Plans Announced for 3,500 Home Community North of Palm Beach (Miami Herald) 3-15-56MxAm-r HrAAw Cnn�vxiv��-}nm �++�PH«�K ACe�`�9s6 3-�5-5b 1955- 19$9- PnsraaY / 14.f THE m14M1 HERALD Funtls Y. Ma.YM I!. 3Ai6 kPIAnnounced for Him MMUUL' _ Z)evP.10.pinert of one of the - 1 r g e s t completely planned com.munit;i.es in th- Soui.11 }s ;Y�otl-t. to a underw�v in. Palm ,' 'Peach cOLl.11ty.. I North- Palm- Beach. t h roe miles --north'-Of Palm Beac►'). will soon open its 1,?00 acres to buildin-g. A modern se.1'Page dis-)otiat and water system to sec•ve the development iS scheduled for completions May 1. The commupity Avas formerl- ly part of the estate. of the late Sir Harry 0ak0s. Tt passed successively through. the hands of i_nd-u.str. ial.i-st Ralph Stolkirl and. insurance magnate John D. MacArthur to a Palm Beach syndicate. The p.roper•ty ''extends frmll the norther. n limits of. - L a k e Parkto the Intracoastal wa- terwa v at juno Beach, f r oYn the share of Lake Worth t.o ProsperiO7 Farms Ir .rd. This. takes in a 222.7 -acre. 18 -hole golf course, formerly known a.s the Palm Beach .Winter Club. When eomp.let.ed the ,subdi- visio.rl uTill take in 3,500 home sites, snore than half of 'which will.be -�Araterf.rorlt. MODEL SHOWS OUTLINE OF PLAN FOR NORTH PALM BEACH-. Tie rItititles plants oc ted. at the south end n a 1 a I�ancl developing operations the souti1, end of the Village; edesi n the existing wolf lltrlrty ser-,viceswrll. be av�►i..- able to adjacent areas ivanti.n 21 -acre la.�[adscaped park � which call for. she cl.redging of a se- Bourse arid. cottnt.ry club i n tall them. and- that rates. will be will also. -include picnics sites, jjes of canals and bulkhead- � an olympic-size_ swimming pool in line: with those charged b�� � , community ,boat lan.nehin- fk, .ing of all waterfront, pl•operties asci tennis corrr•ts; provideiies neighboring :m unicipal i.ties. rilitic5 on :barman river. and the bLrlding of streets and l'or schools, churches, ' par•l:s- Design 6f the self-contai.n.ed. st;or•m drairra�e system. Yachts • an6t recreational centers and corrlmuni.ty has been.prepa.red of. any size will be, able to navi- r•e,6we both sides of U.S. T-Tith- by' the land planning fir:•tn of _ gate a.nd dock in the communi- Avay''_l for bid1ding garden-t\lpe Seward T�, 1Vlott Associates, of ' tVs extensive water. waYs. apartments and motels. �Vashingi;on, D.C.. and the en.- The developers- -will super•- Pr•i.r ipals of the. develop- _will. gineer..-int firm of 13r.°ock���a�-; vise and control construction relent firm, which retain. �., . ,:,,n.d weber and FrockvcTa Inc., of of a marina acid yacht club and -owneY'r, management of t tie Lr t i l.i ' iATefit. Fa Irn Beac•l-r. a shopping }laza confined to t �, y ste���n are :R,ichard F• and )ert A. Ross, Jolin Sch � h e and .1 a y H. bite, of whom have been associateA ith. the Ross in- terests the past se\Ter-.al rs. The %'<•` disclosed that the