1988-37 Golf Course Renovation Loan- RESOLUTION N0. 37-88 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH FLORIDA, ACCEPTING THE PROPOSAL FROM ' NCNB NATIONAL BANK TO BORROW $1,200,000 FOR THE NORTH PALM BEACH COUNTRY CLUB GOLF COURSE RENOVATION FACILITIES AND PRESCRIBING THE FORMS, TERMS AND DETAILS OF SUCH LOAN BY PLEDGING THE FRANCHISE FEE REVENUE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF, NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. AUTHORITY FOR THIS RESOLUTION: This resolution is adopted pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 166, Part II, Florida Statutes and other provisions of law. Section 2. DEFINITIONS: For the purpose of this resolution the capitalized terms herein shall have the following respective meanings: "BANK" shall mean NCNB National Bank. "VILLAGE" shall mean The Village of North Palm Beach. "PRIME RATE" shall mean the annual-interest rate announced by NCNB National Bank. "BANK QUALIFIED TAX-EXEMPT OBLIGATION" shall have the same meaning as in Section 265 (b) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. "FRANCHISE FEES" shall mean any and all franchise fees levied and received by the Village on account of the provision of the following services: electric, water and sewer, cable television, telecommunication and metered or bottled gas. Section 3. APPROVAL OF THE PROPOSAL: The proposal from the NCNB National Bank, substantially in the -form attached hereto as Exhibit A, to borrow $1,200,000 for the renovation of Golf Course facilities is hereby approved and the Mayor of the Village of North Palm Beach is hereby authorized to sign the said proposal. Section 4. LOAN PROCEEDS: The loan proceed, not to exceed in the amount of $1,200,000 shall be available for disbursement to the Village by the bank at closing. Section 5. INTEREST RATE: Variable Interest Rate to be charged will be adjusted as follows: ~~ FROM Date of Closing January 1, 1990 January 1, 1991 TO December 31, 1989 RATE 638 of Prime 1 December 31, 1990 Maturity 65$ of Prime 6,78 of Prime Section 6. LOAN REPAYMENT: The loan shall be repaid by the Village in thirty (30) equal semi-annual installments commencing July 1, 1989 and continuing thereafter on each January 2, and July 1~ of each year through maturity at January 2~ 2004. Section 7. PREPAYMENT: The loan can be prepaid in whole or in part without any prepayment penalty to the Village. Section 8. BANK QUALIFIED TAX EXEMPTION: The Village hereby designates the loan to be a "Qualified Tax-Exempt Obligation" within the meaning of Section 265 (b) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Section 9. The Village does not reasonably anticipate issuing in excess of $10,000,000 in tax-exempt obligations in 1988. Section 10. PLEDGE: The principal and interest on this loan shall be secured by a pledge of the Franchise Fee revenues. No additional superior lien shall be allowed on these revenues without written bank approval, with the .exception of the existing superior lien of the 1987 Improvement Revenue Bonds. Section 11. BUDGET: The Village shall budget and appropriate the funds each year in the amount necessary to pay the principal and interest on loan becoming due in that year. Section 12. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon passage. Section 13. All other officials and officers of the Village are hereby authorized, directed and instructed to take all necessary steps and execute any and all necessary documents in 1 1 1 order to carry out the full intent and purpose of this resolution. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 8TH DAY OF DECEMBER 7988. ~.~ ATTEST: NCNB National Bank EXHIBIT Q Sulte 310 1555 Palm Beach Lakes Boulevard Wesl Palm Seach, Flotida 33401 ~~~~ , PROPOSAL SUBMITTED BYs NCNB National Bank of Florida 1555 Palm Beach Lakes Blvd., Suite 310 west Palm Beach, Florida 33401 Copy of 1987 Annual Report and 3rd Quarter Report Attached Primary Contact Officers Pam Gilmore t Commervial Banking Representative Secondarv Contact Officers Susan Young Assistant Vice 'President 1555 Palm Beaah Lakes Blvd. Suite '.310 West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 407-471-7611 Proposed Leaal Counsel: Mr. Peter S. Nolton Jones, Foster, Johnston & Stubbs:, P:A. P.O. Drawer E F1ag1eY Center Tower 505 S. Flagler Drive West Palm Seaoh, Florida 33402 ,, .. 'An NCNO CcrpprallonCOmpany .. ' ' NCNB National Bank ' Suile 310 ~ 7555 Palm Beach Lekes Boulevard , i West Palm Beach, Florld8 33401 ' i i ~~~~ November 29, 1988 Mr. Shaukat Khan Director of Finance• The Village of North Palm Seach 501 U.S. Highway 1 North Palm Beach, FL 33408 RE: Financing Proposal for the Village of North Palm Seach Dear Mr. Khan:' NCNB National Bank of Florida (NCNB) in response to your reguest to bid ~on the $1,200,000 credit facility is pleased to offer a proposal on the.folloWing terms and conditions. BORROWER: The Village of North Palm Beach LOAN AMOUNT• $1,200,000 PURPOSE: Renovations of the community's country club and go1P course. PAYNfENT: Borrower's option of: ' 1) Twenty (20) consecutive principal payments of $60,000 semi-annually, each oommenoing six (6) months after loan advance and continuing until the prinoipal is paid in full. 2) Thirty (30,) aonseoutive principal .payments of $40,000 semi-annually, each aommenoing sips (6) months after loin advance and oontinuing until the principal is paid in full. INTEREST RATE: Borrower's option of: Sa) An ihterest rate adjustable annually, the initial rate from the date of closing to December 31, 1989 (defined as initial Yate period) at 62.5$ of NCNB's Prime; Rate floating daily with •adjustmenta each December, 31 reset date ' ~r An P1Ch~~J COlPOraliOn COrManY , thereafter aY 64$ •of NCNB's Prime Rate floating dally: for the second rate period and 66~ of NCNS's Prime Rate floating daisy for all successive years thereafter until maturityl ib) A fixed "Tax-Exempt. Rate" of 7.12$ will be available if this commitment ie accepted on or befpre December 6, 1988 and if .the loan closes on or before December 20th, 1988. Otherwise, the "Tax-Exempt Rate" shall be a percent equal to the Sank's seven (7) year cost of funds being used by the bank at, Large: on the date of computation (as determinest by the Bank in its sole discretion) plus 1.15$ and adjusted to refle6t any Disallowance resulting from Federal inoom9 tax law then converted to a tax-exempt $quivalent date. ~ n~ rp~j}I~ ' 2a) An • interest rate adjustable h CJ~" P~((pl~ • . annually, the initial rate from the date of closing to;December 31 1989 (defined ~ ~ l% , ae initial rake period) at 639c of NCNB's Prime Rate ~ floating daily with adjustments each December 31 reset date thereafter at 65~ of NCNB's Prime Rate floating daily for the second rate period and 67~ •of NCNB's Prime Rate Floating daily for all successive years / thereafter until maturity. 2b) A fixed 'tax-exempt rate" of 7.12 will b~ available for ten (10) • years if thiecommitment is accepted on or before December 6, 1988 and if the loan closes on or before December 20th, 1988. At the beginning of the eleventh (11th) year, the interest rate will be equal to 67~ of NCNS's Prime Rate for all successive years thereafter until maturity. If the commitment is not accepted by December 6, 1988 and/or if the loan does not close on or before December 20, 1988 the fixed tax :exempt rate for ten years shall be a pezcent equal to•the Bank's ten (10) year'oost of funds being used by the Bank At Large on the date of computation (qs determined by the Sank in its sole discretion) plus 1.15$ and ., adjusted to refleot any Disallowance resulting from federal income tax law then converted to a tax-exempt equivalent rate. • At the beginning of the eleventh (11th) year, the interest rate will be equal to 67$ of NCNB's:Prime Rate floating with NCNB's Prime Ate of interest daily for .all sucoessiv9 years thereafter until .; maturity. • Interest will•be payable semi-annually in arrears and will be caloulated on the basis of aotual days elapsed divided by a 360 day faotor. THE INTEREST RATE •ON THE LOAN IS SET TO APPROXIMATE A PARTICULAR PERCENTAGE YIELD TO NCNB $ASED IN PART UPON FEDERAL AND STATE TAX LAWS AND REGULATIONS IN EFFECT AS OF THE DATE OF CLOSING, AND REFLECTS OUR UNDERSTANDING OF TKE IMPACT OF THE 1986 TAX ACT. THE BANK'S POLICY IS TO INCLUD$ LANGUAGE IN THE LOAN DOCUMENTS WHICH WILL ASSURE SUCH YIELD. THE REQUIRED LANGUAGE WILL BE PROVIDED TO YOU UPON REQUEST. PREPAYMENTS: The loan aan be prepaid in whole or in part. All preyayments of principal will be applied iri the inverse order of maturity. FEES: Attorneys fees ;will be approximately .$2,500, however with a maximum cap of $3,500 plus pny misoellaneous costs inoident to the representation. Such miscellaneous '.costs' X11 estimated to total not more 'than $100.00. ExPENSES: If the loan is ;accepted, and whether or not the loan tlloses, Borrower shall be responsible anQ liable for, and 'shall hold NCNB harmless from, and shall pay, all aoste and expenses inourred in oonneotion wit11 the loan and preparation of loan doouments (pre- and post-oloainq) inoluding but not limited to reasonable attorney fees and dooumentary stamps ands intangible property taxes (if applioable). Borrower shall reimburse NCNB for all suoh costs and expenses paid by NCNB. .~ • ..., COLLATERAL: .Assignment of .all franchise fees, including a 'secondary lien on those franchise fees originating from electricity services provided to the community's inhabitants. CONDITIONS PRECEDENT: At or prior to closing the Borrower will cause to be• deliveYed, in form and substance satisfavto;y. to NCNB, etsch Xoan and collateral doo'yments as NCNB may reasonably require including a Loan Agreement. to. be prepared by counsel satisfactory to NCNB and an opinion letter from Borrower's counsel .satisfactory. o NCNB. relative to the matters set out under Warranties, below, "other than the representations pertaining to financial information. WARRANTIES: Borrower will :provide at closing, in form satisfactory to. NCNB, customary warranties and representations including but not limited to the following: 1) The loan qualifies and will continue to qualify for Federal Income Tax purposes, as a Qualified Tax Exempt ' .Obligation of Borrower and subject to the 20~ disallowance. 2) The Borrower and its subordinated • entities will invur in the aggregate no more than ten million dollars of this type of indebtedness in this calendar year. 3) The Borrower has obtained the proper authorization !~o execute and deliver the Note and. all other related documents necessary tO complete the loan . transaction. 4) NCNB will have a valid secondary lien position on the collateral. Subordinate only to the 1987 Improvement Revenue Sond issue. .5) The borrower is a 'public body .corporate and politic created and .validly existing under the Constitution and the laws of the State of Florida. r 6) The .Note and all aelated loan ~.:.~: .. dovuments when executed will constitute legal, valid,.. binding, and enforceable obligations of the ~Sorrower in accordance with their terms. 7) There has•been no material adverse ohange in the• financial condition of Borrower sino@ the date of the 1st annual finanoial statement provi~ed ' ~ NCNB. PRINCIPAL coVENANTS: Borrower will: 1) Provide NCNB with its annual audited financial statement within 45 days of fisoal year end. 2) Provide NCNB with its annual operating .budget when accepted and approved. .. 3) No add~tional~ .assignment of .. franchise rights will .be made until the pYoposed faoility has been paid in full. EXPIRATION OF corualTr~NT: This commitment to lend will expire on December 31, ],988; if not accepted in writing, by that date or extended in waiting by NCNB. CLOSING DATE• Unless otherwise provided in the LOan Agreement executed by the;Borrower .and NCNB, the provisi0ris contained herein will survive the closing oP the loan. ' This commitment letter is not intended to be all inclusive, and other terms and oonditions will, be included in the note and related.loan documents. If accepted, this letter should be accepted by an authorized official of the Borrower in the spaoe provided on the enclosed copy, anti that copy returned to the undersigned. Sincerely, NC~a~ onal Bank of F o, ~ :~ y..._-_......... Title: V ce Pres t Acce to the ~'~` f ~-~~,-,~-~~-~/ 19 ~. By: Title: ~ ..•, . .~ ' • ~,