Village of North Palm Beach Historic Highlights 1956-1963Village of North Palm Beach Historic Highlights 1956-1963
August 13, 1956 Village of North Palm Beach incorporated as a municipality by act of the FL Legislature.
Chapter 31481, Laws of Florida, Extraordinary Session 1956.
August 13, 1956 Charter provided for the appointment of the first Village Council, until its successors were
elected in March, 1959 (Groups 2 & 4) and March 1960 (Groups 1, 3, & 5)..
August 13, 1956 Group 1 Richard E. Ross Group 2 John D. MacArthur
Village Council Group 3 Jay A. White Group 4 John A. Schwencke
Group 5 Charles A. Cunningham
August 13, 1956 Charter provided for the appointment of Village Officials: Mayor, Vice Mayor,
Village Treasurer, Tax Assessor, Tax Collector, and Village Clerk (within 90 days), and a Judge
of the Village Court; the Council was granted the power and authority to employ or appoint
some person or one of its own members as a Village Manager to be the administrative head
of municipal government, subject to the direction and supervision of the Council.
September 14, 1956 First meeting of the Village Council was held in the clubhouse at the NPB Country Club.
September 14, 1956 Officers for the Village were appointed
Resolution #1 adopted September 14, 1956
Charles A. Cunningham, Mayor, and Richard E. Ross, Vice Mayor
John A. Schwencke, Village Treasurer and Village Tax Assessor
Jay H. White, Village Tax Collector
Robert C. Tufford, Village Clerk and Registration Officer
January 1, 1957 Albin R. Olson appointed Village Manager
Resolution #17 adopted January 23, 1957
Olson's resume: Port Everglades Assistant Manager
Previously worked in the office of the Pensacola city manager
Assistant to the Daytona Beach city manager
Master's degree in Public Administration, FSU
Marine Corps Major, Korea
Marine Corps, World War II
April 3, 1958 Albin R. Olson appointed Village Clerk (in addition to serving as Village Manager)
Resolution #40 adopted April 22, 1958
April 6, 1959 Albin R. Olson appointed Village Treasurer (in addition to serving as Manager & Clerk)
Resolution #58 adopted April 6, 1959
August 1, 1963 Mayor Warren P. Tatoul appointed acting Village Manager and acting Village Treasurer
Resolution #167 adopted August 13, 1963
August 13, 1963 Qualifications, duties, and other matters of the Office of Village Manager
Ordinance #81 passed on August 13, 1963.
September 16, 1963 Frank R. Spence appointed Village Manager and Village Treasurer
Resolution #174 adopted September 17, 1963
Mr. Spence served as Village Manager until January 28, 1966.
November 1, 1963 Frank R. Spence appointed Village Clerk and Registration Officer
Resolution 179 adopted November 12, 1963
Minutes of Village Council meeting held January 25, 1966