Code of Ordinances Supplement 74SUPPLEMENT NO. 74 September 2020 CODE OF ORDINANCES Village of NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA Looseleaf Supplement This Supplement contains all ordinances deemed advisable to be included at this time through: Ordinance No. 2020-04, adopted August 13, 2020. See the Code Comparative Table for further information. Remove Old Pages Xi—Xvl Checklist of up-to-date pages SH:3, SH:4 77 83 889 895 2819, 2820 2897 2939-2942 2945, 2946 2949-2954 Insert New Pages xi—Xvi Checklist of up-to-date pages (following Table of Contents) SH:3, SH:4 77 83, 84 889,890 895-902 2819, 2820 2897 2939-2942.1 2945, 2946 2949-2954.1 Insert and maintain this instruction sheet in front of this publication. File removed pages for reference. mun I icode Municipal Code Corporation P.O. Box 2235 Tallahassee, FL 32316 info@municode.corn 800.262.2633 www.municode.com TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Officials of the Village ....................................... iii Preface..................................................... v Adopting Ordinance ......................................... vii Readopting Ordinance ....................................... x.i Checklist of Up -to -Date Pages ............................... [1] Supplement History Table ................................... SH:1 PART I CHARTER Charter.................................................... 1 Art. I. Corporate Name ............................. 3 Art. I.A. Vision Statement .......................... 3 Art. II. Territorial Boundaries ....................... 5 Art. III. Legislative ................................. 10.5 Art. IV. Administrative ............................. 15 Art. V. Qualifications and Elections .................. 17 Art. VI. Transition Schedule ........................ 18 Charter Comparative Table .................................. 65 PART II CODE OF ORDINANCES Chapter 1. General Provisions ...................................... 77 2. Administration .......................................... 133 Art. I. In General .................................. 134.3 Art. II. Council .................................... 138.7 Div. 1. Generally ............................... 138.7 Div. 2. Rules of Procedure ...................... 138.8 Art. III. Administrative Code ....................... 138.9 Div. 1. Generally ............................... 138.9 Div. 2. Audit Committee ........................ 139 Div. 3. Department of Finance .................. 140 Div. 4. Department of Records .................. 141 Div. 5. Police Department ....................... 142 Div. 6. Fire Rescue Department ................. 142.1 Div. 7. Department of Public Works ............. 142.1 Div. 8. Department of Library ................... 142.2 Div. 9. Department of Country Club ............. 143 Div. 10. Department of Recreation ............... 143 Div. 11. Department of Community Development. 143 Supp. No. 74 xi NORTH PALM BEACH CODE Chapter Page Art. IV. Manager ................................... 144 Art. V. Pensions and Retirement Systems ............ 144 Div. 1. Generally ............................... Div. 1. Generally ............................... 144 Div. 3. Certificate of Appropriateness ............ Div. 2. Social Security .......................... 144 Art. V. Signs and Outdoor Displays .................. Div. 3. Pension and Certain Other Benefits for 401 Art. VII. Reserved .................................. 401 General Employees ...................... 145 Art. I. In General .................................. Div. 4. Pension and Certain Other Benefits for 455 8. Emergency Management ................................. 507 Fire and Police Employees ............... 153 Art. II. Civil Disorders and Disturbances ............ Div. 5. Length of Service Award Plan for Volunteer Firefighters ............................. 164.1 Div. 6. ICMA Defined Contribution Pension Plan. 164.3 Art. VI. Code Enforcement .......................... 164.3 Art. VII. Alternate Method of Code Enforcement ..... 169 3. Alcoholic Beverages ..................................... 211 4. Animals and Fowl ....................................... 263 Art. I. In General .................................. 265 Art. II. Dogs and Cats .............................. 267 Art. III. Rabies Control ............................. 269 5. Boats, Docks and Waterways ............................. 319 Art. I. In General .................................. 321 Art. II. Boat Launching Area ....................... 326 Art. III. Construction Requirements ................. 327 Div. 1. Generally ............................... 327 Div. 2. Canals .................................. 327 Div. 3. Bulkheads and Seawalls ................. 328 Div. 4. Docks and Piers ......................... 331 Div. 5. Erosion Control Structures ............... 336 Art. IV. Marine Sanctuaries ......................... 336 Art. V. Waterways Board ........................... 336.1 6. Buildings and Building Regulations ...................... 381 Art. I. In General .................................. 383 Art. II. Minimum Construction Standards ........... 383 Art. III. Appearance Code .......................... 384 Div. 1. Generally ............................... 384 Div. 2. Reserved ................................ 387 Div. 3. Certificate of Appropriateness ............ 387 Art. IV. Abatement of Unsafe or Unsanitary Buildings 388 Art. V. Signs and Outdoor Displays .................. 392.1 Art. VI. Reserved .................................. 401 Art. VII. Reserved .................................. 401 7. Fill Permits ............................................. 453 Art. I. In General .................................. 455 Art. II. Filling Permit .............................. 455 8. Emergency Management ................................. 507 Art. I. In General .................................. 509 Art. II. Civil Disorders and Disturbances ............ 510 Supp. No. 74 Xii TABLE OF CONTENTS—Cont'd. Chapter Page Art. III. Exempt Employee Emergency Duty ......... 511 9. Country Club ........................................... 559 Art. I. In General .................................. 561 Art. II. Golf Advisory Board ........................ 562 Art. III. Finances .................................. 563 10. Elections .............................................. 615 Art. I. In General .................................. 617 Art. II. Reserved ................................... 618 Art. III. Reserved .................................. 618 Art. IV. Polling Locations ........................... 618 11. Electricity ............................................. 671 Art. I. In General .................................. 673 Art. II. Electrical Code ............................. 673 11.5. Emergency Service ................................... 695 Art. I. In General .................................. 697 Art. II. Emergency Medical Services ................. 697 12. Fire Prevention and Protection .......................... 723 Art. I. In General .................................. 725 Art. II. Florida Fire Prevention Code ................ 725 Art. III. Reserved .................................. 726 Art. IV. Recovery of Costs for Cleanup, Abatement and Removal of Hazardous Substances........... 726 12.5. Flood Damage Prevention ............................. 777 Art. I. Administration .............................. 779 Art. II. Definitions ................................. 789 Art. III. Flood Resistant Development ............... 794 13. Reserved .............................................. 839 14. Health and Sanitation .................................. 889 Art. I. In General .................................. 891 Art. II. Garbage, Trash and Refuse .................. 891 Div. 1. Generally ............................... 891 Div. 2. Garbage Collection and Disposal ......... 891 Div. 3. Reserved ................................ 893 Art. III. Reserved .................................. 894 Art. IV. Abatement of Public Nuisances on Private Property ................................... 894 Art. V. Chronic Nuisance Property Code ............. 895 15. Housing ............................................... 945 Art. I. Property Maintenance Standards ............. 947 Art. II. Abandoned Real Property ................... 951 Art. III. Minimum Housing Standards ............... 953 16. Library ................................................ 997 Art. I. In General .................................. 999 Art. II. Library Advisory Board ..................... 999 Supp. No. 74 Xiii NORTH PALM BEACH CODE Chapter Page 17. Licenses and Miscellaneous Business Regulations ........ 1051 Art. I. In General .................................. 1053 1345 Art. II. Local Business Tax ......................... 1057 II. Planning Commission ....................... Art. III. Businesses Located Outside Village Limits.. 1060.4 Art. Art. IV. Simulated Gambling Devices ................ 1063 Art. V. Ambulances ................................. 1065 1350 Art. VI. Garage and Other Sales .................... 1066 V. Stormwater Management .................... Art. VII. Business Advisory Board .................. 1066 Art. Art. VIII. Peddlers and Solicitors .................... 1067 17.5 Reserved ............................................. 1121 18. Motor Vehicles and Traffic .............................. 1171 Art. I. In General .................................. 1173 Art. Art. II. Operation of Vehicles Generally ............. 1173 Art. III. Stopping, Standing and Parking ............ 1174 19. Offenses and Miscellaneous Provisions .................. 1225 III. Reserve Force .............................. Art. I. In General .................................. 1227 Streets, Art. II. Sexual Offenders and Sexual Predators ...... 1230 Art. III. Offenses Against Property .................. 1230 1519 Art. IV. Offenses Against Public Morals ............. 1230 Art. V. Offenses Against Public Peace ............... 1231 Art. VI. Noise Control .............................. 1231 Art. VII. Reserved .................................. 1234 Art. VIII. Weapons ................................. 1234 Art. IX. Water Shortage Emergencies ............... 1237 Art. X. Alarms ..................................... 1238 Art. XI. Wellfield Protection ........................ 1242 20. Parks, Playgrounds and Recreation ...................... 1289 Art. I. In General .................................. 1291 Art. II. Meetings and Gatherings .................... 1292 Div. 1. Generally ............................... 1292 Div. 2. Permit .................................. 1292 Art. III. Recreation Advisory Board ................. 1293 21. Planning and Development ............................. 1343 Art. I. In General .................................. 1345 Art. II. Planning Commission ....................... 1347 Art. III. Board of Adjustment ....................... 1348 Art. IV. Concurrency Management .................. 1350 Art. V. Stormwater Management .................... 1363 Art. VI. Archaeological Site Protection Regulations... 1366.1 22. Reserved .............................................. 1411 23. Police .................................................. 1463 Art. I. In General .................................. 1465 Art. II. Reserved ................................... 1465 Art. III. Reserve Force .............................. 1465 24. Streets, Sidewalks and Public Places .................... 1517 Art. I. In General .................................. 1519 Supp. No. 74 xiv TABLE OF CONTENTS—Cont'd. Chapter Page C. Zoning ................................................. 2479 Art. I. In General .................................. 2481 Art. II. Generally .................................. 2486 Art. III. District Regulations ........................ 2488.10 Arts. IV, V. Reserved ............................... 2529 Art. VI. Amendments—Fees; Waiting Periods ........ 2529 Art. VII. Nonconforming Uses of Land and Structures 2530 D. Franchises ............................................. 2619 Supp. No. 74 xv Art. II. Work Performed Within Rights -of -Way ....... 1519 Art. III. Sidewalks and Driveways .................. 1520.3 Div. 1. Generally ............................... 1520.3 Div. 2. Permits ................................. 1523 Art. IV. Environmental Committee .................. 1523 25. Swimming Pools ....................................... 1573 Art. I. In General .................................. 1575 Art. II. Reserved ................................... 1575 Art. III. Reserved .................................. 1576 26. Taxation ............................................... 1627 Art. I. In General .................................. 1629 Art. II. Insurance Excise Taxes ..................... 1629 Art. III. Utility Tax ................................ 1629 Art. IV. Telecommunications Service Tax ............ 1630 27. Trees and Shrubbery ................................... 1681 Art. I. In General .................................. 1683 Art. II. Trees in Swale Areas ....................... 1683 Art. III. Landscaping ............................... 1684 Div. 1. Generally ............................... 1684 Div. 2. Reserved ................................ 1686 Div. 3. Requirements for Certain Yard Areas, Off - Street Parking and Other Vehicular Use Areas ................................... 1686 Art. IV. Fertilizer -Friendly Use Ordinance ........... 1690 28. Use of Rights -of -Way for Utilities ....................... 1739 29. Communications Services ............................... 1781 Appendices A. Appearance Plan ........................................ 2043 B. Subdivisions ............................................ 2353 Art. I. In General..............................2355 Art. II. Procedures for Subdivision Plat Approval .... 2358 Art. III. Design Standards .......................... 2365 Art. IV. Required Improvements .................... 2368.1 Art. V. Enforcement Provisions ...................... 2372 Art. VI. Amendments ............................... 2378 Art. VII. Legal Status .............................. 2379 C. Zoning ................................................. 2479 Art. I. In General .................................. 2481 Art. II. Generally .................................. 2486 Art. III. District Regulations ........................ 2488.10 Arts. IV, V. Reserved ............................... 2529 Art. VI. Amendments—Fees; Waiting Periods ........ 2529 Art. VII. Nonconforming Uses of Land and Structures 2530 D. Franchises ............................................. 