2010-06-29 Order Zoning Variance 713 U.S. 1 Mondo's Outdoor seatingVILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT ORDER ON VARIANCE APPLICATION Applicant: Timothy F. Hullihan, AIA, Agent for M & W Rentals, L.C. (Property Owner) Property Location: 713 U.S. Highway One, North Palm Beach, FL 33408 Legal Description: Lot 13 and the northerly 20 feet of Lot 14, Block 1, Country Club Addition to the Village of North Palm Beach according to the plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 25, Page 130 of the public records of Palm Beach County (PCN: 68-43-42-16-06-001-0130) Request: Variance from Section 45-36(Q)(3)(i) (outdoor seating) of the Village Code of Ordinances to allow an awning to encroach twenty feet (20') into the required setback (no encroachment permitted) and allow decks, tables, chairs, umbrellas, fencing, screening and dividing materials a total of thirty-six feet, eight inches (36'8") into the required setback (twenty-three feet, four inches (23'4") permitted). THIS MATTER came before the Zoning Board of Adjustment on April 13, 2010. After considering the testimony and other evidence presented during the course of a properly noticed public hearing, it is hereby ordered and adjudged as follows: 1. Applicant's request for a variance meets the requirements of Section 21-21 of the Village Code of Ordinances and is hereby APPROVED. 2. In accordance with Section 21-21(c)(2)b of the Village Code of Ordinances, the Board's approval of Applicant's variance request is subject to the following condition: The variance granted herein is solely for the benefit of the existing restaurant operated by Mondo's of North Palm Beach, Inc. Should Mondo's of North Palm Beach, Inc. no longer operate the restaurant located on the Property, this variance shall terminate and any new business shall be required to comply with the then applicable Code requirements for outdoor seating or seek an new variance. DONE AND ORDERED this ATTEST: di Nentwick, Planner/Secretary day ofi �� t —` , 2010. Village of North Palm Beach Zoning Board of Adjustment Dianne Reeves, Chair Zoning Board ol'Adjustment I leetine Minutes April 13, 2010 VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MEETING MINUTES Date: April 13, 2010 Present: Dianne Reeves. Chair I..ouis Daniello_, Vice Chairman Roy Chapin Curtis Witters Peter Carvajal Ted Bukowski, 151 Alternate Keith Davis, 2nd Alternate Charles Huff, Community Development Director Jodi Nentwick, Planner/Secretary Leonard Rubin, Village Attorney The Chair Mrs. Reeves called the meeting to order at 6:30 P.M., all members were present. The Village Attorney, Leonard Rubin, including Community Development Director, Charles Huff, Building Official, Jim Brown and Village Planner, Jodi Nentwick, swore in all persons testifying and present at the beginning of the meeting. Motion Mr. Witters, second Carvajal to approve the meeting minutes held on September 29, 2009 and October 27, 2009 as submitted. Motion passed 5-0. Chair reads the legal notice advertised on Saturday, April 10, 2010 in the Palm Beach Post. An application submitted by Timothy F. Hullihan, AIA, agent for M & W Rentals, L.C. (Mondo's of North Pahn Beach), property owner, requesting a variance from Section 45- 36(Q)(3)(i) of the Village Code (outdoor seating), which requires that: (1) permanent or temporary structures (awnings and roofs) shall not encroach into the required building setback areas, and (2) tables, chairs, umbrellas, fencing, screening and dividing materials shall not be located closer than two-thirds of the required front setback. The applicant is seeking approval for a twenty foot (20') encroaclnnent (as if the front yard setback were 50 feet (50') rather than 70 feet (70') into the front setback) for the installation of an awning and, for the placement of decks, tables, chairs, umbrellas, fencing, screening and dividing materials and other non -roof structures. an additional 13 feet, four inches (13'4") into the front setback (a 23 feet, four inch encroachment (23'4") is presently permitted). The property is located at 713 U.S. Highway One within the C -A commercial zoning district. Chair calls for discussion by proponents Larry Smith on behalf of Gary Dytrych & Ryan located at 701 U.S. Highway One, spoke in favor of the project. Jodene Hayes, 728 Eastwind Drive, spoke in favor of the project. Zoning [bard of Ad ustment' leering \linutes April 13. 