North End Progress (Post-Times) 3-4-56rosr-lZnEts (;U04V*-rN ►+ANY) &)0K Ace": 19s�
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NORTH ]END PROGRESS --Workmen swarm over the water, and sewage disposal plant (above)
under construction by the Palm Beach Development . Co., which will serve the town of Lake
Park under the recently consummated 30 -year franchise signed between the town and the John
Ff MacArthur interests. The first phase of the project will be completed and ready to serve the
residents of Lake Park by June 1, with the second phase ready for use in August and the com-
pleted $2,800,000 project in operation in October. The facility, built in size to accommodate the
entire northern end of the county above Riviera Beach and adaptable for enlargement to even
include that city, is being constructed under the personal supervision of Charles A. Cunning-
ham, MacArthur's Florida representative, who has been named president of the water and
sewage facility. The tower (right) can be seen for miles from both north and south by travel-
ers of U.S. 1 and will eventually be adornew with neon signs proclaiming the development of
tIkp northern sector 'of the county.