Ross to Construct Water System for North PB Property (Miami Herald) 6-29-55VITAM-r hrz-.r�LD b— 2q— CUNNINGHAM SCRAPBOOK 1955— 1959 Hxs-m Kr- K P 13. Engaged by MacArthur itoss to Construct. ate r' stem, -'B PAorthP Y Herald surean WEST PALM BEACH-- The law firm. of Elakeslee & Herring, Tuesday announced, the Ross- Construction -Co., has been engaged to build a $1,700,000 water supply and sewage I disposal system. north of here. The system, for which plans - - - - have been completed, will The Foss cdrripany is one .of serge a wide section.. north `` of Lane Park, including two i the largest developers a 10 a g miles of ocean frontage and I the southeast coast and has the area now o,_,-cupied by the built a large number of by Palm. Beach Winter Club. divisions in this area. The firm. 1 t lasyear offered to develop The arrangement was made last p public by Charles A. Cunnings i the large "westward expan'- .ham _ as a representative .of sion99 area for West. Palm John MacArthur, resident Of i a p . .Beach„ but at - that. •`�tir.�e :the Rankers Life � Casual_ty Cosi cit was unable to Chicago, who owns the eprope get irnxx�e. t.y involved diate title to thea property. - The firm is 'the first,. 'to- . Cunningham 'said construc- insclude water and sewage d s. tion of these new facilites will poral systems in its s�rb� solve the major problem. hamper ering the growth of the area, divisions and made arrange - which was formerly owned by rnents whereby the s y s t e ni s Sir Harry Oakes, . and w i. l 1. i would-be included in the muni - guarantee the development of cipal systems when they are the northern part of the COUP-- built. tv� The property in and aroullirl the town of Lake Park was ac- quired more than a year a.go by Ralph, Stolkin and as- sociates of Chicago, and. a com- pany was formed here to de-' v elop the area. MacArthur ur acquired the property some months ago. Lack, of an adequate water syster_ri, has blocked -develop- ment of the north county area, to a. point where the c o u n t y commission obtained legisla- tion which would permit it to build and operate water plants 1 in rural areas. The Blakeslee & Herring an. nouncem ent said there had been prior conversations which indicated MacArthur would be interested in furnishing utility service to Dake Park, but Cun- ningham said that offer by MacArthur had been with. drawn. A telegrarn from the insur- ance executive to Cunningham said: d'Have -signed contract with Ross brothers to build :north. Palin Beach u t1' 1 i t i e& Withdraw offer Made to Lake Parke"'