New Judge Orders NPB to Pay Oakes Group Attorney Fees (with 3 Demolition photos) (NCN) 12-21-84uJd e Ord'Palm- Paners -N orth 0-,a, A newly appointed Circuit Court judge has ordered the Village of North Palm Beach to pay legal costs to an attorney who spear- headed the unsuccessful fight to prevent demo- lition of the Oakes House (Winter Club). Judge Walter N. Col - bath, Jr., on the bench KA,ontinued froin Page 11 tie Council's demolition decision. "Based on a complete review of the file," Col - bath ruled, "the court is of the opinion that each party won a portion of this lawsuit and each lost a portion." He called the award to Babbitt "a valid setoff' against the $2,500. That $2,500 is yet to be paid. Colbath said Babbitt's fee structure is compat- ible with the going hour- kis -roup Attorney only since .October 22, issued an order Nov. 1-5 - that - says the village should pay attorney. Theodore Babbitt $2,226.08 even though voters rs last. March re- jected -an -ordinance drawn by Babbitt that would have -forced rest- oration of the building at any cost. ly rate for lawyers. Early in the Oakes House dispute, Kapner ordered Save the Win- ter Club to post a $10,000 bond to indem- nify the village for legal costs. The village has estimated its cost outlay at better. than $12,000. Colbath was appoint- ed to the Circuit Court by Governor Bob Gra- ham and did not have to stand for election Nov. 6. Word of Colbath's decision reached Village Council only a few hours before its regular meet- ing last week. -Most Council members were visibly shaken. One member later called the ruling "unfair and atro- cious." . Village attorney Her- bert Gildan expressed shock and told the Coun- cil he and his law partner, Thomas Yea- ger, would appeal the ruling at no expense to the village. Last Mon- day, they put the appeal before the Fourth Dist- rict Court. The Oakes House was recently demolished and the site landscaped as a grassy hillside -entrance to the North Palm Beach Country Club. During one - public hearing on Council's tv'rj A/s Fees� - �, demolition decision, Babbitt stated he repre- sented a group called Save the Winter Club, strictly as an -unpaid volunteer. However, five weeks ago he ap- peared before Colbath and said he should be compensated by the vil- lage even though he did not represent it. Colbath's order allot- ted Babbitt $2,200 in legal fees and $26.08 in "taxable costs" for a total of $2,226.08. Colbath said the pay- ments are justified under his interpretation of Florida Statute 57.105 and referred to the fact that in August then - judge Lewis Kapner awarded the village $2,500 towards legal costs involved -in oppos- ing the attempt to scut- lConfind-ed on Page 2) 4�r Ll-