Live Oak Plaza - Full Packetlowiuc Oak PldtAL- IIla�ge l' f,N.o-r.t.h Palm Seac.h F4 dorksm- a- jls[0. CQ.fb -1 AM. h dmlb h t, he.jh - P ": Amondmant 0.8-1 March -20M PrepareOf-br-the... Villoge of:N.orth..P-alm Peach Pfgoafred,by, Loitid Rb§a... tah* M aiffi"4070., TABLE OF:CONTENT-S Section. Page 1,0 2.0 Au-,;;#y$J' .-Of ap Am-ement, dm 2.1 Summary ary Of:,future Land Use' -.Map Serie q- ......... 4;-0 3,.0- C-urnuiafiive. Imp.n.t8: Of'Propmed Am-, n-d*.m..*,.`e.-.n.t 3A 3. 1 Villpge ' Gh bt 2 3- 3. •2. Future Land. U -.tO i_ V ii. f,4*44 A i o .4 i V'. i'. i.• V 4 ;.4'."4444� '#'4. •i i .4 .-.Wm i•..4:•':. a .witfi . . . 3. 3 Tran.spo v W. V er. Vc. 4: .i -i -.i i i . b i .. . . . . rt. ain"' 3, 3; 4 5 Housi n, $q "i ry -Sew r. 8_01W -n rain 3, B NafiurafJGr­0Undw-ate'rAq;Ulfr` ted -at**' Cd'as.t�i.l*MclhagEirn*-.en.t........,.....,.,......... .3 7 &.8 3. -7 GO -:i - .- s, ...... 3, 8 kecreaflonAW Open ...... 3 9 &TO 3,I I -3 Q.6 pff" 1111" h., 3� mprov -e TO Other Planning. i's 6. - i V4, ­F. ;V. i .4,6 "i 6 4. r.j. i .t a W..v 3-10 4..-..G Comislenoy 'M R-e-giona I An 4-1. 5..".0 Con ClUeldn and Recohim0dation 5A 5.. 1 Findin 9 5. 2 -Staff ............ 5. 5. 3 ILPAPU4 Hear�09 5. i 4 L A.M66tith"g W..i b i! W.. t44 il:­.. i. -i. V., 5•. -55 M-11ne-Cound 5. Village;I C-oonoil'Me-et . ing ............. Append k"A N.PBGP Am-`enId* an.t. 0'8.;�I A -I Ux. TABLE OF CONT E.:'N'T.S. (con: InU LIST OF MAPS Mu'"m-ber pAgo. I Loc. tion: .-Of'Propps ,e.- e.nt 2-2 ed Gompreh n*...,.y h�. Zbft il 7 esig: 2 Abutting g d -Use.. 1'h-dlUd!:ng:Futu.re Lemd'U96- A -'-d -3 Proposed 'F4tu- Laid `l ap 00 Ii 2 relll. gnatio n — NP80P Amendment 08-* T LIST OFT-A-BLES... Number Pik. .1' 1 NPBCP Ameftdfflent 08-1, -Cumulativem-pact - 2 1 mnpact -Of G.'.. -P A* t .08.1 U Existing * 'qndJj*s. 1: � e, - A.. !. ... -3-4 men*S men. ppo; ��A LI_ ST'CSF ,APPEN.DltE-S Numbor. Page A 'NPBC.--'P,A,.-m--end.m.e.-nt.."09-.;-*I:..,.......... ,.,,.,....".......*...y..,.,..,........:.......i....'..i.........:.Ii.....i...,....;,....,i........,A-1 - 'HIBITS Num --W A Future .Land Use 'Map A B Annexationord�]"nanc-e'N'P"8.tfoAtnen-etm...O.ht.Ga;.I C Ord -inanmEna 1 M - A jct'ng.. NPOOP --A ..ead-Ment 0.8' 1 .07-4 Ordinance En -a -c -ting Z.-PaIng Design.ption, A­� TBE VIILLAGEOF NORTH PALM BEACIY "THE BEST PLACE TO LIVE UNDER THE SUN" Public Notice (Proposed Annexation, Change to the Future Land Use Map, and Rezoning) Please be advised that your property is located within three hundred (300) feet of a property that is the subject of the following applications: (1) Voluntary Annexation to the Village of North Palm Beach; (2) Amendment of the Village of North Palm Beach Comprehensive Plan; and (3) Amendment of the Village of North Palm Beach Official Zoning Map. The subject site is located at 9249 Alternate A -1-A and is currently known as Live Oak Plaza. The applications are for the annexation of a 2.51 acre site into the Village of North Palm Beach, with an accompanying future. land use designation of Commercial and Zoning designation of C-2 Commercial District. The attached map provides the general location of the subject property. The Village will hold a public hearing as follows; 1. Village Planning Commission (Local Planning Agency): Tuesday, June `3, 2008 beginning .. at 6:30 P.M.` the Village Hall, Council Chambers, 501 U.S. Highway 1, North Palm Beach, Florida 33408. The Village of North Palm Beach Planning Commission public hearing is open to the public. If adopted by the Village Council, the proposed applications will become effective 31, days thereafter. Public Hearings will be held by the Village Council at later dates. Be further advised that anyone choosing to appeal any action with respect to any matter discussed by the Village Planning Commission of the Village Council will need a record of the proceedings, and may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceeding is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which an appeal is based. You are encouraged to attend these public hearings or, in the alternative, you may submit your comments in writing or email: inQntwick@Lvillage-nob.org. Jf you have any questions, please call me at (561) 882-1156. Sincerely, odi Nentwick Village Planner (Map Attached) 501 U.S. HIGHWAY 1, NORTH PALM BEACH, FL 33408-4902 • (561) 841-3380 • FAX (561) 848-3344 MITI OD.UCTIDN .e. -adapt-oh h ** " " J` Noft The. Villa .of N-6-fth Palhi-:13-6�ich 16 currently b6hsid' THIN thof leJ "aisif -g of . an Palm 8:eadh Cbm.pre-bobs''We Plan. -(N*P`807'_P):. Afn.A6-­hdM-0h_.t 0.8-1 eoln amend to Futwro: Load' Wsme: Map -Ser! mont the: NP8 P Amendment 064 is ne,cesspry, due to s-imultaneOUS .privately initiated voluntary anise ti* on, NPBCP' -A' meIndment 0 -1 is - e r' to.. -Ih---bbrp6ra a.n . nexa . , tip . n het `6-8ay tO acre parcels within the OMWteb00!1V" Plan. Tha. -ordihanceenacting,t baVbl-Uht-aq- -w� d: As Exh-lb -. 13- of -'A p-por-id ri&t St' UtO& is en .6 annew. .0 ion,Unde.r.0b 17-1 Flo tcl Chapter Ix Anotd.th'abee --eft-apti a: .,O--on.diti.*.noj;..,(!*,.�!6., , s U` b -0... - to, apprQvat .. -of related'Small- cele 'Future 'tandU'se, M-SeriIds eht) zoningd' asig6* hU-ponthe: p rOpert'y Included-Wt.hin NPBCPAnordment.08-is-o olo -ExhJbIf:DofAPPendix-A. The Ippa ep -e. property ...t n of NP'B-GP'Am ,nt-0.$I:I:Jjjqs.*#-._.t d on: 10-#1. Th. S: herein "Uva, 0 'k inclu.-d0d Wth,ih NPB.,GP A-men-d.h-le4t-Q8 hall bb tof fte'd t'' h t.Oin q - Plaza -. Th'.1,9.-- document pro-Vid'es d: b :and a n., ;5(s required 4y -.81ections-9J.".5. and Florida A qJ- dmihistreffl.ve Go"d'ie. as they Pertain.: to the proposed 1 arrendrrirttt Cons -of a- br.16..ftum- ry Ists ma..- and 811-alysiis of Proposod. NPBOP J, to oj�.. Amendment 0.8-:1., in t!e*r a t.bp 8 ", -n re .%tip . t Of florida Administrative., Gode Section -0PrOsehts:.9-h a. naly§it, of -lb*bzum'ul.ab'Ve Jmp. of the. proposed amen-. ent M terms of -5achelmon'-f- of the: .,Vijl'a'.gq:;Qf North. P.A.1m, .each :SuIppo Documen flbn and VIII -age, Of North. -Pafm.. `geagh: 01-b m"-prehre ve Plan. -S 6-611 n. 4,.0 .0bh..ftflhs an assessment. of; propbsed: NPIBCP-.Ain--ip,'­hdmI6ht 08-1i in terms - of: the Re 9110 na f Po Ii -. qy P l4in arid. State .0, -o enpro'h oo s. fvo - Plan. n. -A p pieh dix A of - this document -contains prQ.po8,e-d.:NP8.Q`P Amendment 1-1 ENDMENT 10-: ANALYS IS OM :F" AR III . I ' ' This -section prpvidpe a d0tasm!a:t n.- a.r. jygi.$ ;of the -prp d B.C.Pp e 0"M,�Pp -P 0 -m 't '08.1 the Sie 't .&-n.f.xhd.'.. en.,, pur..Su to .9*Jr Fl. -fida AdminTist.native -.....--.,cede,: incl'.uding subject. -9. tlo, n of' 'he .. I.- Tbe :proposedposed future.. -nd: V. pl: *�i ap n m., de s., r p '"tb.e...-su 'p.c andfhfe:r.n;..-ppplp.-d . ..a . .y..!!::th-e boun "'t.,be-k :sunjact present d Moil.. � of I h. .2. jA.:. m. op of the r' Ot;. land -.,ost a ptoporty, an abutfp.r0-pe ,f es including fu"ue1and. use mgPdesignations;.: n tiio, ns Ab r ' 3. gizzibbf th6 i§.0d fia t.P.r. yoil. In avo foqiqPE�ll Of . te -Wig: 4-9 A. descriptibn of "fl a -v at all.i5bil'ify; Of'. .0 hf6floriP.UWl fa cPlliti es-:: Sanita.y sp..er 6d wasto., dralnaae, pw6ba, - rEff ic 'I" tfpn.,�..-qqdrecreation -and P-P.q.. - . .-n. - jsp e gpPrp-prist anal:. Oe..: futb�: [a 'i th y� f th" u:hld u.s(§ 6*. rnfor m....aVom: - re, e c. b p*,,abfllt -e- '* dbje -d M.—Op. amen,dmonts. with th Ftfture lm -J, a. .i,,e fem" Ilt Gt.iv.ms an,',. pol cije..s: as elerrt n*,t*,s,. N �Pg-,G.P Arniandme nt .0.84 a revision tb. Figure .:(nNo. Aria r ..p 6 11,h ---.e .�. "ads -ft 00 P, Future.Land: .U.- E10-ment of -the villalaez Of .North P-alm, Be h- 1: n ft rrngrpofie the Live Qat Plica enneXafilon:; The :lo�afxoif .E SCP .Arn:end:rnenf 08- is Rlustratad.-GnW, pill .T-h.e:.b:tft.ihcO.:of this sedi* n on hs Adt-cfiptil on gmendin-Olt -a9 welf as the cumulative Impacts fhereot five qrife above. References Ifo other:re tod prQyfd-pd* a_s nqcq4sary s, 2A. 6ftd 'em-ay-sis of th� P.rb' iad 'P*'bg as,.9pprqPfiAtO., lh, lerrns� .of the an of th' MAP I L.citn-oPrcpcsd a'Ppro sive n -I Amon-dme-nt R.0a.c 1". 30.0? 2.1 SUMMARY OF FOW ME LANP USE MAIE$ PS, . -A- -NDM .'NT 08 4 .. ... .. . ..:.. R. NPBCP'.Amen.dm.ci.h-t 0.8.1 aza"Ah­ft'e­x',dfl.6n­.-. A:: the . si�t�d* : " x1gim --s aped parte[c .--At ea'c B-. t ..dt L.6c R6UJhly f .0 ar Y. sopthwW ;corner of RjW­ar'Road: ani: kAjfe-n- pta{Ref. Map 1}:. The: n. oin ibrll,. WithIll .0. parcel is 2,51-1 - sin... -:81 -_-.2. dlilooloto �Plon.nlng-, Area* -Z. The,-.-suij..edt 0.6666ffiC'Ufthtly-d6ve C, Ext§t1h.9''Fu*tutb;lEad ,UA0wzG ilhq'Ina I .0.1S. Beach .1. Owl ­dt"r f: H`lJg'-.K----,(mens .- futL(N5-.-lan'd. QS�d: OH16 CGII' -GOhe'f`af D. Proposedfuturd Land Wf.e----.an.dZ.bn.!l.'n, ,rufUroland. Use C.-Omm. ohm -g. -C-2 �Autbm'o'-UV6 Goin rd a] DfMrIct.. Et Ab(i.t.6tn''.Qz­ 'La n­&Us*.e-*S'ublmAN.' AbUtti"nIg laid Uses, OhOfU410V*. j,ah L8z a d.,zoning.. sigft-.a n-.$, are : 1)f strofed .D' Mop t.p. qp.w.n 'te. Propor-ty 0 't aL .1 b q'lopme.nt..C'g:nqegt-ilial:rGfa the :current,.coommor-401 s:hqppfn center arse: t ur!til needed for ex ansiari of*lh-"e'.:M'e'rc'..'e.�de,.s:*d.6-'-"a.1 e'rl's". hmp to. -the toUn'; -- h 2-.'Populafion.ProLeettons. (propq$*,ed F4 re Larid, qgV-'4n'-)"NA- Proposed.* '-u !.9 -com-0 Alal' use.... Infra rue-tura"Imnacts: Tran forr, Rafe'r-ta'S.-po'.19 2. g f Sieo - n, 3.5. P` 0* f", P- b 1. 0 . W.. aW--r. k0eiVr to -Or .. 0 - to,_.86dtiQ'h- 16. Wa-tteMdWr.'Re tf n0e: Re -'r WIS 060M =az :Solid; waste;... R..ef r W.Sbic'-Aloi'n 6. .R.e. cI. e fi' / ppn. .,Space .*Refo.r.toSecfion.-3.:8;,,.;. H, Corr ip.AtIblifty With Cdfnpr6h&h l'V Plab, The proposed N N30PA mueb'd t 06- f .1 "r n b'db'-!§. kqtehf with the Vfl ta e, f -N' ftht MO. fs.':� be. ! ej 0 Palm:.Beach.:Comprehensive P*kan. Def6ilg are.:presented Section $ _.q... � :2-3; MARI, Abuft-jing .a , W. n -n. .-n-..g.: - -'*' 04 :Use And'26.nln- ,d:Use.l.-aludl,- F Des na-f! OtWO LCI NPOOP.Arne-n-drbant -O"S.".1 :No., op rrq o t Use FLU zonfhg� 'En(e.rpLises Vacant Ofommorclaf.?Nps) M.M.P5 NPR:' 3 'Vacant. C-ommerq Cc C NPR� 4 I'Wcatit-: C.pmMerqiql(NPB) -', CC".(NPE Cqnvq ntepca cN/gc-U. Quity) -C I '(.Qiit .0 VOd .VOhCPIG CH/5(County) ".Dt y,,CfeAher- CH/5 Courit GC, Count 9. Ahlhl-a['-Clin1d- Z.0: County_:}_ ID Woof GHlS .1 ...,Uht-Y-Y Mourity) i.l in-du; trldl I N 0: Cdurav.), IND;(Q.6,4ft) 12 WOO., construction . I.. .. . auto:d.alec opmmWcJal(NPB) .'C2.(NPp.) 2.4 .H*o.nev. Masci .-:.c.onrOV R . Gad :kale:: �-ale-.-: V--3-00' N bh �:,lVP�3CP �8 :. Gmmexc�al -B. t.. 3.0: CUMULATIVE IMPAC OF PROPOS-'ED AMENDMENT This section prolv . ides d.ata summaries mqn.es .and analysis of NPB'CP propos-e - Lori J.a 'd;- 1:�u 66 A .0 t m.ehdrh--6hf rsua he requirements -6f on. t AdMihi'sAtN.g....fade FRA C, whiohstates at ail ob p- t6fie081We -!-.an ghim dMents must: Meet the; roquTiriements.: O­fs-,0010-n 79J,5- -, F-cj-qtq,--rsaffecti ag. thp cumulative- -pp-o ;-:Of' NPBQP AMO 1 include -,arl 'IncrOase].ht6tM acid b6M-*'-Me-rv-aT:-6&bs,, withibmtbevi1.I'aq-e limTho. 18no associated lntreia*s'e. in resit antial units nd kil. on. -potenff' a. , pop a A summari.y of fo-tors o.60f. ,the, cumulative -I., moactg- of NP8-,G'P- Arn Wn""-n 1: is.,. presorted .in ,. On t e . t 9 osenTable 1. T' BLE A' . Amendment-084tvmul t iv- - M Ot I.- F -0 --to Mmary at 0: Irb"parctf-ttot'dr NPBCP;:08-'I: Totai. A..cros. .2-44 E sting..Land Use M- ix -.-(Vl Ilp-ge. Oibre,�s) Residential: 16W R. Slidentia] ." - -OIUM : Mg Res- i'denti-al. High Q;' 0 Commercial A-00 opods Tmahs'p-6` fta'botih.- 0,00 V.4capf, Proposal dnd Use Mix- v.-Iffage abres., 1.2. 54 Dwwelffn Uhits ExIsfIngLond- Use. 0 Priboo- sed Land: We 0 Pcip-Ulation Existing Land: Use. . . 1 0 P-Top.08-od V Lan -d . -so : Non; Res.ldefltial'Spacq- E-Agting. o. ft, :241,00 Maxi.mum.*Permitted sq:. R, 76,535 Propo.sod sq. ft. 14*.830 3-1. q. 'Q-1 KilIgge-of forth - .'P The tu4s .0-pfjoh that. f 16W� 0-r-q18,p . review: of jh- tit A evie 1P Q Beach : CoMpreft6hs]-ve . Plan Jh terrns of I p r q pl:. - dis-, 6d. NP. -B. -C -P Ablefiftlient 084. A endmar t T&i . m d6turv.i..- - h-18 3A VILLAGE CHARACTER a a tblafl?.�sc-;� ',futur6 1�irld Proposed. -N'P.8.C-,.P-:Arm's ndr heint 0.8-1 dUit ... d :use :map � 8alati-d-tMat. 'The w m,6140ve -effects, -ry ofth.xkay..'�mpact-s. ;fqto. o -.f'.2** 5 -1, -ex -an -of the -o.-.r grp.a., .P ..e oQr ate: a acres. Asumrna.-- e 1, A16 he :u may is gas fallows: Fs creased �,y-2' "61 ad d�m tbid: a.; Coffterdial. ltihd & b - , de eloped on the "LiVe Oa -k - P-JaZ41"afth ft. Parco. Chant lhm the zurrent' CQMMOrOtaJ %MWP*. the existing. buldings, aridlor 'Ippm T ..or 'e . p..."nt m r q e ve, j anx ol the Am n. m f:. on 08 - -'re '- ay occur prov.i. ed Chet ::z coning n'd site Wi-ire .in.. 0.1aCe-JhclUg--n Z-11 -r.tgU1-'ted-.'d.bn-d tall .0.y certifications. " . i. r M *''C -e:� propo No: P-00i.