NPB OKs Major Play Program (Miami Herald) 7-26-61AT9MR=:49.A i. 5ePAF&00K
M Z.4 fY Vr 494 k4w
--Herald Photo by MAURICE HOLLEY JR.
Ali -Around Sport Bill' Lunch is Ready
c now that recreation plan has voter okay
Goll Club;
l�ew POO
Herald Staff Writer
Voters here put an 8-1 stamp
of approval on a 1.43 million
dollar recreation program
Seventy per cent of the vil-
lage's registered freeholders -
went to the pools as the am-
bitious recreation�D
faced its second voter test
within as many weeks. The re-
For -570.
Against -74.
The 39 absentee ballots to be
counted today can't shake the
The margin of victory was
even greater than in, the vote
two weeks ago, which gave the
village council the right to levy
taxes above the 10 mill limit
to pay off bonds for the proj"
ect. The vote then was 598 for
and 148 against.
Tuesday's. vote authorized.
the village to issue 1.43 mil-:
lion dollars in. general obliga-
tion bonds. That money will al-
low the village to:
PURCHASE the 149.19 acre
North.. Palm Beach Country,
Club, including an 18 -hole golf
course and club house.
BUILD an o I y M P i C -size
swimming pool with deck area,
dressing shower and clothes
check building, shelter for
swimming pool spectators, golf
shop and locker rooms, dining
room facilities, dining terrace,
expanded parking facilities and
golf course improvement.
Village Manager A I b i n R.
Olson said Tuesday night the
council plans to move ahead
with engineering and architec-
tural plans and the letting of
bids f or the new projects so
that construction can begin as
soon as the bonds are validat-
The validation date will also
I -mark the changeover of the
country club from private to
village operation.
"We hope to be ready to be-
gin work by December," Olson
said, "provided the bonds have
been validated by -then."
Construction. time for the
pool . ol has been estimated at
four to five months, he said.
Future plans for the recrea-
tion project, outlined by an at-
lanta, Ga., firm, call for the
purchase a n d development
in 1964 of an additional 18.9
acres for athletic fields, tenni
courts, lawn bowling, picnic
and senior citizens areas.