NPB Ladies Golf Association 1962-19630 pal4m BeacA Cjol� Adeociafiom 1962. -196 3 NORTH PALM BEACH LADIES GOLF ASSOCIATION J, OFFICERS y 1962 - 1963 PRESIDENT Mrs. Harold E. Neller VICE-PRESIDENT Mrs. Ivan E. Howard SECRETARY Mrs. .dames W. Piatt TREASURER Mrs . Guy W. Pearson PAST PRESIDENT a Mrs. Thomas Reed 1960 - 1961 1961 - 1962 i WO COMMITTEES RULES FOR ASSOCIATION PLAY 1. ALL PUTTS MUST BE HOLED OUT GOLF COMMITTEE 2. IMPROVING LIE OF BALL IN FAIRWAY (WINTER RULE) Patsy Goldman Eleanor Ferguson By clubhead only - Distance 12", not nearer the hole. 3. Ball may be moved from a road, not nearer the hole, HANDICAP COMMITTEE 4. All scores must be DATED, SIGNED and ATTESTEDwhen Dot Perry Pat Seddon being returned for handicap or tournament. 5. A practice swing in the rough should be taken away from the line of flight. RULES COMMITTEE 6. Ball played from the tee, must be holed out with same. Maybelle DeLess Della Dickinson 7. Ball can be moved out of hole in trap. SOCIAL COMMITTEE 8. Improve lie when ball is in ditch directly in front of #6 road on hole, not nearer hole. Grace Kolseth Evelyn Strauss PRIZE COMMITTEE GOLF ETIQUETTE Opal Basham Alice Bowman REPLACE TURF HISTORIAN ALLOW FASTER PLAYERS TO GO THROUGH Alice Morrison Don't stand beyond the hole in line of players stroke. PUBLICITY Don't take time to put down scores on the green, or try to putt over - if players are waiting behind. Evelyn Ferguson Smooth out sand trap after taking your shot. CHEER COMMITTEE If a ball is lost, player should permit players following d to go thru without undue delay. IF SIGNAL TO GO Jeanette Wornell THRU IS GIVEN DON'T START PLAY UNTIL THEY HAVE GONE THRU. CLUB CHAMPIONS Observing the small courtesies that are traditional in golf 1961 - 1962 ..........................Patsy Goldman etiquette makes for a Club worth being proud of. 1962 - 1963..........................Evelyn Ferguson (2) (3) SCHEDULE 1962-63 6 FEBRUARY Keep score to the green - 1/2 handicap -keep separate NT TOURNAMENT score for handicap. best 13 Scotch Foursome - Both players drive, select - Weekly tournaments -low net. 20 ball, alternate shots from there Presidents Tournament - 54 holes -Medal Pay JUN E _ JULY - AUGUST 27 Presidents tournament -finals SEPTEMBER Tournament -Teams made up of one player MARCH numbered in one-half 5lass. A.B.C. Full handicap. wins - 6 Odd numbered holes out -even from each Bingle,, Ban gle, Bung- Player with most points handicap -classes 12 no classes. for stroke -substitute of string �' 13 20 Poker Golf Tournament a birdie 3 points Chicago - Bogey one point, .par asp they fall 19 String tournament dandicap - eagle 4 points - take handicap Y g - keep separate card Low Net - full handicap - classes. 27 Low net - classes -full handicap. 26 OCTOBER -one player each class handicaps 3 APRIL Club Championship -first round Match Play - classes 3 Best Ball Threesome 10 Club Championship - second round 10 as the fall. 2 handicap - classes Nine blind Holes - 1/ with T. & F. 17 Semi -Finals Club Championship Finals. 17 T. & F. Tourney - Only holes starting 24 Club Championship 24 count for prize - half handicap - classes Low Net - full handicap - classes. for three worst holes. MAY Match Against Par -Take strokes as they fall or. the 31 Crier's Tournament. Substitute par full handicap. 