1984-19 Appointing Members to the Recreation Advisory BoardRESOIxTTION NO. 19-84 1 1 A RESOLITTION OF THE VIId11GE COUNCIL OF NORTH PAiM BEACH, FLORIDA, APPOINTING Mk1•'1BERS TO THE RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD OF THE VII~GE OF NORTH PALM BEACH. BE IT RESOLVED. BY THE VILTI~GE COUNCIL GF NORTH PALM BEACH, FTARIDA: Section 1. The follaaing persons be, and they are hereby appointed members of the Recreation Advisory Board of the Village of North .Palm Beach for a term ending May 1, 1986. PATTI WIESENECK CHARLES W. WRIGHT Section 2. The duties and responsibilities of said members shall be as set forth in Resolution No. 20-77. Section 3. The Village Clerk is hereby directed to send a canfornied copy of this Resolution to the members appointed above. passage. Section 4. This Resolution shall take effect imnediately upon PASSID AND ADOPTID THIS 26th DAY OF April 1984. ~~~.i~?c,~~S fir,. o. 1 ATTEST: ~~~-G-~- ~~-cur- Gf'~ e. i age er c