Analysis (Evening Times) 4-14-80a 6 r
By CHAUN(_'.Y �Vy.A8E
Times StaJ1ff'.'.,W ite.
ficials and concerned local residents
are syringing into action this week to
save the Oakes Building, the oldest
structure in North Palm Beach, and
the village's connection to many of
the colorful men who made its histo-
.The Oakes Building is the big
Spanish -style building at the North
Palm Beach Country Club on U.S. 1
just south of the Intracoastal bridge.
Although it is almost obscured by
the large trees growing; in front of'
it, the building is a site" Used, daily
and a local landmark for thousands
of north county residents.
In addition to being a landmark
and a historical touchstone, the
building is also an irreplacable ex-
ample of the old Spanish type of ar-
chetectur. e which enjoyed a vogue in
South Florida earlier this century. ,
What places the building in danger
of demolition is that although it
looks massive and solid as a moue-
tain, in reality beneath its facade
The Ev_eneng.Times, M®nday, April 14, '1980—'C7
Anal ;
, S
its just a frame wooden structure has been a center of attention in the
and after 50 years of use and disuse village for several years. Manly
the building is slowly deteriorating. people recognize the historical sig-.
In 1978 the building was con- n.k' icance of the building and would
demned for occupational purposes like to see it saved, but the cost of
and it.., has received very little use restoring it is too high for the vil-
since then. Because it occupies a lage to attempt on its own.
strategic spot at the country club, it "I recognize the historic signifi-
cance of the building and if we. don't
authority on the history of the build-
The building was accompanieu uy
restore it we'll lose a valuable con-
ing, the Oakes Building was built in
a golf course all along; Kelsey in-
nection with our past," said Ray
1926 by Harry Kelsey, the mil-
stalled a nine- hole course when the
Bowland, assistant village manager.
lianaire - developer responsible for
building was erected. Later, how -
"The villa a council has made a de-
- g
creating Kelso Cit better known
g Y Y�
ever, the Ross Brothers of golf
cision to attempt, preservation.
as Lake Park.
course archecture fame, bought the
"On the other hand, restoration
Howland has been working closely
building and the course and com-
costs are very high — a half million
with Martha Nadelman, official vil-
pletely redesigned the course and
dollars is the rock bottom and it'll
lage historian, on a project that may
expanded it to 18 holes.
take more like $1 million to accom-
help the village preserve the build-
Bankers Life and Casualty Co.
plish a pristine. restoration," How-
ing. The two have put together an
owned the golf course and building
land said. "We have to ask our-
application to have the building de-
last, giving it a connection to anoth-
selves, is it worth $1 million to
signated a historical landmark and
er colorful figure, billionaire,.* John
preserve this part of our history?"
placed on the National Historic Reg-
D. MacArthur,
According to Howland, who is an
istry, which would make it -eligible '
The village of North Palm Beach
for federal funds for restoration.
bought the property in 1961 and con -
When Kelsey built the structure it
verted it into a municipal facility,
was the first building in the area toy
become known
paying $1,025,000 for it and spending
as North Palm
another $400,000 for a new clubhouse
Beach; Kelsey intended it to be a
and swimming pool.
`'promotional show place" for his
Howland and Mrs. Nadelman will
Kelsey City development, according
be going to Gainsville Thursday to
to Howland.
plead the case of the Oakes Building
"At that time people brought
before a special committee that will
boats up to. U.S. 1," Howland said.
later make recommendations to
' • 1
"At the official opening of the build-
Congress whether the building
ing many of the people from Palm
should be included on the National
Beach came. Al Jolson sang. It was
Registry: Howland thinks the build -
quite an affair."
ing stands a good chance.
The structure was partially de-
"By . comparison there are some
stroyed by the hurricane of 1928 that
newer buildings in the area that
took more than 2,000 lives in Palm
have been included, such as the Par -
Beach County. That was the same
amount Theater in Palm Beach.
year the bottom fell out of.' the
Plus we've carefully prepared all
Florida land boom and Kelsey's
the paper work and come up with a
plans for a city named after himself
good application. I think we have a
lost momentum.
good chance."
In 1955, the building was bought by
Unfortunately, with.' President
Sir Harry Oakes, from whom it de-
Carter calling for an austere 1981
rives its modern name. Oakes, a
federal budget, 4the building may not
colorful adventurer from Maine who
get any funds for restoration even if
found gold in Canada and was'
it becomes eligible.
knighted by the king of England of--
"If the building doesn't get a fa -
ter donating $500,000 to English'hos-
vorable recommendation it will
pitals in World War 1, used the
probably be the end of the building
building primarily as a vacation
because I doubt if the taxpayers
would be willing to rehabilitate the
Oakes, incidentally, was colorful
building to the tune -of $500,000,"
to his death; he was murdered in the:I
Howland said. "If it does get a fa -
Bahamas in 1953, and the murder is -'vorable
recommendation and federal
still unsolved.
funds aren't readily available, I
'would recommend we budget some
money for the most necessary re-
pairs to protect. the building and
seek other sources of financial aide,
such as private foundation grants.'