-tionO Viftigo 1*0-nd. q, -cgilikqo J . -t GO'. 'A 7O."Aff ;t� 1h oed N,P.SCP-AM­6 'en-*,t.0$-r1i. D ie "'d in P to*, the : R"hited aft.d..."A of leind (ire. `,2.-_'1.5f Adre involved 1. N.",80 -P all A, mendment O&M., as Well., as its currently d6votop-od. I fu pab s. upon, `i.nfrastructure. services 'arp prqjepst-ed .tobo"--N*JO w'd. Quld rooOvelo­ p nt..-po infrastrudtpra impacts: "W rease " d 'Ung.the site .plan ,app.ov1PTCc S 'I C.O. NP OP Arn-Ohd moh.­f 08-1 is 4--oh'sist6nt with. the it, ribluded. that the - '0--' P pos `h: P. -of.-Nort 'n . . "g. � V-111qe C'-,.haracter- as -des.Q `bed I -.0-h-a or-- 22. of'th H Vifta a wall .: , Comprehensive Plan; in: that -th, p erQpgsed pp.MMe(-cJa - g sj n ato is n, jgten.. thqse:..;�toqg: the9.t.s. Ptie. terrtate A4, The properties included within: NP50P Amendment e-M-dM'-T6nt08.4- are inclb. -d ed: wiffi l.h. V-lage. Plann-ing Area: 5- as frated on F!SIRE . .Off heFuture: Land :U 1 e dement,: Planpfng a rqp m.qp will :be.reused ;part of the next :rwnd -,of :E-vaduatiom. And ased1 com preh,. site plan.0 me,n;$.A r( !Y P., 12 FMRE LAND USE A. Oata Summary An,anad.ysi.8 of 'top Ography- toils: and ood-ung-,and . M 'h -h 'ativa. V6.gettffioo in the Villa :15* presented: In-the e*of North Pa[rn Beach.. - S.,u-qPOft Documentation. (PUture. Land- 'Use:Bempht)Data from 1h-i1$document and: ;s u- p. g I e n! e n ta ry Aa tc6- a re used - in t he: fp 11 -,P w-. I.P.g.. analysis; 3-2, 1. Topograp:h.}r: The- elematio.n .flt parcels included` vithin NP -50.1: Amendment 08-1cs approximately 12 feet N N , 2. Soils and Alin:ei4al � The general so:ii type of prc�.pertles included Withift °NP:BCP Amendment Q8 -'i is Arehts Urban Land . :ornp[egt (Au):: According to -the Soil Su:ryey- of Palm. $each Cou, ratty (U.:S. Dep -art - nt of A riculture, S:ai1aer�ratlanrvice, 197 " urban land ccrrsists of ,golf courses, subclivigionr, ,qnd. h1- [hJ `ms;. de -Vel pmerits, roadvua}r ; business or ind:ustri*l areas;. rec aimed: borroanr pitand: b -t ,• -ar areas filled: over but not yet devel'opec":. D;ue fQ' these :characteriticsr th:is soil type :cannot 1* piecedvuith(n cap.abiT y .unity to dotei-m ine their sititabiiify for dbveloprnenf- How:ev r, since : L2 Impact Of NPOCP,Amendment QB,ii U�xt.*g. Land Use .North-: Pdhn` Beech .(- dk tj Lot:, U,se -Al. ORory Ptyor Atneri:dmen't a 1 -f UndA;'d, ant:. F�escd�r�t�aE Single�Pam�y ��gx5 ,,. �r?�:�: Rsidehtlaf lVli.ltiple-Family 24:9.71: 24:7fi' 'Commerdfal 'CfiQ::3C* -102::8.7 Inst utvi al 841 .4 "6411.4 Utility.TTransportaflon' Conservat1pniOpen Space: -2 55::94 -225:54 Recreation "&: 000. i Space 1k00 'l: Q o 'ti'tJale. Vacant Includes NP.BGP Am6ndhlehts:9'6�1.:Ian:d -.Does:not ir�clu.de Amendments 0 1.'C. wind 9 12 (propQed:; Source:- :2006 'NarEh:Palhi-. B:eaeh EV. elu6t-16h .and Ap e-ditai p, 6. C:Vrr ::nt Pa ulati n Lstimate � yarn x� g. d r lc pet mirnerc at areas, Me current p p:ulatron es tr te: of the Village t 'rY:ot ih reas�d:: Furkhr, the: proposed futu:ra- land. use :de'ignlon pf iUPBAmendment Q8 'l ls: c mmmrf.'al. Th:e.refo.ra, I ereill k e na.. net efFe .t- upon fh-e long teem popuiaf ark pro�e0 .0n i As o r tnet'e al. i e elc� rYiei t �c to tial i5 I ssurYied: . Analysis Delineati i c f` lag Plani it g Area.; N BC A e drn nt QB�-'1 dill afl Vit: -the. corporate Rhitts and the bo nd�a:� of Pla:nnin:g Area 5,. by €h*b at .. alon of theproperty iflasrafd` on .leap: �, $-4 Existing Land Use WO, Series: NPBCP Amen' fte � �' 08-1 will �Offv.*.Ot. th-b": r tett' E-Xfsffing Land. Use Map 8.6-fie's: of PiaftNng Area. 5- by -the .addition of :com morci'at Iand:.use.- as: show, in Tab! 2. 3'. Resident PQ.pqFa-ftqn. Rpojeoljpns:­ Resident -...'t -pp gia-t Ions were. rep.-Antly . , _ p Jsa Report -(EAR .as. fdllow-s: updated as part of the EV�tfugtidd -and;A p-pral: -2 ­ IT - Z 'rojedlof* assume - 2-066- .2-CO64): 5- -P d buildout of the yoar.,2 fol... p-Otehfial ROO p .04p. t6- N1 BGP Ar�, -.ft ''nt Q-8-4 j reserd in i tion. r ti d h Table.-.' It is -astUry*dthat the: "prp.por-ty' Hl be- ag.sighed the propased C.0m, or - , Ha; land d - use 4- 9,nax o . n. Therefore,. tne.: adt- Long=terrn affects f 'l :the propo ed. NP80"P.-Amondmew 0 I -o increase n.. popti: aflom 4. V-4 t analysts pp, Orme. pE�n... -L;�h.d A fy,�j&: Rqq-�O�. lubb.-h the rf, d.. in S60.1 -On to the AeVedipiheht or rbdeWopnentbf the .:related; properties ara defined. 5. Land.' Use Ptojections:: It 1' .- projected: ted t -of: omrm r -a' f -nd in NPB. C'P IS ep. C., e cl "I ;-Am- ishdrnent 08-4. Will rbm­Ai'n de*,v'6f djor, bp m merclaf Otoo�.e s b -Y .the p wit. 't . f year .2. 10.,. c6n.t1.-steht. e6u . ildiout.proj,�1,c projections. far the. Village,. C.. Goal 'Objeefives and PoIji -1 cf, S.' N:PBCF Ame:hdh1-&nt'G.8-­!1 tha. Futu-'t. :Lah-d U§'-6:El:efb1Onf -Of the A"t'l- Gm..o.-preheri�jve Plaut and '60 tiBA ffiendfm�hAr ta -e required:.Nbst.:VecilAmaq, -the prverty. Inclu,46d''Within. NPW.P Amend: 6m:0.8-1.jt[OCafad wjfh1`ft the VIlIqe's, future :annexation are..a, per Figure- $-17dfthe-,Omprehengive 7Jam.. Furtherthp annexed: 'prQpprtyI. . placed in Village P.1 Mr!ing A 5 Whtch is bqpted inth.eVill ge* Urban: sbrvilde.'-si. Ateiea',.. The;. pkd­p­b*.,ted traft"I M*&C-1-81 future land use designatirn of th-6 Orbp­ert hic-fud'ed within NP8-0-'.P Am.-oft.dm .-,- h 0$ I- lsconsistent:consistent:Wfth-Ahe- c-'.UrhentJUtu.re, lard'' use pattern-longthe wtest a!de-of84fe-Road AIternOteA-11' A iP.-rop;ortin c rrid -or .are. assigned opm. eupig -vu�re]an Aning-ce a..atons 3.31IR AW.8-POATATiON Ai Dota Summary NFIBCR AM n&n-ebt-08.1n 11 2 Ot I acreY nficacit PPon thea W-0: �011. fbadwty�§ roadway qatem. According 10 the .2006 EV61-datib''n 'a.nd,MAqj.t --ft AO: -�;se-rrvi6- Within the Village: -are. currently operat[qq .at .peak hour [eve-16"of­ el, D -or botte,,r.- Further, the. properties a.rqurrenfly psslgrsed �Q'-.'14 FI.LUA des ig a.. f" In tha Ci:wnty. h No increase n u.4p i -p i nt-Ons], 100rppo�sf ff.. Analysts NP '-O.PAmren "mePt.� 0 8.0 one;cev g:pd-�Q*jrmerc' 1'.1 bt U%..e. a. total. 1, With a of Z.B."T acres)., Th se �re n -,d wise, de - i -g. ... �Otj n i OMMeTcla, ,,e :pro o. .0 f . .. .Wt.0 q: c P ps n Q sign - i " ft' :Thi -cu&;6n t FLUA rat. ic zon nqpon.. -ptqpps-pd­C-2- -Utom �k Ot .in 9 -desig.ftcitibnl PHIB: --Ift th-6 Urfiff.d.bt-p.-dr. cl'� Arod) Its' a M"a*xdJm­u**.m Q w -h -I - -.0k. M. -P PDD , 0 v; M- 16 sq It. (PAR,". potent -bf 3, 17 A T Pote to -IMU 'Q IR P Pcl M.A.C., JS Sq, -4 pote.riff I uIldiar-the P: L,,'U. 0 s ..-aft --i h -N, rtiih. h -7`0 04: ftfi 1 -Oak PI Zl,, �CM currently f. a -2,40 -S -c -O-M '(rA. R. of Live: rent -�,.c ps 9 0$ts.. Of '.ercia - retail` q. -center (Q,2-$-- FAR) Live;, Oak Plana was.... a by Palm., Oaa hf: n.ty'.,.::ih. 1`084 aqd. tl�vOtaped p r PRt 1� ..0 T n. OM.., -P The :ex-f0ting. development 1110- advent:, :of �Oi *111, "', , - r prior to 0, 0 0 S, "grandfathered" into - o.mpl 4 -p w 12. Traffic ,.i 07-,P d1l", an, tans rd: "' th-10. 9 P o0 0 rM An." r, --s : P.01M Beach County U'UnifiedUihd Developftht..-Cdb . Hdweve�, Aftr future t ii ' 06 81 that ins I.c. generation"wt* A-V - ", to. n irenovatlio-h- o"t r"'e*de.'v"e.lop.,...n...,e.-n.t.;.p.-r-olect: --t ht #aq"Afr�i an updafe'd concurrency dot-e.-r.m.`ItT9tIO:h.-. The apPcant'far .-AmenIdni.-ent-- 08A:. proposes to:.rete(ti the existing ij,5.e until(.:.s -ch�- time h he er ede5. -deadershlp, to "ids. q. e is .7- 1 Mi, pthus. -South- needs to be --ex-panded - Ttaffid- ,.a U -a --VVest6d-:j- , Optic g the :CbU`rI-.*ty Traffic: P&Wrhahce. St rfthawi�Vert, tihyfuture; use that increases -t ffi.c.' - - noy.. - C 0.0. 1. 0*140,0 q cflves -a Rol fe. les, 5 . Tr n "tt- ti -,10 Mt. -6ht:t.fth -NP..-B..-C.'P:AM6r.-IdmehtOB.;*l,i:*s"�*co"."n"'s'ig-t h!v tth theSROIS� [oh :. Go M... -Orehefisive, Plan,-8Md.*--`h-6I' text. afln*0.nc1hAents:,a e,necessary. 34: HOUSING A. -D-Ata-gtimfttirl'y'. NPOOP Amendmient. - &.4' -iwill .got -affee 'the 'VIOMV�s lonWferm, Inventory of b-Pps-i.ha. NPOOP Amond, .0 Q$: will CqPPin, -np .y.liJn.g' units., B. Atialysis The. propase.d� -future- land :use design-affQn "i" C-pMM...,O-..rc, For plan,ni'rig pprposes., it: therefore. ass-ij, e that- the, site wiff be developed f bO.MM,� bVI . Od Odd-itl . ­'1residential'U."hit Will be: "' lilt reial poses, a..". ...0 . o9a. .-Q _000�* tiv.1t, ndP Ik' t .NP*BCP Amendment M.1 hq$-.-nO effect, upon the Housing Ele t jrrp - 6^1 h ....Men, -.d 00 .amend.m.ehts are required*.. IS SANI-TARY SEWER!:SOLID WA.S-TE.1 6 AIINAGE,. POTABLE WATER AND NATURAL GROUND WATE R.A.M.W.-IF.. R., RWH .1 A., D#a Sum.ma.ry Moto the sr"ftallsize: of1he. ft" I- 'd h NPB CP AMehdMI " 0 ire roper y n.b ent.18. 1, the.' n1fio- im actz upon n . i . r* s�tructure­setvlms.- wifib.o.n.-Ogg ..an'thp, end i r service -a Siretcda N Authority; 6ndis. currently boffig'served. A 0-rainogie Statemeot s jjft d, p ft Fui wo $u M-1, 0 0. �e,. turo. Land Use am''ond ... etit-� p .4t(pq- Drairigge. ft. 'il, ...r m -.. ntly An, :p a.. I' in s' -for - he imrned: ate: future: QP Q .rre W 1: W The -d -of' is re.n. N.6 d41 ions:"t:0. 4.*f*--"­.`­ ;.q:p�!qn; r 096. s d comprised ofa. sed-Ot. affhl lots lod, t. d - t. 6t W t 7 o , 6 ia 81 v8wz10u,4v: focatfdns arodhd property, fh a current outfall to, th-6 FOOT right-of-way in' Alternate A-I.-Athrouoh -ovortand ltow Based. upon .local information,Live Oak laIaza does not f Iwo to exte-nt that- bu lJngs are: rzomprq m. ised. - S,dIid:_-waste :d6ll.e.ction W-111 be., -aswiffi-e.-d V'vlhe�. Vilt ­.o.f;:N*6rt.h%..­P ,al M. q Bach for tk AM Itufln NP.'B.*CP Amoftdment:08.A... 0 1. a o o n-st I I P o -v 1 b th" $ .9e. Mc.09: wfll:b*ei-� PT'OV-11ded, -, Y le. Palm. 8.6..aohid Waite Authority, ..Which hay -adequate capacity ::Gou.htY, Solid. paclt .10 sense the Vflla-9 ethrough.buildopt i B. Anatysils OpMr4f.p otable -w atp'r-and wa-stewtamr.:servIQ fs:,Pr VI t. -e s by S e coas. t Utilities .Authority. An. estimate -of MAMMA; -day Potable a.r demand. to :service NPB'CP Affiehdrfidht- 08A., agIm-Ig d op"fe-AVI'll-6§6 :L -6;s :standards, Is' as '-f6116 ;(2- -r-d, Ah s6fj "M acres) x ('1,x.74.qavla�-.P�/day 41708 gal . I .MAW of Max u —day, Wasterater -demnd' to service N.P-80P Amondment.08A,:.'s.$s: foillo s (. ..51* acres}. x (1,0*00.9_61.Jacrelday) = 4,016 -galion.s- pp.r day. D8,1 is lbcat.Wv. thih Prete'' ct'lort Zone 4 of the Richard Am . i N'PB,.C.P Amendment Road water -treatment facil-liy"... All non-rwqldantiaif actil-vit-las with -In. Zone:.4 whic.h. store, handle - uoiaor.P ,.-.roduce any regulated sobstar.i.ce are. .pwrdhited' urTiess. 1heYqualify for general exemption o. .r :r'ecelVp ,qnq"pIp" * -rq n`gp erm-it -fqM,..ej-. : P alm R . .each . . qwn. ty Doo4rtM,e fof iinvir.mehtdsdu ices nagpm pt Regdl4td6 substances are defined I9:.3.B: Secbh: 26 6f -the PIMBoac4 0b0 Uftift: tdfid- D6VdlcOneh Dcbde, - 3-7- I P: PIo.pose6 nt,0.8_1 is"CIO. -.wcth.. thy. Sanitary `.Sfter M. d .W Dara lugge, -'Pot. bje Wa.te:r And Natural :groundwater Aquifer Recfiarg e element of e the Com r6heftio :Plan: in'the"t. the: K ua 1 -y -I wo.Y.O.'ect. ! `6 S. hd;�rdi§�w ��t 4W.1-0 -(L.0. -)-'sta No serv; .08 con-sistent. with the V -1111 -ages- lowl mend ments are, roqUired'. -16 00ASTAL -MANA.G.-I'EEENT A. Data Sum. ftaty Mcordh fv ib.e::, anal ApOteig6f th.eprope.... y included 10060: within, ..psed:N.F'B'.C-P;AM .'eni ript W44th n _qpom 'bl the �eftned Iia . z-a.r'. W 0 A 'd AV6. n '16 ft!!] ... t ldi' 1 h"I . V.M. S.Ur e zone. PCEI elwt H: R. Anatyv.s.Ps CS 1.0 The p,ro..p 0� n:. NPB-'c..'-P Amen. m.pnt-* Q'O* I discussed o None of th6f. Iloing are -identified issues:.te14dP'd 1 N CP J t O Area; -,k -at.tsei.t's -itb.' i�achlegi., be- -.bist infrastructure wiflhilb.,the to �.I[H*Igb'...Jqa.tEed ea; publ d1soster MOOVWOpMont. C... Goal' 04jective.s.-and Poli-cles. On -M eh -t of NP80P Amend Mont *08-1 is, 60fttfsteinf Witli-the - Go. stat *Ma , 0 b. - ieh "de -*14ed . Ro, addftional text, cornoreh in, 1. nt the. ensive P-..,I.an-. -that amendments .-,r . p. gqui 17CO"'tRVATIJON"- A:* Data ,Sum, ma.r.y. Is ... q t e .NPBC'P AM-eftd-mbht'.'*0.8-j 60s. "J" tOf sOh ' ­ dU-Mi'i developed' .. - pr 0 land, NPBG P Amenn6nt&nos Hlted potehtdl to fmgdft.MatUr r5860rcesa,dcress d v.ithin th Conservatip.n... Element.- An, f - -v t - n..-. en. oryiof resourteg. is P.0e8.'.ehted. in S.80eIdn,:3*...2, ff, Aplalvsj.sm T-he,onl' .issue: raised- 1h, tel. 1,6.h to N.PB.t.-P: AmitM-di-h6ht.0­8 ' f Is'. the p6ite-In't-I a. use: nte—s of regulated. substa. Within Zone- 4 of -a.. pota'ble... water wo .11fi Id to;. w` AS d"II.S.'CU's­'s­e­."d, '11h. w e.q taoe -.r.a...1citod: act Ives Section -3,5 b., the -Coont - has d* uate-- qont�ds in -p -to insure that. ' -are operated properly. M C, Goal, Obiloctivos: a.n-d,,P-olIc:J.08 N*PB.CP'Am6h.d.m.en-*t,,,Q.