operating 4.65 m (15 ft. 3 in.)4.65 m (15 ft. 3 in.)4.65 m (15 ft. 3 in.) N Bucket Rotation 190 deg.190 deg.190 deg. O Transport Height 4.23 m (13 ft. 10 in.)4.23 m (13 ft. 10 in.)4.23 m (13 ft. 10 in.) Loader Dimensions and Performance P Bucket Dump Angle, Maximum 45 deg. Q Rollback Angle at Ground Level 40 deg. C M L K H I J A F O N G E D T P B VU Q S R 710L Loader Dimensions and Performance (continued)710L Standard-duty Standard-duty Multipurpose Bucket Capacity 1.24 m 3 (1.62 cu. yd.)1.43 m 3 (1.87 cu. yd.)1.00 m 3 (1.31 cu. yd.) Width 2464 mm (97 in.)2464 mm (97 in.)2451 mm (96 in.) Weight 830 kg (1,830 lb.)866 kg (1,909 lb.)995 kg (2,193 lb.) Breakout Force 73.6 kN (16,539 lb.)70.5 kN (15,853 lb.)73.3 kN (16,474 lb.) Lift Capacity, Full Height 4475 kg (9,866 lb.)4239 kg (9,346 lb.)4081 kg (8,998 lb.) R Height to Bucket Hinge Pin, Maximum 3.73 m (12 ft. 3 in.)3.73 m (12 ft. 3 in.)3.73 m (12 ft. 3 in.) S Dump Clearance, Bucket at 45 deg.2.89 m (9 ft. 6 in.)2.81 m (9 ft. 3 in.)2.92 m (9 ft. 7 in.) T Reach at Full Height, Bucket at 45 deg. 768 mm (30.2 in.)849 mm (33.4 in.)763 mm (30 in.) U Digging Depth Below Ground, Bucket Level 157 mm (6.2 in.)157 mm (6.2 in.)141 mm (5.5 in.) V Length from Front Axle Centerline to Bucket Cutting Edge 2.14 m (7 ft. 0 in.)2.26 m (7 ft. 5 in.)2.11 m (6 ft. 11 in.) Lift Capacity with Quick-Coupler Forks Hydraulic Capacity 1219-mm (48 in.) Tines A|Maximum Height 2632 kg (5,803 lb.) B|Maximum Reach 4378 kg (9,651 lb.) C|At Ground Line 6057 kg (13,353 lb.) D|Below Ground Line 140 mm (5.5 in.) Lift Capacities Lift capacities are over-end values in kg (lb.). Figures listed are 100% of the maximum lift force available. With Standard Dipperstick With 1.37-m (4 ft. 6 in.) Extendable Dipperstick, Retracted With 1.37-m (4 ft. 6 in.) Extendable Dipperstick, Extended Standard Lift Lift Mode Standard Lift Lift Mode Standard Lift Lift Mode A 9519 kg (20,986 lb.) 9519 kg (20,986 lb.) 9343 kg (20,597 lb.) 9343 kg (20,597 lb.) 5431 kg (11,973 lb.) 5878 kg (12,958 lb.) B 5244 kg (11,561 lb.) 5506 kg (12,140 lb.) 5109 kg (11,262 lb.) 5290 kg (11,662 lb.) 3397 kg (7,488 lb.) 3685 kg (8,123 lb.) C 4492 kg (9,903 lb.) 4732 kg (10,432 lb.) 4344 kg (9,578 lb.) 4520 kg (9,965 lb.) 2914 kg (6,425 lb.) 3,165 kg (6,977 lb.) D 4087 kg (9,010 lb.) 4419 kg (9,743 lb.) 3932 kg (8,669 lb.) 4229 kg (9,323 lb.) 2659 kg (5,862 lb.) 2889 kg (6,370 lb.) E 3718 kg (8,197 lb.) 4022 kg (8,866 lb.) 3557 kg (7,843 lb.) 3860 kg (8,510 lb.) 2479 kg (5,466 lb.) 2695 kg (5,942 lb.) F 3219 kg (7,096 lb.) 3483 kg (7,679 lb.) 3050 kg (6,724 lb.) 3313 kg (7,304 lb.) 2324 kg (5,123 lb.) 2527 kg (5,572 lb.) G 2304 kg (5,079 lb.) 2497 kg (5,505 lb.) 2122 kg (4,679 lb.) 2314 kg (5,102 lb.) 2164 kg (4,771 lb.) 2355 kg (5,192 lb.) H 2500 kg (5,512 lb.) 2717 kg (5,990 lb.) 2291 kg (5,052 lb.) 2508 kg (5,530 lb.) 1974 kg (4,351 lb.) 2150 kg (4,740 lb.) I 2572 kg (5,670 lb.) 2805 kg (6,184 lb.) 2348 kg (5,177 lb.) 2581 kg (5,691 lb.) 1719 kg (3,790 lb.) 1875 kg (4,135 lb.) J 2532 kg (5,581 lb.) 2766 kg (6,099 lb.) 2301 kg (5,073 lb.) 2536 kg (5,590 lb.) 1340 kg (2,954 lb.) 1467 kg (3,234 lb.) K 2465 kg (5,434 lb.) 2697 kg (5,947 lb.) 2230 kg (4,916 lb.) 2462 kg (5,428 lb.) 1625 kg (3,583 lb.) 1789 kg (3,944 lb.) L 2391 kg (5,271 lb.) 2620 kg (5,776 lb.) 2152 kg (4,744 lb.) 2381 kg (5,250 lb.) 1679 kg (3,701 lb.) 1852 kg (4,083 lb.) M 2316 kg (5,105 lb.) 2541 kg (5,602 lb.) 2074 kg (4,573 lb.) 2300 kg (5,070 lb.) 1685 kg (3,714 lb.) 1862 kg (4,104 lb.) N 2243 kg (4,945 lb.) 2464 kg (5,433 lb.) 1999 kg (4,407 lb.) 2220 kg (4,895 lb.) 1669 kg (3,680 lb.) 1848 kg (4,073 lb.) O 2173 kg (4,791 lb.) 2391 kg (5,271 lb.) 1927 kg (4,248 lb.) 2145 kg (4,728 lb.) 1644 kg (3,624 lb.) 1822 kg (4,017 lb.) P 2107 kg (4,646 lb.) 2321 kg (5,118 lb.) 1859 kg (4,098 lb.) 2073 kg (4,570 lb.) 1613 kg (3,556 lb.) 1791 kg (3,947 lb.) Q 2045 kg (4,509 lb.) 2256 kg (4,974 lb.) 1794 kg (3,956 lb.) 2005 kg (4,421 lb.) 1579 kg (3,482 lb.) 1756 kg (3,872 lb.) R 1987 kg (4,381 lb.) 2195 kg (4,840 lb.) 1734 kg (3,823 lb.) 1942 kg (4,282 lb.) 1545 kg (3,406 lb.) 1721 kg (3,793 lb.) S 1934 kg (4,263 lb.) 2139 kg (4,716 lb.) 1678 kg (3,698 lb.) 1883 kg (4,152 lb.) 1511 kg (3,331 lb.) 1685 kg (3,715 lb.) T 1884 kg (4,154 lb.) 2088 kg (4,604 lb.) 1625 kg (3,583 lb.) 1829 kg (4,033 lb.) 1477 kg (3,257 lb.) 1650 kg (3,639 lb.) U 1841 kg (4,058 lb.) 2044 kg (4,506 lb.) 1578 kg (3,479 lb.) 1781 kg (3,927 lb.) 1445 kg (3,185 lb.) 1617 kg (3,565 lb.) V 1805 kg (3,979 lb.) 2009 kg (4,429 lb.) 1537 kg (3,388 lb.) 1741 kg (3,838 lb.) 1414 kg (3,117 lb.) 1585 kg (3,495 lb.) W 1786 kg (3,937 lb.) 1995 kg (4,397 lb.) 1509 kg (3,327 lb.) 1718 kg (3,787 lb.) 1385 kg (3,054 lb.) 1556 kg (3,429 lb.) X 1794 kg (3,954 lb.) 2009 kg (4,429 lb.) 1508 kg (3,325 lb.) 1723 kg (3,799 lb.) 1359 kg (2,995 lb.) 1529 kg (3,370 lb.) Y ————1335 kg (2,943 lb.) 1505 kg (3,318 lb.) Z ————1316 kg (2,900 lb.) 1486 kg (3,277 lb.) a ————1302 kg (2,871 lb.) 1475 kg (3,251 lb.) b ————1299 kg (2,865 lb.) 1476 kg (3,253 lb.) c ————1322 kg (2,914 lb.) 1506 kg (3,321 lb.) d ————1453 kg (3,202 lb.) 1666 kg (3,673 lb.) *Indicates capacity is stability limited. Lift capacities are over end with stabilizers down and tires tangent to ground. 