Planning Experts To Set Pattern For New Development North Of Town Of Lake Park (PBP-Times) 7-10-55lannin x erts 1 4P 9 P To'Pattern For New eveig ment North i Pm -Es��.blishment o_new ° de., `ial ;�,,?mmunity o� Pa North lin ' Beac�t glol, U. ° and the shore Page 36 THE PALM BEACI�°�# POST-TIMES, Sunday, July 10, 1955 ake W 6 `- h i nor- th of lake Pa-, vas _ irecast here Saturday y •J. ::::::::::::. 1 11 i• ail T :: • :::• :• :::.; .... :.....:::,..: ... .......: .. 1111.1. YileTY..• (y� y y�/� ... .... a�, the •:4 •• :•fi �r •. .3. , •, H: J \Y' "N ':Y ••fl r r:. Y/ x�� `1 r ••a r Y yyq� ti lI. n. ° a 1 cA yy 1 is , .t::::?:.;;:?::::•: ; '::{{•:: : �:��i:•:r'i: i� r {:r: J e�� is �., p. / o 'J r u{ ,1 c a n•',I,,,:::: 1. . Jl. r •{•;?J •:: • •YJ. •;i;:i::::%:::}i:::{:y:Y ,��rr z.3' .tom s ) rr.. •:. CJ v Cons-' :f etion •�•:. If A y - qq Jam•, :::} •N . J v�,]•: J ` .r yam., ea yy�.. -.�..! '•-4?. :iii Vo Dine f. r • vi:• p 9 � 000 .::.i::: • ........:...r. .::.......:::. ...... :.:•:::;.:::{,:.:::.:::•.;:.::;•::{q: YI J• .: ;�.. ............. ,::.:. _ f.f.; ..:. ............ .............. business•V -. O D. the .:.: �:: •:: •• ;:............. J,r;.1bn;:.?"•lJf: .. cis. " J .r ..... :' ., ::..... :.. ,... /S.} :;.}iii:::.....::•:::: •: i': 4:: • ..y'�;i %. •::::::::::. ...,.::................ . ! da.tl QYlal all s �dxCY `}c. >.• .: . r; ,: :.:...Y :': {.: ;{•; :•r.f::{...; .; :\} V .il� y "r. r... iodern 9 a y y� g ,/y 7 •} S �g .gyp ;:::>::<;•: .,�;. 'ii' B L V111AJLS V� _td gp�p�la i v 1 �LC•:�' �'f•• •'• b;;'ri: •' J irj,',�rrr% iYl .'r' C•. •. .�• .:+J gether with water and sewerage service, will. be included in the 9 area according to the developers,following the overall plan ov- h by the MacArthur interests Thansfer of 970 acres with three miles of frontage on U.S. 1 y. No. I and about two miles of riparian frontage on the ,A. est \ ` shore of Dake Worth, was cor�2-- pleted.a :;::• ►. at rday, at a price o� .:.:<::::;;:: .. $2,870,00 1: .,.:: <... Y �..., •, .�•,•. .. %Sii''ti• :'-tri::.:; :�::}•. acA.rthur. president of the Bank I ers Life and Casualty J :... � {. . . . . . . . . . . . . ! '�,orllpaZ3y, r-ec•ent.ly purchased most' of the r V Town of Dake Bark and adjacent {illi , � l..i•J J lands: to the north, :'{';; Jif:. :{•:' : �%;:�•.. •�•. : {. l....y.;; yc .. signed .. r. 7 . Y..h••.. is dun �'................ 1j� L ur }qq� Rib •V:•i :' �::•. %, :'r ct with the Ross fircon- ......... . m �-. struction of a sewage and water BICC TRANSACTION-When 970 acnes of 1 t . I system to serve his vast holdings and north of the Town. o� g Lake Park was transferred from, John Do MacArthur, of Chicago, to in the :lake Park area and this proj the Ross Construction- Co. of west Palm Beach Saturday,these wo ect the system will cost $1,700,- men represented the seller. Deft is George English, Frt- uder 000 — and the land sale brought dale attorney who di°ew up the contracts and right, Charley , the total amount involved in the Cunningham, Chicago, MacArthur's personal representative.' �transaction to more than $V/P. mil- :�.ion, the MacArthurorgani.zat%on� - •--'----------� - �_. ---------- ----µ --- f°announced° The Chicago business executive, I wrio in the past few months :has 1 invested heavily in property here and at Miami, said ,the land sold i to the local firm represents the I first part of has holdings which will ':be released for development. The parcel purchased by thell Ross interests — a company to be known a n i s �o�°th I'a1n1 Beach, Ine, 1 � extends from the northern limits s or Lake Park north to the Inland oaf aterway at Juni o Beach. East and f West the area extends from. the :shores of Dake Worth west to