$-I'.i-s con s nt with t.b., "Cip .�-.,ry iQ.n fEli f the: erne 4f, q . in. -se. 0 ' 0. t 0 Ccir.n.prehensty-e Pl-�in In that n 6 ih(joh.ti.i§t0n, G -Jo$ are -id d,.: 'No --6 _4 i rtal text amendments ents aw: .6quired.. 3.8 RECREAVONAND 0MUSPACE A. Mita Summarry The result Of d ..P rodef voloop... mohl` actfivity u.'Wer -the--,, Prq.P,0 rLU. 0"10.. ',M.ht* or -m fin erty-;associgtod' with N P.A 1 will ore .de*:4 , ignqt'lpn �vp prop... Ose- the. Po*ul6.ti-6tl-6f#'-e p . .. .. h 'VI...) :B.-. Ana-lysit 1"mPlarne. -1 p wyt. -cnpn�ce . t �,oa propgrt - .assoel". ..M.0 n 0 qpm-.:mpfqi.aj .0-ey-e o M Me p With: N-PBOP Arhiandtft&ht 8 1 Wil not create - develop :n.. I*e* 00it. .v o -p. r�pc a 4 low !eptiq.n, C� 0o.aL,,0bje-ctives:and Poll-clias reatioa NPBCP Arn*hdffi-,Ent ,:G8-1 is, cQ"'n­'s­­t­*f*with the R -e-0. :'t* and Open Space. 86ment of tho t-1.0m.'an4hetistva Plan in. -that 1 61,of-Eiorvitle .(LOS) :standards 6.- not, re cam :No. additiorial': text amendments aretequlr6d. . promised., . IS INTERGOVERNMENTAL COMPINAT 10 _N A. 11-cita' S.'UMI'Mi—ary NPEW'Arnendment 08-1 raises fto "IrTtergQvernment ,.al coordination lissues. The -of -th.6 :, annexation property. associated * -with'--:N.PBOP Amendment 084 is being 9i'M:-U-Itaha­o:Lrsly. processed-. The FLU -ahlentimbrit,Is CUrlrer-Mich: i pg.processed through ough the IPARG procetg In PalimBeach tourily, do "ItIq Wh 6 . an. utifbttie6h V inter.gove"rn M- i n li , issues ['be. ldoritifled: ... 1. ... . . . - 1. 0ji . 1. ... .. . . a jon $ .. .. B. Analysis ifis 1. P Y -S. NR8GP Amendment 08"1 is not locea e-d'Wthllh-:.-an Area of O.riffba(l Stoti5--. Concern. 3-0 C. G0dJ,:Objddtiveb.wind PbUldt-at.. NP.50F Arnendment:08­1 is.; -consl nt with the -Ihl - r -n- en [0-w-r-O'nation the Element of the � -C o mv Pr- e. ... eml :Any lh-toogipm. -or Men"f4 v I. . r. -.1. n, � -.1. * e 'I) be, ---� - d' :* ... 0, A - I N- diti - `il fejt: -Affl M."Ph-en-tt. v .wrovel.proc.i.sp wild TPs.SeC acc R.In gy., required, A* Dana SOMM-AY FY. J M.i.p -'Overne..., p.l. ng. NP8.QP AO*ftdMeht 0*86.1 hasin 0 p The element-4y-elamnl review- presented in Sectione.3 3.-9 .0 identification -of any odd." to [ A .-qeeded IM, capital : I PrQ_vqM B-. Analyiti NMQIPAmendment 08, gu.ram mmredcapital m.P- rvae.l. Q. ye n S in .terrns of 'addng-:4c0lonpfiq a p pfty.1p currently'Of n .8. .M�:ovet for is -P * 1 14, C4 G -OW, Rol * totell"S NPBGP Armen: Ment: 08,4 is can sj't Is.. e.nt.o.-Ith- .1 - e.-. C:apifial -..p.rpve mpnts- Elem-erit. of, . -the'C.om--.P.re.hens.ive...*P.lan,.,.ja.n,O, njov pd.-Oitio text 'd aroM III OTT'HIEl''t-IR' 0,LANN'tNO.-..C-..,'.O".'N.C--Ek P11 The Vill-8(g. Fobtle.-S.-. t Deg '.-M nl-dc- t rt, -on-t-,-op- m. e.'n.... q Q.7 io v - N m*19 d J ng n:;-.poer :0.08 rnernornda to the villa e -tbla IM -P .t.8 N& -p. A -N.:, b, f anne, ng U` 0 k Plaza.. C6nt6th. e numhbr:of po I and Itres:G.uo calfs generated by Foster's-- Pub, one, -Oflho 13tengntsl.of the tfioppll g To address ppt.entll I imp c. s Olic Safety Pep ''tit th-6 art-im, ent ro ' 0 Odbd:- th e- e A. h :h op Villa a I 'ge take th.e. foli 0 aff'ot'tqr` P.Q. qW, g require the e h' lbyhl ht .ct5ff-d.uti '1lifagapbfilob0*ff ters PO IlbrM pe .6f. the 0, -duflng peak bours. sp, ftnts ood. h to. ta e YS., oftd lic q %fety- Depa dmot to: act- as lqg en. to::enforce 0-....l.... lviferib:g; trespassln,g.acrd"'other rtu: sante -crimea, -S e.: -'village d* !"ant" in ,the The. above:actions w6 to -be �Yl*h.6-'vJ­'.qge an appic annexation or.d'.jnance--.ao.a.o-m*P,ei"'t'l.-9 N -PB C -P Amon, 4.0 CONSISTENCY WITH REGIO E PLA. M NDST AT S N _ idtt Inis -rative Aptordinq to � :92J. 5-62-11, Florida A-d"M"'t tt"" Gude l - comprehensive. pizin- m...- � st 'be. consistent. With. the -8 0- u 0 h State- m.prehoh-stv-0 Plon arTd.* _11—Potiby. ter- 91JI-5,62-:11'... F '0: Treast-.i.re Coaat R` onal; lambing ' .3 ., A C o, no.. Obap I'M -states -fa-- the purposes oses o'f" de`term-in-i. ,.q ,cq .ns . .t e n­'cy p.�'f jhe loca-' . -n tW ..'I h he Mate Carr . ns r Of1 tp reg16haI 0toy pjnth a4 t or regional h shay ebo6 rdadas.:a,w1%l6 :and ho spect tcgpalandPO108h11 bO- coh,rued r applied 1hisdaf hfron the 400, 4.1 R8610 :NAL PLA* N N:PBCP -Amendment .0811 siT "waeviewed, Ih- tO.-­.rMS:-offho Treasure -Coast.- R -egflonal Pfann.M:g. CbunGll Re 'Ibnal, Policy P14n."if": ord. rtol d r.m.. In"..e. cop o- B -A -.sad -on. this y. Vi d' t rm, 1:thaf -no: ife are reloteO tb.- re ow,. l.f. is e' e a, R. 1. r , p d ined to 1"t re jbn 1* -or imp cte. .N*P.BCP* Ampadment.- nand jtja found co. J.4 Brit utrith reg�.i` qW` Oo- s. and policies, 4.2-STATS009PREFIENSIVE. PLAN INPOCIP Amendment 08-1 vas reviewed in terms -of. the � h : , guals- --oW.ecbv.e--,q anO- ppi-idies- -of the $tat p Pl-An A's presented 10 it Ei e C mpreheuive th - C "h-- pti�? 1. 7: F r d' :this r,6vi6w,. it it. ddhelUded that 1408C -P Ami h�dmiant 0:8=1 Is S. _atute�. 1349ed upon e: ppon is I.. cansVSte - WthMate goa. Sj.:OJPG­jVeS,ah d policies. 41-4. &O-CONCLUSIONJAND .R..--'E--.'-.,C�,'OMMENDATION- The following -reoOmmendotions., are. presented..;: '601 FINDMQ. NP'BaP Amendiniera.08-1 I` oor stent h, the -, ow" lono. �of fbe .1 V.111age- of North. pr s P Amen=dment -0 4 is P Lao mfor Pe, Palmi pa fca j1y: ... ....... b pq .,n. ....6 -6f:.ur mh -s:l h n Cog d 1-6. -t n -within't -e-; L -1i �p d' n r. qj; n 0 and .. 0 " I. -C.- - . - 0 P. d '-gi) -:1-1 . N P. R 0 ij=-1 -rift A r.A. X as defined b '­ Cha:: ti- W,16 .(06: -40 �y OM�Mtsj Tom Ate n.d.fn4rit 08-1 -11.*S."coh-siste-rit w-.fth.pa1.f0--*y---iOf tho-C., p, 1: u In. t 4, 0 n rov "''t r to ei oorid.fflori of.p...ubf! hazard,. s. no . co-nt 14 to. def r r.),j -aat (S ,-exja.mrbafe any -extO.I.na Q...-otidition of public PAPRydeer bed Tz j d ..'h on:, the Fu[tur6-' Land 'U-8�e MAP Is. pqntpat a:n - . therein, -and: ib -9: With. VAPOO 4� 5. ' .2 -STAFF R8 .' COMMEENOAT. OR Staff recommends thot the: Vil-foge-'- C-duh*1 BC---Atn' ...epprb.Ve- R P fiditeht'*08. -1 U IG EA . 0 -5.3-: LPA P " 8L H` ". RIIN ari r-Ig on An. advied.l..'sed to-Ged PlaTi..."h Agency (LPA--.-).� -Oublf'q ..h.p'' NPBCP t Amendment --,81 is scb t q U t `b M", April 1: In s edbule. d* p. p c 74' .0 6.4 LPA METING. -p.f tho p e. v i o n . r N. P B,� C -P The:Local planning ..Agen,cy soh pdUledrlb, hb.-"" s� regu arm pe-fi-i-n 6.h- A�r "1 -2068; a f ..Arnendmeht, -4 f"t _V. ti g. 5.5 VILLAG5 COU RO. (L.PU.9.Li 0 '" HEARUN ** ''O: An,- adve. �J:sed. Villagp. -Q'Q.u:n.qit Pu W10 hp4tfn on: N,P.--BCP A M.' end- Mont .0-8-1 zJfs h -20 -8, 0 P.,. -M. i 0 'h -.d d: 6m: M-8ty `81 .0 -A I th cheduled to be: o � Ubte n. the 1.11 8111, &A. VILLAGE-COU-NOILME-ETIN meetings .1 April 24--brid 1. 1 ogg or m.., q6 is, on ; The ViRagg. -Councs.11, 'at "ifs. f- -'T A' "'1 100-8 is. scheduled to cp.'n'sid`er NPBCP AffiOndment 08-'-.;l &A A'PP:EN IX*. -A - QIP CP', A�nend-wont SSA NP5 -P Am.e�ndt`n:+enfi O&A oonslsts of future :nd U:se iU p series amendm nt to incorporate. a voluntary annexationccQmI�shd pursant to Ghaptr 'i71, Flarida. .. S:fiatufies:. NPE�I .Arnndrnent 0$ ' is cccmpland by aner.drnenfi to Figure .3yg :of the Faure L.at:s a Map, series a theiliag ototh Palm Beach Q-:atnprel-�:eiv: Plan: NPBGP Amendment 0$.-1 " presented in Ex ib4t A. -,Enacting or non. es.t inclu.dIng: annexation, future In: u' -se and: zarttrg, ars sack in E�chiits . C -4 EXX tu re Land U -S P, Aman:mer 0.4 -d pf 8 ..V.. pl: -No- P -,,�dh 6. ffimhon . swe an. Adden-dum:TO Pi. E. 3 .oj jjj�- 0 rth gofil: Be Corporate Limits: A -Z Puluro.� Amen. meh. L d U k''"''d ''"t -an .'So GHI 5 .. , .4 V.) �.o n Tv.0 ..Omm a al 'h;:Pa Seach) NCO Annexatton -Ordinanuo."o"- NPBCRAmon-4 RAW EXHIBIT' 0 d"l r InandOENidt-In nd Use Dema of l .(Too - be --t Updh.-.ad..op k' -n).-. =I EXHIBIT D M. Ordl nanc-.qEn.401.0-g. Z: -ning.D.ps tgn..., on". NPBCP'Ame..ndM e',nt 0,8e�4- (TQ be attach=ed upon r7a.,dop.flart) A-5 Village Planning Commission Council Recommendation Form Public Hearing Date: June 3, 2008 for Local Planning Agency Meeting Date: June 3, 2008 Item# �t Subject: Recommendation to Village Council ;for approval of Voluntary Annexation, Small -Scale Comprehensive Plan, Rezoning; Live Oak Plaza .9249 Alternate AIA PCN# 00-43-42-17-00-000-7021 Project Description: A request by Gary M. Brandenburg, Brandenburg & Associates, P.A., on behalf of Live Oak Plaza, LLC, are seekinga roval o voluntary pP... annexation, small-scale comprehensive plan, and rezoning applications Advertised: Palm Beach Post, May 26 & 27, 2008 Public Notices mailed within (300) feet, April 30, 2008 Planning Commission Recammeridation: Voluntary Annexation: Small -Scale Comprehensive Amendment 08-1: Rezoning: Chairman Signature Date ir. Date Prepared: May 23, 2008 Meeting Date: June -3, 2008 Planning Commission - - BA-CWGROUhtD=— } s The site is located at th`e`northwest corner of RciardRoadrand Alternate AIA. East of the property is.�the FEC Railroad; south of the _property is the new Mercedes Dealership; and north of the property is Kwik Stop and Killer Tomato outdoor produce stand. • The 2 75 -acre site Chas an. ; exist n commercial shopping jcenter of app�roxunat&27;250 square feet with"zr ultipl-e rR tenants: ,restaurants ani a b55ar/tavern. The subjec-i-sit e was built inµ! V s� �� F Ski '.� � y� �s 9 '# 1 .: ; ".: T ;`4# s .� 1 �• j s 1974 in�accordance with the Palm Beach County guidelines and has a County CG zonug ,clesigra ion and a County CH/5 land use classification. In 1996, the property located on the -southwest corner of,Alternate AIA and hjorthlake `Boulevard (Ed Morse rCh6*6 ''et) was annexed into the `Village .(a/k/a Southwest Neighborhood). _ ; . , ., ...y in `2004, the two parcels, 9225 `Alternate A'lA -Haul and 9275 Alternate AIA (Mercedes Dealershi located north'of� Ed` s'` ors ` ) p) ,r Morse Chevrolet were voluntarily , annexed r i t • i tf into the Village. On November: 3 Q, 2007, "the .property owner ..submitted applications to the - Village for voluntary annexation,. small-scale, comprehensive •plan , -(land use) amendment and } j rezoning, , , . . Via.{. LAND. USE 8i ZONING The proposed land use category. for the subject site' is`-C6ihmd`dW C and the proposed zoning designatnCommercil (C-2) inaccodance wthiSections-34 of the,Village Code of Ordinances. The Voluntary Annexation and Small -Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment 08-1 are consistent with the provisions of the Village of North Palm Beach Comprehensive Plan as prepared by Land Research Management,Inc.:' SITE DETAILS Site Access The subject site can be accessed from a double' driveway on Alternate AIA and a double driveway on Richard Road. Landscaping The property consists of an existing Ixora hedge along Alternate AIA and Richard Road; eight mature Oak.tress along Alternate AIA; four mature Oak trees along Richard Road; and twenty-four Sable Palm trees in the interior parking isles. Revised 5-29-208 Date Prepared: May 23, 2008 Meeting Date: June 3, 2008 Planning Commission Site L The subject site has existing pole lighting in the parking lot area. Drainage The site has existing drainage located on site (Attachment 1). Si nae The site has two pole signs located on Alternate AIA and one pole sign located on Richard Road which currently has no sign face. The tenants currently have wall signs and window signage. Dumpster Enclosures The site has approximately three dumpsters that are partially enclosed and/or have no enclosure. Pam The site has an existing parking lot of approximately one hundred and five (105) parking spaces and (6) six handicapped spaces. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Planning & Zoning 1. The property owner has volunteered to file a deed restriction not allowing any "Adult Entertainment Establishments" as permitted in Section 45-34 of the Village Code of Ordinances. 2. The existing business owners will be required to obtain a "Business Tax Receipt" from the Village upon final approval of the applications. Any new business owners will comply with the list of permitted uses set forth in Section 45-34 of the Village Code of Ordinances. 3. The property owner to consider removing all pole signs, wall signage, and window signage to comply with Village Ordinances within (1) year. 4. The property owner and business owners must comply with the requirements of Chapter 3 (Alcoholic Beverages) of the Village Code of Ordinances upon annexation into the Village. 