048121620 01234567 FEET METERS 16 12 8 4 0 4 8 12 16 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 SWING PIVOT DIPPER LIFT WITH BOOM AT 65° BOOMLIFT A B C D E O P Q R S T U V WX N M L K F G H I J 048 12 16 20 012 34 567 FEET METERS 16 12 8 4 0 4 8 12 16 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 SWING PIVOT DIPPERLIFT WITHBOOM AT 65° BOOM LIFT A B C D E O P Q R S T U V WX N M L K F G H I J 048 12 16 20 24 0123456 7 8 FEET METERS 16 12 8 4 0 4 8 12 16 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 SWING PIVOT BOOMLIFT DIPPERLIFT WITHBOOM AT 65° A B C D E O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d N M L K F G H I J With Extendable Dipperstick, Extended With Extendable Dipperstick, Retracted With Standard Dipperstick A | B| C| D| Additional equipment Net engine power is with standard equipment including air cleaner, exhaust system, alternator, and cooling fan at test conditions specified per ISO 9249. No derating is required up to 1500-mm (5,000 ft.) altitude for the 310L EP. Specifications and design are subject to change without notice. Wherever applicable, specifications are in accordance with ISO standards. Except where otherwise noted, these specifications are based on 310L EP and 310L units with 19.5L-24-in. 12PR (R4) tubeless rear and 12.5/80-18 12PR (F3) front tires, and 0.86-m3 (1.12 cu. yd.) loader buckets; a 310SL unit with 19.5L-24-in. 12PR (R4) tubeless rear and 12.5-80/18 10PR (R4) front tires, and 1.00-m3 (1.31 cu. yd.) loader bucket; a 310SL HL unit with boost mode, 21L-24 in. 12PR (R4) tubeless rear and 12.5/80-18 10PR (R4) front tires,and 1.00-m3 (1.31 cu. yd.) loader bucket; a 315SL unit with 16.9L-28 R4 (12) tubeless rear and 12.5-80/18 10PR (R4) front tires, and 1.00-m3 (1.31 cu. yd.) loader bucket; a 410L unit with 21L-24-in. 12PR (R4) tubeless rear and 12.5/80-18 10PR (R4) front tires, and 1.15-m3 (1.5 cu. yd.) loader bucket; and a 710L unit with 21L-28-in. 18PR (R4) tubeless rear and 15-19.5-in. 12PR (R4) front tires, and 1.24-m3 (1.62 cu. yd.) loader bucket. 310L EP 310L 310SL 310SL HL 315SL 410L 710L Engine l l l l l l l Coolant recovery tank with low-level indicator l l l l l l l Foldout, hinged cooling system l l l l l l l Serpentine belt with automatic belt tensioner l Viscous variable-rate cooling fan l l l l l l Electronically controlled, variable-rate suction-type cooling fan l l l l l l Self-cleaning exhaust aftertreatment system sssssssChrome exhaust extension l l l l l Grid heat l l Glow plugs sssssss1,000-watt electric engine coolant heater l l l l l l l Electronic fuel lift pump Powertrain l l l PowerShift™ transmission: Torque converter with twist-grip Transmission Control Lever (TCL) and neutral safety switch interlock (1st through 4th gears) l l l l PowerShift transmission: Torque converter with twist-grip TCL and neutral safety switch interlock (1st through 5th gears) l l l l 5th-gear overdrive sssssAutoShift transmission l l l l l l l Transmission oil cooler ssslsssTransmission remote oil-sampling port l l l l l Differential lock, electric foot actuated, protection on/off l l Differential lock, electric foot actuated l l l l l Auto shutdown l l l l l l l Planetary final drives l l l l l l l Power-assisted hydraulic service brakes (conform to ISO 3450): Inboard, wet multi- disc, self-adjusting and self-equalizing l l l l l l l Parking/emergency brake with electric switch control (conforms to ISO 3450): Spring applied, hydraulically released wet multi-disc / Independent of service brakes l l l l l l l Hydrostatic power steering with emergency manual mode sssssssNon-powered front axle l l MFWD with open differential: Electric on/off control / Sealed axle ssl l l l l MFWD with traction-control limited-slip differential: Electric on/off control / Sealed axle l l l l Automatic MFWD braking (4th and 5th gear overdrive only) l l l Automatic MFWD braking (4th gear only) ssssss MFWD driveshaft guard Backhoe l l l Lift mode l l l Precision mode Standard dipperstick digging depth l l 4.27 m (14 ft. 0 in.) 310L EP 310L 310SL 310SL HL 315SL 410L 710L Backhoe (continued) Standard dipperstick digging depth (cont.) l 4.34 m (14 ft. 3 in.) l 4.17 m (13 ft. 8 in.) l 4.59 m (15 ft. 1 in.) l 4.83 m (15 ft. 10 in.) l 5.25 m (17 ft. 3 in.) Extendable dipperstick extension sssss 1.06 m (3 ft. 6 in.) s 1.21 m (4 ft. 0 in.) s 1.37 m (4 ft. 6 in.) slsl Heavy-duty backhoe bucket cylinder l l l l lsISO (Deere) 2-lever mechanical backhoe controls ssslsss2-lever pilot controls with pattern- selection feature l l l l l l l Backhoe transport lock lever l l l l l l l Swing lock pin stored in operator’s station l l l l l l l Stabilizers with 2-direction anti-drift valves sl l l Extended (long) stabilizers with revers- ible pads ssss Severe-duty backhoe bucket with lift loops ssssss Backhoe couplers for John Deere, Case, and Cat buckets sssssssAuxiliary backhoe valve with 1-way flow for hammers and compactors with plumbing ssss ssAuxiliary backhoe valve with 1- and 2-way flow for swingers, thumbs, augers, etc. (plumbing not included) ssss s Hydraulic thumb ss s Rear hydraulic coupler ssss Spring-type coupler Loader† l l l l l l l Loader bucket anti-spill (rollback) l l l l l l l Return-to-dig feature l l l l l l l Single-lever control with electric clutch disconnect l l l l l l l Bucket-level indicator l l l l l l l Loader boom service lock ss s Auxiliary loader hydraulics with 2-lever control sssssssAuxiliary loader hydraulics with single control lever with EH auxiliary control (MFWD and clutch disconnect) sssssssHydraulic coupler for buckets, forks, etc. sssssslRide control ss s Auto ride control †See dealer for range of heavy-duty, multipurpose, and coupler buckets and forks. Hydraulic System l 128-L/m (33.7 gpm) backhoe flow, 104-L/m (2 7.5 gpm) loader flow; open-center system, axial-piston pump l 106-L/m (28 gpm) single-gear pump, open-center system Key:l Standard s Optional or special See your John Deere dealer for further information. 