Pros-! Ip'erity Farms Road. The area sur- I rounds the PalmBeach- Winter Club which was retained by Mae- Arthur ° The future envIslon.ed for the Lake Park area — founded as Kel- sey City and later purchased by the late Sir Harry Cakes — has been lauded by many residents, among them County Commissioner � Kenneth Foster in whose district the new development is located. Foster -expressed confidence in the nen who will have a part in shap- 1 ing the future of ,this large unde- veloped tract. Commissioner Foster said ..Maes Arthur lbri.nap to Palm Beach Coun- ty "the sante wealth of good ideas i and sound business judgement that -- - - - - ---- _ ha'.z✓ e earned him international s�lc-. cess." I er on the south, Future develop'- ed by over'-ail development of the The new development includes' ment of these two main waterways area. plans for construction of 3,500 new I will •. furnish the neer community North Palm. Beach, :ine.., stock- homes, plus Shopping centers andwith its own chain of waterwayholders are Richard E. and Herbert (s Ross, Sohn�chwencke and ': associated c�o±..ercial facilities; with facilities foto boating and fish" schools, pans and playgrounds, ° i day H. White All. have been assow churches a.nd all. other facilities for . ing, Plans for the project include cia.ted with the Ross, :firm -for the modern rFlorida l.a.v ng. I a ma.rirra anchorage near -the in` pant several years. MacArthur said a site for Palm land Waterway on the north® For Completing the land sale '%sere Beach Juniur College could be air travel a heliport is planned for William Blakeslee and Raymondrq ode available in lauds which he the south section of the area. C. Alley, attorneys' for the Ross holds outside the lea sold to the ' h e development corporation interests,- eorge English, Jr. Ft,, Boss firm, said the Lake Park area will be a Lauderdale, attorney for the seller In -preliminary plans drafted by `pia 7r�e'd c�®rrlrz. r�ity ` With the and Charles A. Cunnillgharn, per' the engineering firm of Brockway, pattern of progress and cons-true®copal representative for MacArthur., arid. Brockway, the corr�.mu- tion to be shaped by land planning,! pity is shown as a city of canals experts. f with extensive waterfront property. Wbrk on he water and sewerage The 'network of canals will •be plant is ez- ected to be under Vied in with, the Inland waterway � � may a3a about 90 days and starling of "ro s e Ear:-man B,i.yp- ,these improvements will be follow-� ntixitarx4 " , �n�rl First suggested by your represen- tative, epr.esen tative, wherein he :requested that Tow'n,Writes' the Commission Moat a general bond. Assue which youwould likely r•epresentathi e Charles A. Cunning- � purchase. This plan was not fsrxr- haan , proposed a. f'rane.bise arrange- , sued further. Also, it is not con- naent June �0 withdre« his pro- � . N.t D • �, sider+ed favorably by this Commis-': eight. days latiex "and ordered i .,_ the town to vacate the municipal.j si.on, nor by the residents, we are buildings at the expiration of the sure, because of the undue burden: - current lease, •truly 15• i it would. place on thein. Cunningham announced earlier 1 "2. W FRANCHISE PLAN, as pre this week that the local law firm of s,ented by* your representative (and"' Burns, ;Viiddletan, Rogers and Far.