Every Week Home Week in Palm Beach County (PBP) 9-22-57)Homes,
Farms And
VOL. xxly: No. 36
Palm Beach
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Post -Times Real Estate Editor
NINE YEARS AGO the first National Home
Week celebrations were held in approximately 75
cities throughout the United States. Since that time
the number of municipalities joining the observance
has more than doubled. This growth, and the tre-
mendous increase in the number of people who annu-
ally visit model homes, are a
tribute to home builders of this
The Tenth Annual National
Home Week was launched yes«
terday with appropriate messages
from the White House, governors'
` and mayors' proclamations, pretty
girls posing in front of pretty
homes, and all the fanfare that
goes with a celebration of this
magnitude. The rest of the nam,
tion isn't quite as fortunate as
Florida's Southeast Coast, where
HENRY Je CONNOR every day is a Home Show all its
own. Faced with a rapidly grow«
ing population, a tight money market, rising costs
and a critical shortage of residential lots in esta-
blished municipalities, home builders of Palm Beach
County wouldn't have been blamed too much if they
would have thrown up their hands and gone alligator
hunting. Brat, they met the challenges head«on, and
the results of their labors can be seen in beautiful
new towns and subdivisions that leave tourists gasp-
ing in amazement and even blase Floridians im«
pressed and proud.
AND DON'T THINK that this sort of develop«
ment didn't take a lot of good old American guts.
Staking everything they could beg and borrow from
mortgage bankers, insurance companies and their
own relatives, Palm Beach County home builders
started building hundreds of homes for people who
hadn't yet arrived in the county. Sure, they were
expected—everybody kept telling the home builders
all about the big growth in population that was
But, it's one thing to sit back and spout statistics,
and an entirely different matter to gamble every-,
thing you have in life on the truth of someone else's
Anticipating the growth of the area, Palm Beach
County Commission adopted a county -wide Zoning
Law which will eliminate countless headaches and
heartaches for home owners of the future, although
there still are plenty of folks in the county who get
green in the face when county zoning is mentioned.
REALIZING THAT population growth would
bring construction problems that would have to be
faced realistically, a group of Palm Beach County
men organized a Joint Cooperative Committee which
has already won its spurs in the development of
codes for various trades engaged in home construc-
tion. This group, too, met stern and oftentimes pro,,
fane opposition, but they kept plugging away, dis-
carding selfish interest and looking only for the
public good.
And now the growth is upon us in Palm Beach
County. It looks as though the builders and the plan-
ners with vision, sound ideas and plenty of faith in
the area's future now stand to make themselves some
good, hard American dollars. Hooray for them!
So, all of us in Palm Beach County now find our.
selves taking part in a great new outdoor sport—
looking at new houses. And, if you think it isn't an
outdoor sport, just drive around the county next
weekend and see the thousands of folks going from
one spit and span new home to another—dreaming,
hoping, figuring and oftentimes buying.
And so our hats are off to the Home Builders of
the area. Their labors have helped to make this a
much more beautiful county in which to live. We
sincerely hope that the many sleepless nights, when
they were wondering whether next week's whopping
big mortgage payment could be made, haven't
dimmed their faith in this county's future. We are
proud to help dedicate this week to the Home Build-
ers of America!
And the night shall be filled with music,
And the cares that infest the day
Shall fold their tent., like the Arabs,
And as silently steal away,
— Longfellow
NATHAN C. HALLETT, North Palm Beach
Page 33
h County
These Eight Homes
Sync bolize Progress
In rapidly -growing P a I m
Beach County, where ready -
mix concrete trucks outnumber
most other service vehicles on
the highways, residents have
come to look upon every week
as a National Home Reek.
In an amazingly short time,
acres of land have been trans.
formed into home sites, and
gracious homes for Florida lin-
ing have sprung up on those
West Palm Beach has en.
tered upon a huge westward
expansion program which will
add thousands of residences to
house part of the fast-growing
N'here growth is as rapid as
It is here, mistakes are bound
to be made. But, Palm Beach
County home builders seem to
have held those mistakes to an
almost irreducible minimum.
Developers have had occa-
atonal brushes with municipal
and county governments over
bulkhead lines, zoning, and ded-
icated highways. These, too, are
to be expected in an area of
headlong growth and expansion.
In the meantime, homes con-
tinue to be erected. Ella Mar-
garet Burket of the Post -Times
staff authors a Sunday feature
on Palm Beach County resi-
dences. complete with pictures.
On this page are eight ex-
teriors of the 52 homes that
have been featured In the past
year. In addition to showing the
varied design of Palm Beach
County homes, they cover a
representative arca of the
They are reprinted here to
pay tribute to the home build-
ers and their associations on a
local, state and national level.
H. H. WASROW, Lantana
IOHN COOPER, Singer Island
QUINCY RYAN, Delary Beach
ROBERT W. REA, Palm Beach
C. E. WARD, West Palm Beach
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