2010 Gina Mondanaro, owner of Mondo's of North Palm Beach, spoke in favor of the project. Chair calls for discussion by objectors Lee Collum. 704 Eastwind Drive, expressed his concerns regarding additional noise that «could affect the neighbors along the 700 block of Eastwind Drive. Chair Reeves requested the petition of ten names dated April 9, 2010 to be submitted as part of the minutes. There were no letters submitted. Discussion took place concerning the existing noise in the rear parking lot and noise abatement. Motion Mr. Carvajal, second Mr. Daniello to grant the variance as submitted After sworn by Mr. Rubin, Randy Ward, of M & W Rentals, I..C., property okvner requested if the Board N ould reconsider the motion be granted to the current tenant (Mondo's of North Palm Beach) in lien of the property, Motion Mr, Carvajal, second Mr. Daniello to amend the motion to grant the variance solely for the benefit of the existing restaurant operated by Mondo's of North Palm Beach Inc. Should Mondo's of North Palm Beach, Inc. no longer operate the restaurant located on the property, this variance shall terminate and any new business shall be required to comply with the then applicable code requirements for outdoor seating or seek an new variance. Motion passed 5-0, There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:29 P.M t01entwick, Secretary of the Board Zo;iing Board of Adjustment Village of North Palm 3each North Palm Beach Florida 33408 Dear Sirs: We the undersigned respectfully request that the application submitted by Timothy f Hullihan AIA agent for Mondo's restaurant be denied. Our concern is for the noise which would be produced by having ourdoor seating. We request that our right to enjoy our property without the increase in noise be held as impor�ant use of our property and that the request be denied. Respectf,!lly, Name Address j A/ e C' CC) /L/ n% �_1la�l�n—v-, l� �l �y�t fj �"c(1 F v1 '� 1 1/ e .�'�/� � 6 �/'1L c'R/I.� %�%Xl i✓5%� ! ' • }�!'z- (�-�G-�d-�` '� ��u � �� T t'ir/ nJ,l� 1� � J�/J�N CC¢ 1 ►o is 't�l��^"=� — a`— C ..1r[ 72,e> V ly/l% 05 A :2 a. )3 i , 7 zrryri�% /V15 -J r "�4 �% C1 I- CI _SHII w ti sI„ iW A r r 7 `l `( G As, w_..N i) 713 U.S. Highway 1 -Variance Rede Mondo's of North Palm Beach April 13, 2010 Created 3/16/2010 Affidavit of Public Notice Mailing Requirements Notice of: [ j Project: Applicant Name: Location: Rezoning Large-scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment Small-scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment Variance Planned Unit Development (PUD) Kdo/ 01 S dot&v- Md 4 �w-k a(+ as) 13 U.S. NC, In order to assist in providing adequate notice to interested parties, the applicant shall mail the required notices pursuant to Section 21-3 of the Village of North Palm Beach Code of Ordinances. It shall. be the responsibility of the applicant to mail the required notices prior the public hearing. I i�l�ty, Y Representing Q1 � i\1dY 1 V1 lC{ w bm cC 1 Declare as follows: On the 31"rt day of � VCI , 20 (,ti , I did mail the required notices within 500 feet of the property referenced above to notify the public of Village action regarding Project File No. mai'' See attached mailing-Iist, for proofS t�� q , Applicant's / Representative's Signatur ' State of Florida } County of Palm Beach )ss he foregoing document was sworn a subscribed before , , 2010 by rn a )} %A kJ who me or ❑ produced as identification. me this — day of er rsonal_ 1y known to Notary Public My Commission Expires: "Exhibit A" Mondo's of North Palm Beach Ordinance 45-31 C -A Commercial District April 13, 2010 VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT Meeting Date: April 13, 2010 Date Prepared: April 8, 2010 REQUEST FOR A VARIANCE TO INSTALL OUTDOOR SEATING WITHIN THE FRONT SETBACKS LOCATED AT 713 U.S. HIGHWAY ONE APPLICANT: MONDO'S OF NORTH PALM BEACH APPLICANT'S REQUEST: A request by Timothy F. Hullihan, A1A, agent for M & W Rentals, L.C. (Mondo's of North Palm Beach), property owner, requesting a variance from Section 45-36(Q)(3)(i) of the Village Code (outdoor seating), which requires that: (1) permanent or temporary structures (awnings and roofs) shall not encroach into the required building setback areas; and (2) tables, chairs, umbrellas, fencing, screening and dividing materials shall not be located closer than two-thirds of the required setback. The applicant is seeking approval for a twenty foot (20') encroachment (as if the front yard setback were 50 feet (50') rather than 70 