RESOLUTION 40_87 NOV 19871 1 1 ~ .. RESOLUTION N0. 40-87 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORT}1 PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, ACCEPTING THE BID OF DUFFY & LEE COMPANY, FT. LAUDERDALE, FLORIDA FOR SPIKEPROOF CARPETING - NORTH PALM. BEACH COUNTRY CLUB IN THE AMOUNT OF $ 5,131.55 FROM ACCOUNT N0. 41-572-112-66340 (GOLF SHOP - CARPETING) I I BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. The bid of Duffy & Lee Company, Ft. Lauderdale, FL., copy of which is attached to this Resolution, is Hereby accepted by the Village of North Palm Beach in accordance with its terms. The appropriate Village officials are hereby directed to advise said bidder of this acceptance. The monies are to be expended from Account No. 41-572-112-66340 (Golf Shop - Carpeting) Section 2. This Resolution shall take effccY. immediately epon passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED T}{IS 12th DAY OF NOVEMBER , 19 87 MAYOR " ATTEST: Village Clerk i i . ~p ~ PROPOSAL TO THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH,~FLORIDA Oentlomens The undersigned, as bidder, does declare that•ho other person other than the bidder herein named has any interest in this proposal or in the contract to be taken, and that it is made without any connection with arty other person or persons making proposal for the same article. and is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud. The undersigned further declares that he has carefully examined the specifica- tions and is thoroughly familiar with its provisions and with the quality. type and grade of material called for. The undersigned further declares that he proposes to furnish Lhe articles called for within specified time set in this proposal for the followingg price, and guarantees that parts and service for the articles listed below are available within the State of Florida, to wit: DATE: 1'O 12218? MANUFACTURER: KIkRA~rMI MODEL NO.: ~ 968 • ~xr~noED SPIKE PROOF WARRANTY: 5-YEAR ~IVi(t2/ZA-N't'Y (SEC' A'tTAGHED) • DELIVERY: AwA~TI~~ GoLoR f}PPRovR~ TOTAL PRICES 6 ~ 31.•~J 5 • -6- / ~ PROPOSAL 70 LHE VII,~,,AOE,O,f_ jJsRTH PAJrM BEA,f~N. FLORIQ~, (Con'td.~ REMARKS/EXCEPTIONS: Officers of Corporntlon or Members of ParLnerthlp: NAME TITLE ~ ADDRESS RONALD LSE PFiESiDENT 35 S.W 13+~ AvE. CFIAQLES av~Fy 5~~~-~,~y YRcASuR~R F+. LA~4ERDRLE ~LoRiDFt 33315 SIGNED TIT WITNESSES: ~~ ADDRESS: ~3~~ s, -~ r 3~ ~vE. ~~. G~~En~-~ ~~0R:Df4~ 3'3315 '-7- RM: DuFFy ~ LEA Co. orpora on 0 ar oars p O n v ua r \ Kerastan Rug MlllslP.O. Box 130, teden, N.C. 272881Phone (919) 827.3000 September 9, 1987 Duffy 6 Lee 3351 S.W. 13th Ave. Lt. Lauderdale, F1. 