1987-08 MacArthur Beach State ParkRESOLUTION N0. 8-87 ' A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE USE OF BUILDINGS AND LAND WHICH ARE PUBLICLY OWNED AND WHICH ARE LOCATED IN JOHN D. MAC ARTHUR BEACH STATE PARK EAST OF THE INTRACOASTAL WATERWAY BY PERMITTING CONSTRUCTION OF RESIDENCES FOR USE BY PARK RANGERS, INCLUDING OUTBUILDINGS ASSOCIATED THEREWITH, AND BY PERMITTING CERTAIN SANITARY FACILITIES TO BE CONSTRUCTED IN CONNECTION WITH THE RESIDENCES AND IN CONNECTION WITH USE OF PARK PROPERTY. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. The type, location and use of buildings and wastewater treatment plant and other structures by the State of Florida, Department of Natural Resources, in John D. MacArthur Beach State Park are hereby approved by the Village Council of North Palm Beach, Florida, in accordance with the proposed use set forth on plans attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and by reference made a part hereof. Section 2. The Department of Natural Resources may construct an on-site sewage treatment and disposal facility in the location set forth on Exhibit "A" of a type and description set forth on Exhibit "B" to this Resolution describing the type of package plant and method of treatment of waste, as well as the disposal thereof. The sewage treatment plants and other sewage waste treatment facilities may continue in place until such time as a public sewage line lies within 500 feet of the existing sewer treatment facility, at which time said sewer treatment facility shall be discontinued and the Department of Natural Resources of the State of Florida or any other party who owns and operates said sewage treatment fctlities shall connect to the said public sewage treatment facilities. Section. 3. The approvals set forth in this Resolution concerning ' sanitary waste treatment and disposal are subfect to receipt by the owner and operator of the sewage treatment and disposal facilities receiving all other governmental permits prior to this village approval becoming effective. It is the' intention of the Village Council that Village approval of either the site 1 plan or the sewage treatment and disposal facilities should not be used as a basis to secure other governmental approvals, and Village approval is dependent wholly upon agencies such as the State of Florida, Department of Environmental Regulation, State Board of Health and arty other permitting agency independently determining that the sewage treatment and disposal system proposed for the area in question are approved on their merits. Section 4. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon 1 passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 26th DAY OF FEBRUARY , 1987. ATTEST: C F-4-e.~-o R.c~/~.~. i age erk -2- ~, a y :n ~ 4 U 1 ~. l~~ ~ ~\r }., ~ ''t ~ .. ~, ~, ~ ', ~ ~ , ~~ `" 1i1i~\~ 11 ~ ~1 ~i ~\ ~~~ \\ \ (I \~\. .. _ x ~. a 0 V X S x y E F 1'• s 1_~t~ r__.x ~ry aQ f ~ s ~ ei t\ ~ w ~ 1 ~l y S j `+6 ~ xt < ~ \\\ y a p = F ~"V WQ N t ~1 cpfy<~j ° u 1~ W ~` ~, a ~` ~f ~a~, < . 