NPB Unique In U.S. (Post-Times); U.S. magazines, papers praise N. Palm BeachN Palm Beach PIJ* Magazines, .� l 'firs r aiL iq.ue In U.0 S___ IN.'Palm It is very rare in the highly eom-, By- HENRY J. CONNOR petitive home building field that a Post-Times Real Estate Editor caxnn�ltzaiity tlevelopnler t roaect• Eighteell moliths ago A was an -expanse of cut- causPs nAuch a�ot°e t.�an raised eye over swamp land bordered on. the nog~til by a� urused Country Club on the east 'by l� S � on tb e �out� bya,, ; � v y i c6z:cat��r " trickle of water. known. only to� natives of the area, aus trade joarilais anthe Farman Raver, and on 0e west by nc o e undeveloped However, North Palm Beach vil- y11 acreW. gage has already had. plenty of'' Today -'it is one of the most talked.-about and space in such publications dedicat- written-about plann+ed corr�,munities-. in the world - a. fed to its progress- report Follow - dream takingshape; ' ' p , a tribute to elle with which ch. R�.cl��-� iaig are some quotes from sueb arta i a �. a�„ d E. and Herbert A. Ross h;ii e in Pale. Beach. County.., ,ticles: North Palms Beach village -has* - From tfie Christian ScienceMon-,been praised by experts on thel itoa of Friday, �1�1ay 24, 1957. Thr. staffs of the National Assn. of is the story of a town which start- .[Tome Builder's Journal, the ! ed with. a $125,000 village hall, a� A erican 'Builder, the Florida Op-1 j city manager, mayor, town county ► portUD.ity Journal, . and the Chris-� cil, police and fire protection fie- tian Science Monitor. r fore it had a, single resident. a �_ _� But, :Dices. •a•nd Bob` doss ,must 'The Rotis brothers turned four have .wondered. back in 1955 when square miles of sand and swamp they bought the four-square-mile i into$ a subdivision conforming to area for their dream town dust I strict codes of '�ieauty and sanita- ` what would be written about thein I tion A system of 42-inch cul- I and said about them in the months, veru preclude ary standing water ahead` in the streets .. a . Modern water Thomas Adams, p' roininent Brit- ,and sewage disposal plants are au- ish architect who died in 1940, tomatic . The well area from pretty well summed up the Ross which the water upply is pumped.; brothers idea of what North Palm is bulkheaded a.gz4nst. saltwater in- Beach village should be like in a' triasior� ." R statements he made that is nowt. National Assn. Home Buildina F o ' ZnR,on the cover page of the Pi otective F JoL�7°pial ; ' �Pe►�ple tido, want morel Covenant booklet for the village: 1 than a hoose whe they buy --- I I, - "'A home is .not a detached unit they want a new,, ani better :anode I but a part of a neighborhood,of living. And they fl�gtaentlyF Look" v hiclf in turn :is part of a town; to the community anc its facilities and the good quality of the homes even more than to l ..h touse for usually depends at least: as much what they want . e R Florida's aon its surroundings as on its de- east coast, a few n111 north of b fashionable Palm Beacl` Herbert ' s3gn and. construction. ::fence the vital importance of ground plan- A. and Richard Eo Ross nd their- � Hing wand, control of the d.evelop- associates are shaping a eomlx�.un- � �n.ent of neighborhoods." of liom.esites which, when cotn. Basically, the- one item above all pleted, will provide some �,�2,700 : �, others that makes North Palm residents with the ultimate iingri o :Beach `pillage a unique commu-, 'ciovis living at prices'. ranging rrol 1$.16,500 to $30,000. wti nit, is the `aground planning" re: ferred to by Adams m re, than 201 The American Builder, a �byskir�e � � article by editor Walter RR4,e years ago: Browder: "Bob arid. , blfk. ,Ross � So strongly did tsae. Ross brothers o l believe m round planning that n well point ash prldt,. ' i) the g l they actually, created a town with. new bomesites g �� a .e �r�.;i 9 VD 3 ±+^E � 1. �y r3i :iia' = ;} !►i �.¢ip r �� 1�1 s'sAE �:tfari2l ;e��± .i�f-es ��lgf�!ie they ry s... ft <cc�y,jt �+•ity.:.7, a.{a�a }}.t1tA�liyq.i�iY,Z�-C1k6a'�.a�:��.i Y�Y,�a�pp.'�,:S11�T If�'S !P•�.a �:iid: �. ��.��.���'�at�^ ��'`-"= Z37 K�y�.t! ,i. •.2�A.16.L 11-ihat 14 A6.aJ' Y Q,- il4A.V�.�i _�1� &�' ,..... .. _...zs-'•,... 'ra'nr,.-•r,.. _...,�,' l Thi^ "al i ed is* a,model in laiad planning. 4 a A �laot tip went' a, $125,000 villcagell slink it's a.motlel ®f nati�ual hall. A village manager was hired.' ig��ificarace file basic idea is The Country Club was rebuilt. And i adaptable anywhere, there is a :land all the time, the - "master plan" shortage and it eats inean steady drawn. by Seward. H. Mott Associ- profits -for. snmll, builders .and lig ates of Washington, D.C., was tak- builders alike.3' ing shape and the State Legisla-11 the Flor (f a opportunity ture had created the village legal- 1 Journ� l ° f `This is the story of the lye v:dlage of North Palm each.; an Sewer lines in Plat One, water astonishing new city ansa, north of mains, excellent streets — all of the fa&mous Palm .6eachczi -� beau.- these came into being before the Itifua% r IaY,b;ed grid �i'du! _!►` looted► Home - Builders Assn. of Palm on Florida"s fam Beach. County bought the first lots There is an ail` 011 busiw.ss a bout on which to stage' their gala 1956 t1w. palace from its attractive eft, hall to its beautiful count.a.�y a�lii�; „ Parade of Horner. And. now the building and., sales', .. . The Ross bothers tuaployed � activity in North Palm Beach wed,-, Seward H. �Uioti; Associates o sage is a constant thing. Tl�e� r„ _ yyy�.••••��--.:shingtoo�n, D.+�,, �`a.al��nous COM- homes are quality homes in the mull .ta...y plaazner's- !„o 4.f.:.Yp1A7G 1,,hem fr. a 7 -a designing ���9e o�' il.��� ��ac�at attrac� true sense of tie wwotdo There is r 3 nothing crowded about North Palm five, and Qes able plates one ccjidd Beach. The lots are spacious, -with hope to (--hoose ''g ►° `place' 1"� 1�x"1X�.0, to live.", sidewalks a n d. large boulevard The editors orf' p-ubheatioas such areas between the sidewalk: and4:7, the .street line a. municipal regula- :.,. .w anis c�dyon- �_ �ginin_.,� overr�uird. for, tl.onn �Sr V ea. i � L4 �+. 11d and �.l`'i Bob 6611d DAc.Ll. RVQ, til can walk ... that �►� •'geaAt:s itself' aaa�'� ;lug �,. elsewhere °' the united Rates, along the streets now and. mink ' and officials oX ��ss ."a.a'i�! villa�'+e of � back, a. few, short .months when North Palm Beach %_ < Q *-ie_ hstifi-they stood on the same sUot, knee- 1 � l q ably proud of the fine things that: ` deep in. bull grass and soft sand, l have been said about their �ox�i= � r s wondering whether their six mil- e 6 n upaii y in floe national �pp-iag lion dollardream" would ever come true. :But, the experts all say that t'he, "hump" has been scaled, and that because of a good basic idea„ faith and good workmanship, N o r t h Palin .Beach village will soon be- eome a full-fledged example of the best: in municipal. planning.