Parade of Homes Opens Oct. 27 at NPB (Gulf Stream News) 10-19-56LP rlEWS SlvoawCU(4 N=NC.IHAM ScRptf/iBenk Cc-# 19 10-0 M-64 5c/ 1955 - j95CF-_V5=9rBL a) / and RIVIERA LEACH PRESS COVERING THE RIVIERA OF AMERICA - 40 MILES OF GOLDEN BEACH WS Friday, October 19, 1956, Riviera Beach, Fla. price 5� arae Of 110 Opens Oct. 27 At North Palm Beach' The first annual Parade of Homes will open October 27 at the new Village of North Palm Beach and will feature 17 new homes built by 15 contractors. The Florida Home Builders Association will start their con- vention October 25 and it will run through the 27th. As a tribute to these two open- ings the Gulf Stream News is dedicating this special edition to these two groups. In this 64 page paper you will find all of the details about the two event. In addition you will find adver- tising and s t o r i e s about the Parade of Homes and the Build- er's Convention. In addition to our regular circulation this spec- cial edition will go out to several The Parade of Homes, as thousand additional homes, both spectacular as it is, has another in Florida and throughout the significant interest in that it United States. kicks off the building program of this new village that will soon This year's Parade of Homes contain some 3,500 homes, with is located in Florida s newest half of them located on water village, North Palm Beach. front property.