feet (70') into the front setback) for the installation of an awning and, for the placement of decks, tables, chairs, umbrellas, fencing, screening and dividing materials and other non -roof structures, an additional 13 feet, four inches (13.4") into the front setback (a 23 feet, four inch encroachment (23' 4") is presently permitted). Applicant(s): Timothy F. Hullihan, AIA (agent) Owner(s): M & W Rentals, L.C. (Mondo's of North Palm Beach) Address/Location: 713 U.S. Highway One Net Acreage: 0.8264 Legal Description: 68-43-42-16-06-001-0130 Existing Zoning: 45-31 C -A Commercial District Future Land Use: Commercial Adjacent Zoning: North: C -A Commercial District South: C -A Commercial District East: C -A Commercial District West: R-1 Single -Family Dwelling District Adjacent Existing Land Use: North: Commercial South: Commercial East: Commercial West: Low Density Residential (fewer than 5.80 residential units per gross acre) APPLICANT'S VARIANCE REQUEST Refer to Justification Statement prepared by Timothy F. Hullihan, AIA., owner's agent for M & W Rentals, LC. (Mondo's of North Pam Beach) on March 16, 2010. men L�3R7TI11►1s7 The property consists of approximately 0.8264 acres (35,997 sq. footage) with a 4,750 sq. foot restaurant that was built in 1972. Mondo's of North Palm Beach opened their operation in North Palm Beach at the above location in 1991. In 1993, the east and west elevations of the existing restaurant were expanded and in 1996, the existing storage room was converted into the bakery area. In 1999, the Village enacted Ordinance 6-99 to allow Outdoor Seating as an accessory use for Food Establishments within the C -A Commercial District and C -B Commercial District. In the C -A Commercial District, the front setback states "All buildings facing U.S. [Highway No.] 1 shall be set back from the right-of-way to provide a front yard of not less than seventy (70) feet". III. Analysis of Criteria and Findings for Variance Below are listed the six (6) variance criteria from Code Section 21-21 which all must be met before a variance can be granted.. CRITERIA 1: That special conditions and circumstances exist which are peculiar to the land, structure or building involved and which are not applicable to other lands, structures or buildings in the same zoning district; CRITERIA 2: That the special conditions and circumstances do not result from the actions of the applicant; CRITERIA 3: That granting the variance requested will not confer on the Applicant any special privilege that is denied by the ordinance to other lands, buildings or structures in the same zoning district,- CRITERIA istrict;CRITERIA 4: That literal interpretation of the provisions of the subject ordinance would deprive the Applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other properties in the same zoning district under the terms of the ordinance and would unnecessary and undue hardship on the Applicant.: CRITERIA 5: That the variance granted is the minimum variance that will make possible the reasonable use of the land, building or structure; CRITERIA 6: That the grant of the variance will be in harmony with the general intent and purpose of the ordinance and that such variance will not be injurious to the area involved or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare. In granting any variance, the board of adjustment may prescribe appropriate conditions and safeguards in conformity and any ordinance enacted under its authority. Violation of such conditions and safeguards, when made a part of terms under which variance is granted, shall be deemed a violation of the ordinance The board of adjustment may prescribe a reasonable time limit within which the action for which the variance is required shall be begun or completed or both. Under no circumstances, except as permitted above, shall the board of adjustment grant a variance to permit a use not generally permitted in the zoning district involved or any use expressly or by implication prohibited by the terms of the ordinance in the zoning district. No nonconforming use of neighboring lands, structures or buildings in other zoning districts shall be considered grounds for the authorization of a variance IV. CONSISTENCY WITH THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN The Village's Comprehensive Plan, Policy 1.A.4 states: b. Maximum lot coverage ratio shall be 35% regulations (not to exceed 12;599), and therefore the variance request is not