MAY 169 2018
David B. Norris, Mayor
Mark Mullinix, Vice Mayor
Susan Bickel, President Pro Tem
Deborah Searcy, Councilmember
Andrew D. Lukasik, Village Manager
Melissa Teal, Village Clerk
Darryl C. Aubrey, Sc.D., Councilmember
Leonard G. Rubin, P.A., Village Attorney
Mayor Norris called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. All members of Council were present except
Councilmember Aubrey, who was ill. All members of staff were present, except the Village
Attorney. Also present were Finance Director Sarnia Janjua, Human Resources Director Renee
Govig, Parks & Recreation Director Russ Ruskay, Special Projects Director Chuck Huff, Public
Works Director Steven Hallock, Police Chief Richard Jenkins, Police Administrative Coordinator
Janny Labosky, Fire Chief J.D. Armstrong, Library Director Zak Sherman, Head Golf Professional
Allan Bowman, and Communications Manager Ed Cunningham.
Mr. Lukasik provided a brief overview of the meeting objectives. He explained the materials
before Council for the strategic planning process and prioritizing the 56 initiatives before the
Village. He asked Council to identify the top 10 initiatives to focus on and prioritize the remaining
items on the list. Discussion ensued regarding the source of the goals and initiatives.
Objective: Well-maintained property
Initiative: Evaluate Code Compliance software
Objective: Quality public safety services
Objective: Protect the sense of "Community"
Initiative: Establish committees to develop community building
Objective: Maintain single family character
Initiative: Establish regulations for single family homes
Initiative: The Conservatory School
Mr. Lukasik reviewed the list of objectives and noted recent discussions regarding improvements
to Code Compliance would also support this goal.
Vice Mayor Mullinix stated that evaluating Code Compliance software to create efficiencies was
a high priority for him. He noted it was a lot of work on staff, and improving it would be a good
investment. Mayor Norris agreed.
Councilmember Searcy asserted some of the items on the list were easier than others, with simple
items listed alongside long-term important priorities. She noted the issues should be staggered.
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President Pro Tem Bickel asked the status of Conservatory School plans. Discussion ensued
regarding the future expansion of the school.
Initiative: Marina Drive streetscape improvements
Initiative: U.S. 1 Corridor Feasibility Analysis
Initiative: U.S. 1/Lakeshore Drive intersection
Initiative: Parker Bridge/Tunnel replacement analysis
Initiative: Lighthouse Bridge analysis
Initiative: Village -wide bicycle master plan
Initiative: Lighthouse Drive mobility improvements
Initiative: Prosperity Farms Road improvements
Initiative: U.S. 1/Northlake Bridge concept design
Mr. Lukasik reviewed the list of initiatives and stated that most of the items were included in the
Master Plan. He noted the Transportation Planning Agency was already engaged on gathering data
regarding lane reduction on U.S. 1.
Mayor Norris stated putting a contentious item like U.S. 1 high on the priority list might be
counteractive to the success of the implementation of the plan. Discussion ensued regarding the
highway and the traffic lights.
Vice Mayor Mullinix asked about the bicycle master plan and whether widening the sidewalks to
separate young bike riders was an option. Discussion ensued regarding usage of the lanes,
providing safe spaces for children, and multi-purpose paths.
President Pro Tem Bickel stated she understood Lighthouse Bridge would be a huge expense but
should be a priority.
Vice Mayor Mullinix expressed concern there were already more projects on the Village's plate
than they could handle, stating items could be added to the list after the basics were handled.
Mr. Lukasik stated this dialogue was the purpose of the meeting.
President Pro Tem Bickel asserted that the Council needed to discuss additional staff in order to
meet its priority objectives.
Discussion ensued regarding prioritizing resources.
Objective: Improve Board and Committee operations
Objective: Evaluate key work processes
Objective: Implement pay for performance
Objective: Empower employees to feel sense of ownership, feel valued, boost morale
Mr. Lukasik reviewed the list of objectives, pointing to previous conversations regarding asking
Village Boards to take additional action and improvement of employee programs.
Councilmember Searcy stated she would defer to Mr. Lukasik regarding the priorities and the
most important things he should spend time on.
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Mr. Lukasik responded that if he were choosing, he would have Council focus on the board issues
and allot time for focus on implementing pay for performance, which was previously identified as
a priority.
Objective: Ensure equitable taxes and fees for Village services
Initiative: Extend natural gas services
Objective: Capitalize on the investment in the new Clubhouse
Objective: Actively pursue annexation opportunities
Objective: Explore all opportunities for sources of funds
Initiative: Establish committees to assist with community building efforts
Mr. Lukasik reviewed the list of objectives and initiatives and asked for feedback from Council.
Vice Mayor Mullinix stated he could not see the downside of the investment in extending natural
gas services.
Discussion ensued regarding conversion costs and level of priority.
Mr. Lukasik explained the Village needed to explore options regarding tennis professionals
because the changes required by the IRS were costing more than originally thought.
Discussion ensued regarding the Country Club management and opportunities at the Club,
including developing community ownership in the tennis program and ways to handle the issues
with the cost of tennis professionals.
Council discussed annexation opportunities, potential drawbacks, and benefits.
President Pro Tem Bickel asserted her big priority from this goal would be to capitalize on the
investment in the Clubhouse, noting the Village was spending a lot of money and needed to figure
out ways to get it back. She added that all of the objectives on the list were important, but she
would put that item at the top of the list.