5. Replace any dead and/or missing landscaping hedge material with the same material along Alternate At and Richard Road. Revised 5-29-208 2 Date Prepared: May 23, 2008 Meeting Date: June 3, 2008 Planning Commission 6. Install required screening .for all dumpsters (Planning Commission .approval required) upon fn3al roval;.:of the aPplications. Public Safetx 1. The recommendations:based on a memorandurn datedJanuary 30;. -2008 from Chief Steve Canfield, Director of Public Safety (Attachment 2). Fire Department 1. Provide,fge truck.. access throughout the site. Palm Beach County 1. The requirements based on a letter dated March 212;2008 from Lorenzo Aghemo, Planning Director for Palm Beach County, (Attachment 3). Revised 5-29-208 3 7741 N. Mil Trail "aka 5. -O$irn -Beach Gel Ph0the (551) °841-B 18B Fair. (561) DRAINAGE STATEMENT FOR LIVE OAK PLAZA PALM BEACH COUNTY, FL DECEMBER, 2007 rye, -F aHds 3341 O 1-614® frk` � k J i ( r) it Live Oak Plaza is an existing 24,833:50 SF :retail center�aocated atl.the south ,west + � 1 ��` � S'r1ii7 t� � :' : r'?Z, Al.: I �7# 4 r � intersection of Richard Road :arid Alternate 1$kAN m northern= P:alrn�;Beach. County �, The center sits on 2.51 acres of land and is located in Flood Zone C.. The property is surrounded on the west by the FEC Railroad, on the north by -Richard Road, on the east by Alternate AIA and on the south by the new Mercedes Benz of North Palm Beach. The existing site will remain as is for the immediate future. Therefore, the existing drainage system will remain and no modifications are planned. The drainage system is comprised of - a series of inlets located, at various locations . around the property. The current outfall is the FDOT R/W through overland flow. It is believed that the project contains exfiltration trenches that obtain both.. water quality and quantity. The site development plans for the site development have not been located as of this letter. Based on local information,.the project does not flood to the extent that .the buildings are compromised. As no changes are planned at this time the existing drainage should be sufficient until the site is modified. Messler & Associates Consulting Engineers Timothy J. Messler, PE Florida Certificate Number 16422 Attauhment 2 MEMORANDUM Chief Steve Canfield The Village of North Palm Beach Director of Public Safety DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY (561) 848-2525 • FAX (561) 881-1141 560 U.S. Highway #1 E-MAIL: scarifield @village-npb.org North Palm Beach, Florida 33408 DATE: January 30, 2008 TO: Jimmy Knight, Village Manager s FROM: Chief 4 eve Canfield,�`Dir`ector of Publigj et, a 0. ..A!{. ..ir. }ir-,,' ,111 f... .:.i .tlf. I in Y', i.i i < .1 1.. .f 'l'/: :i.,:•.. RE: Foster's Pub After our last meeting on January 233 2008, in reference to .the possible annexation of 9339 Alternate AIA, I had our Crime, Analyst complete amore substantial report.concerning activity at Foster's Pub. The data used was provided by the Palm Beach County Sheriff s Office and was from years 2006 and 2007. From the analytical report that I received, the following information is of importance: • There were a total of 167 calls that -were related to the pub. 0 Of these calls, 131 occurred on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and Mondays. (Mondays call volume is high due to anything occurring after midnight Sunday, would be counted towards Monday) e 145 calls were between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m. I also pulled the Fire Rescue data for the year 2007. This report showed that there were a total of 15 responses to the address location of 9339 Alternate AIA. Of these calls, 7 were medical, 2 were for vehicle accidents and 6 were Fire alarms. Because this data was less significant, I did complete a further analysis of it. Based on .my review of the police data, I offer the following recommendations, if the Village plans to annex the noted property. These recommendations are based on the effect this annexation will have on police services, both to the new area and the current Village residents and businesses and on the impact that it will have on our current low Uniform Crime Report statistics. 1. The Fosters Pub will be required to close for business no later than 2:00 a.m. as is consistent with Village Ordinances. 2. On Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays, Foster's Pub will hire two off duty North Palm Beach Police Officers to work a special detail between 6:00 p.m. and 2:00 a.m. Hiring two officers, instead of just one, is based on the fact that many of the reported calls will require at least two officers due to safety reasons. 3. If crime data or calls for service show a need, the detail hours will be expanded or reduced. 4. In the event that Foster's .Pub .holds a special event or if holidays or other activities occur on days that normally do not require a detail, extra hours or extra days will be added to the off duty detail requirement. 5. Fosters Pub will ensure that it conforms to all state and local laws and ordinances and will not allow any activities by its patrons or employees that violate such regulations. 6. Fosters Pub will authorize the Public Safety Department to act as their agents related to enforcing loitering, trespassing and other nuisance crimes. In the event that a Police Officer believes that a person should leave the premises or be warned against trespassing, management will cooperate with this request and sign the necessary documents. As your Director of Public. Safety, I am concerned about the impact that this proposed annexation will have on the Village of North Palm Beach. As with any potential projects, there are issues that need to be worked out. If the Village chooses to move forward with this proposal, I will continue to look for solutions that will lessen any negative concerns and will certainly monitor any problems that may occur along the way. I have attached three pages of charts and data that may help clarify the information that I have reported. Please let me know if you need anything further concerning this issue. cc: Jodi Nentwick 2 FOSTERIS PUB �V Vag «.. a..:.-...,.-".?.f.t�..�,.�,c..'+cnu..; Suspicious°Person 4. '6 '10 Disturbance` 8' 10 18 -Drunk Pedestrian -5 6 Suspicious 'Incident 2 g g Unwanted Guest 2 _ 2 4 Alarm 7 1 $ Domestic Trouble 4 2 6- . -Assist Other Department ' 2 4 -6 - Need Road Patrol Sergeant 0 1 1 Burglary Business 0 1 1 Suspicious Vehicle 0 1. 1 Civil Matters 4 4 $ Lost/ Found 0 1 1 Fight 4: `..:: 3 7 Trespassin'g 1 3 4 Vandalism p :Subject Down/ Sick 1 2 Assault 14.. - 9 23 Beverage Violation 1: 2 3 Robbery 0 1. :. 1: Accident." 1 2 Business/Residential 4 '. 5 g Vehicle Stop .: 3 1 4 Verbal Threats- p 2 .. 2 . Fraud/ Embezzlement 0 Larceny, 3 4 7 Conduct/ Investigation 1, ° 3 4 Stolen Car Q. 1 Misdemeanor1' 0: '..f Service C6ll 4 2 6 - Burglary Vehicle 2 2 4 Mentally ILL 0 1 1 Welfare Check 1 p 1. - ....Shots Fired 1 0 Mobile Eyes 1 0 Rape 1 0 1 Abandon 2 0 2 TOTAi. r FOSTER'FOSTER'S P J B 4 0-2 37 1 11 3'-5 81 2 22 6-8 7 .3: 35 9-11 5 4 33 12-14 5 5 13 15=17 5 6 3 .18-20 12 7 2 . 21-23, 15 8. 2 10 3 0.=5 118 11 1 6-11 12 12 2 12-17 10 13 2 18-23 27 14 15 2Y R� - 16 1 ` MONDAY 20 17 2 TUESDAY 11 18 5 WEDNESDAY 12 19 4 THURSDAY 20 3 FRIDAY .13 34 21 2 SATURDAY 39 22 4 SUNDAY 38 23 9 Attachment 3 Depar"ent of Plai riing, Zoning s& Building 2300 North Jog Road West Palm Beach, FL 33411.2741 (561) 233-5000 Planning Division 233-5300 Zoning Division 233-5200 Building Division 233-5100 Code Enforcement 233-5500 Contractor Certification 233 5525 Administration Office 233-5005 Executive Office 233-5228 www.pbcgov.com/pzb F Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners Addie L. Greene, Chairperson Jeff Koons, Vice Chair Karen T. Marcus 1 March 21, 2008 Jodi Nentwick Village Planner Village of North Palm Beach 501 U. S: Highway 1 North Palm Beach, FL .33408-4902 Re: Proposed Annexation Live Oak Plaza LLC, 2008-68-001 Dear Ms 'Nentwick: S.yn i 4pM • ih '� "i �-� ' 'iis j: 9' Th:ank,. oto for rovidln gthe. 7 y ., t p gCounty�advanee notice and the opportiunity to review the an:ne�1104 �r ca.tlon sumrnarized.below.�.�.. , r �.rt`�` Name Description Live Oak Center LLC Acres: 2.62 Location: -Southwest corner of Alt AlA & Richard Rd 21108-68-0011 First Reading: 4/24/08 Second`Reading: 5/8/08 Upon review of the annexation, County staff has not identified any inconsistencies with Chapter 171, P.S., that .warrant an objection.. The (County's Engineering Department requests that the property owner_be required to preserve and protect the area 'located 40 feet from the centerline "of the existing Richard Road. County Engineering staff would prefer that, upon redevelopment of the property, the property owner be required to donate .,this area for the future 80 -foot Congress., -Avenue connection to Alternate. AIA, which will run along the north line of the property. Robert J. Kanjian Mary McCarty Additionally, the Village, of North Palm Beach should assume funding and maintenance of street lighting along Alternate AIA, from Hinda Road south to Burt Aaronson Northlake Boulevard once parcels on both sides of this segment are annexed. Jess R. Santamaria If you have any questions regarding Department of Engineering's comments, contact Tammy Lee at 684-4012. For any other comments or questions, please contact Patricia Behn, Senior planner, at 233-5332. County Administrator Sincer Robert Weisman Lorenzo Aghemo Planning Director cc: The Honorable Karen Marcus, District 1 Commissioner Jimmy Knight, Village Manager Verdenia Baker, Deputy County Administrator Tammy Lee, Engineering Dept. "An Equal Opportunity Barbara Alterman, Esq., PBC PZB Exec. Director Bruce Thomson, Principal Planner Affirmative Action Employer" Bob Banks, AICP, Asst. County Attorney Patricia Behn, Senior Planner Charlie Cangianelli, Community Development Director Nicole Delsoin, Planner T:\planning\lntergovernmentallAnnexations\2008 Fiscal Yea r\Letters\NP B -Live Oak Plaza LLC-Mar08.doc printed on recycled paper Z�1� ./L/ . � z {,..•.IC _. yi 4t J' Ltd foliogM /�,' ' = r � , --7i--i-. � , . . . . . . I .. , -- , . , , -:T-A--,�i- . I .. ���... - -.--,-.----�-:-,;. �-­..' . I , "" i- -�� .,�,7, 1 1- , �,;! , , 1-�.��-,�,---. ; . . . . . . T. �; ,� .1 ",1` .".., - t -- -. :_, 1. � ,,,,-!o -- - .. - . . � - - , , . - -"- -, , -. . - -l!--'-------.'--"-l---.? - *�:, . I:. .. - .1 � ,*,,I " - -;- -:��ihovj��- -- I -1--l- I .... '� - ` ,:-r- �-- - :x .... �� . - , . ,�;.lr..::.-l':- �- : , -tr,--� -,--,� ,-:,-. . ! . � _�': - 1 1 ,, . . : . -. 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' Broadwa-v . Suite 40.3 City Saratoga Spri�_*s State NY � .21P Cado" Telephone84- 12866 (51P 77QOscrijtio� ;'.'I� -c�x (51§ F L-O'g-M Lot M./A �C'D�me�sioris of k .42,rV-000­702 prv:e 2 res Al •and RjUT4rT P u W er `x Lich CO -CC pq iad�666* C q1rtre�ie,54 th qpo yq --�sge. attaChe`dSv .commercial., Ll M p "*kA0-J10:C'df11Pl-6te phis,'' The foircWht- P 4V WIP" 0--f6fF'ub1jq'He h 86' WI :posed 6w(f-, of Ouc. 4t id-boe a Tentative 86b-D!Ai8�'plat. Two sketches s6owirlig M1 property owners withiq 3.-0() g ad of the propeq pYered.by this Application. List Of n?M'es and aiaillh OM-Asgs -Of PSP ownprs, and liedal d6scdptlon of popqrty Within 31aft,otpeproperty rr;.,d by this A 1' - ve M leacou PP 'Pallorl. State source used to secure $arne: t.y.PropertV AppKaiiser­ W n casn or �.hpc;k Orawn- Ve rA ne t. - I'zihg c"i-P0112cc�nt t AU86h 6W d.i�� -.4tithod 0Ap I subM.1t011 .. c4onYbr pubic Hearing. The trifiddto v containp etYclo-8,Vr8s Is Vii,' ur�fb an .0 ed to the best of my knowledge, The Villa1 4. on Inr6finatloh 41 co'C Lion- Ap U NOTE "A'i aP01;Cafi'_ n fees are in I..101 . qddif'16n ib the $IdQ.00 application fee required by Ordiha n, N '.0 ce�, No., 185-68 �4! CONSEiy�'ST,ATNlENT Owner To Complete if Using an Agent i? S C j! ? 1` f } 1 lM/e, c + . s , .. tine aforemertiot�ed owrter�s},daterebt}te cofiser� tat act or: mylotar behalf to submit this a0plicati6n, all requirZJ­fed rhateriai and ocUmenis aril attend and .represent rnelt�s at ail ri�ieefings: at d public ea Ings per in! ng " to the req �est(s) and proper€y ElU�le own d6§6ribe ih the attached application. f=urthermore, as owners) of the subject t;t? } ro e , 1/ v e ' p j Y,, we ereby..give consent to the party designated above to agree to all sterms or cb`hditi ns that rnaj arise as pari of the' approval of this application for the,proposed use. , Signature(s Ovine ov Print..Names)• Michael. Cantanucci,,_' Presi'ddhtl of Live '0ak' STATS QFAl uJ z.. COUNIYOF The foregoing lns&ument was acknowled 'ed before me this G h day of �IllGi;'e �7�/ 20�°7 'chael r2mtw6tz ., 'as Pr szdedt hY. of a/s a is personally !mown to me or hasp 6' duGed as=:ideC cation and did/did not talc�e ate oath. F It1(y Cor itnlssion Expires: 6 11 (r ignatu a of Notary) 0,8 h 11 ►.