inconsistent with the Village's Comprehensive Plan. THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH APPEAL TO THE ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT Date �`c ° `', I e#c Appellant Address Owner il'-OAA(e,N flt, Address c3�,, i k Location of Propert 33 Legal Description:,W Lot Li1" ; Block I Plat 17T5 *NOTE: Complete Section 1 or 2 below as applicable. Do not fill in more than one section. This application is not acceptable unless all required statements have been made. Additional information may be supplied on separate sheets if the space provided is inadequate. ►*ww,twwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww*wwwwwwwwwwwwwww*wwww**wwww*www*wwwwwwww*w**w*wwww**wwwwww***www*ww SECTION 1: APPEAL FROM DECISION OF BUILDING OFFICIAL Relation: to the Enforcement of Zoning Ordinance Describe decision of Building Official from which appeal is made: Provision of Zoning Ordinance in question: APPLICATION FOR A VARIANCE SECTION 2: Provision of the Zoning Ordinance from which a variance is requested: Peculiar or unusual conditions which justify a variance as requestea: *****************************************'***'********'k******************************fir******** NOTE: A filling.jee of $200.00, (two hundred dollars) is required with w_ kt.application. 'App llant Signature ****k*******************************************************************************k******* **Status: Building Permit Date Issued Date Application Filed Notice of Hearing Advertised on Date of Hearing Notice mailed to Clerk, Zoning Board of Appeals Decision: Application or appeal granted or denied in accordance with the terms of following resolution: Date: W—ch 30. - 010 Village of North Palm Beach 501 U.S. t-ljhway One :Forth Palm Beach, I=I:.. 33408 Ike: .,'tondo's ()LwtdOOr Seating To Whorn It N -lay Concern: I. Raody Ward., property owner of 713 U.S. Highway One, North Palm Beach. Florida (Mondo's of North Palm Beach) authorize Tirrxathy F. f luilihan. AIA, to act as my agent in all miners associated with gaining approval tt e:on5truct {outdoor Seating at said location. Mr. I-Iullihan is authorized to represent me and my business partners at menings to sign documents: cmwoe m ne-otimions and otherwise I-eprusent my partners and me as Our agent. f, Si 1M 7-,, W Dentals. 1.-C State of Florida Onm y of I'alni F each e.,. ig document Was sWOM and subscribed before me this day of Wd b} „ti �£ `it w11U LS lii l'So11£dl}' ka1o1'a1 to ila2 as identification. ;dot ary Public t /� Nly Commission Erpires ` t--"- �. TIMOTHY F. HULLIHAN, AIA 840 Country Club Drive North Palm Beach. Florida 33408 561 .301.4616 tm arrhitect@nisn.com March 16, 2010 Jodi Nentwick, Planner Village of North Palm Beach 501 U. S. Highway One North Palm Beach, FL 33408 RE: Mondo's Outdoor Seating Dear Jodi: On behalf of Mondo's of North Palm Beach, we are requesting a variance to the 70 -foot front yard setback that presently limits, unnecessarily, Mondo's ability to update their product and compete within the current Northern Palm Beach County restaurant marketplace. Since Mondo's opened in 1991, two significant events have fundamentally changed the restaurant marketplace in Northern Palm Beach County. First, smoking within most restaurants was banned throughout the County. Second, two large centers for restaurants and retail were opened: City Place to the south and "restaurant row" between the Turnpike and Military Trail on PGA Boulevard. Each of these offers an abundance of outdoor seating to take advantage of our seasonal weather and address the need to provide outdoor seating for patrons that smoke. Consequently, North Palm Beach's U.S. One corridor, which was once lined with restaurants (including numerous national chains), continues to experience a decline in restaurant activity. The recent demolition of DeCesare's created the 3"' vacant lot on U.S. One from a former restaurant site. Each of these sites faced many of the same challenges that Mondo's is now facing: 1. Their CA zoning establishes a 70 -foot back from U.S. One. 2. They are between larger structures that have the same setback requirements. 3. Covered outdoor seating is not permitted to encroach into the setback. 