2619 Supp. No. 74 xv NORTH PALM BEACH CODE Page Statutory Reference Table ................................... 2819 Code Comparative Table -1970 Code ......................... 2869 Code Comparative Table—Laws of Florida .................... 2873 Code Comparative Table—Ordinances ........................ 2875 Charter Index .............................................. 2933 Code Index ................................................. 2935 Supp. No. 74 xvi Checklist of Up -to -Date Pages (This checldist will be updated with the printing of each Supplement) From our experience in publishing Looseleaf Supplements on a page -for -page substitution basis, it has become evident that through usage and supplementation many pages can be inserted and removed in error. The following listing is included in this Code as a ready guide for the user to determine whether the Code volume properly reflects the latest printing of each page. In the first column all page numbers are listed in sequence. The second column reflects the latest printing of the pages as they should appear in an up-to-date volume. The letters "OC" indicate the pages have not been reprinted in the Supplement Service and appear as published for the original Code. When a page has been reprinted or printed in the Supplement Service, this column reflects the identification number or Supplement Number printed on the bottom of the page. In addition to assisting existing holders of the Code, this list may be used in compiling an up-to-date copy from the original Code and subsequent Supplements. Page No. Supp. No. Page No. Supp. No. Title Page 64 12.1 61 iii 1 13.114 25 V, vi OC 15,16 68 vii, viii OC 17118 68 ix OC 65 68 xdi x.ii 1 77 74 x.iii 1 79,80 OC Xi, xii 74 81,82 58 xiii, xiv 74 83,84 74 xv, xvi 74 133, 134 71, Add. SH: 1, SH:2 63 134.1, 134.2 73 SH:3, SH:4 74 134.3, 134.4 71 1 25 1359 136 71 3,4 25 136.1 71 5, 6 25 137, 138 60 7,8 25 138.15 138.2 60 9,10 29 138.3, 138.4 68 10.1, 10.2 53 138.5, 138.6 68 10.3, 10.4 53 138.7, 138.8 68 10.5, 10.6 53 138.9, 138.10 68 115 12 61 139, 140 71, Add. [1] Supp. No. 74 NORTH PALM BEACH CODE Page No. Supp. No. Page No. Supp. No. 141, 142 62 327,328 72 142.19 142.2 62 329,330 72 143,144 52 331, 332 72 144.1 52 333,334 72 145,146 47 335,336 72 147,148 47 336.1 72 149,150 47 337 71 151,152 65 381,382 71 152.1, 152.2 65 383,384 71 152.2.1 65 385,386 71 152.3, 152.4 47 387,388 60 153,154 73 389,390 60 154.1, 154.2 73 3919392 60 154.3 73 392.19 392.2 60 155,156 46 392.39 392.4 60 1579 158 52 392.5 60 159, 160 73 3939394 56 160.1, 160.2 73 395,396 56 161, 162 46 397,398 56 162.1, 162.2 46 398.1 56 163,164 73 398.159 398.16 40 164.1, 164.2 73 399,400 53 164.3, 164.4 73 401 53 165,166 48 453 72 167,168 48 455,456 72 169,170 48 507 57 211 OC 509,510 57 2139214 19 511, 512 57 263 59 559 71, Add. 265,266 59 561,562 71 266.1 59 563 719 Add. 267,268 52 615 36 269 52 617,618 67 319,320 72 671 2 3219322 72 673 24 322.1 72 695 13 323,324 69 697 52 3259326 69 723 52 [2] Supp. No. 74 CHECKLIST OF UP-TO-DATE PAGES Page No. Supp. No. Page No. Supp. No. 725, 726 67 1060.1, 1060.2 43 727 67 1060.3, 1060.4 43 777 66 1060.5 43 779, 780 66 1061, 1062 8 781, 782 66 1063, 1064 54 783, 784 66 1065, 1066 71 785, 786 66 1067, 1068 71 787,788 66 1069, 1070 61 789,790 66 1121 OC 7919792 66 1171 65 793,794 66 1173, 1174 65 795,796 66 1175, 1176 70 797,798 66 11779 1178 72 799 66 1179,1180 72 839 OC 1181 72 889,890 74 1225 61 891,892 61 1227, 1228 61 893, 894 52 1229, 1230 63 8955896 74 1231, 1232 63 897,898 74 1233, 1234 63 8999900 74 1235 63 901,902 74 1237, 1238 52 945 67 1239,1240 52 947,948 67 1241, 1242 52 9495950 67 1289 71 951,952 67 1291, 1292 52 9535954 67 1293, 1294 71 955,956 67 13435 1344 62 997 71 1345,1346 62 999 71 1347,1348 71 1051, 1052 71 1349, 1350 71 1052.1 71 1350.19 1350.2 45 1053, 1054 31 1351, 1352 33 1054.15 1054.2 31 1353, 1354 33 1054.3, 1054.4 31 1355, 1356 33 1055, 1056 36 1356.1 33 1057, 1058 33 1357, 1358 OC 1059, 1060 33 1359, 1360 33 [3] Supp. No. 74 NORTH PALM BEACH CODE Page No. Supp. No. Page No. Supp. No. 1361, 1362 33 1795, 1796 65 1363, 1364 52 1797, 1798 65 1364.1 52 1799 65 1365, 1366 33 2043 OC 1366.1, 1366.2 52 2045, 2046 62 1366.3, 1366.4 33 2046.1 62 1367 5 2047, 2048 OC 1411 OC 2049, 2050 OC 1463 OC 2051, 2052 OC 1465, 1466 52 2053 OC 1517, 1518 71 2353 OC 1519, 1520 64 2355, 2356 OC 1520.15 1520.2 64 2357, 2358 33 1520.3, 1520.4 64 2359, 2360 33 1521, 1522 47 2361, 2362 33 1523, 1524 71 2363, 2364 33 1573 24 2364.1 33 1575, 1576 29 2365, 2366 OC 1627 9 2367,2368 37 1629, 1630 27 2368.1 37 1631 27 2369, 2370 OC 1681, 1682 66 2371, 2372 OC 1683, 1684 33 2373, 2374 33 1684.1, 1684.2 24 2375, 2376 33 1685, 1686 OC 2377, 2378 33 1687,1688 17 2379 67 1689, 1690 66 2479, 2480 67 1691, 1692 66 2481, 2482 67 1693, 1694 66 2483, 2484 67 1739 14 2485, 2486 67 1741, 1742 21 2486.1 67 1781 65 2487,2488 62 17835 1784 65 2488.1, 2488.2 62 1785, 1786 65 2488.3, 2488.4 62 1787, 1788 65 2488.5, 2488.6 62 1789, 1790 65 2488.7, 2488.8 72 1791, 1792 65 2488.9, 2488.10 72 1793, 1794 65 2488.10.1 72 [4] Supp. No. 74 CHECKLIST OF UP-TO-DATE PAGES Page No. Supp. No. Page No. Supp. No. 2488.11 67 2510.37, 2510.38 25, Add. 2489, 2490 59 2510.39, 2510.40 25, Add. 2491, 2492 59 2510.41, 2510.42 25, Add. 2493, 2494 59 2510.43, 2510.44 25, Add. 2495, 2496 59 2510.45, 2510.46 25, Add. 2497, 2498 59 2510.47, 2510.48 25, Add. 2499, 2500 59 2510.499 2510.50 25, Add. 2501, 2502 59 2510.515 2510.52 25, Add. 2503, 2504 62 2510.53, 2510.54 25, Add. 2504.19 2504.2 62 2510.555 2510.56 25, Add. 2504.2.1 62 2511, 2512 73 2504.3, 2504.4 59 2512.1, 2512.2 73 2504.5, 2504.6 59 2512.2.19 2512.2.2 72 2504.7, 2504.8 59 2512.2.3 72 2505, 2506 10 2512.3, 2512.4 49 2507, 2508 13 2512.55, 2512.6 50 2509, 2510 62 2512.7, 2512.8 51 2510.19 2510.2 62 2512.9, 2512.10 72 2510.2.1 62 2512.10.1 63 2510.39 2510.4 54 2512.11, 2512.12 51 2510.5, 2510.6 54 2512.13 51 2510.7, 2510.8 54 2513, 2514 OC 2510.9, 2510.10 54 2515, 2516 62 2510.11, 2510.12 54 2517, 2518 67 2510.12.1, 2510.12.2 54 2519, 2520 67 2510.12.3 54 2521, 2522 67 2510.13, 2510.14 25, Add. 2523, 2524 67 2510.15, 2510.16 25, Add. 2524.1 67 2510.17, 2510.18 25, Add. 2525, 2526 62 2510.19, 2510.20 25, Add. 2527, 2528 62 2510.219 2510.22 25, Add. 2529, 2530 67 2510.239 2510.24 51 2531, 2532 67 2510.25, 2510.26 25, Add. 2533 67 2510.27, 2510.28 25, Add. 2619 48 2510.29, 2510.30 25, Add. 2819, 2820 74 2510.31, 2510.32 25, Add. 2869, 2870 OC 2510.33, 2510.34 25, Add. 2871 OC 2510.35, 2510.36 51 2873 OC [5] Supp. No. 74 NORTH PALM BEACII CODE Page No. Supp. No. 2875, 2876 OC 2877, 2878 OC 2879, 2880 OC 2881, 2882 14 2883, 2884 14 2885, 2886 19 2887, 2888 25, Add. 2889, 2890 33 2891, 2892 51 2893, 2894 60 2895, 2896 72 2897 74 2933, 2934 25 2935, 2936 715, Add. 2937, 2938 72 2939, 2940 74 2941, 2942 74 2942.1 74 2943, 2944 72 2945, 2946 74 2947, 2948 72 2949, 2950 74 2951, 2952 74 2953, 2954 74 2954.1 74 2955, 2956 71 2957, 2958 71 2959 71 2961, 2962 67 2963, 2964 71 [6] Supp. No. 74 SUPPLEMENT HISTORY TABLE Ord. No: Date Adopted Includedl Omitted Supp. No. 2015-15 9-24-15 Omitted 63 2015-16 9-24-15 Omitted 63 2015-17 1-14-16 Omitted 63 2015-18 9-24-15 Omitted 63 2015-19 11-12-15 Included 63 2015-20 11-12-15 Included 63 2015-21 12-10-15 Omitted 63 2015-22 12-10-15 Included 63 2016-02 1-14-16 Omitted 63 2016-03 1-14-16 Omitted 63 2016-01 4-28-16 Omitted 64 2016-04 1-28-16 Omitted 64 2016-05 3-24-16 Omitted 64 2016-06 5-12-16 Included 64 2016-25(Res.) 5-12-16 Omitted 64 2016-07 9- 8-16 Included 65 2016-08 9-22-16 Omitted 65 2016-09 9-22-16 Omitted 65 2016-10 11-10-16 Omitted 65 2016-11 12- 8-16 Omitted 65 2017-01 1-12-17 Omitted 65 2017-02 1-12-17 Included 65 2017-03 1-26-17 Included 65 2017-04 2- 9-17 Omitted 65 2017-05 2- 9-17 Omitted 65 2017-08 5-25-17 Omitted 66 2017-10 7-27-17 Omitted 66 2017-11 8-24-17 Included 66 2017-12 9-28-17 Omitted 66 2017-13 9-28-17 Included 66 2017-14 9-28-17 Omitted 66 2017-15 9-28-17 Omitted 66 2017-16 10-12-17 Omitted 67 2017-17 10-12-17 Omitted 67 2017-18 10-12-17 Included 67 2017-19 11- 9-17 Omitted 67 2017-20 11- 9-17 Omitted 67 2017-21 12-14-17 Included 67 2017-22 12-14-17 Included 67 2017-23 12-14-17 Included 67 2017-24 12-14-17 Included 67 2017-25 12-14-17 Omitted 67 2018-01 1-11-18 Included 68 2018-03 4-12-18 Omitted 68 2018-04 5-10-18 Included 69 2018-02 9-27-18 Omitted 70 Supp. No. 74 SH:3 NORTH PALM BEACH CODE Ord. No. Date Adopted Included/ Omitted Supp. No. 2018-05 8- 9-18 Omitted 70 2018-06 10- 1-18 Omitted 70 2018-07 10- 1-18 Omitted 70 2018-08 10- 1-18 Omitted 70 2018-09 12-13-18 Included 70 2019-01 3-14-19 Included 71 2019-02 4-11-19 Omitted 71 2019-04 5-23-19 Included 71, Add. 2019-03 6-27-19 Included 72 2019-05 6-27-19 Omitted 72 2019-06 7-11-19 Included 72 2019-07 7-25-19 Included 72 2019-08 8- 8-19 Included 72 2019-09 9-26-19 Omitted 73 2019-10 9-26-19 Omitted 73 2019-11 10-24-19 Included 73 2020-01 5-14-20 Omitted 74 2020-02 7- 9-20 Included 74 2020-03 8-13-20 Omitted 74 2020-04 8-13-20 Included 74 Supp. No. 74 SHA PART II CODE OF ORDINANCES Chapter 1 GENERAL PROVISIONS Sec. 1-1. Code, how designated and cited. Sec. 1-2. Rules of construction. Sec. 1-3. Catchlines; references to chapters or sections. Sec. 1-4. Effect of repeal of ordinances. Sec. 1-5. Severability of parts. Sec. 1-6. Amendments to Code. Sec. 1-7. Altering Code. Sec. 1-8. General penalty; continuing violations; prosecution costs. Sec. 1-9. Assessment of additional court costs for criminal justice educa- tion expenditures. Sec. 1-10. Village logo. Sec. 1-11. Civil rights. Supp. No. 74 77 GENERAL PROVISIONS dia, a rope encircles the ship's wheel. A reason- able facsimile of the logo is attached as Exhibit "A" (b) Adoption of logo. The logo described and depicted in paragraph (a) is hereby adopted as the official logo of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, a municipal corporation organized and existing in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida. (c) Unlawful practices and penalties. Any facsimile or reproduction of this logo shall only be manufactured, used, displayed, or otherwise employed for official Village of North Palm Beach business or upon the written approval of the Village Council of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida. The village council may grant approval for the use of the logo upon application by any person showing good cause for proper civic purpose. The village council may adopt reasonable rules for the manufacture or use of this logo or any facsimile or reproduction thereof. Any person violating the provision of this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and punished as provided by law. (d) Registration with Secretary of [the] State of Florida. The village logo shall be registered with the Secretary of [the] State of Florida as a "service mark" in accordance with F.S. ch. 495 and shall be the sole property of the Village of North Palm Beach. (Ord. No. 30-2002, § 1, 12-12-02) Supp. No. 74 83 EXHIBIT "A" Village Logo Sec. 1-11. Civil rights. § 1-11 (a) Purpose. The North Palm Beach Village Council desires to secure for its citizens freedom from discrimination because of race, color, national origin, ancestry, religion, gender, gender identity or expression, marital status, veteran's status, age, national origin, disability, pregnancy, familial status, sexual orientation and genetic informa- tion, and thereby to protect their interest in personal dignity; to make available to the village their full productive capacities; to secure the village against domestic strife and unrest; to preserve the public safety, health and general welfare; and to promote the interests, rights and privileges of individuals within the village. The village council also desires to adopt an ordinance that is consistent with federal, state and local laws and affords its citizens access to remedies in the case of alleged discrimination, to wit: the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, the Florida Commission on Human Relations and the Palm Beach County Office of Equal Opportunity. § 1-11 NORTH PALM BEACH CODE (b) Adoption of the Village of North Palm Beach Civil Rights Act. The Florida Civil Rights Act of 1992, Chapter 760, Section 760.01 through 760.11 and Section 509.092; Florida's Fair Hous- ing Act, Chapter 760, Section 760.20 through 760.37; the Palm Beach County Equal Employ- ment Ordinance, Chapter 2, Article VI, Division 1, Sections 2-251 through 2-313; and the Palm Beach County Ordinance for Equal Opportunity to Housing and Places of Public Accommodation, Chapter 15, Article III, Sections 15-36 through 15-67 are collectively adopted by reference as the Village of North Palm Beach Civil Rights Act, subject to and including by reference such amend- ments, corrections and additions as shall occur therein or as may appear in this chapter. (Ord. No. 2020-04, § 2, 8-13-20) [The next page is 1331 Supp. No. 74 84 Chapter 14 HEALTH AND SANITATION* Article I. In General Secs. 14-1-14-15. Reserved. Article II. Garbage, Trash and Refuse Division 1. Generally Secs. 14-16-14-22. Reserved. Division 2. Garbage Collection and Disposal Sec. 14-23. Definition. Sec. 14-24. Garbage cans—Required. Sec. 14-25. Same—To be kept covered. Sec. 14-26. Frequency of collection. Sec. 14-27. Charges—Generally. Sec. 14-28. Same—Fee for excess amounts from commercial establish- ments. Sec. 14-29. Same—When and where paid. Sec. 14-30. Commercial use property waste disposal fees and collection procedures. Sec. 14-31. Collection of residential yard waste. Secs. 14-32-14-36. Reserved. Division 3. Reserved Secs. 14-37-14-63. Reserved. Article III. Reserved Secs. 14-64-14-78. Reserved. Article IV. Abatement of Public Nuisances on Private Property Sec. 14-79. Definitions. Sec. 14-80. Uses or activities constituting a public nuisance. Sec. 14-81. Notice of public nuisance; right to request hearing. Sec. 14-82. Abatement of public nuisance. Sec. 14-83. Assessment of costs and imposition of lien. Secs. 14-84-14-90. Reserved. Article V. Chronic Nuisance Property Code Sec. 14-91. Purpose and intent. Sec. 14-92. Definitions. Sec. 14-93. Construction and application. Sec. 14-94. Separate occurrences. Sec. 14-95. Declaration of chronic nuisance; action plan. Sec. 14-96. Refusal to sign or violation of agreement. *Cross references—Enforcement of Ch. 14 by code enforcement inspector, § 2-171 et seq.; boat owners required to observe village health rules, § 5-15. Supp. No. 74 889 NORTH PALM BEACH CODE Sec. 14-97. Hearing before the special magistrate; entry of chronic nuisance order. Sec. 14-98. Abatement of chronic nuisances; apportionment. Sec. 14-99. Establishment of costs; billing of costs; assessment of lien. Sec. 14-100. Method of notice; construction. Sec. 14-101. Change in title to chronic