1985-32 Include MacArthur Beach, Big Munyon & Little Munyon Island as undeveloped in proposed Coastal Barrier Study1 1 RESOLUTION t•!0. 32 -85 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, STRONGLY RECOPIMENDING THAT THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR INCLUDE MAC ARTHUR BEACH, BIG MUNYON ISLAND AND LITTLE MUNYON ISLAND A,S UNDEVELOPED IN THE PROPOSED COASTAL BARRIER STUDY AND REQUESTING SIMILAR ACTION BY THE GOVFf:NOf? OF TFIE STATE OF FLORIDA, THE TREASURE COAST REGIONAL PLANfJING COUNCIL AND TL'E PALM BEACH COUNTY COMMISSION. WHEREAS, the Village Council has been advised that the U.S. Department of the Interior is requesting comments on the proposed report to Congress required of the Secretary of tl?e Interior by Section 10 of the Coastal Barrier Resources Act of 1g82 (P.L. °7-348) (CBRA); and 4!HEREP,S, The Pillage Council is greatly concerned about the protection of natural resources from degradation by future development; and LdF:EP,EAS, the Pillage Council desires to insure the preservation of the natural resources of the Barrier Island, Big Munyon Island and Little Munyon Island by cooperating with State and Federal environmental ccntcl agencies; N041, THERF.FOPE, BF. IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF tJOF.TII PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. The Village Council strongly supports the ll. S. Department of the Interior recommendation in the proposed Coastal Barriers study that MacArthur Beach and Big Munyon Island, ID Code FL-20 he included as areas designated as undeveloped under the Coastal Barriers Pesources System. Section 2. The Village Council strongly recommends that the fourteen (14) acre Little Munyon area Le included as undeveloped in the Coastal Barriers Stuc;v• Section 3. The Governor of tl?e State of Florida, the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council, and the Pa'Im Beach County Corr~issicn are hereby strongly urged to tal:.e similar action as outlined in this resolution inasmuch as all the citizens of the State of Florida mill benefit by acceptance of the recommer~:dations of this resolution. Section 4. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon 1 passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 13TH DAY OF JUNE 1985. ~/~?4'1 V Q ~~~ Y R ATTEST: Vi age C erk