4, ,~ , l ~ \~ \ V" ~ ~ ~~ ~ y ~h~~ ~ (,\A,\\ ~ Y a t,;Yo~ t:: y. \ "~ 0 °_ ;= o ,' ~€ s - , _ 1 i V W V O U z 4 1 F ' ra l {n FnJ ' + - `rr,~,, ~ E:.~ . ~. ~ i @"9 ~ ~ ~,,"! ~ [F11,11 ~ ~+,7 •~~.(\~ 1V N IJ ~9/ W ~~r AA [[~~ `~1 ~~ ~~" j f\ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ `~~ ~ ~ ® o d J~ U ~:L~ ~ ~c/I ® ~ y~ ~d--c.-Y ,, ~ 3 d ~ ~ -+ t/r ~ N ~{~ S J $ i ~.....- ~' ~ j5 6 6 ~~~' (~ p\y~ W:~ (r~ ~ ` o c ~ y.a~ :_ <-y W N . ~~ru w ~ .~ °w Y >oi u rc 0 u ~ ~(" ^1 L i~ (~ R p i, ~ a < 1 w ~ v (1 s O /~ // W If ~( K< „~ Y O 2 (~ rt /L 4 J 0 6 L W G li ~ ~ lSl 11 I i ll ~ ~ ~~.~ V ~ ~~ 1~~~ ~ L ~` CONTROLLED BATCH WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM CROMAGLASS Corporation Williamsport, Pennsylvania 17701 • Telephone (717) 3263396 CDC/4 CI/~ATIA hIC POWER: 115V/230V Single Phase. Refer to power consumption chart for KWH and amperes. 230V/460V • 3 phase available at Increased cost. CONTROL PANEL: Nema 1 enclosure standard equipment. (Nema 3R, 4, 7, and 12 available) ALARM: Red Light mounted on panel plus Audible alarm. CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS: Tank-Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic. Comminution Chamber-Fiberglass and non-corrosive screen. Piping and Fittings-Schedule No. 40 • PVC • NSF Approved. Metal Fittings-Stainless Steel. SHIPPING WEIGHT AND DIMENSIONS PumDa ToYt Haan In Fasl Amparepa ~ 8 10 10 20 20 Mu. Rvn Loeksa Montt Capacay In Dales. Dar Mln. Ampa. Roles Amps '/e H.P. Discharge Ii 98 28 B 10 15.0 w H.P. WP0311E 700 e5 82 9s 9 9.4 92.2 w N.P. WP0511S 100 193 oD 60 20 11 &.9 Moans Olmanebne Lanplh Wlaln NBIgN BMppInO WNpM sa Haur MlaOpgolry. Dbelurea Valuma DbeMryae - par ay CAS 7' 11' S' 7" 6' 7" 450F 600 pal. 85 pals. 8 CA75 11' 3' 6' 7• 5' 7" 670N 1,500 gel. 280 pals. 8 CA25 14.70" 8' 10. 8' 10' 1,076N 2,600 gsl. 420 gels. 8 CA30 ta' 10• 8' 10' 8' 10. 1,27fiN ~ 9,000 pet. 400 pale. 8 CA50 19' 5" 7' 4" 7' 3' ~ ~ 1,905M 5,000 gal. 825 pale. B CA80 19' S' T 4• 7' 9' _ 7,WY.a1 ' 8,000 gel. 750 gels. B CA700 38' W' 7' P 7' 9' ' 5,80011 70,000 pal.. 1,250 pale. B CA720 38'10' 7' 4' 7"5' -.5,6006 12,000 gal. 1,600 gala. 8 Table "A" OPERATIONAL DATA• Power Conaump11or11Per 21 Hre. Removal 61 ud B•O•D• Ap n~ EIIlcienc ~ R b ete l Dolly y ecyc lion eaOfVe f Plant Treated Influent Effluent Tlme u ~ M d l it C KWlf Vol u me o e a c y Gals. eA .~ mgli mglL (11oure) CA5 500 5.78 8598 9(1100 80300 1030 14 In e><ceas CA75 1500 9.77 of 250 CA25 2500 14.85 Average Gals/Day CA30 3000 32 CASO 5000 32 CA60 6000 32 CA100 10000 52 CA120 12000 52 'Based on NSF Certified Dala ~~~d~~ [~a~~r~~~ Clivus Multrum d Waterless Composting Toilet System For use where water and sewer hook-up or septic. drainage is not practical or•economica/. A Clivus Multrum system costs less to operate and maintain than any flush system. Army Corps of Engineers. Raystown Lake, PA Speci~ications ComOOSI