1983-09 Election ResultsRESOLUTION N0. 9-83 A RESOUITIC[`1 ~ THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PATId BEACH, FLORTIaA, I~ DECIARIIQG THE RESULTS OF THE GENERAL ELECPION t~LD ON MARCH 8, 1983. Wi~RF.AS, on the 8th day of March, 1983, a General Election was held in the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, for the purpose of electing Councilmen to the Village Council for Groups 2 and 4; and 4~IEREAS, by due resolution the following named persons were appointed inspectors and clerks of said election: Faith Lutheran Church, Precinct 48: inspectors: Esther Bricker Eleanor Watt Margo Born Grete McBride Clerk: Elizabeth Redding Council Chambers Village Ha11, Precinct 49: Inspectors: Joyce Bra~m Barbara bill Betsey Collins Georgene Skaryd Clerk: Linda Wilkens Port Inspectors: Jean Corcoran Jean Deal Alicia DiAia Clerk: Faye Lucas Elks' Lo ~e No. 2069 Precincts 34 and 52: Inspectors: Barbara Bedwell Ernia Brown Florence Daniels Jean Ford Roberta Ladeda Barbara Nichols Martha Schultz Clerk: Gertrude Zentgraf St. Clare's Church, Precinct 53_: Inspectors: Gladys Thompson Blanche Tyson Margaret Scully Clerk: Catherine Mitchell and, Wf~tEAS, on March 8, 1983, said inspectors and clerks, after taking and subscribing their oaths iri accordance with law, made their returns to the ' Village Council, which returns certified that the total cotuit of ballots cast, including absentee ballots, is 2164. For Village Councilman, Group 2: (2-year term) William H. Brown received 646 votes Richard B. Kay received 247 votes Craig Mundt received 1202 votes For Village Councilman, Group 4: (2-year tend V. A. Marks, M.D. received 1639 votes Margaret Turney received 469 votes and, WHEEtEA.S, the Village Council has duly canvassed the returns of said General Election and finds that the ret~m~s of the inspectors and clerks of said election are true and correct tabulations of the votes cast; NOW, THQtEFORE, BE TT RESOLVID BY THE VAL9GE OOUG9CIL OF NORTH PALM ' BEACH, FIAI2IDA: Section 1. The Village Co~mcil finds and declares that the following are results of the General Election of March 8, 1983. For Village Councilman, Getup 2: Williaat H. Brown received 646 votes Richard B. Kay received 247 votes Craig Mundt received 1202 votes For Village Councilman, Group 4: V. A. Marks, M.D. received 1639 votes Margaret Turney received 469 rotes Section 2. That the following candidates are hereby declared to be elected to the respective offices as follows: Village Councilman, Group 2: CRAIG MUN17f Vi11aFe Co~cilman, Group 4: V. A. MARKS, M.D. -2- Section 3. 'This Resolution shall take effect tmnediately upon passage. L PASSID AND ADOPTED ~IIS 9th DAY OF MARCfi, 1983 Q Mayor ATTEST: ~-~-~o ^~ ;-@ ~e Village Clerk