1988-21 Opposes Oil Drilling without 30 Mile Buffer ZoneRESOId1PION NO. 21-88 . A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FIARIDA, OPPOSING OIL DRILLING AND EXPIARATION OFF THE ODA.ST OF FLORIDA AND THE FLORIDA KEYS WITHOUT' A THIRTY-MILE BUFFER 20NE; REQUESTING THE PALM BEACH OOUATIR BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION OPPOSING OFFSHORE DRILLING WITHOUT ' A THIRTY-MILE BUFFER ZONE; REQUESTING 1HE UNITED STATES CONGRESS TO OPP06E PLANS FOR ANY SUCH DRILLING AND EXPLORATION; AND AUTHORI2IN^v DISTRIBUTION AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE p4TE. WHEREAS, the United States Department of the Interior has recently announced a five-year leasing program to conduct lease sales in offshore Gulf waters southwest of the coast of Florida; and WHEREAS, other proposals may address other portions of the Florida Coast and Keys; and WHEREAS, the Village o~ North Palm Beach, Florida, is opposed to any offshore oil exploration projects off Florida's coast unless a thirty-mile buffer zone is established and any drilling must ocair outside the thirty-mile buffer zone; and WHEREAS, the Village Of North Palm Beach, Florida, recognizes the importance of nearshore and offshore regions as a public asset and as a resource needing continued protection; and W[IEREAS, a thirty-mile buffer zone along Florida's coast is essential in preserving and protecting one of Florida's most valuable natural resources and to reduce potential disastrous impacts that could Occur due to offshore oil exploration; and ' W[IEREAS, any oil spill off the coast of Florida would have severe and long-tezm impacts on the economy and quality of life and its citizenst and WHEREAS, Florida Governor Bob Martinez, the Southwest Florida Regional Planning Council, the Florida League of Cities -and many other local organizations and individuals have voiced opposition to the United States Department of the Interior's proposal, as presented, for a five-year leasing plan for oil exploration off Florida's West Coast, citing environmental concerns and the importance of preserving the integrity of the coastline and im:ansely productive bays and estuaries. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NDRTH PALM BEACH, FTARII]A: Section 1. The Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners adopt a resolutio opn~posing offshore oil exploration and Qrilling along Florida's Coast and the Florida Keys without a thirty-mile buffer zone. Section 2. The United States Congress is hereby requested to oppose any plans toto a~Iow offshore oil exploration and drilling along Florida's Coast and the Florida Keys without a thirty mile buffer zone in order to preserve the area's natural resources and economy for private and public recreation. Section 3. The United States Congress is requested to give this vital issue its gFi ei~st priority attention. Section 4. The Village Clerk is hereby directed to forward a certified Dopy o~ this Resolution to Palm Beach County's Congressional Delegation, the Governor of the State of Florida, the United States Dapartment of the Interior, and Palm Beach County coastal municipalities. Section 5. This Resolution shall take effect iimiediately upon passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 25th Q4Y OF AUGUST , 1988. 1 1 1 r MA iR ATTEST: Village Clerk