38 Key:l Standard s Optional or special See your John Deere dealer for further information. 310L EP 310L 310SL 310SL HL 315SL 410L 710L Hydraulic System (continued) l l 136-L/m (36 gpm) tandem-gear pump, open-center system l l 159-L/m (42 gpm) axial-piston pump, PCLS system l 197-L/m (52 gpm) axial-piston pump, PCLS system l l l l l Auto-idle l l l l l l l Economy mode l l l l l l l Dedicated hydraulic reservoir Electrical System l l l l l l l 12-volt system l l l l l 120-amp alternator (canopy and quarter cab) l 130-amp alternator (cab) l l l l l l 160-amp alternator (cab) l l l l l l Single battery with 180-min. reserve capacity and 925 CCA sssssslDual batteries with 360-min. reserve capacity and 1,850 CCA sssssssRemote jump posts and battery disconnect Lights l l l l l l l Halogen lights (10), 32,500 candlepower each (4 front driving/working, 4 rear working, and 2 side docking) l l l l l l l Turn signal/flashing (2 front and 2 rear) l l l l l l l Rear stop and tail (2) sssssssLED light package Operator’s Station l l l l l l Modular-design ROPS/FOPS (Level 2) canopy with molded roof (meets ISO 3449 and ISO 3471/SAE J1040): Isolation mounted l l l l l l l Molded floor mats (with pilot controls only) l l l l l l l 12-volt outlet l l l l l l l Lockable right-side storage sssssssLockable left-hand storage with cup holders sssssssInterior front-view mirror sssssssOutside rearview mirrors l l l l l l l Rotary-dial hand throttle l l l l l l l Suspended foot throttle l l l l l l l Cloth seat (with cab only) sssssssAir-suspension heated seat (with cab only) sssssssAir-suspension vinyl seat l l Key start switch with electric fuel shutoff l l l l l l l Tilt steering, infinitely adjustable (with cab only) ssss ssTilt steering, infinitely adjustable (with canopy and quarter cab) l l l l l Keyless start ssl l l l l Machine security (enabled through monitor) l l l l l l l Digital display of engine hours, engine rpm, and system voltage l l l l l Sealed-switch module (SSM) 310L EP 310L 310SL 310SL HL 315SL 410L 710L Operator’s Station (continued) l l l l l Multi-function lever: Turn signals / Wind- shield wipers / Some light functionality l l l l l l l Monitor system with audible and visual warnings: Engine air restriction / Low alternator voltage / Engine oil pressure / Hydraulic filter restriction / Parking brake on/off / Aftertreatment temperature / Transmission fluid temperature / Fuel / Hour meter / Machine diagnostic infor- mation via 4-push-button/LCD operator interface l l l l l l Canopy: Mechanical-suspension deluxe vinyl swivel seat with lumbar adjustment and armrests (fully adjustable) sss Quarter Cab: Mechanical-suspension deluxe vinyl swivel seat with lumbar adjustment and armrests (fully adjust- able), front windshield, and windshield wiper (1 front) sssslssCab with Dual Doors and A/C: Mechanical-suspension deluxe fabric swivel seat with lumbar adjustment / Headliner, dome light, left and right cab doors, tinted safety glass, windshield wipers (1 rear and 1 front), front wind- shield washer, fresh-air intake, and heater/defroster/pressurizer (11.7-kW [40,000 Btu/h] heater) / A/C (7.6-kW [26,000 Btu/h] output and CFC-free R134a refrigerant sssssssAM/FM/weather-band (WB) radio (with cab only) sssssssPremium radio package (with cab only; includes additional 12-volt and USB outlets) Overall Vehicle l l l l l l l 1-piece unitized construction mainframe l l l l l l l Vehicle tie-downs (2 front and 2 rear) l l l l l l l Remote grease bank for front axle l l l l l Front bumper cover ssssls Heavy-duty front bumper sssssslFront counterweight – 204 kg (450 lb.), 272 kg (600 lb.), 340 kg (750 lb.), 454 kg (1,000 lb.), 567 kg (1,250 lb.), or 680 kg (1,500 lb.) ssssss Rubber grille bumpers l l l l l l Fuel tank, 128.71 L (34 gal.), ground-level fueling l Fuel tank, 174.1 L (46 gal.), ground-level fueling l l l l l l l 2-position easy-tilt hood l l l l l l l Extended grille frame l l l l l l l Toolbox with padlock hasp l l l l l l l Vandal protection for locking monitor, engine hood, toolbox, hydraulic reservoir, and fuel tank l l l l l l l Reverse warning alarm l l l l l l l Dent-resistant full-coverage rear fenders sssssssBackhoe boom-protection plate sl l l l l l JDLink™ wireless communication system (available in specific countries; see your dealer for details) Net engine power is with standard equipment including air cleaner, exhaust system, alternator, and cooling fan at test conditions specified per ISO 9249. No derating is required up to 