Page 1 This is Florida's Big Story (PBP) 9-22-57)Special
Palm Beach
VOL. XXIV: No. 36
Deed Restrictions
Aid Development Of
North Palmi Beach
A Planned
Fine ne Homes
N. Palm Beach
!Unique In U.S.
Realizing that protective covenants, or private By HENRY J. CONNOR
deed restrictions, are essential in maintaining character Post -Times Real Estate Editor
and desirability in community development, the Village
of North Palm Beach has printed an abstract of the ' � •• ;: ;; �• ` " Eighteen months ago It was an expanse of cnt-
covenants applicable to single family residential lots over swamp land bordered on the north by an unused
i s Country Club, on the east by U.S. 1, on the south by a
*within the village.
Each property owner becomes it of water known only to natives of the area as
a party to the protective covenant the Earmxn Riverand on the west by more undeveloped
Olson Brinors agreement when lie buys his lot in acreage,,
b North Palm Beach, and the cov-
enants are enforceable at law by Today It Is one Of the most talked -about and
• him should any of his neighbors written -about planned communities in the world ; a
violate the terms of the private dream taking shape: a tribute to the faith which Rich-
Experience To deed restrictions.
"Years of experience by de- and E. and Ilerbelt A. Ross have in Palm Beach County.
velopers all over the nation have North Palm Beach Village hasp - - - -- - - --
been drawn upon in the prepare- been praised by experts on the
Manager Post tion of these covenants
," accord -
staffs the National Assn. of
ing to Village Manager Albin R. Home Builder's J o ii r n a I, the?011'ce, Fire
Olson. "The drawing of these cov- American Builder, the Florida I
enants is an effort to create a portunity Journal, and the Chris
/ ouneil•Maiia er residential community In which tion Science Monitor.
" the individual home owner is not But, Dick and "Bob" Ross must
rOVerlltllelltaForin unduly hampered in the use and ATTRACTIVE VILLAGE HALL-{Vllh a foresight unique In Beach County residential community. The beautiful village hall have wondered back in 1955 whenDepartmentss
enjoyment of his property, yet is municipal planning throughout the United Slates, a Village Hall is in keeping with the rest of the well-planned community, and is they bought the four-sgiiar•e•mile
protected against the haphazard and all public utilities were constructed and ready to operate indicative of the soundness of the basic plan for the entire area for their dream town just
Adopted In Village development so famWar in older before a single home war built is this 5,00alet excfaslve Palm village. what would be written about theme n �+\ls►7areas." and said about them fn the months Have One
North Palm Beach was Incor- Olson was emphatic in stressing ahead.
porated and granted a charter by that protective covenants are not Thomas Adams, prominent Brit -
the state legislature on August 13, designed to take the place of ade- ish architect who died in 19401
The charter provides for a quote zoning and other publicBoat
rea e n pretty well summed up the Ross Chief A. C. DlUdden
five -man council and a village man- regulations. brothers idea of what North Palm
ager to head up the administra- `Both zoning and protective cov- Beach Village should be like in a Has Well•EgWpped
enants or restrictive deeds are statement he made that is now
essential and are not necessarily on the cover page of the Protective
overlapping," Olson pointed out. Covenant booklet for the village: Dept. Of Safety
Palm ng by the Village o4 North Bo atEnthusiasts, A home Is not a detached unit
Palm Beach provides for certainBu 1*1t O but a part of a neighborhood, North Palm Beach took advan•
•�+ h `: limited regulations which are con- which in turn is part of a town; loge of the favorable public safety
' 1 sidered necessary in the interest _ _ --. Small boat enthusiasts residing plans call for extending the Northi, and the good quality of the home
of public health, safety and gen- in North Palm Beach will soon be Palm Beach waterway to connect usually depends at least as much experience of such communities as
eral welfare. The protective cod- • able to make use of their new with the Intercoastal waterway i T • ' on its surroundings as on Its dP Oak Park, Illinois, and Sunnyvale,
enants in the Village are contracts Home Bulldtn� boat launching area now under passing through the north area of V • ►7• ��a yamies� sign and construction. lienee the California, and began with a Joint
between private partes, the own- b construction. It is scheduled for the village. vital importance of ground plan- police and fire department.
ers of the property Involved, completion on November 15. A feature of the launching area • ning and control of the develop- To gain increased efficiency and
which give considerably more permits hoar The area is located at the inter- will be the electrically operated r ment of neighborhoods."
protection than regulations en_ Papers raise Basically, economy, a Department l Public
forceable by the Village Council." section of the Earman River and boat hoists designed to transport y, the one item above all Safety headed by Chief Albert G.