✓: f3Ultuh,. (NOTARY'S SEAL OR. SCAMP} (Name -!'dust be typed,,pthted;or stamp6d) JENNIFER E. BbLTQN Noi:arje.Publc, State of New York Qualified In Saratoga -County ic.rion Expires April 30, 20! FUTURE LAND USE PLAN AMENDMENT APPLICATION Applicant Instructions: 1. Please complete all questions on the application. If not applicable, indicate with N/A. 2. Provide required attachments as shown on the attached checklist. 3. Pay fees in the amount of , advertisement fees in the amount of and an escrow in the amount of for professional fees. Since advertising and professional costs vary, the final advertising amount will be reconciled upon receipt of the invoice from the newspaper and professional contractors. A. GENERAL INFORMATION TABLE 1 PETITION SUMMARY Property Live Oak Plaza, LLC Applicant (If different from above) Live Oak Plaza, LLC Agent Gary M. Brandenburg Parcel Size 2.51 acres Parcel Location SW corner of Alt. AlA and Richard Road Parcel Frontage 420.' — Alt. AlA, 194' — Richard Road Parcel Access Alt. AlA, Richard Road Existing Land Use CG - commercial center in unincorporated area Present Land Use Map Designation CH/5 unincorporated Present Zoning District CG Proposed Land Use Map Designation commercial/auto dealership Proposed Zoning District C-2 Village of North Palm Beach ,Description of Proposed Development Plaza will remain until needed for expansion of Mercedes dealership Water Service Provider Seacoast Wastewater Service Provider Seacoast TABLE 2 APPLICANT INFORMATION ` A plrcart A. APplicarit B. Applicant C. P Name `Live Oak Plaza, LLC Address 358 Broadway <: Suite 403--3 Cit , jS a.te; ZiPAvwatoga , per ngs 41,28`66 r; . 518=584=77.00 '`"'• Fax Number 518-584=8556 Check one of the belsIF " Owner X Lessee. P;uchase'r Other _. .. TABLE 3 t �... AGENT INFOR.MATION;s b. Marne Gary M. Brandenburg;- Brandenburg & Ass-ociates, P.A._ Address 660 U: S . rHighway.-0ne,Third Floor - C"tt ,,,Santo, Z�iP _North-NorthPalfn' Be 33 r ach..� ..FL . 408. x Phone Nu'rnhieri .561-627-8100 Fax Number 5617622-7603 . . TABLE 4. PROPERTY INFORMATION Total Size 2.51 acres Location southwest corner of Alt. AlA and Richard Road Frontage 420' - Alt. AlA, 194' - Richard Road Access Alt.. AlA, Richard Road Street Address 9249 Alt. AlA Property Description ° Applicant Property Control Number Size A. owner 00-43-42-17-00-000-7021 2.51 ac. B. C. Legal Description Include As Attachment A Contiguous property under same ownership Yes. Property to south owned by related company. History of Property County Resolution 84-1102 approved Live Oak Plaza Purchase Date October 1, 2007 From Whore Neptune Warehouse, Ltd. Interest Purchased fee simple Agent Consent Form j Include As Attachment B TABLE 5 PARCEL DATA Natural Feature Inventory & Map Include As Attachment C Built Feature Inventory & Map Include As Attachment D see Survey attached Future Land Use Map Include As Attachment E Zoning Map Include As Attachment F Flood Zone Map Include As Attachment G Wellfield Zone Include As Attachment I 8o PROJECT DESCRIPTION i0(' ANDJ ;M' STATEMENT:, u; j :: Applicant would like to:.annexe into the V%lla e w th`'a o� t r r a1 TUP designation'and C `2 zdni'g. The plaza will- remain .until the � property ;:;is needed: for. ,the expansion `:o.f ,,ahe.�=.Mercedes,.deaaershp . -_ 1 to the south i. Special cons idera_t on.,isl sou lit, re ar:din the non -con orming-� -status `i8s'ue upon" rezoning to C 2 of ; ex sten : usiness within the center. C.—COMPATIBILITY: PATIBILITY: .1. ADJCEN.T LAND USE -COVE..AGE .(Existing Land Use):, North of the site- is Richard -.Road. Across. the road is a , North: narrow..General Commercial strip: -in unincorporated.,Palm Beach County: South of 'the 's' to is a new Mercedes Benz dealershi that: So:uth._ . _ is under 'construction- in `the` :Vil'lage East:, East of the site on the corner} of �; Richard Road is a vacant lot zoned CC by the Village .which applicant owns and intends={t�se as an employee," _parking ',1'ot . To, , thesouth .of _ the lot ..is another vacant. lot. West: West of the site is the FEC Rail.r"oad and -to theeast of ✓that is unincorporated residential medium -density.zoninQ: 2. ADJACENT LAND USE DESIGNATION (Future Land .Use Designation): North: CH -5 Unincorporated c-outh: CH Village of North Palm Beach new Mercedes Benz dealership East: CH Village of North Palin Beach West: CH -5 Unincorporated D. TRANSPORTATION Provide Traffic Study as Attachment I Mass Transit Mass Transit Provider Palm Tran Nearest Mass Transit Facility Rte 2 . o f P alm Tran -Old Dixie' Hwy. & Northlake Blvd. CommuterRail Connection Tri—County Commuter Rail Authority E.INFRASTRUCTURE T[F--nf i `a*s ".' f ." ',, L %w L 19.� , -... — - - - .-P'.:' I Drainage Provider -r---_ Drainage Statement Include As Attachment J Nearest Drainage Facility, type and size Drainage Provider Letter Water Provider Include As Attachment K Nearest Water Facility, type and size Water Provider Letter Wastewater Provider Include As Attachment K Nearest Wastewater Facility, type and size Wastewater Provider Letter Include As Attachment K . F. RESOURCES'AND PUBLIC FACILITIES A. Environmental and Historic R source Hurricane Vulnerability Zone? no Surface waters none Vegetation Inventory N/A, previously ;developed S!gnficanhbita/peies _ t9 none We1feld PrdUctlon.Zona not in zone .Q P ',blic. Schoois Include. Public School Facili#fes Determinatioh in,Attachn`ent KJ ' .:Efenentary Middle High "acne N/A Address C ty/S tate/Zip - f ©iStanc8 , F. ATTACHMENTS A. Survey, Legal Description and Warranty Deed B. Agent Consent Form C. Location Map, Aerial Photograph and natural Features Inventory and Map D. Built Features Inventory and Map E. Future Land Use Map Indicating Site Location F. Zoning Map Indicating Site Location G. Flood Zone Map Indicating Site Location H. Wellfield Protection Zone flap Indicating Site Location I. Traffic Analysis J. Drainage Statement K. Service Provider Letters L. Site Pian (if required; Ref: Section 86-88, Town Code) M. Landscape Plan (if required) K Drainage and (Nater Management Plan (if required) O. Signage Plan (if required) P. Architectural Plans and Elevations (if required) Q. List of Property Owners Within 100 Foot Radius (if necessary; Ref: Section 86-63, Town Code) OWNER ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I1vVe: Michael Cantanucci, President of Live Oak Plaza Inc. <, A...,", &; hereb i swear/affirm that I/we acn/are the oVvrier(s) of the property'. refere n ced in this application I/we certify that the above statements and the statements or showings, rnade in any + s • " '3r ti.v� J tt •l 'h "` Y"�. 4 i Y4 f fit •ti Paper ,& plans submitted herewith are true to the,bestAof rrf'y/our knowec�' a .arid belief, Further, I/we understand that this application, attachments and dee become art o the official record of the Town. of Lake Clarke. Shores arid" h ,"' r Pf ; is not refundable. Me understand that any knowingly1alse information given by me/us will result in tiie denial revocation or administrative. wit�hdrawal of the appt 8" a. or �erniit. Ilwe°. th`er acknowledge that additional information may be req red by the Town of Labe -Clarke Shores In order to process this- appllcatlon, Ime further consent to the Town of Lake Clarke Shores to ubiish, copy or reproduce any copyrighted document for.any third party submitted.as;par`of thisiapbiication. Signature(s) of % e Owner(s) Pint Name(s) Michael Canta.nu i, President of Live Oak Plaza, Inc. CONSENT STATEMENT Owner to complete if using an Agent 1ANe, the aforementioned owner(s), do hereby give consent to Gary M. Brandenburg to act on my/our behalf to submit this application, all required material and documents,, and attend and represent me/us at all meetings and public hearings pertaining to the request(s) and property I/we own described in the attached application, Furthermore, as owner(s) of the subject property, I/we hereby give consent to the party designated above to agree to all terms or conditions that may arise as part of the approval of this application for the propo09 use. �y Signature(s) of Owners • MY Print V Name(s) Mi ael Cantanucci, President of Live Oak Plaza, Inc. NOTARY STATE OF RzE) #DA IJ e,.j l o r K COUNTY OF Garcrfogq The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thisSUI-1 day of 1Qoy, bef, , 2001 by Vdchael Cantanuc i, President, Live WS P]aza, Inc, , Ne/She Is personally Known to me or has produced as identification and didVdid not take an oath. u C4!,° �LMy Commission Expires:�C3 ignat re of Notary) �.nn i r E . 8094oii (Name — Must be typed, printed, or stamped) JENNIFER E. BOLTON Notary Public, State of New York Qualified in Saratoga County My Commission Expires April 30, 20 1„ (NOTARY'S SEAL OR STAMP) NOTICE AFFIDAVIT . STATE OF FLORIDA County Of RaIm Reach ` M. Brandenburg Wh`o being Before me thls day personally appeared duly sworn, deposesandsays+_' .. ,; + is •, , , f - ,: 1. The accom�panying. Property Owners List Iss, to. th:e best of hislher:.:knowled:ge, :a complete and =accurate list of a1, ` property owners, ,malting addresses: ani: property Pr control nut'nbers as. recorded in the latest official -tax rolls of:•the: Palnea.ch County Property Appraiser for all property within three hundred (300) feet of the below described parcel of Land. y 2. A tax reap highlighting the properties located within three :hundred feet of the• n n' n f n attached n� n nri� t' parcel of land that Is 'the subject or the request is attached as ,pa. � of th`�� a :_ ..licatio.>�... _. The.. acco:m an rn 'Pro e Owner s.,'list contains :alie, re' wired P. p P y g p ►ty . q information for all properties highlighted ori the tax r'a'p. 3. Public notice,- which is his/her obligation to provide, will be in ,accordance with the Village of North Palm Beadxequirements , ,description of the ro e.rty n question is attached hereto:.. r tamp, =name%. ere STATE OF FLOR.I,DA NOTARY County Of Palm Beach - The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thi day of,°. 20 'By Gary M. Brandenburg , who. is onally known; me or has produced as ide'ntific w lb did/did not'take an oath. Printed Signature rr SANOMLYI M_ 0Y +; : r MY COM SWN # DD 641277 My Commission Expires: 3 3%/�Ul/ EXPIRES'Mordh31,.2011 Y r Bonded Thtu Notary Public UnMorwdloro FUTURE LAND USE PLAN AMENDMENT APPLICATION FORM VILU.N. i p' - PAL1�1i BEAC�I t7� If i 14ANG :PQC- It�t� t Ann- on � �• zonlriq Tex�r; Ctii I: _ t I Rezoning' ub�DivisionlPUD w This ap IiGattarYlsE �e�rmd'arcd ' ` _ [x] ,Camp Pian Desigation r .� �. l'e't ed`Vvt h IIt reit-gid enclosures � be accept• y tf�e llage -Counctl a;�h l'asfo. !'aim 'act; 'Ihma� , , , ��,, " , ap lfcai(on�riIf!f -4h.W, feferred to ti -ie Viifage planticng Coinmtssaor and Vtl.age Skaoi's"dy aici xecommendafEoos, ,. Applicant (print) Live Oak Plaza, LLC Address 358..Broadwa. -' �, Suite 403 City Saratoga S0ri� State _NY Zip Oode 12566 TPAePhpne (5�.P i5`84 --770a fax (51� 584 — L601I�J:esei"ptiotl~ -85.5.6 JEW +'ltt~siprt"d afor. • 2. 1•iigkvaya Str`eaou�� 3.F�•x�s'Ei�t�o��ng=Cl'assi'f"t�a Arerav strt'ciitr��•An,wtnI 'arcet NvM. ber Irfk;C;kir�i�t*zMt,i-itie;ZiE�ra *+ri+i�t�Jek,in4,tie*fir*i, y�r*�rk�t•{, ycovere , y aPplt on; 256'x 530 es ar address t'. sout "we, F�egtiested' z party? yes -43-.42-17-000-7021 r,{r,�iir i4,k',� k it 4wr,lrrrtlrit i•,t,kt Ti *,Irir �•rt�Y-,r•k,Ir �r J�T4rr C-2 see "taGhed..sur' .e: -, ,t ercial,, Tor*aTi.�rwkl+r �rrrttitrAfiri,t,r' * ,•.. - .. - .• _ . ... + � ,; .� :. . "�{ ,. -!J;�f,k,rit4V��1',';`7�flkkRk_•,'�k,''..',r',rrfrkM#r�MikN1�'A'R�k't�'*fk'kit;k/,r,k+:;ririiertik'k+i',t1J'k Ar -. •• :.,jrll'k#k+4rrrwtl4+.ik4�M�rTlnr+iri. re xi,txf.irk,re The fol roW § e"t � aist�l'es;��r�'r�„} �,�i�t�:d �a corripl�i:e wrreMr ,t r ,Ir this AP��a�QP11f e Public 11earfhg' g., .4 obi i BRutidjng Xjlij$ ol°�st,�;�, �'io' bereeted Gefrtii ex 4! rvg loo ata r Tentative Sub'w' DMM8�1.lal. 1}0 Two sketches showing' ll properly owners Wf(hjn 300 ft. of the proo. dy coyered by this Application. �$ Ust or names and t0aiii ' addresses .of propg4y owners and legal descriplian of property within 3Q f! aF he ptvprerty �r;ered by this' ApppTicatian. Stale source usgd to secure same: a in eac Co .4� .y , operty Appraiser . - . V • ♦.La f. i. � .T .tat . .••1 }ii i-• ' • ,}•� r._ - :as':reg4;red b did n. Ce 1V0• ,85 8-,iri cash or cheek drawn to a 1o'rdr' 2ilae.;ci`UILT111 a,rn NC`�E �. Aitadh j`ofafized",affaavi of Qwrie nidi • � I t g appan•t to: submit ApplicaH`Qn'for t'ttblic Kering. The iriro?rhttion-atbve arld•c6tj` indo Ori -the enclosures is z rate d correc;t to the best of my knowlo4ge, The Villa'. -m y rel- Qn s�i'd'informatOn ine ' application. _ _ .. _T_....__, r_.t,,�_._Appa:r.•�a,nt`.•.�'i�'',��fu�e:_ .._.• .::. i NOTE 'WS b-�biv.i'sion*and. W. F'. 