1 card. Full handicap. Keep gross score - g Low Net - Full handicap - classes s only to those who - Y NOVEMBER 15 Consolation Day - Low net p 7Classes Flag Day. Plant flag when you reach net score,full have not won all year. Gala Day - to be announced. 14 handicap- Ironing Day. Wood for driving only. net full handicap - no classes. 22 � 21 Howard Trophy Day -low 28 Low net - full handicap -classes DECEMBER Total 4 and 5 par holes - 2/3rds handicap - classes 5 12 Men's Tees -full handicap -classes 19 Calloway System 26 Low Net JANUARY 2 9 Low Net Relay Tournamenfi - mixedCondenine. 1p/2 comb combined first nine - other p)aye e handicaps . Mulligatawny Stew -Player may take one mulligan 1 16 on any shot - full handicap - classes. 23 Low Net - 1/2 combined handicaps -classes � 30 Blind partners (5) (4) CONSTITUTION ARTICLE I This Association shall be called the North Palm Beach Country Club Women's Golf Association. ARTICLE II The object of this Association shall be to foster and promote friendly social contacts and interest in golf among women members of the North Palm Beach Country Club. ARTICLE III The officers of this association shall be a President, Vice -President, Secretary and Treasurer. ARTICLE IV The affairs of this Association shall be managed by a Board of Directors composed of the officers and chairmen of all standing committees and shall be coordinated with the North Palm Beach Country Club. The immediate past president shall serve on this Board in an advisary capacity, without voting power. BY-LAWS ARTICLE I Membership in this Association shall be open to any woman golfer belonging to North Palm Beach Country Club. ARTICLE II Dues in this Association shall be $5.00 per annum, payable May 1 and becoming delinquent June 1. ARTICLE III The President shall appoint the Chairmen of the stand- ing committees as soon as possible after election. The stand- ing committees shall consist of Tournament, handicap, Publicity, Rules, Historian, Social, Prize and Cheer. ARTICLE IV POWERS AND DUTIES OF STANDING COMMITTEES. Section 1. The Tournament Chairman shall plan and conduct all tournaments, shall prepare and post a schedule of all the mayor golf events for the year, giving copies to the Greens Committee of the North Palm Beach Country Club. Award prizes for all events and provide a 'hostess to be present �i and conduct weekly events. Section 2. Handicap Chairman shall keep accurote records of all handicaps and post monthly. All authenticized handicaps from rated clubs shall be recognized. Section 3. The Rules Chairman shall conduct a rules forum whenever deemed necessary and shall settle any dispute which may arise. Section 4. The Publicity Chairman shall furnish prompt and correct information to the press regarding all events. Section 5. The Social Chairman shall plan all social events. Section 6. The Prize Chairman shall purchase all prizes after conferring with the Tournament Chairman and Treasurer. Section 7. The Historian shall keep a complete history of the Association's affairs in the form of a scrap book. Section 8. The Cheer Chairman shall send appropriate cards oto members where required. ARTICLE V MEETINGS Section 1. There shall be a monthly meeting on the last Wednesday of each month, prededed by a meeting of the Board of Directors. All members are expected to attend monthly meetings. (6) (7) a MEMBER PHONE NUMBER ARTICLE VI Atchinson, Mrs. O.D. (Inez) . . . . VI 8-2698 ELECTIONS Basham, Mrs. E.E. (Opal) . . . . . VI 4-0698 Bier, Mrs. Donald (Mary) 848-6504 Section 1 . The Board of Directors shall appoint a nom- Booth, Mrs. Jack (Dorothy) . . . . . VI 8-7038 inating committee of three. t Bowman, Mrs. Charles (Alice) VI 8-2182 Section 2. The nominating committee shall present the slate of officers for the coming year at the March monthly, Branstrom, Mrs. Bruce (Thurza) . . . . 