Page 7 This is Florida's Big Story (PBP) 9-22-57)Page 24-B PALM BEACH POST TIMES, Sun., Sept. 22, 1957 •THIEVES' PROGRESS Self-Taualit Italian Farmer Busy Translatinor Dante'LINCOLN, of t —Even watermelons e an_ y,• stent art of stealing Now Is The Time For 10 ou To Redecorate has gone modern. BOLZANO lBozenl, Italy IUP)— farm requires a large family to to try his hand at translating One of the big problems I11ar-; A boy was baled into court here take d th t some verses of Virgil and Catul- Boner faced and solved was one for attempting to heist a melon n it a n r a c p' sl F( P m th Il in to of m E`1 pl th el of G la cE er cc ac kc to D at 0C rE F) C Nr nu of tv at The villagers of Ulten (Ultimo) take care of it. I have oun alos. from a display m front of a super - shook fresh and pleasing combine- shook their heads when they heard family and have rented the farm that has plagued all translators of market. It was some more time before Dante—whether to stick to Dan- Commented County Judge Her tion is a pink and white striped that Blasius Narsoner had rented to them. That's good for them, for Marsoner got to know Dante, It bedspread with solid pink dust ruf• te's verse form sometimes sacri- pert Ronin as he levied a $10 his farm and withdrawn to an iso- the farm and fur me, too, because was love al first sight, and be fine: "[n my day, we took them fle. Curtains may have plain val- laced little house. The headshaking I get what little I need for my liv- plunged into study of If Di- firing the contents, or change the from the fields." ance and striped drapes. gave way to gasps when they ing and can devote myself to the vine Comedy and of Italian and verse form for the sake of faith- Local sewing center experts sug- learned why he had done it. great passion of my life, poetry." German commentaries. fulness to the text and spirit? gest making a reversible bed- He was translating Dante 's "The Marsoner has a rare c•ombina• Marsoner read translations of The problem confronting trans- NEW BANDAGE spread, plain on one side, striped Divine Comedy" into German. tion of love for both Italian and Dante into German, including one lators,of any poem, is made more A new non -slip bandage Is an- on the other, to go with a solid "He's crazy," was their verdict. German culture in this border by Streckfuss which won the serious in the case of "The Divine nounced as the first major ad- mlor dust ruffle. One full width of And rprtainly _nn ene else in that province of Alto Adige (South praise of Wolfgang Goethe, and Comedy" by the fact that Dante vance in surgical gauze bandages fabric goes down the middle of the remote Alpine village had ever Tyrol) where the rival Italian and another written by King John of used the terza rima, a continuous in 70 years. The new bandage bed, with a half -width overhang. tried his hand at poetry, far less Germ an -speaking groups tend to Saxony under the pen name of series of tercets in which th* sec- stretches to fit,' clings to itself, Cut two complete spreads, one abandon his farm to do so. stick strictly each to its own cul- Philaletes. and line of a tercet rhymes with makes a neat bandage possible striped, one plain, round the coir But the self-taught, 30 -year-old tural tradition. Little by little, the youpg peas- the first and third line of the fol- even on awkward parts of the ,iers at one end, and stitch right farmer -poet said he had never act- His love for poetry started at ant decided that he could do bet- lowing, and so on. This makes body. sides together around both sides ed more wisely. And his friend, the age of 16 when he first read ter than the scholars and the any translator the prisoner of the and rounded end, leaving top open. Franz Steiner, s a i d Narsoner's a German translation of selected king. Ile set to work on a trans- first rhymes he has chosen and form used In the past by such ('rim seams and turn to right side, translation is a successful attempt pieces of Latin poets. The peasant lation of his own, virtually forces him to be unfaith- German poets as Wolfram Von lust like a pillow -case. Press care- to make Dante accessible to a boy, who had gone no farther By nowt he has translated all of ful to the text in order to keep Eschenbach and Uhland. wily to eliminate wrinkles and top- wide German-speaking public, than primary school, was so en- the "Inferno" and more than half going. Marsoner, who refuses even to stitch open ends together. "I would have been crazy if I tranced that he decided to study the "Purgatory." The few privi- Marsoner made a drastic deet- consider prose, is reported also to Coordinated cafe curtains, In had not rented my farm," said Latin to be able to read the poems leged persons who saw parts of sion. lie dropped the terza rima be writing poems of his owm striped and plain topsail, make a Narsoner. "I have only my mother in their original language. Three the translation said they were completely and translated Dante which friends say might one day ;ood decorating note. and don't intend to marry. But the years later he knew enough Latin quite impressive. into iambic couplets, a verse prove a "big surprise." here's .ft W There are many things about wiring a home that you cannot see, these are the hidden assets that every home owner wants in a house. The certificate of "HOUSEPOWER rating" that you see in the guaran- tee of correct wiring ... of outlets where you need them ... of sufficient proof of good, correct install- ation. It's for you and for your home—for the fuiure and for immediate assurance. 501 PALM STREET 13 TEmple 3-8424 It HOME TO FIT EVERY BUDGET IN A DISTINCTIVELY Ca'k/altCK NEIGHBORHOOD In The Village Of k4oww"AUM BEACH H & D Construction Company, Inc. Sales Office: Village of NORTH PALM BEACH BAY ROAD VI 44441 D GENERAL OFFICE: PALM RF; %01 - 'ff 2w086050