33315 Re: MoMester.e Dear Duffy & Lear Kerastan Rug Mille, upon receipt of an order for the refersncnd mer- chandise, will issue a wear warranty to the Kerastan dealer purchasing our product. The warranty will be worded as follower Five Year Limited Warranty -This carpet is warranted by Kerastan for indoor use on level lloor surfaces eub~eot to golf-spike traffic. Stairs and ramps aro excluded. If properly installed (by the glue- down method) and maintained, and the surface pile in any given area is abrasively worn more than lOx within five (5) years, the carpet will be replaced at our expense, including installation.. Kerastan warrants normal abrasive wear only, not tears, pulls, cute, pilling, chedding, matting, damage due to improper cleaning agents or methods, or abuse by any other athletic equipment such ae roller skates or ski boots. Sy abrasive wear is meant flbar loss from the carpet thzough normal abrasion, not crushing or flattening of the carpet pile in any area, nor ateining, soiling, fading or change in carpet appearance, nor fiber loss due to abnormal usage of the Carpee or defeceive car- pet construction. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state Co state. This warranty is vold outside the United States and Canada. This letter is not a warranty; an officiei warranty form will be issued, affective the date of Karaetanra invoice to she xsspective Kareatan dealer involved on the protect. Sincerely, KARASTAN RUG MILLS EDEN, NORTH CAROLINA A DIVISION OF FIELDCRE87 CANNON INC./EDEN, NORTH CAROLINA 27288 .r ~ ' ®FIRST CLASS MAIL ^ RE018TERED MAIL M•Ilp eY IS•ndah AFFIDAVR OF MAILING AND TRLE DETAllB OP BHIPMENT rb b IunY tempNlee M IIM •••urWl Marcill Lynch, PNrce, Fenner end 8mllh, InoorporelW D•1.: 11/1/es Eawl Nems end Addnp on SDlpment: 81ewA tt.lsohubare ~ 8a1.A Ralt-ohnbt-r J/T Pool omu el whkh mellW: 21 Tulip~.Ro tA. , Foa onlw Rpulry No.: ~ 6pxin7~ig7;8,~,N. Jr~.. ' .. .' . CONTENTS - OM eomplele dewrlplbn of eeourltNS: CtlnrOZ1 6tavat ftatloa 10,000 V111aga o! ]Korth Falo 6aeloh ilorida 2nprorwer . IawAw soi-6 8r8. 1961 dw 11/1/9{ dtd 3/3/01 /P~/~Jc arty 1t~ a a:6 x tieooo .aoh vltz. il/1/as .Ae scA EXHIBIT "A" CueWmer Acoounl NumOSr ~, PROOP OP L088 TO RegleNrod In mme ol: Doarar EndoreerMnle ryl eny) AOM TM .Dove contsme en henlnensr une0 IM YwIMIMe' 6TATE OF NEW YORK ~ ' COUNTY OF NEW YORK ~' 6 1(N",1AA.jY--- IMnhuRer cNIW DepoMnp Wlrg duy eworM1 eepeeee enE wys: ~ ' TMI M le en onker of rye wll, Aulhorixed SIBnH IM eorporegon of McMll Lynch, Place, Fsnner eM Smilh, Inoaporaled heMnp en oflke N Om Liberty Plete, New York, New York 10008 DepeMnl knows IMt IhU eMbehl wql M used ~ uooorl o wlM.pplbflkM to tM luuy~C o0fpaetbn fn0 M kMeler epM1e eM Iplelrve la IM leewnu under Dldemn O1l N UN o (SMeI or eeelroyee. • ' eFleleM 8. Maxlna.y . STATE OF NEW YORK ~ C.OVNTY OF NEW YORK ~~~~ ~ - On mle 11 deY of ribruarY • li 67 blon me pereonely eppurW tM eDOVe deponwl 8 • moxlAny b me IulOwn erW IulOwn b m. le t» IM IndlNdwl dewrlbe0 M end wM e^wuled IM loregokq egreemenl On behell of Die OOrpdretbn IhNNn, end Duly ecknowladged l0 me thN he exwuled IM NfM end hevelnq been duly ewor~eb that MN eMt IMnln wn IM HENRY HOLLANDER Nefery Iubge el New York Ne. 01~6gl740! Ove11R•d In