nuisance property. Sec. 14-102. Construction of article. Supp. No. 74 890 HEALTH AND SANITATION be at least ten (10) days from the date of the notice. The notice shall further advise the property owner of the right to request a hearing as specified below, and that the failure to abate the nuisance will result in the village taking correc- tive action and the assessment of costs and imposition of a lien against the property. (c) The notice shall be sent to the owner of the property by certified mail, return receipt requested, at the address(es) maintained by the county property owner and tax collector and shall be posted on the property. (d) Prior to the date specified for corrective action in the notice, the property owner may make a written request to the community develop- ment director for a hearing before the village's special magistrate to show that the condition alleged in the notice does not exist or does not create a public nuisance. The special magistrate shall conduct a hearing as soon as practicable after the receipt of such request. The property owner shall be notified of the hearing in the manner set forth in section 2-181 of this Code. (Ord. No. 2008-15, § 3, 10-23-08; Ord. No. 2020-02, § 2, 7-9-20) Sec. 14-82. Abatement of public nuisance. If no hearing has been requested and the condition described in the notice has not been corrected by the date specified in the notice, or if a hearing has been held and the special magistrate has ruled adversely to the property owner, the community development director is authorized with approval of the village manager to cause the nuisance to be abated by the village or its agents at the expense of the property owner. (Ord. No. 2008-15, § 3, 10-23-08; Ord. No. 2020-02, § 2, 7-9-20) Sec. 14-83. Assessment of costs and imposition of lien. (a) When the village has abated or contracted for the abatement of a public nuisance as authorized by this article, the village community development director or village manager shall certify the costs incurred in remedying the condi- tion, in addition to a two hundred fifty dollar ($250.00) administrative fee, and assess that Supp. No. 74 895 § 14-91 amount against the property. The assessment shall contain the legal description of the property, the street address, and the total amount of the assessment. The village shall mail the assess- ment to the property owner via both certified mail, return receipt requested, and regular U.S. mail and provide the property owner fifteen (15) days from the date of mailing in which to pay the assessment. (b) Should the property owner fail to pay the assessment, the village shall record the assess- ment in the public records, and the recording of the assessment shall create and constitute a lien against such property for the amount of the assessment, payable to the village. (c) The assessment shall bear interest at the current legal rate of interest per annum as provided by law and shall constitute a lien upon the land from the date of the assessment. Lien assessments may be enforced by civil action in the appropriate court of competent jurisdiction. The lien created shall be a first lien, equal to a lien for nonpayment of property taxes, on any property against which an assessment for costs to abate a nuisance has been recorded. The lien shall continue in full force until discharged by payment or otherwise or until settled and released by the community development director or the village manager. (Ord. No. 2008-15, § 3, 10-23-08) Secs. 14-84-14-90. Reserved. ARTICLE V. CHRONIC NUISANCE PROPERTY CODE Sec. 14-91. Purpose and intent. (a) Purpose. The purpose of this article is to identify properties that have a significant adverse impact on the quality of life and safety of the surrounding area, negatively affect the value of adjacent properties, and are a financial and operational burden to the village by generating repeated calls for service. (b) Intent. The intent of this article is to: (1) Identify chronic nuisance activities and chronic nuisance conditions; § 14-91 NORTH PALM BEACH CODE (2) Hold accountable those persons responsible for such nuisance activi- ties and/or conditions on the property; (3) Penalize those who commit crimes or those who permit conditions to exist that give rise to crime or exces- sive calls for service to the police and fire rescue departments; (4) Establish rules, procedures and penalties to address property owners that have chronic nuisance issues and fail to take corrective measures; (5) Work in partnership with the owners to address the negative results caused by chronic nuisance activi- ties and/or conditions, and to improve the vitality of neighborhoods by addressing excessive calls for service to the police and fire rescue depart- ments; and (6) Establish the cost of village response and enforcement services to the property owners identified as owning chronic nuisance properties. (Ord. No. 2020-02, § 3, 7-9-20) Sec. 14-92. Definitions. When used in this article, the following terms shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning: Action plan or corrective action plan means a plan prepared by the village, incorporated into a nuisance abatement agreement and agreed to by the owner, to address and eliminate nuisance activity on the owner's property by the implementation of proactive steps by the property owner. Chronic nuisance property means a property on which one (1) or more continuing nuisance activities occurs or reoccurs in accordance with the terms of this article. Chronic nuisance services mean remedial actions taken by the village to eliminate or mitigate a nuisance condition that threatens the public health, safety or welfare. Supp. No. 74 896 Nuisance activity means any activity relating to the following violations, whenever engaged in by the property owner, operator, agent, tenant, or invitee of the property owner, operator, agent or tenant (all references to Florida Statutes are to Florida Statutes 2019 or as amended thereafter): (1) Chapter 3—Alcoholic beverages. (2) Chapter 19, article V—Noise control. (3) Chapter 19, article II—Sexual offenders and sexual predators. (4) F.S. § 767.12—Dangerous dogs. (5) F.S. § 784.03—Battery; felony battery. (6) F.S. § 784.041—Felony battery. (7) F.S. § 784.045—Aggravated battery. (8) F.S. § 790.10—Improper exhibition of dangerous weapons or firearms. (9) F.S. § 790.15(1)—Discharging firearm in public. (10) F.S. § 796.06—Renting space to be used for prostitution. (11) F.S. § 796.07—Prostitution. (12) F.S. § 800.03—Exposure of sexual organs. (13) F.S. § 806.1—Criminal mischief. (14) F.S. § 810.08—Trespass in structure or conveyance. (15) F.S. § 810.09—Trespass on other than structure or conveyance. (16) F.S. § 812.014—Theft. (17) F.S. § 812.019—Dealing in stolen property. (18) F.S. § 812.173—Convenience business security. (19) F.S. § 823.—Nuisance. (20) F.S. § 828.12—Cruelty to animals. (21) F.S. § 843.01—Resisting officer with violence. (22) F.S. § 843.02—Resisting officer without violence. (23) F.S. § 856.011—Disorderly intoxication. (24) F.S. § 856.015—Open house parties. HEALTH AND SANITATION (25) F.S. § 856.021—Loitering or prowling. (26) F.S. § 856.022—Loitering or prowling in close proximity to children. (27) F.S. ch. 874—Criminal gang enforce- ment and prevention. (28) F.S. § 877.03—Breach of the peace; disorderly conduct. (29) F.S. ch. 893—Any offense under the Florida Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act, including, but not limited to, public nuisances as defined by § 893.138. (30) Any other offense under state or federal law that is punishable by a term of imprisonment exceeding one (1) year. (31) A call for service to property for police or fire rescue personnel to assist an individual who displays the symptoms of an overdose of a controlled substance. Nuisance abatement agreement means an agree- ment entered into between the village and the property owner that contains an action plan to be implemented by the property owner to address and abate the nuisance activity. Nuisance condition means any temporary or permanent condition on the property which arises from nuisance activity. Operator means any agent, employee, property manager, tenant, sub -tenant, contractor, subcontractor, licensee, invitee, or other individual or entity that is authorized by the property owner to supervise, manager or otherwise control any activities which may occur on the property. Pattern of nuisance activity. Real property shall be deemed to exhibit a pattern of nuisance activity if: (1) The village's police department has responded to three (3) or more nuisance activities at the property within thirty (30) days; (2) The village's police department has responded to seven (7) or more nuisance activities at the property within six (6) months; or Supp. No. 74 897 § 14-95 (3) The village's police department or fire rescue department has responded to three (3) or more calls for service within thirty (30) days or seven (7) or more calls for service within six (6) months to assist an individual who displays the symptoms of an overdose of a controlled substance. (Ord. No. 2020-02, § 3, 7-9-20) Sec. 14-93. Construction and application. A pattern of nuisance activity shall not be construed to include: (1) A nuisance activity that does not arise from the conduct of the property owner, operator, agent, tenant, or invitee of the property owner, operator, agent or tenant or where the property owner, operator, agent or tenant is the victim of a crime; (2) A complaint or call for service to which the village responded and the village determined that no violation was commit- ted; or (3) A domestic violence call. (Ord. No. 2020-02, § 3, 7-9-20) Sec. 14-94. Separate occurrences. For purposes of this article, every instance that the police department or fire rescue depart- ment responds to a nuisance activity at the property shall be a separate occurrence. (Ord. No. 2020-02, § 3, 7-9-20) Sec. 14-95. Declaration of chronic nuisance; action plan. (a) Declaration of chronic nuisance property. If a pattern of nuisance activity exists upon real property, the village shall declare the property to be a chronic nuisance property. The village shall send its declaration of chronic nuisance to the property owner by hand delivery or certified mail, return receipt requested, and first-class mail to the address listed on the ad valorem tax roll or the property appraiser's database. The declaration of chronic nuisance property constitutes a notice of violation which, if unad- dressed in an executed nuisance abatement agree- ment, may be prosecuted by the village before § 14-95 NORTH PALM BEACH CODE the village's special magistrate. Mailing to the property owner at the address listed on the ad valorem tax roll or the property appraiser's database shall be prima facie proof of delivery. Notice shall also be posted at the property where the nuisance activities occurred. Removal of the posted notice without written approval of the village is prohibited and shall constitute a separate violation of this article. (b) Contents of declaration of chronic nuisance property. The declaration of chronic nuisance property shall contain at least the following information: (1) A reference to chapter 2, article VIII (the "Village of North Palm Beach Chronic Nuisance Property Code"); (2) The address and parcel control number of the property; (3) The dates that the nuisance activities occurred at the property; (4) A description of the nuisance activities; (5) A proposed nuisance abatement agree- ment which outlines the corrective action to be taken by the property owner to remedy the nuisance activity; (6) A statement that the property owner's failure to enter into a nuisance abate- ment agreement within fifteen (15) days of the declaration of chronic nuisance will result in a violation of this article and further prosecution and enforcement action by the village before the village's special magistrate or by other legal actions available to the village; (7) A statement that the costs of any chronic nuisance services provided by the village to a property that has been declared to be a chronic nuisance property may be levied against the property as a lien superior to all other private rights, interests, liens, encumbrances, titles and claims upon the property and equal in rank and dignity with a lien for ad valorem taxes; and (8) A warning that the posted notice cannot be removed except with written permis- sion from the village. Supp. No. 74 898 (c) Nuisance abatement agreement. A nuisance abatement agreement shall set forth a corrective action plan with specific measures that the property owner must take to curtail or eliminate the reoccurrence of nuisance activities at the property. The nuisance abatement agreement shall contain a timetable for corrective action. The corrective action plan may include abate- ment measures which must be taken by the property owner including, but not limited to: (1) Commencement of an eviction action to remove those individuals engaged in the nuisance activity from the property; (2) Implementation of crime prevention through environmental design (OPTED) measures; (3) Frequency of site visits and inspections at various times of both day and night; (4) Hiring of property management; (5) Hiring of private security; (6) Installation of security cameras with recording capabilities; (7) Use of a written lease agreement for rental properties or a written register confirmed with official identification for public lodging establishments; (8) Criminal background checks for prospec- tive tenants and lease renewals; (9) Posting of "no trespassing" signs at the property and execution of a "no trespass affidavit" authorizing the police depart- ment to act as an agent of the property owner to enforce trespass statutes on the property; (10) Regular requests to the police depart- ment for offense and incident reports relating the property; (11) Written documentation of all efforts to curtail or eliminate the re -occurrence of nuisance activities on the property; (12) Any other action that the village determines is reasonably sufficient to curtail or eliminate the reoccurrence of nuisance activities on the property. HEALTH AND SANITATION (d) Modification of nuisance abatement agree- ment. The village may agree to modify the proposed or finalized nuisance abatement agree- ment when the property owner demonstrates that modification will improve the nuisance abate- ment action. (e) Recording of memorandum of agreement. When a nuisance abatement agreement is entered into, a memorandum of agreement specifying the property address shall be recorded by the village in the public records of Palm Beach