- withdrairn shartly after being ta- rell had been. retained to prepare bled for a few day's study; by the a suit to dissolve the Town of Lake Park or, as an alternative, �� ith- ` commission.) a 30 year, franchise, town -to, draw the vast MacArthur holdings have purchase option., at 'from the town limits. , then. xnai.lcet val.tte, upon er- ; The :tetter, which outlines t h e piration.. history of Lake Park -since its lYi- y, tb Franchise t® be sold ®r as- jS .ter corporation in 1923, states. Wel signed by you. i NvIsh only to .sit down on an equal (c Water bates: 30 cents per basis, arrive at an agreement that. 1000 gallons. presentlyconstyttxted Lake Park. is mutually! satisfactory and get on s d) Sewer rates: 85 per cent of � Ross said that within 30 days fol- ; 01 - with floe business of snaking Lake grater bill. c lowing the start of construction Park the best residential coinmu (No sliding scale on either on the water and sewage disposal Yiity in Florida. Nvater or -sewer rates) ' plant, for which MacArthur signed Taken one -by -one, the -i s s ties e) No written agreement as to a c:ontra6t :last week in the amount,, which have forced the split between .Fire hydrants. i of $1,700,000 and which will be the town and MacArthur are ex -1 (:f) Present' system to be pur- constructed by the Ross firm, j plair_red- Jn detail, chased by, 'ou, or franchise building would start on the first of THE COLLEGE. By a Force holder, at a figure to be ar- ! home in the area. of over 80 per cent, in a recent b�ift-aced, (Stated value of; a ds emphatic on the question. straw trots, 'the people 5hot�red they new tank e $15,000.00) � of whether- they- would be of the recognized that a college would be a"3. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT. ? �dPro,ject type" homes. He said that an. asset, and enhance the valuePlan now being considered and ! they would. all :have different front l of surrounding properties. 'When studied. by Town. Commission. (tol. elevations and. that the nature of wke invited the college to Lake Park, be presented to residents as "town. the development would tend to dif-- :; the Tesdern. Corporation, former owned" plan, as alternate choice; iter fgrotn the ostial. sterotype s�la- s9 I division. j owners and holders of the. sever- to equitable "franchise plan we sion rights, made -the building !hope you will approve, at least in' MacArthur. making his first �-�isit t available for town use and waived !substance.) j here since purchase o floe property tris reversion clause on the Town; (a) Pada pa4c�pe�~ter !—which also includes several thou Venefited to I Hall.. THIS MOVE WAS TO BE AT be assessed its proportion- sand :feet of ocean -front pv:°operty NO COST TO' T1iE TOWN, HOW. -ate share. on. Singer's -s- Island—said that he deplored the attitude of officials 'EVE R, IT WAS NECESSARY TO ` (b) - Ven.ture backed bbyantici- i �ill. ► SPEND $5,000.00 for moving l gated revenue warrants, 4 the t o ��, n of Lake Parke which c Estimated warrant maturity ; forced. him to snake the decision. from the town hall, but ` a token , W y to withdraw all of daisproperty rental of $10.00 only, per year, was �0 yeas: s• ' 6harged the School Board. This ar- (d` Estimated average cost - 'fro, -,,n tris totiyn through a circuit } rangernent continued. for t h rd e e approximately $50.00 , ;court action, j p r pea ; Elaborating upon the situation',! ' years, -until July 1954, at which b year per. building lot•, inelud- p .ins interest. ;lie said: - time, anticipating a. similar cost of ° "Control °��� f of the tun of Lake , $5,000.00 when the college finds a f e'� 'Water. charges try to i , . • park. appar. ently has Cal.letr into the j permanent home, the Commission, maintain. present :low a_ ate of I 9 • �. • , ;hands of obstructionists.:Even with 4 by lease, arrived at a yearly rental � $2.25 for first 0-000 gallons.. , , of: $24C1U.00 for the use of the Town 10 cents per 1000 gallons a handful. of houses and. a popula tion of less than 400 -their u- ater Hall, . an arrangement most satis- thereafter. tr.pply