lank AssamDly o; tD'1 1J3 104 ~;ra 6h r~ r.d tf ~C~r-no.. rt4091 m 0911 Modr' 1~° Isnvrr~mrnr ta~~. ucr senarate s'rer0 ' 1.. Lrn..r ~ r.,„p,. ~~ nnu~. u~ iDrr v.rnr. end r innniDn mSi~ r,r,~•. ., ~~•.nr~ncd r~nv.,~iavcr. nl bnemoas. and ins., l.n.nr. a~b~invr- Owri coanna ~s l0 and wnnc UV-resistant D~ inn'. Ira ~nv+(KI In' 1 f POIVPSter rCam mmlDrped Weh nonyr;l io, rep lollowen DV 74 oz wovon roving followed n~ t ~ n ~,r~u~u rmulaom~ IDUOwed tic 18` resin ro~n- I o~rrn v. n ~ mopped « rvmp and 30 and wa.ed surlace gel mat 1 Pr Inn4 ~~ raa: na ry n~vip CO in10 Wd51C Chamber, trm5hed rggic r i ,rn P.~i and o.V,~in inn nrpdJ't Chamber lf~e ,,,,,,, ,,,, ,, sonk,.rtl v:~u~ rrinto~crd I~b¢rglass a~r .:. o. .. a. n 1T h1 wale as ass door on the t T i- l ti c h n t rr ~. c c' s l u e tl w u e 30' rr l t r Trc o ae Cc o~¢t eramhcnsmo- [ NO' IU d .I['D Ina AnnA Ovf'rIOW drain ! I l(.~r a t r les. t. c H u bo.i wart ¢rs, sea du^' Ill C d 'rv nlrln and ShPCI n nIa! 6GrCWS dlf ~, ~~drr 1 or p.-tl n' r0ecnvo cnmposbnu vONrnr OI Ihr tanA alone Id c, b~Cl tl W p'tl of to I 3 Olb~ Aa iOlr mitl5ee i v. ul, C[ h- ago adC. 17' nit nhr prtol the tarn 1-' ca IcH t. Rm elloct e c mr sr ng volumo A d r - r.'h .CI r wrap's 11G Ir s an^ ad 7d" to the hni Q'il o' r^r Inn/. dn(3G QihK (COI to Ihn nlnclrvC corer P,. ~'I. ~.m ~c Imerlor Vem P'lpe IPF 7Gl diameter 6". 7' long. type 3003 x.uni~rw~r~00:' mw~nmmihickness.8section5 Additional f' ntv~ n,av or nornM ConuOt rem Manua' Elbows Ir'f ]tl oa.uclr G adlusaDlc. iWe 3003 alun hour, 7 prowtletl ~fiI ~ Iul 1 I!}!!}I !! 10" top view side view Fan Assembly IPF 73'. tan mountetl In housing tr la f' vent. 11G volt AC minimum OaDaoty 100 CvDm left Der n nnwe Sty[, /Dint to laalnate removal included Vent Support Box IPF 941. 24 pauoe galvam7¢o. too oven v~g d~ametn 10'd;". bottom ogenmp Sr1" Hoot Flashing with Storm Collar IPF 751, 24 gauge px~ varnreC, 10" diameter nose. 4 angles available 1'12-6 12 IS 30 dnpree9, 7'17-71'17 (3140 degrees/, 13'111617 14756 tlepr¢esl. 19'17-24'1115563 degrees/. Exterior Insulated Vent Pipe IPF 9561. two 2' aeaxlns. 10" dmmeter, palvanued 24 gauge. insulation 2" loam, 6" d~ametfr interror aluminum Vent Rein Cover IPF 961, stainless steel. 7" high, 14" tl'ameter. Ills into 6" vent Fixtures White Fiberglass Toilet Assembly IPF 15 standard. PF 15 H handicapped) r b r 1 sa wnh Toilet Sixl, sturdy. rmlaemous reinlo cad beg a mdusmal grade Pet coat Heigh to seal rs l4"Ipr PF 154 and 18"for PF 15H. Wltlih is 16'h` entl Irons-to-backd~men- sron is 11". Weight rs 351bs. The toilet can be installed wnh 9- minimum dl$idnge between toilet chute Cenler~lme and wall tmnind toilet. Seat pod LId, ABS dasoc. Liner, 76 gauge Seamless steel. Chute.IPF 6&121, one 2-foot sec hon. 11" d~ametnr. stalnless steel. Conneetor, (chute to tank) IPF 721. 