1 application fees are in addjion CO the $1 dD.,00 application i`ee required by Ordinance - No. 181 --fib A tillage Of North Palm 13 -each Florilda Amendment 08.41 March .2008 Prepared for the Village of North Palm Beach Prepared by Land Res ile fdft'm'ft Grit, Inc. t% TABLE OF -CaVENTS Ston Wage. rod.uc�oti................... •.......•..: r.,...:.............. ,•.•.....t......: .......:..... ..r•....:...r.......r..''- 2.0 Ana7.i -a Arner�den .... . 2= k, 2, Sura CieLyse jaer►e .::... °:........ .A P Amen 08��� . 2-3 t .. 3, d Cia; a eve lmpects ? o o�s Ar nt��ea ... ..... r 3-1 .•b.)�1l-I :,•..t1... 1t........' ..r ..• 3. 3: 1 Y,111. ge aract i-........, ..........,..:.:...;.:..:::..:.•:,:.:... 3-2 t� Fue Lie r 2.d Lyse 3 ..........' 3 Tra n�s��fi����on r .. r •....:....:: . ... " ...:..:..... • ..... ;..::...:..............:..:................................... . 3- 3 .. •.., :. .. ....., .... ,.r 5 �a S ad',.Solid l ast, 01en=ag 4.'6M l Via .e' W.4ter, and 3-6 v. T 001-tu : r �u dv iaa r Agt a ch.. e .. .... 3- 7 3: .F , .. • ........ .. 6 CSas I' lkana�ge'rt eri .•�..:, :.......:..:.::..::•:•:........:::.:.:.....,.....:.......:.....,:...:....... &.8 3. . 7 ......•,......:..................•..... . 3. 8 Rr cea�tra.Aid Cpon §pace ....................•..............................,....................... 3 3 ti...". 9Cr�.ageanio:l............: ..•.......,..... r. r9auCo:otdiao.........:;:,"...:.•:.:..,...:.:,.:.:::,.:.. ....:.:::.......•:...;....t.;..,.:.=3- ... r 3 Capt l amprave' erg .... 3-'�`0 :, .. ... ,. .. �. , .. .,.. 3 A :I r P A rli s.... ::... k :.................. .. 3- 0 .o Cosistny wrRegjarlalYlnds#a,Pl =.:..r............ �� ..r.,..:a. ...:.,...:.:..:,:...;� .......... 5.� Co`tiei rsion and Rdorrtrraenda `Q....,,.:..... 5-1 .......:.....::....:.:................t...•.... 5. 5. 1 Pi d ih .. a •' t • . • r ... • .. v: i .. • s . 4 • • ...... • •.. t . • r . t . • • a .. • . • v: a • , ..... t . • . • •...... . • ... • • . r . • • • . • • • • • • ........ , • t .. •,... , r • •• Z S: Rec rr m.end' tion .... . ............... .. ... ... ... ....... ........... .., 5 A 5: '( 5. 4 LPIAM60ft ...........:.:........... :.....:.,..:.................:.............. ........ ........:.:..... 5. .5 Vi age Co.t ndl P ba ear�ng ........... 5. •............... ... .....5A 13 i la e Council Mfiaetang ...... ...................... ............... .5-1 A �" dix. A NPBC:P A i6hdt 9.!n -t 0.,8=� .. . A_i TABLE. OF CONTENTIS (continued) U§ O'P:'*MA. ' P1 S Rumb.6r Page I Location Of Proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendment.................... 2-2 2 AbU ;n'g:'L:and' Use, -Indludinj Future -Land Use Ahd Zbn*:iR. - Nvgn-dtio-hs ............... 2-4 3 Proposed Future Land Use Map . Q : es[gna.flon — NP8C.P.Am. end*ment0'*8"1 2-5 LIST OF TABLES Number Page I NPB1 CP Amendment 08-1 Curnufativia Impact Factars Summary .................... ..... 3�1 2 Irnpa-ct Of NPBCP Amend rn ant.0 8-4 Upon EAstingLand Use 4..........1..3-4 LIST OF APPENDICES Number age A NPBGP Amendment ......... A-1 LIST OF EXHIBITS Numbor Rage. A Future Land Use Map Amendment NPBOP.08-1......, ................................ A-2 B Annexation Ordinance 'NPB'C:*P.*Atn.e-n.d.m.eti�tO8*-I .......................................A-3 C Ordinance Enacting N t . : PSCP Amendment ........... A-4 0 Ordinance Enacting Zoning Designation ...... A-5 . L Vr11aet1a�?at. each E curs cansl�t:rn #h.e adoptoi ofar -,, r fie i ,1'.i ✓, r 11 i.:.i•E„ i'aira:c Coc5�i�ietstvePIn �(iPG1'Aend�n°8 'l cdrZsisrri :g o1• air sm-e a ti - t. e Viand ase 3 . tl[ap Sei AEenc�rne a8= is t��eces:ay dueotrrctaneovsaire vccntr aretian rappicatan, ` N Arneieinn teCasary;Q In -do a 2.xacrd anexa�o paroe` With' ens ire, �a Tn :.ord arfi � act t a vof r t E i �. a:rtrze atjo:r7 :.t n Gl ap#e:r T I FtO Ja Statutes is er rhos d s ibit B of App di A. ` ar r AES o°tdfnnce. eEactn a pond QE:�a1 i, _ g: a st�ect t� appr�mal zof re�ate4 Srraily Saie utlura Lndse''#Vte pias ` n) ... z � �08 �rnen zo'r�Ertg:.desighatro�i ttp�ri��e ;pr0�e�Y E:cltded vilrn1� edrn nt 1s �n'co$e as phi` y y Apperdrx A Th -n o1P Arendrnent Q8 is f[ustaied a lap .. The Papor ' r inch de v 'r in ;i P Ar end tent 08- i . r t reed t. tc : ie is as "`Lure :Gad Yhts documen tprov-)d s data :arid a aiysl raq -ire I b � ract1a�� 9j i5 .,and §J- ,00 )( .. - 5; iorld . Ad Go�da, as if ey+: p ' rWhk o he ` o jos:.ed o.D coi✓tsls% `ot a _>bjl Am'and e - , rz er s of e dards Admuffl kratJ Spon 3,� preseri an and amendment in de s of ,eaci el, mo D,.00umt3nt6bb.ny arid�Will�rpe �C�t• loi s: .1, ar a'�td' IOnei;, .o1` p �a�0sed -NP�,�'P 1 penis of iot 9= aQYS to : J - _}c of e _ bu lu(ab e . m. , �c�s of tete :pro.pose of1�e Vr1la�ge �4 tohi -m -Beach,sSrrpri rrt ack� Gua 'ehFensly� �?hin- Sectr i7 4.:0 wbn i1ns an ss+esament 01 propOO NP -:SGP Arnepdrrier�t fl� �;;fn ms of the Reg:iaa f'o(icy, Pari and S{ t Gotrpze-e�rtiue.'.In, Apperirlrrx A cit this doe'ut ►e t cors' n`' s° propos5eld ,'N ?BOP A� i-1 2-0: ANALYSIS OF MAP AMENDMENT This section provides a C[Pta s..Qm M-ary and analysis -of the proposed NPBCP Amendment 08-1, pdrsdant to the r'e " U 6 q. JrLtlnhents of Sections 94-11006(1)(b)1. to 9J- r1orida, Adrbi'ffls-ir�.tive Cod -e-, including: 1. The proposed future: -'land use. plan map designation of the subject property; the bQun .arFs of the su�jqqt propprty- and themappod location in r.'.'e_'1*!oh- to the - -s.,..ee O.j�w -rk urrou* d"I" t " A �g n ;,o 2. A snap of the:present fdn4 use designations of -the subject property; and -abutfirt,g,-properl 'ties Indfudl nq fd1ure land use map des'.01ations., 3. The size -of the subject proper ih - - acres, or fra4ti h. 'thereof 4. A'descr[ption of"the vailability of, -and lwaste, emen d upbh.: the -following public fadlIftes: 8a.nitiry sewer, solid id Waste,draina ep t4ble wader, traffic circulation, and recreation .,and en -spgtce, as appropriate; and 5. lnfotm, ation re0rdini-g the compatibility of th-0Orqposed future land use map amendrn. ent s With the Future Land 'tht:,.-81ernonl objectives and .policies, as well awt.hose of other affected elemebts. N!PB'C.-P` Atnendmeht G84 is a revision :to Figur'e' 3-9 (PlAntlin Area5.of the I I ; I ... _9 Future Land :Use. Elomo,.nt of - the VfIllepe Of North Pa (m Beach - e6dh -Gorho-r-ehenelygm Plan to incorporate the Live Oak P192a annexation. The location of... P50 t 0.8-1 is illustrated on Miqp� 1. lot, I n N PBCP Amendmian The blialla'hce-. -of this -section co-nitains desdrlofloi�s and aria! 'is -of :the ptopo-sed Ys e :1 rn.patts thereof, appropriate, 'in amend*merit, v§ well as the cumulative fh -E�.of k :. . . . ;1 as e., terms of the five cril f s above. . effe listed . References to other related sectibrts of this document are provided as necessary. 2-1 Conoll ;Rpod .-Scale: 3001 2-2 2.1: Ui t ARY OF FUTURE LAND U$E.MAP SERIES AMENDMENT 08-1 NPBCP Amendment 08-1 A. Name or Designation: "Live Oak Pfaza" Annexation. 8. Parcel Description or Location: Roughly rectangular -shaped parcel loc4ted :at'the -SP 44 rest corner of Richard Road. tindptpQq! A' A4 ' A=I -A mate (Ref Map I The _R "ng annexAflon,. w parcel is 2.51 OQres'jil .61ze.,.and is [=#lk- 0d I, ith[n- Vitlqge Planning _0 Q Area. S. The subject'['Is.cu&-,&iityd6,vil'o'p-sdas.a24-830 sq. -ft., commercial plaza. parce C. Ekistind Future Land Use"'. and Zorii.'n'-g':D.e'sig"ncitio'ns {Palm Beach Coot YJ :Future Land Use: CH/5 - Gom-rd0rd-W fth.1.n.f6h-9Ity/M'ediu-rn Residential 5. Zoh­ '' CG — Geher�al Comm 6 lal (Se's' o"lIUVdh-A*4,-;I T02). M. . erc D. Proposed Future Lan.d Use and Zotiffig D#Ml.gftat-[ ft (Nodh Pdrft Beach):- Fufiga,Land uge: Commerc . 1,'AI (M. axIMUrh". FA- . R.'Q.- 1 70). Zonis 02 — Auto M o Uve Co M m'drdl al District. E. Abutting Land Use surf any Abtifting I-ali'd uses, anti future IMId. U d'esilghations, are illustrate. on Map use and zoning d F. Subjett,property Developibent. P-6tent�1.. 1. 06V61,612Ment Concept:., Maintain the current commercial shoppimp center use until heeded for exptihof f the-Vercedes dealership to the south.- .2;. Population ProlecCons -(pmposed Future ture . Land. Use designation.): NA —.Proposed cot,n'-hi' i4f use:. G. IntTastrKture'Impacts: 1. Transportation: Refer to 8ettlon 8.3. .2. Potable Water Refer- to Sectiton 3.5. 3. WaReWater. Met to.Seldoll 3.5., 4. Di` I1 Refer W 8ection 1.5 5. 'Solid- Waifir- Refet to sbdtldn 3:5., 6. Recreation/0W Spece: RefertoSettion 3.8. H. Compatibility With;;G6mpr6hensIv4 Plah". The proposed NPBCP Ameridmert 08-1 is deemed consistent :with the Vi'llage of North Palm Beach .Comprehensive Plan. Uetalls are presented in Section 3.-0. 2-3 UU-In 'Lit eq .a .-An Use -And Z ri s,• ,e ftg �Rty; 00... . ; . .C. urrbnt Use FLU Zoning I Do.n,ial Gom.m�ercial (NPB) QQ(NPB) -2 Vkdht' Commercial.(NPB) CC*(NPB) 3 1 -Vacbht Commercial.-(NP13) .4 VidMt: Commercial (NPB)'. CQ NPSY- 5 Convenience -St6relFresh CH/.5(.Coubty.) e q :v Ved*' phicle usales CHM(County) CG- (County)- T-Ofy-Glether . CH/5 (County) GG (County) .7 8'' s ''Ri*WrdntlBar ..CHCS � (Co u n ty) CG- (Count 9 Anit.nal'.011nic CH15 (County) ;GG: Count, 10 Vacanf CFY5:.(County)- CG( Count y) 11 industrial IND:(Count` ) INU(CountO 12 UnOr construction ( autodealer Cormiie'rblal(NPB) C2:(NPB). 1I 2-4 Conrov"Road scale.: 1, = 300' NA T MAP 3 PTOPO-W UseDe NPBCP Amend 'tit 0)8-1 me Ric h -a -M R- PtOpos6d Future.L.and. Use - lal H o n ev :Road N \7tc�-on'rovRoar! 2-5 Scale: I I = 300' UP PT OSE" N jVe- :'ME 0M8.NT, DA tA PBCIP ft6d, N mu. M- ap w.s � 05 e t. -,ar -and T is section Wldat su -a Am' e-ji'd pu m... ah thy: i �,, 6M id c . . . . . . . . . . 10- �7 _0M.pr 0 h �JVO - gm mb.d ofs � I ttAfbs-:- r AcIMM "iVIV&�te de A h T" i On L !e rhut, ;�q :5 m Net ,A. 0 1 men, mqght, 'T -N -P Af d Y 8� i'�[Udo -P qm ta act . ep effec g p. u to ` -.,,PBC I 11AD'asso" _41 4M b 6f-rfmbic5I8:. 4crt69-;,,, W"'MIM; "thb- a, it "A Th" tt­ t 90. 1 MT' 0 a. ef€ rease i reside KI jn, t p uta - -6; Mum "S .8 1'- ­' . I , " "h& b tti o p 1. A irn :tbb bfIttP A reedIn UM.". 1 TAI i d n- 6 0.''.8. A U` p mpe N ' SOP,", 4-�i T OW1.6orbs. eaux .'s Resa�,eri#i�l Loi` erclaij PO 1"', b4c B 'd MInds W Pro O* O -LA -fid UKN,,(YiIIa"ge deees erdall ng Um. E)d0t 'Land Us01. Pt p`6 d L4h 4 UI 6�� Po"pula fo 541sting Land .est L-a"ad Use Non- esidb hfl"W; S§pate �W,rrujm Pbrmffted q. k 3-1 ;24,.830 7*61.535 .24*09 The subsections that fol[ow present a review of the ZQ1a1 Village of[ash Palm Beach Cornoeehensiye Plan in teats -of proposed NPSCP Amendrne t 0,8_.I. Amendment 08-1- Is presented in APPE�N' tV A. of this document:. 3.1 VILLAGE CHARACTER Proposed .N08C:P Anne rift ent 0:8-1 is classified 'as a '`small-scale" future land use rrtap arrtert liner t. 'The tum. ulative effects,.:as summarized in TABLE 1, include the expansion of the corporate area:.by a total of 2.51 acres. ksommary of the Ivey impacts is as f0tims: � .Cam" rt tecc a[ [and is. rnorea.sed by X2:.51 �anr6s. Co`�rtet*ci [uses may be deve oiled oto the "Elva oak Plaza � anne�a6on: parcel kid main .Mng the ct rrertt cornrn t'cial certterA coil erlTnc the e: ""sting bu�i[ i tgs, a[�dlor re_ evelopment. Conversion .-or reg evelopmen� .of the Arrterld't e.nt 68=` pardel nia.y occur prodded that zoning * artd site plar*. approvals aro in Pike, including all required Ofturrency ce�ificati8ris. 2. f!io Additional village land use categories are :affected by the proposed NPBCP Arrtendm* ent 08-1. D ie. to the lirtf.ited a -haunt of land :(i e. 2.51 acres) involved in NP.BCP Amendment 0.8-1, as well as its currently developed nature,, impacts upon infrastructure services are .projected to be minlrt�a�l. Should redevel�pr�ent occur, Infra5tru.6 re - impacts wii#be reassessedurrtg fhe site plan approval: process, It Is concluded that .the .proposed* NP. -BOP Amendment D8-1 is :consistent With the Village. .Character, as described nC_ha fer 2- of the 1993 V Ia of.North Palin Bead �— Comprehens�ive Plan iri that -the=propcsed cam. ercial des �gnetion ,is consistent with those �dt"' g the nest sate of . lir r tat Q 'i: -A The properties included Within NPBCP Arnendrhent 0$-1 are 'included withih Village Planning Area 5, as il.Eustra#ect on FIUFt;E 3- ofth Ferre I.and Use Element. Mapping area traps .will be .revised as- part of the next rou:nd ;of Evaluation And Aboraisal Resort teased compreh(MsNe --plait arnen _ritiy ire prdgi=ess): 3.2 .FUTURE LAND .USE A. Data Summary An analysis of topography, soils and minerals, flooding, and (native ve.getatlon in the Village [s presented In the 1999 Village of North Palm Beach Su_" bort Documentation Future Land Use Elerne,r�t). Data from this document and supplementary data are used in the following analysis. 