Memo to Ray Howland, Asst Village Manger from Martha Nadelman, Village Historian 2-21-80February 21,7-1980
From: Martha Nadelman, Village Historian
TO: Ray Howland, Assistant Village Manager
Mr. Rolla Queen, the Historic Site Specialist in Tallahassee who
has taken Susan Strassberger's place called me today.
As our application stands presently, the Village of North Palm
Beach cannot be considered favorably. The meeting comes up in
April and Mr. Queen is interested in the following information
to add as a supplement to the application:
Mr. Queen seems to be looking at the before and after
pictures -- the question -- What is the semi -octagonal
shape on the north end of the building -- Is it a
stairway, or what.? What is the structure composed of --
Stone, wood, stucco????
When was the addition added -- why -- what is the composition
of it?
Just west of the South Tower is a flat roof. Was it ever
used as a terrace. Is it accessible to the tower --
Did it ever serve any purpose other than a roof*
Re: roof beams -- Are they genuine beams -- .do they go
through the entire building. Were the beams used as
I think it will be necessary to pick your way through the second
floor to provide a description of what exists up there. Describing
the composition of same -- also the paintings on the wall that
were permanent
, In the f runt of the building -- is the ceiling wood beamed?
What year were the windows enclosed. You will have to look
at the before & after pictures to see the arches that were
there originally* These windows were in the back of the building*
On the west side of the building in the central area, where
the arches were originally, the pictures indicate stripes under
the windows. Please describe the stripes in detail==what are
they made of.
The problem that Queen gees is lack of sufficient description.
He wants anything that will help sell the building to the Archives
Committee making the decision.
He suggests that we do not go through any great expense, but to get
a 35 MM camera and take snaps of everything that's there today --
even the use of the original dining room as a gymnasium. He would
like pictures of the stone fireplace, plus the upstairs.
As a matter of fact, the damage photographed might serve
to strenghthen our case for a money grant.
He stressed over and over that the interior is a very important
part of the building.
He asked me a number of questions about Harry Oakes which I
was able to answer to his satisfaction.
His telephone number in Talahassee is 487-2333 and he's there
f rttm 8 to 5.
He wants more information on the French architect Louis
Puseyger. I'll ask Nancy Moore to see what she can find.
My files are in the basement of the Library. The information
there is categorized and you may be able to find some information
there on description,