Developers Plan A N. Palm Beach (with Map) (Miami Herald) 7-31-56yams Hn*t-o OUN NMv Hnm SCW6004< Aee X1956%
1-31-5b 195 1954- NSR (N. 1? S. ✓
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Tuesday, July 311 1956 Sedigon
U11 *n. LegislatureSL�
Develo, P ers
A N. P,al,m
�AASEE John: A. MacArthur, president ofd
Dlanx _rs Life & Casualty • of Chicago, and the Ross Con-
struction Co. have asked the Legislature to create .the vallate.;
of North Palm Beach. The bill was introduced Monday by
Rep. Emmet S. Robc--i".S of Palm Beach County.
�-—____--- The act _\�T0tilLd name Mac-
Arthur, Richard E. Ross, Jay.l.
A. White, John 1k. Schwencke
and Charles A. Cunningham as
members of the first, town coun-
cil. They would elF -.t mayor
and vice-ma)Tor to Se'_
the first village election in
March, 1959.
Robert D rus, at, orney for
the developers, said the area
covers a.bolit four square miles
between Lake :dark and Juneau
Beach, More than 5,000 homes
would be built, with the first
lots to be sold in November,
Burns said.
-The first residents iA ould
move in early next spring.
Terms of MacArthur a n d-
Schwenck_e would expire in 1959a
Ross, White and Cunningham
would continue in office u �." i
The council ivould be au-
thorized to name a treasurer,
tax assessor, tax collect,,, -,,r and
a clerk. A. member of the Cour
cil may hold one . or more."-,,,_
lage offices,_ he act provides.