APRIL 8, 2019
Darryl C. Aubrey, Sc.D., Mayor
Mark Mullinix, Vice Mayor
David B. Norris, President Pro Tem
Susan Bickel, Councilmember
Deborah Searcy, Councilmember
Andrew D. Lukasik, Village Manager
Leonard G. Rubin, P.A., Village Attorney
Melissa Teal, Village Clerk
Mayor Aubrey called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. All members of Council were present. All
members of staff were present. All Department Directors were present.
Mr. Lukasik provided a -brief overview of the meeting objectives. He explained Melinda Miller
and Trina Pulliam with Trainnovations had been brought in as a third party to assist with the
Strategic Planning process. He noted each of the Councilmembers had the opportunity to meet
with Ms. Miller and Ms. Pulliam to discuss priorities, as had members of staff.
Ms. Pulliam reviewed the agenda and explained Trainnovations had held numerous previous
planning meetings with the Village Manager and staff. She stated the purpose of the meeting was
to review the list of projects currently on the plate of staff members along with the list of ideas
and desires compiled from interviewing Councilmembers and staff. She noted the full list was
around 85 items, and the meeting would serve as an opportunity to clarify the list and ask questions
of Trainnovations and Village staff.
Ms. Pulliam stated the Councilmembers would be asked to rank the projects at the end of the
meeting, and that information would be compiled for further review. She pointed out the
discussion would start with projects currently assigned to staff.
Ms. Pulliam noted a tiered list of projects would be made available for prioritization at the April
29 Workshop.
Ms. Pulliam walked through the list of projects, asking for each whether there were any questions
and if any clarity was needed to define the project.
In response to a question from Council,. Mr. Lukasik provided additional information regarding
the line item which called for development of a neighborhood plan. Mr. Lukasik explained a
Neighborhood Enhancement Team had been established and an area requiring attention was
identified. He stated it was the tool for building up long-term plans for improvement of quality of
life and establish neighborhood leadership.
Village Council Strategic Plan Workshop Session held April 8, 2019 Page 2 of 3
Mayor Aubrey asked for clarification regarding the definition of neighborhood leadership. Mr.
Lukasik explained the efforts.
Ms. Pulliam stated a number of items on the list were identified in the Citizens Master Plan. Mr.
Lukasik added that some of those items were broad but would be narrowed down through work
with Village citizens and staff.
Discussion ensued regarding developing a plan to reach out to businesses and individuals in the
Village to create consistency in marketing and branding.
Mr. Lukasik sought direction regarding goals for commercial business initiatives. Discussion
ensued regarding efforts to be friendly toward small businesses, creating dialogue, and putting in
place a mechanism to hear what the businesses have to say.
Ms. Pulliam stated that problem solving and how to implement would take place after ranking.
Library Director Zakariya Sherman explained the idea behind creating a library outreach program
to reach underserved populations. He stated he was in the process of freeing up a full-time staff
person to operate outreach.
Mr. Lukasik explained the strategic planning for a Country Club Repair and Replacement (R&R)
fund, put in place in order to protect the asset and build it moving forward. He outlined a plan to
anticipate lifespan and schedule investments.
Discussion ensued regarding combining projects related to docks, seawalls, and Village Code.
Council gave consensus to remove the line item to research replacing Parker Bridge with a tunnel.
Vice Mayor Mullinix stated housing should be market-driven and recommended removing
affordable housing initiatives from the priority list.
Discussion ensued regarding affordable housing and whether creation of plans to encourage
housing options was appropriate. Consensus was reached to leave the item on the project list and
assign a low priority.
Ms. Miller reviewed the ways in which the strategic plan could be utilized to determine not only
funding of projects, but allocation of staffing resources.
Ms. Pulliam reviewed the goals identified through meetings with the Councilmembers and staff
ahead of the meeting.
The Councilmembers and staff discussed long-term financial management of the Country Club
and wording of the priority as they removed repetitions within the Strategic Plan and identified
corresponding action items.
Discussion ensued regarding Code violations and enforcement, and whether revision of the
program should be on the goal list.
Village Council Strategic Plan Workshop Session held April 8, 2019 Page 3 of 3
Vice Mayor Mullinix explained a goal he had identified regarding research and plan development
for undergrounding utilities. The Councilmembers and staff discussed how to include the item
within the Strategic Plan.
Ms. Pulliam explained that the notes and rankings would be combined together and then grouped
for ease of discussion at the next meeting. The next Strategic Planning Workshop Session will be
held April 29, 2019 to conduct a ranking exercise.
Councilmember Bickel stated she would like to see a Village Council plan created for how poor
behavior during meetings would be handled. She asserted she was approached by several members
of the public following the boat and RV meeting.
Discussion ensued between Council and Police Chief Jenkins regarding how the issue should be
dealt with moving forward, including removing people or stopping the meeting.
With no further busine come before the Council, the meeting adjourned at 8:57 p.m.
Compt d y Jessica Green, MMC, Village Clerk