N•w 1(4rk ~, cove seas Rev. mss ulNlRttilBR 6il~ltii 8i: ~ rrru LY.w (MpeMnl egroee On beMll of ssb ~rp?rNkn iMl N tM eaaMtNe ehoub eYN Dome Mlo Ke MM CuflOdy or powet depOnenl wI111nxne0letelY wmnder IM onquul ewuMlN t0 tM IMUrenee Oomperryr TM NW Ncurll~ee wre ImurW M Irenell for e000uM OI wlkm 11 meY Concern under polby o~IMwena IteueO by IM Nb ImNenoe Canpeny 10 deporrntk Corpwelkn. i Ctl FIItSTCLAS3MAIL O REOISTEREDMAIL Cuetoma Aedount Number 766-33765 PROOF OF LOSS ' TO i AFFIDAVIT OF NON RECEIPT DETAILS OF SHIPMENT fl'o b eomp4ted by Bender beTare ferrerdtn~ th4 form to tM Addnuttl - // ~^- , Mailtd by ISendtry. /J?Q~C',E'~~~ ~y/7" > ' / C`It~GrN ~ ~/7/!~ b'- ~/T!/ L /> (' . D•~ November 13. 1985 ' EsadNtrwtedAddnuon8hipment: Simon b Helen Neiechuber. 21 Tulip koa4 ~,/~ R»ringi.e~;ti;..N.J: ~ ~~~~. ~/ ,/~~s~,~`a.~cnrl. Pott0lrktterhkhmtLed. New York. New York .. ~/A'vr""i~ y/f PutOlrkeRes4tryNo.: n/a / CONTENTS-Oiveeomp4adt•eriptbnerweuritl.~~~~~p~,'j~fNCrt1 p81m Beach Florida•~~?e0~/17E~ ~'~ 2~ fie- 22~X5~4T ei. '~ /~~fve t~d'~,~es. /y~~ ~o.~o~ a/~.< ii~~~y Ms4tertdlentmeor: Bearer FOrm ~' rrt~t • , r•}r Mr-- . E:M~AJL.rL' f,Lr11.F.S~i It:k:~ !~'"u1I1i11 Y'r;s:l, f{~~ ~,. iNii4ei~ 8 Si:;iIT! Endorumtnu ut.nyl kh; on~o~reo TM about eenunp ea htretadttr caBtd tM'Ytcuritltt" ~ """"'°""~ - • BTATEOP FLOI+,IDA l )} 8S: COUNTYOF DADS SIMON b HELEN HEISCHU~ER lhtrtin~rur e•iltd Deponentl. bins duly sworn, dapoaet and e•ye:- 1. Deponeneretld.eet 6039 Collin. Avenue 011291 Miami Beach. Florida 33140-2252 S, pepomntlethelepland/orbnetk4lotentrolthtabovtdtteribedtteurltk~. ~. NdtMr the .bout deeeribed Mtur nor uW taeuril4t Mw twr bun rthivtd by deponent or by deponent's avthor4ed a.ent. Deponent M• mvaT eedoraed tM uld a•eurlt4a, nor told, w({~~nnd, tnn•brftd, vyledeed. hypothecated or dbpo•.d or the came or my Inurot therein. Depownt het mtde t Morovsh starch, end hu made Inpukiu, but hu found no teas or the teeurit4a or the Otter. t. Deponent specs Met If tM taeuritiA should wtr eomt Into dtpemnt't Mnds, ewtody or power, deponent wiU Im• md4uty nobly tM Sender end IU deponent M• rtedvad ntw aecuriWt In tM muntlmel wW wrnnder Me eris4al eeturitiu to , tM Inevnnee Company. 6. Deponent knot. that tNs drldavitwWMusedHtuppert or tpp0eatlon totM luulne torpontlon end lU tnnsbr.sent. end rgtatrart for tM brvena under IndemNty of net tteurltlu np4a tM ontt lot4 and totM Inaurena Company under tM pror4bne ortM lnwnna carried bytM Bender. Dtpenent STATE OF //u.r ^r« r-'</ 1 J SS: COUNTY OP ~( nrra,./ On lhla ~ ' /day or M q-y 19 ~~ bron me perwnaUy apgared tM above depo• nentSMeN • 7y FL FN f~F, se (,.aje~ set known and known to me to b eM Individual deeeribrd In end rho .accused tM loteeolns apeement, end duly aeknowladsd that M tauutad the tatne end Awins ban duly .worn. aald that the aaltmtett then4 wire tNt. wee .yea new. 0ns NotaryPubUe JUNE F. SVIHRA NOTARY PUBLIC OF NEW JERSEY M,v CommissioroExpiresluly 13,1988