As examples of the covenants the North Palm Beach waterway boats from parked trailers to and others that makes North Palm Dudden, was created. The village
., with direct access to Lake Worth from the water. Beach Village a unique commit- pollee and firemen wear the same
contained in the printed booklet and its adjacent waters. Future The transfers will be effected by ' nity is the "ground planning" re -
given to each property owner, Ol- To New Record N. Pam eae I p hats
means of boat slings or rings that ferred to by Adams more than 211
son pointed out several which g The public safety patrol car does
will trolley the boats in and out years ago. double duty as it patrols the vile
"will definitely add to the peace A new building permit record for of the water. Boats up to 20 feet It is very rare in the highly coin- Su stron l did the Russ brothers
Many Waterway 6 Y lege streets on a 24 hour basis.
of mind" of residents of the Vil- the "infant" Village of North Palm r ✓ in length and 4000 pounds will be petitve home building field that a believe in ground planning that In addition to standard police
lage of North Palm Beach. Beach was set in August when able to use the facility community development project they actually created a town with equipment, the radio equipped pa -
One covenant provides that once permits for 30 new homes totalling Homeslfes In Adjacent the launching area a all municipal features before they trot car carries two types of ort -
construction has been started, $502,930 were issued by L. F. Dick- causes much more than raised eye P
E. N.
large storage area has been set ever sold a homeslle. Up went a able fire extinguishers, hose
work must be prosecuted dill- erson, village building official. � . aside to accommodate boats owned brows among the editors and pub- million dollar water and sewer
ALBIN R. OISON gently and it must. be completed 1\• Palm Beach wrenches, (ire axe and crowbar,
g P When these homes are built and by the village residents. Village Ushers of nationally circulated plant; up went a $125,11UU village rope, a lite ring, stretcher, fn•
within a reasonable time." As occupied there will be an approxi- More than half of the planned protective covenants prohibit boats hall. A village mans er was hired.
rive aspects of the municipal goy art of this covenant is a prows- P p trade Journals and newspapers, 6 g hala(or - resuscitator, and a com-
ernment. The council selects the P mate 50 per cent increase in the , to be stored to the open on any The Country Club was rebuilt. And
Bron that no home may- be occur$ village Population. b,Q(lU ]nomesltes in North Palm however. Horth Palm Beach Vil• �' plate first-aid kit. Duly personnel
enlist lot. all the time, the at plan"
mayor from its awn membership. pled during construction As of Sept. 1, Dickerson reveal- Beach Village will be located on loge has already had plenty of have been trained and the Am i -
To fill the post of village man- No trucks of any nature can be Docking facilities capable of ban- drawn by Seward A. Mott Assort• first aid treatment by the Amari•
ed that 55 families had moved Into the waterways which interlace the riling 15 boats u t P
ager the council sought out a man parked overnight on property in p o 40 feet in space in such publications dedicat aces of Washington, D.C., was take can Red Cross.
trained and experienced in munici- g pe the village. representing a total village. length are included in the develop- ed to its progress report. Follow. ing shape and the State Legisla- A volunteer fire department
pal government. Albin R. Olson the village except in an enclosed population of 169 persons. This is Mother Nature, with a little help ment plans. Picnic areas will be cure hail created the village legal- equipped with n modern 500 -gallon
garage, under the terms of an- an averse of 3.07 persons per from man, has provided an ideal Ing are some quotes from such are
was appointed village manager and g P p p constructed close by. lye pumper apparatus stands ready to
other covenant, dwelling, way to eliminate stagnant water _ titles: Sewer lines in Plat One, water augment the y patrol
the council-manager form of gov- A Village Architectural Com- g public safer
ernment was functioning laying g Since construction started in the in any of the N. Palm Beach From the Christian Science Mon- mains, excellent streets -- all of car in case of an outbreak of f r
mittee is provided for in another new village in October, 1956, per- waterways. NPN' Material Boots itor of Friday, May 24, 1957: "This these came into being before the too large for the patrol car to
the t of the
work for the develop- covenant. This group must ap Baits for 136 homes, completed or The intercoastal waterway flows is the story of a town which start
meat of the model community be- rove every house plan before p Y I{onne Builders Assn. of Palm handle.