County, Florida. (f) Monitoring and compliance. The village will periodically monitor the property to assure compliance for a period of one (1) year following execution of the agreement. If the property owner complies with the agreement, as determined by the village, the declaration of chronic nuisance will be rescinded, the village will issue and record a notice of compliance related to the memorandum of agreement that was previously recorded, and no further action by the property owner shall be required. The village may require the property owner to enter into a new agree- ment if a nuisance activity reoccurs. (g) Inadequacy of action plan. If the village determines during the monitoring period that the action plan is not adequate to curtail or eliminate the recurrence of nuisance activities on the property, the village may require the property owner to revise the action plan. The determination as to whether or not the monitor- ing period is adequate is in the sole and exclusive discretion of the village, based on the totality of circumstances for the specific property. (Ord. No. 2020-02, § 3, 7-9-20) Sec. 14-96. Refusal to sign or violation of agreement. When a property owner refuses to timely enter into a nuisance abatement agreement or subsequently violates the terms of an agree- ment, the village may prosecute its declaration of chronic nuisance at a hearing before the village's special magistrate. The village shall issue the notice of hearing within fifteen (15) days from the deadline for entry into a nuisance abatement agreement or the violation of a provi- Supp. No. 74 899 § 14-97 sion of the agreement or action plan. The village shall notify the property owner with a copy of the notice of hearing by hand delivery or by certified mail, return receipt requested and first-class mail. (Ord. No. 2020-02, § 3, 7-9-20) Sec. 14-97. Hearing before the special magistrate; entry of chronic nuisance order. (a) Scope of hearing. The hearing before the special magistrate shall be limited to the review of the record or evidence upon which the village based the declaration of chronic nuisance or the failure by the property owner implement the agreement or action plan and any rebuttal offered by the property owner. All testimony shall be under oath and the village and the property owner shall be afforded the opportunity to call or cross-examine any witness. (b) Decision of special magistrate. After hear- ing the testimony and evidence, the special magistrate shall either uphold or reject the village's declaration of chronic nuisance or notice of violation regarding the corrective action plan, as appropriate. The decision of the special magistrate shall be in writing and shall be deemed final. (c) Entry of chronic nuisance order. If the special magistrate upholds the notice of viola- tion, the special magistrate shall enter a chronic nuisance order which shall: (1) Enter findings of fact establishing a pat- tern of nuisance activity and violation of this article; (2) Authorize the village to provide chronic nuisance services to the property; (3) Authorize the village to bill the costs of any chronic nuisance services to the owner of the chronic nuisance property; (4) Authorize the village to require the owner of the chronic nuisance property to imple- ment reasonable and specific measures that the property owner must take to curtail or eliminate the reoccurrence of nuisance activities on the property; § 14-97 NORTH PALM BEACH CODE (5) Provide for the mailing of a copy of the chronic nuisance service order by first class mail to any mortgagee of record. Failure to provide a copy of the chronic nuisance service order to a mortgagee of records shall not operate to release or discharge any obligation under this article or otherwise affect the validity of a chronic nuisance service order; (6) Provide for the recording of a certified copy of the chronic nuisance service order in the public records; and (7) Provide for continuing jurisdiction over the chronic nuisance property. (d) Rejection of declaration of chronic nuisance. If the special magistrate rejects the village's declaration of chronic nuisance or notice of viola- tion, the special magistrate shall identify the factual, procedural or legal error upon which the decision is based. An order rejecting the village's declaration of chronic nuisance shall not bar the village from recommencing the chronic nuisance process. (e) Appeal of special magistrate's order. The property owner or the village may appeal a final order of the special magistrate to the Palm Beach County Circuit Court. Such an appeal shall not be a hearing de novo, but shall be limited to appellate review of the record created before the special magistrate. An appeal shall be filed within thirty (30) days of the execution of the order to be appealed. (f) Finality and duration of chronic nuisance order. An order is final on the date the order is signed by the special magistrate and filed with the village clerk. The chronic nuisance order entered in accordance with this section shall be terminated by subsequent order of the special magistrate when the property owner requests reconsideration of the original order and the special magistrate finds that the nuisance activi- ties have been abated at the property for a period of one (1) year from the date of the order. It is the responsibility of the property owner to contact the village to document the abatement. If the village determines that the nuisance has been Supp. No. 74 900 abated, the one-year time period specified herein shall commence as of the date of the village's abatement determination. (Ord. No. 2020-02, § 3, 7-9-20) Sec. 14-98. Abatement of chronic nuisances; apportionment. (a) Abatement by village. The village may abate chronic nuisances on real property by providing chronic nuisance services to curtail or eliminate the re -occurrence of nuisance activi- ties. The costs of such chronic nuisance services shall be billed to the property owner and such costs may be collected by the village by any legal means. (b) Apportionment. Chronic nuisance service costs shall be entirely apportioned to the assessed real property receiving the chronic nuisance service. (Ord. No. 2020-02, § 3, 7-9-20) Sec. 14-99. Establishment of costs; billing of costs; assessment of lien. (a) Chronic nuisance service costs. All chronic nuisance service costs shall be established based upon the actual costs incurred by the village. (b) Billing of chronic nuisance service costs. The village shall bill all chronic nuisance service costs to the owner of the chronic nuisance property by first class mail to the address listed on the ad valorem tax roll or the property appraiser's database. The bill shall contain at least the following information: (1) The address and parcel control number of the chronic nuisance property; (2) The date of each chronic nuisance service; (3) A description of each chronic nuisance service; (4) The amount of the bill for each chronic nuisance service; (5) A statement that the total amount of the bill shall be paid to the village within thirty (30) days from the date of the bill and that any chronic nuisance service HEALTH AND SANITATION cost which has not been paid within thirty (30) days from the date of the bill shall be delinquent; and (6) A statement that any unpaid chronic nuisance service costs will be levied against the property as a lien superior to all other private rights; interests, liens, encumbrances, title and claims upon the property and equal in rank and dignity with a lien for ad valorem taxes. (c) Assessment of lien. The total amount of the bill shall be paid to the village within thirty (30) days from the date of the bill. Unless payment is made within thirty (30) days from the date of the bill, the village council may, by the adoption of a resolution levying such charges, assess against the property a lien in the amount of the charges outstanding, or such lesser amount as the village council shall decide is just and fair. Assessment of liens levied in this manner shall be filed in the office of the village clerk and in the public records of the county as a lien against the property and shall be prior in dignity to all other liens against the property, save and except a lien for taxes. Such assessments shall bear interest at the legal rate and such liens may be foreclosed in the same manner in which mortgage liens are foreclosed. All costs, fees and expenses, includ- ing reasonable attorney fees and title search expenses, related to any foreclosure action shall be included in any judgment or decree rendered. (Ord. No. 2020-02, § 3, 7-9-20) Sec. 14-100. Method of notice; construc- tion. (a) Notice. Unless otherwise provided, notice required by this article shall be by hand delivery or certified mail, return receipt requested, and by first-class mail to the address listed on the ad valorem tax roll or property appraiser's database. (b) Construction of notice. A property owner shall be deemed to have notice of a nuisance activity if that property owner: (1) Has actual knowledge of the nuisance activity; (2) Has received notice of the nuisance activ- ity; Supp. No. 74 901 § 14-101 (3) Has reason to know or should know about the nuisance activity; (4) Knows about a fact related to the nuisance activity; or (5) Is able to ascertain the existence of a nuisance by checking an official filing or recording. (c) Lack of knowledge or participation. The lack of knowledge of, acquiescence, or participa- tion in, or responsibility for a nuisance activity on the part of property owner shall not be a defense to any enforcement of this article. (Ord. No. 2020-02, § 3, 7-9-20) Sec. 14-101. Change in title to chronic nuisance property. (a) Purchase of judicial sale upon final judg- ment of foreclosure. Every purchaser of a chronic nuisance property at judicial sale upon final judgment of foreclosure shall provide the village with an action and implement an action plan no later than forty-five (45) days from the date of the sale. (b) Receivership. Every trustee of a chronic nuisance property appointed after the entry of a chronic nuisance service order shall provide the village with an action plan and implement the action plan no later than forty-five (45) days from the date of appointment of receiver in any state or federal action at law. (c) Probate. Every personal representative of an owner of a chronic nuisance property shall provide the village with an action plan and implement an action plan no later than forty-five (45) days from the date of appointment. If the owner of the chronic nuisance property died intestate, beneficiaries of the estate shall be required to provide the village with an action plan and implement an action plan. (d) Other changes in title to chronic nuisance property. An arms -length purchaser of a chronic nuisance property that has purchased the property after entry of a chronic nuisance service order for the property shall have forty-five (45) days from § 14-101 NORTH PALM BEACH CODE the date of closing or recording of the order, whichever occurs last, to provide the village with an action plan and implement the action plan. (Ord. No. 2020-02, § 3, 7-9-20) Sec. 14-102. Construction of article. (a) Imposition of administrative fines. This article shall not be construed to limit the village from imposing administrative fines in accordance with chapter 2, article VI, of this Code. (b) Nuisance abatement. This article shall not be construed to conflict with the public nuisance abatement process in accordance with chapter 14, article IV, of this Code. (c) Exemptions. This article shall not be construed to apply to property owned by the village or any other governmental entity. (Ord. No. 2020-02, § 3, 7-9-20) [The next page is 9451 Supp. No. 74 902 STATUTORY REFERENCE TABLE This table shows the location within this Code, either in the text or notes following the text of references to the state law or related matters. Section Section Section this Code Section this Code 1.01 27-31 ch. 175 2-167 1.01 et seq. 1-2 2-170.2 ch. 22F App. B, Art. II, 175.061((7) 2-169 § 36-10 175.071(1) 2-166 ch. 39 App. C, § 45-2 175.071(8) 2-166 Ch. 50 2-181 175.101 26-17 50.041 2-181 175.333 2-162 50.051 2-181 175.351(6) 2-170.3 55.03 29-5(a) ch. 177 App. B, Art. I, ch. 98 Ch. 10 § 36-2 101.657 10-7 App. B, Art. II, 112.181 2-161(e)(9) § 36-8 ch. 121 2-155 App. B, Art. II, 161.55(1)(d) 6-156 § 36-15 161.041 6-153 App. B, Art. IV, 161.053 6-154 § 36-27 ch. 162 2-174 ch. 185 2-167 162.12(2) 2-180 2-170.2 ch. 163 12.5-1 185.05(6) 2-169 21-1 185.06(1)(b) 2-166 21-11 185.06(7) 2-166 21-43, 21-44 185.08 26-16 App. B, Art. I, 185.35(6) 2-170.3 § 36-2, App. B, Art. 202.195 29-8(m) I, § 36-4 203.012 26-51,29-3 App. B, Art. II, 29-5(b) § 36-16 203.012(5)(b) 26-51 App. B, Art. VI ch. 205 Ch. 17, Art. II 163.01 2-4(f) 205.043(2), 163.161 et seq. 21-01 205.043(3) 17-24, 17-25 ch. 163.170, App. B, Art. II, 205.053 17-20 §163.3164(17) § 36-10 205.192 17-22 163.295 6-150 210.03 17-33 163.3161 et seq. Ch. 21, Art. II ch. 212 26-53 163.3177 21-44 215.473 2-166 163.3178 6-155 222.17 5-1 21-44 ch. 252 Ch.8 163.3180(12) 21-48 8-4(a)(2) ch. 166 6-16 252.38 et seq. 8-6 Ch. 24 253.125 7-19 Ord. No. 2478 § 3 Ch. 280 2-4 166.021 Ch. 17, Art. II 280.04 2-4 166.221 17-34 286.011 2-1 166.231 Ch. 26, Art. III Ch. 316 18-20 ch. 170 21-2 316.008 Ch. 18 170.01 Ch. 24 316.1955, 316.1956 18-37 Supp. No. 74 2819 NORTH PALM BEACH CODE [The next page is 28691 Supp. No. 74 2820 Section Section Section this Code Section this Code 320.01(1) 14-37 633.35 2-159 ch. 327 Ch.5 633.025 12-16 5-1 633.0215 12-16 327.02 5-1 ch. 650 Ch. 2, Art. V, Div. 2 5-33 2-136 19-99 650.02 2-136 335.065 App. B, Art. IV, 658.12 2-4 § 36-29.1 ch. 760 App. C, § 45-2 337.29 29-2 767.12 14-92 337.401 29-2,29-3 768.28 29-12(d) 29-5(a), (e) 775.082, 775.083 2-169(f) 29-6(a) 2-255 337.401(3) 28-3 784.03 14-92 337.403, 337.404 29-7 784.041 14-92 342.03 Ch.5 784.045 14-92 362.01 29-2 790.10 14-92 364.02 29-3 790.15(1) 14-92 ch. 373 19-200 794.011 19-31 ch. 380 21-44 796.06 14-92 App. B, Art. II, 796.07 14-92 § 36-10 800.03 14-92 380.04 21-103 800.04 19-31 393 App. C, § 45-2 800.06 14-92 ch. 394 App. C, § 45-2 810.08 14-92 ch. 395 App. C, § 45-36 810.08 14-92 397.311(18) App. C, § 45-38 812.014 14-92 397.487 App. C, § 45-25 812.019 14-92 ch. 400 App. C, § 45-2 ch. 823 14-92 ch. 401 11.5-21 827.071 19-31 ch. 402 App. C, § 45-2 ch. 828 4-13 App. C, § 45-34.1 828.12 14-92 402.302(4), 843.01 14-92 402.302(5) 17-33 843.02 14-92 413.08 4-27(d) ch. 847 App. C, § 45-20 ch. 419 17-33 847.0145 19-31 App. C, § 45-2 856.015 14-92 429.02 App. C, § 45-2 856.021 14-92 ch. 458 App. C, § 45-36 856.022 14-92 ch. 459 App. C, § 45-36 870.041 8-21 471.003 29-8(c)(1) 870.44 8-22 ch. 472 App. B, Art. I, 870.45 8-22 § 36-6 872.05 2-104 ch. 480 App. C, § 45-2 ch. 874 14-92 ch. 495 1-10 ch. 893 14-92 ch. 553 6-16 893.138 14-92 893.03 45-36 553.73 11-11 893.035 45-36 553.73(2) 6-2 893.0356 45-36 561.01 3-1 943.10(6) 2-159 561.01 et seq. Ch. 3 943.10(8) 2-159 563.01 3-1 943.14 2-159 564.01 3-1 943.25(13) 1-9 565.01 3-1 628.901 29-12(d) [The next page is 28691 Supp. No. 74 2820 CODE COMPARATIVE TABLE Adoption Section Ord. No. Date Section this Code 3 5-69-5-71 Added 5-72 5-73 5-81-5-86 4 Rpld 7-1 Rnbd 7-2 as 7-1 Rnbd 7-3 as 7-2 7-16-7-20 2019-08 8- 8-19 2 App. C, §§ 45-24, 45-25 2019-11 10-24-19 2 2-159(b) 2-161(a) 2-163(a) Added 2-170.1-2-170.3 3 Rnbd 2-170.01-2-170.15 as 2-170.5-2-170.20 2020-02 7- 9-20 2 14-81, 14-82 3 Added 14-91-14-102 2020-04 8-13-20 2 Added 1-11 [The next page is 29331 Supp. No. 74 2897 CODE INDEX Section Section BUSINESS ADVISORY BOARD BUSINESS REGULATIONS (Cont'd.) Composition; terms ..................... 