1500-mm (5,000 ft.) altitude for the 310L EP. Specifications and design are subject to change without notice. Wherever applicable, specifications are in accordance with ISO standards. Except where otherwise noted, these specifications are based on 310L EP and 310L units with 19.5L-24-in. 12PR (R4) tubeless rear and 12.5/80-18 12PR (F3) front tires, and 0.86-m3 (1.12 cu. yd.) loader buckets; a 310SL unit with 19.5L-24-in. 12PR (R4) tubeless rear and 12.5-80/18 10PR (R4) front tires, and 1.00-m3 (1.31 cu. yd.) loader bucket; a 310SL HL unit with boost mode, 21L-24 in. 12PR (R4) tubeless rear and 12.5/80-18 10PR (R4) front tires,and 1.00-m3 (1.31 cu. yd.) loader bucket; a 315SL unit with 16.9L-28 R4 (12) tubeless rear and 12.5-80/18 10PR (R4) front tires, and 1.00-m3 (1.31 cu. yd.) loader bucket; a 410L unit with 21L-24-in. 12PR (R4) tubeless rear and 12.5/80-18 10PR (R4) front tires, and 1.15-m3 (1.5 cu. yd.) loader bucket; and a 710L unit with 21L-28-in. 18PR (R4) tubeless rear and 15-19.5-in. 12PR (R4) front tires, and 1.24-m3 (1.62 cu. yd.) loader bucket. Additional equipment (continued) Every day brings new challenges — demanding jobsites, long hours, and an increasing focus on uptime. Our job is to bring you the opportunities to overcome them. Our experienced engineers, specialized service techs, and global parts and service network are always ready to step up to help you Run Your World. 03-18-19 JohnDeere.com RISING TO THE CHALLENGE. VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH VILLAGE MANAGER’S OFFICE TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the Village Council FROM: Andrew D. Lukasik, Village Manager DATE: March 25, 2021 SUBJECT: RESOLUTION – Approval of an Agreement with the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council for Additional Scope of Services for the US1 Lane Repurposing Feasibility Analysis to the Florida Department of Transportation in the amount of $9,500. Village staff recommends approval of an agreement with the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council (TCRPC) for an additional scope of services associated with the US1 Lane Repurposing Feasibility Analysis to the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) in the amount of $9,500. Background: The 2016 Village of North Palm Beach Citizens’ Master Plan Report, the result of a community charette process, created a long-term vision for the Village. One of the strategies identified within the Master Plan was the reduction of travel lanes in the US1 Corridor from six to four. The concept of repurposing portions of the US1 Corridor by reducing vehicular travel lanes was echoed in the Palm Beach Transportation Planning Agency’s (TPA) US1 Multimodal Corridor Study (2018). The TPA study area stretched from Boca Raton to Jupiter and sought to develop a comprehensive plan to improve bicycle and pedestrian facilities, as well as public transit, to produce a safer corridor with improved livability and economic sustainability. Within the Village, the study recommended reconfiguring US1 with lane repurposing from six lanes to four and the addition of separated bicycle and pedestrian facilities, street trees and other pedestrian amenities. The North Palm Beach section of the corridor is identified as a “Tier One” priority within the TPA plan. Because of this, TPA funding may be available in a future year to assist in funding multimodal improvements on the corridor, including but not limited to the potential roadway configuration, enhanced lighting and landscaping and other design elements. With the findings in these two planning documents in mind, $50,000 was included in the FY 2019 budget to gather existing traffic data, complete an analysis of transportation needs, conduct public engagement sessions in which possible lane reduction strategies would be shared and recommend strategies for Council consideration. US1 Corridor Study and the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council Activity To Date: The Village has worked directly with the TCRPC as authorized by the “Florida Interlocal Cooperation Act of 1969” (FS 163.01) to conduct the study of the US1 Corridor. The TCRPC’s work has occurred in two phases: the first to gather and analyze traffic data and begin public outreach and the second to prepare an application to submit to FDOT to determine if lane repurposing on US1 is feasible. Phase I Status: On December 13, 2018, the Village Council approved an Interlocal Agreement with the TCRPC for the US1 Corridor Study in the amount of $61,500. This Agreement allowed Village and TCRPC staff to move forward with the necessary data gathering, analysis, and public outreach necessary to make a recommendation to the Village Council regarding the proposal to repurpose the US1 Corridor in North Palm Beach from a six-lane section to a four lane section with protected bicycle and pedestrian facilities, street trees and other pedestrian amenities. The cost of the study was $61,500. However, the TPA provided 50% of the funding required ($30,750). Key activities associated with the study included: Updated traffic counts and traffic study in order to understand traffic conditions during the peak season today and in the future. Public