is inadequate. tac toY y to the School. Board = f Sewer charges -----to be opex•- ! q e° They 'have: no sewer System or sewage. dispo- The Town tried to snake :Lakes a.ted on. a :non-profit basis, .,1 plant, They have no money to Park ti $1 50 • Sal. s , : Par. k a Permanent home for the ' apps. oxirnate:ly bye. �. .. per; , College-, but; clot having stafficient family., per month. build, thein. and. they .refuse to per- College. :lands of its own, a , 111FRANCHISE F 4. EItA'V C lISF PL Aid . PRO mit .hem to be built by otlxe:rs. I appealed to tris TOWN. would riot take the responsibility then owners of the property ;you j Pt`SEO BY THE n` V of permitting builders (;r, puthomes. have acquired. They %A -ere very 1 (a) Negotiable . franchi8e issued p • : on these lots because I ani reliably, syiripa��ietic, but did not have atith- � to you for equitable arnotint. . ority to act. �tiir. , MacArthur, ��re b'° Adequate fire hydrants, with ; rnfox°hoed the lr.ealth oi' tfre entire still feel and. have told our re re- �' niax•ir ium charges or no com.ixatznity 1��Jotild be jeopardized sentati��e manor tunes y II charge. unless a sanitation system. is built. that a B oa_-'I propose, with the her tliy col.le e would benefit all con.- �' (c)• Expiration. in 30 :� ears. p of M cerned.. We :hav gid) S Wstenl to be e r � �i associates, to develop ��orth Palma. e d.emonstY ated 3 d p enc. ated iia • 33 1-3 Beacl2 on a piaster plan with ade- quate plans to accomplish. this,: but he years. � oats .speaks of plans to revampthe golf (e) Option 'to town to • . ; q public utilities. �, p pus. chase ; "I :have retained the la.��' n course. and repeats that he wants a at expiration.,. at a price not f�.�°a t��ater orad sewage franchise, favor- tri exceed 10 of Burns, Middleton. 'Rodgers and g per cent of the : g Far.•re%:i. able to hi`to file a suit seeking o him.or original.cost.� disso7� ` a`2• REVERSION' CLAUSE. Due 4', grater rates: 30 cents pAer ; � e the city government of to reversion rights reportedly pass- � thousand for first 1Q,{3Ci+0 gal- La%e par+k The sewage disposal. ed to, you by deed, a heavy sword a :lon•s, 20 cents per . thousand :plant we are building in Nort:h hangs 'by a slender cord over our thereafter. Palin Beach will be large enough l beautiful :lake front park. ball, field.,' (g) Present t.owii water system.,to accommodate, the . territory noNJ ' ._:._ ..:_:...... 6 ;our town hall. boat basin.ex~�r- to be purchased by ? incorporated in :Lake Park. This • you ®r ; is also true of the water. l ice alleys and :many other assets. 1; franchise holder at price to 1 ry plant .and A. misstep on the part of an unin- ? be agreed upon, or on agree-, �`` a Will supply- that area when the itiated j litigation. is finished. person, or by some rnis- went whereby you assume "Last sax° chance, could deprive the town. of present assets and liabilities ; y we paid to tiie City one or more of its remaining as- in exchange foi- part or al.l 'of :Lake Park more than $35,000 'sets. Your local representative i? of the 10 ; in taxes. -Tin. addition r • , per cent mentioned ; , tip e gav them shows little interest in this, merely y in (e) above, � '(free rent on the city hall, the fire c indicating he would consider & h Furnish only water of e tt 1 l station, etc. Further the palm i "working it out:' when he gets a.f q � Beach. Winter • � r or better quality,. and. from ; Club which. �t• e a'c�y.n water and sewage franchise favor- I contributed 0,500 to the city' fire:: f • your c +etas is better strata. f department. The- city i y able to �irrrz. ° • presently fur y 'n its tax 1e'cry 3. SALE OF ISOL ATEA LOTS. i iii -shed the Town of Lake : in.ade a charge for fire plugs which.' For:. 