RESOLUTION 36_87 OCT 1987RESOLUTION NO. 36-87 A RESOLUTION OF .THE VILLAGE COUNCIL. OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FIARIDA, URGING THE STATE LEGISLATURE TO PASS BEVERAGE CONTAINER DEPOSIT LEGISLATION; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Village Council of North Palm Beach actively supports policies and programs which prorate and protect the well-being of all the citizens of Palm Beach County; and ' WHEREAS, the Village Council of North Palm Beach believes that throw-away beverage containers are wasteful of our energy resources, taxing to the natural resources, contrary to the aim and commitment of the people of Florida, and statewide legislation is needed to govern and control the use of throw-away beverage bottles; and Wt-IEREAS, "Bottle Bill" legislation for the State of Florida requiring refund on all returned soft drink and beer containers, will lessen solid waste collection and the need to acquire more land to bury solid waste, encourage recycling of cans and bottles, and provide cleaner unities; and WHEREAS, the passage of "Bottle Bill" legislation in other states has increased jobs, and has not produced unsanitary conditions; and WHEREAS, "Bottle Bi11" legislation will provide a mechanism for paying the cost of the storage and handling of the returned containers; and WHEREAS, the passage of the 1978 National Energy Act formally recognized the specific need to foster the conservation of natural resources; and the United States Government recognized the specific treed to stimulate resource recovery efforts with the passage of such Act which provides for an additional ten percent (108) tax credit for money invested in increased recycling production facilities; and W[IEREAS, the Village Council of North PaLn Beach supports the efforts of the 1985 Legislature which asked all Florida cities and counties to reduce by 558 their amount of solid waste being sent to landfills by 1995. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PAIM BEACH, FIARI4Ti: Section 1. The Village Council of North Palm Beach does hereby urge the Palm Beach County Legislative Delegation to endorse, promote, and vote for passage of legislation for the recycling of containers for beer and soft drinks, commonly called the "Bottle Bill", during the next legislative session of the State of Florida. Section 2. The Village Clerk is hereby directed to forward a certified copy of this Resolution to State Senator William (Doc) Myers and State Representative Marian V. Lewis. Section 3. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 22nd C1AY OF OCTOBER 1987. ~~ ' MA R ATTEST: ~ ~. ~~„ ~, DE VIL E CLERK