Recreation Area Needs 491 Votes (Miami Herald) 7-23-61Drawing of Proposed Recreation Area ... Nait orth Palm Bea votes on Tuesday Even. with these, favorable signs, however, village officials are cautiously avoiding ' mak- ing any- predictions. . They have, adopted a "wait' and see" attitude, having in- formed residents of what is involved in the development of a recreation program and left it with them to decide. In the initial 1.43 million dol. lar program in addition to, the purchase of the country club property, plans call for con- struction of a swimming pool with deck area, dressing, show- er and clothes check building; shelter for s.w i m. m i n g pool spectators, golf shop and lock- er rooms, dining room facilities, dining terrace, expanded park. ing facilities and golf course improvements. Future plans calla for the ,purchase and development, in 19649 of an additional 18.9 acres for athletic fields, tennis courts, lawn bowling, picnic and senior citizen areas. A feasibility reporton' the proposed initial program has indicated the operation of the golf course and swimming pool could be slef-supporting. 2nd .13a 11 ot ues av n -Ian P., .o . vote to make the decision legal. By RAY LINDERS West Palm Beach Bu"reau Chief NORTH PALM BEACH --A minimum,- turnout of 491 voters will be necessary to Make Tuesday's second -round refer.. endum on. the proposed 1.43 million--. -dollar recreation pro- gram official. With. the decision Jim' ited to the 982 registered freeholders in the booming north county village, the'law states emphat. Ically that 50 per cent must vote to make the decision legal. A simple majority of Those voting is, required for passage. At stake is the proposed pur- chase of the nowprivate. 'North ly-owned 145. 19 acre Palm Beach Country Club, and development of the property to the tune of S415,C00. If last Tuesday's first-round vote is any guide, there would seem to be little doubt a suf- ficient number -will turn out 'to make the decision legal. And if the Outcome of that first referendum is a guide,, it would appear likely the necessary votes for passage will be cast. Of the 1,000 eligible voters in the village, 746 or 74.6 per cent turned out to vote A charter -amendment that would give village faithers, the right to. levy taxes above the present 10 -mill limit to pay off bonds for the proposed project. The official tabulation shows 598 voted for the amendment, 148 against.