NPB sends in 'Winter Club' historical site application (North County News) 7-21-79July 21, 1979 North County News
AFhistoricalsite applicatN.P.B. sends in JfWinter. Clubf
The North Palm reprieve from having to the "Winter Club"
Beach Village Council make any immediate building on the munici-
has been given a decisions on the fate of pal Country . Club
The 'Winter Club' as it appeared in the 19209s this photo is -part of the ap-
plication sent to Tallahassee b -y NPB officials.
The village adminis-
tration this past week
sent in an application to
the Secretary of State's
Commissioner of Ar-
chives to see if the
building, the oldest
mansion in the area, can
be listed as a state
historical site. That
would clear the way for
the application for state
and federal restoration
funds, and the council
members have all told
the NCN they will wait
for the results of all
those applications be-
fore, making any deci-
"We will move as
quickly as possible,"
says Assistant Village
Manager Ray Howland,
"'but the first step could
take up to nine months."
So the council will not
have to make, any
decisions during this
summer's budget prep-
aration process.
.Lf we do go the full
restoration route, we
are talking about $400-
500 thousand, and that
o .
means a bnd issue,"
says Village Manager
Paul Nicoletti. He says
only some operational
funds for the building
are included in his
proposed budget.
Howland worked with
Martha Nadelman, the
village historian, and
some volunteers to get
the application done.
Resident Carla Morris,
and an attorney, Ken-
neth Townsend, and
Nancy Moore, council-
man Al Moore's wife, all
gave of their time.
4 67-1
Dased on eo-nversa-*
tions with a historian in
Tallahassee, -I have as lot
of hope we will be
accepted for the listing,"
says Nadelman.
The building, also
known as the Oakes
Mansion, was built in
the 1920's. It now is in a
state of disrepair and
houses only the Recrea-
tion Department offices
and some recreation
functions. It's possible,
advocates say, to use it
for municipal offices and
perhaps to hov:s-c the
area Chamber of Com-
merce Office.