844-9628 meeting, at which time further nominations may be made by the membership. Burns, Mrs. William F. (Hazel) . . . . 848-5916 Section 3. Elections shall be held at the April meet- Butler, Mrs. Noble (Eleanor) . . . . . 746-3325 ing. Voting shall be by ballot except when the slate is unan- imously accepted by membership. Carroll, Mrs. Foster L. (Opal) . . . . VI 4-3879 Section 4. Installation shall be held at the May meet- Cheney, Mrs. Francis X. (Violet) . . . VI 8-2303 ing and the installed officers shall assume responsibility at that time. Cindia, Mrs. Nick (Ann) . . . . . . . 848-3275 Crook, Mrs. Robert W. (Polly) . . . . VI 4-4163 ARTICLE VII Dear, Mrs. John (Mildred) VI 4-5660 Section 1. Acceptance of membership shall bind each member to uphold all rules of the association; to observe laws, DeLess, Mrs. A. J. (Maybe IIe) . . . VI 4-5048 rules and etiquette of golf as set forth by the U. S. G. A. and to accept and observe all decisions of the Board of Directors DeNicholas, Mrs. Frank (Jo) . . . . . VI 8-1752 within its jurisdiction. Denton, Mrs. Payton S. (Renne) . . . VI 8-5263 ARTICLE VIII Dickinson, Mrs. Gardner Jr. (Della) VI 4-6477 Section 1. These by-laws may be amended at any Ettari, Mrs. Laurence (Georgia) VI 4-0764 meeting of the Association by a two-thirds majority of those present and voting. Evans, Mrs. Robert (Evelyn) . . . . . VI 4-6852 Ferguson, Mrs. Larry C. (Evelyn) VI 8-2842 Friend, Mrs. Elizabeth (Liz) . . . . . 746-4771 Goldman, Mrs. Seymour (Patsy) . . . VI 8-6804 Harris, Mrs. Robert W. (Sally) VI 8-4855 Howard, Mrs. Ivan E. (Blanche) VI 4-6024 Howell, Mrs. Homer A. (Betty) . . . . VI 4-9621 Huegel, Mrs. Nicholas E. (Lucille) 844-6074 (8) (9) Humphries, Mrs. George (Adelaide). . . VI 8-4073 Kerste, Mrs. Robert (Elinor) . . . . VI 8-4738 Kolseth, Mrs. K.E. (Grace) . . . . . VI 8-2011 LaCerda, Mrs. John (Bert) . . . . . VI 4-0075 Lange, Mrs. H. E. (Billie) . . . . . VI 8-5396 Leonard, Mrs. John (Eleanor) . . . . VI 4-3643 Mandell, Miss Kay . . . . . . . . . ti 848-3733 Mc Garrity, Mrs. Liquori (Helen) . . . VI 4-6635 Mertz, Mrs. John C. (Jacque) ine) . . . 746-7823 Metcalf, Mrs. Paul Jr. (Shirley) . . . . VI 4-3355 Morrison, Mrs. James (Alice) .. . . . .. VI 8-5167 Neller, Mrs. Harold (Alice) . . . . . . .0 4-6112 Paras, Mrs. Aristotole (Teetsa). . . . . VI 4-9833 Pearson, Mrs. Guy (Leta) . . . . . . . VI 4-0305 Perry, Mrs. Jesse H. (Dorothy) . . . . VI 4-0626 Piatt, Mrs. James W. (Sis) . . . . . . VI 4-0869 Reed, Mrs. Thomas B. (Helen) VI 4-6537 Seddon, Mrs. William A. (Pat) . . . . VI 4-5527 Sena, Mrs. Nicholas (Theresa) . . . . 848-7530 Strauss, Mrs. Albert (Evelyn) . . . . VI 4-3180 Thompson, Mrs. Sawyer Jr. (Virginia) . 848-3629 Tillman, Miss Bernice . . . . .. . . . I VI 8-3613 Tillman, Mrs. Joseph L. (Pat) VI 8-3613 Trapnell, Mrs. Fred A. (Irene) . . . VI 4-4983 Walker, Mrs. Odie (Audrey) . . . . . 848-7609 Wilson, Mrs. John (Alice) . . . . . . VI 8-4027 Wornall, Mrs. Jeanette . . . . . . . . VI 4-5270 (10)