fore the first resident arrived last P under construction, have been into Lake Worth north of the vil- Transformer Efflcleney ed with a $125,000 village hall, a Beach County bought the first lots --
construction can be started. On granted for a total value of $2,254,• lage and the Earman river, which SCHENECTADY, N. Y, (UP) - city manager, mayor, town coon- On which to stage their gala 1956
December. the committee are one person ap- 749. flows into Lake Worth south of the nil. police and fire rotectiou be r
Olson came to North Palm P P i shade of Homes. Village Ll)Illn
pointed by the property owner The first month of construction, village is being widened and deep• A new material designed to 1n fore it had a single resident.... ' g g
Beach from Port Everglades himself, one member appointed g And now the building and sales
where he was assistant manager. by the Village Council, and a October of last year, was unusual- erred. A North Palm Beach Canal, crease the efficiency of trans- The Ross brothers Uu•ned four activity in North Palm Reach Vil-
Previously he had worked in the ly high for such an early phase in flowing north to south from the formers, motors and generators square miles of sand and swamp lige is a constant thing. The
licensed architect appointed by the village development because of intercoastal to the Earman in the into a subdivision conforming to Plan Adopted
office of the city manager of Pen p has been developed at the General homes are quality homes in the p
the property owner. the Parade of Homes exposition western portion of the village will P strict codes of beauty and Bonita• ,
sacola and was assistant to the p Electric Research Laboratory love sense of the word. There is
Tlie installation of concrete side- staged there that month by the provide a flowage "syphon" to tion ... A system of 4:. -inch cul• nothing
city manager at Daytona Beach, walks five feet in width to meet palm Beach Count Chapter of the eliminate dead . water space the here. veris preclude a crowded shout North Palm
Florida. He was graduated from minimum village requirements, , y P The material, called four- . P n' standing water Beach I'he lots are spacious, with No possibility of "hit and miss"
Florida State University and has a National Assn. of Home Builders. waterways along the canal. in the streets . . . Modern water sidewalks a n d large boulevard
masters degree from the School of and adequate driveways must be _ square" silicon iron. is easily mag- g growth exists o the planned rom-
Following is a list of permit vol- ------ - -- - and sewage disposal plants are au- ;,teas between the sidewalk and munity
Public Administration at that Unf- completed before the home can be nations 6 months, commencing nelized !n tour directions and can tomatic . , . The well area from of North Palm Beach,
occupied, under the terms of an- y ADVICE be made in a wide range of useful the street line a municipal regula- franks to a 'Luning Plan adopted
with October, 1956: October, $342,- which the water supply is pumped
versify. other covenant. CHICAGO UFl - If your husband thicknesses. It was produced by p p tion. and made part of village ordinance
473; November, $189,536; Decem- is bulkheaded against saltwater in -
During the war Olson spent 36 Setbacks of 2.5 feet from the loses his job, dont panic. theoretical metallurgists working Bob and Dick Ross can walk Number 20 on August 14, 19,57.
bar, Febr$197uary,
$1 January, h, $190; trusion."
months with the Marine Corps in front iinQ, ten feet to each side. � - That's the advice from Lon D. is cooperation with processing ex- along the streets now and think As shown on a printed zoning
the south Pacific. He was also with February, $178,429; March, $10x, National Assn. of Home Building
and 20 feet from the back line of Barton, president of an employ- parts in the company's metals and back a few short months when map, the village plan Is uncompll•
the Marine Corps in Korea where each lot are provided for in still 184; April, $180.5.56; May. $53,682; Journal: People today want more the
meat agency. His word to wives ceramics laboratory. y stood on the same spot, knee sated, easy to understand and pre -
June, 14',650; July, $229,415; and . than a house when they buy
he held the rank of major, another of the protective cov- includes "Four-square" silicon iron will -deep in bull grass and soft sand, seals a realistic approach to regi•
August, 502,930. they want a new and better mode wondering whether their six mil- !sling the type of construction to
r • pools and outdoor fireplaces of problem through slow, personal reduced noise in many types of lion dollar "dream" would ever be permitted within (tie village.