17-72 Engaging in business without receipt Created ................................ 17-71 or under receipt issued on false Mission; duties ......................... 17-73 statements ..................... 17-32 How tax construed as to specified profes- BUSINESS REGULATIONS sions ........................... 17-21 Ambulances ............................ 17-50, 17-51 Issuance of receipt; duration; half-year Business advisory board ................ 17-71 et seq. receipt; when due and payable ... 17-19 See: BUSINESS ADVISORY BOARD Marking of commercial vehicles ....... 17-33.1 Businesses located outside village limits Receipt to be posted or carried ........ 17-26 Application for certificate of regulation 17-34.2 Special permit for nonprofit enterprise 17-22 Certificate of business regulation Suspension or revocation of receipt; required; basis of one year....... 17-34 refund of fee .................... 17-30 Commercial vehicles, marking of...... 17-34.13 Transfer of receipts to new location ... 17-25 Compliance by principal deemed compli- Transfer of receipts to new owner ..... 17-24 ance by agent ................... 17-34.8 Peddlers and solicitors .................. 17-81 et seq. See: PEDDLERS AND SOLICITORS Delinquency penalty q y p y " e " " " ti " " 17-34.4 Simulated gambling devices ............. 17-40 et seq. Doing business not covered by certificate See: SIMULATED GAMBLING of regulation .................... 17.34-7 DEVICES Duplicate certificates of regulation .... 17-34.6 Wellfield protection Duration ............................ 17-34.3 Regulation of business activities with False statements potential to contaminate land and Certificate obtained void ab initio .. 17-34.7 water resources ................. 19-221 Engaging in business without Zoning certificate of regulation or under Location of business for retail sales of certificate issued on .......... 17-34.11 alcoholic beverages .............. 45-20(2), Fee exemptions ...................... 17-34.10 45-36.N Fee schedule ......................... 17-34.12 C-3 Regional Business District ..... 45-34.1(9) Half-year certificate .................. 17-34.3 Issuance of certificate ................ 17-34.3 C Noncompliance of principal ........... 17-34.8 Nonprofit enterprise, special permit for 17-34.5 CABLE TELEVISION. See: TELEVISION Refund of fee ........................ 17-34.9 CAMPING Registration required ................. 17-34.1 Recreational vehicles and trailers; park - Renewal ............................. 17-34.4 ing on residential property restricted Suspension or revocation of certificate. 17-34.9 in R-1 and R-2 residential zoning When due and payable ............... 17-34.3 districts........................... 18-35.1 Garage and other sales ................. 17-61 et seq. Unauthorized lodging and camping ...... 19-11 See: GARAGE AND OTHER SALES CANALS Home occupations ...................... 17-3(a) et seq. Construction requirements .............. 5-56 et seq. See: HOME OCCUPATIONS See: BOATS, DOCKS AND Local business tax WATERWAYS Application for business tax receipt ... 17-18 Business tax exemptions ............. 17-31 CATS Business tax imposed; basis of one year 17-16 Regulations enumerated ................ 4-24 et seq. Business tax receipt renewal; See: ANIMALS AND FOWL delinquency penalty ............. 17-20 CERTIFICATES Business tax schedule ................ 17-33 Appearance code; certificate of appropriate - Compliance by principal deemed compli- ness .............................. 6-56 et seq. ance by agent; noncompliance of See: BUILDINGS principal ....................... 17-29 Boats, docks and waterways; unlawfully Declaration where fee depends on vari- anchored or moored vessels able factors within applicant's Unclaimed vessel to be sold; certifica- knowledge...................... 17-23 tion of sale ..................... 5-22 Doing business not covered by receipt; Businesses located outside village limits, receipt obtained by false state- certificate of business regulations re 17-34 et seq. ments void ab initio ............. 17-28 See: BUSINESS REGULATIONS Duplicate receipts .................... 17-27 Emergency medical services ............. 11.5-21 Supp. No. 74 2939 NORTH PALM BEACH CODE CODE ENFORCEMENT, ALTERNATE Section CERTIFICATES (Cont'd.) Historic site overlay district; certificate of 2-253 appropriateness ................... 45-37(H) CIVIL DISORDERS AND DISTURBANCES. 2-252 See: EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT 2-251 CIVIL RIGHTS 2-256 Adoption of the Village of North Palm 2-254 Beach Civil Rights Act ............. 1-11(b) Purpose ................................ 1-11(a) CLERK 2-180 Department of records, provisions re vil- 2-178(d) lage clerk and deputy village clerk.. 2-67 et seq. See: DOCUMENTS AND PUBLIC 2-179 RECORDS 2-178(a) CLUBS 2-181 Country club ........................... 9-1 et seq. See: COUNTRY CLUB 2-183 CODE ENFORCEMENT, ALTERNATE Section METHOD OF Codes to be enforced by citation ......... 2-253 Failure to accept citation ................ 2-255 Form and contents of citation ........... 2-252 Issuance of citations .................... 2-251 Provisions additional and supplemental.. 2-256 Right to hearing; maximum penalty ..... 2-254 CODE ENFORCEMENT Section Actions for money judgments Limitation ........................... 2-182 Alarm regulations, enforcement re ....... 19-217 Applicability ........................... 2-173 Conduct of hearing ..................... 2-176 Declaration of legislative intent ......... 2-171 Definitions ............................. 2-172 Enforcement procedure ................. 2-175 Fines; liens 1-9 Appeal .............................. 2-180 Copies of orders imposing fines ....... 2-178(d) Determination of amount of fine ...... 2-178(b) Duration of lien ...................... 2-179 Generally ............................ 2-178(a) Notices .............................. 2-181 Reduction of fine ..................... 2-178(c) Provisions supplemental ................ 2-183 Special magistrates Appointment ......................... 2-174(a) Power and authority ................. 2-174(b) Powers of ............................ 2-177 Qualifications ........................ 2-174(c) CODE OF ORDINANCES* *Note—The adoption, amendment, repeal, omissions, effec- tive date, explanation of numbering system and other mat- ters pertaining to the use, construction and interpretation of this Code are contained in the adopting ordinance and preface which are to be found in the preliminary pages of this volume. Supp. No. 74 2940 Section CODE OF ORDINANCES (Cont'd.) Altering Code .......................... 1-7 Amendments ........................... 1-6 Catchlines ............................. 1-3 Civil rights ............................. 1-11 Court cost Assessment of additional court costs for criminal justice education expenditures .................... 1-9 Definitions and rules of construction..... 1-2 Designated and cited ................... 1-1 References to chapters or sections ....... 1-3 Repeal of ordinances, effect of ........... 1-4 Severability of parts .................... 1-5 Village clerk, duties re recording ordinances 2-67(3) Village logo ............................ 1-10 Violations, penalty and prosecution costs. 1-8 COIN-OPERATED AMUSEMENTS Proximity to schools restricted .......... 19-4 COMBAT AUTO THEFT (CAT) Establishment, regulations .............. 18-19 COMMITTEES, COMMISSIONS. See: DEPARTMENTS AND OTHER AGEN- CIES OF VILLAGE COMMUNICATIONS Communications services ............... 29-1 et seq. See: COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES Telecommunications service tax ......... 26-51 et seq. See: TAXATION COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES Appeals ................................ 29-8 Compliance with other laws; police power 29-11 Conditional use of public rights-of-way... 29-9 Construction bond ...................... 29-14 Definitions ............................. 29-3 Enforcement remedies .................. 29-16 Force majeure .......................... 29-17 Insurance; surety; indemnification ....... 29-13 Intent and purpose ..................... 29-2 Involuntary termination of registration.. 29-10 No liability or warranty ................. 29-19 Pass-through provider fees and charges.. 29-20 Placement or maintenance of a communica- tions facility or a wireless communica- tions facility in public rights-of-way 29-6 Registration ............................ 29-4 Reservation of rights ................... 29-18 Security fund ........................... 29-15 Suspension or denial of permits ......... 29-7 Telecommunications service tax ......... 26-51 et seq. See: TAXATION Title ................................... 29-1 Transfer of control; sale or assignment... 29-12 Underground installation; damage to vil- lage facilities; emergencies; abandon- ment .............................. 29-5 CODE INDEX CONTRACTS AND AGREEMENTS Nuisances Chronic nuisance property code Refusal to sign or violation of agree- ment ......................... Pensions and retirement ICMA defined contribution pension plan Administrative services agreement and adoption agreements ..... Planning and development Concurrency management Proportionate fair -share program Proportionate fair -share agree- ments ..................... Social security Agreement authorized ................ COUNCIL. See: VILLAGE COUNCIL COUNTRY CLUB Finances Delinquent accounts; penalties ........ Golf advisory board ..................... See: GOLF ADVISORY BOARD Premises Disfiguration and/or removal of: build- ing or other property............ Enforcement ......................... Hours............................... Signs................................ Violations and penalties .............. COUNTY Definitions and rules of construction.... . COURTS Court cost Assessment of additional court costs for criminal justice education expenditures .................... 14-96 2-170.19 21-48(h) 2-138 9-32 9-16 et seq. 9-1(1) 9-2 9-1(2) 9-2 9-2 1-2 1-9 Supp. No. 74 2941 FBI DECALS Combat Auto Theft (CAT) ............... DEPARTMENTS AND OTHER AGENCIES OF VILLAGE Administrative code .................... See: ADMINISTRATIVE CODE Appearance board. See: APPEARANCE PLAN (Appendix A) Audit committee ........................ See: AUDITS Boards and committees ................. Business advisory board ................ See: BUSINESS ADVISORY BOARD Code enforcement ...................... Community development department .... See: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Environmental committee ............... See: STREETS, SIDEWALKS AND PUBLIC PLACES Finance, department of ................. See: FINANCES Fire and police retirement board of trustees See: PENSIONS AND RETIREMENT Fire rescue department ................. See: FIRE RESCUE DEPARTMENT General employees retirement board.... . See: PENSIONS AND RETIREMENT Golf advisory board ..................... See: GOLF ADVISORY BOARD Law enforcement, department of (police department) ....................... See: LAW ENFORCEMENT, DEPART- MENT OF (POLICE DEPART- MENT) Library board .......................... Library, department of .................. Planning and development board of adjust- ment.............................. Planning commission ................... Public works, department of ............. See: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Records, department of ................. See: DOCUMENT AND PUBLIC RECORDS Recreation department .................. Recreation advisory board ............ See: PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND RECREATION Reserve police force ..................... See: POLICE Village council .......................... Waterways board ....................... DEVELOPMENTS. See: PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Section 18-19 2-39 et seq. 2-56 et seq. 2-1 17-71 et seq. 2-171 et seq. 2-111 et seq. 24-61 et seq. 2-59 2-164 et seq. 2-81 et seq. 2-151 et seq. 9-16 et seq. 2-75,2-76 16-16 et seq. 2-93 21-21 21-11, 21-12 2-84,2-85 2-67 et seq. 2-110 20-61 et seq. 23-42 et seq. 2-16 et seq. 5-102 et seq. Section COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPART- EPARTMENT MENT Buildings Appearance code Certificate of appropriateness Follow-up by community develop- ment department .......... 6-60 Director's duties ........................ 2-111 Divisions Code compliance ..................... 2-112(2) Permits and inspections .............. 2-112(1) Planning ............................ 2-112(3) COMPUTATION OF TIME Definitions and rules of construction..... 1-2 CONCURRENCY MANAGEMENT Provisions enumerated .................. 21-41 et seq. See: PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT CONTRACTS AND AGREEMENTS Nuisances Chronic nuisance property code Refusal to sign or violation of agree- ment ......................... Pensions and retirement ICMA defined contribution pension plan Administrative services agreement and adoption agreements ..... Planning and development Concurrency management Proportionate fair -share program Proportionate fair -share agree- ments ..................... Social security Agreement authorized ................ COUNCIL. See: VILLAGE COUNCIL COUNTRY CLUB Finances Delinquent accounts; penalties ........ Golf advisory board ..................... See: GOLF ADVISORY BOARD Premises Disfiguration and/or removal of: build- ing or other property............ Enforcement ......................... Hours............................... Signs................................ Violations and penalties .............. COUNTY Definitions and rules of construction.... . COURTS Court cost Assessment of additional court costs for criminal justice education expenditures .................... 