Phone Use and Long Distance PolicyVillage of North Palm Beach
:`~ ~ Policy Title: VILLAGE PHONE USE ANp Policy Numher: 08-002
~ Effective Date. March 24, 2008 ~ Originating Dept.: ViNage Manager ~
Revision Date: None Supersedes: Alf previous memos or
policies in conflict
To establish and outline the Village of North Palm Beach's policy for use of the Village's
telephones, cellular telephones, radios, all other telecommunication devises (hereafter referred
to simply as "phones"} and long-distance phone service to ensure that the use of these items
serves a specific authorized public purpose. This policy and operating procedures shall appiy to
all Village employees, clients, residents, guests, and visitors using Village ,phones or long-
distance service.
The Village of North Palm Beach maintains phones and long-distance service for use in the
course of official Village business. Whenever possible all Village personnel should limit their
use of all Village issued/owned phones and long-distance service to official business only;
however, it is recognized that a de minimis amount of personal use of Village phones and long-
distance service may be necessary.
Whenever possible in the course of Village business, employees should obtain approval from
their Supervisor or Department Director prior to placing long-distance calls, Whenever possible,
employees should use toll-free numbers to dial long-distance vendors, clients, etc. Village-
issued cellular phones should only be used for official business.
Staff should use their personal cell phones whenever possible for all personal calls and limit all
personal use of Village phones to an emergency or urgent-need basis. Regardless of what
phone is used, employees should keep the frequency and duration of all personal calls to a
minimum during work hours.
Unauthorized local, long-distance calls, and cellular telephone calls not related_to official Villa9e, ___. _
~~ business shall-be reimbursed when a pattern of abuse jsuch as but not limited to long periods of
time on the phone, unusual number of local and/or long-distance calls, or frequent calls on a
regular basis to the same local or long-distance number{s}] is apparent.
Clients, residents, guests, and visitors of the Village may use the phones only for the purpose of
conducting Village business as authorized by staff. Non-employees may make local calls only;
long-distance calls must be made collect.
In accordance with public records laws, phone calls are a matter of public records and Village
phone bills are subject to records requests under those laws.
All departments wilt enact procedures to safeguard the Village's phones and usage of the long-
distance service in accordance with this policy.
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A. Upon receipt of the phone bill each month, the Finance Department will send copies of
the bill to each applicable Department Director (or their designee) far review and
signature. Although Finance will distribute the bills to each department for review and
approval, they shall not delay processing and payment of the bill waiting for responses
from the departments.
B. The receiving Department Director {or designee} will review the bill for the
appropriateness of use and sign and return it to Finance within five {5} days along with
any applicable reimbursement payment(s) from employee(s). By signing the bill, the
Department Director (or designee) is acknowledging that helshe has reviewed the long-
distance usage and has assumed responsibility for enforcing the provisions of this
All employees are responsible for following this policy.
Any employee with reason to believe that their Village-issued phone or cellular phone has been
lost, stolen, or used by another employee without prior consent, has an affirms#ive duty to report
their concerns to their Supervisor or Department Director immediately.
All supervisors and members of management are responsible for adhering to this policy and to
ensure that employees under their supervision follow the policy.
The Department Director (or designee) will monitor all phone use during work time and will
review the Village's phone (land line and cellular) bills for appropriateness of use. He/she will
seek reimbursement from employees for personal use as appropriate. Where indicated, helshe
shall initiate disciplinary action in accordance with this policy and the Village's rules and
Supervisors and members of management are responsible for investigating and responding to
concerns raised by employees concerning possible misuse of their e4uipment by others.
Unauthorized use of the Village communications network is prohibited and subject to
disciplinary action. Violations may result in removal of phone privileges as determined by the
Village Manager andlor disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment.
Approv d by:
Ji~i~ght .r Date
V I ge Manager
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