workshop to obtain input on “no build” and strategies to modify the corridor based upon traffic data. Presentation to the Village Council including results of the study and public engagement processes and recommended strategies based upon traffic data and public input. Project Report summarizing the study and recommended strategies based upon Village Council input. A report on the traffic study analysis was completed by Vanesse Hangen Brustlen, Inc. (VHB), a traffic engineering firm, that analyzed the potential for a lane repurposing on US1. VHB’s study found that traffic between Northlake Boulevard and the Parker Bridge could be up to 18 seconds slower in 2040 with a four-lane configuration on US1 as opposed to six lanes. Since that initial analysis and with feedback from an ad hoc committee (US1 Steering Committee) and the Village Council, VHB evaluated a more limited lane repurposing strategy whereby lanes would be reduced from six to four between North Anchorage Drive and South Anchorage Drive (leaving six lane configurations between Parker Bridge and North Anchorage Drive as well as South Anchorage Drive and Northlake Boulevard). The travel time on this nearly one-mile segment could be slowed by up to 13 seconds if reduced to four lanes from six in 2040. Phase II Status: On August 27, 2020, Village Council approved an agreement with TCRPC to complete Phase II of the US1 Study. Phase II provided for additional analysis required by FDOT to apply for a lane repurposing feasibility analysis as well as additional information and renderings to illustrate lane repurposing impacts on the corridor. The cost of Phase II was $53,860. The Village’s share was $30,930 and the TPA’s was $22,930. Specifically, tasks in Phase II included: Parker Bridge traffic, crash data and queuing analysis, Synchro analysis and modeling, including a graphic illustration of traffic flow and delays, along with signal timing simulation, Corridor diagrams including renderings showing possible development schemes resulting from the proposed revision to the land development regulations, Generalized cost estimates, and FDOT meetings and application development. This scope of work included conducting additional analysis as required by FDOT (this additional data collection and analysis was identified by FDOT after the Village and the TCRPC entered into their initial agreement) as well as illustrations and graphics to assist with an understanding of lane repurposing impacts. The majority of Phase II’s scope has been completed. Village and TCRPC staff conducted public outreach through the use of two “Open Houses” -- September 9 and October 26 – at the North Palm Beach Country Club. Following the two Open Houses, the Planning Commission (at its November 3, 2020 meeting) was asked to make a recommendation and Village Council approved (at its November 12, 2020 meeting) the submittal of an application to the FDOT for a lane repurposing feasibility analysis on US1. Request for Additional Scope of Services (Phase III): An application was submitted to the FDOT for the feasibility analysis in late-December 2020 as a result of TCRPC’s work on Phase II. A copy of the feasibility analysis can be found at the following link on the Village’s website: https://www.village-npb.org/DocumentCenter/View/8365/TCRPC-US-1-Lane-Repurposing-Report--- Dec-2020. After review of the initial application, FDOT has requested additional information to complete the lane repurposing feasibility analysis. The work required to respond to FDOT is outside of the scope of services in Phase I or Phase II of the Village’s agreements with TCRPC. These requests require additional engineering diagrams and analysis of the corridor, including: Location of stormwater inlets Expanded cost analysis of stormwater relocations and infrastructure Addition of right-hand turn lanes where feasible at lighted intersections Integration of pending FDOT projects, including Earman River Bridge and Northlake Boulevard/US1 intersection improvements It is important to note that the lane repurposing concept has changed based on public input and the engineering analysis completed as part of the feasibility study, particularly with regards to the addition of on-street bike lanes and dedicated right-hand turn lanes. While traffic speeds may be reduced by lane reduction, intersection turning movements would be safer and better facilitated with dedicated right hand turn lanes. While this reduces the benefit to pedestrians crossing intersections, it provides greater assurance that vehicular movements are safer with minimized delays. The corridor is now being analyzed using the following assumptions: Southbound US1: o Parker Bridge to Yacht Club Drive: two lanes with a left turn lane to eastbound Yacht Club Drive (existing) and a right turn lane (westbound) into the North Palm Beach Country Club (new). o Yacht Club Drive to Anchorage Drive North: two lanes with a left turn lane to eastbound Anchorage Drive North (existing) and a right turn lane (westbound) onto Anchorage Drive North (new). o Anchorage Drive North to Lighthouse Drive: two lanes with a left turn lane to eastbound Lighthouse Drive (existing) and a right turn lane to westbound Lighthouse