14-96 2-170.19 21-48(h) 2-138 9-32 9-16 et seq. 9-1(1) 9-2 9-1(2) 9-2 9-2 1-2 1-9 Supp. No. 74 2941 FBI DECALS Combat Auto Theft (CAT) ............... DEPARTMENTS AND OTHER AGENCIES OF VILLAGE Administrative code .................... See: ADMINISTRATIVE CODE Appearance board. See: APPEARANCE PLAN (Appendix A) Audit committee ........................ See: AUDITS Boards and committees ................. Business advisory board ................ See: BUSINESS ADVISORY BOARD Code enforcement ...................... Community development department .... See: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Environmental committee ............... See: STREETS, SIDEWALKS AND PUBLIC PLACES Finance, department of ................. See: FINANCES Fire and police retirement board of trustees See: PENSIONS AND RETIREMENT Fire rescue department ................. See: FIRE RESCUE DEPARTMENT General employees retirement board.... . See: PENSIONS AND RETIREMENT Golf advisory board ..................... See: GOLF ADVISORY BOARD Law enforcement, department of (police department) ....................... See: LAW ENFORCEMENT, DEPART- MENT OF (POLICE DEPART- MENT) Library board .......................... Library, department of .................. Planning and development board of adjust- ment.............................. Planning commission ................... Public works, department of ............. See: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Records, department of ................. See: DOCUMENT AND PUBLIC RECORDS Recreation department .................. Recreation advisory board ............ See: PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND RECREATION Reserve police force ..................... See: POLICE Village council .......................... Waterways board ....................... DEVELOPMENTS. See: PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Section 18-19 2-39 et seq. 2-56 et seq. 2-1 17-71 et seq. 2-171 et seq. 2-111 et seq. 24-61 et seq. 2-59 2-164 et seq. 2-81 et seq. 2-151 et seq. 9-16 et seq. 2-75,2-76 16-16 et seq. 2-93 21-21 21-11, 21-12 2-84,2-85 2-67 et seq. 2-110 20-61 et seq. 23-42 et seq. 2-16 et seq. 5-102 et seq. DISABLED AND HANDICAPPED PERSONS Applicability of dog prohibitions to guide and service dogs ................... Parking violations re handicap spaces ... DISTRICTS Zoning regulations ...................... See: ZONING (Appendix C) DISTURBANCES. See: CIVIL DISORDERS AND DISTURBANCES DOCKS. See: BOATS, DOCKS AND WATERWAYS DOCUMENTS AND PUBLIC RECORDS Department of records Deputy village clerk Appointment ...................... Duties............................ Village clerk; duties Election records, keeping.......... . Expiration of term, notice of....... . Official seal, keeping .............. Record ordinances ................. Village council Keep records of council .......... Public council action ............ Serve as clerk of council ......... Vital statistics, keeping ............ Village clerk and deputy village clerk. See herein: Department of Records DOGS Regulations enumerated ................ See: ANIMALS AND FOWL DRAINAGE Property maintenance standards Exterior of structures ................ Roofs and drainage ................ Stormwater management ............... See: STORMWATER MANAGEMENT Subdivision design standards re ease- ments and rights-of-way ........... Zoning; surface water management C-3 Regional Business District........ NORTH PALM BEACH CODE Section 4-27(d) 18-37 45-16 et seq. 2-68 2-69 2-67(5) 2-67(7) 2-67(8) 2-67(3) 2-67(2) 2-67(4) 2-67(1) 2-67(6) 4-24 et seq. 15-3 15-3(g) 21-61 et seq. 36-22(b) 45-34.1(8) DROUGHT Section Water shortage emergencies ............. 19-200 et seq. See: WATER SHORTAGE EMERGEN- 29-5 CIES 10-76 E ELECTIONS 10-4 Candidacy 10-2 Candidates for office; qualifying....... 10-5 Preservation of notice of candidacy.... 10-6 Conduct of elections .................... 10-6 Early voting ............................ 10-7 General elections, notice of .............. 10-3 Supp. No. 74 2942 EMERGENCIES Section ELECTIONS (Cont'd.) 17-50, 17-51 Polling locations 29-5 Designated .......................... 10-76 Special elections Notice of ............................. 10-4 When held ........................... 10-2 State laws 11.5-23 Applicable state laws adopted......... 10-1 Voting machines may be used; state law 11.5-21 applicable ...................... 10-7 Village clerk, duties re keeping election 8-4 records ............................ 2-67(5) Voting machines may be used; state law applicable ......................... 10-7 ELECTRICAL CODE Amendments, corrections, additions ..... 11-12 Code enforcement, applicability re ....... 2-173 EMERGENCIES Ambulances ............................ 17-50, 17-51 Communications services ............... 29-5 Emergency management ................ 8-1 et seq. See: EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT Emergency medical services 8-21 Fees 8-5 Billing and collection .............. 11.5-23 Establishment ..................... 11.5-22 Generally ............................ 11.5-21 Fire rescue department ................. 2-81 et seq. See: FIRE RESCUE DEPARTMENT 8-4 Water shortage emergencies ............. 19-200 et seq. See: WATER SHORTAGE EMERGEN- CIES EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT Applicability ........................... 8-2 Civil disorders and disturbances Declaration of a state of emergency ... 8-22 Mayor designated local authority for preservation of public peace ..... 8-21 Declaration of a state of emergency...... 8-5 Definitions ............................. 8-1 Emergency management structure....... 8-3 Exempt employee emergency duty Compensation ....................... 8-31 Powers, duties and responsibilities ...... 8-4 Termination of a state of emergency ..... 8-6 EMPLOYEES. See: OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES ENCLOSURES. See: FENCES, WALLS, HEDGES AND ENCLOSURES ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERNS Environmental committee ............... 24-61 et seq. See: STREETS, SIDEWALKS AND PUBLIC PLACES CODE INDEX Section EROSION CONTROL STRUCTURES Construction regulations ................ 5-93 et seq. See: BOATS, DOCKS AND WATERWAYS EXCAVATIONS Fill permits ............................ 7-1 et seq. See: FILL PERMITS Stormwater management ............... 21-61 et seq. See: STORMWATER MANAGEMENT EXCRETA Dog waste, removal provisions re ........ 4-31,4-32 FENCES, WALLS, HEDGES AND ENCLOSURES Landscaping ........................... 27-31 et seq. See: LANDSCAPING Swimming pool requirements............ 25-5 Supp. No. 74 2942.1 Section CODE INDEX Section Section FLOOD DAMAGE PREVENTION (Cont'd.) FLOOD DAMAGE PREVENTION (Cont'd.) Terms Tank inlets and vents .............. 12.5-35(d) Defined in the Florida Building Underground tanks ................ 12.5-35(a) Code ...................... 12.5-21(b) Not defined ..................... 12.5-21(c) FLORIDA, STATE OF. See: STATE Flood resistant development FOLLOWING, PRECEDING Buildings and structures ............. 12.5-31 Definitions and rules of construction..... 1-2 Buildings and structures seaward of the coastal construction control FOOD AND FOOD PREPARATION line .......................... 12.5-31(b) Barbecue grills and similar cooking devices 19-10 Critical facilities ................... 12.5-31(c) Design and construction of build- FORFEITURES. See: FINES, ings, structures and facilities FORFEITURES AND OTHER PENAL - exempt from the Florida Build- ing Code ..................... 12.5-31(a) FOWL. See: ANIMALS AND FOWL Manufactured homes ................. 12.5-34 Anchoring ......................... 12.5-34(c) FRANCHISES Elevation ......................... 12.5-34(d) Enumerated. See Appendix D General requirement ............ 12.5-34(e) Use of rights-of-way for utilities ......... 28-1 et seq. Requirement for certain existing See: UTILITIES manufactured home parks and subdivisions ........... 12.5-34(f) G Enclosures ........................ 12.5-34(g) Foundations ....................... 12.5-34(b) GAMBLING General ........................... 12.5-34(a) Animals, causing to fight................ 4-8 Utility equipment ................. 12.5-34(h) Simulated gambling devices ............. 17-40 et seq. Other development ................... 12.5-37 See: SIMULATED GAMBLING Concrete slab uses in coastal high DEVICES hazard areas ................. 12.5-37(e) Decks and patios in coastal high GARAGE AND OTHER SALES hazard areas ................. 12.5-37(f) Garage sales ........................... 17-61 Fences in regulated floodways ...... 12.5-37(b) Permit required ........................ 17-62 General requirements for other Violations and penalties ................ 17-63 development ................. 12.5-37(a) GARBAGE AND TRASH Nonstructural fill in coastal high Abatement of public nuisances on private hazard areas ................. 12.5-37(h) property .......................... 14-79 et seq. Other development in coastal high See: NUISANCES hazard areas ................. 12.5-37(g) Boats; refuse disposal ................... 5-12 Retaining walls, sidewalks and Garbage collection and disposal driveways in regulated flood- ways ......................... 12.5-37(c) Charges Roads and watercourse crossings in Commercial use property waste regulated floodways........... 12.5-37(d) disposal fees and collection Recreational vehicles and park trailers 12.5-35 procedures ................... 14-30 Permanent placement .............. 12.5-35)b) Fee for excess amounts from com- Temporary placement .............. 12.5-35(a) mercial establishments ....... 14-28 Site improvements, utilities and limita- Generally ......................... 14-27 tions 12.5-33 When and where paid.............. 14-29 ........................... Limitations on Definition ........................... 14-23 Placement of fill ................ 12.5-33(e) Frequency of collection ............... 14-26 Sites in coastal high hazard areas 12.5-33(f) Garbage cans Sites in regulatory floodways .... 12.5-33(d) Kept covered ...................... 14-25 Minimum requirements ............ 12.5-33(a) Required .......................... 14-24 Subdivisions ......................... 12.5-32 Landscaping; refuse container areas ..... 27-41 Minimum requirements ............ 12.5-32(a) Public works department Subdivision plats .................. 12.5-32(b) Refuse disposal division .............. 2-85(2) Tanks ............................... 12.5-36 GATHERINGS. See: ASSEMBLIES Above -ground tanks Elevated ........................ 12.5-35(c) GENDER Not elevated .................... 12.5-35(b) Definitions and rules of construction..... 1-2 Supp. No. 74 2945 NORTH PALM BEACH CODE GUNS. See: FIREARMS AND WEAPONS H HANDBILLS Distribution restricted .................. 19-7 HANDGUNS. See: FIREARMS AND WEAPONS HANDICAPPED PERSONS. See: DISABLED AND HANDICAPPED PERSONS HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES Recovery of costs for cleanup, abatement and removal ....................... 12-101 et seq. See: FIRE PREVENTION AND PROTECTION HEALTH AND SANITATION Abatement of public nuisances on private property .......................... See: NUISANCES Animals and fowl, provisions re ......... See: ANIMALS AND FOWL Bathing regulations Diseased persons prohibited from bath- ing in public pool, etc........... . Boats, docks, etc., provisions re .......... See: BOATS, DOCKS AND WATERWAYS Chronic nuisance property code ......... See: NUISANCES Code enforcement, applicability re ....... Garbage and trash ...................... See: GARBAGE AND TRASH Park and recreation facilities; failure to cooperate in keeping restrooms neat or sanitary ........................ Property maintenance standards Exterior property areas ............... Sanitation ......................... Rabies control .......................... See: ANIMALS AND FOWL HEDGES. See: FENCES, WALLS, HEDGES AND ENCLOSURES HITCHHIKING Prohibitions ............................ HOME OCCUPATIONS Customer service requirements and performance standards ............. Definitions . .......................... . Effective date .......................... 14-79 et seq. HOME OCCUPATIONS (Cont'd.) Local business tax. See also that subject Generally ............................ Home occupation provisions Affidavit of applicant required..... . Appeals........................... Requirement of business tax receipt Permitted uses, home occupations as .... Repeal of ordinances .................... Standards .............................. Violation of standards or conditions deemed a Code violation ................... HOUSING Abandoned real property ................ See: PROPERTY Boats, docks and waterways Live aboard boats .................... Minimum housing standards ............ See: PROPERTY Property maintenance standards ........ See: PROPERTY HOUSING CODE Adopted by reference ................... Amendments ........................... Code enforcement, applicability re ....... Section GOLF ADVISORY BOARD Composition and terms ................. 9-17 Composition ......................... 9-17(a) Terms ............................... 9-17(b) Creation ............................... 9-16 Duties ................................. 9-18 GUNS. See: FIREARMS AND WEAPONS H HANDBILLS Distribution restricted .................. 19-7 HANDGUNS. See: FIREARMS AND WEAPONS HANDICAPPED PERSONS. See: DISABLED AND HANDICAPPED PERSONS HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES Recovery of costs for cleanup, abatement and removal ....................... 12-101 et seq. See: FIRE PREVENTION AND PROTECTION HEALTH AND SANITATION Abatement of public nuisances on private property .......................... See: NUISANCES Animals and fowl, provisions re ......... See: ANIMALS AND FOWL Bathing regulations Diseased persons prohibited from bath- ing in public pool, etc........... . Boats, docks, etc., provisions re .......... See: BOATS, DOCKS AND WATERWAYS Chronic nuisance property code ......... See: NUISANCES Code enforcement, applicability re ....... Garbage and trash ...................... See: GARBAGE AND TRASH Park and recreation facilities; failure to cooperate in keeping restrooms neat or sanitary ........................ Property maintenance standards Exterior property areas ............... Sanitation ......................... Rabies control .......................... See: ANIMALS AND FOWL HEDGES. See: FENCES, WALLS, HEDGES AND ENCLOSURES HITCHHIKING Prohibitions ............................ HOME OCCUPATIONS Customer service requirements and performance standards ............. Definitions . .......................... . Effective date .......................... 