Swlmmin Pool WENT THAT -A -WAY to the community and Its facilities
specific design may be built. to analysis. Define your problem and electrical equipment, according to come true. A limited commercial district
d even more than to the house for
within five feet of the rear lot line, WiNDSOR, Ont. t4'i - A young- you have made the second step to- Dr. Guy Sills, G. E. vice president But, the experts all say that the (C -IA), varying in width from 300
what they want ... On Florida's
No house hawing a ground floor star wearing a 10 -gallon cowboy ward getting another job. and director of research. "hump" has been scaled, and that l0 500 feel extends along both sides
square toot area, exclusive of hat walked into a department Above all, don't listen to friends. -- - east coast, a few miles north of because of a good basic idea, faith of US -1 front the Intracoastal Wa•
fashionable Palm Beach, Herbert
Ordinance Set porches, terraces, porticoes and store and asked to try on a pair Don't wait. Get started on de- "Look homeward, Angel," was A and Richard E. Ross and their `1 good workmanship, N o r t h leeway to the Farman River. A
patios, of less than 1.200 feet can of high -heeled western style boots. veloping the right openings as soon not coined by Thomas Wolfe, au- Palm -
Beach Village will soon be- larger C -IA tract lies east of
possible. It may take a mini- that of a novel by that name. John
be built in North Palm Beach, As soon as the clerk's back was as platedassociates are shaping a when
comit, of homesites which, whhen eon, will provide some 22,000 - come atoll -(ledged example of the U5-1 immediately south of the Ear -
Cognizant of the fact that home and each home must have a ga- turned, the youngster walked off mum of 60 to 80 days for the right Milton first wrote the phrase best In municipal planning. man River, and a neighborhood
swimming pools are becoming al- rage or car Porte. with them. opening to occur. in 'Lycidas,' a pastoral elegy, residents with the ultimate In gra- commerical district (C -D west of
most as much a part of the Flori• The Architectural Committee IsUS-1 and south of the Earman
cions living at prices ranging from Corp. Supplies Offl/'e
da way of life as sand and sun empowered to enter upon the property In case the covenants $16,500 to $30,000." pp River is take care u a shopping
shine, Village of Palm Beach Coun- are violated and remove or abate The American Builder, a by-line Facilities For Visitors center Bonn to he built.
ail recently Passed Ordinance 14, the condition existing contrary to article by editor Walter Reese Multiple family dwelling dBrowder: "Bob and Dick Ross CHICAGO (UP) - An "office trios (R-2) are placers along, the
amending a Becton of the village the covenants at the expense of
can well point with pride to the away from the office is being stip- east side of the entire length of
p- ,
plumbing code, to provide for the the owner. F w homesites they are o ening u Prosperity Farms Rd., the west -
regulation of such pools. "These covenants can control P p plied out-of-town customers by ern village boundary, and In six
The ordinance first provides that many things which zoning cannot for builders In North Palm Beach, Rolled Steel Corp.
no pool may be constructed with control," Olson concluded, "and Florida what they've accomplish,
other locations best silted for such
ed is a model in laud planning.. , , The company has Invited 25.000 constr►rtion.
out a permit, granted upon pay we are sure we have an excellent I think it's a model of national manufacturers on its mailing list A Neighborhood commercial d►s-
ment of a $10 fee and presentation set of protective covenants." significance the basic idea is to set tip temporary business head• trict also surrounds the Marina
of plans and specifications for such - adaptable anywhere there is a landlqu`iriers at the new Roller! Steel area north of the Intracoastal Watt
Pool. shortage and it can mean steady Plant while traveling through Chi- terway and east of US -1, with a
The plans, which must be sub- Home Hygiene iene profits for small builders and big cago. limited commercial area along the
milted in duplicate, must show in - ; builders alike." Two modern conference roams nortil back on the Intracoastal and
sufficient detail the plot plan; poolKelps Prevent From the Florida Opportunity and complete dial telephone facil- west of L'S -1. One general coma
dimensions, depths and volume in Journal: "This is the story of the ities are available. A receptionist nhercial district (C-2) in the north•
gallons: type and size of filter sys• w, Village of North Palm Beach, an will handle all incoming calls and west corner of the village provides
tem, filtration and backwash ca. " mail addressed to visitors. for boat repair works
pacities; pool piping layort with Aslan Flu astonishing new city just north of Many customers already have The rest o[ the land to the vile
the famous Palm Beaches -beau
all pipe sizes shown and type of ;. tifully planned and ideally located taken advantage of the facilities, lase, exclusive of municipal, school
material; pool pump capacity; and Everybody's talking about the according to Scott F. Burton, vice and church areas, are single faro-
the pool water disposal system. expected epidemic of Asian flu this T Florida's famed Gold Coast.. • resident In charge of sales. fly dwelling districts (R -D.