Drive (new). o Lighthouse Drive to Ebbtide Drive: two lanes with a left turn lane to eastbound Ebbtide Drive (existing). o Ebbtide Drive to Anchorage Drive South: two lanes with a left turn lane to eastbound Anchorage Drive South (existing) and a right turn lane to westbound Anchorage Drive South (new). o Anchorage Drive South to the US1 fixed bridge: three lanes. o US1 fixed bridge to Northlake Boulevard: expanded intersection -- two through lanes, two right hand turn lanes to westbound Northlake Boulevard (one existing, one new) and one left hand turn lane to eastbound Shore Court (existing). The result would be five southbound lanes as opposed to the existing four lanes. Northbound US1: o Northlake Boulevard to the US1 fixed bridge: three lanes. o US1 fixed bridge to Anchorage Drive South: two through lanes with a left turn lane to westbound Anchorage Drive South (existing) and a right turn lane to eastbound Anchorage Drive South (new). o Anchorage Drive South to Ebbtide Drive: two lanes with a left turn lane to westbound Ebbtide Drive (existing). o Ebbtide Drive to Lighthouse Drive: two lanes with a left turn lane to westbound Lighthouse Drive (existing) and a right turn lane to eastbound Lighthouse Drive (new). o Lighthouse Drive to Anchorage Drive North: two lanes with a left turn lane to westbound Anchorage Drive North (existing). o Anchorage Drive North to Yacht Club Drive: same as the existing configuration – three lanes with a left turn lane westbound into the Country Club. o Yacht Club Drive to the Parker Bridge: same as the existing configuration – three lanes that are reduced to two lanes before entering the bridge. The cost for this additional scope of work is $9,500. Althoug h within Village staff’s purchasing limits, because Council has already approved contracts that exceed the Village Manager’s purchasing limits and the interest the public has in this Study, Village Council is being asked to approve the expenditure to complete work on the lane repurposing feasibility analysis application. Total costs for Phase I and Phase II were $115,360. The Village’s share was $61,680 with the TPA funding the remaining $53,680. Total costs including Phase III will be $124,860 with the Village’s share being $71,180. The attached Resolution has been prepared by the Village Attorney. Account Information: Fund Department/Division Account Number Account Description Amount General Fund Community Development/ Community Planning A5206-33190 Professional Services $9,500.00 Recommendation: Village Staff requests Council consideration and approval of the attached Resolution approving an Agreement with the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council for the US1 Corridor Study in the amount of $9,500 and authorizing the Village Manager to execute the Agreement in accordance with Village policies and procedures. Page 1 of 2 RESOLUTION 2021-____ A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, APPROVING AN AGREEMENT WITH THE TREASURE COAST REGIONAL PLANNING COUNCIL FOR ADDITIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES RELATED TO THE U.S. ONE CORRIDOR PROJECT AND AUTHORIZING THE VILLAGE MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE AGREEMENT; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, through the adoption of Resolution No. 2018-108 on December 13, 2018, the Village Council approved an Interlocal Agreement with the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council (“TCRPC”) for planning and public outreach services necessary to make a recommendation to the Village Council regarding the U.S. Highway One corridor and the proposal to reduce the corridor from a six-lane section to a four-lane section with protected pedestrian and bicycle facilities, street trees and other pedestrian amenities; and WHEREAS, through the adoption of Resolution No. 2020-52 on August 27, 2020, the Village Council approved a First Amendment to the Interlocal Agreement for Phase II of the study for additional data analysis required by the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT); the preparation of graphics to assist with an understanding of land repurposing impacts; and the preparation of project cost estimates; and WHEREAS, FDOT has requested additional information to complete its review of the lane repurposing feasibility analysis that is outside the scope of services set forth in the Interlocal Agreement, including, but not limited to the location of stormwater inlets; expanded cost analysis of stormwater relocations and infrastructure; addition of right-hand turn lanes at lighted intersections where feasible; and integration of pending FDOT projects; and WHEREAS, TCRPC has presented the Village with an Agreement for these additional services, and the Village Council determines that the execution of this Agreement is in the interests of the public health, safety and welfare. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, as follows: Section 1. The foregoing recitals are ratified and are incorporated herein. Section 2. The Village Council hereby approves an Agreement with the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council for additional services related to FDOT review of the lane repurposing feasibility analysis, a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein, and authorizes the Village Manager to execute the Agreement on behalf of the Village. The total amount of compensation paid to TCRPC pursuant to this Agreement shall not exceed $9,500.00, with funds expended from Account No. A5206- 33190 (Community Development – Professional Services). Section 3. All resolutions or parts of resolutions in conflict with this Resolution are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. Page 2 of 2 Section 4. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS DAY OF , 2021. (Village Seal) MAYOR ATTEST: VILLAGE CLERK 301 NW Flagler Avenue Stuart, FL 34994 772-692-4344 Fax 772-692-4341 E-mail: jcapra@gocaptec.com February 18, 2021 1973.1 VIA EMAIL tlanahan@tcrpc.org Mr. Tom Lanahan, Executive Director Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council 421 SW Camden Avenue Stuart, FL 34994 (772) 221-4005 RE: LANE REPURPOSING “ROAD DIET” FOR A SEGMENT OF US HWY 1 WITHIN THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH – FDOT GRANT PRELIMINARY COST ESTIMATES AND CAD LINEWORK PLANS – ADDITIONAL SERVICES REQUEST Dear Mr. Lanahan: CAPTEC Engineering, Inc. (CONSULTANT) is pleased to provide the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council “TCRPC” (CLIENT) with Professional Engineering Services for the above referenced project. Scope of Services Project Description The lane repurposing “road diet” project was divided into three (3) typical sections, as follows: 1. Northern Segment: Partial Lane Repurposing (North of Anchorage Dr N to Parker Bridge). 2. Central Segment: Full Repurposing Cross Section (Anchorage Drive S to Anchorage Dr N). 3. Southern Segment: Partial Lane Repurposing (South of Anchorage Dr S to Northlake Blvd). Task 1: Final Engineering Updates CONSULTANT will provide technical assistance for the revisions and update the signed and sealed FDOT Grant Cost Estimate. The three (3) separate cost estimates were requested based on coordination with TCRPC staff. CLIENT has received written comments from FDOT on the preliminary linework concept plans and cost estimates. CONSULTANT will revise and update linework concept plans in AutoCAD and PDF format as a deliverable along with updates to the three (3) cost estimates. Compensation: Task 1: Final Engineering Updates………………………………………………$9,500.00 Please note that attending additional meetings, and any further updates based on multiple agency reviews will be considered additional services not part of this scope of additional services. Additional services will require CLIENT authorization prior to beginning. Mr. Tom Lanahan, Executive Director Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council February 18, 2021 Page 2 of 2 301 NW Flagler Avenue Stuart, FL 34994 772-692-4344 Fax 772-692-4341 E-mail: jcapra@gocaptec.com This Agreement is based on the following assumptions: 1. CLIENT is responsible for reimbursement to CONSULTANT for all expense costs associated with the project. These costs may include, but are not limited to printing and reproduction charges, UPS/shipping/courier fees, etc. These costs have been estimated for budgeting purposes; however, it should be understood that this is only an estimate. 2. The General Terms and Conditions/Fee Schedule attached to this proposal are made a part of this Agreement; all conditions are applicable unless otherwise noted by CLIENT and CONSULTANT. CAPTEC Engineering, Inc. is extremely pleased to provide this Agreement to the TCRPC. Your project will receive our utmost professional attention. Should you have any questions concerning this Agreement, please contact me. If you wish to direct us to proceed with the described services, please execute two copies of this agreement. Retain one Agreement for your files and return one Agreement to our office to serve as Notice to Proceed. Again, we appreciate the opportunity to provide services for this most important project. Sincerely, ACCEPTED BY: _________________________________ Tom Lanahan, Executive Director TCRPC Date: February 18, 2021 Date: VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH Department of Parks and Recreation TO: The Honorable Mayor and Members of the Village Council THRU: Andrew D. Lukasik, Village Manager FROM: Russell Ruskay, Department of Parks and Recreation DATE: March 25, 2021 SUBJECT: Final Plans for Anchorage Park Marina Dry Storage Compound Renovation Project. Project Background: Due to the poor condition of the current dry storage compound, the master plan for Anchorage Park included the construction of a more secure, functional and attractive storage facility. T he Village Engineer and 2GHO has developed a plan and opinion of probable cost for a new storage facility. The Village Engineer and 2GHO design provides for the new dry storage to accommodate the current four (4) separate storage areas into one area on the north side of the park. The new compound shall be enclosed by a perimeter fence. This fence will be eight feet high (8’) with a secure entrance and illumination in accordance with Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) principles. Traffic circulation and boat/vehicle/RV spaces will be designed to maximize the number and size of storage spaces (note that more spaces measuring 30’ or more will be accommodated with this design). 2GHO will provide a layout that will adequately screen the perimeter enclosure with the selected materials. The Village’s Recreation Advisory Board has been heavily involved in the planning of the project and supports the attached design. Village staff will provide the advisory board monthly updates on the progress of the project. The Village’s Environmental Committee has reviewed the plans and Committee supports the metal picket security fence for the perimeter at the prescribed height of eight feet (8’). The Committee does not support a pre-cast concrete wall. They have requested to review the proposed draft landscape plan. Chief Rick Jenkins reviewed the perimeter enclosure options and is recommending the eight-foot (8’) metal picket security fence to aid the police with visibility to maximize protection from vandalism. Staff will meet with the homeowners on Inlet Road to review the project including the proposed landscape plan. This project is currently funded in the Village’s FY 2021 Capital Improvement Plan. The Village has allocated $200,000 in General Fund Revenues and has secured a State of Florida Land & Water Conservation Fund Grant in the amount $200,000 to assist in the funding. The consultant’s opinion of probable cost for the construction (see attached) is $413,826. The preapproved engineering and planning cost with Engenuity is $58,000, bringing the total opinion of probable cost to $471,126. Staff is applying for a Florida Department of Environmental Protection Green Stormwater Infrastructure Grant that could provide a non-match funding source that would cover the cost of the surface of the dry storage area. If this grant submittal is awarded by the State, it would bring the estimated opinion of probable cost of the project to $410,826. Without this grant, the estimated opinion of probable cost will exceed the Village’s budgeted item for this project and an adjustment would have to be made in the FY 2022 CIP. The new dry storage facility on the north side of the park, which is the subject of this proposal, will reconfigure some of the existing day trailer parking. The existing day trailer parking is necessary for those using the boat ramp. In the Village’s Master Plan for Anchorage Park, dry storage on the south side was moved to the north side and additional day trailer parking could now be provided in that location. Trailer parking would then increase from 20 to 34 spaces. The Recreation Advisory Board addressed a recent suggestion to maintain the existing dry storage facility on the south side of the park. The Board’s recommendation is not to keep the existing south side storage area but adhere to the Master Plan and use that area to address the need for additional day trailer parking. Recommendation: Village Staff recommends Council review, consideration and approval of the attached site plan in order to move forward with the project. PERIMETER LANDSCAPE & IRRIGATION ITEMS: ITEM NO. ITEM SPECIFICATIONS QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT SUBTOTAL SUBTOTAL $62,500.00 LIGHTING / ELECTRIC AND GATE ITEM NO. ITEM SPECIFICATIONS QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT ELECTRIC ELECTRIC SERVICES LED LIGHTS AND POLES, ALL ELECTRIC 1 EA 125,000.00$ 125,000.00$ (INCLUDING ACCESS GATE AND IRRIGATION CONNECTIONS) GATE 8' H. SLIDING SECURITY GATE - SECURITY METAL PICKET 8'H DOUBLE SLIDING ACCESS GATE -POWDER COATED METAL PICKET 1 EA 25,000.00$ 25,000.00$ TOTAL 150,000.00$ PERIMETER WALL ITEM NO. ITEM SPECIFICATIONS QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT FENCE 8' H. METAL PICKET SECURITY FENCING 8' HIGH METAL PICKET SCURITY FENCE, POWDER COATED, EQUAL TO FENCE MASTERS. SYS. INSTALLED. PERMITS ADDITIONAL. 1820 LF 66.00$ 120,120.00$ TOTAL 120,120.00$ BOAT STORAGE AREA SURFACES ITEM NO. ITEM SPECIFICATIONS QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT SURFACE ROM CRUSHED ASPHALT ASPHALT MILLINGS - 4" THICK ON EXISTING GRADED AND COMPACTED SOIL. (119,520 SF)1,500 CY 41.00$ 61,500.00$ TOTAL 61,500.00$ OVERALL TOTAL 394,120.00$ CONTINGENCY 5% CONTIGENCY 19,706 GRAND TOTAL 413,826.00$ NOTE: THIS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS OPINION OF APPROXIMATE COST IS FOR PRELIMINARY FEASIBILITY AND BUDGET PURPOSE ONLY. IT IS NOT BASED ON A COMPLETED SET OF APPROVED PLANS. PREPARED BY GENTILE GLAS HOLLOWAY O'MAHONEY AND ASSOCIATES 1907 COMMERCE LANE, JUPITER, FLORIDA 33458 561-575-9557 Anchorage Park Village of North Palm Beach 3.16.21 Preliminary Opinion of Probable Cost for Landscape, Hardscape, and Perimeter Enclosre for the North Boat Storage Facility North Boat and RV Storage Metal Security Fence m:\burns\Anchorage Park Boat Storage Cost Estimate 3.15.21 Metal Security Fence Dry Storage Renovation Project Tasks 2021 2022 J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D Plans / Council Approval Pre-Construct Plans Advertise Bid Review Bids Bid Award / VC Mobilization Construction Village of North Palm Beach Anchorage Park North Boat/RV Storage Enclosure Option ‘C’ –Metal Fence 5 •Metalor optional Aluminum, barbed or flat spindles.