4. Uncovered seating can only encroach into the setback 23'-4". Mondo's believes that adding a significant amount of covered outdoor seating will help them compete effectively within the current marketplace, however, their current zoning does not permit it. Like the restaurants that were demolished before them, they are sandwiched between 2 multi -story office buildings that have the same setback requirements. They have succeeded for years in spite of poor visibility by offering an excellent menu, friendly and admirable service and a comfortable yet elegant atmosphere. While their faithful local clientele remains strong, their ability to draw new customers is limited by poor visibility, their inability to provide an outdoor dining environment, and strong competition that does not suffer from these limitations. 311612010, Mondo's, page 2 of 2 In considering the options by which these obstacles could be mitigated for Monclo's, we considered rezoning the parcel to C1 A. This zoning, which some parcels on U.S. One have, carries only a 50 -foot setback. This smaller setback enjoyed by other parcels on U.S. One is all Mondo's needs to execute their plans for outdoor seating. However, changing zoning is an expensive process and one that carries with it many changes to the parcel that are both inconsistent with those immediately adjacent to it and unnecessary to accomplish Mondo's goal. Applying for a variance to permit a 50 -foot setback on the parcel that is applicable only to the construction of covered outdoor seating is the preferred course of action. We believe this variance to be justified under Article III, Section 21-21 of the Code of Ordinances Village of North Palm Beach (The Code) because their unique circumstances align with the 6 listed criteria in The Code. 1. Both the structure and the land are unique. The narrow 100 -foot wide lot forces the majority of their parking to the rear making the 70 -foot setback intended to accommodate front yard parking, inapplicable. More importantly, however, Mondo's represents the last freestanding locally owned and operated restaurant on U.S. One that has served our community for nearly 20 -years. 2. The conditions that limit Mondo's ability to modernize and compete in the marketplace did not result from actions of the applicant. 3. Mondo's will not be receiving special privilege from this variance because there are only two other freestanding restaurants on U.S, One without outdoor seating. Granting the same variance, should their zoning require it, would be welcomed. 4. Both the indoor smoking ban and North Palm Beach's outdoor seating ordinance were enacted after Mondo's was built to the front yard setback line. Newly constructed restaurants on U.S. One are afforded the opportunity to incorporate outdoor seating within their setback. However, existing restaurants do not have this flexibility. Consequently, Mondo's CA zoning and the Village's outdoor seating ordinance create unnecessary and undue hardship by establishing a competitive advantage for newly constructed restaurants. 5. The 50 -foot setback requested is the minimum variance that will make an elegant outdoor seating environment possible. Fifty feet is both the setback for parcels on U.S. One that have a C1 A zoning and a distance that will allow only 20 -feet of covered outdoor dining. 6. The intent of the outdoor seating ordinance was to permit outdoor dining at restaurants in North Palm Beach. The 70 -foot setback was intended to encourage front yard parking and push multi -story buildings back from U.S. One. Neither is applicable to Mondo's and, therefore, granting the variance will not be disharmonious with the general intent and purpose of these ordinances. As stated above, we believe this variance request meets all 6 of the criteria for granting such a variance. We respectfully request that our application be placed on the April agenda for the Zoning Board of Adjustments. We thank you in advance for your thoughtful consideration of this request. ega i Timotl F. H than. AIA NAmvh 30, 2010 Village ofNorth Palm Beach 501 U.S.Highway One North Palm l3each, I -L. 33408 Re: Mondo's, Outdoor Seating To Whom It Ivlay Concern: |, Randy Ward, p.ropertyo"merof7]3 O.8. Highway One., Nm(h Palin Beach, Florida (IN,londo's of North Palm Beach) ninhorize Timothy F. HuMl, Alk to ao as my agent inall matters ussocixwd"All gQnWg nppmvx|mConstruct Outdoor seating, atsaid \uoodun- Mr. 8uDihon io outhorircdturcprcscoi me ond myhosiocsxpannus o( moc\in8y(oApt dnconucii1s;o iuoe8oUu1ionsand otherwise represent mypartners sill, C (21 State o[Florida 2(y h A& "to is personally knoxvii it) me or prod tied I as identiflQatioll. Not, Y`Nblic My Commission [`.xpires: