1988-29 Accepts Annual Contracts 1 ,i RESOLUTION NO. 29-88 ~i i ii A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE O~UNCIL OF NOR'Pf1 PALM BEACH, FIORIDA AOCF,PTING THE ANNUAL OONTRAClS AV~IIiI2DED BY THE STATE OF FiORIDAr AND PALM BEACA 00[JNi7 FOR VEHICS.ES, MATERIAI,Sr AID SERVICES, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE OOUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FIARIDA: i Section 1. The annual contracts 18t by the State of Florida and Palm Beach County for the purchase of vehicles, material and services are hereby accepted by the Village of North PaLn Beach in accordance with their terms. The appropriate Village officials are hereby directed to advise the State of Florida and Palm Beach County of the acceptance. Section 2. This resolution shall take effect imnadiately upon passage. PASSID AND ADOPTED THIS 27TH DAY OF OCTOBER 1988. OR i !I iATTEST: ~i iVill~erk