Councilmember Searcy stated she thought annexation was a priority due to time restrictions.
Vice Mayor Mullinix agreed that the Clubhouse and annexation belonged at the top of the list of
objectives under this goal. Discussion ensued regarding how much staff time and energy
annexation would require and whether surrounding areas were on board with the strategy.
Objective: Maintain high level of appearance of Village parks
Initiative: Golf Course maintenance standards
Initiative: Evaluate pool operations
Initiative: NPBCC project
Initiative: Anchorage Park project
Initiative: Golf Course renovation project
Initiative: Village -wide beautification
Mr. Lukasik reviewed the list of objectives and initiatives, noting several of the items were part
of the Master Plan and some were the result of committee discussion.
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Vice Mayor Mullinix asked for additional clarification regarding converting dry storage to trailer parking.
Councilmember Searcy expressed concern regarding pursuing grants due to completion deadlines
associated with the grants, noting the Village could do projects more slowly.
Vice Mayor Mullinix asked staff to investigate outsourcing to a consultant regarding the
undergrounding of utilities.
Discussion ensued regarding the portions of the project which could be delegated and those which
would require staff time as well as how to fund the project.
Councilmember Searcy asked if there were any FPL projects planned to harden poles and tie the
Village's hands regarding the option to bury lines.
Mr. Lukasik stated there were none.
Councilmember Searcy asked Mr. Lukasik to keep an ear out for changes.
Objective: Implementation of Master Plan to encourage new businesses and promote economic
Initiative: Evaluate use of a CRA for public improvements
Initiative: Congress Avenue extension and creation of industrial district
Initiative: Add a legible zoning map to website
Initiative: Add Comp Plan in searchable format to website
Initiative: NPB/LP TCM site
Initiative: Reestablish Business Advisory Board
Mr. Lukasik reviewed the list of objectives and initiatives. He explained his experience related to
CRAs and the criteria for blight.
Discussion ensued regarding setting up an idea exchange session regarding the NPB/LP TCM site.
Objective: Enhanced communication with residents
Mr. Lukasik noted he did not have identified initiatives for this goal but wanted to highlight it as
Initiative: Address erosion along river
Initiative: Evaluate and address impact of water taxi stops near Country Club
Initiative: Look at event -based water taxis
Initiative: Creation of River Boardwalk with restoration
Initiative: Creation of a Stormwater Master Plan
Initiative: Little Munyon Island
Initiative: Move RV storage from Anchorage Park to another location
Initiative: Move boat storage to another location
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Initiative: Blueway Trail involvement
Initiative: Connecting trails, establishing lighting
Initiative: Lighting other trails for recreation
Initiative: Develop a Recreation Master Plan
Mr. Lukasik stated waterways and recreation was identified in the Master Plan. He noted there
was a lot of discussion regarding environmental impacts and stormwater in the Master Plan and
pointed to places where goals were in conflict with one another.
Vice Mayor Mullinix provided additional background on Blueway Trail involvement and said he
was in support. He noted the effort also tied in with Little Munyon Island and provided a brief
history on the island and talked about interest in creating a park.
Councilmember Searcy asked about maintenance, liability, and accessibility.
Discussion ensued regarding the opportunity to improve a natural resource in the community and
potential partnerships.
Discussion ensued regarding logistics of having a meeting to take a look at the island and discuss
a potential plan.
Councilmember Searcy noted the only item not on the list for this goal which residents had been
talking about was boat regulations for behind houses and the impact of large boats on the seawall.
Discussion ensued regarding the Waterways Board taking up the issue.
Council took time to mark on posters hung on the wall the items which they each saw as the top
14 initiatives.
Mr. Lukasik reviewed the top -tier priorities identified through the process, including:
• U.S. 1 Corridor Feasibility Analysis
• Prosperity Farms Road improvements
• U.S. I/Northlake Bridge concept design
• Evaluate pool operations
• Village -wide beautification
• Improve Board and Committee operations
• Reestablish Business Advisory Board
• Blueway Trail involvement
• Develop a Recreation Master Plan
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Mr. Lukasik explained those would be the first things staff got done, assuming resources were
available. He reviewed the second-tier priorities identified, including:
• Evaluate Code Compliance software
• Establish committees to assist with community building efforts
• Establish regulations for single family homes
• Lighthouse Bridge analysis
• Actively pursue annexation opportunities
• Identify opportunities to engage consultants to support staff
• Evaluate use of a CRA for public improvements
Mr. Lukasik stated the next steps would be to put the items together into a list and utilize that list
when creating budget priorities.
Mr. Lukasik pointed the Councilmembers to their packets for a high-level Mid -Year Budget
Review for inspection. He briefly discussed the following areas:
• Country Club
o Number of memberships increased over last year
o Rounds decreased around 1,500
o Revenues were down, expenditures were roughly the same
o Revenue over expense roughly $450,000
o Additional expenditures due to staying open longer than planned.
• General Fund
o Total revenues increased relative to last year same period
o Expenditures higher than last year, but running less than 50 percent
• Tax Distribution Schedule
o 90 percent of collections in
• Village Investment Policy
o $13.5 million in investment fund balance
o Core funds all healthy
• Budget Calendar
o Three sessions to review operating and CIP to be scheduled
Discussion ensued regarding combining budget sessions on a Saturday and scheduling conflicts.
With no further business to come before the Council, the meeting adjourned at 9:46 p.m.
Compled�by Jessica Green, MMC, Village Clerk