1988-16 Bid Award for Storm Sewer Inspection, Cleaning & RepairRESOLUTION N0. 1fiB8- A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, 1 FLORIDA, ACCEPTING THE BID OF INTERSTATE PIPE MAINTENANCE CO. FOR THE STORM SEWER INSPECTION, CLEANING AND REPAIR IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $12,000 TO BE EXPENDED FROM ACCOUNT N0. 10-541-034-34690 (R&M DRAIN LINE PLAT 4). BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. The bid of Interstate Pipe Maintenance Co., copy of which is attached to this Resolution, is hereby accepted by the Village of North Palm Beach in accordance with its terms. The appropriate Village officials are hereby directed to advise said bidder of this acceptance. The monies are to be expended from Account No. 10-541-034-34690 (R&M Drain Line Plat 4). Section 2. This Resolution shall take effect immediately 1 upon passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 26TH DAY OF MAY 1988. A ATTEST: f-e„-,~.. ~-.E. r, GD hi ~ i age erc • ., t ~: from: subject: CoPi~S~ MEMORANDUM Cm ~'~c ~ ~ C. R. O'Meilia date: 5/5/88 W.~~tt AV~RD OF BID - PLAT IV DRAINAGE An analysis of the 3 bids received to repair the drain line shows the laa and overall best bid is Interstate Pipeline$ of Ft. Lauderdale. The key is item #3 under each leak. interstate bid, $45/leak, wherein the next law bidder sulxnitted under exoeptiOns and item for each beak based on pipe size, their leak repair quote ran fran $96 to $540 each leak. Since the scope of the project is to first identify and log each leak prior to repairing the leak, the $45/leak repr$sents a ratio of 2 repairs to 1 up to 11 repairs to 1 which assures that the project will be under budget. Note; Interstate Pipeline was the Contractor On the first section repaired last year and did an acceptable and satisfactory job for the Village. eg R VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH AGENDA MF210RANDUM THIS FORM WITH SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS MUST BE IN THE VILLAGE MANAGER'8 OFFICE BY NOON MONDAY FOR CONSIDERATION ON THE FOLLOWING THURSDAY. FROM PUBLIC SERVI S DEPARTMENT. Please consider for the Village Couneil Workshop agenda of Mdv 12, 1988 1. Proposed Agenda Title and Description: of bid for Storm Sewer Inspection,-Cleat Regular Agenda of date) 2. If Bid Item - Amount Budgeted and Account Number: 512.000.00 10-541-034-34690 3. Recommendation and Justification: Recommend award of bid to Interstate Pipe MaintenenceCGo, Ft Lauderdale a. as a ow st est not to x , for the Storm sewer insre~+_ion. cleanino and reoai~ in ~lat~ f is irm was awarded P a 1 of this oroiect last vear -fee attac a memo. 4. Eight copies of documents, detailed cost estimates, maps, etc., supporting each should be attached. 1 DEP t1MENT HEAD Date• Mav 5 1988 WORKSHOP REGUi,AR Item Number Agenda Date Action Item Number Agenda Date Action W ~--i ~D N L O Q F d O O M n~ V q~q.~~ 4iiA q~ Fib 6• !~! w@¢r.,a,, Ir Q a z_ Z Q w J U Z O F- U W d Z [Y W K O H N 0 I M O I ~ O ~ O f 6 pi j O ~ ~ N J~ P7 ~ ~ O WU U H ~ o o O N W O am O im ~ O l l1 d ' ~ . V ' .'~r w~~n~w ~ ~ a ro ~' N W o q 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 ° ° ~ ~ ° N ~ O o N i n M i n o0 a ~ W W t/r M N ++a ~ Hawes u z oro H v F i~ ° ° °o °o °o o o ~ UQJ7 I¢~1 ~' r" O V' ~ M N :~'1 ~v ~ ~ N lP z °g o °O~ v ic~c ~a 7 OJ N O I--• i C y p C N Y . ro 5 J ~ W H- J w r-~ J r-• C i-~ ~ r J ~j Z O L 4 W f •i~ ' Y C O O. W O +~ y.~ ~ 4- f J C ~ ~ o O 7 K = U ~ p N O U V 1 ~ E J L In f- ii SS W ~ N C ~-r •r WW dd /0 Q L L R 3 p , W d' L ~ 1 ES N ~--~ J U K W W i W i i i a ~ ' '- c~ r . .. ~ '~ ~r F'kUl'USAI 'IU THE VILLi~W; Ur: AUH1N rHLhi BtiiGFl rU1HlU:f ;entlem>n: The undersigned, as bidder, does declare that•no other person other than the Bidder herein named has any interest in this proposal or in the contract to be taken, nd that it is made without any connection Frith any other person or parsons making roposal for the same article, and is in all respects fair and without collusion or raud. The undersigned further declares that he has carefully examined the specifica- .ions and is thoroughly familiar with its provisions and with the quality, type and trade of material called for. The undersigned further declares that he proposes to furnish the articles called or trithin specified time set in this proposal for the following price, and guarantees hat parts and service for the articles listed below are available within the State ~f Florida, to wit: J GATE: ~ 1 8 S~ ' . Bidder will oa~lete the work as described in the "Scope of Work" and technical 3i,ecifications" sections of this bid document for the following prices der item listed xloa, Bid price shall be stated in words and numbers; in case of conflict, words shall .aka precedence. Item No. Description Artaunt t Plug line or lines, dewater, visually inspect the interior condition of the line fran Mfi 1 thru hIIi 7 including hIIis doctnnent and log all leaks or, in the alternative,, record inspection and log leaks via T.V. camera. `~h'e'E"~ '~"'O ~~^D~'-~ dollars ,~_cents Lump Sum$ ~°~'~ ~' Plug and isolate the line by sections; clean the line from MH 1 thru i9i7 removing all debris and sand. 0 0~ ~<Q-~`+ d-~.eeer i~~r`..atJ~ ~~y dollars tra cents Lump Sian$ X356 T 3. Patch and repair all documented leaks fran Item 1 above in accordance with the Technical Specifications fran Mii 1 thru t+IH 7 including MNs. co ztl /S'O _ ~,~ av/~~P,d.~D F~~~---- dollars es'C~ cents Each I~IIi~ a~'~- ~'•~`<-- ~---~ dollars CCU cents Each Ledo $ ~/.~~ ov 4 Repair outfall MEi leak covered on Page 5'a ~` ~"'~~~_~-,~i dollars oc> Cents Lump Sum S $SC~ °~ Ib )fficers of Corporation or Members of Partnership: NAME TITLE ADDRESS /2;c tiy~:4 /3+crf/f ~ f~,2~S."~Jfn'~ /OHM //f _ h'1~' Tom.-~i-rd S-~e~ /,~.~h/~.e U- ~e/es~oe•~yl (ot~a o~ol.ati.~o~ ~1~r~_ [cy. l~,g~ ~~~lt,e Co~PT~!'~ .:7/n4n of/i/mss /',c~~,-~ H-.yi~~Yn•e n c corporation O rartnersn7p O in SIGNED BY: TITLE: ~_,.,P~~Si~z~i~- 1DDRESS: ~f% ~r .7.-~ . F~ Lam.</~l';'r~J,~O FL ,j 3.~D9 ~7- -PROPOSAL TO TtiE VILLAGE OF NORTH PAL14 BEACH FLORIDA (Con'td.) ~tEF1ARKS/EXCEPTIONS: /S'~ ~o;~f Cry"co.~cer/t~ ,~)oe4t9 a~ ~"M/~I ~Ilec~to~ ._/'~~~.~%/tin ,(/ 4lsiOfi('ir