11" diameter openirq Vitreous China Urinal IPF 66) Stainless whoa height 181/2" wbth 131/2" depth 131 r4" t t /2" outer won stalnless steel tlrop tube end connecung assembly comDOnents Io eompostinp tank, hmsnetl won a one D'ece aLgmnp concealed hanger. Urinal Assembly IPF62~16A) Body, 18 gauge type N30a :/aides: steel. With Nd pdrsh bnlsn, welpht 9 lbs. 7'/.` x 15y.` Dose tapered to a lY." outlet dish 3" bog. back Splash 15 16'h" hgh, 16" wide taDer¢d to 15'/." wqe at base Wth bide panels, 3' bog t'/." OD, stainless steel tlrop tube, 10' 1`h` WC DIDe, ell necessary PVC httinps Other 41es evailade on request Large Stainless Steel Toilet Assembly IPF 601 Toilet Stool, stainless steel, 24 gauge. HBphI 14 1/B",Oval Dace lexclutl~np 1" flange/. 206/8" x 16 1Q". Weight la lbs. Seat end Lid, die~lormed 1 Bgauge stainless steel. 16" loop. nva1705B" x 161/1". Connector Plate IPF 581, stain- less steel, oval opening 20 5B" z 16 1 R", Smell Steinlecs Steel Tolle[ Assembly IPF 63H1 Toilet Stool, stalnless steel. 24 Dauge, hepnt 1 B" tl~ameter 13 3'R'" lexcrosve of 1" flange/. Seat end lid, d~edormed 18 gauoe stalnless steel Chute IPF 64151amless steel, 24" length. 13 3'e" d'ameter. Connector Plate IPF 591. staln- less steel 13 3'4" opening. Options -vent rein coves mwlated Wnt DiDe ~o ro0l /lashing ~L~r-' tOllsr ~-whoa-vent wDDOrt box -slip loin[ ~~ ~\_ li y -urine[ ~J ®-/an housing ~eltrows I // /~J white fiberglass q toilet II ~l--- vent DrDa `f toilet chute toilet connector Dlete ® vent connector Dlate O \ tank too 0 v+aste attess midsection unk - bottom access CompNta Pardsape PF 101 Soler Powered Fen Assembly (Pi 76A1 Includes Photovoltaic Panells), 12 vdt. DC Fen, 12 volt 4 watt. 120 cubic leer per minute. mourned in housing to bt 6" tliameter vent Stonpe Banarylsl. Voltage Reg- ulator, wumg entl mounting hardware. Liquitl Storage Assembly IPF 651 f roerglass tank cyllndrKal, inslahed horuonlalH. 29" tllame~ ter. 46" long. capacity 95 palbns. Den set into ground 27". Fined with standartl deck Dlate having 6" tliameter opening Rovltletl with 90° threaded 1Nu~hull tlrein end 6' of 3r4" ID nose Liquid Removal ASSemDly, Electric (PF911 12/2a von UC. 1224 von DC convener supdred. Submerslde. eoaVpressure switch contrdletl. Snahlrp and impeller pans 8re atal0¢55 steel Or Olrier gpflD5g0 leslslant matefl8!. Hoses, Inhngs and au necessary components Included We highly recommend that the inspection entl cenibca Lion of the Instelletion and stanuD by an authorlaed Clivus Muhrum ReDrosenltlive become Dan of any bid documenution. Warranty limned wartemy of 5 years on all eomDOnents lexccot thr pump and tan which have a Irm~ted one year warranty an: fh¢ solar panel whiU ¢ warranleetl Dy IDe manta acimri Is Drovxled with every urn[ Liquitl Removal Assembly, Manual (PF80) Self~pnmmp. hantl Operated, whh sucLOn lift and non- corros've: bdtly won reinlorcetl tlmphragm end IlapDer val- ves All necessary CompOrlenta included SpecHications ere subject to change without notlr' Z Cbvus Muhrum• Revised 5r66 Clivus MUltrum °, Inc. 21 Canal Street, Lawrence, MA 01840 (617) 794-1700 L-_gg°_ - b-rl 12`/,"