30 years hundreds of people. Park. :did not exist and for m.unic�ipa V � ti• � . ° ,• I ',have been ready and anxious to fD -.All building lets to ` be fur- °Jeg psi es they -did .riot render, ta :L7i .purchase lots for building their own 3 ni.shed. -Avater• ' and. sewage confident any �coul.q. in the laird homes in other than a project facilities as soon R, reason-!t�'oul.d. tiny there is no justification toix.m. Practically all Individually ably Possible. upon d.em.and for Lake Park' existence. The col- owned lots have been sold and h of lot oxxner, and. at an ;lege is welcome to use the city hail ' built on You :hold _cnanv such ar-" agreed "hook on" cost. ' " V . y p � � fog the7;. building .provided. they cels. now having adequate xV.-ater ay no tribute. Last year the Lake q�. � � `� Sewer rates $1.7�� per unit : � p f .� supply; which could not profitably .50 cents each additional park commissioners collected $2,- �­ -I-- -cl ;ped or a large scare. Your l bath. :400 frorn the college for a build�n g..___. . local representative was asked it The letter concludes: they did not build. he would consider sale of these! "'Mr. MacArthur., please bear~ In . "'Many civic -minded. capable c t - parcels, as a gesture of good faith, mind that neither the Commission' liens of this community have of -- He i replied that he had •shown good 3 nor the people of • Lase Park :hacYe fe_r. ed to cooperate with me in faith when he paid your taxes; that � broken off negotiations. else have j building North :Palin. Beach. -Ross 1 these lots might be r. eleased when ivorked diligently, discussing prob•� � Br oth-ers, who Have demonstrated he gets what he wants, and. he ileets meeting With engineers, fi- their ability, have purchased the wants a franchise for water and nanciers and attorneys, atternptil:ig land between the Winter Club and `sewage, favorable to him,. to formulate 1 r the plans at an ear l - ! northern boundary of wha.t is "Your recent order to vacate ! date, acceptable to all. concerned 1 now mown as Lake Park. Their he premises presently used. as which. will. Pei°mit tis to furnish purchase included the west shore -own hall., within 15 days, twine as what the townspeople need, and of `Lake worth.. Consideration was a sur prise. It is true we pay you ± what you have requested. We :feel 1$2.870,000. Thew plan to build 3,- but $1.00 per year as rent, but we i that you and your local. agent have' 500 homes complying Strictly W. th 1 rnai.nt•a.in the building, pay the tax-' never ser-iota_sl.yr shown the true l the master plan for the new city. es on it, and carry insurance cov- spirit of negotiation• 'We wish only i Before. the month is out. one of e -ring it, ,at a cost .exceeding $1200. ; to sit down on an equal basis, ar- three competent. operators vi 3.11 per year. We trust and hope that ; rive at an .agreement that is mu- `purchase the Winter Club and. our act was not motivated. by a l tually :satisfactory and get on with make it the finest golf club on the -desire to sever relationships with the business of making Lake . Park East Coast. When the Lake Parr w the town, ; the best :residential community In ( li.tigation is disposed of, at :least : j "Since the utilities seem. to be .Florida..,'-' ° the north half will. be de„Ireloped in. 'the issue upon which negotiations i accordance with the master plan. must needs 11ir1geV let's outline Charles A. Cunningham., our Flor-' some comparative plans: ( ► ida representatives has ,submitted "1. GENERAL BOND ISSUE.; y proposals froin four other builders s anxious to ;loin the group. `We will select at least one more within the "near future,”'