1984-09 Declaring Results of General ElectionRESOIdTTION NO. 9-84 A RESOLtTi'ION OF THE VII.TAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, DECLARING THE RESULTS OF THE GENERAL ELECTION HELD ON MARCH 13, 1984. WEERFAS, on the 13th day of March, 1984, a General Election was held in the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida for the purpose of ' electing Councilmen to the Village Council for Groups 1, 3 and 5, and for ~ sutmitting to the Village electors an Ordinance through the initiative process, to-wit: ARE YOU IN FAWR OF THE ADOPTION OF AN ORDINANCE TO RESTORE THE WINL'FR CLUB? and, WHEREAS, by due resolution the following named persons were appointed inspectors, deputies and clerks of said election: Faith Lutheran Church. Precinct 48: Inspectors: Caryl B. Brain Shirley A. Deters Barbara C. Duke Earlene P. Gerlach Janet N. Heatan Nancy Jean Butterfield Deputy: Harold H. Hall, Sr Clerk: Carol R. Goldstine Council Charnbers, Village Hall, Precinct 49: Inspectors: Margo J. Born Joyce F. Brain Betsey P. Collins Barbara A. Hill Regina K. Jotmson June L. hosier Georgene G. Skaryd Deputy: John R. Kenney Clerk: Linda R. Wilkins Old Port Cove Recreation Room between the North and South 11 y wigs, ec t Inspectors: Mary M. Butterworth Thelma J . Deal i Jetta M. Steed ' I Millicent Walter ~ Deputy: Carol T. Melon I Clerk: Jean H. Corcoran North County Courthouse, 'Precinct 34: Inspectors: Bertha b. Koehler Dorothy H. Perkins Annmarie K. Roll 1 Deputy: Fielder M. Bowles Clerk: Margaret L. Hutcheson Elk's Lodge No. 2069, Precinct 52: Inspectors: Barbara B. Bedwell Erma A. Brown Florence E. Daniels Pearl B. Doran Roberta R. Ladeda Helen Levy Barbara C. Nichols Martha L. Schultz Deputy: Olive Anderson Clerk: Gertrude K. 2;entgraf St. Clare's Church, Precinct 53: Inspectors: Muriel B. Higbee Florence K. Korff Rose L. Krische Margaret I. Scully Deputy: Thanas M. Scully Clerk: Cathryn W. Mitchell and, WtIERF1~,S, on March 13, 1984 said inspectors, deputies and clerks, after taking and subscribing their oaths in accordance with law, made their returns to the Village Council, which returns certified that the following are the results of said General Election, torwit: Ordinance through the initiative process: Total Machine Votes Including Absentee Ballots 3;287 Yes 1,557 No 1;730 For Village Counci]man; Group l: (2-year term) James J. Green 1,471 rotes Al Moore 1,930 rotes For Village Councilman, Group 3_: (2-year term) 1 Harriet Nolan 1,799 rotes John W. (Jack).. Ridgway 1,606 rotes For Village Cauncilmsn, Group 5: (2-year teen) Mike Cirullo 1,312 rotes Tan Valente 2,080 rotes Ordinance through the initiative process: ARE YOU IN FAVOR OF THE ADOPTION OF AN ORDINANCE TO RFSDORE THE WINI7EL CL1JB? 1.557 Yes Votes 1,730 ~ Votes -2- and, WHEREAS, the Village Cotnzcil has duly canvassed the returns of said General Election and finds that the returns of the inspectors, deputies and clerks of said election are true and correct tabulations of the rotes cast; NOW, THEREFORE, BE TT RESOLVID BY THE VIISAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH C PAlAi BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. The Village Council finds and declares that the following are the results of the General Election of March 13, 1984: For Village Councilman, Group 1: James J. Green 1,471 votes Al Moore 1,930 rotes For Village Councilmanm, Group 3: Harriet Nolan 1,799 votes John W. (Jack) Ridgway 1,606 rotes For Village Councilman, Group 5: 1 Mike Cirullo 1,312 votes Tan Valente 2,080 rotes Ordinance through the initiative process: ARE YOU IN FAVOR OF THE ADOPTION OF AN ORDINANCE TO RESTORE THE WINTER CLUB? 1,557 Yes votes 1,730 No votes Section 2. That the following candidates are hereby declared to be elected to the respective offices as follows: Village Cowlcilmazi, Group 1: Al Moore Village Counci]mann, Group 3: Harriet Nolan Village Councilman, Group 5: Tan Valente 1 Ordinance through the initiative process: ARE YOU IN FAVOR OF THE ADOPTION ~' AN ORDINANCE TO RESTORE THE WINTER CLUB? 1.557 Yes Votes 1,730 No Votes -3- Section 3. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon 1 1 passage. PASSID AfID ADOPTED THIS 14th L1AY OF March 1984. ~~ ATTEST: age er -4-