14-79 et seq. HOME OCCUPATIONS (Cont'd.) Local business tax. See also that subject Generally ............................ Home occupation provisions Affidavit of applicant required..... . Appeals........................... Requirement of business tax receipt Permitted uses, home occupations as .... Repeal of ordinances .................... Standards .............................. Violation of standards or conditions deemed a Code violation ................... HOUSING Abandoned real property ................ See: PROPERTY Boats, docks and waterways Live aboard boats .................... Minimum housing standards ............ See: PROPERTY Property maintenance standards ........ See: PROPERTY HOUSING CODE Adopted by reference ................... Amendments ........................... Code enforcement, applicability re ....... Supp. No. 74 2946 Section 17-16 et seq. 17-3(e) 17-3(g) 17-3(c) 17-3(a) 17-3(h) 17-3(d) 17-3(f) 15-11 et seq. 5-15,5-25 15-27 et seq. 15-1 et seq. 15-1 15-2 2-173 19-8 5-19 5-20, 5-21 4-30 3-4 19-64 19-65 19-66 26-16 26-17 5-101 2-4 I 4-11 et seq. IMPERSONATION Impersonating police officer; fireman or other village official ............... 19-3 IMPOUNDMENT 5-10 et seq. Boats, docks and waterways; unlawfully anchored or moored vessels Department of law enforcement to 14-91 et seq. impound ........................ Owner to be notified upon impound - 2 -173 ment........................... 14-23 et seq. Dogs and cats .......................... INDECENCY AND OBSCENITY Adult entertainment establishments 20-2 Zoning regulations re. See: ZONING (Appendix C) 15-2 Alcoholic beverage establishments; nudity, 15-2(a) partial nudity, sexual conduct 4-42 et seq. prohibited ......................... Topless costumes..... ............... Vulgar language ........................ Window peeping ........................ INSURANCE EXCISE TAXES Casualty insurance premiums ........... 19-6 Property insurance premiums ........... INTRACOASTAL WATERWAY Marine sanctuary, designation as ........ 17-2 17-3(b) INVESTMENTS 17-3(i) Investment policy of the village ......... Supp. No. 74 2946 Section 17-16 et seq. 17-3(e) 17-3(g) 17-3(c) 17-3(a) 17-3(h) 17-3(d) 17-3(f) 15-11 et seq. 5-15,5-25 15-27 et seq. 15-1 et seq. 15-1 15-2 2-173 19-8 5-19 5-20, 5-21 4-30 3-4 19-64 19-65 19-66 26-16 26-17 5-101 2-4 CODE INDEX Supp. No. 74 2949 Section Section NOISE CONTROL (Cont'd.) OATH, AFFIRMATION, SWEAR OR SWORN Prohibition against (Cont'd.) Speakers in rights-of-way and air space 19-102 Reserve police force; oath required....... 23-47 Unreasonable noise .................. 19-100 Radios or other mechanical sound -making OBSCENITY. See: INDECENCY AND devices or instruments in vessels, OBSCENITY operation of ....................... 19-103 OBSTRUCTIONS NUDITY Passageways, obstructing ............... 19-47 Topless costumes prohibited ............. 19-64 OFFENSES NUISANCES Definitions ............................. 19-1 Abandoned real property ................ 15-11 et seq. Enumerated............................ 19-3 et seq. See: PROPERTY See also specific offenses as indexed Abatement of public nuisances on private State misdemeanors adopted ............ 19-2 property Abatement of public nuisance ......... 14-82 OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES Assessment of costs and imposition of Administrative code .................... 2-39 et seq. lien ............................ 14-83 See: ADMINISTRATIVE CODE Definitions .......................... 14-79 Chief of police's duties .................. 2-75 Notice of public nuisance; right to request Definitions and rules of construction..... 1-2 hearing ......................... 14-81 Elections............................... 10-1 et seq. Uses or activities constituting a public See: ELECTIONS nuisance ........................ 14-80 Emergency management Animals creating nuisances ............. 4-12 Exempt employee emergency duty Chronic nuisance property code Compensation ..................... 8-31 Abatement of chronic nuisances; Finance director ........................ 2-59 apportionment .................. 14-98 Fire chiefs duties....................... 2-81 Change in title to chronic nuisance Golf advisory board ..................... 9-16 et seq. property ........................ 14-101 See: GOLF ADVISORY BOARD Construction and application ......... 14-93 Impersonating village official............ 19-8 Construction of article ................ 14-102 Librarian .............................. 2-93 Declaration of chronic nuisance; action Mayor ................................. 2-18,8-16 plan ............................ 14-95 Pensions and retirement. See also that Definitions .......................... 14-92 subject Establishment of costs; billing of costs; Length of service award plan for assessment of lien ............... 14-99 volunteer firefighters ............ 2-170 et seq. Hearing before the special magistrate; Pension and certain other benefits for entry of chronic nuisance order .. 14-97 fire and police employees ........ 2-159 et seq. Method of notice; construction ........ 14-100 Pension and certain other benefits for Purpose and intent ................... 14-91 general employees .............. 2-146 et seq. Refusal to sign or violation of agree- Social security ....................... 2-136 et seq. ment........................... 14-96 Police Separate occurrences ................. 14-94 Reserve force False alarms Appointment to service by chief of Excessive false alarms declared public police ........................ 23-45 nuisance ........................ 19-212 Public works director ................... 2-84 Panhandling ........................... P 19-12 Recreation director ..................... 2-110 Rabid animals declared nuisance ........ 4-42 Social security .......................... 2-136 et seq. NUMBER See: SOCIAL SECURITY Definitions and rules of construction..... 1-2 Village clerk and deputy village clerk.... 2-67 et seq. See: DOCUMENTS AND PUBLIC RECORDS O Village manager ........................ 2-115 et seq. OATH, AFFIRMATION, SWEAR OR SWORN See: VILLAGE MANAGER Administrative code, provisions re oaths OFFICIAL TIME of office ........................... 2-41 Definitions and rules of construction..... 1-2 Definitions and rules of construction..... 1-2 General employees retirement board; oaths OPEN SPACES. See: YARDS AND OPEN of office ........................... 2-154 SPACES Supp. No. 74 2949 NORTH PALM BEACH CODE Section Section ORDINANCES. See: CODE OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND ORDINANCES RECREATION (Cont'd.) Created ............................. 20-61 OWNER Duties ............................... 20-63 Definitions and rules of construction..... 1-2 Recreational vehicles and trailers; park- ing on residential property restricted P in R-1 and R-2 residential zoning districts ........................... 18-35.1 PALM BEACH COUNTY. See: COUNTY Restrooms, failure to cooperate in keeping PARKING neat or sanitary ................... 20-2 Boat launching area Traffic Vehicle/trailer parking in designated Enforcement of traffic regulations..... 20-5(2) areas ........................... 5-35 Operation confined to roads........... 20-5(5) Landscaping, provisions re off-street park- Parking areas designated ............. 20-5(6) ing ............................... 27-38, 27-59 Signs................................ 20-5(3) et seq. Speed of vehicles ..................... 20-5(4) See: LANDSCAPING State motor vehicle laws .............. 20-5(1) Parks; designated parking areas ......... 20-5(6) Trees Stopping, standing and parking ......... 18-34 et seq. Climbing trees, etc . .................. 20-4 See: MOTOR VEHICLES AND TRAF- Use by public only ...................... 20-1 FIC PEDDLERS AND SOLICITORS Zoning, provisions re off-street parking .. 45-27 et seq. Age restrictions ........................ 17-91 See: ZONING (Appendix C) Appeal ................................. 17-93 PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND Definitions ............................. 17-82 RECREATION Enforcement ........................... 17-94 Alcoholic beverages Granting or rejecting application ........ 17-85 Consumption on playgrounds and public License parks ........................... 3-3 Application for....................... 17-84 Bicycles Limitation on hours for peddling or solicita- Operation in safe manner, etc......... 20-6(2) tion ............................... 17-88 Operation prohibited in certain areas . 20-6(1) Notice by property owners .............. 17-90 Boat launching areas Permit Vehicle/trailer parking in designated Application for ....................... 17-84 areas ........................... 5-35 Display of ........................... 17-87 Buildings or structure, erecting ......... 20-3 Not transferable ..................... 17-86 Department of recreation Required ............................ 17-83 Director's duties Revocation of ........................ 17-92 Conduct community activity........ 2-110(2) Prohibited practices .................... 17-89 Supervise recreation areas......... 2-110(1) Purpose ................................ 17-81 Ejectment of violators ................... 20-8 PENALTIES. See: FINES, FORFEITURES Enforcement of provisions, responsibility. 20-7 AND OTHER PENALTIES Golf advisory board ..................... 9-16 et seq. See: GOLF ADVISORY BOARD PENSIONS AND RETIREMENT Hours regulated ........................ 20-1 ICMA defined contribution pension plan Meetings and gatherings Administrative services agreement and Liability for loss or injury ............ 20-23 adoption agreements ............ 2-170.19 Permit Creation ............................. 2-170.17 Appeal from refusal to issue........ 20-35 Effective date ........................ 2-170.20 Application ........................ 20-33 Vesting period ....................... 2-170.18 Form ............................. 20-32 Length of service award plan for volunteer Issuance standards ................ 20-34 firefighters Required .......................... 20-31 Benefit formula ...................... 2-170.11 Revocation ........................ 20-36 Contact person....................... 2-170.15 Rules and regulations, permittee bound Effective date ........................ 2-170.8 by .............................. 20-22 Eligibility ........................... 2-170.9 Property used to violate provisions, Entitlement age ...................... 2-170.10 confiscation of ..................... 20-9 Plan, name of........................ 2-170.7 Recreation advisory board Point system ......................... 2-170.16 Compensation; terms ................. 20-62 Preretirement death benefit .......... 2-170.12 Supp. No. 74 2950 CODE INDEX Supp. No. 74 2951 Section Section PENSIONS AND RETIREMENT (Cont'd.) PENSIONS AND RETIREMENT (Cont'd.) Purpose ............................. 2-170.5 Pension and certain other benefits for Sponsor, name of ..................... 2-170.6 general employees Trustee and contact person ........... 2-170.15 Bargaining unit employees ........... 2-156(e) Vesting provisions, schedule of ........ 2-170.13 Benefit amounts and eligibility Village contributions ................. 2-170.14 Early retirement Pension and certain other benefits for fire Age ............................ 2-148(d)(1) and police employees Benefit ......................... 2-148(d)(2) Benefit amounts Late retirement ................... 2-148(c) 401(a)(9) Required Distributions.... 2-161(i) Preretirement death ............... 2-148(e) Cost of living ...................... 2-161(g) Refund of contribution ............. 2-148(g) Disability retirement .............. 2-161(e) Retirement benefit................. 2-148(b) Early retirement .................. 2-161(b) Retirement date ................... 2-148(a) Formula .......................... 2-161(c) Termination of employment ........ 2-148(f) Limitation on ..................... 2-161(h) Contributions Normal retirement benefit ......... 2-161(a) Member contributions ............. 2-150(b) Preretirement death ............... 2-161(d) Other contributions................ 2-150(c) Termination benefits and vesting ... 2-161(f) Village contributions ............... 2-150(a) Board of trustees Cost of living adjustment ............. 2-158 Bring and defend lawsuits Creation of plan and trust ............ 2-146.1 Powers ......................... 2-164(e) Definitions .......................... 2-146 Composition ....................... 2-164(a) Discharged members ................. 2-156(a) Forfeiture of membership on board Distribution of Benefits .............. 2-156(h) for absenteeism .............. 2-164(b) Incompetence........................ 2-156(d) Meetings .......................... 2-164(d) Maximum Pension Power and authority ............... 2-166 Additional Limitation on Pension Reports and records ............... 2-164(c) Benefits...................... 2-156(f)(2) Contributions Section 415(b) Internal Revenue Code Employer ......................... 2-163(c) Limits ....................... 2-156(f)(1) Forfeitures ........................ 2-163(d) Membership Member ........................... 2-163(a) Application for membership ........ 2-147(b) State ............................. 2-163(b) Change in designation of beneficiary 2-147(c) Creation of trust and definitions ...... 2-159 Conditions of eligibility ............ 2-147(a) Creation of trust .................. 2-159(a) Nonassignability ..................... 2-156(b) Definitions ........................ 2-159(b) Normal and optional forms of benefits. 2-149 Deferred option benefit plan (DROP) .. 2-170.1 Pension validity ...................... 2-156(c) Defined contribution component ...... 2-170.3 Repeal or termination of system ...... 2-155 Direct transfers of eligib�e rollover Retirement board distribution ..................... 2-170 Additional rules and regulations Discharged members ................. 2-169(a) authorized ................... 2-152 False, misleading statements made to Established ....................... 2-151 obtain retirement benefits Investing funds; custodian of securi- prohibited ...................... 2-169(f) ties.......................... 2-153 Incompetents ........................ 2-169(d) Oaths of office; meetings; quorum... 2-154 Insurance premium tax revenue, use of 2-170.2 Rollovers, direct transfers of eligible Insurers, tax on ...................... 2-167 rollover distribution Membership Definitions ........................ 2-157(b) Application for membership ........ 2-160(b) General ........................... 2-157(a) Buy-back of previous service ....... 2-160(d) Mandatory distributions ........... 2-157(d) Changes in designation of beneficiary 2-160(c) Rollovers from qualified plans ...... 2-157(c) Conditions of eligibility ............ 2-160(a) Section 401(a)(17) Limitation on Nonassignability ..................... 2-169(b) Compensation .................. 2-156(g) Number and gender .................. 2-169(e) Social security.......................... 2-136 et seq. Optional forms of benefits ............ 2-162 See: SOCIAL SECURITY Pension validity ...................... 2-169(c) Volunteer firefighters, length of service Prior service ......................... 2-165 award plan for. See herein: Length of Repeal or termination of plan......... 2-168 Service Award Plan for Volunteer Tax on insurers ...................... 2-167 Firefighters Supp. No. 74 2951 NORTH PALM BEACH CODE Section PERMITS. See: LICENSES AND PERMITS PERSON Definitions and rules of construction..... 1-2 PIERS Docks and piers, construction require- ments re .......................... 5-81 et seq. See: BOATS, DOCKS AND WATERWAYS PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Appearance plan (Appendix A). See that subject Archaeological site protection regulations See: ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITE PROTECTION Board of adjustment Composition; conduct generally Administrative orders, review of... . Created ........................... Decision of administrative official, appeals to board from........ . Hearing of appeals ................ Judicial review of decisions of board Membership ....................... Powers and duties ................. Stay of work and proceedings on appeal ....................... Community development department Planning division .................... Comprehensive plan Adoption............................ Filing fees and costs for changes Enactment and authority .......... Fee; application ................... Jurisdiction ....................... Planning commission, advise of.... . Concurrency management Adequate public facilities available to service development ............. Application .......................... Definitions .......................... Intent and purpose Comprehensive plan, implementa- tion of ....................... Management/monitoring and regula- tory program, establishment of Minimum requirements ............ Management and monitoring program Amendments to CIE and annual budget, recommendations on .. Annual public facilities update report Generally ......................... Proportionate fair -share program Applicability ...................... Application process ................ Appropriation of fair -share revenues Determining proportionate fair -share obligation .................... General requirements .............. 21-101 et seq. 21-21(d) 21-21(a) 21-21(e) 21-21(g) 21-21(h) 21-21(b) 21-21(c) 21-21(f) 2-112(3) 21-01 21-1(a) 21-1(c) 21-1(b) 21-1(d) PLANNING COMMISSION Section PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT (Cont'd.) 21-42 Impact fee credit for proportionate 21-11(a) fair -share mitigation.......... 21-48(g) Intergovernmental coordination .... 21-48(d) Proportionate fair -share agreements 21-48(h) Purpose and intent ................ 21-48(a) Regulatory program 21-43(a) Exemptions ....................... 21-47(b) Generally ......................... 21-47(a) Public facility adequacy, review to 21-43(b) determine .................... 21-47(c) Short title ........................... 21-41 Filing fees and costs for voluntary annexa- tion of land 2-75, 2-76 Enactment and authority ............. 21-2(a) Fees: application ..................... 21-2(c) Jurisdiction .......................... 21-2(b) Planning commission, advice of ....... 21-2(d) Public notice requirements for develop- 21-46(a) ment applications and approvals 19-8 Generally ............................ 21-3(a) Mailing requirements ................ 21-3(b) Newspaper requirements ............. 21-3(d) Posting requirements ................. 21-3(c) Stormwater management ............... 21-61 et seq. See: STORMWATER MANAGEMENT Subdivision regulations ................. 36-1 et seq. See: SUBDIVISIONS (Appendix B) 21-48(f) Zoning regulations ...................... 45-1 et seq. See: ZONING (Appendix C) Persons required to take oath of office. PLANNING COMMISSION Composition; conduct generally 21-42 Created ............................. 21-11(a) Meetings ............................ 21-11(c) Membership; terms ................... 21-11(b) Powers and duties .................... 21-11(d) Zoning ordinances, changes to ........... 21-12 PLATS. See: SURVEYS, MAPS AND PLATS 21-45 21-42 PLAYGROUNDS. See: PARKS, 21-44 PLAYGROUNDS AND RECREATION POLICE Court cost 21-43(a) Assessment of additional court costs for criminal justice education 21-43(b) expenditures .................... 1-9 21-43(c) Department of law enforcement (police department) ....................... 2-75, 2-76 See: LAW ENFORCEMENT, DEPART - 21 -46(c) MENT OF (POLICE DEPART - 21 -46(b) MENT) 21-46(a) Impersonating police officer ............. 19-8 Interference with police and fire rescue 21-48(b) department telephone trunk lines 21-48(e) prohibited ......................... 19-215 21-48(i) Oaths of office Members of police department, form of 21-48(f) oath ............................ 2-41(c) 21-48(c) Persons required to take oath of office. 2-41(a)(2) Supp. No. 74 2952 CODE INDEX Section Section POLICE (Cont'd.) PROPERTY (Cont'd.) Pension and certain other benefits for fire Purpose ............................. 15-21 and police employees .............. 2-159 et seq. Scope and applicability ............... 15-22 See: PENSIONS AND RETIREMENT Space requirements .................. 15-27 Reserve force Property maintenance standards Application for membership .......... 23-43 Exterior of structures ................ 15-3 Appointment to service by chief of police 23-45 Decorative features ................ 15-3(h) Compensation ....................... 23-50 Doors............................. 15-3(m) Created; purpose ..................... 23-42 Exterior walls ..................... 15-3(f) Oath required ....................... 23-47 Foundation walls .................. 15-3(e) Powers and duties .................... 23-48 Generally ......................... 15-3(a) Reserve list to be maintained ......... 23-44 Handrails and guards .............. 15-3(k) Resignation .......................... 23-46 Overhang extensions............... 15-3(i) Uniforms and insignia ................ 23-49 Parking areas ..................... 15-3(n) Premises identification ............. 15-3(c) POLLUTION Protective treatment ............... 15-3(b) Smoke, dust, odors, liquids, etc.......... 19-9 Roofs and drainage ................ 15-3(g) Stormwater management provisions re pol- Stairways, decks, porches and lutantloads ....................... 21-67 balconies..................... 15-30) Waterways, pollution of ................. 5-13 Structural members ............... 15-3(d) Wellfield protection Window, skylight and door frames.. 15-3(1) Regulation of business activities with Glazing ......................... 15-3(1)(1) potential to contaminate land and Openable windows .............. 15-3(1)(2) water resources ................. 19-221 Exterior property areas ............... 15-2 PRECEDING, FOLLOWING Accessory structures ............... 15-2(f) Definitions and rules of construction..... 1-2 Defacement of property ............ 15-20) Exhaust vents ..................... 15-2(e) PROFANITY Gates ............................. 15-2(g) Vulgar language prohibited in public places 19-65 Landscaping ...................... 15-2(c) Motor vehicles ..................... 15-2(i) PROPERTY Open storage ...................... 15-2(k) Abandoned real property Rodent harborage ................. 15-2(d) Additional authority ................. 15-18 Sanitation......................... 15-2(a) Applicability ......................... 15-13 Stagnant water.................... 15-2(b) Definitions .......................... 15-12 Swimming pools ................... 15-2(h) Immunity of enforcement officer ...... 15-17 Extermination 15-6 Maintenance requirements ........... 15-15 ....................... Generally............................ 15-1 Purpose and intent ................... 15-11 Responsibility ..................... 15-1(b) Registration of abandoned real property 15-14 Scope............................. 15-1(a) Security requirements ................ 15-16 Vacant structures and land......... 15-1(c) Abatement of public nuisances on private Interiors of structures 15-4 property .......................... 14-79 et seq. ................ Rubbish and garbage ................. 15-5 See: NUISANCES Subdivision regulations ................. 36-1 et seq. Appearance plan (Appendix A). See that See: SUBDIVISIONS (Appendix B) subject Boats, docks and waterways; unlawfully Unauthorized camping or lodging on public anchored or moored vessels or private property ................ 19-11 Unclaimed vessel to be sold; certifica- Weeds and brush ....................... 14-79 et seq. tion of sale ..................... 5-22 See: WEEDS AND BRUSH Chronic nuisance property code ......... 14-91 et seq. PUBLIC PLACES. See: STREETS, See: NUISANCES SIDEWALKS AND PUBLIC PLACES Definitions and rules of construction..... 1-2 Dogs on property of others .............. 4-28(b) PUBLIC RECORDS. See: DOCUMENTS Insurance excise taxes; property insur- AND PUBLIC RECORDS ance premiums .................... 26-17 Minimum housing standards PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Basements and cellars ................ 15-26 Director's duties ........................ 2-84 Minimum standards for basic equip- Divisions ment and facilities .............. 15-25 Division of facility and fleet maintenance 2-85(1) Minimum standards for lighting ...... 15-23 Refuse disposal ...................... 2-85(2) Minimum standards for ventilation ... 15-24 Street maintenance .................. 2-85(3) Supp. No. 74 2953 NORTH PALM BEACH CODE Supp. No. 74 2954 Section Section R SIGNS AND BILLBOARDS (Cont'd.) Country club; provisions re signs ........ 9-2 RABIES CONTROL Outdoor displays. See herein: Signs and Provisions enumerated .................. 4-42 et seq. Outdoor Displays See: ANIMALS AND FOWL Parking in violation of signs ............. 18-36 REASONABLE TIME Parks, regulations re traffic signs........ 20-5(3) Definitions and rules of construction..... 1-2 Signs and outdoor displays Construction standards ............... 6-117 RECORDS. See: DOCUMENTS AND Design standards .................... 6-117 PUBLIC RECORDS Exempt signs ........................ 6-112 RECREATION. See: PARK, PLAYGROUNDS Location standards ................... 6-117 AND RECREATION Measurement determinations ......... 6-116 Permitted permanent accessory signs . 6-115 REFUSE. See: GARBAGE AND TRASH Permitted temporary signs ........... 6-114 Prohibited signs ..................... 6-113 RESTROOMS Provisions generally .................. 6-111 Parks and recreation facilities; failure to Purpose and scope of regulations...... 6-110 cooperate in keeping restrooms neat Severability .......................... 6-118 or sanitary ........................ 20-2 Zoning RETIREMENT. See: PENSIONS AND C-3 Regional Business District........ 45-34.1(7) RETIREMENT SIMULATED GAMBLING DEVICES Conflict with state law .................. 17-44 S Definitions ............................. 17-40 Enforcement ........................... 17-45 SAND DUNES Exemptions 17-43 Flood damage prevention provisions ..... 12.5-45 Intent .................................. 17-41 SANITATION. See: HEALTH AND SANITA- Prohibition of re ........................ 17-42 TION SOCIAL SECURITY SCHOOLS Agreement authorized .................. 2-138 Coin-operated amusements; proximity to Appropriations by village ............... 2-140 schools restricted .................. 19-4 Declaration of policy .................... 2-136 Exclusions from coverage ............... 2-137 SEAWALLS Records and reports .................... 2-141 Bulkheads and seawalls, construction Social security act adopted .............. 2-143 requirements re ................... 5-69 et seq. Withholding and reporting agent ........ 2-142 See: BOATS, DOCKS AND Withholding from wages ................ 2-139 WATERWAYS SPITTING SEXUAL OFFENDERS AND SEXUAL Spitting in public places prohibited ...... 19-5 PREDATORS Sexual offender and sexual predator SPORTS residence prohibition .............. 19-31 Golf advisory board ..................... 9-16 et seq. See: GOLF ADVISORY BOARD SEXUALLY -ORIENTED ENTERTAINMENT Adult entertainment establishments STATE Zoning regulations re. See: ZONING Definitions and rules of construction..... 1-2 (Appendix C) STENCH BOMBS SHALL, MAY Excepted uses .......................... 19-82(c) Definitions and rules of construction..... 1-2 Possession prohibited ................... 19-82(b) Throwing or depositing ................. 19-82(a) SHRUBBERY. See: TREES AND SHRUB- BERY STORMWATER MANAGEMENT Adoption ............................... 21-61 SIDEWALKS. See: STREETS, SIDEWALKS Applicability 21-61 AND PUBLIC PLACES Design ................................. 21-61 SIGNATURE, SUBSCRIPTION Finished floor of structures, level of...... 21-63 Definitions and rules of construction..... 1-2 Objectives of system design ............. 21-68 Open channels and outfall ditches ....... 21-66 SIGNS AND BILLBOARDS Post development runoff rates, volumes Code enforcement, applicability re ....... 2-173 and pollutant loads ................ 21-67 Supp. No. 74 2954 CODE INDEX STREETS, SIDEWALKS AND PUBLIC Section STORMWATER MANAGEMENT (Cont'd.) Storm drainage facilities generally ...... 21-64 Stormwater retention systems ........... 21-69 Streets 4-28(a) Minimum street grades ............... 21-62 Roadside swales ..................... 91-65 Subdivisions, required improvements re . 36-31 Water quality .......................... 21-70 Zoning; surface water management 19-7 C-3 Regional Business District........ 45-34.1(8) STREETS, SIDEWALKS AND PUBLIC PLACES Code enforcement, applicability re ....... 2-173 Definitions and rules of construction..... 1-2 Dogs in parks and on streets and sidewalks 4-28(a) Environmental committee Composition; terms ................... 24-62 Created ............................. 24-61 Duties ............................... 24-63 Handbills; distribution restricted ........ 19-7 Hitchhiking prohibited .................. 19-6 Landscaping ........................... 27-31 et seq. See: LANDSCAPING Missiles, throwing ...................... 19-83 Motor vehicles and traffic ............... 18-16 et seq. See: MOTOR VEHICLES AND TRAF- FIC Obstructing passageway ................ 19-47 Supp. No. 74 2954.1 Section