1988-12 Bid Award for July 4th Fireworks RESOLUTION N0.12-88 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, 1 FLORIDA, ACCEPTING THE BID OF ZAMBELLI FIREWORKS MFG. CO., INC. FOR 4TH OF JULY FIREWORKS IN THE AMOUNT OF $ 7,299.00 FROM ACCOUNT N 10-572-043-34932 ZPUBLIC EVENTS). BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. The bid of Zambelli Fireworks Mfg. Co., Inc. r 1 M OR -e~~ copy of which is attached to this Resolution, is hereby accepted by the Village of North Palm Beach in accordance with its terms. The appropriate Village officials are hereby directed to advise said bidder of this acceptance. The monies.are'to be expended from Account #10-572-043-34932 (Public Events). Section 2. This Resolution shall take effect immedia tely upon passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS ?4th DAY OF__MARCH , 19 ~_. ATTEST: PROPOSAL TO THB VILL~ICB OF NORTH PALM BEACH Gentlemen:. The undersigned, as bidder, does declare that no other. person other than the bidder herein named has any interest in Chia proposal or in the contract to be taken, end that it is made without any connection with any other person or persons making proposal for the same article, and ~e in ell respects fair and without collusion or fraud, The undersigned further declares thnt he has carefully examined the apeci- ficetiona end is throughly familiar with its provisions and with the quality, type and grade of material celled for. The undersigned further declares that he propoae9 to furnish the articles called for within specified time sot in this proposal for the following price, end guarenteoa that parts end service-for the'erticlea listed below are avail- able within the State of Florida, to wits Dater February 16, 1988 Per Specs. Alternai Pyrotechnicien Prices $ 925.00 51062.0( Insurance Price: 1000.0( Display Price: 5474.00 6188.01 Total Prices $7299.00 $8250.Oi Addendum No. 1 acknowledged check Michael D.. Richards Sales Representative 2ambelli Fireworks Mfg. January 27, 1988 Co., Inc. THE VILLAGE OF North Palm Beach PUBLIC SERVICE DEPARTMENT 645 PROSPERITY FARMS ROAD • NORTH PALM BEACH,FLORIDA 33408 • 305-626.0212 January 27. 1988 ADDENDUM NUMBER 1. TO BID FOR FIREWORKS DUE 3:00 P.M., fRBRUARY 23, 1988 1. Substitute the enclosed specifications, marked addendum No. 1. 2. Substitude the enclosed Proposal page and submit with bid. ~ ~`~I ~8 SPECIFICATIONS Opening Display Nine inch shells 40 Twelve inch shells - 4 Fifteen inch shells 4 Eighteen inch shells 2 TOTAL •5~ Plain Program Nine inch shells Single display shells 12 Two break with report 18 Three break with report 12 Four break with report 8 TOTAL 36 Twelve Inch Shells Single display shells 20 Two break with report 14 Three break with report 10 Four break with report 6 TOTAL 3'6 Fifteen Inch Shells Single display 22 Two break witfi report 6 TOTAL ~S Eighteen Inch Shells Single display 28 Twenty four inch shells 5 Thirty inch shells 2 Thirty six inch shells 2 TOTAL •3T Grand Finale Nine inch shells 2G0 Twelve inch shells 6 Fifteen inch shells 5 Eighteen inch shells 4 Twenty inch shells 1 TOTAL '1'/ Addendum No. 1 anuary , SPECIFICATIONS FOR DISPLAY OF FIREWORKS Bidder shall furnish the following: 1. Delivery of all materials to the point of Fire in a company truck. 2. A Company employee to fire the display. a. This man will meet with all the requirements of the 4lorkmen's Compensation Laws of Florida. 3. It is the responsibility of the Company to supply all materials and labor to erect the entire display. The bidder shall furnish the following within 14 calendar days of notice of award fo bid: 1. Insurance with limits of Three Hundred Thousand Dollars on Bodily In,~ury and Property Damage: covering one year with no deductability. 2. The bidder shall file a 14 day cancellation clause with a notice of Workers Compensation Insurance. 3. The display of Fireworks must be at least 45 minutes in duration. 4. Rain Date - Next clear night at no additional cost to Village. 5. Bidder shall furnish with Proposal a Program with: Total amount of Shells and their Sequence in the Program. 6. These shells shall be: a. Packed in boxes b. Sealed at the factory c. Marked as to their contents 7. Village Contact point is Recreation Department - 1-305-627-7799. ~ r ~~~ -,.