3-2 '1. Topora Tte�et�tat:off o A_ rte' Ence'Wiin NPG A dm -t SA roti ae fiee: V.3. n y'a a t a 2. Sails artdI�rals 7h genera' saiC type off: poi esncirde�i thin. ,, R 3 ;'.x,f�:.Yr UP P arne�te�� 81`4 is r 1 j� int i 3 .R.,< t i cctt�c tie iSail SiletoYatt Bea�S Depaite o l�gcun?; Sl:I CJosrc�r Strc 'f 9�'8 �trbrr lain r:y of costes, s�rdiviste, EatMinim, delo#s,oays,. ins a irtd_ustna 'aes', �ercitrhd ya�vit 'nc'er aEreas 1Ie R rr f over ro deco k�a fog ` def c, r 'T� j f i�. ;� w STs Fi S Sol �y ql tr ; cahn0 be ;�1:,/j it�G -guff 4h u�� S t��fty or r y., . r k f!� ar , 3" me 8k tag," �= Yvu IM Yap area i n?��i�atl�reveopt dor :rba:,pas'is concttedtaterra sorR1p :es d`a;t pY'litfahsrea 'ren: A.f - 3. Fltod�rg'artia7 �`he de4inaiari o er wr lPBCf' nL : p P :i.Ot gin,,:.t 0�-�l. rs��oodo1e J kL;n.cls wenn zone are 1t n r•J ,f. of shceon _e It �iinsa p`ro�-res :oca"e�3ilin P�CI�tncin D-. • _ .. ..jNfx3 y;. y7 R s .3 �i x ��r4�` '�'+,��, 1lSY..:e s `` tf' + t. .. �a t iii Nr .. eveivp�d s e o V� s(/��. i ffi �,��fl T� ���y f�.Yd .. V.7L I's moi/' N 3 i ii tl ! 3's> iy:l. J,q, .S..I.Sc a,• S,h � �r�iicaeh g rca' vei�o adla villifie y tri af a oto st be add evse 5. 4. sing Land! Uo In -i P%y. 1p6�� .ciu�es aes ofad annexedikitEla� Tire Jt�Prcfid:ed iwiin IBCP .: ' Andrrrei�t Q isf,a$ :1iseci o' tf�rda tae`"5�yf' f' I a enai :Regis aro Hrsfo r :'lac The r b efrec of � P`BOP A ndn�e 08 1 o:rt 1l�liage iart. .ses is s ttiwn -1h T8"ble :: { ,3-3 FABLE Impact Of NP$CP.Ame odme 08-4 U'ponEx . ng Land Use -Notth.Pailit: BeAch, (ac.-fts) Land Use Category PdOr To. A6160,4#Odt.084 fnolU di A1"'I'd t Men men Resiq 674.55 Res.idenfial Multiple-Fattly M, 1 249.71. 249,71 Commercial 1613,.36` IMP -84, iA Wility/Traryspor "Non '. 16 10'.25 -Conservatlon/Q Space 225.04 225.94 FRWattcr6aflom &-open Space 1910A -v er 1,225.1.0 1.,225A.0 Vacant 3Z212. 32.22 Toftl - Includes NPBC-PAmendments'06-1.,I 'and 06-1.2 -Does not include Amend M.ents'.01,4. i and 07' 1'2 (Orboos"ed.). Source: 2006 Norte Palm Beach Evt1dat1oj-Lhd Agor-abW'Re6ort. 6. Cvrrept Popq i . y 1�d on 1 Es Py.,.?�inppxlin P q'oM W- rclqlaria$, the Gurresit poulton6amtg6w oftho Villa4e -it ft6tr'jj_jbr.etW. lFurther, the propos 08-1. 1 1 - s commercial. 1 1. tP .rrn pop ula . tion me proj -assu. B. Analysis future land -udes.] -8e k -;I gnation of NP -9010 knenft, erit Therefore, there will be -no net Oast upon the long-Oct.loftsi as 'cofi�rne.rdf I develop t' is - rn Delineation of Village_ Pla rii:ig Are6t: NPBCP Amend t0$-1 w111 off e ct the c6foorate ffitits and. the boundary --of Plalhing Arae ,5, bYthetaddtion of ffie-propertyillustrated on Map i. 3-4 2. M r -.P A_M94irl-.Hl4=r-lf wilt Erect theAs irld UM U t, bq 8. .4r 5. a -h - �e dftfo ""I&A A I h o f se. `0 M."M cornrnercr`ai rami Usk; Vlh -h W es -ppp roes; ratty 4:�v Jv, rpj d ,s en Islo ld!Wt b 04R. G 2-0 - tz; 130.0, e year Potential 's A in pt hi -2it­1& -i)a ss. Metlh thrD p 1y IF be -asstl n cortercia-Yii i -4 _;,;Th* if 4,4N�lrf .16 p, 4, fth-1 Iza S ry pt 0, 'SO.h apos' h, 0o d on h q e f Vze�t. LauAnis, Ow e bp nt j Land use Pbdproe�e I , r, ..'q . 0 p.... 1.1 i:,A`§ d� -h tterGrat Ali tjtd n Arier�men l p _S "All Joll, pu a year.2010 tbf ttbht 'V 1 .1 ci G_ 6t nt.61- y Pa. b. ;S ft ­il­,ft., 6M.L.4 on 'a 0 7A .V _west . stile.f i�w Rl A., 'eTn- A -%I -Prol are Oss-j red. comMOT fUtu jail ."e and z de�i�na Vis. _n9 N '"A 3.3 ',SPO�k;T I -T-1 dh Daa'Sutnrary Urr Mr6h, ,bf It he propO, teot t , .U.tu , -e. land -use sk-.4h lfifs corridor e NPOC R A d I ' Mt -1*0 8-4 Will �,-6fh`,` m en -,m .4ve:qny s Mp P a ppon th) Afloge 0! E_ Ak a ways roadway s.�stLit- Add tb the :20 Valuation -6h.d egoit; Ell, -to' d k hoer f il' r3t] .age are cu Y Operat .cit -Pea or better. within the Village p Levet-ve -�Of-setvfw "D Further, tho propeffles are cure y e gr rith 'CHJ6'MUA d g! patfan 'in the C ci unty. No increase in land use in4on is prQpo ad. 8=5 " B. Ahalysis NPBCP Amendment 08-:1 consists nsists of one developed comm, Tc i, I I*ot,(.1. 11 1 . e e. a total of 2.51 acres). The proposed future -land use cfiesf natlon is Commercial, With :a Preposed Q 2 - Automotive -Go rhm.ercip. I DisItidt zoning deli gnat ob. 'The current FLUA ., deslgftaiffon' (CHI -5 -'In the uh-inborporat6d area) pe'M Maikirribm development 38,267) sq poter, -All of ft. (F.A.k. of 0.,a5 w -J"', 1hout PDID epprovo�}- 01 rnaatirrturn potipmtial underlhe- Commercial ial FLU d in NorbP41m $ech s7 534- -sq. ft. (r.A.'R. of 0,10). Live Oak Plaza, currently-consts-ts of a:24,.'833:sqjt-.. commercial retall ce:0..-tef (0.23- F.A...R.) Live O -'k Pl6za was approved pprovedY Palm Beach Coot n 119,84 and dev. -elloped prior to the, advent of -comwrmocy requ-4 -s Ig dovellop -o n re m-ent The exffstl n. bere into �cOMPRAn-e w, gra, ndfat -d' 1-h -.1-th-Aiii . e i or Pei ff Sta'nd,�#O 0 -the TM Pala S' oCoo.ffjed :L4hd D6Vdl6­Men -C odd . Howevot ah : fu U renovaUdih6ur eViMqPm.,entp-roject -that, lln'� d6atet traffic generation willbsiVe-16 obtain an Qpdaf6d cbnbUr.mh'.cy determination. The -applicant'PE3 - , Arnendmont 08-1 f6rN ICP.1. propos-es to retaJin the e%isbnguse un'61 suchbm­e that the Mercedes doWership "toits soLith needs t * q be expanded. Traffic 1MOaCtS for -the 6.U!te�ht U$p are vested:,thuis meeting the CbUr!t)(_.s T ­ 0 -�8ihy, Ntute Use that increases #r."affic generation wlll n. ed raffib Peffdrma`hbi� St�fh.. rds,;� hbl'w6ve'i t obta .010concurrency, 0 111 V G, 00at.Objecidvies an . 4 P0 1-C es NPBCP-Arhendmen.- t 08 -1 -is '' :' nI isit' en, do -- s t Withthe Transportation ElEim(EOtofthe Co mprdh0lttp plan, and1hoi text amen encs Jare h* edessary, 3A HOUSING A. Data Summary NPCP Amendment -08-1 will not-affe.ot :the Villeg 's long -'term. Inventory of housing. NPBCP Amendment will contain nQ-dwP1.t units. S. Anaiyms ,The proposed future land use designation I -CoMer. " I.. For plginni'n'� purposes, it Is therefore assu.med. ft.t- the _s� w!' -be .-dev .. ' will ' 1 . ... eloped for tomm.''ertia'! pWrpose$, and no additionalresidentialarif vVillbe-builts C. Goal, :Objectives and P.611cles NPBCP Amendment 08-1 has no effect upon the Hdusing Elehient, and no text amendments are required. M 3,S l `ARY E R, S U'D A'ASTS DR>AINA P ABLE l ATtkANIJ k ItTrAL CfQ�VT:A`t lA►CU1rER ti d r. v i Y M* t a $f -S Dc e} 1 i sr size .o the proper tnc did.rn : 111�BCP Arneri'dt et �r+itto"s`ica tn1ts;ic inatu� s772 eru�Gesv' Thb, rope y is virlt 't t t uta er and sewed s v ce ares o 'Seat las itr s AUth r y, ani S. c T n, being ser e rq+ D � St a to is>u as::su as &�:ftj ;e7 u re..ari'F a 'at 't bat art� �;� . �1 . iqY i- 1:, aMQ tlto, �t c tocoa�otie�e'tyt:n° e °t4 J1 ,sst `s 3cro;pdto , a `serr_es ilt ocate��atvar=ts��aiul afle1 to `sih a i' r rt( 3," �i cC(F1' ;j r e ski Y��(ti R ZA i �jt;� I A � .� � -over at awl f■ate t ♦/ �I k ; (- 7.rt t s': '� + . t°t,y •k :<f�fn�i���-':�ui�/.Y'ri'�%1n�1..,1�T/Yr��'!!'I�TA'�!R- .� �IY•.lrw f�A�: b�A`.n1#'�sl•.�.aytiC��ira�>ii�i-•flia7'r�+.�_ �._:jRf YF9.['J�r_sa. t'k1 �_�it'Y7 r�f��l ��h_1_�•_. M{'V 'M ,N - {~ J Z old wase cQlcttonvu�(( a astti be,: fxal of7ot!•t r:alm Beaictaat:'te i F air s cost r -Psc. an;tenc rr�terz 0 � D s s�E s rvtces will b ro`�td e bey tete !rzt Bacho�t. Sod S/ias'teArti,, vc�i Mals' ad�`a'oaac� �se.r'e :the Vae:>~vugt ; uc o t; 1- '14 Afiaty sis Cet'tt a'� aotai�io water a0d waslev ator s m. c �-o.vded .ii�e =site `e c a`st Uites Aufhoiy: An etrrna`e oi• rt'tx.uy. rn .d'aobl.e :water demand seice Np!�C Arr�entl�t sn adod .1�ilaeS span gasv. , dartl; is o s C25 ages) x ('(,�7 celracrelday = 4,76a1'1xts p"r :d, An esrria% jy axi of rnrn .tl west er oderrtao 40, s6m.", - � PR , aArt e t en 68- s { s _dors 2 5 '�c es x _ aRod n. NP800; en r ni s doe R©ad water `treaheint facifi Aft h" handle. Use or p fl4uoe any regvletetl s -u general exentonr receive art opE Departrgter of EnWito: 'mente i OSOL M defined.in SSecffbn -9.3.:13.26 of--fh6 Pa(rn E 3-7 `nci#ti i �Protec ifon Zone -i4 "6f the ' cha'f :r� a Zobevhs#-Th ce.at abb, utOy :4aIi►r a 3 ?'arnxit 'f'a Beach`.., County �egr't.,gilafdsstaces- pare i o my-udU .and Ded-,' pmeMCaM.. C. Coals, Objectives and Policies Proposed NW -P Amendm en t G8-1 is consistent with. fho Sanitary Sewer, Solid. Waste, D.rairrage, :Potable Water. And Natural Groundwater Aquifer Recharge element of the Conioreher . isive Plan in that the prQpeOy can., be ad.equatojy pro-,\�Ideolnfragtructure services consistent with the Village's . ve le 'I -ofnservlce (LOS)- steib#'tds. bio te)t a tend ments are1001red, 3.6 COASTAL MANAGEMENT A. Data S: EIM-rbAty Accord'n,,'g.; o. the 2006 -lE_:v Appraisall F 7)tthe pr _t-(M,4P b;per . ty , lnclud0 yvith-la. proposed .N -.Q-.'p . Amervdment 68 .1 isOnot lb4_within the defined d Coa tal Hr km0dAreano:r 15itlocated with lYa storm sure vulnerable zone. B. Analysis The propospd land. -Pse for NPCP A endment. 0.8-1. :discussed In ,Section 2.. 1. , M" � Is .... n . Note of the. 6.11alwfing. are identified as Jstd s tto NPU P Afnelathd -endtfidn't 08-1: Q infrastructure within the Coastal High Hazard Area- PUblid access to:.bewo-hes- dv, disaster redevelopment. -p Q. Goat, 10blectives and POticta N159C0 Amend meint'08!-.1-Is..tont%ta-ntw.fth-_t ,th i c..o:,stal,Maha -n'hm t Ele`eht of a: Of e the Comprehensive Ptan..In that no,in.consist6ncle's- areIdentifited,'No. additioital text amendments are requited. 3.7 -00N --SERVATION A. Hata summary NPKP AMe' Meht 08 dl.bMsJs.tsv of one developed-fipel of lend. n. pa . NPCP C.;p Amendment o8-1 fic-Is linlfted potobtfial to ihnoa,bt.:hatufal resources dddees''S­bd within.:the Conservation 81ement. An.Inventory of resources is presented in 'Section '3.2, B. Ana'llysis The only issue taised. in relation -to Nl5E3.G'P1 Amendtnent 08-1 'is the- pdtential use of regutated sUbs" V_ ' .' tances within Zone 4 -of s! potable -water wellfie.'ld. the. discus:-sed Section 3,5...b, the County has adequate contr6is in place to Insure that relatedfkllitles -are-operated properly. W1.1 C. a_ a �c vis hd i�c [icios .A�iCP,rr��ecrcons. Jnr, `tie �asre'ivao77, ' 2'"te off' tete C;Qrn e hs ue±��P tt , �t t . no rrtc`o s1s`t ndies. 'a z ides i r '. a a dir nal `tez f aerr�etis are.retred: - { s. :3.$ RSO T10N 5PA X to#a S iWha fy ,el `e.detneri or war�tieeCot , lLIr1 design t ah o IY s acid o wit f PB A td en : v� b 1 r s he,poc�at�,o 1f�Ilge: >> p�eteion off, a earners{al deveioPi�ti r�cpi aft prap as:dciate vuitf #FC# Arrndri 08- dill �t °create any a:dttial 3eedt� dev`eilap 'tere,n ta{ti . oaw'� o jett!Yes and _Palicjes 'NPB00 Arnett.merit 08-1 is colt -'W t W th+e -ReMt�ab11bra ap�d mpen Spice El rten fit s r o ipreh ive a n t t eve .6., a .(L S :s aa�da�= s ' 'bre got f, I; 2..J: 4 1. H, l - corn praEs0:1l..a addnsl test aiedrnns�,a`re .retire; 3,9, _I TER30VEi N !I✓N 'AL C -0Q9, Irt ION A. Data SOhi ft .6 ;: NP-BCPen:dr omt 08-1 rajs s no }tntetga�sert --on? a� cr�rc��t��tion �ss�i Thee annex ion sof tie p,ro 64.. hIP 'Aim- '-'dmem- Op"'.te n stmltare�Us�y poesseti:'te fLlrarner� erit is crreny be1rig'poces'�eUi the iIAR prcess i Ptrn Bci:. Count dung '4;hj -h ata'I'sre�eit 'Y intefigove t r n#al 000rd na -...-n Iss.uas ,SII :be idelitMod. .P. An- Al rsis :t F`BC' Amend en o "" I.:Is no.: lo.ca ed within :an Ar bf .0 ifici':iI Statbha t�. 3-9 C. Gaal, 'ObjectiVes-end Poll-Cles NPBcP A m-- endrnent 08-1 is consistent with the Intergovernmental Coordination Element of the 'Comprehensive. Plan. Any 1 terg.overnment_0j issues- raised. O.L4n g the approval process will be addie' d' pd1nf N6 additional text tMenftentt are reqUired, 3.10 CANTALIM- ' __ "'N M PROVERE A. Bata ;S-utn 'Ar' ..M..y NP8CP A-m6nddien't, 08-1 has -no effect 'Upoh capital im-proVemonts planning. The element -4y. -element ravieW presented in Sect ,0 to 3-9 1 re -s'' t .in. the UO not identificaton of any adWfionAl neeOel'ca -ft. I I . mprovem . encs. B. Anatys"'J's 'NPBCP_ Amendment 08-1 has nQ -effect upQn.progra.m.p.e-d .—improvements. -'-.-L.` q....p 4it " .1rn-provements in terms of adding additional ospacittozP :currently 01-ahred b. Goal, Objectives ',and P.0I161iDt NOBC P'A.mendrnent M-1 is co.nsis ent.mitht the Capital ini provements. El _qM:1Pnt of the Comprehensive Plan, and no addition':*al text arnbM I qked. Men. s are re 3- 1 1 ETHER AN0' ' 81114 PL I . NIN-0. CONCERN8, The Village Public safety:Department -. coM.M. m.entied 0 - 1-9, X007 and ,lama N .3G, 20 B..m aranda to th �-\(jl Jj' Li e.m- I Manager} dif AOftlal i- m. reg . N,!Jr1g.pQ, pa of haxin Ve Ca k'PIJza. c6n'ce'rns fccutiM:6."n"' the numb of police and "fire 'tesdUe; datit --genet sted by Fosters. Pub, one of the 13 tenants of the -shopping cehtor. To address potential impacts, the Public Safety Qqp, rtment recommended that the Village takip.the following' Actipas at Fq.' Restrict t (s'pub: .