There is an air of business about p
The very thorough ordinance fall. The best preventive, according the place from its attiactive city ^ —
provides that the pools in North to doctors, is the scarce vaccine. hall to, its beautiful country club. Donated
Palm Beach can be either of the cButan hygienic measures in the home , 'The Ross brothers employedSchool Land
flow-through type with a water can do a great deal to prevent in- � ^ ji Seward H. Mott Associates of
turnover rale not exceeding 20 fection and spread of the disease w, Washington, D.C., famous com-
hours, or a re -circulating type Health authorities advise keeping �' ., munity planners, to assist them in
equipped with either a pressure a strict eye on proper diet in the designing one of the most altrac-
sand filter system or an approved pre -epidemic period so that resis- tive and desirable places one could /equal of sufficient capacity to pro- Lance to disease will be high. Meals hope to choose as a place in which Inforth Palm Beach
vide a water turn -over rate not should be well-balanced and includea to live.
exceeding 20 hours. An approved
plenty of fresh fruits and vase- The editors of publications such Realizing that good schools are senior high school is built, North
vacuum cleaner with suction as this don't jump overboard for an integral part o, a good cum- Palm Beach high school students
type tables, proteins and vitamins.
hose must be provided with proper Precautions at home are im- every land and home promotion munity, North Palm Beach Prop- will be able to enroll there and be
inlet fittings. portant. that presents itself In Florida or erties, Inc., developers of North transported by school bus If they
The ordinance was given Its first Cleansing tissues should be used elsewhere in the United States, Palm Beach Village, donated 10 so desire.
reading on March 25, 1957, and Instead of germ -laden handker• and officials of the new Village of acres of land with an assessed The new elementary school in
second and final reading on April chiefs. Paper plates, cups and naps North Palm Beach can be justifi- valuation of $96,000 to the Palm North Palm Beach will be one of
8, 1957, kips at mealtime not only cut down ably proud of the fine things that Beach County Board of Education the finest of its kind in the state.
work but offer hygienic protection, have been said about their com- for a new 16 -roam elementary Two two-story classroom wings,
PRIMROSE PATH since they are thrown away after munity in the national press. school. connected by a covered walk, will
HARDWICK, Vt. W - A century use. --- , Bids are soon to be let on the house 16 rooms.
Ago. you couldn't buy a Sunday Paper cup dispensers in kitchen CLEANING COPPER $244,000 building. which will be East of the classroom section,
ticket on at least one New Eng- and bathroom can replace stand- Gas flames may discolor copper conveniently located near the vil- also connected by a covered walk,
land railroad unless you were and drinking glasses, favorite bottoms. You can remove the dis• lage hall. Grade school children will be a one-story building housing
headed for church. (home of germs. a' coloralion with salt and lemon from North Palm Reach as well as administrative offices and a com-
A Hardwick resident has an 1850 - juice or a commercial cleaner. the area to he designated by the bination cafeteria -auditorium
Boston 8 Maine timetable. A foot- OLD AS YOU FEEL Traces of green corrosion on the School Board will he eligible to Developers of North Palm Beach
note says. PRESTON, Ont. :P -- "Worry COtrNTRY CLUB EN'T'RANCE-Typiral of the care and attentioi to detail lavished on all team inside of a copper pot are poison- attend this fine new school. have been congratulated by county
"Persons purchasing tickets for not only accomplishes nothing, but Lures of the VWage of North Palm Beach is this white brick planter and wall at the entrance ous These may be removed with Junior high school students in officials as well as parents in the
Sunday travel will be required to it kills more people than old age to North Palm Reach Country Club. The completely -redecorated clubhouse, the carefully land- steel wool and ordinary cleaners. the village will attend the Riviera entire area for the generosity and
sign a pledge that they will use the does," says Harriet Howarth, who •caped and well -tended lawns, and the lush fairways and greens make this country club one of It the copper has worn through Beach junior high, only 2.5 miles foresight which prompted them to
ticket for no other purpose than has just celebrated her 90 birth-, the finest in the entire area. The clubhouse serves ait one of the focal points for North Palm from the outside the pot should be from the village by school bus. donate 10 acres of very valuable
allsedWg shah•^ day. 1 Beach social activity, Another will be the Marina, sa►n to be constructed. replated before it is used. i When the new Riviera Beach land for school purposes.