(1) Rest' ho,hour's' of I operatloh; (2) require 7the employment plbyment of off-duty Vlltge -police. officers to: perform :special details , duTing, peak hdUrs, sPOdial' events :and bo, . R . dgy-_'s'-- -arid ;aUth . oriza -n.. of :the '"P*ublil.0 Safety Department to act. ass agent enforce 161fe'ring, IrespasOng and other nuisance crimes. Thee above adtlans are to be specifically addressed bytheNillage and applicant in the arinexation ordinance accompanying NPBCP Amendment 08* -1.. 3-10 •4.0 CONSISTENCY TH�T�41E �L A rF# IMl aida ldrrstraace iC , tle. tAccording ' fio Gae 9 �' { l `,,.. 3r .� r !: b .�,r:; i �_�L ' ,��.�k , - � colt reh �- Ive n st . ! �s is ! �e r loo is do f;�vG��t ���i�e ��� �' � d9z", hsiue `Plan �ar�d y, of s:' r "r;.3 t r Xif{N i q va rtJay T-aU a`as pec vair�tc `ocii{;acy ( C_ �f•te= '9�°�"5�2 'F SaVS '{{• s r r dot fv 4 J or the pu vises of , ;e n co_ tsi ency o the lo�cai i�an -�I �t�e s_ >� + SL fe at r�� s �e 01 . apProP is a region ai a '�i fan > he s at or, e �o 1 pian shall b& cos as: -a `viable a;nd �o p.-- � Sgoa1 aid�s'WI���� `�r�� t�u.e�d .or. ap�lle M ISO n -or .e other awls a p�o(tcles:"' � t7q f 5 } 'k'- x � ,r. 's,. E � i.' ,+ 7 - Yi 4Y. t' 4f t r i'CP aedrrih8�� `tr�asLruiewed rrtes o1Trea�s east e�ortai " i ..: y. ��� a +' 1 7'A)F+ q ! y+Y NI r:• .�,rix Ey,�rlri. ! :. ,a F �t .�..� Plan Ca�rrc�l Re�otal Pali-y'[an t o'dero deterrn��e cor�sency las onj"'res te 'rte iia sigr�i caf regr`a�a11 liuwi are �8la et ,t �fi or ,�r t 'a et by I.BCI Atart8�, aid turd consl�t witl�goa!o�als att ole. �:.ZT Gi PRE HtE PLhI ' 1P'CP Ardmen ;Q.S vas. Tevewad. trn3 ah �zls, oacti�es aid glides of the State � mprehens vie Flan as ,pr s epi ih C 'a'" e` `�°'t$7 Florida S ase a or :pi's re ie ir, s 66 610, 4. ,khat [ (0, P a ii,oft h- 6ht 0.8-1 'is s , 61s•Ris.k•._ tea'hit0 c h1'wt6 Fonta:<fs, tyov+ .UN ard11 10 �.. •,iT 1-..- ..•i.:.. ;..+ -r� S.:;. 4-1 5.0 CONCLUSION AND RFECOMMENDATION The followirg recpmmen.dafiarTs.­ are, preselpd., $..I. FII DIN.G 0&4 Is c Village of North N i. -P Am endmen"t cogs with the pro on.s, of the Vf1la -Palm Beach Cbmprqheqsive Plan. dM spedfil -.1) P5CP Ampn is W Rb iq the U*r"b-an' '$e NCe ,- A-_rea, :arid d to c6hdIJ*6h ofuir an tpraw, as -deped by Gh4tpr 91=5 006(5), -511 1 1 kativO Code -fid 0 r, :NPg 1p Amer d ent 084 is consistent with poficy- of the Gopftal lrnprovernonts Element in 'that It does not cdatribute. to a condition of p0btic hazard, -,a' defined t..heroln not does - exacerbate any exl�sting -condition of public to. 61rd., ."bed x. -a .1 Y capacity dqfiqi qs descri therein, and 'is compatibi with 18t' -d Use,$ S S n ,AhoW� on tie Futurb.. Land Use Mao "Sed, e -s. 6.2 STAFF REcommENOATi , ON Staff recpmimends that the VillageC cil abbed-vVe NP oun. BCP Amendment 02 6.3 LPA PUBLIC HEARING An advertised LQiael Plann)n - %ai- ,g Agenqy. (LPA) publi ' c hearing on NPBCP Amendment 08-1 is sched,01 d t 'r� 6- April 1 1 �068 at 7:0, 'agpH a 11. _P, Q 00cp rT . 0 P.M. 1h the Vill 6.4 LPA MEETING The Local PlAnming. Agency (LPA).. is scheduled :to hecif th6 petition 'for NPBCP Amendment 08-1 at Its'"I regular moeting on Aom -1 200&.. 5.6 VILLAGE "COUNCIL PUBLIC -HEARING' An. ;advertise P' d Vfflagp Council public hearing on NPBCP Arhiendrhent 08-1 oheduled to b6 conducted 'n ftky -8.1, .., #0 . -2008 at 7:30,P. -M. in the Village Hail. 5.6 VILLAGE COUNCIL MEETING The Village- Council, at rls te"'g''plar meetings on April 24 .and May .8, 2,008 Is scheduled to conside'r NPBCP A--me*n 08-1. 5-1 [F Artrrdte�t :t�8� e`o�sE�s a Laid =aseperirte`r�de to Incarp�or a vo[r n %y a ne a on aceor p(is d 'p ra t t rapt 'C71 ��ofda Sta tte IFS At I -t e t �. - acccrn fished y a ert rnent. " olteP ofof S J "`� ` ti 2 Y d•r =i i ti.t +.. i4�,.. �,x ;a. :5 ._r tf e re Lam ase a -efies o e tiac� ..af` .�r atn B at t G t re "ns:�ve. ' JK �.� y..• }}Y-f - � :1 , :i'yi _>P T - t tt 'st y - - Ji �i�J .:. i�r •.l� r y e''' 3 t J fc:; t. :.fit r' .. i `i�, ✓ E , � � t t is P ' � . N r8d'- � rner t: a is pre er�'t�d in �t to ac i g or na 0., 'nc ing a iowtld t ,... . X.1 [;A HIBIT A Future Land Use Map -Amendment, NPBCP Amendment 08-1 Addend -um To FIG U-kE ci of the MINIC', ch CoMpr6fiensive PlAn 16 f North Palm Bea Corporate Limits A-2 NPBCO -1 F uty rp.-i.a U p1je nt (POOn:`00�;b County.) Nprtb'Palm: Beach) To Commerciall" Corirav Ro"cad Scale: 'I' = 300' I A=3 EXH.1-81T-'C.-. Ordinance Enacting ; Land .Use D'osignation N'P'8 CIPA I " . mandm-e --rif 08-1 (To be attached upon adoption}: 4 ME, C3rdtri rtc r e i t#vnngml A s n S � 1"a e�aftac�todru�€an�ac��p�iart): REZONING APPLICATION FORM �9- o 81-. oueul pio 4qpa��riba� 'eel uoQ18-01 . d0 bubo, -aLq.dl u0111ppe Lit aja saa .uo��eei#dde Qf d pue u fs���Q-q iS jjb,q 31flN -uosle�i d � - ..r • utap • .I � , op Ui u011eur.t9jut Ates u0 I 4etu a6ej#1A,�y:L• `e�aiMou� Aw ]o gstq egyb a1sd p e�e:trto�t^.st sa.tn oi�Ua eye :t.io pauc tg::P.• pf4v 0A7.09-.J.ec�tloyut ay-L 6u1.ie=H pignd jvj, uoije3,FiddiV jpgns.'ol ;ueoiidde dutzui q jn :.1a.uMo 'o iApr e' p9z; e]o9' .11V r uML4 �{�a jq Oee ui•89=59 �o aou�uPoq p�a1 se: Xase.zdc# �[zado.z�{uno' ,coEag { :awe's amus Q pasty aotnos a;E s uni�eoij�dy sicp -q pajan ur4jjM ApbdMd to uoildposap lefiaE pie situmo•�t��=doati }o sassa AAe fi li�ietu pue saweu a ` s� 1 •uorSedtfddy sib q 'p ,d t� �t ladatd ay;;o •}} OSE (1.10M siaumo xpad'ord lie 6utmbgssa�tAxs oM1 � # Vie€ Uo�sinr-qng ahrte#u,l, t • `� p43 in Qaso�oati �Q �rE ads• � w:3t9.f, or!gntge� d s a ' •t ��: f,.t.. 0aiq.tF;.ut'n�1;a;ElQ�Il is�c'+F'F.arytf�..rJL+�.wil�il'Yt:►.7►*yx.,�t iF'?Mff+�'its!•lhti'i�N�/f'Y•4t�M1,�i�iit��Nt}Y�_Y;�M_ii�ty • ���s,,t - � 4 • r' rr t •.. _ - �}'1 'iVF+/ '.1,tX i+lti ,t. Mit 'L ':*T.:. r^. T�+i�rt'7•`7 i14*... •M rb ifit�/•�1M'�4•K7��F'M `�e-r� zaruuioo its a�d�c h� r a ans L aas t • � :}-'_�1 Qs :}t sad" ',i!�l�adol� a� oto o�r,s Z IS ` o a s ,.. iau;zoasaM�s �0 0�40,E? liiva" fu u no t �; ` pe x! p.zeuotN �u� �rr�►:, �.�T�+ ssal s �osaueptn;o eal s ' .' " T • same x `uoi��oi ltd ,� 1��to�;' 44 z ~,- rQ�S �95Z 1 e• 9 P�• sa,��e.ro earl' ��o�st,ais�at,ut� •k • ��+�*++fitf�;-�irx+�.�+r,�..fi?�"14M�•�,n+�r+ri�'F'F#�?t+� N', kdj6d .101 9 5'S 8 �i.8 5` I S xe - ` O O L L = V$B dig) au da#a1. 99$ZI aro dZ u ale}S s uTx S 896:4 S ,C�� 0 _ 2 8.0 azns sMpeo.xg• 8S� ssalPptl .. , E 2 e d' � a'.& -C rj (jgid) }ueoi jddy `s'uo�, sa wooal pub.. s put' ] J% a Ei#i *UUrssat; WO fuwue d afiE#1 ay] v#. p ,Lei � aq uat .,u©; otE ' ; t. , i , • .Wled ,r. a` 6t '1( t oo rt pa:�rni����j � � 7 u� i�:�. , . f .�,. � �!. .. ?, u� P • p l} lama �a sr ,u ,uai�e3 dc�" srt j. 6uruaza% !l�£# uo�ezauuy E � . N01JLV,*DndcfV ftNV0Z ,. A. v r REZONING TO C-2 CONSENT STATEMENT Owner To Complete If Using An Agent Me, the aforementioned owner(s), do hereby give consent to act on my/our behalf to submit this application, all required material and documents, and attend and represent me/us at all meetings and public hearings pertaining to the request(s) and property INVe own described in the attached application. Furthermore, as owners of the subject ., property, I/we hereby give consent to the party designated above( ) Ject or conditions that may arise as part of the approval of this application to agree to all terms use, for the proposed Print Name(s). Michael Cantanucci, President of Live Oak Plaza, Inc. NOTARY STATEOFr-LeRIBA O wJ trK COUNTY OF Sarc, •oc�q The foregoing .instrument was acknowledged before me this c4h day of 6Vgnib&,- 2007 by Michael Cantanucci as 'resident of Live Oak Plaza, Inc. personally known to me or has produced . Ne/she Is did/did not take an oath. as identification and Cf I - .- My Commission Expires: (Signature of Notary) ,,Xnn;FP-r e. &1+cii, (Name - Must be typed, printed or stamped) JcNi IFI :R P. BOLTON Notary Public, State of New York Qualified in Saratoga County '1v r i -n-mission Expires April 30, 2011 (NOTARY'S SEAL OR STAMP) RESOLUTION NO. R. 84-1102 RESOLUTION APPROVING ZONING PETITION 84-17, Special Exception WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners, as the governing body, pursuant to the authority vested in Chapter 163 and Chapter 125, Florida Statutes, is aut hor i red and empowered to consider petitions relating to zoning; and WHERERS, the notice and hearing requirements as provided for in Chapter 4412.5 of the Palm Beach County Zoning Code Ordinance No. 73-2 have been satisfied; and WHEREAS, Pet it ion No. 84-17 was presented to the Board of County Commissioners of Palm Beach County at its public hearing conducted on 29th March 1984; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners has considered the evidence and testimony presented by the applicant and other interested parties and the recommendations of the various county review agencies and the recommendations of the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners made the following findings of fact: 1. The proposed Special Exception is consistent with the requirements of the Comprehensive Plan. 2. The proposed location of a private recreation club within an existing commercial building is consistent with the -Comprehensive Plan. 3. The proposed use will not have any adverse impacts upon surrounding properties of thoroughfares. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, assembled in regular session this 29th day March 1984, that Petition No. 84-17 the petitian of LIBERTY SQUARE By Leharn E . Ward, Agent, for a SPECIAL EXCEPTION TO ALLOW A RECREATION FACILITY INCLUDING A PRIVATE CLUB on a parcel of land in the Southwest 1/4 of Section 17, Township 42 South, Range 43 East, being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the Easterly right-of-way line of the Florida East Coast Railroad and the Westerly extension of the Southerly right of -way line of Richard _Ro,a:d as said right of-way_is Shawn cmr, the plat,o f f4.e l s;e;,y. uAcr.'es', a.s ,recorded'_. P1aa<f:Pc+,c�k' Ob 16F '16:; thence Southerly along the, Easterly, right-of-way lire, of the Florida East Coast Rai broad a distance °of 538.88 feet; thence Easterly making an ..:-•- } :`i. �-.:..P �, r i r i_ 7, :�.s .i`.; ., r :' !. ,�, '.: ,.,, u ; ,.:t;� � ,i . �. tif� �;, angle with the preceding course meas,'tired from North to :East of 85 degrees ®+20', a distance,of 271.47 feet, rnc►re o r fess, to the Wester 1 y right-of-way line of State R,o A 1-A, said right-of-way line being 4lsa t"he a r c. of a curve concave to the Southwest and having a z - '<: •.i3,' . -p '�-3 t( -r..: ..? t :_ i1 �... rj, .. �`:' ft ;a'.•r' .' a 7 radius o f of 5689.58 feet, thence Northwesterly,. along the arc of said curve and the Westerly right -of way line of State. Road A -1-A, thru, an angle of t4 degreesr' l4 13" a distance of 428.73 feet :' o the said Westerly extension 'of the Southerly light -of way line of the Southerly L J'.'. ; right-of='way line of Richard Road; thence 'Wb}es'tecrly along said Westerly i.d i 'i.)ti „l.� f 1'`.�1 X...�,Y•.2. extendion* a distance of 232.47 f^^eet,r to the P6int of Be laming. Less 1 14• additional.right-of-way acqu,i"ted by D. 0. T. , Parcel 1i3.1: Sect ion 930 :: •', . Lp , 'F -.n :w't: i �p 4; ;r .C' `� ' b. ,, .i. r� 1, 7i' 941-2522. Said property located on the southwest canner of t h e I nit ersct ion of A=1 A and Richard Road, 'approximately . 3 miles North of Northlake ..Boulevard in an 'CG.Genera 1 Commerci a 1 District was approved as advert .1 se subject to the fol lowing coedit ions 1., The +*develo rneefli "sha=11 reaaia"`onsite�;' ' p 85 /o of the sarrnwater runoff generated' b y a three ( ) y{efalr', 1,­sto'rrn:per requir.emen�ts of the Permit Section, .Land Development 'Divon. 2.;; The pra`pe`rt y pwnet shall convey for the .ultimate right .c+f way S. R. Alternate A -1-A fifty-five (55) fe'e� f'� "" �arn'the base line .of survey per Right -of Way Map No. 93090-2522, sheet 3 of 7 The co", shall shall be Within 98 'r 'daps ' tc+f �a`ppro*at' and rreust 'tie afccepE'ed "by P� in Reach County prior to issuance >:6f .t if& }Bu id; Commissioner Evett j moved for approval of the petition. The mot ion was seconded by Commissioner Wilken , and upon being Put to a vote, the vote was as follows: Iden Spi l l i as, Chairman -- AYE Dorot by Wi 1 kens, Vice Chairman .- AYE Peggy Evatt, Member -- AYE Dennis P. Koehler, Member -- AYE Bi 11 Eai ley, Member - - ABSE11T The foregoing resolution was declared duly Passed and adopted t h i s 14th d a y o f Aug. , 1984 , confirming action of 29th March 1984. APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY County At" torney PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDO BY ITS BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS JOHN B. DUNKLE,! ',CLERK D putt' Gle�Y; +'ti;.;,•+r; '''' iS.'�: �u'• ' . SYS •:J J • •�\.� d y